Poor Aby and Cory and everyone over at the Skulduggery Facebook page. They've been hit with a barrage of questions about the Requiem Ball and they've been so great about it, but I finally felt sorry for them and decided to clear up a few things here.
Let's see now, what kind of questions have they had to deal with...?
"Why is the Requiem Ball in London? Derek's from Ireland. The books are set in Ireland. HELLO??"
This is absolutely true. However, in Ireland we have the Theatre of Shadows. In London we have the Requiem Ball. That's just the way it is.
"The Facebook page has a competition to send them a picture of the mask we'd wear to the Ball! Do we have to make it or just design it?"
Either. If you win tickets you'll need to be wearing a mask — one you make or one you buy, it doesn't matter — but for the competition you just have to design it yourself. And the mask can be as simple or as ornate as you like — as practical or as bizarre. It can cover your whole face or part of your face. You can buy a mask and alter it. It's up to you. You don't even have to be artistic — you just need to be passionate. The deadline is August 10th and there's only one entry per person.
"How many tickets do we get if we win?"
Everyone who wins gets two tickets — but those under the age of 18 can get an extra ticket for a parent/guardian.
"I can't make it to London for the Ball! But can I enter anyway, just for the Event Pack?"
Yup. There'll be lots of you in this particular boat — not only in Ireland and the UK but also all around the world — so don't be afraid to enter.
"It's not fair that all the events are always in Ireland and the UK."
Actually, it's pretty fair when you think about it. Harper Collins UK publish me in Ireland and the UK, so naturally they can only organise events for their own territories. They've been wonderful, actually, in doing their best to include as many people as possible. I hate leaving anyone out, I'd love every competition to be open to everyone and for every country to have cool stuff happening, but that's up to the many publishers who release my books across the world — and there are close to 40 of them.
"How many individual tickets are there?"
Approximately 120.
"Would we have to make our own way there?"
"Is there any age limit?"
No upper age limit, but anyone under 18 would need a parent or guardian to accompany them.
There will be other opportunities to win tickets — the Facebook mask competition is merely the first — and it's a pretty cool one.
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
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«Oldest ‹Older 3401 – 3600 of 4243 Newer› Newest»Are you sure...? He also has sigils...
(I will apologize if I so wish it! I need not justify my apologizes! *nods firmly*)
(Tired. And dreading school. Which is a stupid thing to do considering I'll just be reading under the desk most of the time.)
They could be a little more of a problem. Do you know what sigils he has?
Not a clue...
*She put Kari back in her crib when she fell alseep. Leif wasn't far off falling alseep either*
He didn't block magical attacks and a punch before with a sigil.
So biotics and punching should get through?
Do you want to take Leif?
(Omg my lessons for today are horrible D: GCSE French. GCSE Chemistry. GCSE Art (which I'm okay with cause its not that bad) GCSE Maths and GCSE English. Ugh. *mimes shooting self*)
(Dragona has Geology. *sighs* but then he comes home.)
I don't know. The punch wouldn't do anything. The biotics... I don't know.
*She took Leif and placed him in his crib*
I'm worried for them...
(Ugh. Fine. *mimes putting the gun away into a draw* *sighs* I truly do despise school. Especially my school. It's more prison that school.)
I could rip him apart and see if that would work. *shrugs* What type of weapon does he use?
Do not be worried for them. I am good at what I do.
(My school is horrible. Seriously you have no idea how bad it is. I mean, I like seeing my mates there nd stuff but iI don't like BEING there or the petty rules they have. I don't want to be a clone of every other girl thank you very much. -_- Speaking of which, I have to go to the hell whole now. I will return afterwards.)
Sword. It's a weird sword... It shouldn't be the way it is, that's all I know...
And I can worry for my children all I want. And Loki... I have to worry over them.
(Bye Sil!)
(And bye El!)
I am wearing armour. A normal sword wouldn't cause a problem. Not sure about the "weird" sword.
You can. I am just pointing out there is no reason to.
Typically, we would have barrier generators across all the doors, and one also around the children.
*pulls a needle out from a compartment in her armour* This is a tracking device which gets implanted into the bones in your arm so it cannot be removed. It generates a secure signal only detectable by my computer and the scanners on my ship. Arm, please.
*She pulled both arms into her chest, her eyes growing wide*
No!! Needles and me aren't friends! Stab me! Torture me! Just don't do needles!! Please!! Get it away. Now. Please.
*sighs* Rose, I am trying to do my job. Your fears, no offence, are not important right now. You are having this tracking device in, even if I have to freeze you with stasis to be able to do it. You may think I'm being evil, but I am here to protect you and your children. And to kill your kidnapper. If things go wrong - it's good to have a backup plan. Arm, please.
I don't like needles, Sophia... Please... I don't like them at all...
*She looked at the needle and turned her face away*
Please... Isn't there another way...? Please... I don't... I don't like needles... Keep it away.
*sighs, her arms glowing blue* *freezes her with stasis, then jabs her in the arm with the needle - the medi-gel on the needle taking away all the pain instantly* *injects the tracking device into the bone in her forearm, then removes the needle*
*stops the stasis*
*She cried out and resisted the urge to sob*
Seriously?! Why?! Why did you have to...?
(Sorry, had to send an important email...)
You will not even get a mark, Rose. I had to do it because you were being uncooperative.
(I have to leave. We can continue later.)
(Alright. Catch ya later, Sophia!)
(I am bored out of my bloody mind.)
(Hello, Rose.)
(Hey Sophia! Hey Caelan!)
(Hello, Caelan.)
(I bloody hate waiting.)
(Sorry, we went for a drive and then I had to have dinner...)
(It is fine, Rose. Do not worry.)
(I can worry all I want.)
back again...
damn housework.
(House work sucks. Hi Em!
(Do you wish to continue?)
(Hello, Raven.)
Never. Ever. Do that again. Needles, Keating. No. That's like stabbing someone but worse...
(Hey Raven!)
I know you don't like it, Rose, but this isn't a democracy. I am trying to stop you getting raped or tortured. Can't you see that? I'm not going to not track you because you don't want an injection.
(Rose, I was dreaming about our roleplay last night lol that's a good thing, we certainly upped the bar on it lol)
Hello fiends.
And I'm with Rose on this one, every time I walk into the doctors for vaccination I struggle to not cry. And then my little sister has to come from the waiting room and hold my hand while this really nice nurse lady stabs me with a pointy thing and then they give a lollipop to me and then one to my little sister because she was 'strong'. I swear to God that girl is way tougher than me.
Who cares...? It still hurt... And it wouldn't be the first time I've been tortured, or the last... And rape? I can honestly say that it has happened once before, but it's never going to again. I'd rather die...
And it was a needle!! I would have been fine if I was stabbed and then it was placed in...
(I was stressing about it all day, Em. It was a pretty amazing RP. And I'm still half-dying over it.
Wanna continue?)
(Rave. I sob. And then I punch people with the pointy things of death. And then I keep sobbing until I faint.)
Poor ROSE, and autocorrect has decided that your name is worthy of caps lock and I'm not one to argue with autocorrect.
(Yeah!! Go for it girl!!)
It's not going to happen for as long as you let me do my bloody job. It is the only thing I have to inject you with.
So you would rather get stabbed with an actual blade than a needle? Where is the logic in that? Blades hurt more, they cause worse wounds and they could kill you. Getting jabbed by a needle by someone who is trained to do so, is practically risk free.
Wish me luck....I go down and discuss the issue at lunch with the principal today.-Zaf
Hello, my goddess.
(Aw, thank you caps lock <3 )
*She had dragged Roland inside and had him laying by the wall, bandages over his bullet wound. She now sat across from Chase, the gun never wavering from the aim on his head*
So. Why did you come for my Goddaughter, you bastard? Because I really, really want to shoot you. Maybe I'll shoot you in the leg. And then you can slowly bleed and I'll be happy. Maybe. But I'd much rather Lorcan do all the damage.
So, why Ariana? And don't bullshit me. I'm the one with the gun.
Well, in light of the 3 projects I have to finish between now and Friday, I should probably go.
I'm weird, alright? Needles are my weakness. I don't... I don't do needles. Ever.
*She grinned over at Loki*
Hello, my God. And ew. Don't say goddess. That's just... No... It's not right...
(Good luck, Zaf!!)
(Okay, see ya Rave!)
*rolls eyes* So strange, love. You can probably tackle Zanida now.
When this is over, as long as I think it's safe, I'll tell you what is my weakness to compensate you, alright?
We should go to my ship. We need a few bits and pieces of technology.
I could probably tackle you now, too. And I don't even know my own strength anymore.... This is really weird...
Okay, Sophia, but I'll only go with you if Loki comes too.
*Chase looked from the shot Roland to the injured pup to his unconscious son and daughter in law before his gaze rested on Ariana.*
Chase: She needs to be in a place where she can safely explore her powers. My wife runs a facility for powerful mages. Ariana is too unstable to be comfortable in a normal environment.
Lorcan and Casha would have never given permission. I had to take her.
*Ariana was still very upset as she clung to Rose, looking at the damage around her. Her hand gently touched Rose without realising it.*
mum!... dad!... marrok!... so... much...
Sigh i have to go
*sighs* Fine. As long as he doesn't try to kill me yet, because there are more pressing matters. Bring the children, too. They are not going to get hurt.
*places a finger against her earpiece* This is Keating. Get the Naseby to come to my coordinates. I need barrier generators.
*She didn't care anymore. She shot his ankle, grinning at the recoil*
I'm not a fan of guns, but Sil knows what's good. If you ever come near my family again, if you survive, that is, then I won't hesitate to shoot you on sight.
*She smiled down at Ariana and held her close*
Try and fix your dad. He can help me. Can you do that for me, Angel? Please?
Goodbye, love.
I'd much prefer to leave the twins here. Heimdall will keep an eye over them, I swear.
*She moved closer to Sophia, scared, though she would never admit it*
So... What's going to happen now...?
*Chase grimaced but he didn't show a lot of pain on his face.*
Chase: She needs to be somewhere that can handle her!
*Ariana went down and sat beside Lorcan's head. She lay her head on his and wrapped her arms gently around him. She had started to heal him, she could feel his concious regaining when the hissing noise started again. She felt a strong sure of pain through her head and she let go of Lorcan, crying.
Lorcan groaned and moved slightly though.
Roland, however coughed, bringing up some blood from the gunshot.*
Sorry I disappeared, I always do that.
I'm here now, though.
We reinforce your house. Barrier generators on the doors and windows and around the twins, give you some armour and a kinetic barrier generator, and have the Naseby in shooting range. Then we wait.
*sound from her ship's engines can be heard from outside*
*She jumped to her feet, snarling*
We can take care of her! Why would you think to take it upon yourself to do something like that?! We're strong enough! We can do it!!
*She resisted the urge to shoot him again. Oh, how she wanted to pull that trigger and get rid of him once and for all. How she just wanted him gone so she could fix the others. She didn't. Lorcan wanted to be the one to do it*
Just give us a chance...
*She looked over at Ariana when she started to cry and bit her lip. Then her eyes drifted to Roland, tears starting to pool in her eyes*
You fucking bastard...
(It's okay, Caelan!)
-I stand beside Rose and Keating, arms crossed, slightly hovering above the ground-
What's going on, Rose?
There's technically seven Asgardians living here... Thor, Zan, Ricci, Loki, the twins and me... I... They can take care of me... Loki will always be there for me... I trust him... We can handle ourselves...
*She half-smiled at Caelan*
She got me with a needle. And I was almost kidnapped and auctioned off to the highest bidder... Which means I would probably wind up dead... Somewhere in a ditch... And we're debating over what to do now...
*Lorcan brought himself to his knees as he held his head. His vision focused as he looked at the blood on his hands from his head. He could hear his daughter crying.*
Lorcan: Ariana...
*He held her close to him, making sure she wasn't hurt or marked. Then he spotted Casha, still lying unconscious on the floor.*
Lorcan: Casha?! Baby, can you hear me?
*He sat amongst the rubble, keeping Ariana close to him as he tried to get his bearings again.*
You assume we're against one person. It may be the case, but be prepared for the worst - you said he wanted money from selling you. But how about those who want you to be sold to them?
My ship is here. We need to go.
Welcome back, Lorcan. I'm sorry I ran out. But on the plus side, I've got your father behaving at the barrel of my gun.
*She turned to Lorcan and pursed her lips when she saw Casha*
I'm really sorry...
They tend to come after me one at a time...
*She glanced at Caelan, then back at Sophia*
He's coming with. If Loki can't, then Caelan is.
*He stood, wobbling to get his balance as he kept Ariana close to him. He then stared down Chase.*
Lorcan: Don't be sorry Rose, it's not your fault. It's his.
*He passed Ariana to Rose as he took the gun from her. He pushed the barrel right up against Chase's head.*
If you wanted, we could move to my ship. Put you in the starboard observation deck - it has a bed, pool table, a bar, everything you need.
(Sorry, again.)
*She hugged Ariana tightly to her chest, hiding her face from the events that were, no doubt, about to unfold. She felt nothing but hatred towards Chase*
One thing, before you shoot.
*She locked eyes with Chase and took a deep breath*
I wish you were the man Lorcan deserved as a father. I wish that you could have had a brain and cherished your son. But you didn't. And for that, I'm thankful that he can do what he's about to do to you know.
You deserve it, Chase. I'll see you in Hell.
Rose, don't shoot him.
((You guys can assume me to follow. I will not object. Rose can godmod me a bit.
(It's okay, Caelan. Don't stress.)
*She shook her head*
If things get too bad, I'll ask Heimdall to take me to Asgard. He said I could live there if I want, and I'm officially a citizen now... But thank you, anyway.
*Lorcan gritted his teeth tightly. And without saying a word, he pulled the trigger. Chase's body jumped with the impact before sloping down the wall to the ground, leaving a trail of blood with it.
Ariana cried more with the sound of the gunshot as she hugged Rose tightly.
Lorcan threw the gun away.*
Then come on. *leads the way out of the house, towards her ship which has its cargo ramp lowered so it touches the ground*
(Caelan, that's a different timeline. It's in the future a whole heap. That Rose is with Roland, the Rose you're usually with is the one who's with Loki...)
(I'm not going to godmod you. You're you. I'll just pretend you're around.)
Yeah, you can go up and stuff, Rose. Hang out in the castle, you can do what you want, you'd be staying in my room until we decide to move to a bigger one or have a home near the palace. Zanida stayed, so its totally normal to stay.
Msd my author is doing her hair. Gah! Hair products!
(So what do I do..)
(I'd join yo Caelan but I have to go soon, my school didn't give me my iPad back either or I'd hang around when I got to homeroom. I told my vision teacher lady so let's see what happens!-Zaf))
(Fair enough, Zaf. :))
*A grin pulled her lips apart as she looked at Chase, but she wiped it off quickly. That wasn't a good reaction to have to someone's death. Instead, she pulled Ariana tighter to herself and nodded to Lorcan*
Good man. That was long overdue. Take care of Casha and your daughter while I see to Roland.
*She handed Ariana to him and sat down beside Roland, her hand pressing to his face*
Are you alright, love? Can you hear me?!
*She followed quietly behind Sophia, eyeing Loki and Caelan wearily*
Sorry, I'll be more active when they give it to me, the morons can't find it. Sigh.-Zaf
*follows Rose, staying silent, for once in his life*
I think staying in the palace is nice. We should have a little country home too. Like, a little escape. Somewhere we can run off to if palace life gets a little hectic. Our secret place.
(Caelan, Rose is forcing you to come with her on Sophia's ship)
(@Zaf- Stupid school...)
*She took Loki's hand securely in hers, glancing up at him*
Whatever you do, don't let go.
-I look around, sighing, walking into her ship-
I don't trust this.
Oh and, Rose, did you happen to gain any abilities with the excess of energy I handed to you?
I dedicate this page to Wi-Fi.
Without it, we would not have the brilliant capabilities of access to information and communication we now have. Without it, we would not be able to come together as a community.
*walks up the cargo ramp on her ship and into the cargo bay* *the walls are silver and metal, and inside there is a red skycar, a blue and black shuttle and what appears to be a six-wheeled tank*
I... I don't know... I'm too scared to try and figure that out... But on the plus side, I did become a goddess and got long life, awesome speed and agility and strength... And now I feel kinda weird...
*Roland coughed again, bringing up blood again.*
Roland: I am... fine. Ariana, is she... alright?
Lorcan knelt down beside Casha, he placed Ariana beside her. He held the baby's hand as her free hand rested on Casha's head. Lorcan was helping her to concentrate and focus.
Casha coughed and spluttered as she came to her senses. Lorcan grabbed her and held her tightly, making sure she was waking up okay.
Once Casha woke up, Ariana crawled away and was beside Marrok. She lay her head on the pup. She tried to heal him but she couldn't find a pulse or breath.
She started screaming crying again when she realised that her friend had passed.*
(Hear hear. So hear hear. <3)
*She shied into Loki's side as she looked around the cargo bay. She expected something to come out and start attacking her at any moment*
Feel free to attempt to find new abilities, there is no harm in that.
Unless, of course, you're afraid of releasing Slīvœrrsę.
But I wouldn't worry too much about that.
*moves to a metal shelf on the wall, picking up a white object* *hands it to Rose*
(EM! MARROK?! WHY?! I'm seriously half-crying now... omg...)
You're not fine, you idiot. But you will. And Ariana is-
*She was cut off by the baby's scream. She darted forward and scooped Ariana up into her arms. Then she stared down at Marrok, something in her chest tightening*
Angel, I love you. And I need you to let me concentrate right now... Can you please stop screaming...?
*She placed her on the ground as she sat beside Marrok. She pressed a hand to the cub's chest and tapped the sigil on the underside of her wrist. Her magic and energy started to flow into the cub*
I will not let go, ever.
((I must go to the meagar palace of Midgard they call, school.))
How the Hell do you know about her...? Caelan...? Don't mention her name... She loves it... And she knows it makes me weary, which makes me distracted, which gives her more power to escape...
*She looked at Sophia and held the white object*
What's this...?
*She kissed the back of Loki's hand and smiled*
I love you.
(Haha, have fun, love. Don't annoy Zaf too much. <3 I'll see you tomorrow.)
No worries.
-I look at the ship around me, analysing it-
(Rose, what does it mean when you say "()"?)
(He was a baby, what baby can survive getting shot.)
*Ariana sat beside Rose, sniffing but keeping quiet. She watched Rose pour her energy into the cub and she thought it was working but he was still.
He didn't move.
Lorcan came over as Casha went to Roland. Lorcan hunkered down and wrapped his arms around Ariana. He had to calm her down. She was far too upset.*
It's a kinetic barrier generator. Watch. *presses the button on the side, then takes a step back* *draws her pistol and shoots at Rose* *a flicker of energy is visible as the round hit the kinetic barrier and failed to penetrate it*
(The () means that it's a different timeline)
*She smiled at Caelan and nudged him with her shoulder*
Thanks, man.
(I know, but still!!! 0.0 )
*She shook her head, trying to rid herself of the tears that were pouring down her eyes*
Come on... Come on... Don't you dare tell me you're gone...
*She hugged Marrok tightly, her magic still flowing into him. She buried her face into his fur, still shaking her head. He couldn't be dead. He and Ariana were supposed to grow up together... It wasn't supposed to end like this*
*She stared at Sophia, horrified*
To think, if this kinetic barrier generator failed, I would have just died. You would have shot me dead and then Loki would have even more reason to kill you... Speaking of which, he still has to do that, but maybe when we're all back on Bloglandian soil.
*Lorcan watched as Rose held the cub. He was not moving at all, or attempting to try and move. He held Ariana close to him as the baby got upset again.*
Lorcan: *whispers* Rose... he's gone.
*sighs* This is technology from 2186. It doesn't just fail.
No!! He's not!!
*She sobbed into Marrok's fur*
He's not gone... He's sleeping... He's tired from almost dying... He's alive, Lorcan. He's just resting... Wake up, Marrok... Please, wake up... Show Lorcan you're alive... Please... Don't be gone... You're not gone... Please, Marrok... Please!!
Well, how the Hell am I supposed to know that...? I could be dead. And you could have killed me right in front of him!
*She pointed to Loki*
And that would be really funny to watch as a ghost as he killed you.
*Lorcan held onto Ariana as she wouldn't stop crying.*
Lorcan: Rose, please. Ariana is just too upset... please.
(I g2g, should see you later on. Sorry guys )
(Catch ya later, Em!)
Have a little faith in someone who is trying to save your life.
The shield generator can effectively take gunshots from this time and energy blasts somewhat indefinitely. Once we get you a helmet, it'll sync up to the shield generator on your head up display. If it takes too much damage within three seconds, it will shut down. But it will be back to full strength three seconds later.
(I'm going to drop the () now)
Are... Are you sure...? That seems like an awful lot of trouble for someone who almost killed you, Keating... I'll be fine, I swear. But your generosity is appreciated.
It's my job, Rose.
(Sorry, I had to do the dishes and my father decided that yelling at me was a much better option.)
Thanks, Keating.
*She held the kinetic barrier generator out to her and smiled*
I'll just train with Loki for a bit. He knows his stuff. Thanks anyway, though.
It's fine. At least take some armour.
*She pursed her lips*
I could probably get my hands on some Asgardian armour if I asked...
(I had to. I've been wanting to introduce myself like that since Philip revamped the blog)
Our armour is better, trust me.
(Philip = Annika
Arnold = Tempest
Jason/Joe = me
They haven't really decided what my name is. )
But what happens if I break it...? I'm in quite a few of skirmishes... I would probably end up breaking it... And I'm a goddess now... That could get dangerous...
(Ah, I remember now.)
Rose, I have faced tougher battles than this. I want the armour back when the problem has been sorted out, but you can use it.
*She shook her head, smiling*
Loki will be my armour. If he comes back, then Loki can just teleport me away.
Omg....appointment with principal tomorrow at 10am-Zaf
(Ohh... Scary...
I had to talk to my principal once about getting a reference...
That got awkward quickly...)
I don't think that's a good idea, Rose.
(Sorry, yet again. I decided to take some photos of the full moon.)
It might be... Vectciet probably won't be around... He might have ran away... It could all just be for nothing...
(There's a full moon tonight? DAMN YOU CLOUD COVER!!!!!!)
-I look the armour up and down, smirking-
Perhaps good, but not the best.
Oh, so now I've got two people going to argue over armour? Great. I'm... I'm just going to sit down. My legs hurt.
*She sat on the floor beside Caelan's feet and looking at Keating*
I am of Aztec ancestry, and the colonisation of the Gods allowed for much more powerful armour.
Not this petty garment.
Trust me, Caelan. This armour is better than anything you have, or will ever have.
Look, Rose, I'm here to protect you. I am authorised to make you wear this armour.
I doubt that.
You'd find mine much more impressive.
Of course I will. Explain what your armour is.
I'm honoured, but I think I'll be fine. If I'm sold into slavery, you can find me, right? Then we'll just do that.
Why explain it to you, when I can show it to you? One moment, please.
Rose, prevention is better than the cure. Please wear the armour.
I'll just stick by Loki. He'll keep me safe.
-I close my eyes, focusing, out stretching my arms-
*sighs* Rose, listen to me. If you don't want to be tortured or raped, do as I say. This armour will protect you.
*She shifted away from Caelan slightly, frowning*
What are you doing...?
It wouldn't be the first time, Keating, nor will it be the last.
*She smiled softly*
It's just a matter of time.
(Shower... Be back soon!)
-I open my eyes, a liquified metal covering my body, soon solidifying, a vivid orange glow appearing around it-
No. It isn't. I'm not allowing yourself to get yourself tortured or raped. Do as I say, or I'll make you.
Metal? You actually use metal?
(Just because I use the word during the action sequence doesn't mean that's the specific material.)
(You said it was liquefied metal - it kind of gives a good idea about what the material is.)
-I turn my head towards Keating, a small chuckle leaving my lips-
*tilts head* Tell me when I'm supposed to be impressed.
(The appearance is a liquified "metal" as it goes over my body.)
(You didn't say it looked like liquid metal, you said it was. But never mind, we've got it sorted.)
Uh... Caelan, are you alright...?
I can guarantee that anything you may throw at my armour, will not leave a mark.
Interesting. But it's hardly ceramic armour plating with layers of kinetic padding, equipped with a micro-frame computer with a self-repair matrix, which will repair the kinetic padding should it become damaged. It also automatically dispenses medi-gel should you be injured. It has a full sensor array, auto-targeting software, it can also create a seal with the helmet, which supplies you with air so you can breathe in a vacuum, and also provides a head up display.
Would you like to bet? A goddess's strength against your armour, Caelan? Even I don't know how hard I punch now...
Go for it, Rose.
This armour's schematics, design and capabilities were all precisely designed and developed by Aztec Gods anyway.
However, be wary that any impact made on it will be reversed at ten times the speed.
That must be horrible for air particles, then. Or do you use it for air conditioning?
*She eyes Caelan, biting her lip. She wasn't one to hit someone for no reason whatsoever...
She threw a heavy punch, one that would have knocked a Mage off their feet and across the cargo bay*
The many abilities I sustain are entwined with the armour, allowing me to remain unaffected.
-I remain standing, only moving an inch-
(Wait, so what exactly would happen to Rose now that she's hit it...? I don't quite understand...)
(THere's something that doesn't make sense. Just because your armour doesn't take damage, doesn't mean that you wouldn't be sent flying by the force of the punch as Rose said - you would be dealt the same force - your armour would just not be damaged.)
(You would normally be sent flying back but, considering you're a Goddess, I don't think you're going to do that.)
*Her arm jarred and fell heavily to her side. She nodded*
That's impressive... I can't move my arm now... Great...
(Wifi might be turned off tonight... Warning...)
(Alright, Rose.)
Back to the task in hand, we need to reinforce your house. You will have armour and a shield generator, Rose. You need it.
(I'm going to sleep now, guys. Bye, enjoy your night/day/whatever.)
(Goodbye Caelan.)
(I will continue to be here.)
I have half days on Wednesdays in college)
(Hello Chloe.)
(Hey Soph ^^
Are you feeling normal?)
(Yes. Yourself?)
(I am hungry. I had no lunch break inbetween lectures today)
(Dragona was able to leave college at 9:55.)
(Awesome, I have three lectures on Wednesdays)
(I am almost constantly bored when he is at college. It is very boring, and repetitive.)
(I am friending it interesting )
(what subjects does he take?)
(*shrugs* Perhaps. I do not like it, however.)
(He is in the second year so dropped a subject last year. This year he is doing Medieval History, Geology and Chemistry.)
(cool, im doing biology, chemistry, psychology and English literature)
(Psychology sounds useful.)
(its uber interesting?)
(I can imagine so.)
(what u up to?)
(what does Dragon want to do as a career)
(I am currently talking to you. Dragona keeps interrupting me by emailing. It is rather annoying.
I believe Dragona wishes to be an Archaeologist. Yourself?)
(I want to be a vet
Archaeologist sounds awesome ^^ this girl I know is taking archaeology and she find it interesting
That must be annoying^^)
(Vets have a lower suicide rate than dentists. It is a good choice.
It is extremely annoying. And he is listening to music. I do not enjoy music.)
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