Thursday, June 12, 2014

Prisoner 270914


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Star Inkbright said...

Star: WOAH
*doesn't trust Adra*
*she's too licky*

Hey Niamhy? :)

Niamhy Jay said...

Hey Star!!

(btw this is NJ Maverick :P)

Mary Contrary said...

*hugs Star*
I agree with that, totally.
You can't expect things to change for the better unless you give them the chance to do so?

Also, like, when people get all hate-y on boy bands like 1D, and general pop groups like other bands (?)-
Wait, no, I have a better example, sorry. :P
It's like when people say 'Oh, I hate Harry Potter.' And when somebody asks them why, they're like, 'Oh, I dunno, I never read the books or saw the movies, but everybody likes it and it's just like UGH.'
And you're kind of just there like, how is that a valid reason not to like a thing? If they DID watch one of the films or read one of the books, they might find that actually they really like it, but because they have that thing in their head where they put themselves against it, they won't ever like it. And they won't ever TRY to like it.
And people hate on 1D because they're a popular boy band. And, uh? If they listened and let themselves out of that prejudice, they might really like one of the songs. But because they don't give it the chance to be good to them, it never is. And instead 1D just remains an unhappy ball of aggressiveness to them. :(

Star Inkbright said...

((You see, because I'm thinking about A7X, a lot of my ever-present analogies are related to them.
But of course, the more I make analogies about them, the more I think about them . . .
Hmm. :)))

Noelle said...



Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

I dedicate this page weird people. There are so many different types of weird but all of them are awesome. In a way everyone is weird. I mean, to normal people we're weird but to us normal people are weird. Girl world is weird to me. Make up is weird and pointless to me. Whereas to others I'm weird because I wont wear make up. Being weird is fun. It's like having a bubble of protection around you. A soft one. And when you meet other weirdos that's even better, because you've found your pack. You're tribe. After all humans haven't been designed as solitary animals. So really finding a pack, finding somewhere we belong is human nature. So finding more weirdos is great. It's relaxing. It's natural. I have no idea what I'm talking about now but that's fine because i know what my original point was and hopefully i've got that across. Has anyone seen my hat?

Mary Contrary said...

@Star: Of COurse. xD
YOu too. :3

@Star: I stopped before I got to 'how do I know I AM real' because I realised it'd drag on after that. :P


Anonymous said...

Ay Mr. Derek your cryptic messages are slowly driving me insane.

Niamhy Jay said...

TAIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *glomps* HOW ARE YOU MY DEAR?!

Niamhy Jay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

And yes Star I have kinda wanted to kill someone before, partially to see how easy it would be and to see what it would feel like to watch the light fade from someone's eyes. Also because I want to know if i'd be able to do it, cover it up, and not get caught or admit to it. But I haven't because I'd rather not risk it.

Mary Contrary said...

@Silente: (I'm okay with logical speaking. Spock speaks logically and Spock is good, so... :P )
And- I feel you. :P

@Star: Um. I've imagined it, but not wanted to? I decided that for me I'd probably go into total eternal internal collapse, and just BREAK. I don't think I could kill somebody. Curiosity is not worth it in that case. :P

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Hello person with which I have never met before. Silente Tempest, Proud Sigilist and Rogue Vampire. It's a pleasure to meat you.

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...


Am I the only one who gets really excited when I'm reading through comments and see that Star and Taia are on at the same time? Because it generally results in wonderful philosophical debates and I just sit here reading them happily :3

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Hey Messy! No I enjoy it too. Them two together always results in awesome conversations.

Mary Contrary said...

*huggles Adra*
*nobody is too licky for ME. ;P*

@Silente: Awesome dedication. I'd hug you, but, yeah. :) :) :)
And, yes. Your hat is on the rhinoceros over there. *points in the eastward direction* He thought it would suit him better. It's a very nice hat. :P

Star Inkbright said...


Hi!!! :)

@Taia: Oh, but you see, I'm one of those people who don't like things because everyone else likes them. I just try not to be and dejustify myself and - yeah.
Like how in primary I didn't like playing Mums and Dads because everyone else always loved it, but when I did play it I kind of enjoyed it.
(Not that I was very good at it. Even then, I was crap at acting. :))

So I guess I can understand people liking Harry Potter because it's popular.
And even if they do dislike it, they're not going to damage it in any way. Like Derek says he doesn't have a problem insulting Twilight because it's become so popular he can't damage its fame now.

And, for the record, people hate on 1D for other reasons, reasons I fully understand.
(But, of course, in some ways, 1D is fabulous. :))

And I suppose . . . I suppose I'm so used to be the one who always sits on the wall, and the one who's always objective and tries to look on both sides of arguments, that I automatically assume that everyone else will hate more than me and forgive more than me and be more narrow-minded than me and won't look at situations as well as me, which sounds horrible egotistical, but of course I believe being neutral and forgiving like I am is the best way to be - that's why I be it. And if I didn't, I wouldn't be it, and then I would think that I was more something else than everyone else and would automatically assume that everyone was less like me than I was. Which makes sense, but of course I use positive adjectives when describing neutrality and forgiveness because I view them in such a positive light.
Um . . .
So I automatically give people leeway on these things.
Which is also due to the fact I'm nice.
('Nice', to me, being neither positive or negative, but both. Actually, I tend to view it as mostly negative. :P)

(You know, I think nice people would colour in patterns differently to people who judge pretty harshly - like, I give people generous leeways, so that mindset would come out when deciding where lines should be, and I might end up making my patterns too thick, whereas harsh-judgement people who only give people a small chance to get things correct would probably go for thin over thick.
When I find a more specific comparison than the rather broad 'patterns', I'll tell you. :))

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

The Rhino can't just take my hat!
*realises it can and did*
*runs off and comes back wearing a black and white striped fedora with a skull and cross bones on either side*

Mary Contrary said...

NJ! I KNOW! It's been an AGE! 'T'is lovely to see you. :3
I'm grand, thanks! C:
How are you doing? :)

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

*stares at NJ*
*pokes her*
Hi! :)

Niamhy Jay said...

HEY STAR!! *hugs* HOW'RE YOU?!?!

I AM GOOD, my exams are over, so I've been catching up on sleep :P

Niamhy Jay said...

HEY KESTREL!! *hugs* HOW'RE YOU?!?! :D

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

I feel awkward. I'm the only person NJ doesn't know. I might leave so you oldies can remenise..

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

*hugs back*


Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

*pulls Storm into conversation* Nope. Don't feel awkward. NJ's cool.

And you kind of know her. I mean, she was in LSODM.

Niamhy Jay said...

omg, Silente I'm sorry! I'm not meaning to leave you out!
HI I'm NJ I haven't been on here in a while, It's nice to meet you *extends hand*

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

Right, I need five really negative things that can happen during winter(i.e., blizzards)

Star Inkbright said...

@Kes: Thanks . . . !!! :) :) :)

Yeah. :P This happens with me and C as well. XD

@Silente: *points to ded*
You see, there?
THAT'S what I was talking about.
And whenever I meet teenage girls I'm going to have to stay with - like when I went to Wales and we stayed with our cousins and there was a teenage girl, or when I went to my mum's friend's house in Milton Keynes and we stayed a night, or when I went down to Ipswich to see my primary friends for the first time in years - I always look to see if they're wearing makeup and judge them on that, and I kind of think "what if they judge me negatively because I don't wear it?" and if they're wearing it, I'm kind of like "OH DEAR D:", and if they're not, I'm kind of like "YUS."
(My cousin was, my mum's friend's daughter was, my Ipswich friend I spent the night with first wasn't, and neither was my other Ipswich friend, but my other other one was.)
And people use things, like makeup, to judge people and categorise people.
And in your ded, you're dividing people up into 'weird' and 'normal'. And you're proud to be weird, you're proud to be one of us, and as such you comply by our traditions (like not wearing makeup :P) and are influenced by weird society and try and be more like us.
(I hate being influenced by society, but I let myself be influenced by you guys. Just a side note.)
And you see, that's exactly how it is with music genres. People want to be metalheads because they want to be branded into that society and they like feeling like they're this little group that's better than everyone else so they watch out for each other and judge people based on if they are a metalhead or not.
(Speaking generally here.)
And it's the same with other genres of music.
It's a sense of belonging, like the one you created in your ded.

(Btw - I love to think that I'm a weird person. Everyone here is a weirdo, and I love them. :))

(Also - all of my real life friends wear makeup :P)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*whispers to Messy* Don't pull me into conversations. I just make then awkward most of the time. Shhhhhh! I'm just going to.
*backs away slooooooooowly*

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

*tackles Storm and pulls her back in*

Star Inkbright said...

@Silente: I don't really know NJ well - she was mostly before my time, and she probably knows me as the annoying idiot I used to be anyway. XD

(I was such an idiot when I was new. Lol. It's embarrassing. :P)

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

Star, you have no idea how embarrassing a first comment can be until you see mine, I swear. :/

Mary Contrary said...

@Star: *was always crap at mums and dads, too*
*somehow I always ended up with my character being strapped to a table with somebody sawing me in half??? xD*

I know, but there's a difference between disliking or avoiding, and hating and deprecating. People who DISLIKE 1D, that's fair enough, opinions, right?
But if you negate people who do enjoy them, and it's just a hateful mess of :(, that's different?
Because individuality is important, and people need to be different by nature, probably, so if people do not get into doing something that is popular, fair enough. I don't know if that makes sense. I'll think on it.
Um. I'm not sure what the original point was.
Thirty two.
Thirty-two's a good number. It doesn't help, but it's a good number. :P
*... stops talking, now. :P*

Star Inkbright said...

@Silente: Lol. I either totally dominate conversations, or just go off on a tangent and don't join in, or kind of start rambling off, realise no one's listening to me, and just kind of stand there like yeah . . . dunno what you're talking about . . .
I think most people want me to shut up irl - online, it's easier, because you can all be having a conversation whilst I ramble, but irl overlapping is harder. :P

Niamhy Jay said...

Star you were not annoying! omg you were awesome!

@Silente: I'm awkward! It's one of my many traits! lol :P

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*squeals and laughs involuntarily at the tickling*
*moves as a blur and runs off*
*walks back calmly*
*doffs her hat*
Hello NJ. Its nice to meet you.
*rubs away to avoid awkwardness*

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

Taia, about the 1D, I totally agree. Because the people who hate them and everything about them and everyone who likes them, they're missing out on so many people they could be friends with. And, like, Mara is one of my best friends, and if I had just blown her off because she like 1D then I would have missed out on so much(like a mortal fear of chairs XD). And there are some people who are still alive because of them, and how can you totally hate something that has affected some people so positively?

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...


Mary Contrary said...

HEy, if we're gonna start talking about how dumb we all were when we were new, I will (shamefully) admit that one of my very first comments used the name 'Taia. Dont dis wot i say'. xD

Star Inkbright said...

@Kes: Yeah, but I kept up my sustained idiocy for an extended period of time. :)

@Taia: Your games of mums and dads sound cooler than ours. :O
In ours, everyone just always used to want to be the babies, so you would have about four babies, but then no one really wanted to be the mum or the dad, and I think it was mostly arguing over who got to be the baby. I just kind of grumpily walked off to a corner to pace in circles and think about how I hated mums and dads. :P

And - yeah. I agree. :/
I think if you dislike something, you can say you dislike it, and you can say why, but you have to admit that other people like it and have valid reasons for doing so and respect that.
(Well. You don't HAVE to. You don't HAVE to do anything. But it's nicer. :))

Forty-two. Forty-two is the meaning of life. :)

Star Inkbright said...

@Taia: OH GOSH. XD

Niamhy Jay said...

When I first arrived it was 2011, omg it's been over 3 years since I first came on here... Time flies

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

Storm, I think rubbing off the awkwardness is better :P

Star and Taia, I always used to refuse to play Mums and Dads(we call it House) because I would always want to become some cool hero and go off on an epic adventure and my friends would want to just go to school or whatever and I'd be bored :3

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Anyway I am now leaving to read, self analyse, get confused, continues trying to self analyse then eventually fall unconscious with way too many questions flying around my head. See y'all real soon!

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

NJ, wow O.O
I'm just now approaching my second Blogversary...

Taia, while I will admit that my name was not NEARLY that bad(just Kestrel Starr), I basically said something like, "Hey, guys! I'm new, will someone please talk to me? *puppy dog eyes*"

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

Bye Storm!

And Taia, I keep laughing at "don't dis wut i say" getting distracted, and then remembering and laughing again

Star Inkbright said...

@NJ: I've been here less than two years. :P Meh.

@Kes: Lol. :) You were cool, apparently . . . :)
I didn't do much of that at school, as far as I remember. Me and my sister used to be princesses/fairies and go around our house running from the monster or whatever, though. :)
(although we also played a game where I was the mum and she was the kid and she went to school with my bookbag . . . ?)
(We had princess and fairy costumes. :P)
(I used to love fairies!!! :) I was well into fairies. I used to adore fairies and like unicorns and be into pretty things and now I'm just like yeah . . . what happened. :P)

(Me and my best friend from Ipswich, though - we met this year, and OHMYGOSH we're so similar we were just on the same wavelength and we just kind of could talk to each other really easily.
I was good at making friends when I was little, apparently . . .)

Niamhy Jay said...

I can't even remember what I first wrote, I don't think I want to.

I do remember me and one other girl filled an entire page on here in about 3 hours once though :P

Star Inkbright said...

Fours, Silente . . . :(
Remember you're awesome. :)

I can't remember specific details of my newness, but I was an idiot, trust me. :)

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

Star, we didn't play it AT school, we pretended we were going to school. Which I never really got the point of, seeing as none of us liked school, but meh.

Star Inkbright said...

I said "I like symbols too", I think.

(See, even when I was an idiot I was neutral and trying to go along with the flow and please people.
And fit in, which I don't do so much irl (in lessons, I tend to talk to myself/explode from anger/cry/freak people out with my weirdness/argue with people/stuff. XD)

Dragona Pine said...

Stupid dog. *sigh*

I'm also hungry. I had no tea.

Niamhy Jay said...

Bye Silente! *waves*

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

Bye Storm! *doesn't remember if I said it already or not*

NJ, only one other person? How?!?!

Star Inkbright said...

@Kes: . . . ?

I didn't see my friends out of school, really . . .
Still don't. XD

Star Inkbright said...

@Dragona: Um.
Maybe you should eat something . . . ?

Dragona Pine said...

I've been here like 5 years. :S

Star Inkbright said...

One Eve's computer wasn't working and she was boredly clicking the publish button and then it published over 200 times and it like filled up the whole page with the same comment and WOAH. O_O

Mary Contrary said...

@Kes: *nods*
"if I had just blown her off because she like 1D then I would have missed out on so much" YEs. THAT is exactly what I wanted to say. *stores in brain* :) :) :)
And- I agree on the positive influence. I don't listen to 1D's music, but I don't hate them, either. So many people are helped and affected positively by them, they do good in the world. I respect that, and I'm glad of it. :)

@Star: xD
Tbh, I don't remember very much at all of anything before Year 9. The only part of mums and dads I recall is trying dramatically to escape my confines before I got cut to pieces by spinning blades of death. :P I do recall both wanting to play and not being allowed because they already had like 6 kids, 3 dogs, 2 mums, a dad, and a kitten. There wasn't space.
I also remember not wanted to play when there were NOT other options.
I must've been such a difficult kid, sometimes. :P

And- on respecting valid reasons for liking, aye. *nods* :)

And, *nods* That is so. :)
But I'm talking about THIRTY-two.
I think 32 should involve the meaning of rhinoceroses wearing COOL HATS like Silente's. Just as a suggestion. :P

Dragona Pine said...

Star, I don't want anything. Even though I'm hungry. And I'm in bed and cant be bothered getting up again because then I WILL get no sleep.

Star Inkbright said...

@Dragona: Yeah . . . O_O You're really old.

Star Inkbright said...


@Dragona: Okay . . . :/
Well, good luck with getting to sleep . . . ?

Dragona Pine said...

Star: Wow. Thank you very much. :P *now FEELS old* First you make me want biscuits I can't have and now you make me feel like I should be retiring! :P

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

Hi Dragona!

Star, I remember that! O.O

Dragona Pine said...

Star: Wow. Thank you very much. :P *now FEELS old* First you make me want biscuits I can't have and now you make me feel like I should be retiring! :P

Star Inkbright said...

@Dragona: SORRY! D:

I'm used to stating "You're mean", or "You're really tall", or "You're really organised", or "You're really normal" - the society I associated with has made me accustomed to making potentially-offense remarks. D:

Star Inkbright said...

@Kes: YOU DO????????????????

HI! :)

Niamhy Jay said...

@Kestrel: Well nearer the end we just started spewing out a single random word a comment, no one else was on and we both were off school, not feeling well :P

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...


Dragona Pine said...

Star: I was joking. But seriously those biscuits are awesome. :P

Evan Carron-Kee said...

Hey i think i've figured it out. well not technically but ive found more clues to support an ever growing theory. 27/09/14 is a date right, and the title was error error.... an error including a date could mean a new release date. and in the second post there's a prisoner and when prisoners finish they're time they're RELEASED!
the 27th of september could be our new release date!

Star Inkbright said...

@NJ: Lol. :P
I should find someone to do that with . . .
Oh wait, I can do it by myself. XD

@Kes: Well, still. :O
I don't think I was online either, actually . . . XD
Maybe I was, idk.

@Dragona: I KNOW :O
They're amazing. O_O

Niamhy Jay said...

@Star: I dont doubt it lol :P

Mary Contrary said...

Bye Silente!

@NJ: Yeah, I KNOW. It's so weird. Like, the most part of three years of my life are documented on this blog (except probably time I was more on chat and not so much here) (and times I was not really anywhere so much :P). It's insane and amazing. :)

*hugs Star back* I know. :P

@Kes: Aw. :3
And- xD
I'm glad I got over that phase very quick.
I also wrote a few silly poems and threw the dumbest questions at Derek, completely unaware that he READ the comments.
And one day he responded and I spazzed out for like 3 pages on Microsoft Word. :P

Star Inkbright said...

@NJ: Yeah. XD Lol.

@Evan: Good theory. :O

Niamhy Jay said...

Hey Dragona! It's been a while! How're you?

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

NJ, I actually think I might remember that too, now...

Hi, Evan! And its not, it's the prisoner's serial number :) And the prisoner is Nadir- we know because when the post first when up, people were saving the image and it was saving as NADIR.JPG, but then Derek changed the name when he saw us figuring it out :)

Star Inkbright said...

@Taia: :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

I've been here EVERY day apart from when I go on holiday . . .
That's two years of being here every day . . .
I need a life . . . :P
(Well, sometimes I've not BEEN here but have just read comments, but still.)

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

Taia, thankfully I had been reading comments for a while, so I knew that Derek commented occasionally...

Dragona Pine said...

Hey NJ! And yes it has. :) I'm fine, you?

Niamhy Jay said...

@Taia: Yeah it's strange I kinda became less frequent because of school taking over also twitter is a big part of my life lol

Mary Contrary said...

Sorry, I'm slow and MSD, now. D:

@Dragona: Aw. Again? :/
I hope you can find a way to get your dog to settle soon. :(

And- I thought it was closer to four years? ^^


Star Inkbright said...

I don't have Twitter . . .
I don't have anything. XD Defeating addictions before they start.

(C: So you don't get anything because you might LIKE it? *laughs at me*
Me: Yeah . . . ?
*thinks it makes sense*)

Niamhy Jay said...

I'm good :) Exams are over so I'm now on my holidays *happy dance*

Star Inkbright said...

@NJ: -_-
Damn you.

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

Star, I don't have a Twitter either. You're not alone! I have a Tumblr, though, which is probably even worse...


Dragona Pine said...

Taia: I had an account or something before this one. Or something. I was definitely commenting beforehand.

Noelle said...

*Swoops in and licks NJ*
*Swoops out*

Niamhy Jay said...

@Star Really? That sucks. I have work experience in a couple of weeks though which'll be exhausting

Star Inkbright said...

@Kes: I don't have a Tumblr or a Twitter! XD

@NJ: Yeah . . . :/

Niamhy Jay said...

*is licked*
*swings around*
*looks in mirror*

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

Actually, gtg, bye!

Star Inkbright said...

@NJ: Woah. O_O You react better to being licked than I do. :P

Mary Contrary said...

@Star: I know there have been TIMES where I was on every day. But I also go through times when I don't manage to get on one day, for one reason or another and then it kind of goes downhill a bit from there. :P

@Kes: Good for past-you. :P/:)

@NJ: *nods* Yeah. School will do that, I guess. And, Lol, I still have not quite got the hang of Twitter. :P

Star Inkbright said...

Fours, Kes! :(

Noelle said...

That's because NJ isn't a dweeb

Niamhy Jay said...

Bye Kestrel! *hugs*
Good to see you again!! :)

Noelle said...

Bye Kessie!

Star Inkbright said...

@Taia: Yeahhh . . . my life's sad. XD
Wait. What life? :P

My mum has Twitter . . .
My sister has Instagram and she talks to my friends on it . . .
*probably needs a life*

Niamhy Jay said...

It took me ages to get the hang of Tumblr lol

Star Inkbright said...

Well thanks Adra :P

Dragona Pine said...

NJ, I think I was following you on Twitter. Then I stopped. Because you were filling up my feed. :P
(Don't worry I've stopped following a few because of it, it's nothing personal). :P

Niamhy Jay said...

I have instgram! I basically just post photos of books lol

Niamhy Jay said...

@Dragona you were following me on twitter??

Mary Contrary said...

@Kes: I think Tumblr is probably better, but definitely worse, depending on what aspects you look at. xD

@Dragona: Ah. Cool. :) ^^

@Star: I have Twitter, but I don't know how to USE it. xD
I mostly just favourite Justin Pierre's tweets when I'm waiting for form in the mornings, because it sends them to my phone directly for some reason. :P
But then, I don't have a form now, so I don't even have THAT. :P

Star Inkbright said...

I would just post photos of word art . . . :P

Star Inkbright said...

@Taia: Lol. :)

I have email . . . ? :P

Dragona Pine said...

Yes, NJ. For about 2 days a few weeks ago. :P

Noelle said...

You love me, Star

But fo realz, you are a dweeb.

my dweeb.

Dragona Pine said...

I just use Twitter to: a) Say anti-UKIP stuff. B) Just random stuff. C) To keep up to date with Mass Effect news.

Niamhy Jay said...

@Dragona: Are you sure it was me?? What was the twitter name?

Star Inkbright said...

. . . Of course, Adra . . . ?

Mary Contrary said...

Bye Kes!

@Adra: XD

@Star: Live your life how you want to? Doesn't make it any more or less of a life. :3

@NJ: I think I got Tumblr quite quickly. :P

@Dragona: I do that, too. I mostly don't follow many people on twitter because I like my feed to be empty.
People tweet me sometimes like "HEY, FOLLOW BACK?!" and I'm like, 'Sorry, I can't. It's nothing personal, but you'll mess up my feed.' xD

Niamhy Jay said...

@Taia my friend had to show me when she came to my house lol

Star Inkbright said...

@Taia: Eh. When I got home from school today I did nothing except rant and I'm sitting here, seven hours later, no better on. :P
I need to find a better use of my time.

Mary Contrary said...

@Dragona: And to post disconcerting STar Wars Battlefront glitches. :P ^^

Noelle said...

LIckS StaR

Star Inkbright said...

(That artwork *points to post* is really good though. :O)

Star Inkbright said...

Star: *SQUEALS* *attempts to run away* *stumbles over*

Noelle said...

*Kills star*

Star Inkbright said...

Star: . . .
*is dead*

Mary Contrary said...

@Star: *tilts head* But did you ENJOY yourself?
*laughs* idk.
You do rockclimbing. You do WordArt. You write (which involves being here, I guess. :)) If there are things you want to do, maybe doing them are good enough ways to spend time in themselves, if you get that. Even if it gets you nowhere. Doesn't doing nothing useful somewhere you like beat doing nothing useful anywhere else? idk. :P

Mary Contrary said...

@NJ: Lol :P


Dragona Pine said...

NJ: I THINK it was you. It said people from here followed you so I assumed it was. @MissNiamhyJay or something similar?

Star Inkbright said...

I did enjoy myself. I enjoy ranting aimlessly very much. :P

And - yeah, I guess. :)
*loves Blogland*

I don't really write. I write a bit, then I get stuck. I can't write very WELL. :P

Niamhy Jay said...

@Dragona .... Yeah that's me... I am a Twitter whore lol :P

Mary Contrary said...

@Star: I knnoooooowwww.

And, on being dead: :(

*catches Adra in a butterfly net*

Star Inkbright said...

@Taia: Yes.
Yes, being dead is rather :(. :P

Noelle said...

I should know

Dragona Pine said...

NJ, you were talking about a television show or a film or something? And posted tumblr stuff. And it filled up my feed. :P
It takes enough navigating my way through Twitter's impractical design as it is! :P

Mary Contrary said...

@Star: *nods* Good. :)
(Yeah, me too! :P)
And- I haven't read much of your writing. But I remember when you were doing descriptive for English, I think, and that was GREAT, so you CAN write well. And you also write Hunter well. *nods wisely* :)

@Star: Aw. :(
Um um um
*tries to think of a way to revive her*
Dragona. Do you stil have magic Yorkshire Puddings?
Because Star could probably use one rn. :P

Dragona Pine said...

I was once following someone whose name was @TiedToClouds and they filled up my feed an EXTRAORDINARY amount. They twittered like 200 times a day.

Niamhy Jay said...

@Dragona: Yeah, that was more than likely Vampire Academy stuff lol :P

Dragona Pine said...

Taia: I think I may have it somewhere...

*starts digging*

*finds the mystical and magical Yorkshire Pudding of Doom*

*revives Star*

Mary Contrary said...

*hugs Adra*

@Dragona: XD
At the current rate, it'd actualy take 15 YEARS to reach 200 tweets. xD

Dragona Pine said...

Taia: :P

Mary Contrary said...


@Dragona: HOORAH! C:
*beams at the newly resurrected Bubble*

Unknown said...

Woah... the prisoner number is the same as the error message *chills* BUT WHAT DOES THIS MEAN!? eh. or i could just be over reacting XD

Dragona Pine said...


Cup holder.
Somewhere to put toads.
Weapon (if frozen).
Occasionally ice cream.
Ingredient in gunpowder and perhaps Iron Man's suit.
Resurrector of bubbles.

Mary Contrary said...

@Dragona: REally, though.
At 40 tweets every 3 years, it'd quite literally take me 15 years to reach 200, if my maths is correct. :P
What's more, since I haven't tweeted in over a year (except for the accidental MCS retweet in September :P), the current rate is actually much slower. I would predict longer than 15 years, realistically. :P

Dragona Pine said...

Taia: I've only done a handful of tweets. Most don't make any sense. Like Princess Leia's glitched out... Spike pole thingy.

Mary Contrary said...

@Dragona: The omnipotent dinner plate accessory, ruling over all inferior consumables and knowing no boundaries. :P

Ingredient in gunpowder and perhaps Iron Man's suit. xP

Yorkshire Pudding with ice cream is GOOD, also. :) ^^

Niamhy Jay said...

I've been on twitter since November 2010 and I have tweeted over 20000 times :P

Dragona Pine said...

Taia - Yorkshire Pudding ice cream. :)

And the alloy the suit is from doesn't actually exist - so my theory is he has it made from a Yorkshire Pudding-Titanium alloy using more puddings as shock absorbers.
And don't get me started on Yorkshire Puddings within Wolverine.

Mary Contrary said...

@Dragona: No, that one definitely didn't make sense. :P ^^

Elleni, people have been suggesting that the prisoner is Nadir, due to the way it originally was originally saved when titled, (which has since been changed). Don't know if that'll help you out at all, but, yeah. :) ^^

Mary Contrary said...

@NJ: Lol, I think I could probably learn a thing or two from you, then. xD

@Dragona: WAit- like, Yorkshire Pudding flavour ice cream? O.O
And- ... In an odd way, that actually kind of makes sense. :P

Dragona Pine said...

Taia: I showed it to my friend and the first thing he said was "why does she have a penis?"
And I was like, "It isn't a penis it's a glitched out spike pole thingy in a coincidental position"
Then he asked what she was doing at the time - and she was just floating around like that. :S

Ebony Law said...

I'm bored.

Anyone up for some roleplay?

Niamhy Jay said...

@Taia: I love twitter lol I am always on it lol

Noelle said...

I am!

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

*appears again*

*waves at Chord* Kes and Delila are! I can't start plots, though, and I'll probably be distant, so...

Noelle said...

Well... Adra isn't a lot of fun right now, but you can try if you want *Cuddles Dylan gently*
*Adra's sitting curled up on the ground a little ways from Aretha's house absently playing with a fallen leaf* *She shivers* *It's a miracle she managed to walk this far, but it's tired her quite a bit*

Ebony Law said...


I always feel like you guys don't like me :(

Idk why.

Noelle said...

Hey Kessie! *Cuddles* :)

Ebony Law said...

oH my fucking god.


Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

*Kes and Delila are walking along the lakeshore, holding hands*
*they are quiet, but it is a good kind of quiet, the kind of quiet that surrounds individuals who are deep in thought*
*tomorrow is their first anniversary*

Noelle said...

((I love your characters! You're always gone when I'm here because timezones...

But I love them!
Dwyer is still my Favorite. Like, ever. Alex Gauntlet is a second fav.))

Noelle said...

(No! She's not!!)

Ebony Law said...

Aw, thanks Adra.

Ebony Law said...

Oh, ok.


Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

((HI ADRA *is cuddled* *cuddles back*

Hey, Chord! I don't think we've met, so I definitely don't dislike you :P

*ominous voice* Yet.))

Noelle said...

(She was just dead for a while whist she was trapped in hell. It was sort of awful, but then Alastair saved her and she's very broken from the ordeal and she's still working on getting her muscles to working condition again after not being worked for so long

And um
She's also blind, because she's decided she's seen too much in her life
And that's a thing


Dragona Pine said...

I'm up for some RP.

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

((Adra, when did this happen?! You're blind?!))

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

((Dragona, then join us! Start a plot!))

((*Is considering having Kes propse, but is unsure if I want to do that yet*))

Mary Contrary said...

@Dragona: *laughs* :P
Like I said, disconcerting. :P

The SWBII glitch I always remember, I think was on Mustafar, and my brother and I had the invincibility cheat on. And the bridge thing opened into the lava, but because of invincibility we didn't DIE. So we just sat there in the lava and shot everybody from below until victory. :P

The other happened a few times, in the Death Star, and involved a stormtrooper running off of the edge and infinitely falling through blackness sprawled out with one leg all twitchy, until you eventually got bored and just respawned. :P

I miss video game glitches... ^^

Noelle said...

*Yawns with a stretch of her muscles, and props herself against a tree, and feels a squirrel jump to the forest floor a little ways away- it's energy connects with that if the earth, ergo, she feels it, like a shockwave*
*Holds out her hand, calming her energy, and it comes over to her curiously* *She pets it*

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

*Kestrel pauses, and Delila stops beside her, concerned*

Delila: What's wrong?

Kes: *grins* Nothing. I was wondering if you were interested in taking a swim.

Delila: I don't have a suit, but yeah, I suppose...

Kes: *pushes her in*

Noelle said...

(No, not me, Adra- Adra is different from me. Though we have the same name... Unlike many, Adra in the RP is not the manifestation of me in the SP world. She and I are different.

And yes, she is blind.
In short: she became energetically unbalanced, and killed a shit load of people with Alastair. Trip trapped them both. Adra locked herself in Hell as a way to try to wheedle Trip into letting Alastair go, but Trip left her in Hell.
Alastair was messed up
Adra's messed up
Aladra is messed up
And Tadra is dead

Oh and Cara, the Tadra kid, is stuck in the middle of it.))

Mary Contrary said...

*won't be RP-ing, due to lack of a character*
*and also due to being too lazy to make one :P*
*but will be read/watching, I guess*

very MSD

Dragona Pine said...

(Kestrel I've never started a plot before. :P)

(Taia, thats fun. Also on Hoth I once had a flying AT-AT with the snowspeeder texture which was... Odd.

Also I was on Mos Eisley on Assault and Chewbacca got stuck into a building and started glitching out and his head grew to about 2m then he flew away.)

Niamhy Jay said...

I am heading to bed here, NIGHT EVERYONE!! *hugs*

Dragona Pine said...

(Night NJ!)

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

((Adra, that' Poor Cara :())

*Delila surfaces, grinning, and splashes Kestrel*

*Kestrel jumps back, the water missing her, and then dives in after Delila*

Ebony Law said...

-I walk through the forest, my crow on my shoulder-

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

((Bye NJ!

Dragona, first time for anything! :P))

Ebony Law said...

-I hold my blade, laughing-

Noelle said...

(Bye NJ!)

*She sighs, and figures she should start making her way back* *Gets up, walking slowly through the forest, her shawl wrapped loose around her*

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

*Kes and Delila are chasing each other, splashing and ducking*
*they both wish they came here more often*

Dragona Pine said...

(Best video game glitch I've ever had - I saw a random NPC in Skyrim stirring their soup with a chicken. Like a live chicken in his hand which he was stirring the soup with. The chicken was behaving normally but tilted sidewards and was moving on the spot. And he was stirring his soup with a random chicken. I think it was supposed to be a spoon.)

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

((Dragona, I don't even know how to respond to that...))

Ebony Law said...

-My arm begins shifting, my hand becoming a claw as I run to a tree, grabbing it, climbing to the top-

-I return my arm back to normal, seeing Kes and Delila-

Hey, guys!

Noelle said...

(What the hell, Dragona xD)
*Hears a faint splashing, and turns that way, hoping they aren't gone by the time she gets there* *Hums a little*
*Her foot catches on a root and she slips, hitting the dirt* *Ends up splitting her lip, and sorely pushes herself up, dabbing at it with the back of her hand with a grumble*

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

*Delila, recognizing Chord's mind, stops before Kes, turning and waving*

*Kes stands up*

Kes: Hey! How're you?

Mary Contrary said...

@Dragona: LOL xD

Night, NJ! *hugs* Was good to see you! :)

I think I'll be off now, too.
*offers hugs and/or cookies to all*

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

Delila: Someone's hurt. I can feel their pain from here, and I'm pretty sure it's Adra. ((She's a psychic, btw))

Noelle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Noelle said...

((Bye Taia!!))

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

((Bye Taia! *takes hugs and cookies and returns the hug*))

Noelle said...

*Slowly keeps stumbling towards the lake, smiling a little when she recognizes Kestrel's presence, along with that if two others that she isn't too familiar with* *She's probably 100 yards away, and her slow pace is killing her*

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

*Kestrel sees Adra approaching, and turns to Delila, whispering something, before running out to help her*

Kes: *to Adra* You okay?

Dragona Pine said...

(then there was also dragons flying backwards, sabre toothed bunny rabbits, a Whiterun guard who decided it would be a good idea to attack a dungeon single handedly, the time I killed a dragon by throwing a cart at it... Oh, and not to mention the time when at the start of skyrim, the guard on the horse after the one you're in died for no apparent reason. So I resurrected him using console commands and he started running after his horse. Which was very funny because he couldn't catch it. Then the horses wouldn't stop and just kept running against a wall and no one was speaking and nothing happened then a bear appeared from a forest and killed an archer. I had to restart the game.)

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

((Dragona, that sounds like the glitching version would be the most fun, tbh))

Noelle said...

Wth Dragona :3

*She hugs Kestrel* Hello! Kes! It's been a long time!

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

It has indeed *hugs back* Do you need to lean on me? What happened?

Noelle said...

Oh, nothing's wrong my friend, I've just been walking for a while. I'll need to sit down in a moment, though.
*She sits on the beach near the others* *Waves* Hello.

Noelle said...




I ded to Aladra :3

And to Ezter/Bean

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

*sits by Adra* *after a moment, Delila joins them*

Kes: What've you been up to?

((Hear, hear!))

Ebony Law said...

(Sorry, had to attend to something)

-I jump off the tree, landing in a roll, walking over to Kes and Delila-

Dragona Pine said...

(Then there was also when, at the start, the dragon never showed up so everything was really boring because the executioner wasn't moving. I had to restart the game then, too.
Also when I sat down in a chair at the same time as someone else - the Jarl of Whiterun - and we got stuck inside each other and couldn't move so I fired an arrow randomly but it hit his inside instead of nothing in particular so guards came to try and kill me but hit him instead so he foughtfought against his own guards until a dragon spawned inside Dragonsreach and glitched everywhere and died randomly - to this day there is a dragon's ass sticking out of the wall for no reason.)

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