Thursday, August 29, 2013

Competition Winners!

And here we are, coming in late (as usual)... The winners of the strapline competition. So many cool entries. A lot of similar ones, and unfortunately that meant we couldn't put those in the final ten. There were lots of "Burn, Baby Burn!" and suchlike, which would have been so cool to see on a cover if we'd only had one entry for it...! I love the winning entries, though, so a huge congratulations to everyone who took part.

And the winners are...

Hugo Peach

Evan Jenkins

Harriet Langley

Tom Wood

Jack Holton

Ashan Ali

Laura MacKenzie

Nigethan Sathiyalingham

Phoebe Ryall

Megan Smales

All the winners receive two signed glossy prints of the cover with their own strap line. Awesome.

Oh, and to remind you, the comments section below is NOT for spoilers!


«Oldest   ‹Older   3001 – 3200 of 4966   Newer›   Newest»
Edward Fletcher said...

Hey adra, derek mentioned you. Back later when im home bye

son of the moon said...

Who I am?

That's a really really interesting question.

Effrancia Devastine, or whatever I currently say my name is, Illusionist, at your service! And I TOTALLY exist outside of Fabi's head!



Eve the ROCK said...

(Hi Fabi!)

You're never completely grown up until you start to decompose. *grins proudly at my wise words*

son of the moon said...

And I've met everyone, even the people I haven't. I'm creepy that way! :-P


Noelle said...



Hi Effie

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*laughs* He never will mention me cuz I am too evil :P and my OC is only an Elder

Eve the ROCK said...

Goodbye, King Of Penguins!

*laughs* I think Blogland turned into a magical kingdom when I was gone.

Anonymous said...

Flora, fly to Neverland before it's too late!!

Eve the ROCK said...

(He's talking about the book, Adra)

son of the moon said...

Hello and goodbye, Ed!


Noelle said...

Are you suuure

Dragona Pine said...

Sorry I poofed.

son of the moon said...

I'm not royal in the slightest! Eep!


Eve the ROCK said...

*dances with a tall lamp* You look radiant today.

*turns to all with a big grin* GET IT?

Dragona Pine said...

Eve, did you watch the video?

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Oh Eve I so missed you

Queen Flora Ophelia of the Flowers; Leader of the New Land of Stickers; Prophet of the New Order; General of the Shadow People said...

That's a damn good idea, Mith!
Where's Peter Pan when you need him?
*starts searching the room*


Eve the ROCK said...

If you were talking to me, I'm suuuuuuuure

We forgive you, Dragona. We're hurt, but we forgive you.

Anonymous said...

Flora, you'll have to get his shadow, then he'll come! *shakes head* You should know that!

Noelle said...

*tries to fly*

Eve the ROCK said...

Dragona, no I didn't. It's not that I'm afraid of the video, (although I am) I'm just kinda sleeping right now. Like, sleep-sleeping. My headphones are...somewhere in the dark....Sorry.

Missed you too, Zaf. XD

Queen Flora Ophelia of the Flowers; Leader of the New Land of Stickers; Prophet of the New Order; General of the Shadow People said...

*pulls out darts*
Will this work, Mith?
To, like, y'know, pin his shadow down?

Keep trying Adra! You can do it!
Maybe Peter can help you? :D


Dragona Pine said...

Eve, you don't really need sound. You get the idea without it. But it's your decision anyway. ^^

Eve the ROCK said...

*Avril Lavine song finishes on gramoblogophone*


Any other 'jestions?

son of the moon said...

[Makes an illusion to look like she's levitating]


Anonymous said...

Adra, you have to think about something really wonderful and then you need Tinkerbell.

Flora, I'm not sure... but if a dog can hold his shadow then you should be able to pin it down.

Noelle said...



Could I have a flower? For my hair? *gestures to her messy bun that defies gravity*

Dragona Pine said...

Oh and Adra, thanks for the comment on the blog. I hope it helped to clarify matters concerning the events in the story.

Queen Flora Ophelia of the Flowers; Leader of the New Land of Stickers; Prophet of the New Order; General of the Shadow People said...

Well, I'm currently rocking out to the credits song from Hotel Transylvania... :P

@Mith: Awesome! *starts throwing darts around the room* Peeeeeeteeerrrrr!



Noelle said...

Yeah but it probs want needed... I got the drift kinda

Eve the ROCK said...


I'll have nightmares now!

And speaking of nightmares, I think I should probably get right to them. I'll be here in the morning, but I'll be doing homework, so distant.


*glides away and slips*

Dragona Pine said...

Well if it wasn't needed I must have explained it rather well. That's good. :)

Anonymous said...

Eeeeeveeeee! Bye...

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Good night Eve

Noelle said...

NIght Eve!!

*sobs* I can't fly! I'm sorry

Queen Flora Ophelia of the Flowers; Leader of the New Land of Stickers; Prophet of the New Order; General of the Shadow People said...

Bye Eve!! *hugs*


son of the moon said...

Night Eve!


Anonymous said...

Flora, I know you'll get him! And when you get him you can send Tink to Adra to help her flying!!

(My mum just read our discussion about Peter and is now laughing as much as I am xD)

Dragona Pine said...

Ah. I'll take it you watched the video - the child by the way wasn't real. It was one of the large machines trying to connect with the character and establishing itself in a visual sort of way.

And just bear in mind I have to FIGHT all of them. And I haven't even mentioned the zombies which are organic flesh fused with synthetic machinery.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((I think Effie and I are going to go now, sorry!))

(([hugs all] Have an awesome rest of the party!))


Noelle said...

Bye you two!

Queen Flora Ophelia of the Flowers; Leader of the New Land of Stickers; Prophet of the New Order; General of the Shadow People said...

Come heeerrree!
*falls over*
what the...?
*looks down at shadow wrapped around ankle*
*it lets go and shrivels back to the shadow of a boy*
*gathers up dress and gets up*
*shadows runs*'re not making this easy, y'know...


son of the moon said...

[Vanishes in a puff of smoke with a cheerful wave]


Queen Flora Ophelia of the Flowers; Leader of the New Land of Stickers; Prophet of the New Order; General of the Shadow People said...

Bye Fabi and Effie!


Anonymous said...


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I'm here so is Alexis

Noelle said...


Chione Asahina said...

Too late for me to join this little party? ;)

Queen Flora Ophelia of the Flowers; Leader of the New Land of Stickers; Prophet of the New Order; General of the Shadow People said...

*shadows runs along the wall*
Peter! Come back! I need you!
*he glances back and, in doing so, trips over a half column in the wall*
*rushes over and dives onto where the shadow has landed on the ground*
*the shadow turns in the form of a boy on impact*
Peter: Wh-what do you want?
Flora: I don't want to grow up!
*sees a flicker of fairy dust and a wing hiding behind Peter's shoulder*
Flora: Oh, yeah, and Adra wants to fly...could you help her out?
Peter: Could you...
Flora: Yeah? What is it?
Peter: Um, y'know...get off me?
*glances down and sees that he's completely pinned down*
Flora: Whoopsie!
*gets up and holds out a hand for Peter*
*he takes it*
Peter: Cheers. Now, where's Adra?

Anonymous said...

See? I told you, Flora!! :)
Hi Peter!

Gemma, it's never too late^^

Noelle said...

Of course not Gemma!

Noelle said...


Chione Asahina said...

Kinda forgot about the ball because ive been sulking in my room. I hate being ill x.x

Noelle said...

Awh.. I feel ya

Chione Asahina said...

*looks in wardrobe for a nice dress* ive had this cough for almost a month...its not fun.

Dragona Pine said...

*still wears a dragon, because he can*

Chione Asahina said...

All your dresses are beautiful btw ;) *finds a reasonably nice dress*

Anonymous said...

And it's still pretty damn cool, Dragona^^

Noelle said...

Thanks! *nods*

*sits down, taking a sip of her wine*

Unknown said...

Hey there, Mithria. It's nice to meet you finally.
I have to admit, I've been lurking around here as a shadow for quite some time now...

Is there an Adra here?

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*sighs* Hmmm what to do

Queen Flora Ophelia of the Flowers; Leader of the New Land of Stickers; Prophet of the New Order; General of the Shadow People said...

Party with us, Zaf!
Or learn to fly with Peter!


Anonymous said...

Hi Peter! Nice to meet YOU! And yes, she's somewhere around...
Wait a moment, ok?

Noelle said...

*tentatively raises a hand* I'm Adra...

Unknown said...

Yeah, sure, I can wait. I mean, it's not like I'm aging or anything here. I've got all the time in the world.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I cant fly I'm a Necromancer

Anonymous said...

There she is! *points at Adra*

Dragona Pine said...


Chione Asahina said...

There we go. Now I can join the party. Where is the wine?

Unknown said...

Sure you can fly, Zafira. All you need is a little bit of fairy dust and belief. Tink can supply one, but it's up to you to find the other.

And thanks for your help, Mithria. Now it's just to get her attention...
*eyes bread rolls in a basket on a near-by table*

Anonymous said...

Nice dress, Gemma! The wine... over there, look, on the board.

No problem, Peter^^

Queen Flora Ophelia of the Flowers; Leader of the New Land of Stickers; Prophet of the New Order; General of the Shadow People said...

Peter, I know what you're thinking and don't you dare. That's hardly polite when you don't even know her.

...I guess I should do it then, seeing as she's my princess.
*picks up bread roll*
Sorry Adra!
*throws and it completely misses*
Well...that was a bit of an anti-climax...


Noelle said...

*casually takes a tip of her wine*

Anonymous said...

How about talking to her? Would be the easiest way, wouldn't it?

Anonymous said...

By the way:
*sighs* Just love it... *-*

Queen Flora Ophelia of the Flowers; Leader of the New Land of Stickers; Prophet of the New Order; General of the Shadow People said...

*throws a load of bread rolls and all of them miss*
Goddammit it, I never was good at PE...
*grabs empty basket and throws*
*hits Adra on the head*
Ahhhh! Sorry!


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I...really *smiles* I guess

Noelle said...

*rubs the back of her head* *glares* Flora

Star Inkbright said...


The TV is talking about how Edison invented the lightbulb. I'm trying not to get too angry.


Unknown said...

*looks at Flora, thoroughly confused*
Y''re kinda terrible in social situations...
I just going to take Mithria's sound advice and go and talk to her.
*walks over to Adra*
*holds out hand*
Nice to meet you, m'lady.
I'm Peter Pan. And this...
*small fairy peers out from behind Peter's shoulder* Tink.
For all her boisterousness, she's actually pretty shy when meeting new people.

Anonymous said...

Tink is shy? Never would have thought this...^^

Queen Flora Ophelia of the Flowers; Leader of the New Land of Stickers; Prophet of the New Order; General of the Shadow People said...

*goes and stands in a 'time out' in the corner for throws a basket at Adra's head*
Sorry again...


Chione Asahina said...

Thank you mith :) my hair was all over the place though.

*walks over to the wine and takes a bottle then sits on a chair and starts drinking*

Chione Asahina said...

*starts drooling when she sees star's dress*

Omfg star... you O.O

Star Inkbright said...

@Mithria: Can't watch it, sorry. On my phone at my grandparents'. :(


Noelle said...

*shakes his hand* H-hi...

*looks at the fairy, and waves*

Unknown said...

*fairy flutters forward and perches on Peter's shoulder*
Mind helping out Zafira over there?
*the fairy nods once, faintly, before flying over to Zafira with a jingle and a chime from her wings*

Star Inkbright said...

Thanks, Gemma. :)

Same picture as last year. I'm lazy. XD


Dragona Pine said...

I am now back.

Unknown said...

*turns back to Adra*
Tink's real good and helping people belief in themselves, so she's just going to help Zafira out.
Don't worry, she'll be back and I'm sure she'll warm to you.

I've got some fairy dust here if you want to have a go at flying?
Like I said to Zafira, you only need two things: belief and a little bit of fairy dust.

Star Inkbright said...


Are we dancing, or drinking punch, or . . . ?


Dragona Pine said...

Star, if you have time and if you want to could you comment on Part 12 of my story? I'd like to know what you thought since I've never written anything like it before. ^^

And also there's a new post explaining why Thomson and Emi fell in love if you're interested - it isn't necessary or anything but it's just to explain some things.

Anonymous said...

Star: Dancing, drinking and apparently flying :D Isn't that cool? :)

Dragona Pine said...

And it appears I'm wearing a dragon. Because dragons are very stylish.

Noelle said...

Oh... *nods* I'd like to fly. Very much, actually.

Star Inkbright said...



Queen Flora Ophelia of the Flowers; Leader of the New Land of Stickers; Prophet of the New Order; General of the Shadow People said...

@Star: Well, currently Peter Pan and Tinkerbell are trying to help Adra and Zaf fly.
I'm sure he won't mind if you want to give it a go too? :)


Anonymous said...

And me? Could I try it as well? Maybe?

Chione Asahina said...

*stares at the bottle of wine in her hands*

this is depressing

*finishes the bottle*

Anonymous said...

Depressing? What is depressing, Gemma??

Unknown said...

Great! *nods, smiling warmly*
Right, well I've got the fairy dust, have you got the belief?

(Over by Zafira, Tinkerbell perches on their shoulder, whispering words on belief into their ear, as a sweet melody seems to play out of nowhere)

Unknown said...

Of course you can Mithria! Do you want to join in now, or have a go after Adra?

Chione Asahina said...

It reminds me of my prom and my halloween dance. I only danced with my best friend. I still havnt danced with a boy, exceoy the practices FOR the prom...

Anonymous said...

I'll watch Adra first. Heh. :D

Star Inkbright said...


@Dragona: I can't comment until I get home tomorrow. Staying at my grandparents', and I don't have the laptop, and my phone can't comment . . .

So I also won't read the new part until I'm on the laptop and can comment. If I say my feedback.right after I've read it, it's generally better.
I'm sorry.


Chione Asahina said...


Dragona Pine said...

That's fine Star, don't worry about it. :)

Unknown said...

Okay *smiles at Mithria before turning back to Adra*
You ready? You need to believe.

Noelle said...

Um... Yeah I suppose

Queen Flora Ophelia of the Flowers; Leader of the New Land of Stickers; Prophet of the New Order; General of the Shadow People said...

Oh yeah! I totally forgot that! Lucky bubble-ness! :P


Anonymous said...

Gemma. I know that too well... We had dancing lessons at school and all the boys should choose a girl and I was the last girl standing around and no one wanted to dance with me. So I had to dance with my BF. Well... it may seem depressing but it was fun, actually. You WILL dance with a boy, that's sure! You will, believe in it!

Star Inkbright said...

@Gemma: I've never danced with a boy either. Or had a boyfriend. Or even had a rp boyfriend on the blog.


Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...


Anonymous said...

See? You're not alone, Gemma. *nods*

Unknown said...

You need to truly believe, or else you'll hurt yourself.
*takes both hands in his and looks dead in the eyes*
I believe in you.
Do you?

Anonymous said...

*laughs* Dead? You mean Adra!

Noelle said...

*nods hesitantly* Yes

Dragona Pine said...

*raises hand* I owe my current girlfriend to coming on here. We got blog-married above a year ago and then we decided to be in a relationship irl - and we've met and stuff several times. It's great.

Anonymous said...

And again, because it's lovely:

Star Inkbright said...


(Even though, like, I can't even move as fast as a slow walking pace, and I can't land without risk of popping, and I don't have hands, or arms, or a brain, and ummm . . . XD)


Unknown said...

((looking someone dead in the eyes means looking them straight in the eyes and being completely focused on them :P ))

Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

Dragona; Aww :') What's her name?

Anonymous said...

Didn't know that..... *hides in shame*

Dragona Pine said...

Her name on here is Aquila Felis. She was part of the 'older gen'.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I believe

Unknown said...

*nods, warily*
Okay...let's give it a go, yeah?
*reaches into pocket and produces a handful of shimmering dusts that glimmers in every possible colour and more*
*holds up hand and then blows the fine dust onto Adra*
Good luck!

Star Inkbright said...

@Mithria: Can't watch it, sorry. :(


Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

Dragona; Nice name :)
Star; I love your pic! That dress is awesome!
Peter Pan; What are we all believing in?

Anonymous said...

@Star: It's You Can Fly from Walt Disney's Peter Pan! :) You can imagine it instead of watching it :D

Unknown said...

*Tinkerbell flies above Zafira and shakes slightly*
*a sparkling rain of fairy dust slowly falls through the air and lands on Zaf*

Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

*Laughs at Adra and Zaf covered in fairy dust* XD

Noelle said...

OH dear...

*really focuses and raises up about a foot into the air before falling back down*
*frowns* AM I doing something wrong?

Dragona Pine said...

I'm under the impression that the world isn't real. I don't know why but I really don't think it is. There's something about the world which is just wrong.
Or it might be the fact I have faith in about 2% of humanity. The rest I lost faith in a long time ago.

Star Inkbright said...

@Saph: Thank you! :)

@Mithria: Thanks. :)


Unknown said...

Ourselves, Sapphire.
To believe in yourself is an achievement that all should long to fulfill, because faith in yourself leads to strength. And strength leads to living your life, instead of just having it.

Anonymous said...

Adra, that was a good start! :)

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...



Anonymous said...


Noelle said...

Hey Fabs

Unknown said...

*turns back to Adra, frowning*
...I'm not entirely sure...
*circles her before coming to a stand-still again*
You seem perfectly fit to fly...
*scratches head*
...Are you sure you truly believe?

Chione Asahina said...

YOU DATE AQUILA?! Omfg she was one of the first people I met 2 years ago, tell her I miss her, if she even remembers me.

@ star and mith, thanks but I mean...ive had 5 bfs, nothing to brags about, 2 of them were horrible cheaters, one was long distance and one had confident issues. Been dating the 5th for over a year.

The one who had confidence issues didnt dance with me at the halloween dance and the bf I had the now2 would have but he didnt because I was dating someone else but I guess I had an awesome time with my bestie.

Star Inkbright said...

@Dragona: If you never trust in anything, you'll spend your whole life cautious and unable to relax. You know my character Hunter? It's hard for him to trust that things exist, but he's worked out he'll be happier if he trusts in stuff, so he tries to.
Maybe you should try to trust, too. :)

*debates coming here as Hunter*


Anonymous said...

(I'm almost asleep... but I want to fly! I have to stay awake... *sighs* Thank god it's weekend!)

Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

Hi Fabi! *tackleglomps*
*Messes with ait currents until I'm hovering a little* See? Much easier than magic powder stuff ;)

Chione Asahina said...

Hi fabi and nice to meet you Sapphire.

Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Hi Mith, Adra, Gemma, Dragona, Star, Peter and anyone else.

[Smiles] I love animation. Assuming I can figure out how to actually write the written part, this video ded will be amazing. :-)


Noelle said...

Um... No

Dragona Pine said...

Gemma, Aquila says she remembers you. ^^

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Hi Saph [hugs]


Queen Flora Ophelia of the Flowers; Leader of the New Land of Stickers; Prophet of the New Order; General of the Shadow People said...

Heya Fabi! :)


Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

Hey Gemma! *hugs* Call me Saph :)

Maralie Lily Charm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Maralie Lily Charm said...

"Life isn't a music player where you choose what's being played, it's a radio where you have to enjoy what's being played."
~ Zayn Malik

My dad figured out another way to ruin my weekend, again. ._.


Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

Hi Flora! *tackleglomps*

Star Inkbright said...


@Gemma: There you go, you see? Doing better than me. XD

@Peter Pan: Good speech. :)

WELL DONE, ADRA!!! *floats about above her head* Hahaha, I'm up higher than you! *sticks tongue out*


Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

Oh, Mara *hugs*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[hugs Mara]


Chione Asahina said...

A-aquila...remembers me? :') omfg so happy right now xD

Anonymous said...

*closes eyes*
NO! I won't sleep! Not now...

Dragona Pine said...

Lol Gemma. ^^

Unknown said...

*glances over shoulder*
How's it going with Zafira?
Think you can help Mithria out a little now?
*Tink nods, and then flutters over to Mithria, a little bit more of a bounce in her airbourne step*
*perching on Mithria's shoulder, she smiles before whispering beliefs in her ear*
*then, she flies up above her and shakes - glitter, once again, falls in a stream of fine magic*

*Peter turns back to Adra*
Well, that'll be the problem. Is there anyway I can make you believe in yourself more?

Chione Asahina said...

Nice to meet you Mara.

Star Inkbright said...

@Mara: I've decided I love that quote. :)
*hugs her* I'm sorry. :(
On the bright side . . .
*still firmly believes it was you. I've never seen anyone looking exactly like me before. Or like anyone else I know. A few similar people, but very few of those. What are the chances of there being someone exactly like you?*


Noelle said...

Probably not

Queen Flora Ophelia of the Flowers; Leader of the New Land of Stickers; Prophet of the New Order; General of the Shadow People said...

@Star:...I thought you were a bubbles have tongues?

Star Inkbright said...

@Mara: I've decided I love that quote. :)
*hugs her* I'm sorry. :(
On the bright side . . .
*still firmly believes it was you. I've never seen anyone looking exactly like me before. Or like anyone else I know. A few similar people, but very few of those. What are the chances of there being someone exactly like you?*


Anonymous said...

*smiles* Thank you, Tink, you pretty little thing!;)
*closes eyes and takes a deep breath*

Chione Asahina said...

Flora, maybe shes in a bubble instead of being one? O.o

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...



Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

By the way, how did Peter Pan get into the conversation?

Star Inkbright said...

@Flora: No. It was a metaphorical tongue.

*wiggles metaphorical tongue at her*


Chione Asahina said... I got first x.x I dont think ive ever done a ded before...

Noelle said...

Okay Faaabs

Dragona Pine said...

Star, a metaphorical tongue?

Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

Bubbles have tongues! They're people too!

Anonymous said...

@Saph: That was me, I think... I told Flora she should fly to Neverland before she's grown up and then... suddenly he was here^^

Chione Asahina said...

Hmm... I guess I dedicate this page to the new friends I've made since coming back, the old friendsnwhen I first joined, the ball anddd Derek.

Queen Flora Ophelia of the Flowers; Leader of the New Land of Stickers; Prophet of the New Order; General of the Shadow People said...

Well...metaphorical tongues are just as awesome!

And good luck Mith!

Peter? You're gonna have to sort me out with this whole fly shizz after everyone else, alright?

@Sapphire: Erm....blame Mith (I think)


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I'm guessing he flew.

I don't know... I was sort of lost in a metaphorical cloud and not paying attention.


Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

Mith; XD Peter Pan is a stalker...

Star Inkbright said...

@Gemma: I AM A BUBBLE. *nods*


Mushroom (Luciana Clover Scáth) started it. :)

. . . Well, I think the true starting point was when I won the award for the Bubbliest Minion, because then it was agreed that I was bubbly, but Mushroom started calling me a bubble and I AM A BUBBLE. *nods*


Dragona Pine said...

*throws cheese at everyone*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

What am I doing? Sorry I had issues irl

Chione Asahina said...

Ok star xD I also dedicate this page to bubbles!!!!!!

Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

Does anyone mind if I take a screenshot of all the dresses so I can do a post about the Ball with pictures?

Anonymous said...

*reminds what Tink just said* Okay... here we go!
*raises a few feet and laughs* Woa! Look, I'm flying! :D

@Saph: Yes, he said he had watched us before... omg, you're right! xD

Star Inkbright said...

@Saph: We aren't actually people. I spent months insisting that we were, but then I discovered the song People = Shit by Slipknot and rethought my ideas. XD
Thank you, though. *hugs*


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Good ded, Gemma! [Raises metaphorical glass]

I love how the word metaphorical sounds...


Dragona Pine said...


Noelle said...

Yay Mith!

Noelle said...

*raises glass*

Chione Asahina said...

Dragona, I hope its cheeder.

Unknown said...

Excuse me? I got pinned down by a Queen in a frock. I'm hardly a stalker.

*takes hands again*
Belief in yourself.
You're you and there is nothing better.
Everyone has to be themselves because that's the real magic here.
Individuals that fill this planet with the essence of themselves and bring life to it.
And it needs you.
We all do.
But, most of all, you need you. You need that belief because you need to realise you're spectacularity.
*squeezes hands*
Go on.
The belief is there. You just need to find it, dust it off, and fly with it.

Star Inkbright said...

@Gemma: *hugs* YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!! :) THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

@Fabi: I love you. *hugs*


Anonymous said...

@Saph: I'm not sure about that... because that's me in my picture and... I hate translating my thoughts into understandable
No, that's too complicated. Just take the screenshot^^

Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

Star; *laughs* I don't think I've heard that song XD
Fabi;; I know, right? It's so cool... met-a-fffffffffff-oh-ric-all.
I love spelling words the way they sound. Maytaffohrickle...
*Raises coffee to ded*

Anonymous said...

*flys around humming You Can Fly*

Aquila Felis said...

Soooo... I heard someone is remembering me? ;)
Hi all!
Hi Dragona!
Hi Gemma! ^^

Chione Asahina said...

Lol star *hugs*

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