Saturday, August 4, 2012

A Post Before I Go

I have a few random pictures cluttering up my desktop, so I shall intersperse them as I go...

I'm catching my plane tomorrow. An hour to London, then 13 hours to Singapore, then 7.5 hours to Sydney, then 3 hours to Auckland... I'll arrive in New Zealand a little before midday on Tuesday, mildly confused about whether or not I'm sleepy after spending a day in the air zipping across time zones. 

Oh boy oh boy.

I'm not packed, either. I know what I'm bringing- roughly- but I'll leave the packing until tomorrow. I'm bringing A Dance of Dragons to read, and I've already looked up what movies will be playing on the plane. Movies that I haven't seen but want to include Battleship, Dark Shadows, Lockout, Get the Gringo, The Five-Year Engagement, and The Woman in Black, and I'll also get a chance to watch The Avengers again. That's roughly 16 hours of movies... I think I should be okay...

Today, I am cleaning the house. Laura will be staying here when I'm gone so I need to have everything nice and tidy, or else she'll throw a mug at me. 

I fully intend to blog while I'm on tour. I know my publishers would like me to keep a Tour Blog, detailing how the events went and who I met and what the various cities were like- basically documenting the entire experience. Annnnnnnnd that's not gonna happen. When I get back to my hotel- usually at around 9 o'clock at night- I'm pretty much exhausted. But I'll do my best to keep my Minions appraised of developments.

I'll be gone for 17 days, during which time I'll be staying at 9 hotels and visiting 12 airports. 

The temperature in New Zealand is ranging from 1 degree (celsius) at night to 14 during the day. This, my Minions, is a temperature I can deal with.

The temperature in Australia is ranging from 7 to 23. 23 is a tad high. Please Australia, cool down a bit before I get there. Just a few degrees. Say, five. Thank you.

I've got my Sky box ready to record my shows when I'm away. Right now I'm recording Criminal Minds, Newsroom, The Mentalist, and Supernatural. I was delighted beyond measure to realise that I'll be able to watch the Ronda Rousey fight live in my hotel room on my only day off- Sunday the 19th. Thanks to the time difference, I'll just be sitting down to room service lunch when she fights...

And that's it. That's all. I have a house to clean and time is running out. I also need to write up instructions for Laura on how to use the TV (it's more complicated than it sounds) when I'm gone. All you Minions-with-funny-accents, prepare yourselves. I am coming. 


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Noelle said...


I'll be honest. I'm not trying to laugh at you, but this is pretty hilarious :P

Phoebe said...

Well that was random.

Becky Allaker said...

I'm just really sorry and I hope you're ok

Komodo Devious said...

What kind of powers do you have?

Phoebe said...

WHAT is hilarious, Adrasdos!?

Becky Allaker said...

(sorry guys, btw, kinda out of the blue)

Noelle said...

It's alright Becky!!!

And Phoebe- uh... You two???

Luciana said...

I'm leaving, now.
If anyone sees or hears from Hellboy lemme know. I really need to talk to someone, right now...

Phoebe said...

Most :) Yesteerday I could teleport and open portals AND heal myself. Today... today I feel like using symbols. And being an elemental.

Komodo Devious said...

SO is it random? or do you just choose to use different powers each day?

Noelle said...

okay, Luce!!! *hugs* I really do hope you feel better, hun!

Phoebe said...

Pretty much random. I'm whatever I feel like

Komodo Devious said...

*is confuzzled*

Phoebe said...

Yeah. Me too. I confuse myself.

Komodo Devious said...

Well, my powers are forcefields.

Phoebe said...

Oh and yesterday I stole someones Tardis too.

Damn it! I should have thought of that...

Komodo Devious said...

It came as a mix of not completing my necromancer or elemental training so the air aspect of elemental and the necromancy merged.

Noelle said...


Komodo Devious said...

SO it's like necromancy, except it doesn't have to be a continious flow and can be stationary, it also doesn't become more powerful depending on the strength of the lifeflow.

Phoebe said...

Yeah. Who is your husband? You never said...

Komodo Devious said...

And they're not invisible forcefields, they shimmer a bit.

Komodo Devious said...

They can be sharp projectiles, floating platforms or bound swords.

Komodo Devious said...

It's a kind of yellowish shimmer.

Phoebe said...

Did you think of that yourself? Its pretty clever if you did :)

Komodo Devious said...

I'm also a bounty hunter, but I have never managed to complete a job.

Phoebe said...

Haha lol

Komodo Devious said...

I did think of it myself. I didn't steal it from Naruto. wit that guy who has the ability to control the moisture in the air and make it into ice.

Noelle said...

My husband?

How many people do you know that travel in space and time in a Tardis?

Komodo Devious said...

But yeah. I never managed to complete a job. On account of me losing control and killing too many off job innocents.

Komodo Devious said...


Noelle said...


Komodo Devious said...


Noelle said...



Phoebe said...

I did wonder...

Komodo Devious said...

But yeah, I'm like a nuke if I get too angry and lose control.

Noelle said...

Yeah... :P

Phoebe said...

I mean, thats what I thought, but you never know... your husband might've been the master who came back to life and stole the tardis. Again.

Noelle said...

Ew. No thanks.

Phoebe said...

Marrying the Master.

Komodo Devious said...


Phoebe said...

Gotta go for dinna guys be back soon!

Komodo Devious said...

But anyway, Me, mad=Nuke.

Komodo Devious said...

Might leave now myself actually, sorry to leave you alone, Dark.

Noelle said...

Byeeee!!! It's fine :P

Noelle said...

I'll be distant, people!

Luciana said...

I can't sleep...No matter how much I want to...

Luciana said...

I don't even want to...I need to sleep...

Noelle said...


Or however it is spelled.

Star Inkbright said...

Hi people!

@L: Make up a story? It often helps me.

Luciana said...

Hello, Star.
And I think it's best that I don't...

Noelle said...

that's true!!! I usually think up things for my book, And I just... Doze.

I doubt that the screen that you're looking at it helping.

Star Inkbright said...

Btw, I have an ACE new story idea. Maybe if I work out a good enough plot I'll develop it into ab actual story. ;)

Luciana said...

My 'stories' are full of blood and gore and hurt...And in this frame of mine it's not a good idea...

Star Inkbright said...

Think of stories you like, L?

Star Inkbright said...

I mean, film/book/TV series/etc. stories that you like?

Noelle said...

Unfortunately for me, I torture my main character, and put my emotions, and give them to her...

It's horrible, but it makes me feel better. Weirdly.

Star Inkbright said...

*laughs* Soon you'll be as bad as Michael Grant, Adra.

Star Inkbright said...

And, dinner, bbs.

Luciana said...

Bye, Star..

Noelle said...

Bye star!!

And yeahhh.. It's fun, in a weird, sadistic way.

Cat said...

Hi Again Everyone

Cat said...

Its All right, Luciana Scath

I never sleep. better this way.

Noelle said...

Hi Cat! Hey Kallie!!! *hugs*

Phoebe said...

Im back!

Cat said...

No Hugs, Adrasdos.

Hi Pheobe, er, back.

Cat said...

i need a one-time first name- anything you dont like. maybe salley?

Phoebe said...

The great 'insert name here' has returned! Tremble before me!

Phoebe said...

You really need to sleep. Youll start halusinating soon

Phoebe said...


Cat said...

you can go for a while without sleep. a long while. after a while, you get too tired to sleep...

Phoebe said...

How about Sophie? I hate the name sophie.

No offense to all you Sophies out there. I'm sure youre all great. I just dont like your name.

Noelle said...

Ah cat, yes. Sorry. I know.

I suppose there should've been a new paragraph, because I wasn't hugging you :P

Phoebe said...

You didnt hug me...

* feels unloved *

Cat said...

beans on toast!

Phoebe said...

If you turn it upside down its toast on beans.

Cat said...

toast on beans on cheese on a plate on a newspaper on a table on a rug on a floor et cetera

Noelle said...

*hugs Phoebe* sorry!!!

And I've got to go, everyone!!! Sorry. :/ but I do.

Cat said...

See you Adrasdos Dark

Luciana said...

Bye, Adra...

Phoebe said...

Bye! *hugs goodbye*

Rim. said...


Cat said...

Hello, RIM-Willow Suede-RIM

Anonymous said...

hi :)

Rim. said...

Hi Guys! Nice to meet you Luna and Cat :D

Anonymous said...

you too :D

I'm a freak...

how are you?

Anonymous said...

(just warning you so that it doesn't come as a horrible shock)

Cat said...

stop wasting electronic paper. you're killing electronic trees.

Phoebe said...

Hi! Sorry I wasnt online. Back now. Hi new person! As the others will tell you, I am odd.

Do you want a present?

Anonymous said...

sorry D: The electronic whomping willow will get revenge....

Rim. said...

Um... Most people on here are a freak and I'm goo without a present thanks :D

Phoebe said...

Does anyone want a present?

Rim. said...

It seems like it been ages since I've been on here... I've only just met pretty much all of you guys :P

Cat said...

I need to leave !

Phoebe said...

Willow, its probably a good thing that you said no to my present offer. They usually explode or are not very good.

Anonymous said...

yes please! As longs as it's not to painful...

Rim. said...

Bye Cat!!!

Phoebe said...

can I call you willow?

Star Inkbright said...

Doctor Who-style electronic trees? (The episode with Matt Smith and the weeping angles and Amy having to keep her eyes closed?)

Phoebe said...

Yeah bye cat :)

Rim. said...

Sweet things use to have robots in them... Want a cake??

Anonymous said...

bye :D I'm going too *hugs all and flies away*

Rim. said...

Sure Phoebe! Call me Willow :D hey Star!!! *hugs*

Rim. said...

Bye Luna!!!

Star Inkbright said...

Yeah, that was Robin's thing, robots. *smiles sadly*

The only good thing about losing minions is that new ones soon appear.

Phoebe said...

Okay! * hands luna a stick, with a bow on it * Do you like it? I got the idea from a book somewhere.... the person who it was for laughed. So THEREFORE she must've liked it :)

Phoebe said...

Bye luna. Want a leaving present?

Star Inkbright said...

Fours Lunayo!

Call me Maybe. :)

Rim. said...

I miss Robin... Want a cake with glitter??...

Star Inkbright said...

No, don't actually, call me Ink. Or Star. Or Ink. Or Star. Or Ink.

Rim. said...

And I thought you wanted her to ring you up Star :P

Star Inkbright said...

*glares at cake suspiciously* Uhh . . . No thanks, Rim. *pokes Suspucioua Cake*

Luciana said...

Hey, Rim. Long time no blog-see.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Hello people!

RIM! *tackles* HELLO!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Hi Flame!

Star Inkbright said...


There was a reason I put a capital on the M of that Maybe, Rim. The reason was to turn it into a proper noun, aka a name.

Rim. said...

Hi Flame and L :)

Luciana said...

I'm going...

Phoebe said...

Nobody wants my presents? Ive got more than one for everyone :D

Rim. said...

VAL!!! hey!! *struggles trapped under Val*

Rim. said...

Bye L!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Do you have something that can turn down the sun? I'll take that.

Phoebe said...

Lucinda! Want a leaving present?

* hands another stick with a mushy orange on the end. It also has a bow*

Sorry. When I made these I ran out of original ideas for a while...

Rim. said...

*takes Phoebes present* thanks!!

Flame Phoenix said...

Bye L, *hugs*

I want KOTW!!

Btw, someone link me to Sparky's blog?

Phoebe said...

Well.... Ive got a sun umbrella...?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Oi! Flame! Rim! Do you wanna do that thing?

Rim. said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Phoebe said...

Ive already got KOTW hehehe I'm special :D

Star Inkbright said...

Hi Ivy! Hi Flame!

Phoebe said...

Oh, did i mention that the sun umbrella rains on anyone who holds it? And it not wwaterproof... and its got holes in the top.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


*punches zombie in the face and its head flies off*

Saoirse Equus said...

DEREK! Hi! um I really need you to read this. It's probably not the best time in the world to say this but I have a friend who is.. to say the lease, a completely MASSIVE fan of yours. Seriously, she is like Becky when it comes to fandom. But I'm worried about her. like mega worried. Think self harm, like life threateningly. Will you please send a shout out to her that she's worth it???
(I hope you understand why I didnt say any names)

on another note though... GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR TOUR HAVE LOTS OF FUN!!!!

Rim. said...

*picks up brick and lobs it through hospital window* NOOOO!!!! *zombies start climbing out towards us*

Phoebe said...

* BOOM! *

Oh yeah. And it explodes after two minutes.

Star Inkbright said...

Gtg, bbl. :(

Jakro Tintreach said...

val... send me the prologue to kotw

Rim. said...

*slides knife out of boot* DIE ZOMBIE!!! *slices zombies head off*

Phoebe said...

Hey! Im the one who throws bricks around here, Willow!

*picks up brick and lobs it through hospital window* NOOOO!!!! *zombies start climbing out towards us*

Jakro Tintreach said...

*sets zombies on fire*

Rim. said...

Hey Jak! Bye Star!

Flame Phoenix said...

*sighs at Val on top of a zombie punching the he'll out of it*

You're crazy.

*punches a zombie, himself*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Noooooo Jakro...

*hits a zombie with a fistful of shadows* *kicks it in half*

Rim. said...

*Punches zombie in face and finishes it with a stab* Anyone need a sword??

Jakro Tintreach said...

*kills zombie llama*

Phoebe said...

Ive got a stick! With a feather on it!

*starts tickling zombie * this has always worked before....

Jakro Tintreach said...

*calls magical flying manatees to kill zombies*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*hears a knock on the door*


*opens door and sighs* *slams the door with the pizza guy half in, half out*

Stupid pizza guy was a zombie...

Jakro Tintreach said...


Jakro Tintreach said...

*eats pizza*

Phoebe said...


help. Please. Guys...? Okay i'm sorry about the presents, and everything, and I PROMISE never to offer you a present again! Please HELP!! Ahh!

Rim. said...

*grabs a sword and cuts 3 zombies in a circular twirl*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

But I don't know if Ivy wants to come... I think she's busy doing, you know, nothing...

Jakro Tintreach said...

tell her about the zombie babies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*sees Hollow Men coming*

Oh crap...

Rim. said...

*helps Phoebe by killing zombie on her leg*

Phoebe said...

Help! I'm DYING PEOPLE! I will never ever offer you a present again I PROMISE!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


*calls Ivy*

Rim. said...

Yay!! *zombie jumps on back* HELPPPPP!!!!!!!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*helps Phoebe*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*helps Rim*

Phoebe said...

Yay! Thanks! Who wants a present?

Jakro Tintreach said...

*ignites hollow men*




Rim. said...

Thanks Val!! *picks up sword and slices a zombies arm whilst getting up*

Rim. said...

*throws pins in the air causing hollow men to leak*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Okay, Ivy's here now!

*throws a knife through ten zombies* *retrieves knife*

Phoebe said...

I have a vicious side too guys!

* kills the first five rows of zombies *

Rim. said...

*hi fives Ivy and kills zombies behind Jakro*

Jakro Tintreach said...

they go BOOM!

Phoebe said...

We've run out of zombies....


Flame Phoenix said...

*kicks Val*

Zombies, really? Zombies? Why?

Oh, great! Hollow men too! Now we have a party...

Jakro Tintreach said...

*shoots hollow men with handguns*

Rim. said...

GINGERS RULE!!!!!!!! *Kills 20 zombies with Ginger powers (Take what's left of their souls)*

Jakro Tintreach said...

*shoots hollow men with handguns*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

So I shouldn't set fire to Hollow Men? Okay.

*grins and sets fire to Hollow Men*

Jakro Tintreach said...

*gets cake*
*thrown half of cake... eats other half*

Phoebe said...

* starts throwing bricks *

Jakro Tintreach said...


Rim. said...

*throws tiny blades at hollow men*

Phoebe said...

All this time I thought your cakes were poisonous...

Phoebe said...

* Walks up to a hollow man * Do you want a present?

Jakro Tintreach said...

wouldn't it be cool if there was like... a place where we could do this stuff (epic battle stuff) but in like... a video game... with the bloglanders

Rim. said...

*deflates hollow man that Phoebe offered present*

Rim. said...

It would be cool!

Phoebe said...

* hollow man doesnt reply *

I'll take your silence as a yes! *hands a rattle*

*hollow man looks confused*

BOOM! *Explodes* BOOM BOOM! *Sets of chain reaction*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*tears off zombie arm and starts hitting other zombies with it*

Phoebe said...

That WOULD be awesome!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

There's was Munchkin Army game, but it doesn't work anymore...

Jakro Tintreach said...

*gets to work*

Rim. said...

*elbows zombie and lobs the zombie at a hollow man*

Phoebe said...

AAaaaaargh! A zombie just bit me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just kidding :D

Phoebe said...

Yeah I know why doesnt it work any more its not fair!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*rips Hollow Man in half*

Flame Phoenix said...

G2g bye!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Bye Flame! *pokes him in the face before he leaves*

Rim. said...

Bye Flame!!!!!

Phoebe said...

Bye flame! Want a leaving present?

Rim. said...

Are all the hollow men gone??

Phoebe said...

Yes.They've all already died twice.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*glances around*

I think we all seem to have forget the zombie horde and Hollow Man army surrounding us...

*starts blowing up zombies and Hollow Men*

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