Wednesday, November 21, 2012


First, let's get some bad news out of the way... errr... you're going to have to wait just a FEW more days for the Tanith cover...



This probably won't make you feel ANY better about the delay, but it's looking amazing right now. We still have to get the colour just right (because this was an unplanned addition to the series, it's kind of thrown our title-colour scheme up into the air...) but it's looking beautiful. Tanith looks like a total BAMF.

Middle of next week. DEFINITELY.


The good news is, I've finished writing it. I finished yesterday and sent it off. Right now, before the editing process begins, it is 54,000 words long. That's fifty-four THOUSAND.

It was MEANT to be roughly twice the size of The End Of The World, which came in at something like 17,000 words. So when I started I was looking at a quick 36,000 word novella that I'd bang out between the end of the KOTW tour and the beginning of writing Book 8, giving me loads of time to relax and take it easy.

And it was going fine, it really was. I had Tanith and Sanguine, and they'd recruited their team of villains, and the story was rattling along and everything was cool... and then I introduced a team of good guys as well. So we have Dexter Vex and Frightening Jones and a few new characters, including the Monster Hunters (two guys I've been trying to find a place for in the regular books) and Saracen Rue. Saracen is the only surviving member of the Dead Men that we haven't met yet, and it was just so much fun writing them all that the word count kind of... ran off, dragging me behind it.

It was MEANT to be a little sliver of a book. Now it's practically two-thirds the length of Book One.

The things I do for you people, I swear...

The "Can Your School Get More Awesome?" competition is still going strong over at the Skulduggery website. The ingenuity on display is something to behold, with many of you using both social AND mainstream media (local papers, radio stations) to garner as many votes as possible. Have to say, I'm impressed at the imagination being displayed- there are some real smart cookies out there. There a few schools that are practically guaranteed to be in the top ten, there are plenty more who have established themselves as challengers, and then there are the schools with only a few votes. And to the people who put forward THOSE schools, I have to ask- how does it feel to be so utterly cool? How does it feel to be the only one in your area with enough good taste to vote? You are shining lights, you truly are.

I'm just looking at some of the photos... I love that the Bishopston school in Swansea and Heathcote School and a few others have sent us photos of the school crest- I have no idea how Tom would have drawn Skulduggery in THOSE photos but it would have been fun to see him try...

And St Annes in Shankill, who supplied an arial view... Dammit, if this had been voted for, Tom could have drawn Valkyrie plummeting from the sky and Skulduggery swooping in to save her. Argh! The potential for coolness would have been astronomical!

Let's see, what else... Skulduggery and Val would have looked awesome in the corridor of Holy Family Senior School in Ennis...  and they have skeletons in St Matthews!... imagine Val abseiling down the side of Carterton Community College... or Skulduggery walking up the stairs of Selly Park Technology College for Girls... the dogs in Gabbinbar State School in Toowoomba (you don't have to look up Toowoomba to know it's in Australia, do you?) would have been able to chew on poor Skulduggery's leg... awww and I've just seen the picture from Invicta Grammar School with all the girls in army fatigues- I'd have loved to have visited there... I'm pretty sure that's a picture of Camilla visiting Brookside Primary School- so Val would have looked pretty cheeky pulling a face behind her back... and she would have fit right in with the girls from Oakmeeds Community College... Skulduggery would have been so proud to stand in amongst everyone in Scarborough College... then we have Skulduggery himself in Brentwood Ursuline Convent HS... and I'd have loved to have visited Hitchin Girls School, if only so I could have made a load of jokes about hitchin' girls...

Voting is still going on, so you've all got plenty of time left. Once we have the top ten, it'll be up to me to pick the photo that would lead to the best Skulduggery pic and then we'll have our winner. But the effort all of you have gone to is just hilariously impressive...


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Noelle said...

(No offense, but I absolutely loathe that song.
As cool as Disney is, the earlier disney was really preaching the women dependency thing.
it just ruined it for me.

Noelle said...

*She buts her way into the lab, grabs her metal bat, and begins to swing*

Ebony Law said...

You'd rather be dead than fight?

Where is your nobility? Your strength?

You are not the Zafira Kerias I know. You are torn. Broken!

You have lost your touch.

And your pitiful husband fails to even get up and protect you.


Ebony Law said...

(Yeah but Adra, Disney was ruined for me once I realised they promote beastiality..)

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Niccolò: I understand Aretha has been attempting to establish one, however. *sighs* In either case, you can report it to her. She will examine your evidence, and determine an appropriate course of action. Then, the rest of you will serve appropriate consequences for your crimes. But should you attack her, *he gives them each warning glares* I will not hesitate to kill each one of you. And when I have finished, no one will be able to bring you back. Is that clear enough for you?


The Grave of a Coward said...

(Princess in a Ball-gown: *dances across the desert*
*past my train*
Oh, someday my prince will come!
And he will be beautiful and masculine and HAWT! But also be a gentleman! And also cook and clean for me! And also do nothing but think about me! Oh! And he's gotta be dark and mysterious and sexy, too. But he needs to have a sensitive side. And he has to be able to brood for four hours straight!

*watches the princess*
*from the window of my train*
*rolls my eyes*
Some girls.

Princess: Why, isn't that what YOU want?

Why, of course not!
*swings open the train window*
I . . .
Waaaaaant . . .

Princess: Do NOT start singing right now.

*I look a little hurt*
. . . oh.)

The Grave of a Coward said...

(You realize I don't actually sing that song, right?
I was trying to make a point.)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I. Have. Not. *whips more shadows at him, lashing and sharp* I do not need to fear you or need protection! Ravel knows this as well as I do! *whips at again* You couldn't touch me. You don't even try.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Ari: You have friends, Anni! *hugs* Well, I guess it'd be arrogant of me to assume you consider me your friend, but you're certainly mine.))


Noelle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: *walks her rush away* Oh, ok, Adra...


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Jay: Kill me go on. Its better then being in your pathetic mind.

Javier: Jay, don't piss him off. Lets go find Aretha, where is she?

The Grave of a Coward said...

(*looks at the moon*
I have friends, 'tis true.
But it can still leave my down-hearted,
when friends live on the Internet,
and those you have in real-life are the sorts of friends you hardly ever seeeeeee!
*begins to sing*
It's tough for meeeeeeeeeeeee!
Which is why!
I am here!
On a train!
On the way!
To nooooowheeeeeeere!
Because I'm lonelyyyyyyyyyyyy!
*dances down the length of the train*
*and I'm inexplicably wearing a Victorian ball gown*
*and a top hat*)

Ebony Law said...

-I teleport behind her, sending a knee into her back, shattering her ribcage-

I needn't try, you pathetic woman.

-I kick her onto the ground in front of me-

Noelle said...

Also, if you wanted to RP with someone, I invited you earlier...
*She swings again, and again and*
*She grabs her bat*
*Throws it as hard as she can*
*It bounces off her wall, without a dent*
*Slows her breathing*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Niccolò: And, to be clear, what exactly do you want her for?


The Grave of a Coward said...

(*dances out onto the frosty moors*
Don't do love
Don't do friends
I'm only after . . . success?
Don't need a relationship
I'll never soften my grip I
don't want cash
don't want cars
want it fast
want it hard
don't need money
don't need fame
I just want to make a change!

*dances past the princess*

Princess: . . . Girl, are you alright?

*sits down heavily on a rock*

I am not alright.
I am a lonely individual. I am also a fifteen year old nerd girl who uses words like 'superlative' and 'panache.'
*gazes mournfully at the sky*
I am not a self-fullfilled prophecy.
I am a lonely individual who lacks companionship.
*shouts at the sky*
Oh, won't you send me a gentleman who uses big words and whom nobody really likes?
We would be perfect for one another!

Princess: Girl, you've got role-playing buddies who wanna role-play with you.

I know, but I'm too busy feeling sorry for myself!

Princess: Sorry I asked.


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Jay: Aretha? To talk...?

*hisses and moves on ground to send a kick to his knee shattering it*

Ravel: **punches Aiden across the jaw* Get away from her

Sir said...

Good morning, afternoon, evening, or other time of day, Blogland.

Noelle said...

If it makes you feel any better, Annika, I'm not much better off either.
Which it probably won't make any difference.
I dunno
*She picks her coat up, wraps it around herself, and heads back to the fire*

Excuse that- I thought I was going to get sick..

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Niccolò: *the ice melts* I will bring her here. *vanishes, and returns with Aretha*


Noelle said...

Hi Sir

Ebony Law said...

-grabs Ravel, punching him in the windpipe, throwing him away, only to catch him with my whip, electrocuting him and bringing him back, kicking him off-

I know what I'm doing.

Strength in numbers is not what beats me.

-lightning crackles through my fingers-

The Grave of a Coward said...

(Eh. Thank you for your sympathy.
But I am quite content to muddle along on my own. After all, I'm quite good at being solitary by this time. May as well enjoy it while it lasts, and not complain.
*returns to my Mind Train*)

The Grave of a Coward said...

(And hullo, Sir.)

Noelle said...

I wouldn't call it sympathy, moreof understanding.
But nevermind

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Ari: Sorry, Adra!! *hugs*))


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Jay: Elder Tesla. We wish to talk to you.

Ravel: *backs away from him once he is able to and winces* Aiden my god just stop she's got a newborn can you just leave her alone?

Noelle said...

It's alright, Ari.
*She looks around, then gathers her things up, and kicks the fire out*
*Walks away*

The Grave of a Coward said...


I kid. I appreciate the understanding.
*pats Adra's shoulder and laughs*)

Ebony Law said...

-suddenly staggers, moving onto my knees-

Ravel.. I can sense a great danger for your newborn.

It is not by me, but another...

Sir said...

Greetings, Ms. Barnosky, Dark, Tesla, Kerias, and Mr. Pitch and Croatoan.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Ravel: *sighs* I would like to not deal with this it is impossile to touch him, end of discussion.

Noelle said...

"What annoys the hell out of me is the arrogance of some people. They don't even listen to our music, they decided in advance that they don't like it."
Thank you for those words, Billie Joe Armstrong. I feel enlightened.
Actually, I very rarely feel sympathetic for people. I think it's just because a lot of situations that I encounter I have experienced myself, and have (generally) passed with ease.. It's quite funny, actually, but not really, because I always get irrationally angry at people simply because they didn't do it how I did? Or, I give them a solution, and they don't listen.

I don't know why I said that :P
I JUST CAN'T STAND THAT THOUGH. mAN. I've punched walls before, like you wouldn't believe.

Ebony Law said...

Your newborn's peril is definite. It is your choice whether to act on that information or not.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Ari: Hey Sir!

Niccolò: Hello, Sir.))

Niccolò: *steps over to Jay and cuts his arm lightly with another knife* *he'll soon find himself able to move again*

Aretha: So I hear. What do you have to say for yourselves, then?


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Dude, he's protected. Ok? The only person capable of having a shot to touch him is Nic and Nic won't. So therefore you really need to get a new hobby

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Jay: *after a few seconds walks over to Hyde* What I have to say, we want justice. Zafira wronged a lot of people, Aretha. She locked me up on no charge and she's ordered the deaths of the innocent.

Javier: *pulls out files* I have these as proof.

Noelle said...

*She looks around, and can't exactly remember where the portal was that she came through this morning*
*Figures she might get some food instead*
*Makes a quick portal and finds herself outside of a restaurant in New York*
*She gets herself settled, and orders some tea and fruit, sliding into a booth*

Ebony Law said...

You truly are idiotic, aren't you?

Your child is not safe, and that's all I have to say.

Enjoy bathing in his blood.

-lightning strikes, leaving no trace of me-

Snow said...

(Alas, anni, the world is just not ready fro people t
of the likes of you. I fear you are one of a dying breed.)

The Grave of a Coward said...

(*nods approvingly at Snow*
Why, thank you.
I think.)

Snow said...

I... I... I need... I need... I neeeeeeddd....

to eat

Snow said...


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*tries to move but finally allows the screams she held back escape,*

Ravel: I can't heal you Zaf. *carries her to the treehouse*

Ebony Law said...

-appears once more, in front of Zafira-
-I gently lay my hands on her forehead, massaging her forehead, healing her of my inflictions-

-I disappear-

Noelle said...

*She pulls out her sketchpad and curls up in her booth with it, drawing a few familiar faces- faces whom she had seen fall blank and pasty as the blood poured from their wounds*
*Marks at the top of a few pages*
"Amon- Ra"
*Begins to draw their lifeless forms, in an attempt to let go of some of her pain that's being stopped up inside of her*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Did he...?

Ravel: *goes to Christopher's room picking up the baby* Zaffy do you want him?

Sir said...

Good bye for now, Ms. Stormberg.

Noelle said...

Goodbye, Snow!

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Aretha: *takes the files, placing them on a small wall of air that forms a tabletop* *flips through them carefully* So, what exactly has she done here?


Ebony Law said...

-I watch from the skies, looking at Christopher, becoming puzzled-

Snow said...

And I am back. *noms salad and watches everyone*

Ebony Law said...

-sends telekinetic messages to Zafira-

He is not safe. The Gods have agreed to keep him up in the skies, away from the inevitable down there. I know you will not say yes.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Javier: Innocent lives taken each file is on a person who had no record of crimminal activity but was killed. And some imprisoned.

Ravel: *gives him to Zaf*

Hey baby...*smiles holding him close*

Christopher: *sleeps soundly*

Ebony Law said...

-sends another-

It's the guild. My assassins guild. He is the Septon..

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Are. You. Insane. I am not letting my infant out of my sight!!

Noelle said...

Oh. Wb, Snow.
*She shakes her head, erasing one of the angles on Lysander's face for the fourth time- she can't get it right, and she can't remember what shape it was in*
*She felt like she had swallowed a cold sword*
*No memory of what he looked like- no recollection- she just couldn't remember*
*Rather stoically folds her notepad up, and tucks it away in her bag*
*Folds her hands, holding in what could be yet another full-fledged panic attack, and her breathing begins to waver, her bottom lip trembles, to which she bites down- hard*
*The waiter approaches* Ma'am?


Ma'am, are you alright?

*Adra looked up, and smiled warmly, graciously handing him the menu* I'll have a house salad, please- one Thousand Island as well, if you don't mind.
*The waiter nods, taking her order and walks away*
*A muscle in her arm spasms, and she grabs it, hissing under her breath* Stop. It. You're in public, remember?

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Aretha: And you mean to tell me that she condemned all of these people entirely of her own free will, and she knew they were innocent?


Ebony Law said...


I am going to transport you up here. Hand your child over to Ravel, we need to speak.

Noelle said...

But you can't remember what your own alchemist looked like.
I know..
Adra, this isn't a good thing- you're never going to see him again! They burned his body! And Marus's! And Amon- Ra's! And all of them! Don't forget, too, Cain was probably responsible for a few of them. They should have revoked his stone years ago, shouldn't they?

*She squeezes her arm, and blinks*

*Looks around*
*She's in a small cell*

What the hell, where am I?
*Glances around the cell, and the cuffs on her hands*


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Haha no.

Javier: that's exactly it Aretha! Exactly

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Ari: ADRA


Noelle said...

*She sits down, trying to think how she got there, any why her hands are cuffed*
*Presses her face against the bars, peering out*
*Her bag is gone as well*
*Her eyes widen at a guard at the end of the hallway*
*A mortal*
Oh shit.

Noelle said...

Which thing?

Noelle said...

Oh, that thing?
The one I've been telling you about?
But, as it seems, she has done a thing.

Ebony Law said...

You misunderstand, Zafira.

My once-was Assassins Guild is after Christopher, as he is the Septon. I cannot explain now.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Look I'm sorry but I'm not just casually giving you my son. I'm not a moron. He's my child and I have means to protect him. He's safe with me

Ebony Law said...

You are blind, Zafira. I pity you.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Aretha: *takes a deep breath* *takes another* Ok. *nods* Ok. Will you all meet me in my office tomorrow? I will arrange to have Zafira there as well, along with an unbiased sensitive. We'll verify that all this is true- these are some pretty steep accusations- and then I will ensure that appropriate action is taken. But the three of you will have to answer to your crimes as well. *she folds up the files again and hands them back* Thank you for this information.


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I am not blind I'm practical! You've tried to kill me and you really think I'm trusting your word about my child? You're mad! I'm sorry but I cannot simply believe you. I refuse to go and I refuse to let any child of mine go.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Ari: I don't think we're thinking of the same thing- I'm thinking of a thing that she hasn't told me about, but you've roleplayed it. Well, anyway, I guess we'll figure out what happened. And by the way, I am totally not leaving Adra in a mortal prison. The conditions in those things are beyond horrible. I wouldn't wish that upon anyone, and she's my friend, and she's pregnant.))


Noelle said...

You don't remember anything, Adra.
Well, no duh.
Adra, when was the last time that happened.
I see.
And I still have no idea what I did to get myself arrested bymortals.


From what I recall, you did. You broke someone's legs, and punched another so hard, he has a concussion. Granted, you had told them to leave you alone, but I think the legs were a bit extensive.

You don't say...
*She sits down on her bunk, running a hand through her hair* Son of a bitch... Looks like I'm spending the night here..

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Ari: Oh. Yep- she did the thing.))


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Javier: thank you *takes* I don't want her to lose her position, she's worked hard for it and it'd probably kill her to lose her position. Just she needs to learn she can't get away with this. We will meet....Aro. Has Anyone spoken to Aro?

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: I've arrested him, actually. He will be tried independently- his charges are different than yours.


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Javier: Is he alright? He's Zaf's and I know she's protective of him

Noelle said...

*She stops*
Wait. Why the hell am I in an actual prison cell? Shouldn't I be at a station, not a penitentiary?
*Goes to to the bars and kicks them with her foot*
*Calls out* Hey yo, guard! Why the hell am I in an actual prison?
*She guard comes back around, and smacks her fingers with a short stick, and she reels back*

*The guard looks steadily at her* The station's all filled up tonight, and you stabbed someone in the arm. I don't think we need more reasons.
*He walked away*
*Her eyes widened*
*Takes a step back*
*Puts her head in her hands* Shit.

Snow said...

Y'know, with all your amazing plots, I'm wondering when I might be able to put up my slea thing I'm working on...

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: Prison is not a place for unnecessary abuse. I have made my staff well aware that any sort of unruly conduct will not be tolerated. None of them will hurt him there.


Noelle said...

I'd call that situational irony, Ari *weak laugh*

Of course, Snow! Whenever you want, we'll read!

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Ari: You can post your Slea whenever you want, Snow. We'll read it. :) ))


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Javier: Get Zaf and try him he shouldn't be there. I know I'm unteustworthy but the boy isn't part of it willingly

Snow said...

I'm still working on it, I was really just thinking aloud

Noelle said...

*She leans back in her rather uncomfortable bed, which hurt her back quite a bit to lay on, which isn't helpful, because it's already sore enough*
*Briefly considers making a portal*
*Doesn't have any chalk with her*
*Briefly considers breaking the floor*
*And exposing magic*
*She sighs, letting her forehead touch the wall, trying to find a comfortable position*
*A few other inmates occasionally make noises, and they're shouted at*
*Someone's having a nightmare a few cells down*
*Pinches the bridge of her nose*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Ari: Back in my first year of high school, I took both of the law classes that were offered to me- they were both semester long courses- and I actually continued the first one into second semester as an independent study because I loved it so much. I'm really very interested in the legal system. And, well, when I figured out what prisons are like, I was properly appalled. If I do become a published author, I've determined I have to write at least one really good protest novel about those, because seriously. A juvenile prison in my state was ordered closed years ago because of the conditions, and it's still working, because apparently they can't afford to move all the prisoners. Well. If I had any say in the matter, that would not be happening.))


Noelle said...

I think it is one of my lifelong dreams to write a protest book.
I want to slam someone who is doing something wrong in my writing so much

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Words will always retain their power.


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Oh wow....:/

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: *nods* That is my understanding. He will have to be tried in any case, because my impressions do not constitute any sort of proof or legal standing, but that will be separate from your trial. Are we done here?


Snow said...

It says a lot about me and how bored I am that im thinking about writing up an essay on this really cool person who died the day I was born, during the holidays.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Javier: yeah. I guess.

Hayley: *sends Aretha a message* If you or your friend (Nic) could talk to our prisoner Aro, do so...he's speaking and has an interesting story

Noelle said...

*She shifts one more time on her weird metal... Excuse for a bed, she'll say- and a scream echoes through the hallway*
*Her eyes widen*
*Mutters, pressing herself further into the corner of her cell*
*Shouldn't she be getting a phone call or something for bail? Do they even let you out on bail for stabbing someone and breaking their legs? Probably not*

Noelle said...

Essays can be cool.
I'm excited for when I write an essay in my lit class for the Awakening, Kate Chopin.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Ari: There is every kind of abuse in those things. One kid- thirteen years old, if I remember correctly- was beaten severely by a guard for asking for some juice. The guard slammed his head into a concrete wall. The kid did nothing but try to cover his head in defense. I understand that kind of thing is fairly average. It sickens me. Those criminals were sentenced to time spent in a cell away from society, not every kind of abuse under the sun.

On another note. That sounds like it would be an awesome essay, Snow. Go ahead and write it!))


Snow said...

Hmm... yeah, I can't wait to write one on Tomorrow When The War Began

Ebony Law said...

You are blind, Zafira. I pity you.

Noelle said...

I once read that a kid was in isolation for stabbing a classmate, and another was arrested for stealing a bagel.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I am not blind. I do not trust you.

Noelle said...

*Her stomach rumbles a little bit*
*She must not have gotten her food at the restaurant, then*
*A small panic-attack seizes her- what if they don't supply her with enough food? Well, after a while, the body begins to eat away at what's left for nourishment, but- no, she won't use that on herself- that would be for her child, of course*
*Touches her neck*
*No Philosopher's Stone either*
*She suddenly feels very, very vulnerable*

Sir said...

Ms. Dark, some take their baked goods very seriously.

Noelle said...

Not enough to send a ten-year old child into prison.

That's just ridiculous.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Ari: Yup. The stuff happens. It's positively maddening.))

Ari: *messages back* I'll be there in a moment.
Then I'll see you boys in my office tomorrow. *turns and walks away*

Niccolò: *follows behind her*

Ari: *once they're out of earshot of the others* I feel like the school principal or something. *laughs a little* *sighs* So, you drop me off, then go after Adra, and we meet back at the house?

Niccolò: Of course. *teleports her to the Sanctuary* *then teleports to Adra's prison* *shifts into a mouse, and makes his way into her cell*

Ari: *strides down to the cells until she reaches Aro* *realizes she's still wearing the black, so he probably won't recognize her* Hello, Aro. I'm Aretha Tesla, in case you couldn't tell. I was informed you have a story to tell?


Noelle said...

*She shuts her eyes for a moment, but quickly find that she won't be getting any sleep*
*Hears a faint scuttling*
*Glances out the cell bars*
*Whispers* You're kidding me!

Ebony Law said...

You do not know where you rightfully stand, Zafira.

Mémoire Perdue said...

(Dear lord, you know you're outta shape when you can't raise and hold your arms out with 5kg in each hand...))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Aro: I do. Yes, I wanted to explain why I'm like this. *shows her his arm* Sigil binds me to Mevolent i had it since age 13 and I'm 17 now. My mom is Zafira...this dimension Zafira. I'm not from Mevolent's dimension. I'm a son Zaf had before Alexis but i ran away and got taken and they told her i died, and Mevolent's controlling me until i broke free today. I can speak freely. I know what he plans and I'm willing to help I just want a normal life now...get to know my real mom

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*ignores him cuddling hef child* (not being mean there Aiden just in rp

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Niccolò: *in Adra's mind* Hello, Adra. I assume you would rather leave this prison than remain here?


Noelle said...

That's why, Hemlock, it might be good to work up to a point where you could? That is, if you so wished.
*Back to him* You've read my mind, there.
(x2 meaning!! :D)

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Ari: Hey there, Hemlock. *hugs*

Niccolò: Hello, Hemlock.))

Ari: How did you break free?


Snow said...

Hello hemlock.


Alastair Cruciatus said...

Niccolò: Excellent. I shall have to alter a few memories, and in the meantime, I can move you, if you so wish.


Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Ari: Ok, Snow.))


Noelle said...

*She nods* Yes please, unless it's too much trouble, I can wait.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Aro: I've had a sense of free will ever since I came near my sister Alexis. I took it and have bit by bit gotten away from control and being away for long he lost his control on me and I know now what to do. He forced me to use Niccolò's name against him! But I hve my own will now.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Niccolò: It is no trouble at all. *scurries towards her and brushes against her leg, and they find themselves in Aretha's house* *he's already shifted back into himself* Is this a suitable location, or would you rather I bring you elsewhere?


Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: That is good to hear. *calls for a sensitive* *a few minutes later, one arrives* Aro, could you tell your story once more for us, please?


Noelle said...

No, it's perfect- thank you.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Aro: alright. I've had a sense of free will ever since I came near my sister Alexis. I took it and have bit by bit gotten away from control and being away for long he lost his control on me and I know now what to do. He forced me to use Niccolò's name against him! But I hve my own will now. And I just...I know I was incapable of stopping him but i feel horrid for what i was forced to do...*something in his eyes shows he is truthful, and scared*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Niccolò: You are most welcome. *points her towards the kitchen* Aretha has a generous assortment of teas, and there are ingredients for salads and several fish in the refrigerator. You'll find applesauce in this cabinet. Should you need anything, you are more than welcome to call me.


Noelle said...

*She nods, smiling, and- quickly- gives him a hug* Thank you, really.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: *the sensitive nods to her* *she dismisses him* Well, it sounds like your story is true. *she smiles behind the cloth* I'm glad. The question is, if I release you, will you be safe? If you think you're in danger from Mevolent or the assassins you worked with before, we can keep you under some degree of protection.


Alastair Cruciatus said...

Niccolò: *smiles back* It is no trouble. And now, if you'll excuse me, I shall have to resolve the issue of the prisoner who suddenly disappeared. *vanishes*


Noelle said...

Oh wow- so apparently my discovery for tonight is that my right kneecap is a lot looser than my left! :D
My right one was wiggling around and stuff. I'm mildly concerned.
Actually, I'm pretty concerned. But my guess would be that the reason my knee keeps popping is that it either keeps rolling over a tendon, or is actually sliding out of place.
*Small party*
This is ridiculous. I don't even know why it's messed up? But the weird thing is, it isn't the knee that refuses to bend when I go to my fighting class. That one just.. Yeah. Doesn't bend.

and I'll have to go soon. I don't think I have a delay.

Snow said...


Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Ari: HA! SEE, HUNTER! SEE! FRIENDS ARE WHAT SHE NEEDS! NOT ISOLATION! DEFINITELY NOT ISOLATION! FRIENDS PROTECT PEOPLE! THERE! *isn't really that... Well... Something* *is really just happy that Adra is safe and not alone for once because YAY* *hugs everyone* *throws flowers*))


Noelle said...

*She moves past where he was, and quickly makes herself some applesauce, and a glass of milk*
*She yawns, and goes back to the room that she slept in the night previous, some of her things by the bed, and kicks off her shoes and things, changing into some sweatpants and a tshirt- and flops down on the bed*
And here I was, thinking that my night was going to end well.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Aro: please do so...Mom....wants me safe I wat to work for the Sanctuary. I had my Surge.

Noelle said...

(Aretha, if Star sees that, you know Hunter will.

I'd like to make a prediction that Star might have a small rant tomorrow from him.

Or, since I'm making this prediction, I might be changing the future! And maybe she won't!

And now, she's probably confused and laughing or something.
I don't blame her.

-future dawg-

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Ari: Oh, I should mention- there are three cases of applesauce in that cabinet. Just for reference.
And- ok, Adra. *hugs if you have to go* Also- that's exactly what I was thinking. XD))

Niccolò: *several minutes later, appears inside the house again, and collapses, unconscious*

Ari: Then you can remain at the Sanctuary, and you can keep a cleaver with you as an escort. You can perform duties here, and maybe when all this is over, we'll hire you. *sends him off with one of the guards who was on duty, who will pass him off to a cleaver* *sighs, and makes her way back to her desk*


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Aro: *goes with guard*

(Now i must be off to bed....

Snow said...

Confusion is half annoying half fun half insane and half bad at math. :)

Noelle said...

*She hears a thump*
*Slides out of her bed*
*Peeks out*

Oh. My gods.
*Runs over to Niccolo, touching his shoulder*
*Hooks her hands under his arms and drags him back to a couch, and manages to haul him up there*
*Has no idea what's happened*

Noelle said...

Goodnight, Zaf!

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: *adds to Aro, Javier, Jay, Zafira, and Hyde's files* *writes a bit in her journal* *after some time writing and filing- finally, no MIA or KIA agents- she heads out to catch a train*

((Ari: Night, Zaf! *hugs*))


Snow said...

Night zaf

Noelle said...

*She peers at him closely* You didn't get shot again, did you?
Right.. Uhm...
*Runs and finds a pen* This may or may not work, Niccolo- I can't promise anything..
*Draws two symbols on the inside of his arm- one that helps provide energy, and one that helps heal*
*Sits down next to him, waiting anxiousuly*

Alastair Cruciatus said...


Niccolò: You know perfectly well why.

Ari: If you're going to be unconscious, you should wear a lighter coat!

Niccolò: *sighs* I understand that.

Ari: But you're not changing it.

Niccolò: Of course not.

Ari: *sighs*))


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((Hello? Anyone still here?))

((I have stuff in progress... You'll love it. Or hate it. I don't even know.))

Noelle said...

(Hi Fabi! Although, I actually am disappearing in a few minutes.. :/ sorry.)

Uhm... Shoot. *Reaches over, feeling his forehead, but he doesn't feel particularly warm*
*Or he might*
*She doesn't really know*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Ari: Hey Moss! I'm still here!))

Ari: *time skip just a bit* *enters the house* *sees the two of them* Oh. Hey Adra. *finally takes off that ridiculous black thing* *it was really fun to wear around the Sanctuary, though* *goes over to sit next to her* How are you?


Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Ari: He'll feel fine, by the way.

Niccolò: And I have not, in fact, been shot again.))


Noelle said...

*She looks at her weirdly* He's unconscious, and you're worried about me?

Snow said...

I'm here too

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((Okay Adra [hugs]))

((Hi Ari.))

((I'll try to finish this quickly, then...!))

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((Hi Snow!))

Noelle said...

(You're completely right. Shot more than once is just unoriginal.)

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: *shrugs, wincing slightly* He's... Well, this is fairly standard, actually. I guess- heh- you didn't really know that, did you? *shrugs lightly again* He hasn't slept in three days, and last night he had a good bit of healing to do, and tonight he had a lot of memories to erase. He'll probably wake up in a few hours.


Noelle said...

*She looks strangely at her* *Something doesn't seem right*
Hmm... Alright then..

Noelle said...

I apologize- I really should go now, before I stay up until 12 by accident and loose another hour, like the genius I am

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: I mean, I worry, but I always worry... *her attempt at a smile fades* Two hours of sleep is a good night for him. I still don't really know how he does it. *notices her symbols* What are those for?


Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Ari: Sure thing! You can ignore that question, then- just sort of making smalltalk, anyway. Goodnight! *hugs*))


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((Okay, bye Adra [hugs]))

Snow said...

Bye adra

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Ari: I think I might go, too- I probably should be getting to sleep. Love you all! *hugs everyone*))


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((Bye Ari.... Snow, let me know when you've read that, and then I think I'll just post a longer version when at least two people are on. I know it's selfish of me, but if really, really, like to see people's reactions.))

Snow said...

Bye ari.

I've read it fab

Snow said...

And... can I just say, you are amazing.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((Aw, thanks [hugs]))

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((Do you want to do something? I can bring in Effie. She's making a lot of noise in my head because I haven't written with her lately.))

Snow said...

Na. I am so distant it's not funny

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Mm kay....

Um, if you're going to be really distant, I might just go. Need to catch up on some sleep.

I also need to writeeeeee though.

And as long as I'm writing, I'm also here..l

Snow said...

Ohmigod... what the hell... *luaghs*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...


Snow said...

i am ivy. It goes back so far...

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Oh dear...

Snow said...

Uh huh. Though I have to say... the idea of skulduggery and ghastly having a tea party in valkyrie's backyard is rather funny.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I suppose.

You could tell Skulduggery next time that his brain is made of pretzels now.


Sorry, the name Ivy just reminded me of that! XD

Snow said...


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

There's so much I could say here...

I know you might not believe me when I say this
You might look at yourself and see hopelessness
But you have a beautiful heart, and that's what matters.

I love you guys, okay?

If I've been sad lately, it's because of a lot of things, but if I've been smiling or laughing my head off, it's because of you.

Thank you...


Snow said...

*tackles fabi* that is the best fist comment ever.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I think I need to either cut draw the ded, as it is coming out all spiral-y.

So I think I'll wait til morning.

Unless you want to ded.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

*cut and paste or draw


Snow said...

Oh, bye fab. Sorry, I poofed

Snow said...

"Hush now. No tears. Only dreams"

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...


Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...


Snow said...


Snow said...


Snow said...

I just got my dad to play bob the button. XD. That's 15 minutes of his life that he'll never get back.

Snow said...

Yeah, im here still

Ebony Law said...

-lightning strikes, leaving only me in its path-

Where is he?

He's supposed to be here...

Snow said...

I ate him - wait, what?

Ebony Law said...

I have no time for your jokes, Stormberg.

Hemlock. He's supposed to be here..

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

School closed i sleep now

Snow said...

I dont know. And, to be completely honest with you, I don't care.

Mémoire Perdue said...

Miss me, sir? Oh, I do feel touched.

Mémoire Perdue said...

And that should have posted four minutes beforehand, yet, someone appeared to use the phone, rendering the wifi temporarily useless.

Ebony Law said...


Indeed, Hemlock.

Snow said...

G2g, bye

Mémoire Perdue said...

Did you end up reading the letter from your girl? * He chuckles again and holds out a piece of folded paper between two fingers*

Mémoire Perdue said...

Goodbye, Stormberg.

Mémoire Perdue said...

(It seems I have to leave, I shall return as quickly as possible.))

Ebony Law said...




Noelle said...

-hello! I might be here for a little bit!-

Ebony Law said...

Hola, Adra.

Ebony Law said...

Hola, Adra.

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