Monday, August 2, 2010

Ramble On...

You may be wondering why I haven’t written any new entries for this accursed Blog in a while. The answer is simple- I’m not doing anything worth blogging about.

Yes, in any given month, my life is non-stop adventure and excitement- but immediately after finishing a book, I tend to... meander. I walk around my house. I watch movies and play video games. I go for drives. I buy things I don’t need and wonder where to put them once I have them. I go out, talk to friends, do interviews and generally spread the joy of being me. And then I come home again, sit in front of this computer and wait there, confused. It takes a while each time to remember the book is written, and I can be doing other things.

Not writing a book is unsettling. I don’t know how people manage.

I finished the next-to-last edits on Mortal Coil a week or so ago. The only thing I have left to do is wait for the finished manuscript to arrive, where the pages are laid out exactly like they’ll be in the book, and make sure there aren’t any mistakes. There are ALWAYS mistakes, and most of the time I completely miss them and they work their way into the finished book. But hey, at least I try.

There’s going to be a competition launched in a week or so, open to UK and Ireland residents only, I’m afraid, so a lot of my time has been taken up with that. I can’t tell you what it is just yet- you’re just going to have to be patient.

Good God I’m bored.

I don’t know what to do with my time! I need a break, I need to recharge, but I don’t know HOW, and I’m trying to decide if I should go straight into Book Six or take a few months off and do something completely different. You see, if I get Book Six finished this year, then I’ll have all of 2011 free to work on something new, so... so... Arghhhh...

Your golden god is conflicted, minions. His brilliant mind is tormented. His brain is a vast city, illuminated  by thoughts and ideas that flash like lightning across the dark skies, then fall as rain and splash into puddles in the side streets of his consciousness. Or something.

He should probably go read a book.

Take care minions. Until next time...

(This rambling Blog entry has been brought to you by Bioshock 2, the videogame, and three nights of being unable to sleep.) 


Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Wow 1st!!

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Our poor master...
Hmm it is indeed a tough choice. I think you should write now and have 2011 free. Of course, that may be a bad idea since then you will be out of the practice of writing. Hmmmm Maybe you should write, like, 75% of it now. Then take off for 2011 then write the rest. No no, because that would leave it hanging over your head and you wouldn't be able to forget about it...Well then I suppose you ought to take a break now and write it in 2011. So that you won't be super out of practice...just a little bit. Then again, I don't think your books could be bad even IF you were out of practice, but then if you were it might take you longer to write the book and you would have to make the release date later. That would most certainly NOT be cool. So, I think you should take off maybe a month or two then start the book. Yes...I think you should do that. :3

P.S. Seriously?? I got 2nd too?!?! This is...weird...

Darkane Claw said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Darkane Claw said...

Ok. Last comment was a mess so. Cool 3rd!!!!! Off to the land of wine and cheese tomorrow. Sun. Finally. But I'll have no laptop. How shall I live? That is the question. Ok enough bad Shakespeare. I would start writing book 6 now because, as you rightly said, the book is never finished. What with editing, coming up with names and stuff like that. Then, I know you mightn't do this but still, you might release it sooner.

Em said...

Does the vast city ever get power outages???? And personally, I think read, watch movies, play video games etc till Mortal coil comes out, then start working on book 6.


Valora Destry said...

wow usually there are much more comments before mine... cool!

anyhoo bioshock is a great way to kill time; if you're into those types of games there's one which is superduper funky called InFamous. Its really cool.

And i feel annoyed that this competition isn't open to us who do not live in Uk or Ireland. hmph. But enough of me complaining...

Bethany said...

I recommend you read The Passage by Justin Cronin. It is rather fantastic.

I also suggest you wait until you find the inspiration to write. Go travel for a while. That could be fun. AND inspiring. It's a win-win situation. Or you could do what I do when I'm bored and bake.

ExtraterrestrialGuy said...

If you have nothing to do, what better than to finally join the Skulduggery forums?

Minnie said...

I say you should write the 6th book now and get it out even sooner, and then write the 7th book right after that and get IT out sooner, and then write the 8th book and get IT out sooner. I'm not say you should work yourself to death, but...You just don't understand how hard it is to wait a year at a time for each new Skulduggery adventure, do you? Plus there's the threat of 2012, a.k.a. the end of the world. Statistically, books sell better BEFORE the world ends.

But, if you'd rather not write more Skulduggery, why don't you write fanfiction? I'D read it.

Irresistably EVIL!!! said...

WOOO!!! tenth comment!!!!!

jugglingpaynes said...

I agree with Bethany. You should travel. You could, for example, travel to the U.S. and treat your poor deprived minions who can't get their hands on your book locally. ;o)

Peace and Laughter!

Irresistably EVIL!!! said...

k im good now.... and derek. i have absolutly NO idea what to tell you. im sorry ur so bored. maybe you should take a holiday. go travel somewhere and stay at a hotel for a few days. maybe if you're in a different environment for a while, the you'll be able to think up something else to do. idk. sigh. im starting high school in less than a week and im completely beside myself with worry. i've heard horrible, horible things about what seniors do to freshmen....shudder. have you had any unsavory experiences with seniors when you we in high school Derek????
P.S. all hail the golden god.

Anonymous said...

I AM BACK!!!!! derek, my idea is you have a blog where first ten people to post their questions get their questions awnsered in the next blog. but if you do, atleast give us one days notice and say when it will be posted so we can all line up at ther starting line. rules are as follows:
1.max 3 questions per person
2.if person post twice in the top ten, she/he shall have their second questions ignored
3.the questionsare not allowed to spiol the next book
4 filler rules

who does that sound derek?

hollies said...

i totally agree with extraterrestguy xDD
it would reduce your boredom at least.

i wanna know what this compation is ????????
hope its not in the next two weeks im in Spain what is it what is it what is it???
i wanna know now :'(

now why dont you erm erm OMG I GOT NOTING D: D:
why dont you sleep thats what i do.
wait i know make FAKE PIZZA'S
yes fake pizzas my cool aunty made them :P

Priya said...

You're not the only one who can't sleep and is bored. It's the middle of summer and I'm boooored! Here's an idea: How about writing a mini story?

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

I like the above person's idea. :3

Genesisnx said...

Two words and a number: Play Starcraft 2

Or start a new story, something not Skulduggery related *le gasp*

Unknown said...

Ooooooooooo.... so there will be a SIXTH book....

uuuuughh. I am having the same problem with my summer vacation. All my brilliant plans that i had are gone, melted in the texas heat, causing me to spend the day in front of my TV, something i swore NOT to do this year. Please hang in there Mr. Landy, What would we do without our leader?

Tenh said...

I'd say write down a list of things that you've always really wanted to do. It sounds like you need time off from thinking about writing. We're you're minions, we understand all gods need vacations...and some sunlight.

You probably won't be able to do them now because of commitments for the books release, but at least you can plan ahead for time off.
Do something crazy... (other then your usual)

Otherwise I agree on playing Starcraft 2.

Anonymous said...

Bwhaha....My poor Golden God! As you are conflicted, US, the minions, your fellow allies, run around in havoc...if it wernt for you, where would we be now?!!??!!

Anonymous said...

derek, things to do:
1. go on public bus and pet someone
2. have whipped cream rabies (fun w/ friends)
3. go into town and shout one of the following at the top of you lungs:
4 thows skittles at people saying TASTE DE FLIPPIN' RAINBOW
5. every time you see some one eating starburst, yell CONTRIDICTOION!

Anonymous said...

I hate it when theres nothing to do. Maybe its time for a vacation! you could go somewhere hot, wear boardies on a beach and watch pretty airhea beach people walk around. Or some dank city, skulk around some unfamiliar alleys, then claim the whole thing back on tax as a research trip. Or (lame idea no.3)go on a road trip, drive aimlessly for hours, stoping at towns and landmarks youve never heard of, visit relatives that havent seen you since you were "this high". the posibilities are endless. And when you come back youll be so greatfull the whole thing is over your mind will BEG to do something more prouctive and familiar, like killing off characters in the most grusome unexpected way possible.

Valora Destry said...

i reckon you should get into some sort of hobbie. nothing like writing, but, you know, learn a new language, or go rock climbing. anything! you have time on your hands, so do something really groovey! i think you should let your other side of you, your non creatvie side, get out!! be free non creative side! you should make some wacky goal to work towards... i don't really know where i was heading with this ramble...

Ambiguity said...

well, I agree whole-heartedly on the whole reading a book thing. you should do that. And listen to REALLY loud music. Like a teenager. do both @ the same time. But make sure it's a REALLY thick book and that your in a special playlist so say, California Gurls (just an example of the type of song) doesn't come along and ruin a REALLY tense part (take it from my expirience...) just go through, like 7 books in five days and I will respect you. ('cause I did that once) but the books have 2 b 600 pgs min. he he. if you can do more I'll worship you.

Anonymous said...

Well, hmmm.... I agree with everyone, probably a hobbie, something that is challenging enough, but not too hard that you'll give up on it. So I suggest that you... uh... hmm... well... perhaps you can make model ships in a bottle? I dunno, maybe take a holiday in some really random place... I know! Go to Antarctica and see the penguins, I'm sure they'd love to see you! (you'd probably dazzle them with your awesome golden godness so better wear protective gear)

Holly said...

Take up a hobby! Become a bonsai gardener! Learn to shoot a gen-yoo-whine, IRL Smith & Wesson! Learn to paint- or even better, get someone to paint for you- try to kidnap a games designer and make then put your face in a famous same! Build a LEGO tableau of a fight scene between the baddies and goodies in SP! (there are suit parts and skeleton parts).
The possibilities are endless!
Or you could just play the (frankly awful) Bioshock 2 again. You know, it's your call.

Holly said...

Game, godamnit. And.... 25!

lilian.thigh said...

I do recommend anything by Terry Pratchett to while away the hours. They're such good stories you won't mind not sleeping. Alternatively, play Plants VS Zombies. It sounds quaint, but beware the hilarious soundtrack...

~Acacia Volt~ said...

you could either: 1.write skulduggery pleasant more and more unil you are on overload and have finished as many books as you want to....(maybe even more than 9) :D.
2. sit there and be very extremely bored for a matter of months. OR!
3. write another entirely different book...which you know we would all love :D

-HB/Joe- said...


but in other news...

I AM REBELLING! something something bla blah hereitc leader blah blah...

i cant believe that u didnt comment on that...pfft..

Mr Connor said...


Any-who, You have a .... BRILLIANT life!! I would love to have minions, play video games, watch TV/movies, hang qwith friends and be called Golden God.

P.S. I live in Ireland so i get the Compition! IRELAND FTW!!

Until next time,
- Mr Connor

sarah wilkinson said...

i think u should go out and watch a movie or take a trip to london ad wander around camden market, its AWESOME there. I <3 Camden! or maybe u could get some pencils out and draw stuff or maybe use jelly beans and tooth picks to create a building! and then u could take it all down and eat it! mmmm jelly beans. or maybe u could try baking a cake for each of ure friends to pass the time. or u could just put music on REALLY LOAD and jump about having a 5 minute disco. :D ofcorse there are always rollercoaster parks :D hope i was helpfull

Avotica said...

Hey, It's your life! Do whatever the hell you want!

You don't always have to be going forwards. Take some steps back. Enjoy what you've already done. Do something new and different. Take up a hobby (one that's new and creative, not video games or watching movies)

Broaden your horizons. Or just be bored. Your choice

JackStephen said...

Just do what you're doing... playing video games and watching movies :D


Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Irresitably evil don't worry high schools great! the big guys don't touch you ... well saying that do try to keep out of there way in the hallways ...

ohhh not nice they don't see you then splat your bumped into ... but other than that they wont do anything ...

Over here high school is called secondary school and I'm going into year 9 .. now because Im clever and have a vast number of smarticles im in exillerated science that means this year I'm starting my GSCE ISA's AHHH scared ..

anyway I recommend not starting your book yet but soon so you like take two mounths off of somthing, seriously waiting a whole year for your books to come out is agonizing! especially when I finish them in a day! ... lol ...

by the way Derek I may be a girl but I'm addicted to video games and you must pick amazing games ... I have been replaying mass effect 2 over the past few days tring to make all my crew loyal and trying to complete the "impossible" mission with out any one dying .. because jack well she has skill when it comes to dying :)

any way I'm off to town today to get my school bag and school ... stuff so ill be back later.

-munchkin ninja penguin says peace out

Aimee =] said...

Derek, seriously, you have worked hard and deserve a break...You should go on holiday with your closest friends :) Have a night out with family, do something that is human :P

You know what? It would be very awesome if you could let one of your readers look at the manuscript before you send it out, you know, let them have a chance at finding the mistakes :)

Because I always notice them, and its like...Hmmm, if only I could have corrected it :)

Anonymous said...

Aww, Derek... don't be sad and confused. D: Go on holiday, eat drink and make merry. 8D

Bioshock is a very good choice of game. *nodnod* I also suggest Dead Space and Silent Hill~ and Ratchet and Clank if you're looking for something childish but hours of gameplay. 8D Also F.E.A.R, but that's got a lot of weird stuff going on in it... :/

Unknown said...

So you need a holiday?
Well then you are officially invited to stay with me in the sunny south west!
Exact location Lixnaw Co. Kerry.
Hometown of GAA legend Paul Galvin.
And of me! Future mega star for someting I have not decided yet! XD
Mr. Landy....
You still haven't answered my question!
In your book Dark Days......Who won the All Ireland?...... Think about this....

Wonka said...

hey i have several questions for you
1. what type of car does Valkyrie's parents have?
2.did you cat get back at you for locking it in the garage?
3. how much kiss-assery will get you to come to my school for a book signing?

i dont think you will answer these questions but its worth a shot!

and i really think you should start on book six now because i want MORE BOOKS TO SPEND CASH I DONT HAVE ON!!!

Anonymous said...

Ruth i love that question!
I hadn't actually thought about it... which makes it Derek-tastic!
lol. moving on...

Mr Landy you need a hobby. I don't care if it's needle craft or hockey, do something. we need you ready for the 6th book!

When will the details of the competition be released? And when will it close (ps: don't let it close until after the end of the summer hols. I'm off on holiday, and i MUST enter this comp which i'm sure is going to be skuldugerry-ific!)


Unknown said...

alright, if i delete this i am going to snap, just thought i'd warn you :)

look, even though this is going to go against everything i want and all my wishes, i am going to put your greatest interest at heart.

so here it is...... :(

"SIGH" i think you should take a break/
god that was painful. look as much as i want book six to come out i think you need a break, take some time to yourselve write a list of things you need to do, hell, just relax derek. take time off, i don't know if we will survive without you but we will have to see. :)

good luck and if you want, why don't you ask us were we think you should go and what we think would be good thing to do, me being an imagitive person have loads of places you could go(depending on how much money you can spend) so just give the world and i'll give you my top list. good luck.

Ayries said...

I love Bioshock! It's so brilliantly creepy. Not what I'd use to RELAX, however.

Books are good for entertainment (obviously, or why would I be here? XD). Or TV. I remember you mentioned liking Sherlock Holmes- seen 'Sherlock'?

Maybe take up knitting. Or crochet. I hear that's a right barrel of laughs.

ThatGirlTheyKnow said...

Oh, I feel so sorry for you, Derek. I know how it feels to be bored. Perhaps you should, y'know, start the sixth book.. Maybe.
And I have a very, very, very unsettling question for you, and your fans.

What on earth will you do once you've finished the whole series?

I'm pretty sure I'll start crying. Sobbing, wishing to read more into the lives of my favourite characters.. Oh, God, the thought its elf is bringing tears to my eyes... *sob*

But, in the meantime, come to Australia. The weather here is wonderful. Hot one day, freezing (for Australia, of course) the next, Raining-sunny. Windy- Humid. It's ever so fun to predict what it'll be like tomorrow! You can come and convince my (ignorant) friends to read your books. Oh, and one thing. I have a friend so well trained that, even though she hasn't read Skulduggery, whenever she sees a skull, she's like: Oh, hey Julia! It's like Skulduggery Pleasant!
I'm so proud of her. In fact, it's her birthday today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEORGIA!


Anyway, ponder that question, Mr Landy. I want to know what will happen.

So long,

ThatGirlTheyKnow said...

I just realized, my comment says it was posted at 5:28AM when in Australia it is 10:29PM
Time differences scare me sometimes.

YeahItsChloe said...

Please, please, PLEASE (yes i really hope you do this) start to write the 6th book of the series! I just wish the days would go by faster! Mortal coil soon *Screams* only 30 days away!
I would love it if you could write a new book, which had a different story line to the skulduggery pleasant series. I know that if you ever do write a new book it will be just as good as the ones you have already wrote. Haha *rolls eyes* of course it will be good. You're an epic writer! (and my fav)
For a game to play for the next couple of months i would suggest an all time classic... PAC-MAN! I always find the background noises so mesmerizing, that it never fails to send me into a trance.....
*cough* errm well yeah sorry for the awfully long comment! Can't wait to read Mortal Coil!

Thankyou,formythoughtsareshared said...


Thankyou,formythoughtsareshared said...

Why UK and Ireland residents only?
When is the Skulduggery Pleasant movie going to be released?

The Cellist said...

Oh, give in to your desire and write the 6th book!!!! You know you want to...and it would please us, your faithful and patient minions. A reward for our specialness!!!
Or you could lie around the house all day, dying of boredom.

Tara said...

Well, as much as I would like you to continue writing, I think that if you rush into it you may make mistakes or go a little off-track. I think it's best to take some time off; Skulduggery shouldn't rule your life. I would really like to see you write something unrelated to SP :) I think you need to be Derek for a while, and not 'that guy who writes Skulduggery Pleasant' :)

Skulduggery Skellington said...

Hm... Landy it seems as if you are in a pickle. What is it they can't let you right all the books just because you write too fast? They can't keep up with you. If you do book six you can start on book 7 *shrugs* Looking on the bright side :)

If you need a book, try Shan's stuff (which you probubly read already) or try.... that's probubly the only author i think you'd like but hey i'll give you this one too because this book series is right underneath Skulduggery Pleasant in my book:
The Higher Instiute for Villianous Education by Mark Walden.

Hope I helped :)
- Skulduggery Skellington

flaring rhythm said...

Oh dear *pats head* There is nothing worse than being bored :/

Come to NI! XD You can scare the Norn Iron-ers for a bit! And soak up our "Sunny weather"

Anonymous said...

Bioshock 2 <3 <3 <3
I understand your inability to sleep while playing that game.

My advice: Take a small break just to relax a bit but keep the book in your head. Like ponder about it a little. Write down notes if you come up with any and stuff.
That's how I do it, I can't completely let go of my writing but I kinda let myself drift of a bit.

Anonymous said...

was HIVE all that good? I tried it b4 sp, but i got really bored and could never finish it - and that's bad. that's the only book i've ever started but never finished. Which, is saying something because i'm supposed to get another book case this year (it will be my fourth :P)
Lenka x
-Skulduggery-ific is the word :P

Tara said...

@Lenka and Carina,
Did you guys take part in the book award about 3ish years ago which judged 6 books including the first SP and HIVE? SP won it (I voted for it of course) and then I got to meet Derek Landy. His acceptance speech lasted for about 25mins and he was hilarious xD

gabzii.x said...

56th comment! I truely don't mind if you make a start on Book Six. You keep leaving the end of each book with a cliffhanger.

You may be having sleepless nights. But you keep me up for nights and nights trying to figure out what will happen. TRUELY FRUSTRATING! (My Golden God.... :) )

Anyways. When the Mortal Coil Book signing tour is due. Come to Kidderminster. Or at the very least...The West Midlands. :)

Gabbi. x

gabzii.x said...

Not meaning to sound disrespectful, at all. Ever. Sorry... :(

Beacuase your totally awesome and great author with great imagination and great characters in your GREAT books... :D <<< Innocent face.

Hope your sleepless nights soon come to an end, and that.

Spud the cool kid said...

can't wait for mortal coil and i'm new here so salutations i'm spud

Anonymous said...

yep. i took part in it :) i voted for SP too, i loved it. I didn't meet our Golden God but i got some free books. ;D

Lenka xxx

Skulduggery-ific is the word :P

Spud the cool kid said...

um i'm kind of confused
what the hell am i supposed to do
oh i like having friends
i like having things in common with my friends
so has anyone ever been sent home early from school for hygene issues?
if you have please let me know

Spud the cool kid said...

whats up everyone i'm still new and still lonely so if you have hygene issues please please please let me know
oh ye skulduggery pleasant i like it

(if your not derek don't read i don't really have hygene issues wanna be friends cuz i like your books specially dark days
peace:) )

Spud the cool kid said...

hello spud here
go skulduggery !!!!

Spud the cool kid said...

i like skulduggery i'm not the only one though

Spud the cool kid said...

hey guys spud here again how are you all
thats good
i like skulduggery pleasant
oh yeah derek your class

Jazza said...

Barry, you're a weird one.. o_O

Derek, maybe after the 6th or 7th book, you could come back tou Australia for another tour?? you were great fun when you come down to Melbourne. :D

I have 2 questions:
1. since the 5th book was released in the same year as the 4th as a one off, is the 6th book now being released in April or September of 2011?
2. What platform of games do you play? Playstation 3 or Xbox 360?

Monique said...

Come to Australia and visit me :D
Nah just kidding, I find that all I have for entertainment are the brainless people at school. Usually they whine and moan until my favourite teachers say something witty or make them *shiver* Jog around the oval. How on earth is that a warm up?! Ahem, although you don't go to school anymore...
I have no idea sorry, maybe write something to flick into the river of fans and watch them feast...bahahaha!

TrixieB said...

What's wrong with Canada? Australia ALREADY had a tour! We are very nice here. We say 'please' frequently.We have one of the most multi-cultural populations anywhere allowing for a Ninja Leprechaun army of truly global proportions. Definitely CANADA for the next tour!

p.s. Bring Laura

Robbie said...

Derek, here is what do do with your time. Create some contests open to AMERICA! You know, the country you HAVE'NT VISETED YET!

Maddi said...

You should play COD. That's the best way to waste time. COD/Half Life 2 are my favourite games, though Half Life 2's zombie/head crab infested people freak me out. But it's worth it.

Natalie said...

Alan Wake. 'Nuff said.

Totally off topic, but I too am bored...what a dull life. Are there any auditions open for the role of Valkyrie Cain. I would love to audition and have a gut feeling that I've got a shot at it...that's just me. Email:

Jebes Lemon said...

I think Michael Fassbender should play Skulduggery and that you should write a bit more about Skulduggerys past involving his wife and child!
By the by I'm eating a Matzo!