Saturday, August 7, 2010

Job Done

And the interview is done, and it was FUN.

I'll type up the first section on Saturday, and hopefully get it posted before Sunday. Thanks to everyone who suggested questions- I found out some things that even I didn't know...

You have all surpassed yourselves. Your Golden God is impressed, Minions.


Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

We're just that awesome. :3 lol Joking! I can't wait for the interview!!

Oh yeah, FIRST!!

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

lol I bet that WAS fun! I'd so enjoy myself like crazy when asking someone like that questions for an interview. :]

Claire said...

3rd comment xD

Claire said...

I can't wait too! xD Laura didn't seem happy about showing her dog to everyone... ;b

Claire said...

nice profile picture skyril ;D

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Thanks anglexox

Bethany said...

Oh, I am rather excited. Probably not a good thing to be considering it's quarter past two in the morning where I am.

Meh. It's worth it.

Is Laura to become our Golden Goddess?
I guess we'll find out, won't we...

Claire said...

maybe... good idea! I think Laura a should become our golden goddess too :D

Claire said...

(this is angelxox) I just wanted to let you know I've changed my name thats all. : ))

Valora Destry said...

I can't wait!! this will be exciting! and i agree with Bethany and ANgelxox; she should be our golden goddess!

Kirsty :D said...

Can't wait to see the interview, must be pretty cool being Valkyrie :)
And, Mr. Landy, I just went on the Skulduggery Pleasant website for the first time in... well a long time, and I read the blurb for Mortal Coil, and may I just say :O CAN'T WAIT! OMG SOUNDS FREAKIN' AWESOME (just like me, hehehe)!!!! September can't come fast enough :D

Anonymous said...

i cant even put into words how excited i am for the interveiw AND FOR MORTAL COIL!!!!!!!!
also, my fellow minions and i are happy to have helped our golden god. haha ;)

Nushi-ke said...

Aw and I was gonna aske her if she wanted an apprentice. My skills include lying, persistance and eternal loyalty. Damn you broken for 4 days Internet that just got fixed.

@The Almighty Kirsty There's a blurb for Mortal Coil? Where is it?

SkulduggeryPleasantRulz said...

DEREK LANDY IS AWESOME! Derek, who's UR fave Skulduggery character?

SkulduggeryPleasantRulz said...

Please follow my Skulduggery Pleasant blog.

Aimee =] said...

Derek, I honestly think you should get Laura to create her own blog, I'm sure we will all stalk her blog as much as we do you ;) lol

I am very much looking forward to this interview :)

The Toad said...

So exciting! XD
Now a random question, Mr Landy, did you ever have to get your wisdom teeth pulled?

Mrs.Red said...

That is awesome! I am glad that it is all done. But what did Laura think? was she happy?

SkulduggeryPleasantRulz said...

Yeah... Laura should start her own blog! No need 4 interviews, just wack it down :)! Check out my Skulduggery Pleasant Blog! I only just started but it would B nice 2 have a few Skulduggery fan followers... Also, Derek Landy is awesome.

SkulduggeryPleasantRulz said...


SkulduggeryPleasantRulz said...

Mr Landy, Pleeeeeez reply 2 me coz UR sooooo awesome...?

ThatGirlTheyKnow said...

I'm glad you're impressed. I'd hate to be at the recieving end of your wrath. And I'm glad it was fun. Did you ask any of my questions?

Alexandre Requiem (Lynda) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alexandre Requiem (Lynda) said...


Derek, thank you for remembering me. It really is amazing.

Can you take my plea into consideration? Please?
I asked when I met you (I love saying that, sorry) if you were going to kill off Dusk. As I recall, you said maybe, and if you did it would be horrible. Which is good. But, from all the Dusk Fans out there (me being the biggest) DO NOT KILL HIM.

Or if you do, wait till the last book and make it as epic as possible.
So, no Skulduggery, Tanith, Valkyrie, Shudder, Sanguine, Ghastly, Fletcher, Caelan, Jack, Guild, Kenspeckle, Scapegrace or China killing him!
Oh, and he cannot be possessed by a Faceless One or Remnant and taken over!

Oh no.
I just realized.
What if...he's already dead?
*Mumbles quietly before biting off own toe*.
You wouldn't that to me, would you, Derek?
Would you?
YOU WOULD???!!??
WHY!!! WHY!?!?!?!!?!?!?


Could you...gimme a mention in da bookies?
Because many, many irritatingly devoted fans have asked this, and I am no different?
Heehee. I know. Just suggestin'.
Ooh, I went a bit Sanguine-y there.
Speaking of that darn Texan, how DO you pronounce that? How, in fact, do you pronounce all of the names?
I think I say Sanguine wrong. Like...Sangween.
It's not that, is it?
It's...Sangwine? Like "line"?

On the back of Dark Days, is that Dusk, or Shudder's gist?
It better be Dusk...
And does Dusk have long hair?

What is with those Battle Cards? The characters look all...wrong.
No offense to Tom Percival (if he's the one that drew them) but...blah. Dusky-Wusky has STUBBLE, Derek!!
There's nothing wrong with stubble, it just looks a little odd with Dusk.
I think I'm over my ra-
And why does Dusk only have SEVEN intelligence?!?!?!?
How can Valkyrie (then twelve, I'm assuming) be smarter than him?

Alright! That is enough, stupid brain!!

I have another question.
Would you mind putting in a French guy? I love the French. Don't you? And no little goatee and thin, curly mustache! Call him...Call him...Ignitius Dre.
Dre, because it is the end of my name.
Ignitius because it sounds like FIRE.
Not the most original name, I know, but oh well.
On yet another subject...

ARE you Gordon? I thought you were after reading Playing With Fire.
Or are you yet to be introduced?
And have you CONSIDERED throwing in me as a character, without a special mention?

Should I remind you how epic I am, though?
What was that? Yes? Really?
Gee, thanks, but my fingers hurt. I think I write longer comments than you do actual blogs.

Shows just how much I love those books.


Star Lord said...

I know I didn't help, but I'm happy that we will see the interview.

Aimee =] said...

Lynda you’re a funny little thing... Lol, I do hope Derek answers your prayers as you really do write longer comments than he blogs (No offence, we are happy you reply at ALL)

Oh God, it would be absolutely amazing if my name was in one of his books, I honestly think it would make my life worthwhile if my name was there for everyone to see....

Derek, when you were younger did you always know you were going to be a writer?

Because right now I have the dilemma of trying to choose a career so I know where I want to go to university :/ Just wondering how you coped :)

P.S Marry me :)

shewhofallsupstairs said...

yes that is a good question Aimee. did you know you wanted to be a writer derek?????
you see i was going to post the first chapter of this novel assessment thing we had to do for school but because i am afraid of critizim i didnt.

do you think i should post it derek?????

Aimee =] said...

Orf, sent it to me, I will read it gradually once I finish school work :)

Eluned said...


Kirsty :D said...

Nushi-ke, I saw the blurby thingy-ma-bob on the Skulduggery Pleasant website :) T'was very good, I am extremely hyped up :D
Here is a link :

Claire said...


Valora Destry said...

hahah @Alexandre Requiem your post made me crack up! oh and by the way is that ur chosen name? coz its cool

Aimee =] said...

Hehehe, wow the Skulduggery website is awesome... Thanks The Almighty Kirsty for the heads up about the blurb thing :P :D

You know what? I am so curious to what Charlie Smith thinks about having his character in a book, that guy is pretty mysterious! lol

Making the Legend said...

heh heh. Yay.

I must compliment you Derek Landy, you were smart! You didnt put your name in the phone book. (unless you were under one of the other Landy's in there...) I was so looking forward to turning the page and finding, listed under 'Landy' a DEREK! all I found were a whole bunch of Johns and some other people. :P

And so, I went back to my hotel room near the airport with my dreams shattered... :*( ready to fly back to Texas without a single lead to where you were... * sigh *


My friend Sarah and I were thinking of a great thing for you to come to! You could come to the book festival at our high school! that would be awesome!!!!!! And it's in January, so it will be nice and cool, like Ireland at the moment! YAY!!!!!... !!!!!

I still havent suggested it to the people who run it yet though.... I'll do that soon!

Chill out with a good book and a glass of milk before the summer is over my friends!

Skulduggery Skellington said...

Yay that's awesome to hear can't wait! :3


Katy A said...

Really excited about the interview and Mortal Coil! :D

Ebony Orvil said...

It IS Saturday now.

Hope you use some of my Qs. Can't wait for it.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

If you actually read these things you are most likely aware of the question I am repeatedly asking.....In your book Dark Days you never mentioned who won the All Ireland finale between Kerry and Dublin. Well Mr.Landy....Who?
I can't wait for the interview! XD

Robbie said...

(basking in golden gods praise) ahhh.

hey, who here thinks that Josh Hucherson should play Fletcher? He'd be AWESOME!

Derek Landy said...

Oh my God...

I have literally spent the whole day transcribing the interview from dictaphone to screen...


I seriously don't know HOW I'm going to post this without it being ridiculously long. I'll have to break it down into chunks and spread it out, maybe over a week, with a new segment every day.

Oh my head hurts...

Robbie said...

Wow, sorry Derek. Thats got to hurt. Well..... At least you have something to do now!

Abbi said...

poor golden god
* hands icepacks and frozen peas*
You'll find a way to post them up .... wont you.... ? Good luck and thanks for actually DOING a interview because thats just AWSOME ^^
many thanks
somewhere were the tall ships are being held....

Claire said...

take a break derek ;)

Robbie said...

Derek, as your US agent (yes I am), I'm telling you to take a break. Really, we can wait.

Anonymous said...

i disagree! we most certainly cannot wait! MUST SEE INTERVEIW NOWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!! kidding, kidding. Mr. Landy (or Derek, whichever you prefer) you deserve some rest (and cookies as Kallista suggested)!
also, Kallista, thank you for your comment on my name ;)

SkulduggeryPleasantRulz said...

Derek Landy is AWESOME! I'm so happy I got UR autograph, sir, when I went to Brisbane to see U! I had a Skulduggery bracelet... ^-^ UR awesome! SKULDUGGERY IS THE BEST BOOK EVER! Do you know if there will be a Dark Days audiobook? The 1st Skulduggery audiobook was AWESOME and I still need 2 get the other 2! AND A SKULDUGGERY PLEASANT MOVIE MUST... COME... OUT!!!!

SkulduggeryPleasantRulz said...

Pleez check out my blog people... It's about Skulduggery (of course) =D .

ThatGirlTheyKnow said...

SkulduggeryPleasantRulz. YOU WERE IN BRISBANE TOO? OMFG! HIIIIII!!!!!! Do remember that girl, Julia, who Derek said 'hi' to before he started? THAT WAS ME!!!!!!!! And Derek, ever so sorry about all your hard work. Look on the bright side- it just makes us, your beautiful minions, love you more!

SkulduggeryPleasantRulz said...

I have glasses and I waved to Derek as he passed through and he waved back and I was just like... "Why did I do that... he doesn't even know me". I was so excited I started feeling a bit nauseous too so I was playing with my fone while I w8ed 4 it 2 start. I also asked the question about it there was definitely going to be a Skulduggery Pleasant movie and when Derek picked me I forgot what I was going to say briefly LOL... I also had a Skulduggery Pleasant bracelet on =D I luv that bracelet. Angel Prince, follow my SP blog!
And yes, Derek... UR minions absolutely love you! ;D

SkulduggeryPleasantRulz said...

Oh... You have joined my blog Angel Prince! THANX! Also... Tanith Low is awesome.

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Aww I'm sorry Master Derek. I'll tell you, though I'm RZEALLLLLLY glad you're doing it!! :3

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

You should probably take my fellow minion's advice and take a break. I don't want you getting overworked.

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Yup you should relax. Burn a candle smelling of wet dog. Breathe it in and listen to some of your favorite songs. That should be good. :3
Cookies were a good suggestion, as well.Warm ones with a nice Coooold cup of milk. Mm-mm that's yummy.

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Alexandre Requiem I think I know how to pronounce all their names. I'm good at that. Of which are you unsure?
Sanguine is like, sangwin.

Indeed, Aimee he's always wanted to be an author. He said so in one of his interviews. :]

Ooo Robbie I do! I do! Did you see that suggested in the last comments or did you come up with it yourself??

P.S. Sorry for all the comments.

Irresistably EVIL!!! said...

mkay, so earlier my friend and i were talking and i came up with the question "what would Val act like if she'd gotten one too many bumps on the head in a fight. well this is what my wierd mind came up with..... *drives up to val's house and parks bently. val gets out, staggering and almost falls* "WOAH!!!! skulduggery...tell the froggies to stop looking at me in that tone of voice T_T" *skul walks over to her side and grabs arm to steady* "Okay...... i think you may have hit your head a little harder than i thought.O_o *carefully he picks her up and carries her to her room, placing her on the bed* "alright then, time for you to rest young lady." ">_< Ohhhhh, am i in trouble? my mum puts me on the naughty step when that happens:3" "that's very, help me get your shoes off so you can sleep. *takes them off without much help from Val and goes to put neatly away in closet* "heh heh... okay. but thats ALL you're getting off off me mister!!! *giggles* -_-;......thats see what happens when ur as stupid and hyped up on sugar I AM?!?!?!!?

SkulduggeryPleasantRulz said...

Okay... random question... well, not really random because I wanna do it for a school dance. Does NE1 know how to Futterwacken? (Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland.) If you have any suggested sites for me to go on to learn (other than YouTube) pleez comment on my blog. Thanx... all help is appreciated! =D Also, Valkyrie Cain is awesome.

Anonymous said...

can u put an accompanying photo with the interview? just to get an idea of what the real val looks like

Kirsty :D said...

Irresistably Evil: can I just say LOL. That is pretty damn funny XD Although it sounds more like she's drunk or high than anything else lol. *wipes away a tear and continues to laugh at what you wrote*

Blackjack Macabre said...


SkulduggeryPleasantRulz said...

Does anyone know where I can get the Futterwacken song off Alice in Wonderland and what it's called... I need it for a skool dance... If U can tell me the name of the song or where to find it, pleez post it on my blog - Skulduggery Pleasant Blog! Thanx... NE help is appreciated... Also, Derek Landy RULZ!

Claire said...

Did you know a smart brain works well when you rest alot? :)

Alexandre Requiem (Lynda) said...

Greetings and salutations all!
By now, you may be aware that I start every comment with a greeting.
Or perhaps you are not aware, which is why I wrote that.
Great news, fellow minions!
I have created a blog!
And now, everyone must join! (Including you, Superior Satan. Or Golden God)


Aimee =] said...

*Twiddles thumbs as I wait for excellent interview* :)

Star Lord said...

Hey everyone!

Liz said...

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLZZZZZ ada a picture of Laura in the interview. thanks ;]

Star Lord said...

Lord Landy, God of Books (Tell me if you don't like the title) What do you want Book 6 to be called?
Would you like us to give you ideas?

Unknown said...

The Almighty Kristy she was suppose to be drunk but Irresistably EVIL!!! cant remember how to tie her own shoes so you know shes not gonna get it right

SkulduggeryPleasantRulz said...

My brother had an odd dream (before we knew what colour Mortal Coil would be and the pics on it and whatnot...) that Skulduggery Pleasant 5 would be yellow - which he... got rite... - and that it would be called "In Little Bits". I cracked up... He's such a weirdo sumtimes... But, in a good way...

Why hello, Mr Landy, sir... I think you are just excellent with your terrific bookwork. I feel as if I must address you formally as you are quite huge in the entire book industry and such. It was such a terrific honour to meet you and have a photograph taken with you and have you signed my perfectly wonderful Skulduggery Pleasant novels.
(Notice how I typed all that formally... LOL. Nahz... UR soooo awesome. Who's UR favourite character outta all the books... Actually, which goodie and which baddie do U prefer outta the lot huh?)
Sorry to annoy you but I M definitely your HUGEST Fan! (I'm not fat though...)

Ahem... Now that I have got myself back together I shall say goodnite because it is 12:10 AM where I M because I stayed up to do an assignment.
Blogging is fun... I could type all day... Or read Skulduggery Pleasant while I listen to the audiobook. Angel Prince and I agree that Repert Degas (who reads the SP audiobooks) should play Skulduggery when the movie comes out... THERE MUST BE A MOVIE!!

Also, Skulduggery Pleasant is awesome.

SkulduggeryPleasantRulz said...

Oh! By the way... I really want to make an animated Skulduggery Pleasant movie using Blender... if I can do it... and post it on YouTube... I have to work it out 1st but would U give me permission to do that Mr Landy, sir? I would do all the chapters as they are in the book but do I need your permission?
Granted, it might be a bit hard for me to end up doing anyway because... I have to work it [Blender](it's a CGI thing I hope to use properly) out but if I do get it... would you let me? I don't wanna do copyright or NEthing... Could U PLEEEEZ let me know on my Skulduggery Pleasant Blog? Thank You Derek Landy sir... I M UR loyal minion! *Bows with awe in your presence.*

Also, Ghastly Bespoke is awesome.

Anonymous said...

oooh!! now that would be interesting... BUT on the other hand, maybe we could get some kind of magic battle between them cause China isnt about to let any1 be more beautiful than her. i mean that would sorta kill her whole effect. u know?

Anonymous said...

deek, idont wanna be rude buuuuut.... POST DE INTERVEIW!!!!! a few pages a day pwease

Blackjack Macabre said...

Alexandre Requiem....I pronounce Sanguine like Sangween and I think its right...but you never know...I think Dusk will die before the last book, but I agree with you, it must be epic...Just, who's gonna kill him if none of the characters you mentioned do??? Maybe a new character...I don't want the main people (Skulduggery, Valkyrie, Fletcher, Ghastly, Tanith) to kill him...Well, it would be cool if TANITH killed him I guess...I think it would also be cool if Kenspeckle did cause he's a vampire-phobic and all...Caelean's a pretty obvious one to kill him, but it would still be cool...or maybe, just thinking out loud here, GEOFFREY SCRUTINOUS ( you know, the winning character for the competition)...but we haven't seen what Geoffrey is like yet, and he might not have a significant role, so forget about that...

Wonka said...

cool Derek.
and, guy abouve me, you pronounce it san-gwin, not how u do

Wonka said...

oh and i think my boyfriend should play Fletcher if they EVER get the films up, bcuz after i got to his hair the other day, he actually looked kinda Fletcher-ish.
and also when i first met him i wanted to beat him up too. meh he he.

no, seriously, i did.
he wuz annoying.... ¬¬

and my dad reckons Sean Bean should play Skulduggery.
and my little brother AND cousin AND sister reckon i should b Val. he he family support!!
i dunno... i mean, I'd LIKE to, but like, i duuno when there are going to be auditions and stuff...
**gets down on knees and starts to beg with puppy dog eyes**
i can actually do a pretty good Irish accent, but it needs polishing...
i am under the impression that practically everybody in Skulduggery is Irish, because my friend is really confused over it.

Wonka said...

oops got a lil' excited there, my typos are popping up again...
please excuse my outbursts.

Wonka said...

oh and apparently my grandad should be Kenspeckle, because he gets really annoyed when he sees childeren being treated like adults...
that is my family for you.
i HATE being the last one to comment.

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

I think most everyone in Skulduggery is Irish, Wonka except for Tanith who is English.
Why do you hate being the last one to comment?

Star Lord said...

Being last is not a bad thing. It means you can get all of the news, instead of waiting ages for it all to come.

Anonymous said...

Sean Bean as skulduggery??? i dont know about that... i was thinking Robert Downy Jr. or Johnny Depp. sean beans not funny enough. oh... when and wher will auditions be? i would audition for fletcher. i act allll the time and i even kinda look like him

Anonymous said...

mr landy, im with my fellow minions here. YOU HAVE TO TELL US WHERE AND WHEN 2 AUDITION. PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE????????

Anonymous said...

and yeah good point Kallista

ThatGirlTheyKnow said...

SkulduggeryPleasantRulz- I cannot believe it. I REMEMBER YOU! Like, OMGWTFBBQ! *highfives random person who just happens to be walking through her bedroom at 11:01PM at night*. Australians are like, totallty awesome. Do you agree? But not as awesome as Derek. No, never... Derek, do you remember us? The girl you gave a shoutout to and the one who asked if there was going to be a movie? Do you? Do you remember Julia, who you got in for free? And that other one... lol sorry.

Irresistably EVIL!!! said...

mkay, so earlier my friend and i were talking and i came up with the question "what would Val act like if she'd gotten one too many bumps on the head in a fight. well this is what my wierd mind came up with..... *drives up to val's house and parks bently. val gets out, staggering and almost falls* "WOAH!!!! skulduggery...tell the froggies to stop looking at me in that tone of voice T_T" *skul walks over to her side and grabs arm to steady* "Okay...... i think you may have hit your head a little harder than i thought.O_o *carefully he picks her up and carries her to her room, placing her on the bed* "alright then, time for you to rest young lady." ">_< Ohhhhh, am i in trouble? my mum puts me on the naughty step when that happens:3" "that's very, help me get your shoes off so you can sleep. *takes them off without much help from Val and goes to put neatly away in closet* "heh heh... okay. but thats ALL you're getting off off me mister!!! *giggles* -_-;......thats see what happens when ur as stupid and hyped up on sugar I AM?!?!?!!? im bored so im gonna post it again. and vampirefreak..... THHHHHHHPPHPHPHPHPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPT!!!!!! i have ms.hotard for pe. ANNNNNNND hunter and bailey are in her hour with me, while u, u have no one. NO ONE!!!!! MAUH HA HA HA HA!!!!!!

Unknown said...

I like this your blog, also visit hotel in bandung... god luck!!

Halo pickle! said...

im going to get the 1oo hundredth post!!

Halo pickle! said...

almost there....0.o

Halo pickle! said...

YAY! 100100100100100100