Thursday, October 22, 2015

80,000 words and some HORROR

I have now crossed the 80,000 word mark in Desolation. You know what that means?

It's a proper book now.

Demon Road was a little over 121,000. I had wanted it to be 80,000, which is roughly the size of Dark Days. Obviously, that didn't happen. But I am DETERMINED that Desolation be of a  more manageable size. It'll probably end up somewhere around the 100,000 mark.

Writing a book can be a struggle. It's just so happened that in the writing of this one, every time I started to flow, and write LOTS, I had to go off on tour or do festivals or get interrupted for a multitude of reasons. It's very hard to build up any kind of rhythm when your writing schedule is kinda messed up.

But I'm flowing now. I want to get this latest draft off to my editor on Monday, because on Tuesday I'm off on holiday to Disneyworld and Universal Studios.

For Halloween.

Ooooooh this is gonna be my kind of holiday. By day, we go to Magic Kingdom, and go on rides and visit Harry Potter world and just have good, nice lovely fun...

But at night...

Universal Studios over Halloween has the most terrifying horror experiences on offer, and I will be going and subjecting my girlfriend to the ordeal. I'm going to tweet about it. I'm going to take videos. You may see me scream.

But it shall be a manly scream. A WAR CRY.

And then I'll run away and leave Laura to face this guy on her own.

Gonna be FUN.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Germany Dates

The writing of Desolation is coming along, slowly but surely... This six month schedule thing is a killer, and unfortunately the first casualty of that is the blog. The second casualty is Twitter. The third casualty is, I dunno... probably my sanity.

But ho! Being the professional that I am, I still have time to travel to Germany and meet YOU, my wonderful minions!

15th October, 7 PM: Burg Lichtspiele, in Ginsheim-Gustavsburg

Talk and signing.

16th October, 5 PM: Lierature cafe, Ettlingen

Talk and signing.

17th October, 1:30 PM: Frankfurt Book Fair

Talk and signing.

5 — 8:30 PM: The Midnight Hotel.

The Midnight Hotel is a fan event where I'll be chatting and signing, and there'll be a quiz and a fancy dress competition and, like, stuff happening... It's gonna be awesome.