Friday, January 9, 2015

First Post of 2015

I have just seen Tom Percival's rough version of what the paperback cover for The Dying of the Light ... and all I can say is WOW.

This cover needs to be a poster. You'll be seeing it yourself in a matters of weeks, and then you can join me in demanding more posters. MORE!

Before the paperback of TDOTL comes out, of course, there'll be the paperback edition of Armageddon Outta Here. We'll be using a slightly altered version of the hardback cover for this because I didn't want anyone out there picking it up thinking it's one of the main books — I want it to be as obvious as possible that it's a collection of stories. There ARE going to be three new stories in it, though, about which I'll go into more detail closer to publication.

The Skulduggery series is, of course, now over, and I'm working on this mysterious new trilogy of mine. I had a third of it written by the time TDOTL was released, and then I went on a tour that took me to the other side of the world, and writing stopped.

When I got back, I had to write those three new short stories for AOH — so writing of the new series was postponed.

Then I needed a break. I just needed one or two weeks to just stop working and relax. So no writing got done.

Then it was December, and I sat down to write the remaining two thirds of the book. And I sat. And I sat. And nothing was happening. My absolute deadline for getting the first book finished was the end of January, and I had a LOT to do. But nothing was happening.

The writing had stalled.

This, as you can imagine, was not good. This was ever-so-slightly worrying. It had happened before, of course. It had happened with The Faceless Ones and again with Kingdom of the Wicked. Writer's block? Maybe. If such a thing exists, then I probably had it.

December carried on. I spoke to my agent and my editor just before the Christmas break, because the title I had been planning on using (or something similar) had been used by someone else a year earlier. We'd been having discussions about what it was going to be called now. None of my ideas were hitting in the way I needed.

But then, right before the Christmas break, the title came to me. No, I'm not going to tell you what it is — not yet. But it came to me and my eyes widened, and I sent off an email. A short email. Two words long. My title. My agent and my editor got back to me immediately — perfect.

We got on the phone, discussed it, said merry Christmas, and hung up.

Happy once again, I sat down at my desk and began to WRITE.

Except I didn't.

The book was still stalled.

The day before Christmas Eve I was sitting at my computer, staring at the screen. I remembered how I had been blocked when writing The Faceless Ones and Kingdom of the Wicked. When I was writing TFO, I was in the process of buying a house and I was about to move in. Something like this is incredibly distracting, and probably accounted for my inability to write. I broke through that block one day (on New Year's Eve, 2008) simply because enough time had passed. I didn't question it, I just wrote. When I was writing KOTW, I got halfway through and things slowed down.  I wasn't blocked, exactly, but I wasn't inspired. There was something missing. I looked at the title — Kingdom of the Wicked — and I asked myself what does this title say to me?

For some reason, it said 'alternate dimension'.

That's what was missing. Immediately I was writing about shunting and Mevolent and a world ruled by sorcerers, and slotting all that into what I'd already written about Argeddion and Kitana.

So, two days before Christmas, I looked at this title I'd just come up with, and I asked myself what does this title say to me?

And it told me. And suddenly everything changed.

The core idea is still the same — it's still about a 16 year old girl who is being chased across America by demons — but it has grown. It has expanded. It has evolved.

So I scrapped what I'd written. I managed to salvage maybe half of it, but that meant I was now even worse off than I had been. The thing is, though, I was now inspired. This was FUN again.

My deadline is still the end of this month. In the last week, I have written enough to that I have once again got a third of it written. I calculate that I will need to write twice as much as I usually do per day to get it done in time. Yesterday was my first attempt to do this. I wrote EXACTLY twice as much as I usually do. Yesterday was a good day. Today is going to be a good day too.

It has to be.


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Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Goodbye, Noelle. *hugs gently*))

Aretha: Yeah, I guess I can't think of one either. *hugs him tightly for another few moments before letting go* God, it's so nice to have friends again.
And, about her being scared- Alastair filled me in a bit. I'm not really an assassin anymore, either way, so as much as I'd like my old job back- I think I'll be ok not freaking her out with it.

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Good, good. *sits back down* Tea?

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((A/N: Sleep well, Noelle [hugs]))

((I really miss summer 2013... I mean, it had its bad moments, but it had good ones, too. A lot of them.))

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Aretha: I'd love some tea- thanks. So how have you two been?

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

((It was lovely, it really was.))

Milk? Auger? Tea whiskey?

I've been managing.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Aretha: Um... Just herbal tea, please? Maybe rose tea, if you have it?

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

One moment. *Trip disappears and a moment later returns with rose tea*

There you are my dear.

What's new in your world?

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

((Heh. Last man standing. Haven't been in this position in a looong time. *goes to the top of the hill and cheers his victory.*))

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

*steals Trip's victory and runs away, cuddling it*
*falls asheep clutching it tightly so he doesn't take it back*

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Damn it Dug!

Well, I'm off to bed now. Hopefully I'll be well enough rested for the big civ game today.

*after Aretha leaves Trip cleans up all the mugs and empties the pot of tea. When he turns around when going up the stairs he Spots Ariadne, Rather uncomfortably positioned in one of the booths*

She'll wake up with the most awful back pain if I leave her like that.

*he goes back down the stairs and gently picks the goddess up. Carefully, he carries her up the stairs and tucks her into his bed. He goes over to the shadowy area of the loft filled with all sorts of magical artifacts. He picks up a thick blanket and a soft coat. As he goes down thenstairs he says with a yawn* Good night, Ariadne.

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

*laughs and hands it back, he deserves it more*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((A/N: [waves]))

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

*waves back and falls asheep mid wave*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((A/N: Sheep well, Dugglyn.))

Lavender Hope said...

Wish me luck, I'm either about to have a major scolding or a very serious talk...
*is feeling very nervous about both chances*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((A/N: [hugs Lav]))

Lavender Hope said...

*hugs Sib's author back*
It turned out not to be as bad as I thought. Minor scolding and an actually short serious talk.
*breathes a sigh of relief*
*smiles and hugs Sib's author again*

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Bethany: ... Are you alright? Your eyes...

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*tilts head*
My eyes? What's wrong with my eyes?
*rubs her eyes, checking for blood or sleep*
*there is none*

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(Hello, Silente. *hugs her tightly*)

Bethany: They were silver...

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*hugs tightly back* hey Soph.)

*grabs a dagger from the Corner, checking her eyes*
*raises eyebrow*

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Bethany: What?

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

They're fine..?
*tilts her head side to side, checking*
All clear.

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Bethany: They weren't... For a second they were silver... What does that mean?

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Silver is Onwa's colour. Onwa is moon. Silver is a simple version of moon shine.
You might've just imagined it?

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Bethany: No... I didn't imagine it... Maybe Onwa was around Erebus too long... Or maybe she's getting stronger...

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Maybe. She'll calm down eventually..
*gets up, wincing slightly*
Ow. Falling out of bed hurts.
*stretches, smiling*
Mmmm..we should check on Claire..

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Bethany: Probably... Are you alright? *frowns slightly* We should probably get dressed...

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

I'm okay..and yeah, probably.
*shifts through the clothes*
*throws Beth's armour to her, getting dressed herself*

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Bethany: *she smiles, dressing herself in her armour and her cloak*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

* smiles at the cloak*
Claire had a cloak you know. I made a hologram of a super hero over myself to mimic her.
*laughs, shaking her head*
*sneaks one last, passionate kiss before walking to checkc on Claire*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Msd 4 school)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Bethany: That's mean. I just have mine for the hood. *kisses her passionately back before following her*

Claire: *she is asleep, still sat in front of the laptop with a horror film playing*

(I have to go now. Goodbye.)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Bye :)

*smiles, rolling her eyes at the horror film*
*clicks a couple buttons, pausing it*
*gently pulls a blanket over her*
*walks to Claire's room, getting the gun*
*slips it into Claire's arms*

Noelle said...

*Noelle wakes up early the next morning, and digs under her mattress, eventually finding a crumpled fifty dollar bill* *Shrugs on a shawl, and some warm shoes and trousers before stepping from the house in the direction of town*

Noelle said...

*It isn't much, she knows, but it should be enough* *Goes to the general store, and picks up a weighing scale, flat, squarish, as well as a few extra batteries*
*Buys the lot before ambling back to her house*

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Good morning folks!

Anyone still hanging around?

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...


Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(I fell asleep yesterday. :/

Will be reading the comments now. But I'm here. Good afternoon, Trip.)

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Good morning Tanya, how are ye?

Noelle said...

(I'm faintly here, and not for long)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(Hello, Noelle.

I am okay.

How are you two?)

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

(I'm fine thank ye. Just woke up. :P

Herrow Adra. How are you?)

Noelle said...


Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

(Would a hug go anywhere to solving that? Because you're getting one anyway. *hugs Adra tightly*

Noelle said...

(Very well. Thank you. *Takes the hug*)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(I understand.

*hugs her softly*)

*wakes up in a strange house*



Noelle said...

*Once at her home, Noelle sets her new weight scale in the corner, and sits down on her tattered couch* *Tyger hops up onto her, walking around on her legs, and lays down* *Noelle is forced to pet her kitty*

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...


Bethany: *she smiles at Silente*

Claire: *shifts slightly in her sleep, cuddling the gun*

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

*is lying quite happily asleep on the counter of his bar when he hears Tanya scream. With a moan he gets up*

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(Do you want me to join the rp?

Or just watch?)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(Hello, Sophia.)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(*considers disarming Claire's gun just to see her reaction in the morning*)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(Hello, Tia.)

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...


Fire Fly said...


Alastair Cruciatus said...

*Aretha Tesla knocks gently at Noelle's door* *she's in her regular shirt and cargo pants, with a Gryffindor sweater over the top, so she hopes she looks more like an average nerd than some kind of imposing magician*

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Evelyn: *she zips up her coat and pulls her hood tightly over her head, running towards the forest*

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

(Hey Fire Fly.)

*slowly he walks to the 1D house*


Noelle said...

*Noelle raises her voice* Leave me alone!

(Msd for lit- I'm blocked in that class)

Fire Fly said...

(Hi Trip :)

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...


Fire Fly said...

(How are you?)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(Hey, Fly!

Have you seen Firefly?)

You abandoned me, Trip! I asked you to stay! And you left me!

Fire Fly said...

(Hi Kas! And if you mean the American TV show, then no, I have not. Nor have I seen an actually firefly... :/ )

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

*climbs the ladder*

You asked to borrow me for the night, I wasn't going to stay, now, was I?

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

You left me in some strange house! Just you wait until Dugglyn hears about this, you'll never be purple again!

(How was work, Fly?)

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

*points at his hair*

I will always be purple.

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Evelyn: *she looks around for any houses she could steal food from, feeling her stomach rumble, not having eaten properly in several days*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

*Aretha sighs gently, and takes a few steps away from the door, sitting against a tree and pulling out a pencil and pad of paper* *scribbles down a note, leaving the bread on her lap so it won't get cold, then rips the sheet of paper of and attaches it to the side of the container*
*yells softly back* I'll go away now- I'm just leaving some banana bread on your doorstep. There are no nuts, or anything, and I just baked it this morning, so if you pick it up now it'll be warm. I'm sorry my friends were so mean to you yesterday. *she sets it on the doorstep, and walks away*

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

Oh, no, I'll make you so dull gray that you'll forget what it feels like to be purple!

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

You wouldn't tell me where you loved! I carried you up a tree!

Fire Fly said...

(Work was good. Three and a half hours of it, and I didn't get paid because my boss left early. I'll get get paid about $80 on Wednesday if she's there. I've got a training day tomorrow at my second job... Which I'm going to quit a little after school starts...)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Evelyn: *she starts to smell the warm banana bread and hears Aretha shouting, heading in her direction*

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(Oh, I forgot you don't have school.

Wait, I didn't even know...)

*glares* You could have stayed.

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Yes, but that would involve staying with someone who had openly expressed an interest in sexual relations with me.

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

I only wanted a warm bed and some cuddles...

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Still unnacceptable.

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

Damn it, Trip, if I'm unattractive, you should've just said so!

*leaves the house with a slam of the door*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

*Aretha goes back to place an extra layer of foil over the bread, so it'll stay warm, and then walks back over to Trip's bar*

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Evelyn: *she stays out of Aretha's sight, slowly moving towards the banana bread, almost enticed by its smell* *she unwraps it quickly, taking some in her hand before she wraps it up again just as it had been before*

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

*he sighs and slowly leaves*


Alastair Cruciatus said...

*Alastair steps out of a tree behind Evelyn* Hello.

Anonymous said...

Why do I keep leaving ;_;

It's honestly a problem now.

*ironically has to sleep*


Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Bye Fay!

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Evelyn: *she jumps, before quickly hiding the banana bread* Oh... Hi. Sorry... Who are you? How did you just... Appear?

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(I am completely soaked and cold, and so is my non-waterproof phone.

Damn it.)

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Who are you, and why do you need bread more than the person who lives in that house?

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

(Ah, I'm sure it's showerproof. *hugs* Don't worry, you'll be fine.)

Fire Fly said...

(I just spent the past half hour looking at Whisper confessions... I still feel really bad about some of the things Ive done, though...

*Curls up by Kas and tries to sleep*)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Evelyn: My name's Evelyn... I... *she sighs* I'm sorry... I haven't eaten properly in days... My mother and father died a few months ago and I've been trying to look after myself and my sixteen year old sister in the process... And we had no money. It all went on bills... So she ate all the food we had and I ate what she left... I know it isn't a good reason to steal but I'm just so hungry... And a few minutes ago Ariana was complaining and I got really stressed then there was this red light and it knocked her against the wall and she threatened to call the police so now... *she shrugs* I only have what I have on my person... I... When I get some money I'll pay the person back for the bread... I'm really sorry...

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

*curls up by Fly, and lets her sleep warmly and safely*

(Oh, I remember Evelyn now! Good rp! Want to join! Distant! :S)

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Of course you are. *shadows snake around the loaf to pull the note off of the side* You can take that loaf of bread with you- there's a container of butter in it, also. And if you feel an urge to steal any more food, you're welcome to just talk to her. *he gestures towards Aretha* Or to me, I suppose, if she isn't around. She's excessively friendly, and fond of giving people food, for whatever reason. *vanishes, and reappears with a second loaf of banana bread* Don't eat this one. *attaches the note to it, wraps the container in foil, and sets it on Noelle's doorstep in place of the first one*

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Evelyn: Really? Thank you... So much... But... Aren't you going to call the police? Stealing is a crime...

Alastair Cruciatus said...

*Aretha has turned around and is walking back towards Noelle's house*

*shrugs* It's Aretha's bread, and she'd rather give you more food than turn you in for it. I suppose she could consider herself the police, if she did want to arrest you, anyway.

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Evelyn: I... *she picks up the banana bread she already ate from* Thank you... Should I talk to Aretha or run?
*she thinks for a moment* Why are you helping me? What do you want?

Alastair Cruciatus said...

You can run if you want to, but she won't do anything to you besides offer you more food. I'm only giving you that bread because Aretha asked me to. I would like to be entertained, or have something to do that is not boring, but that is hardly relevant to this situation.

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Evelyn: I'll stay... I need to find a job somewhere. I can't let Ariana be without food or money... She may have abandoned me but I'll never abandon her... She's my sister. I love her.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Well, I'm sure that's very kind of you to say. *takes a step back, and melts into the tree again*

*Aretha walks over, and offers Evelyn her hand* Hi. I'm Aretha Tesla.

Lavender Hope said...

*comes in, greets everyone with a small nod, then walks purposefully into the forest to where she left her half destroyed tree that was to become a treehouse that never got built*
*starts making it*

*takes several hours, using her animal ability to fly to the branches when she needs to, building as everyone else continues with whatever they're doing*
*adds the final touch by taking a piece of extra wood and some spare rope and making a swing out of it, tying it to an extra long branch*

*flies to the ground as a bird, turns back into a human, and steps back to look at her handiwork*

*the house is build high up in the tree; a rope ladder hangs to the ground from the lowest tree branch, meaning from that branch, one'll have to climb from branch to branch until they reach the trap door leading onto a platform outside the house, or for her, just turn into a bird and land on the platform*

*does so, turning back to human form once she gets there*
*uses Blogland Magic to create the interior of her new home, making it bigger on the inside than it looks on the outside*
*adds three floors, making one room a soundproof music room with every kind of instrument; includes three kitchens, one on each floor, and makes a storage room with lots of blankets, pillows, and Japanese style sleeping mats*
*next, creates two small living rooms with big TV's, comfy couches, and easy chairs*

*wonders if she's missing anything*
*adds a few spare empty rooms, varying in size*

Phew, I think I did it.
*looks at the door to her new treehouse; turns around and gets a nice view of the lake*
*plonks down on the platform, facing the lake; then falls back, lying on the wood, letting her legs hang off the edge*
*there's also a wooden railing, with lines going horizontally, on the platform to make it harder for one to fall off; there's space at the bottom for her legs to slip under*

*realizes how long this is*
*just lies there, relaxing after a long, hard few hours*

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Evelyn: *she looks astonished at Alastair before turning to meet Aretha, shaking her hand* Evelyn Thomson... What did he just do?

Noelle said...

*Noelle wipes her eyes, and gets the bread gently

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

Hey, Hope!)

Lavender Hope said...

Right, it wasn't that long, but still, looked like it...

*would say hi now, but is too tired to talk*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

*Aretha smiles slightly as Noelle picks up the bread, but doesn't call attention to her* *there's a container of butter in this loaf as well, and the note attached is an apology for what happened yesterday, some money to replace anything that was damaged, and a number to call if she needs anything or wants to talk*

Aretha: He just, sort of... Became part of the tree, I guess is the best way to say it. *smiles* Evelyn is a beautiful name. My grandmother was named Evelyn, actually. *pauses* Do you want to come back to my house, and eat something?

Inky Flame said...

(hello, is it me your looking for?
I can see it in your eyes
I can see it in your smile)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

((Alastair, where are you at with Ari? I had a snow day so I'm around.-Zaf

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Aretha is with Evelyn in the woods, a small distance away from Noelle's house, though she may leave soon to travel back to her own house.

Lavender Hope said...

*becomes uncomfortable with her legs hanging*
*sits up and moves back until her legs are on the wood*
*is now more awake because of that*

Hi guys.

Noelle said...

*She doesn't know why there's money* *It makes her feel ashamed of herself* *She tentatively takes a few bites of the yummy bread*

Lavender Hope said...

Nice, Zaf! Snow days sound fun. :)

Inky Flame said...

(hey Lavy!
hey Al!
Hey Adra!
hey Zaffy!
how art thou, everyone?)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Evelyn: ... That's... I don't... How can he do that?
*she bites her lip* I... Would love to... But... I feel bad... I just tried to steal the food you placed outside the house...

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

((Don't she dare. Someone is freaking out because she's around.-Zaf))

Zafira: *shadow-walks into the woods, near where Aretha is, Loki had actually spoken truthfully* Ari, oh my god!!! You're here!!!

Inky Flame said...

(hey Soph! how art thou?)

Lavender Hope said...

Hi, Chloe! I be good! Just finished making my new treehouse! :D
*points up a few comments*

Inky Flame said...

(that's awesome! I wish I had a tree house *sighs* but I don't have a big enough tree in my garden)

Alastair Cruciatus said...

*Aretha would've explained in her note that she attached some money because she heard they'd broken a few things*

Aretha: *shrugs* He's just weird.
Yeah, you did, and that wasn't very nice, but you haven't had a proper meal in days, right? I will gladly give you food, so you don't have to steal any.

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(Hello, Chloe. I am depressed, yourself?

I believe I "followed" you on Twitter? I decided to make an account on said site as a backup should Google decide to fail somewhen.)

Lavender Hope said...

Ooh, I need to find someone who can make it so it can't be destroyed.

*considers looking for a sigil maker or someone who can put up a magical protection spell over her treehouse*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Aretha: Oh, hey Zaf! Yep, I'm here. How are you?

Inky Flame said...

(okay Soph ^.^ ill follow you back
Im okay...I had my English mock back so that's great )

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Zafira: I'm doing fine. I can't believe you're here...*glances at Noelle* She looks like she's scared.

Lavender Hope said...

I wish I could make a real tree house too, but I don't think it's going to happen any time soon...
*has never had a tree house before*

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Evelyn: I'm sorry... But I have practically nothing... I... I haven't eaten properly, no... I'm honestly not a bad person... I really would like some food...

Lavender Hope said...

I have to go. It's getting late.

Night guys!

Inky Flame said...

(I live in the middl f a forest, but actually having permission to build one....
*remembers the old days, climbing trees*
there was these two trees, you climbed up one, then reach over to the other and slide down it like a pole. I scraped my entire side.)

Inky Flame said...

(night Lav!)

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((I believe Noelle is inside her house currently, and the others are outside. As a point of clarification.))

Aretha: I figured it was time to give some of my old friends a visit.
Evelyn- I believe you. You don't seem like a bad person, and Alastair would've known if you were lying, anyway. Why don't you follow me? We can go back to my house, and get you something to eat.
Zaf, you can come too, if you want.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I want to go places and do things. Is that too much to ask?


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Zafira: Sure. I haven't been to your house in forever.

Inky Flame said...

(hey Sib! how art thou?)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Evelyn: Thank you... That would be nice... I promise when I get some money I'll pay you for your hospitality...

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(@Sib It is for some.

And some are off having adventures.

(Distant, sorry.))

Inky Flame said...

(Kassy! how art thou?)

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Aretha: It's fine, you don't have to. Alright- you can just follow me. *walks a ways through the woods, through a portal that doesn't look like a portal- it merely looks like the other side of the bush you have to climb through to reach it* *her smallish, two story log cabin is on the other side, and she holds the door open for them*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Zafira: Thank you. *walks inside, having not been here since Niccolò*

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Evelyn: I want to. You're there when I need you most. I have to give you something... Do you know if there are any jobs around here? I used to work in a supermarket but that's... no longer possible because of my sister... *she follows behind Aretha* Your house is amazing...

Inky Flame said...


Alastair Cruciatus said...

Aretha: Oh, thanks. I built it myself. *casts a sidelong glance at the trapdoor leading into the basement* Several times, actually... *there's a window in the kitchen that looks out onto a patch of blue roses edged with gray*
And really, you don't have to give me anything. I miss that old timey hospitality, like in ancient Greece where people would take in strangers and kill the best pig to have a feast, so I just keep it alive here to the best of my ability.
So, what do you guys want to eat?

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(I am stressed, cold and wet. How are you?)

(Is it okay if I join the Evelyn rp once I get home, Sophia?)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Evelyn: Anything... I don't care.

(Sure, Tia.)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Zafira: Oh it's fine, I don't mind what you make. I haven't eaten since yesterday...

Inky Flame said...

(*gives Kassy warm huggles*)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(*hugs back*)

Inky Flame said...

(*gives kassy hot chocolate*)

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Very distant, and msd.))

Aretha: Ok... Do you guys like hamburgers?

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Zafira: Of course, I like those.

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Evelyn: Yes... That would be lovely...

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(*gulps down the hot chocolate*


Inky Flame said...

(*smiles* better?)

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Aretha: Ok, great. *pulls some ground beef out of a fridge, shapes it, and starts cooking one burger at a time on a frying pan until there are four* *sets out buns, plates, and ketchup* Help yourselves. And if you want any more, I can make some. It only takes a few minutes.

Inky Flame said...

(im going now!
c ya!)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Zafira: *sits down, smirking* I really did miss you, Ari. *puts ketchup on her burger and eats*

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Evelyn: Honestly, I can't thank you enough, Aretha. *she smiles, moving to the food* *she takes a plate and a bun, placing a burger inside before pouring a little ketchup inside* *she closes the bun and starts to eat it hungrily*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...


*smiles and rests a hand on Claire's head gently for a moment*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*laughs evily*
Granted, it'd be made of aluminium..
And probably not too sharp..

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(Hello, Silente. *hugs her tightly* Given the fact it will be for art, do not make it sharp. And be careful so you do not cut yourself.)

Bethany: What was she watching?

Noelle said...

*Noelle sits inside with the bread, then puts the majority of it back to save for later*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*hugs tightly back* I know I know..and even if it was sharp I wouldn't cut myself on it...but I'm ecstatic!)

Horror movie of some kind.
*ponders whether to remove the headphones, then decides against it*
*they'll help dim noises*

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(I am somewhat against weaponry being considered art, regardless. No matter how much you decorate them, they are meant to kill. And that is all they should be.)

Bethany: I find the laptop device rather interesting.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(I know..but I think knives are pretty and interesting.. and I've been wanting to make one for ages...)

It is quite cool. Hard to understand, but eventually rather easy to hack..

Noelle said...

*Noelle pulls out the collage that she's making- she's selected a few words, and she quite likes it*

"I’m not healthy.
I want to be enough.
I want the goddess relief.
Am I pretty?
Why don’t I have it all?"

*She sighs, resigned*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*The Asgardians are hanging around the lake, not sure where to go*

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Bethany: Show me?

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*carefully unplugs the headphones, carrying the laptop to the kitchen table*
Okay. What specifically do you want to look at?

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Bethany: ... What is there to look at?

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Lots. YouTube, blogs, well pretty much anything...

Noelle said...

(True story)

*Noelle sits, and holds Tyger, before flopping down* *She's mentally and emotionally exhausted*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Tyger sounds cute..)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Bethany: ... Show me something you'd like me to see? I have no idea about any of this...

Noelle said...

(He's a little tabby cat. He looks like this ->


Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Okay...we can start with YouTube.
*quickly opens up the internet, typing in the YouTube URL and search 'Heroes All Time Low'*
*clicks on the first video*

Noelle said...

*Noelle ends up just sitting on her couch* *She doesn't have a computer, or outlets, in her home* *She only has one lamp* *No heating really, and her insulation is shoddy* *And, unfortunately, she's too young still to get a job*

*Is resigned to just sitting*

Star Inkbright said...

You know I get a bit obsessive with CGP revision guides occasionally?

Well, we got given more in maths FOR FREE, and likelikelime WE GOT FREE CGP REVISION GUIDES 9well, one was a workbook, but still) so I was just kind of sat there whimpering and hugging them, and then I contiued to hug them for the rest of the lesson, and then I realised ho wmuch I liked hugging them so I hugged the revision guide (we had to leave the workbook at school -_- I was just like DON'T TAKE MY CGP AWAY FROM ME :( :() through most of my next lesson too, and now I've got home I've got my chemistry revision guide and my new maths one and I'm just sat here hugging them because they make me feel really safe and idek.

So. I enjoy hugging revision guides.
Good to know. :S

(I really don't understand myself.)

(I feel a bit like Claire with her machine gun. XD)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Bethany: What is that?

Noelle said...

(Star, I emailed you yesterday)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

It's a song..

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Bethany: ... I've never heard anything like it before... And this, *she points at the screen* this... projects images somehow?

Audra Traum said...


Ariadne Silver - Goddess of Passion said...

(Hello Everyone! ^.^ *hugs everyone wanting to be hugged*)

Audra Traum said...

Hello Ariadne. Are you new to Blogland? I don't believe we have met, pleasure to meet you.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Hey Aria and Dreams!)

Yeah basically. It uses computer optics and other such stuff..

Audra Traum said...

Hello Silente! How are you?

Ariadne Silver - Goddess of Passion said...

(Oh, yeah Audra. Hello. Pleasure to meet you too ^.^
I just joined on Saturday.)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(Hello Audra and Ariadne.)

Bethany: So what are the letters?

Noelle said...

(Oh dear, this is where it gets confusing... Hang on)

Audra Traum said...

Cool, welcome. I am farley new myself but not that new.
How are you?

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(Personal statement ugh...)

Audra Traum said...

Hello Tanya, how are you?

Ariadne Silver - Goddess of Passion said...

(Hi Kas, Silente, Sophia, Adra)

Audra Traum said...

Hello Noelle, how are you?

Hello Sophia, how are you?

I feel like a robot, repeating myself XD

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

*sneaks into Claire's room and removes all the bullets from Claire's gun, then sneaks out with a wild grin on her face*

Ariadne Silver - Goddess of Passion said...

(I'm quite tired...stayed up really late last night to continue the RP we're doing.
Does anyone know how to contact Trip? what timezone is he in?)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(I am depressed, Audra, yourself?)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...


I am stressed. Stupid personal statement.)

Audra Traum said...

Oh yes, I saw that. Well it's very interesting and you're doing a great job, I really like your writing and character.

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

(I am in GMT, Audra.)

Hey guys!

Noelle said...

(Please don't call me Adra. I want to avoid confusion. Call be Noelle).

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