Thursday, August 30, 2012

Spoiler Zone

Publication day! OFFICIAL release day! And the usual rules apply...

The comments section for THIS blog entry are reserved for MILD SPOILERS. There is to be NO casual conversation here- that's what the previous entry is for. THIS entry is for discussions about the book. Even so, try to exercise SOME caution, because you just KNOW that someone is going to stumble onto it by accident, or they're going to pop in before they've FINISHED and then they're going to be horrified that the ending is now ruined for them...

So. If you haven't read Kingdom of the Wicked, continue using the previous comments section. But once you have read it... discuss it here.


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Llewella Gwyrhyr said...

Yay! First post! That never happens....

Llewella Gwyrhyr said...

I can't wait to see what happens to Scapegrace next, I don't think anything can top what happens in KOTW.... That's my only spoiler :P

Kribu said...


I'm so glad most people will have the chance to read it at last - it's so worth it. Really. I still haven't quite decided whether I liked it better than Death Bringer, but all things considered, I think this was the strongest book yet, both in plot and character development.

Anyway. No major spoilers. So I won't say anything about the epilogue, except that there is one, and it made me gulp and feel rather terrified about the future.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Oh my god. KOTW WAS AMAZING!!! Oh god the epilogue was awesome. It had me in tears, i couldn't finished reading it. I actually had to stop reading. I WAS SHAKING. IT. IS. SO. EPIC.

My Cricket Blog said...

that was amazing i just finished it 2 mins ago!!!!!!!!!!! IT BLEW MY MIND!!!!! I'm going to see you derek on sat I CANT WAIT!!! IM FREAKING OUT!!!!

My Cricket Blog said...

I'm gonna write a review of it on my blog for Monday you should check it out :D

Harriet Lemon Langley said...

I was literally waiting though about 4 or 5 of the previous books for something to happen with the Reflection and I'm so glad you did it Derek!!!! I loved the book, that epilogue...just sublime...Can't wait for London now, got my Fedora and tie ready XD

Eve the ROCK said...

Dammit, Derek!!!!!!!!! Why do you torture me with different-dimension China!!!!!!!!!!! Where's THIS dimension's China???? She's my favourite minor characterrrrr!!!!!

Harriet Lemon Langley said...

Oh yeah, and WHEN WILL WE GET TANITH BACK *weeps* I miss her!

Kribu said...

Yeah, the lack of "our" China was my only real "problem" with KOTW.

Not really a problem as I could see there was no fitting way to include her in this book's plot (much like with the absence of Tanith in Death Bringer), but I did miss her. I hope we'll see her again in book eight.

My Cricket Blog said...

awwww tanith and ghastley are meant to BE!!!! <3

Harriet Lemon Langley said...

I reckon China will be back in a really abrupt but epic way like Tanith was in KOTW. When she was back a huge grin spread across my face =D

Anonymous said...

Tanith can't come back :'(

Kribu said...

I do expect to see China again, yes - and I do agree about Tanith in KOTW! As much as I wish we could get de-Remnanted Tanith back again, she is fun like this. :D

Harriet Lemon Langley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
My Cricket Blog said...

she will!! come back!! they'll find a cure!!

Harriet Lemon Langley said...

VioletSpark, there MUST BE A WAY! I don't know what I'll do if she doesn't come back :'

My Cricket Blog said...

if the real tanith doesnt come back that that tanith will become the new tanith!!

My Cricket Blog said...

if the real tanith doesnt come back that that tanith will become the new tanith!!

Anonymous said...

Tanith and ghastly have to be together <3

My Cricket Blog said...

yeah! they'll get married and have little butt kicking scared faced babies :D <3

Jophiel said...


And the reflection...

Harriet Lemon Langley said...

One question, unless I've missed this through every book: Do me know who the guy with golden eyes is yet? The one Mist talked to? [I think it was Mist and he's popped up in previous books]

My Cricket Blog said...

he'll go all nuts and try and kill ghastly and then tanith will save him at the last moment and tell bill-ray that its always been ghastly!!!

Jophiel said...

I'm with Dexter Vex! And what will happen to him???


My Cricket Blog said...

ooh i have a question at the end of the death bringer someone took a video of flecter and valkyrie what happened to that guy and the tape ???

Nixion Strange said...

Derek's confirmed he'll be in the next book

Nixion Strange said...

He=Vex, btw

Harriet Lemon Langley said...

The guy at the end of death bringer, didn't he try and ask elsie something at one point, at the scene of the crime when elsie met Skulduggery? Was his name Kenny?

Nixion Strange said...

Yeah, Kenny

Jophiel said...

I think the guy with the golden eyes is Ravel!

It make sense!

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

KOTW was amazing! OMG I can't even begin to explain how much my head was spinning with all the different plot lines but I loved it!

I really loved the friendship between Val and her reflection in this book :') So why oh why did you do that at the end! D:

OMG I was in shock for DAYS! DAYS

And I couldn't talk to anyone because no one I knew in the UK had it :3

My Cricket Blog said...

hehehe YEAH KENNY!!! i want someone to kill him the skulduggery say "oh my god they killed kenny!!" lolz

Harriet Lemon Langley said...

Up until I think Dark Days, I thought the man with the Golden eyes was the Torment then when we found out it wasn't....*ANGST*

Jophiel said...

That'd be AWESOME!

My Cricket Blog said...

poor caorl... :'( (sniffle)

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

I know :( After the scene with Carol and Val I really started to love her. WHY!!!! D:

My Cricket Blog said...

:( I liked carol she was nice to valkyrie! awww plus the reflection wont be able to kill skulduggery how would she??

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Hmmm well the reflection is the new owner of the scepter now right?

With that all she'd have to do is point and shoot and he'd be dust D: But she can't do that because I'd cry forever!!

I'm kind of hoping Val would be able to use it, since it's her reflection. That way they aren't completly outmatched

Jophiel said...


I liked the world with Melevolent!

Harriet Lemon Langley said...

Reflections don't have magic, right? But in theory if Val's got magic like when she charged the Scepter...could she turn into Darquesse?

Eve the ROCK said...

I don't think the man with the Golden eyes is Ravel. He's someone else. Most probably someone we haven't met before

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...


My Cricket Blog said...

ooohh that would be cool!! but derek wouldnt kill skulduggery off!

Eve the ROCK said...

Harriet: The reflection is not Darquesse.

Nixion Strange said...

The Sceptre doesn't give you magic. You use magic to charge it. The reflection used Carol's magic to charge it

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

I don't think the reflecion has magic. But then again when she has the sceptre she doesn't really need it to be a threat.

Harriet Lemon Langley said...

Ahhhh right got it (:

My Cricket Blog said...

but if they kill the reflection than how will valkyrie sneak away before school like how!!

Anonymous said...

want mine to arrive YYAYAYYAYAYAYYAYAYAYYAYAYYAY!!A!!!!!!!

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Hmmm I think Val is just going to have to tell her parents the truth :P I mean she has to do it eventually anyway because they'll get suspicious when she starts to stop aging

Nixion Strange said...

Luna! If you haven't got it, get outa here!

Unknown said...

I can finally talk to people about the book!!! I live in Australia and it has been killing me to stay quiet.
I wan to know of we will ever get our Tanith back? I know Derek doesn't like her but still...she's my favourite.
Omg the reflection at the end and the alternate world and and and Derek you have really out done yourself this time.

Harriet Lemon Langley said...

Oh and [wow how did I not say this?!] What's gonna happen with all the sanctuaries?! Why did Tanith [sobs]do that to Strom?

My Cricket Blog said...

no she can't tell her parent they'll freak out and then the guy at the sanctuary will have to wipe there mind!

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Well it's going to be interesting trying to protect herself from her reflection when her family are around xD

Oh God I want the next book now :I

And I know! Poor Strom, him and Ghastly were just so funny in this book. It's sad he's gone :'(

My Cricket Blog said...

nawww poor ghastly now he's lost storm and tanith poor him! and flecter!!! i cant beieve he ahs a gf!!!!

Harriet Lemon Langley said...

They just need to get the reflection back in the mirror right [sounds easy when you say it like that lol] But I hope she's the main antagonist in the next book.

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

I know, poor Val getting rejected twice :3 I felt awkward for her then

My Cricket Blog said...

did u's see derek on the morning ireland show!!!! he was so funny!!

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Hmmm put her back in the mirror and smash it... that could work :D

My Cricket Blog said...

its not just that mirror it would work for the same for any mirror

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Yes I did :P They posted it on the facebook page yesterday xD I loved it!

Hmmm I have to go now :3

Have fun discusing the spoilers! :D I'll be back later

Harriet Lemon Langley said...

They did that in the first book in the caverns under Gordon's house, with the ghost that wanted Val to stay forever, stick him in a mirror at one point...maybe there'll be an awesome homage to it. Anyway, likewise I have to go, more theorizing later :D

My Cricket Blog said...

derek!!! please come on and chat with us!! I'm to amazed by the ending to even get my bag ready for school tomorrow! I can't wait for the next book will it be out in the next 6 months??

Rence Hardwood, future author and student of Elemental Magic said...

how did they get the sceptre back? it was d-stroyed in the 3rd book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Took the day off work specially just to get KOTW! AMAZING!!!! So much awesomeness! The reflection (Who I kinda want to call Stephanie now, just because she's needs a name- I can't keep calling her The Reflection)! Scapegrace! TANITH! AHH! I want old Tanith back! I mean, she's really super cool being all remnant-ified and everything but she's really starting to scare me (I think it was when she called Billy-Ray 'Honey-Bunny' that pushed me over the edge...)! And, of course, it was full of triangles and arm-bars and other cool stuff!

*thumbs up* Good job, Mr Landy! Good Job!!!!

My Cricket Blog said...

derek ur bro is a science teacher in my school he's awesome but if he awesome u must be EXTREMELY 100% awesome!!

Reginald Barris said...

Read it weeks ago now.. had to wait a few more weeks for my friends to finally finish it.

The ending made me freak out.

My Cricket Blog said...

still waiting for derek landy to come online :) come on derek!!

Eve the ROCK said...

Rence - Darquesse brought the Sceptre back from the other dimension. It wasn't destroyed in that reality ;)

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

*dances around*


*slams into a tree*
*gets up again and dances around again*

Holly said...

Derek, did you intend to turn the Valduggery up to the max here, or what?

I mean, "I would"?

The bedroom scene?

Heck, everything??


Eve the ROCK said...

Holly......there is no such thing as Valduggery. It's all just a big myth :)

You see, such demonstrations of affection in the book, such as Skulduggery singing Valkyrie to sleep, Valkyrie saying all that "You can't run away from your feelings", does not necessarily mean anything romantic is happening between them. It is merely a display of affection and friendship, as Derek shows us how close they are, how they're not just good friends, they are MORE than that. And that is where the problem is. The Valduggery supporters seem to think that "MORE THAN THAT" means "They're in looooove!" No. Okay? They love each other. They are not in love. They love each other. I mean, come on, relationship isn't as basic as "Stranger, Aquaintance, Friend, Romance". There's more to it than that. To all Valduggery supporters: Do you really think Derek planned a whole epic series of magic and horror and action and mystery just to end it in some mushy romance?

I rest my case. :P

Holly said...

Okay, first up: who are you to tell me whether a ship is valid? Does it really offend you that I ship it so much to say that it 'doesn't exist' and offend the intelligence of all those who DO ship it by saying 'it's all in our heads'? No. Ship what you want, but don't interfere with how I personally read the books. Was I trying to convert you? No! Apologies if this sounds too harsh but I found the tone of your post quite insulting, and we (Valduggery shippers) hear this all the darn time. Not even in different forms. People who attack the ship are repetitive and samey and to be honest, I'm a little tired of it.

Also, having the attitude that all romance is 'mushy' seems a little unhealthy to me. Do I want Skulduggery and Valkyrie to skip off into the sunset feeding each other chocolates and calling each other 'honey bear' and 'snookums'? Again, no. No matter what kind of relationship the two end up with in book nine (or none at all! They might fall out!) they're going to be badass. Them admitting that they love each other in a 'romantic relationship' way doesn't demean them as characters or the relationship they have had and have now.

*deep breath*
Any more questions?

Nixion Strange said...

I'm not trying to start an argument, but just because it doesn't demean the characters to you doesn't mean everyone will see it the same way

Holly said...

True, but I was pointing out that calling a romantic relaitonship 'mushy' just because it exists is kinda dismissive and generalising. If you want to discuss why you think they'd be terrible together, I'd love to with you! I don't mind people disagreeing, it's just people tend to be really rude and disrespectful about it, which isn't fun when we're all fans of the same great series. :)

Nixion Strange said...

That's fair enough

Eve the ROCK said...


I'm sorry if I seemed on the offense. I should choose my words more carefully. I wasn't attacking you for liking Valduggery, I was just expressing my opinion on your comment about Derek turning up Valduggery to the max, as you said. This is a post for discussing the book, after all. But I can see now that it was a bit nasty, and if you don't want me to reply to your comments any more, I'm fine with that.

Again, sorry. I know you Valduggery shippers get a lot of hating, and I don't want to turn into a bully.

My Cricket Blog said...


tanith and ghastly, billy-ray and china, valkyrie and flecter, skulduggery and the Bentley <3

Eve the ROCK said...

Haha, Skulduggery + Bentley XD Lol

My Cricket Blog said...

awh yes the love between a skeleton and his car ;) <3

Phoebe said...

Okay, I <3 KOTW!!!!!!!!

It is official.

Oh, one thing though... remember the bit when fletcher introduces Valkyrie to Myra? And it was daytime in Ireland... and she was about to take muffins out of the oven, when it was night in Aussie, it being on the other side of the world and all. Maybe she's just reeeally odd and likes baking muffins at 2 in the morning...

LOVED KOTW though. It. was. Amazing.

Derek write quicker (needing next book lol!!)

Oh and I cant believed you killed off person-im-not-going-to-name-because-it-would-be-too-big-a-spoiler!!!!! In the epilogue, I mean. And.... ahhh! I just knew that that would happen with the reflection, I thought of it as soon as we found out who Val was. But... HOW I didn't know. And I still dont. Grrrrrrrr you just HAD to leave it on such a big cliff hanger, didnt you!!

Oh, and I thought of a way to get tanith back everyone - remember that headless guy? And how as soon as you steo inside his coach it 'kills' you? Well, if Tanith went in there, she would die, meaning that the remnant would be forced to leave/die too. Then if she came out again, then wouldnt it just be her? Well, thats the closest ive got to bringing her back anyway... * sniff sniff * It probably wouldnt work waaa.

Oh and sorry for such a long post!!

Phoebe said...

One other thing... does Skulduggery and Valkyrie and the rest of them all have irish accents!!?

I mean, I just cant imagine Skulduggery with an Irish accent. Well, I can, but I just cant take him seriously....

Holly said...

Nah, Eve, it's fine, you don't need to worry about it - thank you for apologising.

And yeah, I meant that post as a bit of a joke - as a shipper, I saw it as a shippy book!

Also, I wanted to say thank you, Derek, for putting more descriptions of symbols into the books. I'd love to know what you base the symbols on - are they more geometric, circular, or maybe have numerals on them? Are they pictograms, simpler, or more complicated? For a big spell rather than a single-use symbol (i.e. the facade rather than say, the symbol in China's apartment that boils the kettle) how are the various symbols in 'the language of magic' 'conjugated'? If that makes sense. :3

Electea12345 said...

hey phoebe she might want a late night snack but couldn't find any thing in the fridge :) it's the sort of thing i would do :)

MegnusBane said...

THAT was a beautiful book!!!! Oh my word I don't think I've ever treasured such an influence on my life. Derek has changed my whole perspective of thinking.

Kingdom of the Wicked - WOW! it had everything. Now all I can think of is Skulduggery singing. I NEED him singing that... In my mind it's just beautiful.

There are so many funny lines and comments and I can't think of any at all right now but I'm starting the series again as usual when a new book comes out and soon enough I'll be quoting all over the place.

Skulduggery has taught me a good deal of things - the importance of friends, the precious time we spend with our parents, never trust something that looks like you but isn't. But most of all sarcasm...and it highlighted my undying dream of portraying Valkyrie. Many a person will say it but I just feel like a little piece of her lives within me - she's just fighting to get out. Kinda like my own Darquesse...I know even if there is a film I will never be allowed to audition and if I was... Well I wouldn't get it but I'd try my damn hardest!!!

I love Skulduggery - he's like a favourite uncle. Valkyrie an undiscovered sister. Ghastly, my darling Ghastly, the man I trust out right from the start. Tanith always a laugh but forever strong - she can withstand hell. China the sneaky fox of the bunch, always scheming. Fletcher Renn my first fictional crush...not a first love cause that had gone to someone else but Fletcher is just so darn cute. Des and Melissa... The perfect parents...not that I'd trade mine for them...perhaps some days... And just all the others, they're familiar and when I open a Skulduggery novel I feel at home, with friends, amongst warm memories where I can always find a smile when the world throws me a frown.

I owe a lot to writing and Derek and his AWESOME imagination.

Loved the latest book, I'll love the next book and I love the books before!

Kingdom of the Wicked - You done us proud boy

Love a very emotional reader xx

MegnusBane said...


Frigging loved that ;)

Oh and the whole Skulduggery giving up his life to protect Darquesse from the world... I don't support the whole 'Valduggery' but if it became a thing I think I could learn to love it, anyway not my point - was in floods!!!!

Whereas the Hansard thing, died laughing!!! Have an odd feeling he might be gay!

Komodo Devious said...


Komodo Devious said...


Komodo Devious said...

I guess no one is here right now.

MegnusBane said...

Me?? Well duh...sorry. But it is a spoiler zone and I didn't major spoil anything compared to some who have let slip big spoilers

Unknown said...

KOTW ... do u FIT
this all in yo head??

Bonnie said...

OMGGGG derek, i saw you today. I was the tall, pretty aubourn one with the greenish told me you were going to kill me with a spoon???

Bonnie said...

I.Saw.YOU! you are awesome, derek, you really are...

Snoogy said...

Just finished it now...
That ending... wowzers...

I say this every time but

Mayan said...

Fezzes!!!!!!!!!!! *hands out fezzes*

Mayan said...

Fezzes are cool..

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I doubt this counts as i read but my Britiminion friend read KOTW to me over Skype xD

It. Was. Finnicking. Awesome.

MegnusBane said...

Now THAT is a good friend and a good Internet connection!!!

Aww so happy to hear stories like that!

Tom H said...

I agree that the potential "Valduggery" has definitely been hinted at. Skulduggery singing her to sleep, the fact he'll no longer be able to kill her and when he was talking about Fletcher and his new girlfriend and mentioned how she was feeling alone, I genuinely thought he was going to make a move. And then that tone of voice when she gets threatened... "I would."

Mz.Boo said...


Although I knew one day it would happen. When someone.... especially Valkryie doesn't follow Skulduggery's rules that he gave in BOOK 1 then there will be trouble.

There were some disturbing parts but overall EPIC !!!

2 more years till the end of the series.

Also what do people think of Myra and Fletcher

Also Scapegrace LOL !!!

How long will he be alive for. I mean he has survived quite a while. But then again he is a zombie.

Unknown said...

No No No, I've stumbled across a Ganith spoiler.

stupid canada; releasing the book on october 30. Then 3-6 days of shipping. maybe an hour or so of boggling at the awesomeness. 2 days to read... I hope. than another 365 days till book 8!

Yup, I need help. Or coffee. I love waffles

NOM Ominous said...

Derek! I'm so glad you finished another book! God you're the most amazing author in the world.
October 30th is on it's way!

NOM Ominous said...

Now i must go... Hide my face from this page until then!

Unknown said...

the guy with the yellow eyes may have been a warlock. if you remember from death bringer that warlock assassin said that he had some underground family, or something.

Unknown said...

just a thought :D

Minion said...

Oh yeah he said that his brothers and sisters would avenge him! Also Derek, why was skulduggery and Valkyries reunion so emotionless after he came back from the faceless ones world??????????? It made me so sad... ;_;

Arcanine said...

Wooh a spoiler page! I've been waiting for a month for this! :)


I loved the book so much!! I did finish my second readthrough not too long ago.
The parrallel world thing was so awesome! I kind of wondered what would have happened if the bad guys won the war and Mevolents evil world totally lives up to it.
I have to say that my two favourite lines were said in that world...
"and this Angry Birds is the pinnacle of mortal evolution?"
"umm it's one of them."
I'm pretty sure I was laughing like a lunatic on peak hour public transport when I read that...
Anyway, I also loved the final showdown between Darquess and Mevolent. It is one of the coolest action sequences I've ever read! I really hope that Valkyrie returns to that world in the next book...

The epilogue... 'nough said.

Unknown said...

The ending has confirmed my suspicions about a certain character,
that's the only spoiler you gonna get from me as I got the book a month ago.

Bhespoke said...

Hello Derek.

Did you know that The Buddha had three names.
Siddartha- Given name
Gotama- Taken name
Buddha- True name

And modern shamanism also has practitioners take on a new name for spiritual protection.

To be honest, I believe there is 'some' truth in your books as I myself have a taken name (not as a minion, so don't get your hopes up ;)). I mean, look at all these gods that people worship, and all these incredible structure's that the ancients built- and we descend from them, therefore we are just as capable as them. One thing to note: If Buddha was born a human, how did he become a god? There are some really enigmatic forces that govern this universe we live in. And from true experience, we just have to open our eyes up. (That's why I love your books! I can relate to them on a very deep level!).

Sparky Braginski said...

Oh hell, I contemplated posting this before, but I'm going to just say it.


Ah... Seeing as how little that happening affected plot, I'll assume it was safe to say.

~~Sparky xoxo~~

Crimson Twilight said...
i kinda wanna be darquesse now....
Poor poor Carol Edgely. I was JUST starting to like her then BAM!!!! She's Dead.
ooopsies.... ;)

Unapplicable. said...

Yes, oh yes, Sparky - that part did get me.

But the ending. The very ending. I suspected it. I knew it all along; I just didn't know when she would finally stage her plan. When Valkyrie had killed her reflection earlier, there was definitely something wrong afterwards.
And now we know.

And can I just say that I absolutely adored all the references you put into that one, especially the Doctor Who one...

AND PLEASE DO NOT GET ME STARTED ON SCAPEGRACE, EHEHE. I can't even go there without ending up in uncontrollable giggles. ScapegracexThrasher all the way, ahaha.

Actually, when Lord Vile first encountered Val in the parallel world, I burst into tears. Again, I'd seen it coming; but for her as well; the emotions that would've come associated with it...

And Ghastly's demise in there. Ouch. Not cool at all.

stuff and nonsense said...

Hey Derek!
I was at the book launch at Easons yesterday and started reading on the way home. Fantastic as usual BUT where is page 100??? - oh and don't forget the app...

Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...

I am so happy that there is a spoiler post hahahahahaha yayayayayay

Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...

I felt sorry for Val when she saw Fletcher and his girlfriend who's name has slipped my mind. POOR VAL :(

Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...

Darn, I have to go, bye!

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...


The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

I <3 KOTW!!!! The ending is so frustrating!!! Derek!! Did you have to end then!!! GRRRRRRRRRR

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

Anyone else feel the same way???

Unknown said...


The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

Lol I know how you feel!! WE ALL FEEL THE SAME WAY THANKS TO DEREK >:(

Anonymous said...

I agree why did it end like that!!!!!!!!!

JonathonMoore. said...

The end was... perfect. I knew it would happen once the reflection had "confirmed" that she had repaired herself.

June Clarence said...

So, I just got the book, started reading right away.
Love the dedication.
Love the Prologue.
And then stared.
I wanted this book for two reasons:
1. I´ve been waiting for a whole YEAR to read it, I love your novels!
2. I need something to do to distract me from the month-long wait for "The Mentalist" Season 5. And what did you do, in your infinite wisdom? You just HAD to include that poem by William Blake, didn`t you, Mr Landy? Thanks ever so much *laughs* It`s not paranoia when someone really is out to get me...

And now I´m going back to reading, because you are AWESOME!

Flame Phoenix said...

May I just say, KOTW is my favourite SP book.

It was awesomes.

That's all really.

Is it right I grinned at Carol dying? I think so.

The reflection- eviiiillll.

I also went to the publication event last night. Oh it was fun..

Anonymous said...

@June Clarence - Haha! I'm so glad I'm not the only Mentalist fan here- I totally freaked out at the Blake quote too! Blake is appearing everywhere these days (Well, The Mentalist and Skulduggery Pleasant might not be everywhere, but they make up the majority of my entertainment!)!

Anonymous said...


Anyone here remember that scene from Mr Bean where he's on the train and he's trying to ignore the man next to him who is reading and laughing hystericaly? Nuff said . . .

Even so, they'e gonna need a damn big hoover!

June Clarence said...

@sweetdeath04: my thoughts exactly!

Mr Landy: So glad to know you´re watching The Mentalist, too. How do you like it so far?

Octa said...


I can't believe no -one has mentioned this yet.


Hidden Depths people. Hidden Depths.

Niamhy Jay said...


I laughed so hard when Hansard turn Val down. Funniest. Thing. EVER!!

I actually now like Valkyrie a Smidgen bit more, not a lot more just a little bit.

But it's still progress. Also, The End was like WHAT ON EARTH?! TOO EPIC!!

Best book yet and I cried at a certain persons death. even though she didn't actually technically die. I STILL CRIED!!


MegnusBane said...

Dear Mr Landy

(I have a cold sorry for any sneezing during this note)

I'm sat in my bed sniffing and reading over everyone's posts and I thought I'd tell you what made me totally LAUGH OUT LOUD!!!


So, we're in the Alps, we're looking around at all the snow and the moutains and the serenity WHEN... Dun,dun,dun *Where's she going with this?*

A suit comes running round the mountain. A suit. A SUIT.

I was dying. All I could picture was a suit, running through the snow, Valkyrie stood with a quizzical expression while the suit proceeded to sing 'I'll be coming round the mountain'

I loved that so much!!!

Thank you for your time and your readiness to read

Sincerely RCain

Octa said...

Is that the epilogue related one?

Only I can't think who you mean.

I'm pretty she technically died.

Unless you mean the person who was brought back to life by Argeddion?

Jed Dark said...

I enjoyed reading it, in fact it blew my mind into tiny little pieces. I love it when Darquesse comes out and starts fighting!

Holly said...

Tom H, pssst....

Maralie Lily Charm said...

1) Honestly, I found it extremely confusing... :/
2) Angry Birds? Brilliant. Just... Brilliant Derek.
3) TANITH'S BACK!!!!!!! :D Still evil, but back...

mujie said...

For the last book, I decided to say may thoughts after the middle-cliffhanger of the book. Being too spoilery about it. This time, I've decided to post my before-book-after-reading-the-blurb-and-Derek-Blurb-and-wow-Derek-is-everything-thoughts and see where it goes from there.

1. It looks like magic has been revealed to the world. Maybe not, though it looks like it from the blurb-thing.

2. I think the reporter (Kenny was it?) will be back.

3. I don't think Fletcher will be back. Late book 8, book 9 I think.

4. Is it true that Scapegrace's head is in a jar? Don't answer that. I'll find out myself.

I finished the last book in 1 whole day for the book signing. This time, I have 6. Should I read it slow or fast?

I'll be back.

Unknown said...

Amazing book loved it. So disappointed with Fletcher though.

emo bunnies said...

The book was amaing
I never liked the reflection
And now I have a reason to
And it didn't sit right with me that Valkyrie chose to block out that memory that may have had important information about something she may have said or done
I also keep on thinking that bye will stumble on to the soul and that will be the secret to curing tanith
I also want to find out why happened in The alternate reality
It was clearly something to do with skulduggery
I'm curious to see if there will be war between sanctuaries
I think that would be interesting
They would obviously go after Valkyries family
That might be what sparks Valkyrie to hate the world
She may hate all the other sanctuaries for being about either damage or danger to someone in her family
In book four dark days
Cassandra Pharos never talked about her sister being in the vision
It could be an interesting development
Just wanted to put that out there

emo bunnies said...

Not bye

emo bunnies said...

I also just thought of an alternative
It could be something the reflection does
In Cassandras vision we see Valkyrie and darquess
It could just be that Valkyrie is actually the reflection
Or she could hate the world because eventually Kenny dune eventually breaks word about magic
And everyone goes after them
That could make anyone angry enough
Or she could just be looking for someone and not know the proper way to go about it
It's all very curious

Anonymous said...

I just want to say - THANK YOU DEREK FOR NAMING A CHARACTER AFTER ME! Lenka Bazaar isn't a major spoiler right? I can talk about her? I think? Hm. No one else has mentioned her yet, though...

I couldn't believe it when I saw her name. I remember you telling me at the book signing I went to last year that "maybe a girl called Lenka will appear" after I told you who I was to your blogs, but it still took me a while to get used to seeing it printed on a page. Loved her. My favourite part of KotW was when she fell off the table laughing at Fletcher's hair :D

And she became Val's friend! That was... wow.

Plus: I can't be even a little bit mad about what happened on page 463. It was necessary for the plot, and you handled it so well that I just couldn't be angry at all.

Now we all have to wait a year until the next book comes out. Gosh, can you believe there's only going to be two more? I don't want the series to end. That's going to be the worst part of all this - reading the last book knowing that there won't be another. BUT, KotW was awesome, probably in my top three favourites of the series. Congratulations, our Golden God, on yet another wonderful book!

-Lenka x

Sir Pine said...


I can't wait to know what happens with the man with the golden eyes, Billy-Ray and Tanith, Scapegrace and OBVIOUSLY, THE REFLECTION OMGSAEHLKFHSDKLRFSD

Unknown said...

I'm starting the series all over again because I'm so sad KOTW has ended... it's a bit depressing having to learn about magic all over again but its amazing. I don't know how you write such amazing books Derek... I NEED THE EIGHTH BOOK NOW! (please have already started writing it.) Are you still coming to book signings in the UK? i hope so! I love you Derek you're so good. I've been reading skulduggery since the first book came out!!! :D
okay so i am so upset with Fletcher!! If he doesn't get back with Valkyrie by the end of the series... D': NOOOOO ... And Tanith is still a Remnant!! Scapegrace is soooo funny!!! omd :') i love him. He's a female xD good one! Derek i hope you get so into writing that you keep writing and end up writing 20 booooks!!! :D i love them so muchh

Unknown said...


Elle said...

MYRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? WHY???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
And Carol had started to be nice!
SO writing a review of this on DarquesseDreams! (
Derek I saw3 you today and we talked for ages!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy and hyper now :D !

Zoe Nightlock said...

Is it me, or was Valkyrie extremely arrogant to believe Fletcher would stay single forever, in case,IN CASE, she wanted him back at one point? And OH MY GOD.
I'm not going to lie, I DID expect this to happen, with the reflection. And I was practically screaming at the book when the reflection hid the memories of the torture from her. "VALKRIE, WHY CAN'T YOU SEE THAT IT CAN HIDE MEMORIES FROM YOU! IT SAID IT DIDN'T HAPPEN LAST YEAR, AND NOW YOU'VE JUST COMPLETELY IGNORED THE FACT IT /CAN/." -facepalm-

Aishling Murphy said...

OH MY GOD, I KNEW THAT THE REFLECTION WAS EVIL! I think that Valyrie had a little crush on Thrashers new body! Hehehe... Tanith! Tanith was in the book! I miss Carol already!

Unknown said...

Im left trying to understand the vision that the Cassandra had in Mortal coil about darquesse...

Lord Sanguine said...

Just Finished End of The World and KOTW in one go. Great job Derek loved both books. can't wait for book 8.

Anonymous said...

This is just a thought but in the alternate dimension there was a sword called the god killer. And tanith is looking for a dagger in their own dimension!! Could the dagger be the god killer?

Unknown said...

Book was great!!!!!! The ending was fantastic!!! The evil reflection!!! Can't wait till the next book!!! Isn't it coming in 2013? :-)

Panda Bear said...

Yeah I think so but I dont think I can wait that long D:

Panda Bear said...

Yeah I think so but I dont think I can wait that long D:

Panda Bear said...

Oh and I LOVED the book, it was unbelievably and amazingly awesome! Oh my god the Scapegrace thing was soo funny and the Supreme Council and the reflection and everything! It was just mind-blowing:O
I didnt get to go to your signing in Newbridge, I was gutted but I wasnt able to go so :(
and one last thing..... I NEED the next book!!! whens it coming out:D

Star Lord said...

I loved KOTW. I really did, but my main gripe about it was the fact that it felt too much like "The Subtle Knife" by Philip Pullman. Jumping through realities, etc. I love this book a lot, but it is my least favourite SP book. It gets 7/10 from me. I think it was mostly because I actually hated the villains so much... and the Epilogue actually made me feel very sad.Had I felt not so strongly about the book, or had I never heard of the series before, I think I would've given it a 9/10.
I still love the book, don't get me wrong, but my current favourite is still Dark Days.

And Derek, you are still my favourite author. :)

Star Lord said...


I think I've got it. So Valkyrie becomes Darquesse more and more (Get off if you haven't read the books, this is my last warning) So I think, that with the statement that the Reflection gave at the end, she becomes the true Valkyrie Cain and Val (The real one) dies as Darquesse while the reflection takes over...

DEREK, DELETE THIS COMMENT IF YOU PLEASE, I just wanted to share my opinion...

Jess Turner Fashion said...

I really like Mevolent, but couldn't help picturing him as Spock from Star Trek? But taller? That Kenny guy is going to come back in the next book and ruin everything I can just tell. Uhhh Derek Landy write faster:-(

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I really enjoyed this book, from an actual writing perspective, Derek, you just get better and better.

My mother, being my mother, got me the book the MORNING it came out. She knows how much of a fan I am. Her being the first to voice I should dress as Skulduggery in primary school for Halloween (which I thought she'd say no to, imagine how hard it would be!)

KOTW was amazing, and the twist at the end received a lot of emotion from me. I wanted to punch the reflection, but I also felt really sorry for it after. Essentially, it only got the worse parts of Valkyrie's life and isn't really treated that well, at all!
She's still a bitch though.

Regardless, I have found my guts to finally present Derek a character idea. It's an idea that formed when I read the first book and has grown over the years, I was just reluctant to send it to Derek as I thought that it would be worse not to have a response than to be rejected. (He'd just get so many similar emails :()

The character has a basic but unique power (which could be scaled to however Derek wanted, it could be relatively strong or weak), a solid relevance (English Sanctuary character), and a unique, in-depth personality.

~Reading over this had me laughing, I can see so much how Derek's writing has effected mine. (ONE OF THE REASONS I'M PREDICTED AN A IN ENGLISH, HECKKKK YEAHHHH!!)

Unknown said...

Oh yeah, the dress-up part of my post was a bit vague...

I DID dress as Skulduggery and I beat 400+ kids for the award. >:D

Derek raised a badass.

Natalie Clovis said...

Oh god, the ending was so expected but still so OH MY GOD.. This is byfar my favorite of the series so far.

Vehemens said...

Hey guys! Derek!
The book was amazing, I have to say. I loved it. Mevolent was stronger than I had thought him to be though. Don't know why.
I saw someone a few days ago asking why Tanith killed Strom. Just to help everyone remember (almost forgot myself after all those twists and sub-plots), Tanith was told Strom was in possession of the dagger she so desires. So what could this dagger be? What's so special about it? Tanith's a sword lady. So a dagger?
I honestly don't know if I even want Tanith to return. I think her relationship with Val just can't return to what it once was. They've been through too much.
Also, the epilogue. This was the first book I actually liked both her and Carol and now this. I suppose it was inevitable but I still don't like it.
So, anyone any ideas about the dagger?

Anonymous said...

My idea for the dagger like i mentioned earlier is that the god killer in the other dimension is the dagger :) i told my friends this theory and they positively told me the difference between a sword and a dagger

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Vehemens said...

A dagger is indeed somewhat smaller than a sword, and in specific the God-Killer.. The thing seems to be man-size. Though I'm interested in it. How has it come to be in the other dimension, but not this one?

Anonymous said...

Thats what i was thinking :0

Anonymous said...

Not many people notice but kenny was mentioned in KOTW. If you remember when elsie was at the place where skulduggery and valkyrie got beaten :( a certain reporter and friend asks her if she knows anyhpthing mentioning that they were trying to find the truth behind the cover ups. The assitant then says something like "kenny lets go" but kenny responds by saying that he thinks elsie knows something. This scene is ended by kenny giving her his buisness card

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Vehemens said...

I noticed. What about it? He'll make his big return in the next book or something. Should be exciting :)

Also I'd like to know how Argeddion got to know his true name...

Anonymous said...

Yes! I was write about the reflection turning evil.

mujie said...

Awww, Carol's re really nice to, (I'll call her Stephanie here), Stephanie now. Not just the nice because they wanted to learn magic, but real, proper, kindness.

Also, I can just imagine the title for a spin-off series for Skulduggery Pleasant: "Adventures in Bizzaro Land". On second thoughts, don't. Adults would buy it without looking at anything except the title, kids would look at the image and scream at the sight of an apocalypse, you (Derek Landy) might get an angry mob after you, with pitchforks and everything, to be symbolic, you know, because "Bizzaro Land" isn't very modern. Basically, don't make that a title of a spin-off series.

Anonymous said...

Since Kotw explored Argeddion and the roarhaven plot I think book 8 will explore the church of the faceless thing and kenny the reporter. Book 9 will be the battle and I reckon that the reflection is the Darquesse that destroys the world( She has feelings and looks more and more like Val)

mujie said...

Page 367: I think Baron Vengeous likes Valkyrie. She had the guts to do what he was too afraid to do.

Laughs like crazy-person said...

Hey i was just curious do u remember bout darkesse being able 2 c magic nd she said she could take it r rip it r somtin yeah well would she b able 2 c de rement in tanith nd take it out?????? Just wanna no ur op

Unknown said...

LOVE the references.
Rock the Fez!

Anonymous said...

Hey yeah laughslikecrazyperson that could work!
I like tanith how she was and all, but the remnant tanith is so cool. I was tingling all over when i read about the murder of christophe nocturnel. But i HATE sanguine. She should get together with ghastly ;)

Unknown said...

I have two dumb questions

1.If Lord Vile is a necromancer, how can he fly, or does he still have access to skulduggery's elemental powers?

2. If the material Valkyre's coat is made of is impenetrable, how did Ghastly sew it together?

Jaimie Szostak said...

ITs such an amazing book i LOVED it but the last chapter shocked me

mujie said...

I have no idea how long this post is, so good luck...

@Slender Man:

1. I believe Vile is Skulduggery's true name, and that's how he gains access to so much power.

2. Magic.

Finished the book. Amazing ending. My second favourite line:

"On a scale of one to ten, how dangerous would it be?"
"Well, if one is a kitten, and 10 is a Yeti, then I'd say it's a ten."
"Dear God, I want to hurt you so bad."

I had a favourite line, but I can't remember it.

And I've been reading the comments, and to the Valduggery shippers, I don't mean to be mean or anything, but Valkyrie is 17 and Skulduggery is over 100. And, personally, if she had a choice between marrying Skulduggery and the Bentley, I think she'd choose the Bentley. Mainly to annoy Skulduggery, though. But I agree with the person who says Skulduggery is more like an uncle.

I just remembered what I think is my third favourite line, something about Valkyrie's granny?

And to all the people who say the reflection becomes Darquesse, I don't think so. That would be too anticlimactic. Personally, I wouldn't do that. Assuming the reflection is the big enemy in the 8th book, then it wouldn't make sense. The final book would be dark and horrible and that wouldn't work with the reflection, not because she can't be that, but because she hasn't ever been hurt, or anything. Valkyrie has always wanted to protect her.

Plus, since this is the Darquesse trilogy, the reflection would also have to be the main villain in the last book, and her alone. Plus, if that were to happen, I don't think she would survive past the end of book 8. Skulduggery would kill her before she kills Valkyrie.

I predict that Valkyrie will let Darquesse take over for good at the end of book 8. I won't say how I think that would happen, but I think it should be obvious. Valkyrie can have more story to her.

Although these are just my thoughts and opinions. But who else thinks Fergus will realise Carol is a reflection? He knows magic is real, so...

I just remembered my favourite lines:

From behind them there came a growl and Valkyrie whirled, fire filling her hands as the creature charged, and she prepared for the fight of her life.

"Well," Skulduggery said once the fight of her life was over, "that was bracing."

I loved that line.

Exeenera Dawn said...

OMG!!!!!! Finished it in two days!!!


Firstly, and you know what I'm gonna say...THE EPILOGUE. I was just starting to like Carol! The reflection... I knew something like this was gonna happen. Oh, yeah. The fight with the Yeti. It would have been nice if you talked us through it. But, then again, that would have been predictable...and you are most certainly NOT a predictable man, are you, Derek?? I don't think anybody could have predicted the other dimension. and I was expecting more about Kenny. And against Kitana and her buddies... Skulduggery and Valkyrie almost beaten?! Impossible.

This is the best book the world has ever known.

Mr. Landy, you are the brilliantest!!! After me, of course!;)

Anonymous said...

I know this is random but i hate how tesserect dies in the 5th book. He was ultimately one of my favorite characters

zepher cain said...

I still love china and firmly believe she will come back. Tanith ,i'm not so sure about. Not de-remininted, it would be epic. I completely ship ganith. I really don't like remnant tanith, she used to be cool, and strong now she is bit pathetic

Anonymous said...

Ocean winter i agree. To me its weird. I was thrilled when i read the murder of nocturnal but when i re read the books when tanith was tanith i miss her.

rawr_xoxo said...

I did have my suspicions about the reflection ever since it started acting weird! The sudden change though that did shock me! After everything Valkyrie just did for her?

Seriously loved the alternate dimension, perhaps a bit too much! Magic internet haha
Loved having all the bad gang together doing what they do best, I got some right weird looks as I was reading those bits at work!(cloakroom/box office) security kept asking me if I was OK x)
cannot wait for the next installment and I think Im with everyone when I say you've REALLY outdo be yourself Derek, congrats on another best seller!(it WILL be/!)

mujie said...

Now I'm starting to think the reflection does take over Valkyrie's life. There was something I wondered about the vision in Dark Days: How was Valkyrie Valkyrie, but also Darquesse at the same time? It made no sense. But now I get it. I predict there'll end up being a big debate on whether Darquesse is Valkyrie or the reflection. I'm on Valkyrie being Darquesse's side.

Saefou said...

Maybe the Reflection kills Val's parents (I know, weir but still) and Val goes into Darquesse mode because she's pissed/sad and THEN she destroys the world? Highly unlikely, but still a theory...

Holly said...

Why do people say that Vile is Skulduggery's true name? It's a taken name.

"He took a new name to kill his old self,"

TOOK a new name.
not FOUND a (true) new name.

Skuttlebug Psycho said...

Wait. So now that the reflection is gone, Valkyrie will have to...


Skuttlebug Psycho said...

Also, I think the reflection will be a very easy enemy to defeat.

Valkyrie: oh no. mai reflection.

Reflection: hahahha valkie. i wil rule d world nw. hahahha.

Valkyrie: not so fst!

Reflection: wut?

Valkyrie: *pushes reflection into the mirror*

Reflection: y u do dis valkie?

Valkyrie: refection pls

mujie said...

@Holly: There are more people?! I thought it was just me. I think it because of the likeness to Darquesse. He may not be as powerful as her, but it seems he's still a lot more powerful as Lord Vile and Vile takes a personality of his own. What if Skulduggery took the new name Vile, not knowing it was his true name? Thus giving him power, but not as much power as Darquesse. But then, I haven't read book 6 in a while. Last year, before Death Bringer, I read all previous 5 books.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Derek i would post in the regular post but for the sake of everyone who hasnt read KOTW

So, America has a Grand Mage and in school everyone called me Grand Mage but But in Dark Days you had said Davina Marr was from one of the American Sanctuaries in plural. So, like is it still legit for my friends to call me Grand Mage? I dont just curious. Errs feel free to ignore me and lemme sulk xD

ABK said...

Ahhh just ordered the book today; I'm so excited! But I'm okay with reading these comments, and getting a few spoilers. But I'm so happy yayaa!

MonsterMouse said...

My... Gosh. Book, so... awesome!

MonsterMouse said...

My god. It could be the reflection... That destroys the world, it could be, AHHHHHHHH!

MonsterMouse said...

Magical humans, squeshing hearts and brains, Derek, how very violent. I'm done now.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Lol!!! I got few more chapters. mevolent wasnt how i expected at all...just wasnt. I pictured this dude like all Necromancer-y

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