*Actually remembers that language* *But is fairly glad that it went out of fashion, speaking to people in it always made him feel drowsy* *Really, having a fairly hypnotic language is a bad idea*
*brings the dance back in along with the chant* *the weather stays dark and angry* *says in an unusually deep voice* Zafira. You have been summoned to this plbce. Do not ignore your summons or great consequence will follow. Come to us Fira!
We were doing about senses. Last lesson, we'd done about stimuli and responses. If it's cold, you shiver. Cold is the stimulus; shivering is the response. Yes? So today, at the beginning of the lesson, our teacher put two questions on the board. Number one: think of a stimulus. Number two: how do you know it's a stimulus? Obviously, number two stumped us a bit, because we're narrow-minded academic not-very-resilient people. :P So then Sir asked us for a bit, and then he said what he was getting at was, how do we know stuff's there? He asked how we knew he was standing there. And we were like, because we can see you. And he told us to close our eyes. Then he asked us how we knew he was there. And we said, because we can hear you. And he said, imagine you're a deaf-blind person. How do you know I'm here? And we were just like ". . ." And he was like, you don't know I'm here. And he said you only know the world through your senses, and if you can't sense something, you don't know it's there. And I was just like OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH (in my head, of course; in biology, we're often silent, because our teacher's cool and he has control of the classroom like that), because, just think - there could be an entire WORLD around you, but you wouldn't see any of it, because you're not sensing it. You know different dimensions and different layers of reality? They're all here, on top of each other, HERE, NOW. Hunter could be standing here in front of me. There could be a dragon flying past my window, and through my window, and through ME, idk. But you can't feel any of this, because you don't have the senses to recept it, and OHMYGOSH I WAS CRYING I SWEAR itssofascinating. And later in the lesson, someone asked Sir, what about a sixth sense? (Like, you know, getting a bad feeling or something, being psychic, stuff.) And Sir replied in a way that wasn't very definite, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't believe in any of that stuff. But I do believe in people predicting the future and stuff, and - yeah. I'd have to think a bit more on how that works. :)
Also - science cannot prove anything, because there's all these other worlds happening all around us that we can't sense because we don't have the receptors, and of course you can't prove it's there, any more than a deaf-blind person would know that Sir was standing at the front of the classroom talking. But it's all there. And asdfghjkl I just have so much new paper to fold and so many new analogies I can make. :)
Anyway, he also told us that our receptors, um, recept things, and they translate them into electrical impulses in your brain or SOMETHING. So he was saying, everything you know of the world is electrical impulses. And he was saying, pain is only an electrical impulse, and if you cut your arm and you don't realise and then you look at it like "huh" and then it begins to hurt . . . (He also told us that you can only control pain to some extent, and that we shouldn't go jumping off a bridge going "oh, I'll be fine", so - yeah. XD) And he was saying how fear, fear is pointless. And how he could tell us that we had to go to the headmistress's office, and then we'd be all afraid about it, and he was saying that was STUPID, because it was just electrical impulses going off in your head, and you shouldn't be afraid because it's all electrical impulses. He said if he had to go up and talk in front of 300 people, and someone asked him if he was afraid, he'd be like "Nah, it's just electrical impulses. I'm fine with electricity, I boil my kettle all the time at home". XD And of course, I'm an emotional person, and I think if you don't have emotions you're not really living, and I think it's like a rollercoaster compared to a flat line, and although I'm slightly concerned about the fact that I think my emotions are messing with my learning and that is probably bad, and also that they mess with the way I communicate and how people avoid telling me certain things because they know how I'll react and that sucks - Y'know, I'm in favour of emotions. But next time you feel afraid, or sad, just think - it's all just electrical impulses. :) That's all it is.
And he was also saying, and this is going off into irrelevance now, about dreams, and how dreams were just your brain making electrical impulses. And he says that's why you don't feel pain in dreams, because your pain receptors aren't detecting anything. (And I put my hand up and said, Sir, but if in dreams, you're not actually seeing anything but your brain is making you think you are, then surely though you're not in pain then your brain could make you think you were? And he said that those receptors weren't one of the ones that were linked to dreams, or something (it made sense when he said it), and I was like ahhhh okay.) And he asked us if we'd ever felt anything in dreams. And we were like errrr. And he said once that he'd had a massive headache in a dream, and then he'd woken up and his head was like THAT - *pushes hand against head* - against the wall, so he was like, ah, that's why. And of course your receptors are still recepting throughout your dreams, and your brain still receives those messages, and those electrical impulses are delivered to your level of conscious thought along with your other dream-impulses, the ones going haywire making you imagine things. :) Anyway. I'm just recounting random stuff I don't want to forget now. :P (Not that I'll forget it. I will get a test on it and revise all this and stuff. Hmm. Not used to this. Usually, like with folding-paper metaphors, it's a free-time thing and I just have to remember it by myself. :P)
And anyway. Also, in French, my French teacher (who's Spanish) was talking to this girl in my French class who lived in Spain for three years and got an A* in her Spanish GCSE (she speaks Spanish pretty well, basically. :P) And this girl was saying there were just certain words she forgot when she went to Spain. And Miss was saying, yes, when I am speaking in Spanish now I just get stuck because my brain will remember the English word, but not the Spanish one. And me, casually eavesdropping over on the next table, was just like :O because THAT'S HOW IT IS WITH CHARACTERS. And when I've been Hunter for a while, when I stop being him, I forget how to be me. And people will say things, and his thoughts on the matter and his response automatically rises in my head, but what I think . . . ? That just doesn't surface. What even is ME, anyway? Not being a specific identity like Hunter or Ez, I'm just kind of a collage made up of everything in here, so trying to pull what's me out of here . . . It's like trying to find hay in a haystack, really. :P And you think, of course you can find the hay, it's all the hay, everything around you is hay, but somehow the correct hay doesn't really appear to be here and you don't know how to find it because it all looks the same. Yeah . . . Anyway. LINKSSSSS. :) I worked out how to put my linking in the folding-paper analogy today, as well. So if a piece of paper is a similar shape to another piece, they'll fold in kind of the same way, yes? So when I link, I fold two similar pieces of paper the same way, and they match and it works and I exclaim over it. :) (Surely I should just be able to look at the shapes and see . . . ? You'd think that, but then again, I worked out how daydreaming and dreaming could fold into the same shape yesterday and got all excited, when of COURSE they're similar, duh, you can tell that just by looking at the words. :P)
Sir was also saying how daydreaming was like dreaming, to an extent. hwhrwa;nsaklndksandsakdnsaka so intertesing
And also, someone asked him why our electrical impulses didn't go mad like they do in dreams when we were awake, and he said because when we were dreaming, we were completely relaxed. And when he said the daydreaming-is-like-dreaming-to-an-extent thing, he also mentioned imagination, and - imagination is just electrical impulses too I guess But, you see, the thing IS - You know, like, layers of reality? You know you get electrical impulses from recepting things you sense in this reality? Maybe imagination and dreams . . . maybe we're recepting things in other realities and then they're being converted into electrical impulses. Like people who dream the future - that's the same reality, it's just - yeah. Electrical impulses. Receptors. :) And you do have sixth senses, like my friend B or Dragona or my mum, and you can recept things about the future using these senses - btw, I'm theorising like mad here, don't go writing this in biology tests. :P And - and - and - um . . . Was that it? I think that might have been it . . .
*reads the entirety of what Star wrote* Wow. *brain refuses to provide more words*
:D *Shakes rigorously* *Hugs, because she likes hugging and wouldn't be Adra if she didn't hug or cuddle* *But only hugs because cuddling would be something that Sir mightn't like*
Also - My friend D can tell me about things that happened a few years ago and I won't remember them. Like I won't remember the rules for card games that I've played tons of times, but not in the past few months. However, my friend C was telling me today about this song she used to sing in assembly, and I was just like "Yeah, I know" because I remember pretty much everything that she told me in that conversation, even though it was like a year ago. (She used to have a really awesome head teacher at her primary school, and he wrote this song for them to sing about a tree, and it was, like, dug up and put in a pot so it couldn't grow, and it was asking we why caged the things we loved, and - Yeah. And she was saying how she was crying in the assembly when her head teacher left, and how then they got a new head teacher, and she was horrible, and she gave them these crappy songs to sing and they wouldn't sing them, and she was like "Fine, if you don't want to sing - !" and so they never sang in assembly again. *shrugs* I remember all this from last year, because I have selective attention and memory like that. And I won't remember things that D remembers, events that happened like people snoring at sleepovers, but I'll remember C telling me stuff like this. And, you know . . . You know when Miss was saying about how she didn't remember Spanish and I was saying how it was like not remembering myself because English/Hunter, though secondary, was dominant? I was thinking, so characters are like languages! And I was thinking oooooooooh at this. And they are, really. You work out how to speak Hunter, and then it becomes your dominant language and you forget how to speak your first one. :P (Probably especially people like me, whose brains don't store information well and have to manually work out their left and right rather than knowing them instantly.) And I was thinking, of course people are languages. And I was linking this in my head to the Dr. Seuss quote - "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love" - and at the same time I was walking out of Welton, which is the languages block at our school, and there's a quote on the wall that says "If you speak to a man in a language he understands, it will go to his head. But if you speak to a man in his own language, it will go to his heart." And I was thinking about how when people whose weirdness is compatible with ours speaks to us (which doesn't mean being in love. I've found a few people whose weirdness is compatible with mine and as far as I know, I'm not in love with them) - When someone like my friend D speaks to me in a language I understand, I hear her words and process them and my brain can sort them out and reply. But when someone like C, whose weirdness is compatible with mine, speaks to me in my language, the same language, because we speak the same language because our weirdness is compatible - it goes to my heart and I store it and treasure it and remember it. :) That was a really linked many-aspected rant there. :O But yeah . . . :)
*It is a shiny new thesaurus, signed by Peter Roget* *And tied with ribbon on top of that is a copy of the Awakening and A Tale of Two Cities, each signed by their respective authors*
@Chi: I think Silente mostly said it . . . *nods* You'll see him again at some point, and his parents can't keep his gadgets forever. :) Also, missing him . . . That's just electrical impulses. Nothing to worry about. :)
Good bye Rhydian! Your time here was so very short! I'm sure we'll meet again when and if you return! Until then I bid you farewell and so long and bye and stuff!
But don't worry, TheSorryAssassin. You wanting to see her? That's just electrical impulses. :)
*has a horrible feeling that my electrical impulses thing is going to get annoying pretty soon* *like how I annoy my friends because I keep going on about perfection and being perfect isn't being flawless and how everyone just traits and you can't have the good without the bad and stuff*
Silente - it's a character on Mass Effect I've been wanting for AGES and yeah I decided it'd be fun to have as a character on here. She has three powers. 1. Tactical cloak, so she can turn invisible. 2. Electric slash - where she charges her sword with electricity and then causes like an electric shockwave (similar to Keating's shockwaves but electric). 3. Shadow Strike - she turns invisible, then reappears behind her unknowing target and slashes them in the back.
I've worked out that playing Silver difficulty is the most efficient use of my time. You get the highest credit:time radio. Bronze difficulty takes like 15 minutes, and you get 17000 credits. Silver lasts 20 minutes and you get 30,000 credits. Gold lasts quite a lot longer (it tends to vary), and you get like 80,000 credits. And the characters I have aren't very suitable for Platnium, so...
@Star: I don't know how to add to any of that, because it's all so full and fascinating and wowwww. :) :) :) :) :)
Sometimes I think that maybe rather than there being things that are fascinating and things which are not fascinating, maybe everything is fascinating, but you can't notice it all, because if you noticed the fascinating things in every particle in the air and every chair and every blade of grass and every speck of gravel on the roads, and every grain in cardboard and every dent in metal- you'd never have time to breathe. And so maybe we can only notice the fascinatingness when things are turned in such a way that we can see them, and pick them up, and that way is individual, and so when your teacher says something like electrical impulses in your example, or like nucleosynthesis in stars in my experience, and you go :O :O :O asdfghitssofascinating, and while everybody else in your class doesn't see that... It's not that it's not really fascinating, but it's more that the way that it was presented to you fits with your brain in such a way that to you, that is completely fascinating. And, then, maybe... Like, even though I didn't get taught about reflexes (my mind completely blanked there and I could not remember that word, so I had to go find my old biology work and look for it. xP) in the same way that you did, relating to fear and dreaming and all of those links, maybe if I HAD been shown it like that I still wouldn't have picked up on all of those links and fascinations, yeah? But because you put that there in the way that you did, I CAN see those links and all of those amazing things, there. And it's like... It wasn't fascinating because I didn't know it was fascinating. But now that I do know, it is. I don't know. But I think that's cool, too. Because, like, maybe everything is like that. And so if somebody was able to take, say, a chair, and show me how it's fascinating, either through giving me facts or through telling me straight what the amazing part is... I'd be fascinated by chairs. And I'm sure there IS something fascinating about chairs. And just because I don't know what it is, yet, so I can't see it, doesn't mean it's not amazing. Y'know? And, yeah. :) ^^
So with Silver, I average about 99,000 credits every hour. So that's a Premium Spectre Pack every hour. And Premium Spectre Packs have at least two rares or better (the Shadow is considered a rare) and it has higher chance for ultra-rares.
However then there's the Reserves Pack, which again costs 99,000 credits. It includes five random items with at least two rares or better, as well as a higher chance for characters. Which would be good, but you have a higher chance of getting the Shadow in a Premium Spectre Pack which has 5 random items or characters, with at least 2 rares or better and a higher chance for Ultra-Rares.
And all I seem to be getting is stupid Krogan classes which are really powerful... but they're not my classes. I don't like big, heavy, tanky classes. I prefer lighter, agile classes. Because I can actually play them.
SOrry, I totally vanished there. I only meant to write a couple of lines at Star there but I got a tad carried away figuring it out. xD
*waves to Adra and Star and Dragona And Rhydian(twice- for hello and goodbye :/) and Silente and The Sorry Assassin, and Sir and Chione, and hopes she didn't miss anybody :P* :) !!! How are y'all? C:
However, there is one good thing about getting characters I don't like. The more I GET the characters, the less characters are left for me to get. Therefore I'll start getting characters that I don't have. So there's more chance of getting the Shadow.
@Taia: I TOTALLY AGREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! :) *smiles happily* You know, when people like things, I always want to know WHY they like things. Like today, for example, my sister said she liked this girl in her form, and I asked why, because I wanted to know what qualities in people she admired and how her brain worked. And my sister said she liked her because she was always nice to everyone. And she elaborated on that slightly, and I was just like awhhh, and I kind of felt a fondness for this girl in my siste'rs form even though previously when I'd met her I hadn't liked her, because we pick up on different things. And DAMN, I went on a whole rant about this and I can't remember it . . . ! Give me a moment. I'll try and find it, and if I can't, I'll continue. :)
@Star: Wow, yeah! I like that, too. And that kind of links into the 'it's not what happens, it's how it makes you feel', I guess. Like... Like how you talk about Slipknot and why you like them, and in my head I think I like Slipknot, and A7X and Disturbed, because I get these opinions and things that I hadn't picked up on before when I've crossed contact with them otherwise. And I also find it weird how, like, I KNOW how those bands and that music are amazing, despite having hardly listened to them. And in some ways I think I probably know them better than I would otherwise, because even though I don't know all of the sounds, I know how they mean and feel and affect people? And maybe that's more (or at least equally) important? I don't know where I'm going with that, but, like, yeah. :) ^^
(Whenever I write something cool, I should email it to myself. *is searching back through comments in search of that thing I said now, and is emailing anything interesting I said that I come across*)
Stay there and I'll try and find my thingy so I can reply to you! :P
But - yes . . . Like - I didn't like this girl when I met her on my own. But if you have someone else explain why they like them, then you can see it, and you like it too. :)
Taia, it is a lot of work. I decided that my previous character on Mass Effect, the N7 Demolisher, was unreliable for Silver matches. Because I normally press, "quick match" then have the map as "any map" then the enemy as "any enemy" then the difficulty as "silver" and just search for games like that. The Demolisher is a REALLY good class - can spawn infinite grenades and then her other two powers ARE grenades. So she can just spam grenades everywhere. BUT she has low shields. Like 600, in comparison to the average 900. Which makes a difference. Especially against the Collectors. The Demolisher simply CANNOT work against the Collectors - they don't use shields, they use barriers, so that reduces the effectiveness of her arc grenades. The Collectors tend to flank you and stuff which is something which she CANNOT deal with. She simply goes down all the time. Yes she can get a lot of kills - but that means nothing if you die every wave above wave nine. Also: Praetorians. She CANNOT deal with Praetorians. She hasn't got enough shields to even remotely survive a direct blast from one - because the particle beams have such a high blast radius and completely ignore whether you're in cover or not. So I switched to the Quarian Engineer, who is much better. Well specifically the Female Quarian Engineer, because I prefer her powers to the Male Quarian Engineer's. The FQE has cryo blast, incinerate and sentry turret which I've made to have a flamethrower on. So she can freeze people, then I always give her something with a high rate of fire like a sub-machine gun which is also lightweight to strip away shields so she CAN freeze people and damage armour and stuff then she can set off tech explosions with fire and the flamethrower and stuff.
@Star: *laughs* xD Well, you DO write a lot of cool things. Your email would probably get quite full. :P Like how on Tumblr, I'll start liking things that I think are cool, like I NEED THIS FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. But I have more recently realised that I have liked nearly 3300 posts on there, now, and there's no way of tag-searching through them, and I can't remember what MOST of them are. It means that I have a whole little goldmine of cool things, but it also means that it's not much use if I'm looking for something specific. :P I need, like, complex databases to fill all of the cool things with. But since I have neither the computer skills nor the time, I don't think that's going to happen, ever. It'd be handy, though. :P
Yeah . . . :P Mostly, I'm not getting cool things. I just tend to get things that I've ranted about on my self-analysis journey in case I ever need to look back on them. :P
Star, yes. It's a very big drawback. Especially when you're put in a game with a hopeless team. And you're on wave nine with no grenades left, barely any ammo, no rockets, no medigel, no ammo packs, nothing to save me... and three Scions (who can take you down in one volley of shots), a few Praetorians, several dozen Collector troopers and a Possessed Abomination who explodes and has a VERY high blast radius.
Needless to say, I ran away as far as I could then made a final stand - and ran out of ammo.
So I tried to make it to an ammo box, but got killed by a Praetorian just before I got to it.
(sorry for poofing. I was reading things and then went to see if my paper had dried so I could continue drawing (it hasn't. :P))
@Dragona: *nods* I guess it's hard to have a flawless character, at the end of the day? But it's good that you've got something that works better now. :) I assume when you get the Shadow, it will be rather less of a problem, at least? ^^
Hey, Amethyst! :)
Welcome back, Siulentge! :)
@Star: I think that maybe be kind of the same thing. :P ^^
Blogger Star Inkbright said... (The first movie was awesome . . . :O) (Why did you dislike it?)
(@Mushroom: It's okay, you don't have to finish it. :) I liked the second book . . . but meh. :P) (Also, as far as the writing style goes, I think it depends what you're looking for. As with everything in life. When people say they like things, I always want to know why. What draws them to it? Do they like 1D because they think they're fit or is it something deeper than that? I always think why you like things is much more important than what you like. You could like anything, really. It's like when we play those linking games in lessons to revise. We have 16pieces of paper with key words on and we have to put them in a 4x4 grid so each piece of paper links with all the pieces of paper it touches. And the thing is, it doesn't matter where you put the pieces of paper. It's just your linking skills. "Osmosis relates to enzymes because enzymes are made of proteins, which are made in cells, and Osmosis happens in cells." "A table links to email because emails are the electronic form of letters and paper forms of letters, which are also forms of letters, and generally written on tables." You see? Your brain can find any number of links in a thing - it can like it for many reasons, some obscure and only existing in that person's mind. It's not what your brain choses to link to the 'things I like' folder in your head. It's what the links are. They're the opinions. They're what matters.
. . . Yeah. You can like Gone or not like Gone, it's fine, Mushroom. :))
June 5, 2014 at 4:44 PM Delete
Blogger Star Inkbright said... *16 pieces *are generally
(Like my couple of sentences to Dragona at the top of my comment - I'm not interested in the fact he disliked it, I'm interested in why he did.)
. . . (Yeah sorry. :P)
June 5, 2014 at 4:46 PM Delete
Yeah, it wasn't even a good rant . . . XD But my point is - it's the links that are important, what people link to. They can link to whatever they damn well like. And two people will look at the same thing and get something entirely different out of it, because their brains make different links.
Taia - yes. Although the Shadow doesn't have very high shields, it doesn't have to have. The Demolisher SHOULD have higher shields because with grenades (arc grenades specifically) they're close-range. So you need shields to survive at close range. But it doesn't. It has really bad shields, even when I've upgraded them to the maximum they can go. However the Shadow is so fast and agile and can turn invisible - so if you die, you're playing her wrong. Especially since electric slash can be fired through walls so you don't actually have to confront powerful enemies directly.
@Star: OH. I remember reading that! I thought it was super-interesting at the time, and completely agreed in my mind! :) It also made me think about my general fascination with how everything is linked together, and there are probably an infinite number different ways of justifying each link, because there are an infinite number of things that exist, y'know. And, it's just cool. Or, it's not JUST cool. It's more than cool. But cool is one of the things that it is. And, yeah. *agrees* :) :) :)
You know, if as soon as you see something, you're imagining telling it to people, and you're planning out in your head what you would say - you forget to enjoy the moment. And I do that, you know. And I shouldn't. So if whenever I said anything, I would have to be constantly thinking about emailing it - that would take the . . . the IT out of it. *shrugs* *closes tabs*
- *then remembers the times when I want to repeat something I've said, like the other day about the TMI movie, and I just can't get the flare back* *pauses, conflicted :P*
@Taia: Thanks . . . :) :) :) Yeah - links are cool . . . :) There are an infinite number of links . . . and we'll all response in different ways and like DIVERSITY. :)
@Dragona: *nods* RIght. Well, I guess if your enemies are particularly weak aggressively, I presume that the Demolisher then is quite an efficient character to play as, at least? ^^ The Shadow sounds pretty great. :)
(Also, I've been seeing a lot of talk about video games in relation to discrimination and basically just sucky bad things, recently, because of E3, so I'm taking a mental note that in ME they make awesome characters of females, too. It's encouraging when I keep seeing things about that not being the case in so many games. I approve. :P / :))
@Star: ... :) (because I don't really have words for that. It's just a progression understanding and feelings that ends with agreeing and approving, so ... :) *nods*)
@Star again: Yeah. C:
Uggghhhhhh I want my paper to be dry so I can carry on drawing. I'm sitting here with all these coloured pencils around me and I can't DO anything with them. D:
@Taia: *smiles* *hugs* *nods* *transmits a thingy saying how it's sometimes hard to translate thoughtspeak into words as it's done so much through tone and sensation and impression*
D: That's just ANNOYING. :/
Wbd - currently making a card. :P *has a space left that's too small for a sentence but too big for a word arghhhhhh :P*
The whole reason I do word art is to avoid images, really. XD
I managed a short sentence that is smaller than the rest of the letters and looks uneven. :) (But that's okay. If you switch your perspective so it looks intentional it's fine. :P)
I don't get the whole thing about discrimination in E3. For god's sake, even Call of Duty has started making female soldiers and that's a TERRIBLE game.
Also: Dragon Age, Taia. It's from the creators of Mass Effect and that's got good characters too, but it's INSANE. I mean, really insane :P Unlike Mass Effect where the morality system (like the difference between "good" actions and "bad" actions) is a little bit blurred - Dragon Age runs on an earlier system so you can LITERALLY be the cruellest person ever. :P
You know how you said that we couldn't be fascinated about all the things there were to be fascinated by, Taia? No, but if we're bored, we can give it a go. We can sit there and just observe and find enjoyment in the simple things around us. :) Like someone - Emerald Phoenix? - said. (It was possibly her?) And in a bus journey you have the beauty of the rain and the trees outside, and it's so perfect and so wonderful, and there's all these things you can look at and take enjoyment in, but you look around and there's all these people sitting there bored on their phones and they're not noticing any of it, and it's sad, you know . . .
Star - it is. The gameplay is a little bit off but they did fix it with the second game onwards. I do believe that another Dragon Age is coming out called Inquisition so...
You know, me and my brother are quite similar people, which makes sense, because our genes came from the same people. But he likes football and I don't, so in a table, he would be in one column and I would be in the other, and we would be opposites. . . . Idk. :P
@Dragona: *nods* I can only say what I've heard - I don't know enough about it to comment, really. ^^ And, *laughs* that sounds, yeah, insane. :P
@Star: *nods and smiles* Yeah. :) Yeah. :) That makes me think of a lot of different things, but I only remember most of them vaguely. But... there's a Daniel Johnston song I've posted lyrics from here in the past, and it's in my head from earlier today, and there are a couple of relevant verses...
The artist walks alone Someone says behind his back, "He's got his gall to call himself that! He doesn't even know where he's at!" The artist walks among the flowers Appreciating the sun He does this all his waking hours But is it really so wrong?
They sit in front of their TV Saying, "Hey, this is fun!" And they laugh at the artist Saying, "He doesn't know how to have fun." The best things in life are truly free Singing birds and laughing bees "You've got me wrong", says he, "The sun don't shine in your TV"
In some respects, I do like the Mass Effect multiplayer pack system because it balances it out, but other times when I really want something it annoys me :P In a good way, though.
I do wish there was something which would let you put a marker on a weapon or character which could be classified as uncommon or something so there was a higher chance of getting that character in a certain pack.
@Star: In a sense of how, you can have two people who are like, the same, but also completely different, kind of? Like... If you looked at a table and with a column for 'football fans' and a column for 'not football fans'; or a table with 'metal music listeners' and 'pop music listeners' and 'alternative music listeners' - and there's a kind of separation between them, like the line between the columns divides them, and it's like, the metal music people are all similar to each other, and the pop music people are all similar, and the alternative music people are all different because alternative fits pretty much everything and isn't even a genre (:P) - but actually, it might be that if you actually looked at all of those people, all the pop people might be totally different, but would relate really well with some of the metal or alt people? And your brain automatically kind of separates them as opposites, even though they might actually only be opposite in that one aspect? Yeah?
@Taia: . . . Yes. :) That's what I should have got from saying that. :P
I suppose it links into how you can't judge people on one thing and how you should get to know people before judging them . . . *shrugs* *would really like to lecture Katie Hopkins about this :P*
It basically means that they can't decide what genre they should put them in. :P
Windows Media Player says Avenged Sevenfold are alternative . . .
And - yeah . . . Often metal people/pop people will be commonly like something. Like the different between males and females. But, to use a science-y graph-y term, there isn't a real difference between males and females (like, there's a real difference if the lowest person on one is still higher than the highest person on the other), and therefore there is overlap, and therefore you cannot assume that females will be more *insert adjective here* than males, or vice versa. Similarly, you can't do that with metal/pop fans, although that's less important. :P Also - like I was saying, links and reasons. It depends on the REASON people like pop/metal music. -_- "It doesn't matter what you like, it's why you like it." - Star Inkbright. And there's people who like pop who I would probably think don't like music properly, and there's people who like metal who I would think probably don't like music properly (although what is 'properly'? They can like music however they want to like it. I keep telling myself this, but myself is still stubbornly refusing to completely comply with my pointings-out), and - yeah. You could divide your groups of pop and metal fans in multiple different ways, and now I really want to do that, to find out interesting things, like which group has a higher percentage of people in the doesn't-like-music-properly-according-to-Star's-flawed-thingy-that-should-cease-to-exist, and - yeah. :P
The only music I listen to is theme music from different things and some 80s music... I dislike almost all other types. But I do like kind of rock-type stuff. I have a CD full of rock music. :D
(You know, since I've been into metal music I've had a greater appreciation for softer music, which is irony that never fails to amuse me even though it makes sense. :P)
I find the concept of genres stupid. Every song in itself is a new genre. No songs are exactly the same and therefore shouldn't be classed as the same. I mean, that's like saying me and Star are the same because there are a few similarities between us. But there are also differences between us which means were not the same.
Star: 1. Lyrics you can understand. 2. I think they have a good meaning. 3. They're usually very catchy. 4. They have good... sounds? Like the musical instruments they use and the way they use them. 4. They're just... good songs? Idk. They're not too scream-y or too quiet. They're just right. A happy medium.
*apparently seconds Star's question too late, since it already got answered, damnit. :P*
@Dragona: *nods* :) I'll admit, I still haven't listened to most of those. But I've been going on weird Queen highs at irregular intervals over the past six months. :P
Yes - I said something about that once! . . . No. I said that trying to put people into categories was like trying to put artists into genres. Each artist is slightly different, so it never really works. You're just collecting like terms. (Why the hell did that phrase pop up . . . ?) And you could put one band in metal because they like football, and another in pop because they don't, but even though they're different, they could actually be similar. (Sorry - that was very metaphorical. :/)
Like- Like like like- You can take the 'Rock' genre and you can find Queen or you can find Motion City Soundtrack. You can take the 'alternative' label, and find Farewell Continental, or Coldplay, or A7X. But those bands aren't the same. Often they're not even REMOTELY similar on many grounds (especially in 'alternative' but I'm not ranting about that. :P)
And also, music can appear in so many different genres, because taste is entirely subjective? Like, MCS have been called Pop-punk and Punk-Rock and independent and alternative and alt rock and country and rock and power pop and emo and it's like... Punk vs Country? You don't expect those to be together, kind of? And so somebody might completely ignore them because they don't like pop-punk music, but it could be called a whole number of genres. And music should be judged on its own merit, not by what genre it fits into? And yes.
But, genres I guess are helpful for generic kind of navigation and finding your way around, maybe? idk.
Star + Silente: I see your point. But in essence, we're 98.8% the same as a Chimpanzee and we share 50% of DNA with a banana. There has to be differentiation between the different styles, even if they don't TECHNICALLY exist. You have to draw lines. Otherwise there would be no difference between half of Star and a banana. You have to poke at the differences, "Ok, Star isn't yellow and you can't peel her skin off. Nor does she grow on trees". Otherwise music would be chaotic. There needs to be order, even if it's a little bit wrong.
I also find it confusing that people can only like one genre of music. With me it depends on my mood, my day, the weather, what track my minds on. I like Chasing cars, I also like 22. I like the light behind your eyes, I also like bat outta hell. I like Let It Go and Cruela De vil. I like teenagers and the only exception. I like Wide Awake and I also like a butt load of other songs. I don't just like one genre but many. I struggle to understand why you would limit yourself to one genre.
*casually ignores Star saying she loves me because that's yeah people don't say that to me ever as in at all and it being said is weird to me*
@Dragona but half the time there's like no difference! Maybe you can put a song into a genre, possibly an album at a stretch. But a band in general, it just doesn't fit. They can make so many songs and they're all gonna be different. You can't define an entire band as a genre. It's ludicrous.
@Dragona: I suppose I agree. I just don't think people should act like the boundaries between them are thick black uncrossable lines. :)
And - LOL I LOVE THAT WE SHARE 50% OF OUR DNA WITH BANANAS. XD Does this make me half-cannibal? :P
@Silente: Yeah, I know - I used to find it really weird when people said they loved me. :P Now I'm used to it more, but I still can't say it irl because I don't say it there, so it would just sound odd, so sometimes I tell my real life friends that if we were online I'd tell them I loved them but as it is it's just weird. :P
And - well, you can probably survive purely on Avenged Sevenfold, to be perfectly honest, because they range from Critical Acclaim to So Far Away, so :D. (*just advertising there :P*)
And I think people limit themselves to genres because they tend to prefer music from that genre so they stay there coz they know they're gonna like it.
(My eloquency is deteriorating. I think this is because I'm talking about music and having the hints of Critical Acclaim dance around in the back of my head and remembering the video of them making Critical Acclaim and the whole tone of the whole thing and I think it's minorly influencing my conscious level of thought, like for example when I watched an hour of A7X making their s/t album and then when I came here and commented I was swearing loads and I was like WOAHHHHHH WHAT IS THIS SHIT. :P (See? Thinking about swearing. More inclined to swear.) . . . Sorry! D:)
Likeeeeeeeee . . . I rarely think "You know, I would like to listen to some soft music now." I mean, if soft music comes on than I might like it depending on what it is, but I don't really go off wanting to listen to it. I've only really wanted to listen to soft music a few times in my life and when it happens the experience is rather disconcerting and disturbing. :P
@Dragona: *nods* Yeah, I get that. Like-- damn- I was just working on a metaphor and now I forgot it. :P
@Tempest: Agreed, again. I will listen to Farewell Continental or Motion CIty or The Jesus and Mary Chain, or They Might Be Giants, or Pavement - all of whom get put into the alternative-y place, I think, but I also listen to Queen, and TOm Waits (why trying to confine to one genre would be like trying to stuff every piece of clothing in your household into the washing machine in one go) and Owl City and Disturbed songs and A7X songs, and I love The Joy Formidable and Jenny Owen YOungs, and I listen to the Pogues, and the Beatles, and The Company we Keep, and Daniel Johnston- and they are all different and when people ask me what kind of music I listen to, I can't give an answer. Because I feel like I'm just limiting myself, then. Like, if I say 'rock', then I'm prejudicing myself away from the others, and then I wouldn't see the great music in other genres, because I'd be facing away from it.
Same goes for anything, really, books, people, television, films. Whatever. I like to keep open, so I don't make favourites so much?
Dragona: maybe but even then thats like summing someone up by what they're like most of the time with most people. Like calling someone who doesn't really talk to people they don't know quiet and normal when with friends they might be the noisest person ever. Or saying that a book is only as good as most of its first chapters whereas some books are a little slow to start with but still great reads. Or that a cat is a stubborn, hateful and spiteful animal. It's stereotypical. And allows forstereotypes yto form which leads to bullying and abuse.
@Dragona you could also use a knife in general, anything sharp really and it doesn't have to be a potato peeler. Also making three slits in the correct place in the skin would allow you to peel the skin away. You could probably even use scissors. It really isn't that hard.
@Silente: *nods* Not all stereotyping will lead to abuse, since I think abusive people could probably manage without -- they'd just have to try harder. -.-
@Dragona: But is it possible that because the band have been called that genre previously, that prior knowledge has influenced how the newer music has been genrefied? Like, how we get tricked by optical illusions because our brains interpret the image in a way that conforms to how it usually sees the world, using past knowledge and expectations and following depth cues and things.
* So, like... Like with Motion City Soundtrack, their first musical releases were quite shouty and aggressive and 'emo'-y. And their last album was not like that at all. But they still get the 'emo'-y genres packed onto them? ^^
I'm slowly coming to realise i know too many ways to kill or mame or injure or generally hurt people. Last week I realised that I knew more about pressure points than I had let myself think..
I know. One of my friends and I talk about things like that sometimes. Like how we've probably seen enough crime-scene-investigation-detective-thriller-murder-serial-killer TV shows that we could probably kill somebody and hide the evidence expertly, so we'd not get caught. (Not that we WOULD, but it's kind of weird/scary, because, like, some people would?)
Like I said, it's like people. People start seeing a person a certain way, and then they stop looking, so they don't realise then a person isn't that way anymore. I read a YouTube comment once (the things my brain remembers, I swear) and this person was commenting on an A7X video, and they were saying that they'd come across A7X a few years ago and kind of classed them as 'meh', but the other day they were in a shop and they saw their then-newest album, Nightmare, and they kind of bought it because they thought they might as well, and then they listened to it and then they were like :O and they've been a fan ever since. And I suppose you have to keep trying out the same bands to see if they get better/worse. But of course it costs money to do that and I'm quite happy in my corner over here without branching out (which doesn't mean I won't), and it doesn't make much difference if you DON'T bother to keep trying things and there's no guarantee that a band will get better and you might just be wasting your time (like my best friend in primary school. She didn't like sausage rolls, but she got a sausage roll from the school canteen every week, tried it, found she didn't liked it, and asked the dinner lady if she could leave it, and the reason she kept on getting it was because she might like it later because tastebuds can change. And this links into how you should never give up and never stop trying, but C's dad apparently used to try and fly, and he would run up the slide and jump off the top in an attempt to fly. And he did this for about three years, and as he got older he could jump higher so he went further, so he thought he was slowly getting closer to flying and if he did it long enough he would eventually be able to fly, but he obviously couldn't. And C uses this as proof that actually, you CAN'T do everything you put your mind to. I say that of course her dad can fly, he can go on an aeroplane, and that unspecific goals, like 'fly', are attainable, but 'fly in this specific way' is too narrow and therefore much harder to attain. Yeah.) HOWEVER, you should always carry on giving people other chances, because that costs nothing except, you know, niceness, and being nice to people will actually benefit you in life, and if you don't buy A7X's album, I'm sure they'll live, but if you don't keep giving someone chances, they could never get out of their hole and they could be going home crying every night and have no friends and - :(
(Also- My paper has dried flat, but now I'm too tired to draw again, and I'm kind of just sitting here wondering why I didn't just stretch it flat YESTERDAY when I was too tired to work on it, and then it wouldn't have been a problem, and why I have so little common sense, and why am I even real. :P)
Night, Dragona! *waves* I hope your dog doesn't keep you up barking tonight! :) ^^
It's a weird thought. I mean, logically speaking (i hate logical speaking it has a tendancy to make me sound snobby or murderous or both) killing would be easy. Like super easy. Humans are very fragile beings. Covering up is the harder part but then again work hard enough and it can be done successfully.
I'm not a normal person. I find girls/women/females (of which I am one) fascinating. Like really fascinating. The way they're so sneaky and sly and tension that's communicated in a look...its fascinating.
Star you forget. Your one of us. One of us. One of us. One of us. One of us. One of us. One of us. One of us. One of us. One of us. One of us. One of us. One of us. One of us. One of us.
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 4944 Newer› Newest»Ughh, Naruto is a douche >_<
Heya Silente
Omg please give me the ded!
kk :)
And to Chloe G for giving me the ded.
Aww Great ded!
Thank you. I hope Dragona realises I will keep this up UNTIL THE END!
Hello everyone :)
Brb food..
hehe, Ive got to play catch with my little bro -_-
see yas
Hello? *voice echoes around empty hall* has everyone gone?
Well, in that case I have to go, goodbye emptiness...
Good bye, Miss Pleasant.
*throws a dynamite stick in the air as an experiment*
Ms. Tempest, did you remember to light it?
No. Does it have to be lit to attract her?
It may help.
Okay. I'll try that.
*lights a dynamite stick*
*throws the dynamite stick though the air*
Today in biology I was crying because I love the topic we're doing so much and it's just so interesting. :P
I don't think the dynamite worked. Oh well.
You cried......okay then...
Greetings, Ms. Inkbright.
@Silente: Yeah. XD
And - hmm. Maybe try, um . . . more dynamite? Strong dynamite-scented candles?
Greetings, Sir. :)
(I say 'Greetings' to people nowadays . . . :O)
*grabs more dynamite*
*throws one piece unlit*
*throws a lit piece*
*watches Silente* O_O
*throws lots and lots of dynamite*
*throws dynamite around*
*does a summoning dance at the same time*
Zaffy fira. Zaffy fira. Zaffy fira. Zaffy fira.
*lightening strikes ominously*
*the sky darkening quickly*
*starts a low hypnotic chant in a long forgotten language*
*Actually remembers that language*
*But is fairly glad that it went out of fashion, speaking to people in it always made him feel drowsy*
*Really, having a fairly hypnotic language is a bad idea*
*brings the dance back in along with the chant*
*the weather stays dark and angry*
*says in an unusually deep voice*
Zafira. You have been summoned to this plbce. Do not ignore your summons or great consequence will follow. Come to us Fira!
*returns to the chanting*
*switches to another chant in a different forgotten language*
*the dance changes slightly*
Or don't...
That's the trick with summoning rituals, of course. They don't work.
We were doing about senses. Last lesson, we'd done about stimuli and responses. If it's cold, you shiver. Cold is the stimulus; shivering is the response. Yes?
So today, at the beginning of the lesson, our teacher put two questions on the board. Number one: think of a stimulus. Number two: how do you know it's a stimulus?
Obviously, number two stumped us a bit, because we're narrow-minded academic not-very-resilient people. :P
So then Sir asked us for a bit, and then he said what he was getting at was, how do we know stuff's there? He asked how we knew he was standing there.
And we were like, because we can see you.
And he told us to close our eyes.
Then he asked us how we knew he was there.
And we said, because we can hear you.
And he said, imagine you're a deaf-blind person.
How do you know I'm here?
And we were just like ". . ."
And he was like, you don't know I'm here.
And he said you only know the world through your senses, and if you can't sense something, you don't know it's there.
And I was just like OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH (in my head, of course; in biology, we're often silent, because our teacher's cool and he has control of the classroom like that), because, just think -
there could be an entire WORLD around you, but you wouldn't see any of it, because you're not sensing it. You know different dimensions and different layers of reality? They're all here, on top of each other, HERE, NOW. Hunter could be standing here in front of me. There could be a dragon flying past my window, and through my window, and through ME, idk. But you can't feel any of this, because you don't have the senses to recept it, and OHMYGOSH I WAS CRYING I SWEAR itssofascinating.
And later in the lesson, someone asked Sir, what about a sixth sense?
(Like, you know, getting a bad feeling or something, being psychic, stuff.)
And Sir replied in a way that wasn't very definite, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't believe in any of that stuff.
But I do believe in people predicting the future and stuff, and -
I'd have to think a bit more on how that works. :)
Also - science cannot prove anything, because there's all these other worlds happening all around us that we can't sense because we don't have the receptors, and of course you can't prove it's there, any more than a deaf-blind person would know that Sir was standing at the front of the classroom talking. But it's all there.
And asdfghjkl
I just have so much new paper to fold and so many new analogies I can make. :)
Anyway, he also told us that our receptors, um, recept things, and they translate them into electrical impulses in your brain or SOMETHING. So he was saying, everything you know of the world is electrical impulses. And he was saying, pain is only an electrical impulse, and if you cut your arm and you don't realise and then you look at it like "huh" and then it begins to hurt . . .
(He also told us that you can only control pain to some extent, and that we shouldn't go jumping off a bridge going "oh, I'll be fine", so - yeah. XD)
And he was saying how fear, fear is pointless. And how he could tell us that we had to go to the headmistress's office, and then we'd be all afraid about it, and he was saying that was STUPID, because it was just electrical impulses going off in your head, and you shouldn't be afraid because it's all electrical impulses. He said if he had to go up and talk in front of 300 people, and someone asked him if he was afraid, he'd be like "Nah, it's just electrical impulses. I'm fine with electricity, I boil my kettle all the time at home".
And of course, I'm an emotional person, and I think if you don't have emotions you're not really living, and I think it's like a rollercoaster compared to a flat line, and although I'm slightly concerned about the fact that I think my emotions are messing with my learning and that is probably bad, and also that they mess with the way I communicate and how people avoid telling me certain things because they know how I'll react and that sucks -
Y'know, I'm in favour of emotions.
But next time you feel afraid, or sad, just think - it's all just electrical impulses. :)
That's all it is.
And he was also saying, and this is going off into irrelevance now, about dreams, and how dreams were just your brain making electrical impulses. And he says that's why you don't feel pain in dreams, because your pain receptors aren't detecting anything.
(And I put my hand up and said, Sir, but if in dreams, you're not actually seeing anything but your brain is making you think you are, then surely though you're not in pain then your brain could make you think you were?
And he said that those receptors weren't one of the ones that were linked to dreams, or something (it made sense when he said it), and I was like ahhhh okay.)
And he asked us if we'd ever felt anything in dreams.
And we were like errrr.
And he said once that he'd had a massive headache in a dream, and then he'd woken up and his head was like THAT - *pushes hand against head* - against the wall, so he was like, ah, that's why.
And of course your receptors are still recepting throughout your dreams, and your brain still receives those messages, and those electrical impulses are delivered to your level of conscious thought along with your other dream-impulses, the ones going haywire making you imagine things. :)
I'm just recounting random stuff I don't want to forget now. :P
(Not that I'll forget it. I will get a test on it and revise all this and stuff.
Hmm. Not used to this. Usually, like with folding-paper metaphors, it's a free-time thing and I just have to remember it by myself. :P)
And anyway.
Also, in French, my French teacher (who's Spanish) was talking to this girl in my French class who lived in Spain for three years and got an A* in her Spanish GCSE (she speaks Spanish pretty well, basically. :P)
And this girl was saying there were just certain words she forgot when she went to Spain.
And Miss was saying, yes, when I am speaking in Spanish now I just get stuck because my brain will remember the English word, but not the Spanish one.
And me, casually eavesdropping over on the next table, was just like :O because THAT'S HOW IT IS WITH CHARACTERS.
And when I've been Hunter for a while, when I stop being him, I forget how to be me. And people will say things, and his thoughts on the matter and his response automatically rises in my head, but what I think . . . ? That just doesn't surface.
What even is ME, anyway?
Not being a specific identity like Hunter or Ez, I'm just kind of a collage made up of everything in here, so trying to pull what's me out of here . . .
It's like trying to find hay in a haystack, really. :P
And you think, of course you can find the hay, it's all the hay, everything around you is hay, but somehow the correct hay doesn't really appear to be here and you don't know how to find it because it all looks the same.
Yeah . . .
Anyway. LINKSSSSS. :)
I worked out how to put my linking in the folding-paper analogy today, as well. So if a piece of paper is a similar shape to another piece, they'll fold in kind of the same way, yes? So when I link, I fold two similar pieces of paper the same way, and they match and it works and I exclaim over it. :)
(Surely I should just be able to look at the shapes and see . . . ?
You'd think that, but then again, I worked out how daydreaming and dreaming could fold into the same shape yesterday and got all excited, when of COURSE they're similar, duh, you can tell that just by looking at the words. :P)
Sir was also saying how daydreaming was like dreaming, to an extent.
hwhrwa;nsaklndksandsakdnsaka so intertesing
And also, someone asked him why our electrical impulses didn't go mad like they do in dreams when we were awake, and he said because when we were dreaming, we were completely relaxed.
And when he said the daydreaming-is-like-dreaming-to-an-extent thing, he also mentioned imagination, and -
imagination is just electrical impulses too I guess
But, you see, the thing IS -
You know, like, layers of reality?
You know you get electrical impulses from recepting things you sense in this reality?
Maybe imagination and dreams . . . maybe we're recepting things in other realities and then they're being converted into electrical impulses.
Like people who dream the future - that's the same reality, it's just -
Electrical impulses. Receptors. :)
And you do have sixth senses, like my friend B or Dragona or my mum, and you can recept things about the future using these senses -
btw, I'm theorising like mad here, don't go writing this in biology tests. :P
And -
and -
and -
um . . .
Was that it?
I think that might have been it . . .
Anyway . . . wbd, I guess; it's Father's Day on Saturday and I have a card to make. :P
AND that probably isn't at all interesting to normal people who don't go home and analyse how people work every day. :P
Dammit, I missed Sir as well -_-
@Adra: Dammit. -_-
He might still be here . . . ?
Apologies that you missed him, Ms. Dark.
Oh gosh. :P
Sir! *Goes in to tacklehug* *Remembers he doesn't like that* *Holds out her hand in greeting* Hello!
*reads the entirety of what Star wrote*
*brain refuses to provide more words*
Greetings, Ms. Dark.
It is Sunday, Silente.
Star's confused.
*Looks at her empty hand*
*Sighs, and shakes her hand*
Hello :) how're you all?
Oh good. Thank the world! I have another day to panic and buy presents or something.
Greetings, Ms. Ophelia.
Hey Flora! How are you?
*pokes Sir*
Hello, Flora *Curtsies*
:D *Shakes rigorously* *Hugs, because she likes hugging and wouldn't be Adra if she didn't hug or cuddle*
*But only hugs because cuddling would be something that Sir mightn't like*
*runs in hugging everyone except Sir* Helloooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Greetings, Ms. Vermillion.
I'm good thanks, apart from being an emotional wreck because TFIOS D:
but ANYWAY, how's everyone? :)
*dodges Hecates hug*
*pokes her back instead*
Hey. How are you?
Hello, Hecate.
*Slithers to Sir*
*Offers him a box-shaped present that's wrapped in blue paper*
I was there that night as well, Flora. *nods sadly* I'm with you.
What is this, Ms. Dark?
It is a gift, Sir!
@Star: O_O O_O O_O Wow.
Woooooow. I might write things in response to that over some time but wooooooowwwwww.
:) :) :) :) :)
I see that, Ms. Dark. Why are you giving it to me?
Because I can!
And my kitty is ill so I have to give gifts to someone else now
Awww Silente is that the greeting I get? D:
Very well. My sympathies to your kitten.
*Methodically unwraps the wrapping paper*
Also -
My friend D can tell me about things that happened a few years ago and I won't remember them.
Like I won't remember the rules for card games that I've played tons of times, but not in the past few months.
However, my friend C was telling me today about this song she used to sing in assembly, and I was just like "Yeah, I know" because I remember pretty much everything that she told me in that conversation, even though it was like a year ago.
(She used to have a really awesome head teacher at her primary school, and he wrote this song for them to sing about a tree, and it was, like, dug up and put in a pot so it couldn't grow, and it was asking we why caged the things we loved, and -
And she was saying how she was crying in the assembly when her head teacher left, and how then they got a new head teacher, and she was horrible, and she gave them these crappy songs to sing and they wouldn't sing them, and she was like "Fine, if you don't want to sing - !" and so they never sang in assembly again.
I remember all this from last year, because I have selective attention and memory like that.
And I won't remember things that D remembers, events that happened like people snoring at sleepovers, but I'll remember C telling me stuff like this.
And, you know . . .
You know when Miss was saying about how she didn't remember Spanish and I was saying how it was like not remembering myself because English/Hunter, though secondary, was dominant?
I was thinking, so characters are like languages!
And I was thinking oooooooooh at this.
And they are, really. You work out how to speak Hunter, and then it becomes your dominant language and you forget how to speak your first one. :P
(Probably especially people like me, whose brains don't store information well and have to manually work out their left and right rather than knowing them instantly.)
And I was thinking, of course people are languages.
And I was linking this in my head to the Dr. Seuss quote - "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love" - and at the same time I was walking out of Welton, which is the languages block at our school, and there's a quote on the wall that says "If you speak to a man in a language he understands, it will go to his head. But if you speak to a man in his own language, it will go to his heart."
And I was thinking about how when people whose weirdness is compatible with ours speaks to us (which doesn't mean being in love. I've found a few people whose weirdness is compatible with mine and as far as I know, I'm not in love with them) -
When someone like my friend D speaks to me in a language I understand, I hear her words and process them and my brain can sort them out and reply.
But when someone like C, whose weirdness is compatible with mine, speaks to me in my language, the same language, because we speak the same language because our weirdness is compatible - it goes to my heart and I store it and treasure it and remember it. :)
That was a really linked many-aspected rant there. :O
But yeah . . . :)
*It is a shiny new thesaurus, signed by Peter Roget* *And tied with ribbon on top of that is a copy of the Awakening and A Tale of Two Cities, each signed by their respective authors*
*pokes Hecate again*
Yes. Yes it is. You know I don't hug. Don't get grouchy.
Pssssssssst! Wanna plaaaaaaaaaay?
*Blinks, attempting to comprehend the situation*
Thank you, Ms. Dark.
*smiles at Taia and Silente :)*
Thanks. :) :)
*hugs* :)
Hello, um . . . Chi, Taia, Adra, um . . . Flora, um . . . . . . .
Was that it?
*He is apparently very uncomfortable* *Bobs her head, flicks her tongue once, then slithers off the comment thread*
@Adra: it was soo goood. Worth the tears! Haha :) definitely going to see it again - I think I missed bits where I was crying too much :P
Hey Star! :) you alright?
Hey Rhydian. Hey Dragona. How are you both?
Hi Sil. I'm good, you? (Today the year 11's left and we had Ice Cream with our lunch :D best day in ages)
*Carefully opens a gateway, and drops the books into it for later use*
No Silente, I'm going out for dinner in a few minutes. I just came on to say hi.
I miss john *sits staring at the floor* my baby...
I'm alright. I'm fine.
I know you do Chi. You'll see him again at some point. It'll be fine. After all his parents can't keep his gadgets forever.
*is confused*
@Flora: Yup. :) Just been ranting insanely.
Hey Rhydian! :)
Gtg now :( BYE!!!!!!
@Chi: I think Silente mostly said it . . . *nods*
You'll see him again at some point, and his parents can't keep his gadgets forever. :)
Also, missing him . . .
That's just electrical impulses. Nothing to worry about. :)
Fours, Rhydian! :(
Has Zafira Kerias appeared yet?
@TheSorryAssassin: Nope. :P
*STILL wants the N7 Shadow*
*played Mass Effect 3 for an hour and then only got the Batarian Soldier and a Collector Assault Rifle - the assault rifle is quite good, but yeah*
Good bye Rhydian! Your time here was so very short! I'm sure we'll meet again when and if you return! Until then I bid you farewell and so long and bye and stuff!
What is the N7 shadow Dragona?
But don't worry, TheSorryAssassin. You wanting to see her? That's just electrical impulses. :)
*has a horrible feeling that my electrical impulses thing is going to get annoying pretty soon* *like how I annoy my friends because I keep going on about perfection and being perfect isn't being flawless and how everyone just traits and you can't have the good without the bad and stuff*
I always seem to miss that boy -.-
@Silente: It's a character you can unlock on Mass Effect. The Shadow is pretty cool. :)
And - -_-
Don't worry, Dragona. When you do get there, it'll feel all the better for the wait. :)
@Flora: Yup. :P
He wasn't on long . . .
Silente - it's a character on Mass Effect I've been wanting for AGES and yeah I decided it'd be fun to have as a character on here.
She has three powers. 1. Tactical cloak, so she can turn invisible.
2. Electric slash - where she charges her sword with electricity and then causes like an electric shockwave (similar to Keating's shockwaves but electric).
3. Shadow Strike - she turns invisible, then reappears behind her unknowing target and slashes them in the back.
@Dragona she sounds cool!
I've worked out that playing Silver difficulty is the most efficient use of my time. You get the highest credit:time radio.
Bronze difficulty takes like 15 minutes, and you get 17000 credits.
Silver lasts 20 minutes and you get 30,000 credits.
Gold lasts quite a lot longer (it tends to vary), and you get like 80,000 credits.
And the characters I have aren't very suitable for Platnium, so...
@Star: I don't know how to add to any of that, because it's all so full and fascinating and wowwww. :) :) :) :) :)
Sometimes I think that maybe rather than there being things that are fascinating and things which are not fascinating, maybe everything is fascinating, but you can't notice it all, because if you noticed the fascinating things in every particle in the air and every chair and every blade of grass and every speck of gravel on the roads, and every grain in cardboard and every dent in metal- you'd never have time to breathe.
And so maybe we can only notice the fascinatingness when things are turned in such a way that we can see them, and pick them up, and that way is individual, and so when your teacher says something like electrical impulses in your example, or like nucleosynthesis in stars in my experience, and you go :O :O :O asdfghitssofascinating, and while everybody else in your class doesn't see that... It's not that it's not really fascinating, but it's more that the way that it was presented to you fits with your brain in such a way that to you, that is completely fascinating.
And, then, maybe... Like, even though I didn't get taught about reflexes (my mind completely blanked there and I could not remember that word, so I had to go find my old biology work and look for it. xP) in the same way that you did, relating to fear and dreaming and all of those links, maybe if I HAD been shown it like that I still wouldn't have picked up on all of those links and fascinations, yeah?
But because you put that there in the way that you did, I CAN see those links and all of those amazing things, there.
And it's like... It wasn't fascinating because I didn't know it was fascinating.
But now that I do know, it is.
I don't know.
But I think that's cool, too.
Because, like, maybe everything is like that. And so if somebody was able to take, say, a chair, and show me how it's fascinating, either through giving me facts or through telling me straight what the amazing part is... I'd be fascinated by chairs. And I'm sure there IS something fascinating about chairs. And just because I don't know what it is, yet, so I can't see it, doesn't mean it's not amazing. Y'know?
And, yeah. :)
So with Silver, I average about 99,000 credits every hour. So that's a Premium Spectre Pack every hour. And Premium Spectre Packs have at least two rares or better (the Shadow is considered a rare) and it has higher chance for ultra-rares.
However then there's the Reserves Pack, which again costs 99,000 credits. It includes five random items with at least two rares or better, as well as a higher chance for characters. Which would be good, but you have a higher chance of getting the Shadow in a Premium Spectre Pack which has 5 random items or characters, with at least 2 rares or better and a higher chance for Ultra-Rares.
And all I seem to be getting is stupid Krogan classes which are really powerful... but they're not my classes. I don't like big, heavy, tanky classes. I prefer lighter, agile classes. Because I can actually play them.
SOrry, I totally vanished there. I only meant to write a couple of lines at Star there but I got a tad carried away figuring it out. xD
*waves to Adra and Star and Dragona And Rhydian(twice- for hello and goodbye :/) and Silente and The Sorry Assassin, and Sir and Chione, and hopes she didn't miss anybody :P* :) !!!
How are y'all? C:
I'm fine, Taia. You?
However, there is one good thing about getting characters I don't like. The more I GET the characters, the less characters are left for me to get. Therefore I'll start getting characters that I don't have. So there's more chance of getting the Shadow.
*and Flora :)
Sorry! I /thought/ I'd already included you. :P ^^
@Dragona: I'm good, thanks. :)
And- I hope you get the Shadow soon, then. It sounds like a lot of work to not get what you're looking for. :P ^^
*smiles happily*
You know, when people like things, I always want to know WHY they like things.
Like today, for example, my sister said she liked this girl in her form, and I asked why, because I wanted to know what qualities in people she admired and how her brain worked.
And my sister said she liked her because she was always nice to everyone. And she elaborated on that slightly, and I was just like awhhh, and I kind of felt a fondness for this girl in my siste'rs form even though previously when I'd met her I hadn't liked her, because we pick up on different things.
And DAMN, I went on a whole rant about this and I can't remember it . . . !
Give me a moment. I'll try and find it, and if I can't, I'll continue. :)
@Star: Wow, yeah! I like that, too. And that kind of links into the 'it's not what happens, it's how it makes you feel', I guess.
Like... Like how you talk about Slipknot and why you like them, and in my head I think I like Slipknot, and A7X and Disturbed, because I get these opinions and things that I hadn't picked up on before when I've crossed contact with them otherwise.
And I also find it weird how, like, I KNOW how those bands and that music are amazing, despite having hardly listened to them. And in some ways I think I probably know them better than I would otherwise, because even though I don't know all of the sounds, I know how they mean and feel and affect people? And maybe that's more (or at least equally) important?
I don't know where I'm going with that, but, like, yeah. :) ^^
(Whenever I write something cool, I should email it to myself.
*is searching back through comments in search of that thing I said now, and is emailing anything interesting I said that I come across*)
@Taia: Yes. :)
Stay there and I'll try and find my thingy so I can reply to you! :P
But - yes . . .
Like - I didn't like this girl when I met her on my own.
But if you have someone else explain why they like them, then you can see it, and you like it too. :)
Taia, it is a lot of work. I decided that my previous character on Mass Effect, the N7 Demolisher, was unreliable for Silver matches. Because I normally press, "quick match" then have the map as "any map" then the enemy as "any enemy" then the difficulty as "silver" and just search for games like that.
The Demolisher is a REALLY good class - can spawn infinite grenades and then her other two powers ARE grenades. So she can just spam grenades everywhere.
BUT she has low shields. Like 600, in comparison to the average 900. Which makes a difference. Especially against the Collectors.
The Demolisher simply CANNOT work against the Collectors - they don't use shields, they use barriers, so that reduces the effectiveness of her arc grenades. The Collectors tend to flank you and stuff which is something which she CANNOT deal with. She simply goes down all the time. Yes she can get a lot of kills - but that means nothing if you die every wave above wave nine.
Also: Praetorians. She CANNOT deal with Praetorians. She hasn't got enough shields to even remotely survive a direct blast from one - because the particle beams have such a high blast radius and completely ignore whether you're in cover or not.
So I switched to the Quarian Engineer, who is much better. Well specifically the Female Quarian Engineer, because I prefer her powers to the Male Quarian Engineer's.
The FQE has cryo blast, incinerate and sentry turret which I've made to have a flamethrower on. So she can freeze people, then I always give her something with a high rate of fire like a sub-machine gun which is also lightweight to strip away shields so she CAN freeze people and damage armour and stuff then she can set off tech explosions with fire and the flamethrower and stuff.
@Star: *laughs* xD Well, you DO write a lot of cool things. Your email would probably get quite full. :P
Like how on Tumblr, I'll start liking things that I think are cool, like I NEED THIS FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. But I have more recently realised that I have liked nearly 3300 posts on there, now, and there's no way of tag-searching through them, and I can't remember what MOST of them are. It means that I have a whole little goldmine of cool things, but it also means that it's not much use if I'm looking for something specific. :P
I need, like, complex databases to fill all of the cool things with. But since I have neither the computer skills nor the time, I don't think that's going to happen, ever. It'd be handy, though. :P
Yeah . . . :P
Mostly, I'm not getting cool things. I just tend to get things that I've ranted about on my self-analysis journey in case I ever need to look back on them. :P
Hey Amethyst! How are you?
Hey Amethyst! :)
@Dragona: Oh . . . :/ That's a drawback.
GRENADES, though. O_O
Hello Dragona! I'm good, thanks! What about you?
Hello Star!
I shouldn't have poofed. I poofed and now my brains pushing the line that it shouldn't even stand within a foot of. Yey.
Hey to any who appeared. How are you.
I'm fine, thank you.
Star, yes. It's a very big drawback. Especially when you're put in a game with a hopeless team. And you're on wave nine with no grenades left, barely any ammo, no rockets, no medigel, no ammo packs, nothing to save me... and three Scions (who can take you down in one volley of shots), a few Praetorians, several dozen Collector troopers and a Possessed Abomination who explodes and has a VERY high blast radius.
Needless to say, I ran away as far as I could then made a final stand - and ran out of ammo.
So I tried to make it to an ammo box, but got killed by a Praetorian just before I got to it.
Hello Silente!
Hey Amethyst how are you?
I'm fine. What about you?
I'm...alive. I'm fine.
(sorry for poofing. I was reading things and then went to see if my paper had dried so I could continue drawing (it hasn't. :P))
@Dragona: *nods* I guess it's hard to have a flawless character, at the end of the day? But it's good that you've got something that works better now. :)
I assume when you get the Shadow, it will be rather less of a problem, at least? ^^
Hey, Amethyst! :)
Welcome back, Siulentge! :)
@Star: I think that maybe be kind of the same thing. :P ^^
Hello Taia!
Found it.
Blogger Star Inkbright said...
(The first movie was awesome . . . :O)
(Why did you dislike it?)
(@Mushroom: It's okay, you don't have to finish it. :)
I liked the second book . . . but meh. :P)
(Also, as far as the writing style goes, I think it depends what you're looking for.
As with everything in life.
When people say they like things, I always want to know why. What draws them to it? Do they like 1D because they think they're fit or is it something deeper than that?
I always think why you like things is much more important than what you like. You could like anything, really. It's like when we play those linking games in lessons to revise. We have 16pieces of paper with key words on and we have to put them in a 4x4 grid so each piece of paper links with all the pieces of paper it touches. And the thing is, it doesn't matter where you put the pieces of paper. It's just your linking skills. "Osmosis relates to enzymes because enzymes are made of proteins, which are made in cells, and Osmosis happens in cells."
"A table links to email because emails are the electronic form of letters and paper forms of letters, which are also forms of letters, and generally written on tables."
You see?
Your brain can find any number of links in a thing - it can like it for many reasons, some obscure and only existing in that person's mind.
It's not what your brain choses to link to the 'things I like' folder in your head.
It's what the links are.
They're the opinions. They're what matters.
. . .
You can like Gone or not like Gone, it's fine, Mushroom. :))
June 5, 2014 at 4:44 PM
Blogger Star Inkbright said...
*16 pieces
*are generally
(Like my couple of sentences to Dragona at the top of my comment - I'm not interested in the fact he disliked it, I'm interested in why he did.)
. . .
(Yeah sorry. :P)
June 5, 2014 at 4:46 PM
Yeah, it wasn't even a good rant . . . XD
But my point is -
it's the links that are important, what people link to.
They can link to whatever they damn well like.
And two people will look at the same thing and get something entirely different out of it, because their brains make different links.
Taia - yes. Although the Shadow doesn't have very high shields, it doesn't have to have. The Demolisher SHOULD have higher shields because with grenades (arc grenades specifically) they're close-range. So you need shields to survive at close range. But it doesn't. It has really bad shields, even when I've upgraded them to the maximum they can go.
However the Shadow is so fast and agile and can turn invisible - so if you die, you're playing her wrong. Especially since electric slash can be fired through walls so you don't actually have to confront powerful enemies directly.
@Taia: Not really. :P
@Dragona: Yeah . . . :/
Well. Characters are like people, I guess. :)
@Star: OH. I remember reading that! I thought it was super-interesting at the time, and completely agreed in my mind! :)
It also made me think about my general fascination with how everything is linked together, and there are probably an infinite number different ways of justifying each link, because there are an infinite number of things that exist, y'know.
And, it's just cool.
Or, it's not JUST cool. It's more than cool. But cool is one of the things that it is.
And, yeah.
:) :) :)
*still scrolling* *is back to May*
You know what?
This is stupid.
I can't record everything I say.
You know, if as soon as you see something, you're imagining telling it to people, and you're planning out in your head what you would say -
you forget to enjoy the moment.
And I do that, you know.
And I shouldn't.
So if whenever I said anything, I would have to be constantly thinking about emailing it -
that would take the . . . the IT out of it.
*closes tabs*
- *then remembers the times when I want to repeat something I've said, like the other day about the TMI movie, and I just can't get the flare back* *pauses, conflicted :P*
@Taia: Thanks . . . :) :) :)
Yeah - links are cool . . . :)
There are an infinite number of links . . . and we'll all response in different ways and like DIVERSITY. :)
@Dragona: *nods* RIght. Well, I guess if your enemies are particularly weak aggressively, I presume that the Demolisher then is quite an efficient character to play as, at least? ^^
The Shadow sounds pretty great. :)
(Also, I've been seeing a lot of talk about video games in relation to discrimination and basically just sucky bad things, recently, because of E3, so I'm taking a mental note that in ME they make awesome characters of females, too. It's encouraging when I keep seeing things about that not being the case in so many games. I approve. :P / :))
@Star: ... :)
(because I don't really have words for that. It's just a progression understanding and feelings that ends with agreeing and approving, so ... :) *nods*)
@Star again: Yeah. C:
Uggghhhhhh I want my paper to be dry so I can carry on drawing. I'm sitting here with all these coloured pencils around me and I can't DO anything with them. D:
@Taia: *smiles* *hugs* *nods* *transmits a thingy saying how it's sometimes hard to translate thoughtspeak into words as it's done so much through tone and sensation and impression*
That's just ANNOYING. :/
Wbd - currently making a card. :P
*has a space left that's too small for a sentence but too big for a word arghhhhhh :P*
Taia - yes. Mass Effect has wonderful characters. Right the way through 1-3 the characters are really cool.
@Star: *hugs back* *nodses*
And- It is! :P
And- How about a couple of words? Oooor, idk, a picture? Can you include images in Word Art? idk. Um. Good luck?
@DRagona: *nods* It sounds like it. Good. C: ^^
The whole reason I do word art is to avoid images, really. XD
I managed a short sentence that is smaller than the rest of the letters and looks uneven. :)
(But that's okay. If you switch your perspective so it looks intentional it's fine. :P)
@Dragona: Yeah . . . that sounds really cool. :)
I don't get the whole thing about discrimination in E3. For god's sake, even Call of Duty has started making female soldiers and that's a TERRIBLE game.
Also: Dragon Age, Taia. It's from the creators of Mass Effect and that's got good characters too, but it's INSANE. I mean, really insane :P
Unlike Mass Effect where the morality system (like the difference between "good" actions and "bad" actions) is a little bit blurred - Dragon Age runs on an earlier system so you can LITERALLY be the cruellest person ever. :P
You know how you said that we couldn't be fascinated about all the things there were to be fascinated by, Taia?
No, but if we're bored, we can give it a go. We can sit there and just observe and find enjoyment in the simple things around us. :)
Like someone - Emerald Phoenix? - said.
(It was possibly her?)
And in a bus journey you have the beauty of the rain and the trees outside, and it's so perfect and so wonderful, and there's all these things you can look at and take enjoyment in, but you look around and there's all these people sitting there bored on their phones and they're not noticing any of it, and it's sad, you know . . .
@Dragona: That sounds really fun, actually. XD
Star - it is. The gameplay is a little bit off but they did fix it with the second game onwards. I do believe that another Dragon Age is coming out called Inquisition so...
You know, me and my brother are quite similar people, which makes sense, because our genes came from the same people.
But he likes football and I don't, so in a table, he would be in one column and I would be in the other, and we would be opposites.
. . .
Idk. :P
@Dragona: Cool. :)
And - yeah, I guess there have to be some errors. :P
Yeah. There was a gameplay issue with Mass Effect 1 but that was only minor - you couldn't use sniper rifles. Because the aiming went everywhere :P
But you could just be an engineer or an adept and they don't have the training for sniper rifles so...
@Star: :P
And, good. :)
@Dragona: *nods* I can only say what I've heard - I don't know enough about it to comment, really. ^^
And, *laughs* that sounds, yeah, insane. :P
@Star: *nods and smiles* Yeah. :) Yeah. :)
That makes me think of a lot of different things, but I only remember most of them vaguely.
But... there's a Daniel Johnston song I've posted lyrics from here in the past, and it's in my head from earlier today, and there are a couple of relevant verses...
The artist walks alone
Someone says behind his back,
"He's got his gall to call himself that!
He doesn't even know where he's at!"
The artist walks among the flowers
Appreciating the sun
He does this all his waking hours
But is it really so wrong?
They sit in front of their TV
Saying, "Hey, this is fun!"
And they laugh at the artist
Saying, "He doesn't know how to have fun."
The best things in life are truly free
Singing birds and laughing bees
"You've got me wrong", says he,
"The sun don't shine in your TV"
@Taia: . . .
That's so awesome. O_O
I hope I get the Shadow soon...
In some respects, I do like the Mass Effect multiplayer pack system because it balances it out, but other times when I really want something it annoys me :P In a good way, though.
I do wish there was something which would let you put a marker on a weapon or character which could be classified as uncommon or something so there was a higher chance of getting that character in a certain pack.
@Star: In a sense of how, you can have two people who are like, the same, but also completely different, kind of? Like... If you looked at a table and with a column for 'football fans' and a column for 'not football fans'; or a table with 'metal music listeners' and 'pop music listeners' and 'alternative music listeners' - and there's a kind of separation between them, like the line between the columns divides them, and it's like, the metal music people are all similar to each other, and the pop music people are all similar, and the alternative music people are all different because alternative fits pretty much everything and isn't even a genre (:P) - but actually, it might be that if you actually looked at all of those people, all the pop people might be totally different, but would relate really well with some of the metal or alt people?
And your brain automatically kind of separates them as opposites, even though they might actually only be opposite in that one aspect?
And-- :):):)
@Taia: . . . Yes. :)
That's what I should have got from saying that. :P
I suppose it links into how you can't judge people on one thing and how you should get to know people before judging them . . .
*would really like to lecture Katie Hopkins about this :P*
@Star: :P
ANd- Yeah. :)
And, okay? :P ^^
wbd. REading a dumb webcomic. :P
Alternative ISN'T even a genre!
It basically means that they can't decide what genre they should put them in. :P
Windows Media Player says Avenged Sevenfold are alternative . . .
And - yeah . . .
Often metal people/pop people will be commonly like something. Like the different between males and females.
But, to use a science-y graph-y term, there isn't a real difference between males and females (like, there's a real difference if the lowest person on one is still higher than the highest person on the other), and therefore there is overlap, and therefore you cannot assume that females will be more *insert adjective here* than males, or vice versa.
Similarly, you can't do that with metal/pop fans, although that's less important. :P
Also -
like I was saying, links and reasons.
It depends on the REASON people like pop/metal music.
"It doesn't matter what you like, it's why you like it."
- Star Inkbright.
And there's people who like pop who I would probably think don't like music properly, and there's people who like metal who I would think probably don't like music properly (although what is 'properly'? They can like music however they want to like it. I keep telling myself this, but myself is still stubbornly refusing to completely comply with my pointings-out), and -
You could divide your groups of pop and metal fans in multiple different ways, and now I really want to do that, to find out interesting things, like which group has a higher percentage of people in the doesn't-like-music-properly-according-to-Star's-flawed-thingy-that-should-cease-to-exist, and -
yeah. :P
The only music I listen to is theme music from different things and some 80s music... I dislike almost all other types. But I do like kind of rock-type stuff. I have a CD full of rock music. :D
@Dragona: But they'll be some songs from types you don't like that you like. :)
Like, I don't really like pop music, but I like some. Like Little Mix. :)
And - what type of rock?
(Because rock varies from the pop-like stuff all the way up to the metal-like stuff - it's quite a wide genre. :))
(You know, since I've been into metal music I've had a greater appreciation for softer music, which is irony that never fails to amuse me even though it makes sense. :P)
Star: Queen, AC/DC, Starship, Bon Jovi, Foreigner... stuff like that.
*agrees quietly? :P*
ANd- *seconds Star's 'what kind of rock?' question*
And- @Star: *laughs* :P
@Dragona: *nods*
You don't have to answer this, but what do you like about the music you like?
*forgets what I'm agreeing to, because the noise is so damn loud but everything else is just dust and sound
I find the concept of genres stupid. Every song in itself is a new genre. No songs are exactly the same and therefore shouldn't be classed as the same. I mean, that's like saying me and Star are the same because there are a few similarities between us. But there are also differences between us which means were not the same.
Star: 1. Lyrics you can understand. 2. I think they have a good meaning. 3. They're usually very catchy. 4. They have good... sounds? Like the musical instruments they use and the way they use them. 4. They're just... good songs? Idk. They're not too scream-y or too quiet. They're just right. A happy medium.
*apparently seconds Star's question too late, since it already got answered, damnit. :P*
@Dragona: *nods* :)
I'll admit, I still haven't listened to most of those. But I've been going on weird Queen highs at irregular intervals over the past six months. :P
OH and Meatloaf. Or at least, some of Meatloaf. Specifically Bat Out Of Hell but a few others, too.
Well, I loved you anyway, of course. :)
Yes - I said something about that once!
. . .
I said that trying to put people into categories was like trying to put artists into genres. Each artist is slightly different, so it never really works. You're just collecting like terms.
(Why the hell did that phrase pop up . . . ?)
And you could put one band in metal because they like football, and another in pop because they don't, but even though they're different, they could actually be similar.
(Sorry - that was very metaphorical. :/)
@Dragona: Okay, that's cool. :)
*logs in brain*
I haven't heard of Meatloaf . . .
And I haven't listened to the others enough to have an opinion. :)
Like- Like like like- You can take the 'Rock' genre and you can find Queen or you can find Motion City Soundtrack.
You can take the 'alternative' label, and find Farewell Continental, or Coldplay, or A7X. But those bands aren't the same. Often they're not even REMOTELY similar on many grounds (especially in 'alternative' but I'm not ranting about that. :P)
And also, music can appear in so many different genres, because taste is entirely subjective?
Like, MCS have been called Pop-punk and Punk-Rock and independent and alternative and alt rock and country and rock and power pop and emo and it's like... Punk vs Country? You don't expect those to be together, kind of?
And so somebody might completely ignore them because they don't like pop-punk music, but it could be called a whole number of genres.
And music should be judged on its own merit, not by what genre it fits into?
And yes.
But, genres I guess are helpful for generic kind of navigation and finding your way around, maybe? idk.
Star + Silente: I see your point. But in essence, we're 98.8% the same as a Chimpanzee and we share 50% of DNA with a banana. There has to be differentiation between the different styles, even if they don't TECHNICALLY exist.
You have to draw lines. Otherwise there would be no difference between half of Star and a banana. You have to poke at the differences, "Ok, Star isn't yellow and you can't peel her skin off. Nor does she grow on trees".
Otherwise music would be chaotic. There needs to be order, even if it's a little bit wrong.
I also find it confusing that people can only like one genre of music. With me it depends on my mood, my day, the weather, what track my minds on. I like Chasing cars, I also like 22. I like the light behind your eyes, I also like bat outta hell. I like Let It Go and Cruela De vil. I like teenagers and the only exception. I like Wide Awake and I also like a butt load of other songs. I don't just like one genre but many. I struggle to understand why you would limit yourself to one genre.
*casually ignores Star saying she loves me because that's yeah people don't say that to me ever as in at all and it being said is weird to me*
@Dragona I feel I should point out you could peel Star's skin off. If yoy were so inclined to do so.
Silente: Well yes, you could. But you see my point. :P
@Dragona but half the time there's like no difference! Maybe you can put a song into a genre, possibly an album at a stretch. But a band in general, it just doesn't fit. They can make so many songs and they're all gonna be different. You can't define an entire band as a genre. It's ludicrous.
Silente: No. But if bands continuously make albums which could be classified as the same genre, then they'd be called that genre?
@Dragona: I suppose I agree. I just don't think people should act like the boundaries between them are thick black uncrossable lines. :)
Does this make me half-cannibal? :P
@Silente: Yeah, I know - I used to find it really weird when people said they loved me. :P
Now I'm used to it more, but I still can't say it irl because I don't say it there, so it would just sound odd, so sometimes I tell my real life friends that if we were online I'd tell them I loved them but as it is it's just weird. :P
And - well, you can probably survive purely on Avenged Sevenfold, to be perfectly honest, because they range from Critical Acclaim to So Far Away, so :D.
(*just advertising there :P*)
And I think people limit themselves to genres because they tend to prefer music from that genre so they stay there coz they know they're gonna like it.
(My eloquency is deteriorating. I think this is because I'm talking about music and having the hints of Critical Acclaim dance around in the back of my head and remembering the video of them making Critical Acclaim and the whole tone of the whole thing and I think it's minorly influencing my conscious level of thought, like for example when I watched an hour of A7X making their s/t album and then when I came here and commented I was swearing loads and I was like WOAHHHHHH WHAT IS THIS SHIT. :P
(See? Thinking about swearing. More inclined to swear.)
. . . Sorry! D:)
Likeeeeeeeee . . . I rarely think "You know, I would like to listen to some soft music now."
I mean, if soft music comes on than I might like it depending on what it is, but I don't really go off wanting to listen to it.
I've only really wanted to listen to soft music a few times in my life and when it happens the experience is rather disconcerting and disturbing. :P
@Dragona: *nods* Yeah, I get that.
Like-- damn- I was just working on a metaphor and now I forgot it. :P
@Tempest: Agreed, again.
I will listen to Farewell Continental or Motion CIty or The Jesus and Mary Chain, or They Might Be Giants, or Pavement - all of whom get put into the alternative-y place, I think, but I also listen to Queen, and TOm Waits (why trying to confine to one genre would be like trying to stuff every piece of clothing in your household into the washing machine in one go) and Owl City and Disturbed songs and A7X songs, and I love The Joy Formidable and Jenny Owen YOungs, and I listen to the Pogues, and the Beatles, and The Company we Keep, and Daniel Johnston- and they are all different and when people ask me what kind of music I listen to, I can't give an answer.
Because I feel like I'm just limiting myself, then. Like, if I say 'rock', then I'm prejudicing myself away from the others, and then I wouldn't see the great music in other genres, because I'd be facing away from it.
Same goes for anything, really, books, people, television, films. Whatever.
I like to keep open, so I don't make favourites so much?
@Tempest: XD
Blogger Silente Tempest said...
@Dragona I feel I should point out you could peel Star's skin off. If yoy were so inclined to do so.
June 13, 2014 at 9:22 PM
Blogger Dragona Pine - N7 Shadow said...
Silente: Well yes, you could. But you see my point. :P
June 13, 2014 at 9:22 PM
And - yeah. People define the bands based on what they generally make.
And some bands do just make repetitive songs that mostly sound the same, so provided you could classify one they'd be easy to classify. :)
Dragona: maybe but even then thats like summing someone up by what they're like most of the time with most people. Like calling someone who doesn't really talk to people they don't know quiet and normal when with friends they might be the noisest person ever. Or saying that a book is only as good as most of its first chapters whereas some books are a little slow to start with but still great reads. Or that a cat is a stubborn, hateful and spiteful animal. It's stereotypical. And allows forstereotypes yto form which leads to bullying and abuse.
Star: Well the only WAY you could is... with a potato peeler, or something. Which will probably be up Silente's street more than mine :P
@Silente: Of course. -_-
@Dragona: *laughs* XD
Or a Star peeler. :)
Also, genres create a sense of belonging, which is partially why people like them.
Star: I don't think it's possible to peel a bubble, though :P
@Dragona you could also use a knife in general, anything sharp really and it doesn't have to be a potato peeler. Also making three slits in the correct place in the skin would allow you to peel the skin away. You could probably even use scissors. It really isn't that hard.
@Dragona: You could peel the top layer of my bubble mixture off . . . ? Idk.
. . .
Why am I friend with you people. :P
@Silente: *nods* Not all stereotyping will lead to abuse, since I think abusive people could probably manage without -- they'd just have to try harder. -.-
@Dragona: But is it possible that because the band have been called that genre previously, that prior knowledge has influenced how the newer music has been genrefied?
Like, how we get tricked by optical illusions because our brains interpret the image in a way that conforms to how it usually sees the world, using past knowledge and expectations and following depth cues and things.
* So, like...
Like with Motion City Soundtrack, their first musical releases were quite shouty and aggressive and 'emo'-y.
And their last album was not like that at all.
But they still get the 'emo'-y genres packed onto them? ^^
I'm slowly coming to realise i know too many ways to kill or mame or injure or generally hurt people. Last week I realised that I knew more about pressure points than I had let myself think..
@Star: xD
I know.
One of my friends and I talk about things like that sometimes. Like how we've probably seen enough crime-scene-investigation-detective-thriller-murder-serial-killer TV shows that we could probably kill somebody and hide the evidence expertly, so we'd not get caught.
(Not that we WOULD, but it's kind of weird/scary, because, like, some people would?)
That last part was @Silente.
... In fact, I think it was all @Silente.
@Taia: *nods*
I mean, likeeeeeeee . . .
Like I said, it's like people. People start seeing a person a certain way, and then they stop looking, so they don't realise then a person isn't that way anymore.
I read a YouTube comment once (the things my brain remembers, I swear) and this person was commenting on an A7X video, and they were saying that they'd come across A7X a few years ago and kind of classed them as 'meh', but the other day they were in a shop and they saw their then-newest album, Nightmare, and they kind of bought it because they thought they might as well, and then they listened to it and then they were like :O and they've been a fan ever since.
And I suppose you have to keep trying out the same bands to see if they get better/worse.
But of course it costs money to do that and I'm quite happy in my corner over here without branching out (which doesn't mean I won't), and it doesn't make much difference if you DON'T bother to keep trying things and there's no guarantee that a band will get better and you might just be wasting your time (like my best friend in primary school. She didn't like sausage rolls, but she got a sausage roll from the school canteen every week, tried it, found she didn't liked it, and asked the dinner lady if she could leave it, and the reason she kept on getting it was because she might like it later because tastebuds can change.
And this links into how you should never give up and never stop trying, but C's dad apparently used to try and fly, and he would run up the slide and jump off the top in an attempt to fly. And he did this for about three years, and as he got older he could jump higher so he went further, so he thought he was slowly getting closer to flying and if he did it long enough he would eventually be able to fly, but he obviously couldn't.
And C uses this as proof that actually, you CAN'T do everything you put your mind to.
I say that of course her dad can fly, he can go on an aeroplane, and that unspecific goals, like 'fly', are attainable, but 'fly in this specific way' is too narrow and therefore much harder to attain.
HOWEVER, you should always carry on giving people other chances, because that costs nothing except, you know, niceness, and being nice to people will actually benefit you in life, and if you don't buy A7X's album, I'm sure they'll live, but if you don't keep giving someone chances, they could never get out of their hole and they could be going home crying every night and have no friends and - :(
* :P
(Also- My paper has dried flat, but now I'm too tired to draw again, and I'm kind of just sitting here wondering why I didn't just stretch it flat YESTERDAY when I was too tired to work on it, and then it wouldn't have been a problem, and why I have so little common sense, and why am I even real. :P)
Night, Dragona! *waves*
I hope your dog doesn't keep you up barking tonight! :) ^^
It's a weird thought. I mean, logically speaking (i hate logical speaking it has a tendancy to make me sound snobby or murderous or both) killing would be easy. Like super easy. Humans are very fragile beings. Covering up is the harder part but then again work hard enough and it can be done successfully.
I'm not a normal person. I find girls/women/females (of which I am one) fascinating. Like really fascinating. The way they're so sneaky and sly and tension that's communicated in a look...its fascinating.
You people are really, really weird.
I love you all. XD
Night Dragona!
Fours, Dragona! :(
@Taia: How do you know you're real?
And - most people wouldn't have thought to do that. :)
@Silente: Of course you're not normal. Normal would be boring. :)
Has anyone else ever wanted to kill someone just to know what it would feel like to be a murderer?
Star you forget. Your one of us. One of us. One of us. One of us. One of us. One of us. One of us. One of us. One of us. One of us. One of us. One of us. One of us. One of us. One of us.
@Silente: Yeah, I'm one of you. :) *hugs*
*Swoops in and saves Star*
*slips in subtly* *looks around nonchalantly*
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