Wednesday, November 21, 2012


First, let's get some bad news out of the way... errr... you're going to have to wait just a FEW more days for the Tanith cover...



This probably won't make you feel ANY better about the delay, but it's looking amazing right now. We still have to get the colour just right (because this was an unplanned addition to the series, it's kind of thrown our title-colour scheme up into the air...) but it's looking beautiful. Tanith looks like a total BAMF.

Middle of next week. DEFINITELY.


The good news is, I've finished writing it. I finished yesterday and sent it off. Right now, before the editing process begins, it is 54,000 words long. That's fifty-four THOUSAND.

It was MEANT to be roughly twice the size of The End Of The World, which came in at something like 17,000 words. So when I started I was looking at a quick 36,000 word novella that I'd bang out between the end of the KOTW tour and the beginning of writing Book 8, giving me loads of time to relax and take it easy.

And it was going fine, it really was. I had Tanith and Sanguine, and they'd recruited their team of villains, and the story was rattling along and everything was cool... and then I introduced a team of good guys as well. So we have Dexter Vex and Frightening Jones and a few new characters, including the Monster Hunters (two guys I've been trying to find a place for in the regular books) and Saracen Rue. Saracen is the only surviving member of the Dead Men that we haven't met yet, and it was just so much fun writing them all that the word count kind of... ran off, dragging me behind it.

It was MEANT to be a little sliver of a book. Now it's practically two-thirds the length of Book One.

The things I do for you people, I swear...

The "Can Your School Get More Awesome?" competition is still going strong over at the Skulduggery website. The ingenuity on display is something to behold, with many of you using both social AND mainstream media (local papers, radio stations) to garner as many votes as possible. Have to say, I'm impressed at the imagination being displayed- there are some real smart cookies out there. There a few schools that are practically guaranteed to be in the top ten, there are plenty more who have established themselves as challengers, and then there are the schools with only a few votes. And to the people who put forward THOSE schools, I have to ask- how does it feel to be so utterly cool? How does it feel to be the only one in your area with enough good taste to vote? You are shining lights, you truly are.

I'm just looking at some of the photos... I love that the Bishopston school in Swansea and Heathcote School and a few others have sent us photos of the school crest- I have no idea how Tom would have drawn Skulduggery in THOSE photos but it would have been fun to see him try...

And St Annes in Shankill, who supplied an arial view... Dammit, if this had been voted for, Tom could have drawn Valkyrie plummeting from the sky and Skulduggery swooping in to save her. Argh! The potential for coolness would have been astronomical!

Let's see, what else... Skulduggery and Val would have looked awesome in the corridor of Holy Family Senior School in Ennis...  and they have skeletons in St Matthews!... imagine Val abseiling down the side of Carterton Community College... or Skulduggery walking up the stairs of Selly Park Technology College for Girls... the dogs in Gabbinbar State School in Toowoomba (you don't have to look up Toowoomba to know it's in Australia, do you?) would have been able to chew on poor Skulduggery's leg... awww and I've just seen the picture from Invicta Grammar School with all the girls in army fatigues- I'd have loved to have visited there... I'm pretty sure that's a picture of Camilla visiting Brookside Primary School- so Val would have looked pretty cheeky pulling a face behind her back... and she would have fit right in with the girls from Oakmeeds Community College... Skulduggery would have been so proud to stand in amongst everyone in Scarborough College... then we have Skulduggery himself in Brentwood Ursuline Convent HS... and I'd have loved to have visited Hitchin Girls School, if only so I could have made a load of jokes about hitchin' girls...

Voting is still going on, so you've all got plenty of time left. Once we have the top ten, it'll be up to me to pick the photo that would lead to the best Skulduggery pic and then we'll have our winner. But the effort all of you have gone to is just hilariously impressive...


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Noelle said...


Maralie Lily Charm said...

Snow... Fabi didn't want to be known as Fabi. If she did, she wouldn't have come on as The Delivery Guy.

Sorry, I meant to send this earlier. Slow wifi/:

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

No, I'm fairly sure he didn't in Lorcan's.


Emerald Melody said...

(Good thing or bad thing Adra ;))

*Emerald winces slightly. It's uncomfortable having someone go through her mind. A lot of shadow figures are walking around Niccolo. Nothing else is there but these figures, Emerald's mind is like a barren desert*


*Lorcan grits his teeth and moves away from Alexis. The thought of some clown using his mother was really pissing him off. He punches the nearest tree and it comes crashing down, it was even uprooted. Lorcan gasps as he steps back, there was not a scratch or mark on his silver or hand.

Maralie Lily Charm said...

I'm asleep now I wake up in 7 and a half hours I think nanite x

Noelle said...

*Hugs Fabi* :/
Yes... But I killed that one?

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

My my. That's some sweet magic you've got there Lorcan.


Noelle said...

Nanite Mara *hugs*

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

And I killed ours, that isn't the point.


Noelle said...

*She sighs, trying to not get annoyed at him* *Shakes her head, sipping some more applesauce*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Alexis: Lorcan, my god! That was crazy cool!!!

Noelle said...

What is the point?

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Night Mara.


Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

I don't know, let's go and get something to eat.


Maralie Lily Charm said...



"ill let u touch all 4 of them 2nite"


"is ur name dan

bc ur makin me howell"


okay sry gone now

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I know it probably makes you pleased with yourself that you knew who it was, and that's great. You can know who it is all you like. I may or may not do the same at times.

But if I'm using a different name and pic, it's not because I want to start a guessing game.

In this case, I wanted to introduce a character/event without that character/event being connected to me. I just wanted to roleplay and be in character.

I know you weren't trying to spoil it, but...

Now you know for next time.

Noelle said...

*She reaches over, and takes his hand* Alright...

*Thinks for a moment*
You haven't happened to um, be thinking of any names yet, have you?

Noelle said...

Phan, Mara :)

*Hugs Fabi again*

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

*shocked, Trip's eyes widen*

I forgot babies had names.


Snow said...

Yeah, I know. As I said, I know who it is and it tend to be automatic. *hugs moss* sorry.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

And now I'm going to go. [hugs anyone who would like a hug]

Noelle said...

Bye Fabi :/ *cuddles again* I love you babe :)
*She stifles a laugh*
Did you also know that we have to pick two?

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Bye Fabi. *hugs*


Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Oh, I thought we would just do a sort of compound thing.


Noelle said...

A what? You mean, like, works for both genders thing?

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

No, for the surname. How does Darkastalan sound?


Emerald Melody said...

*Lorcan half laughs as the silver leaves his hands.*

Lorcan: That was insane!!!

Snow said...

I dedicate this page to...

And Everyone Else I Forgot

Noelle said...

*She begins to laugh* Oh my god, that sounds terrible! No offense, that is, but that poor kid.. *Nudges him* We can just use yours- mine is was too ridiculous.

Snow said...

Move that "And Everyone Else I Forgot" to the bottom

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Give it a few tries, it'll grow on you.


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Alexis: *grins* You have got to show the Dead Men that! *realizes* You haven't met all the Dead Men!

Noelle said...

*Raises glass* Hear hear!
*She laughs* Right, I'm sure it will.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Niccolò: *closely examines the shadow figures*


Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Also, you should know I have no kitchen in the bar.*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*sighs aimlessly grabbing a shadow* Lovely.

Noelle said...

Well. That's a setback, isn't it.
We could always just camp out somewhere outside? I have plenty of stuff in my bag, I think.. We could make a fire?

Snow said...

G2g, bye

Noelle said...

Bye Snow!

Emerald Melody said...

*Anytime Niccolo gets close enough the figures move away, some even sinking down into the ground. Anytime one sinks down, Emerald cries out in pain.*


*Lorcan looks at the tree.*

Lorcan: I feel kinda bad now about doing that. I wonder what else I can do now...

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Alexis: I do too I wonder

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Niccolò: *the moment she starts to cry out, withdraws from her mind* My apologies. I did not intend to harm you. Are you alright?


Noelle said...

*She sips more of her applesauce, feeling a slight headache as her feet are becoming sore*
*Yet another long day*

Noelle said...

Right, er...

*She sits down, making a small fire in the middle of the clearing that they're in, setting out a large duvet, and pulls some food out, setting it at the end*
*She curls up in her blanket, and nibbles a little on her food*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Nic I don't know now....

Alastair Cruciatus said...

In the clearing stands a boxer
And a fighter by his trade
And he carries the reminders
Of every glove that laid him down
Or cut him till he cried out
In his anger and his shame
I am leaving, I am leaving
But the fighter still remains


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((A redo of the bit I posted late last night, only it starts a bit earlier. Approximately 10 years ago.))

It took André a while to realize that his sister was becoming unreachable. After all, he hardly saw her. She'd even stopped coming home for the holidays. When he passed her in the hall she would smile and nod, but as time passed, the smiles grew fainter and the nods grew more and more imperceptible. The few times he tried to start a conversation, Camille would respond gruffly in as few words as possible, sometimes none at all.

One morning, in the library, he asked her what was wrong. She didn't respond for an age, and he almost started to cry. His sister used to be so happy, and sure she'd tease him and boss him around, but she was still a good sister. Now, she had an emptiness to her that he didn't know how to fix.

"It's...wrong." The words that burst out of Cami were so full of emotion, not like the stony-faced 'yes's 'no's or 'I'm fine's.

"What's wrong?"

"All of this!" Cam grabbed his shoulders, stopping him from taking a step back. "You don't get it, do you? This place takes children, children, and turns them into liars and killers. I couldn't stop them from sending you here, and Mireille will be next. Bright, clever, artistic, sweet, imaginative Mireille. I don't want to see her turn to stone."


As usual, André went home for the Christmas holidays. Cami's words echoed in his head for the whole car ride, and when he got home, he went straight to his parent's office.


If they didn't want him to know how to break in, they should have sent him to a different school.

Emerald Melody said...

*Emerald wipes her eyes*

Emerald: It wasn't you, it was something else. I'm okay, I think...


Lorcan: Well I did Livvy's angel, now there is strength obviously attached to this...

I think there's protection as well.

Noelle said...

I like those lyrics!
*She makes herself a quick little sandwich, pulls out some water and almost drinks the entire thing*
*A few names dance around her head*
*Frowns, thinking about what she would do if she ever married him*
*Shrugs, eating some grapes*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Ari: Oh, I just thought of a way those assassins would be able to kill Niccolò, and then me, in quick succession. But actually, that depends on a lot. The circumstances would have to be perfect, and I don't think they'd come up with it on their own. And, of course, now that I've thought it up, Niccolò is thinking of all the ways he could avoid it, so it's even less likely to work. But it would work if everything was set up properly. Hm...))


Noelle said...

Wow, Fabi! That's fantastic!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(7pm is Jeopardy on one stattion and they have a stupid weather report making us miss half of the Jeopardy round so we now are watching it at 7:30 but ugh i hate that

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(I don't intend to kill Nic I still believe Jay deserves his name stolen. Just he does.)

Alexis: Now that is wicked. Just wow!

Noelle said...

*She, oddly enough, pulls a pair of pillows from her bag, putting them on the duvet as well*
*She curls up on her side, still eating what she has*
*A part of her wishes that he wasn't gone so much*
*One hand is drawing designs onto her belly* *Does her best to not think about what would happen if the kid hardly saw their father*
*A bit of her pokes at her head- is he even okay with this?*
*She shakes her head* Of course not..
*Eats a few more grapes*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Ari: 0.0 That's good, Moss.
Thanks, Adra. :) I love that song.))

Niccolò: *nods* As long as you're alright... I was unable to find anything blocking your memories. In fact, *frowns* I was unable to find much of anything at all. There is a shadowy presence in your mind- no doubt Deacon's doing- and everything else seems, if you'll pardon my saying so, missing. I wonder if Deacon has somehow stolen your memories from you. I wonder how it is you were able to remember Adra...


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

This is just really odd. I swear I'm going to seriously go insane on this guy. *shadows whip around Zaf*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Ari: Sure, you don't intend to, but it sure seems like the rest of them do.))


Alastair Cruciatus said...

Niccolò: Zafira, please, remain calm. We ought to avoid any unnecessary violence or tension.


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Hey I'm just waiting to actually do anything to be honest I had an idea but I'm just waiting until Nic isn't preoccupied...)

Noelle said...

No, you shouldn't be thinking these things. Your day ended... Well. Not well, but better than yesterday's.
*She pulls out a small mirror, and examines the dark finger-shaped bruises around her neck*
*Sighs, tucking that away and leaning against the pillows again,curling up and watching the flames*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*focuses and reigns the shadows in* I'm sorry, ever since I finally made peace with my name the shadows often react to my emotions. It's difficult to contain them. I have it under control now.

Emerald Melody said...

*Lorcan sees Adra. He then nudges Alexis.*

Lorcan: Hey watch this.

*He rolls a balls of silver in his hands and then flattens it out. He starts to draw a butterfly on to it and suddenly the shape lifts from the silver and flies over to Adra*


*Emerald feels herself close to tears again*

Emerald: So I will never know who I am again? That's it...

Noelle said...

*She sits up, and peeks into her bag, finding an oatmeal raisin cookie, then nibbles on that as well, before curling back up*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: *I'm totally clad in black, so you might recognize me* *like, you know those colorful things you wear for costumes and stuff that cover your whole body, including your head? I'm wearing one of those, with my normal clothes on top of it* *walks over to Adra* Hey Adra. What's up?


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Alexis: *smiles* That's so cool Lorcan! You've really got an interesting discipline. (You ever take Lorcan's name, Croatoan, I'll repossess your organs)

Noelle said...

*She catches the butterfly, and watches as it lands in her hands, then smiles*
*Glances up at Ari* *Breaks into a grin, before composing herself* Aretha. How very nice to see you. Kinda.
*Gestures to the bits of food she has* Food? Although, you might not get...far..

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Omg Vex....Hey Em what happens if I hit on Vex?

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Niccolò: Certainly not. One thing you ought to know about us is that we do not ever give up. Even when it makes far more sense to give up, and when it is safer to give up. In fact, there is a point where our persistence becomes irritating. We will find your memories, wherever they may be, and we will break Deacon's hold over you, no matter how difficult it is or what we must do.


Emerald Melody said...

(You hit on him and I hit you. Simples!)

*Lorcan smiles as he rolls out another ball and shapes that into a rose and hands it to Alexis*

Lorcan: Since this rose will never wilt, I guess that means that our love won't.


Emerald: I don't want him hurting anyone. I just feel this... love towards him. He's all I'm thinking about and not in a bad way.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*nods* Yes, as John Smith told me, I never give up. Well I just am proving him right and I bet you can see him grinning, Nic. But still we will get your memories, Em.

Noelle said...


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Better reach across the Atlantic Em)

Alexis: *holds rose* I agree. *kisses him, her free hand taking one of his hands*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: Nah, that's ok. *considers for a moment* *remembers what she's wearing* Oh, that. *laughs* I almost forgot. There's a group of assassins after me, and one of them causes pain through touch. But he has to touch my bare skin with his for it to work, so *does a little spin before sitting down* I've dressed accordingly.

((Niccolò: *sighs* You are welcome to threaten me as violently as you'd like to.))


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(*whacks across face with frying pan* *kicks in nuts* *is tempted to use garden shears on him* Hey you said I could)

Noelle said...

Well, feel free to join my little picnic if you want- and that is, I daresay, a good method you've got there..
*She eats a few more grapes*

Really, so fashionable.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Niccolò: I imagine Deacon is making you feel such affections. There were shadows in your mind, and I've no doubt that they are his. He may very well be manipulating your emotions, and your thoughts.


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Wait is Deacon like a Necromancer? I probably know what he's doing if he is

Emerald Melody said...

*Lorcan kisses Alexis back.*

Lorcan: This was my first snow day and it was pretty fun.


*Emerald gets up off the bed and goes back into the bathroom. She runs her arms under the cold water before putting clean wraps back on them. She half laughs to herself as she talks to Zaf*

Emerald: I thought I had my bath at the normal temperature but turns out I didn't feel how hot it was until my arms started burning. I seem to be a klutz at the moment.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Alexis: I'm glad. Snow is just awesome!

*smirks* Ah. I'm pretty much a klutz unless Ravel, my husband, helps me. Or tells me different.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Niccolò: Actually, to be technically correct, I invited you to threaten me, not attack me. However, I trust you've learned by now that attacking me is rarely effective in either case.))

Ari: *grins behind the fabric* Why, thank you! I got a few funny looks at the Sanctuary, and a few sensitives had to verify who I was, but I think this should work quite nicely. I've also ordered that I be accompanied by a cleaver at all times in the Sanctuary, just in case. Niccolò and I have given Zaf so many safety lectures- and for good reason- I'd be both stupid and hypocritical to not up my security a bit. So, how have you been? Any new developments?


Emerald Melody said...

Emerald: I dunno what he is. I had an awful dream the other night that he changed into something and bit my shoulder.

My dreams have been a little eccentric since I've been thinking of him.


Lorcan: *smiles* I think Livvy enjoyed playing with me.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Niccolò: Deacon is indeed a necromancer. And a warewolf. I understand he is the only of his kind with the ability to use magic.


Noelle said...

*Nods* Cleavers- good idea.
And, nothing's new. I mean, Deacon went haywire, and I think Niccolo's still over there, if you wanted to see him.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Nic-do you want me to let the 3 attack you?

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Oh lord....*sighs* I can hope to help.

The Grave of a Coward said...

*the double doors bang open*

Gary: *bursts in in a storm of snow and ice*
*the temperature in the room drops 50 degrees*
*and icicles instantly collect on the door frame*

Photo: *sitting, a crumpled heap, in an armchair*
*still drinking*

Photo: *hic*
Imma so sorry, baby, didn’t mean to . . .

Gary: *seizes Photo’s lapels and yanks him upright*
What happened here?
It’s YOUR fault!

Photo: *tears in his eyes*
*mumbles* Web.

Gary: What!?

Photo: Let him through my security web, didn’t I?
Baby, I’m sorry. *hic*
*pats Gary’s cheek*
I know I messed up, know I messed up real bad . . .

Gary: *drops Photo on the floor*

Photo: Ow . . . *hic*

Gary: *rushes to the couch in the corner*
*where Precocious is lying*

(Hullo, Blogland.)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Alexis: she did I saw it in her eyes

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: *nods* He is. We linked our names again, so we basically know everything about each other at all times. Well, unless one of us is being really tricky. *sighs* Deacon is pretty much guaranteed to be a pain again, so we have that to look forward to. *sarcasm* But on the bright side, as soon as I can talk to Zaf, we may be able to end the war with Mevolent almost immediately.


Snow said...

Grand Mage Zafira Kerias said...

Alexis: I'm glad. Snow is just awesome!

*smirks* Ah. I'm pretty much a klutz unless Ravel, my husband, helps me. Or tells me different.

January 22, 2014 at 12:30 AM

Yes I am.

(Not here)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Ari- I can if you want, talk to you.)

Noelle said...

Hi, Annika.
*She smiles* That's wonderful to hear! One more thing to cross of my list, and I daresay, that's a good day.

The Grave of a Coward said...

Gary: Doctor!
Doctor, are you alright?

*white as a sheet*
*or snow*
*or Gary*
*and trembling all over*
*looks up at him dazedly*

. . . Gary?

Gary . . .

*begins to sob again*

Gary: *hugs her*
Hey, it’s gonna be okay, alright?
We’re going to find him. I promise.

*whispers* You won’t.

Gary: I will. I’m a hit man, remember? I spend every day finding people. And Finish is Mr. Get-It-Done around here.
*glares at Photo*
Except for when it counts.

Photo: I SAAAAAID I screwed up, ahkay?
I SAID it!

Gary: *looks back at Precocious*
I’m sure Oz is alright. He’s probably not even hurt; he can take care of himself. You know he can.

*looks helplessly at Gary*
*and holds out her black notebook in trembling hands*

Alastair Cruciatus said...


Niccolò: They are welcome to do whatever they are willing and able to do with or without my consent, Zafira, although it was kind of you to ask.))


Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: So, you have any names in mind yet?


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Alright. )

Jay: *gets the others two and they appear behind Niccolò*

Javier: We have Croatoan and Kerias

The Grave of a Coward said...

(Were you there for the one I did before this, where she finds out, like a page or two ago? I can't remember.)

Gary: *eyes widen*
That’s . . . that’s one of the eight black notebooks.

*and points to one of the pages with a shaking hand*

Gary: *opens the book*
*and sees the newest, freshest drawing*

Gary: *hands begin to shake*
*drops the book*

Photo: *hic* Whassa matter?

Gary: SHUT UP.

Photo: Eh?

Gary: *voice shaking* SHUT UP, FINISH.

It’s him . . .
*staring dazedly into the distance*
My uncle . . . it’s him, it’s gotta be him . . .

Gary: Wh . . .
*takes a deep breath*
What do you mean by that?

My uncle . . .
*raises a shaking hand to her eyes*
His eyes . . .
*lowers her hand*
My uncle did this.
I thought . . . I thought he died. I thought I killed him.

Photo: *gasps*

I thought I KILLED him for what he did to me!
*viciously grabs Gary*
I thought he died, Gary.
I thought he died.

Noelle said...

Names? Gracious, no. I haven't had the time, really. *She settles back into her small mountain of pillows* And I haven't had a chance to talk to Trip about it, either.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Niccolò: *grabs the three of them before they can do anything, careful not to touch Jay's skin* *teleports them deep in the forest, away from Emerald and Zafira* I thought I might see you all again.


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Hyde: again-

Javier: Idiot.

Jay: Well we are here. *the three all draw a knife aiming for Nic's neck*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Ari: I wasn't here at the time, but I usually read the old comments, so I read it later on. All of it has been really good. *hugs*))

Ari: *suddenly gasps, just a little* *settles into the snow, trying to suppress her discomfort* So you haven't thought about it at all?


Emerald Melody said...

*Emerald screams loudly as Niccolo is taken away. She looks at Zaf fearfully as she backs up against the wall*

Emerald: What the hell happened! What's happening!!!

*Emerald's breathing starts to become constricted.*


*Lorcan walks over to Adra holding onto Alexis' hand*

Lorcan: Do you think my mam will see me??

Noelle said...

No, nevermind that- what's wrong, did something happen to Em?

The Grave of a Coward said...

His name is Hassle Precocious.
*voice a little stronger now*
I named myself after him and his brother.
They were my uncles. The only family I had . . . have . . . left.
*Tarot’s face flashes into her mind*
*and she trembles with renewed sobs*

Gary: *stands up*
*begins to pace*
*the windows begin to fog up with frost*
*and ice forms around his every footstep*
*growling viciously* Alrighty then.
If it really is this Precocious fellow that you say he is,
where do we start looking?

*weakly* Looking?

Gary: Yes, of course. We have to kill him.

Photo: *waves beer bottle*
An’ rescue the boss-man!

Gary: So where is he?

I . . . I don’t know . . .

Gary: Well, we know he has a notebook.
*points at Precocious*
You have a notebook.
*points at himself*
I have a notebook.
That damnable Texan has a notebook.
And as there are eight,
Hassle Precocious must have one of the five remaining.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Alexis: i dunno they say she can't remember

Niccolò was just busy its ok he does that a lot. He'll be fine.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Niccolò: *the knives pass straight through him, as though he isn't there* *steps a few meters away, then turns to face them again* *a thick dome of ice grows to cover all three of them* May I ask what exactly your goal is? I can understand coming after me if you want to kill Aretha, but I fail to understand what you might have against her.


Noelle said...

What? Oh. Hi. Yes, probably. It might do her some good. The door to the lab is open. She's on the second floor.

The Grave of a Coward said...

Can . . . can you find them?

Gary: *bites his lip*
*his lip begins to turn blue with frost bite*
*he doesn’t seem to notice or care*
I . . . I can.
But I can only find their locations. Not who possesses them.
We’d have to actually find them, physically.

*pushes herself up on her elbows*
Where Hassle’s notebook is . . .

Gary: . . . there Hassle will be.

*it is silent in the room*
*except for Photo, quietly humming a song*

. . . Find it.

Gary: *looks at her*

Find him.
Do . . . do whatever it takes.
*her eyes are red and sore from crying*
I can’t . . . I can’t let him suffer.

*whispers* It’s because of me.
*tries to hold back a sob* It’s because of me that my uncle has him.

Gary: *returns to her side and hugs her again*
It’s going to be okay.

*whispers* We were going to be married.
We were going to be . . . happy.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Jay: To get Zafira.

Javier: *smiles* Her death will be wonderful

Jay: *tries to grab Nic's wrist*

Hyde: Killing Zaf for what she did to Jay.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: No, no, Em's fine. Those assassins who were after me just appeared in her house, though. Niccolò took them to the forest, and it looks like they're out to kill him now, *takes a breath* but he's fine. I'm sure he's fine. I'll go if he needs me, but really, if I went to help him now, they'd just use me against him. I can help him the most from here.


Emerald Melody said...

*Lorcan walks up into the second floor. He takes a deep breath before he knocks on the door of Emerald's room. He squeezes Alexis' hand before he winks at her*

Lorcan: *whispers* here we go...

Noelle said...

Hmm... *She nods* I can understand that. If he needs energy or something, I could send some to you, you to him.
However, if he needed that much, it'd have to be pretty important.
*Shrugs, and scratches at her neck, which is feeling sore*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Alexis: Good luck *squeezes back walking with him*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Niccolò: *does not move away from Jay* *if Jay does, in fact, grab my wrist, he will find his own hand sliced open by a poisoned blade* *the poison will do absolutely nothing for two minutes, but once those minutes have passed it will instantly paralyze him* There are much easier ways to fight injustice, I think, than killing, but if you continue down your path I wish you gentlemen the best of luck in attempting to kill me.


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((I should warn you, I may delete and rewrite this in a way that better portrays Jeanette's character, assuming I can find a way to do so.))

Jeanette Cavendish raised an eyebrow. "André Matthias Cavendish. What, may I ask, are you doing in my office?"

André stood from the chair. "Waiting to see you, Mother." He swallowed, hoping he was making the right decision."

"You could see me perfectly well in another room of the house, one which you are allowed to enter," his mother reprimanded.

"I thought this would be a better way of making my point."

Jeanette shook her head. "You will never come in here ever again." She glanced at her desk. Everything was precisely where she'd left it, of course. He wasn't stupid.

"I'm not going back to that place, and Mireille won't start. Just because we're your children doesn't mean we have to be like you." He stopped before he pointed out things he shouldn't be. Blackmailing was very much a last resort.

"You're fifteen, hardly old enough to be making that sort of decision. See you at dinner."


Jeannette gave him a stern look, reminding him he was not meant to be in the office. She sat and began to sort through papers, her brain already moving on. It would take a lot to

"I'll go back to school without complaining..." André finally said.

His mother smiled slightly, but didn't look up. "There's a good boy."

"If you let there be at least one normal one in the family."

Jeanette Cavendish met her son's gaze and was momentarily surprised by the force he put into it. Then she laughed. He was growing up nicely indeed. "We'll see."

André knew that was as much of an answer as he was going to get.

The Grave of a Coward said...

Gary: *stands up*
*his eyes blazing*
I can find the notebooks, but I’ll need a Sensitive.

*points at Photo*
You’ve got a Sensitive.

Photo: La la la la la la la . . .

Gary: *closes his eyes*
*takes a deep breath*
*opens them again*
I can do this.

Gary: *kneels in front of Photo*
Finish, I need you to sober up and listen to me.

Photo: *looks blearily at Gary*

Gary:*takes his notebook out of his pocket*
I need you to connect with this. It’s psychically linked with seven other identical notebooks.
I need you to find the others.

Photo: *hiccups*
Y’sure about this?
*picks up the notebook*
This ain’t really my area.

Gary: I’m sure it’ll be fine. What could go wrong?

Photo: *strokes the cover of the notebook*
Ahkay, I’ll try it.

Photo: *holds the notebook at arms length*
*closes his eyes*
*and places his other hand on Gary’s head*

Gary: . . . What are you doing?
Is this part of the psychic link?

Photo: No, I just really like your hair.

Gary: *rolls his eyes*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Jay: *misses* *glares* What can you do?

Javier: *focuses on Nic*

Hyde: *joins Javier*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: *nods* Thank you, Adra. *smiles tightly, even though she can't see it*

I don't even know if she wants help, anyway, actually. GAAAAAHHHHH.))


Noelle said...

Fabi! Wow, I really like her character, and I kind of hate her. Which was the point, I suppose..?

Emerald Melody said...

*Aretha notices the black marks on Adra's neck moving on their own.*

Deacon: -IN ADRA'S MIND- Remind you of anyone? *he shows her the images of Emerald scratching intensely at her arms.


*Lorcan walks in slowly, he looks around the door to see Emerald backed up against the wall.*

Lorcan: Mam?

*Emerald backs herself tighter against the wall. Her hands on her head*

Emerald: I don't know any of you people, will you please leave me alone!!

*Lorcan steps back slightly at the noise of her scream but he keeps going into the room. He takes it nice and slowly seeing how distress his mother is.*

Noelle said...

*She sighs, and packs away a few of her food things* I know this is like asking a human to not breathe, but try to not get too anxious about him- he will be fine, and, if he isn't, I'm sure we can say otherwise.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*smiles* Em, you've just met my daughter, Alexis and your son Lorcan.

Alexis: *waves* Hello Miss Emerald.

Noelle said...

*Her frown deepens* What the hell, Deacon. They're bruises, not that stupid shadow crap you pulled on Em?

The Grave of a Coward said...

Photo: *a spasm wracks through his body*
*and he gasps in pain*
Stars above!
I can feel it . . .

Gary: Feel what?

Photo: The heat . . . the teeth, urgh . . . fire flowing through broken veins, twisting under the earths core like sunlight, like lava, like love, like Heaven, like ley, aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
*stretches luxuriously, like a cat*
Like ley lines, twisting and twirling beneath the world, beneath everything, the blood of the world, the taste of magic, octarine sparkles dancing in a river of sunlight, darks from hand to hand to pen to pen to ink to ink to blood to blood . . .
*eyes snap open*
*blazing red light*
I see them,
see them all, now, so vivid, so clear.
One with a girl with long gray hair,
one with a man white as snow,
one with an eyeless man,
one at the bottom of the sea, destroyed,
one with a bold-faced woman,
one lost in the great London fire,
one with a man with a bleeding smile,
and one with a man with eyes like galaxies . . .

Gary: *grins eagerly*
Yes, yes, yes!
Where are they? Tell us!

Photo: *breathing heavily*
Urrrrrgh . . . I can’t see them . . . like shadows, silhouettes, only darkness to me . . . I see . . . I see . . .
*shrieks in pain*

*rolls off the couch*
*and stumbles towards Photo*
*ignoring the sickness in her stomach and the pounding in her head*
*clutches his hand*
Are you alright?

Photo: *writhes in the arm chair*
*one hand clutching the notebook*
*the other hand in Precocious’s*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Niccolò: *redirects their focus back to them to the best of the ability, so partially, but not completely* *grabs Jay's arm and pulls him close, then stabs the knife into his arm*


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Jay: *growls and uses free arm to punch Nic in the jaw*

Javier: *backs out shaking head trying to clear it*

Hyde: *takes out his stick and smacks Nic* Hey let him go! You wouldn't even help us because one of your names loves Kerias!

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: ...Adra, those bruises on your neck are moving... *voice grows hard* Deacon.


Emerald Melody said...

Deacon: You've started scratching at them. They are getting rather itchy aren't they Adra?


*Emerald just starts sobbing and screaming. She stands and runs for the door but her balance loses itself, instead she ends up just under the knife stuck in the wall. She pulls it out and starts waving it at all three of them*

Emerald: *sobs* I don't want to be here anymore.

*Lorcan keeps a firm look on his face but inside it is hurting him to see her like this. He keeps calm and walks right up to Emerald, just as she screams and stabs him in the stomach*

Noelle said...

*She sighs* Deacon, you're crazy. No, they aren't.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...



The Grave of a Coward said...

Photo: *takes a deep, shuddering breath*
I can see one . . . in the wastes of Russia.
Another . . . I see it . . .
*gasps in pain*
It’s burning . . . It’s burning me!

Gary: *presses a hand to Photo’s forehead*
*his hand hisses at the contact*
*and Photo’s body temperature begins to lower*

Photo: There it is . . . clearer now . . .
New York City . . . a street . . . a room . . . a smile on the face of a tiger . . .
*begins to hyperventilate*
This book . . . is bad . . . is bad . . . these books . . . are rotting my mind, my heart, my head . . .

*clutches his hand tighter*
*clueless as to what to do*

Photo: The third . . . the third . . .
the third is . . . in a town . . .
in the middle of nowhere . . . storming skies . . . I see it . . . red light . . . blinking radio tower . . . heartache . . . pain . . . confusion . . . help . . . me . . .
*screeches louder*
Hollow Falls!

*his body tenses up violently*
*then relaxes*
*and the notebook slips from his hand as he goes limp*

Ebony Law said...

-lightning strikes, leaving me standing in its path-

Hello, friends.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*moves and separates Lorcan from Em* Lorcan I'll heal you in a second. *to Em gently* Emerald, I know this is hard, but I'm one of Adra's friends. If any of us were here to hurt you, we'd be dead. I know you're scared and confused but I promise we all want to help you.

Alexis: *goes to Lorcan* I got you Mom can heal you. It's alright.

Noelle said...

Nice entrance, Aiden

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Niccolo: *dematerializes before Jay can land the punch, and steps away from the three of them again* *grins* You'll have to try harder than that.


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(*looks at clock, goes pale* Hi Aiden.)

Ebony Law said...

(Thanks Adra :D)

I have a debt to settle with you, Zafira.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Ari: *nods* That was in fact a cool entrance, Aiden. *hugs* Hi!))


The Grave of a Coward said...

(Hullo, Aiden!)

The Grave of a Coward said...

Gary: *breathing heavily*
So . . .

Russia, New York City, and Hollow Falls.
*swallows grimly*
A man with a bleeding smile,
a bold-faced woman,
and a man with eyes like galaxies.
*feels a shudder pass through her body*
. . . That’s him.
That is my uncle.

*“We regret to inform you, my dear, that your uncle was found dead this morning, ripped open from chin to pelvis. Your other uncle, the man who we believe murdered him, has escaped, and will likely be coming after you next. Oh, don’t cry. It’s not all bad. The city will provide a funeral so you don’t have to did into the family fortune. Lovely, eh?”*

Gary: Three notebooks.

*whispers* Three chances to find Os . . .
*can’t even say his name*

Gary: *nods shakily*
Three notebooks.

Photo: And . . .

Gary and Precocious: *look at Photo in surprise*

Photo: *coughs hoarsely*
*sits up awkwardly*
And . . . the three people who love the boss man more than anyone else.

*there is silence in the room*
*except for Photo Q. Finish*
*Garrote Armitage*
*and Doctor Precocious*

Gary: . . . I will go to Russia.
*grins mirthlessly as frost drips from his fingers*
I’ll fit right in.

Photo: I will take New York City.
*gestures to his ridiculous clothes*
I’ll bled in perfectly.

And I suppose . . .
I suppose that leaves me with Hollow Falls.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Jay: I can't...move!

Javier: What if we asked you for help instead of killing?

Hyde: But I like killing.

Javier: Shut up before I beg him to kill you

Jay: *silently freaking at being stuck*

Emerald Melody said...

*Lorcan puts out his hand and walks straight over to Emerald. He holds up the bent knife, with no blood on it. Emerald's eyes are wide as she is looking down at him showing her his silver stomach.*

Lorcan: No matter what you do, you'll never hurt me mam. Not like I've hurt you. You're safe mam, always safe with me.

*He hugs her suddenly and tightly. Emerald takes a raspy breath in as images flash of Lorcan. Her son. She remembered him. She starts to cry as she hugs him back too.*

Emerald: *sobs* Oh my baby boy...

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

D-debt? What debt? *backs away*

Noelle said...


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Alexis: I...*smiles* *watches the two*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Niccolò: *sighs* What would you like help with, exactly?


Ebony Law said...


Yes, Adra.

I am rogue, but that doesn't, in fact, mean I can't follow through with your assassination.

Ebony Law said...


The Grave of a Coward said...

Gary: *takes a deep breath*
I’ll leave immediately.

*stands up*
So will I.

Gary: No.
*rests a hand on her shoulder*
You stay here. Finish too.

*voice shaking* I will NOT sit here like . . . like a coward, when Oscar is being . . .

Gary: You HAVE to. There’s no since in all three of us going at once.

I can’t.

Gary: Yes, you can.

*hot tears pricking her eyes again*
*she wills them to go away*
I . . .

Gary: Please, trust me.
No matter what happens, I’ll bring him home to you. Alright? You’ll see?

*whispers* Gary, I love him more than life.

Gary: I know.

Bring him home.
Promise you’ll bring him back to me.

Gary: I promise.
*gently pats her shoulder*
*his hand is colder than ice*
You forget how much me means to me.
I won’t let him die.
I won’t.

*whispers* I love him, and that is why he’s being hurt.
I can’t live with that knowledge, Gary.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Javier: To get Zafira back. She did things she shouldn'f have and yet she got away with them. We want to put her in her place.

*shakes head* Aiden, leave me alone. I have a lot going on and I don't need creeps like you attacking me. Good day.

Ravel: *beside Zafira* Do you have a problem with my wife?

Noelle said...

*She sips a little more of her applesauce, before tucking that away, and reclining again in her pile of pillows, looking up at the sky*
*Catches a little snow in her mouth*

Ebony Law said...

Not only her.

You're not missing out on the fun either.


Alastair Cruciatus said...

Niccolò: Pardon- she said things that she ought not to have, and because of that you intend to kill her? A life in exchange for a slight- you think that is justice?


Emerald Melody said...

*Lorcan brings Emerald to the bed and sits down beside her.*

Lorcan: You look so unwell mam. Please let me look after you, please.

*Emerald gently touches his cheek*

Emerald: I am not your worry right now baby, you have your own life to be dealing with.

*She smiles tenderly at Alexis before patting Lorcan's hand*

Emerald: For me to ask you to do that would be so selfish of me. There are people trying to help me, granted I don't know who they are but they are trying.

Lorcan: I can't leave you like this mam.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: *hums happily, looking up at the sky* I love the snow...


Noelle said...

*She scratches again* *Smiles* I do too, but it's a wonder how you can see in that thing.
*She realizes what she's doing, and pulls her hand away, as if being watched, as if giving something away*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Jay: Did things. She had myself locked up without cause, she's ordered deaths of people who were innocent.

Javier: We have files.

Hyde: and proof!

*glares at Aiden* Bugger off.

Ravel: Why are we being targetted? We haven't wronged anyone.

The Grave of a Coward said...

Gary: I’ll be back in no time. You’ll see.
*walks out the door*

*helplessly watches him leave*

Photo: *looks back up at her*
*completely sobered up by his experience*
He’s gonna come back, you know.

*whispers* Who?
Gary or Oscar?

Photo: Both.

I was going to marry him, Photo.
We were going to be happy.
. . . I was going to be happy.

Photo: You’ll still marry him. You’ll still be happy. Besides, happiness doesn’t come in an Oscar-shaped package.

It does for me.
Oscar is everything to me.

Photo: Hey, hey hey hey.
*gently touches her arm*
Don’t you be sobbing like that. You need to be beautiful for the wedding.
I think that you look beautiful. Not that my opinion matters, and not that I would ever step on Oscar’s toes, but, you are one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever laid eyes on.
*smiles hopefully*
Am I cheering you up? A little? Maybe just a tad?

*hangs her head*
I . . . I don’t have time for you right now, Photo.

Photo: *looks hurt*
I’m sorry,
I was just-

You let Hassle in. He broke through your security web.

Photo: I screwed up, alright? I admit that.
*looks a bit panicky*
But you can’t blame me for being slob by with my security any more than I can blame you for being the reason the boss got-
*claps a hand over his mouth*

I KNOW, alright?
*tears stinging her eyes*
I know it’s my fault!
If I didn’t love him, he would never have been taken from me!
I wish . . . I wish I didn’t love him!
I wish I could return to the good old days when I didn’t feel anything at all!
THAT’S what I wish for!
But we don’t always get our wishes, now do we!?

*turns on her heel and storms out of the building*
*tears stinging her eyes*
*the image of the drawing in the notebook burned into her mind*
*and the sound of Oscar’s screams replaying themselves again and again in her head*

*whispers* It’s my fault . . .
It’s my fault . . .
It’s my fault . . .


Noelle said...

*Claps politely for Annika*

Snow said...

*attacks anni with a penguin-ray*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((Present time))

[Fabi pales as she listens to André talking about the things he saw in their parents' study]

[This complicates things]

"So... The restaurant..."

"...was no accident," André finishes. "I'm afraid so. I haven't exactly been in touch with Camille. We both thought it best, especially after Jessie was born. Still, though, I don't think she felt she could leave the shadow-world once she was that far in...
"I'm so sorry, Mira," he said as he saw the mixture of shock, horror and anguish still spreading across her face. "I'm only telling you this because if anything happens to me, I want you to know enough to be safe. At the same time, though, you don't have the information they're looking for. They won't hurt you. I hope."

There was a loud knocking on the door, and André's face twisted. "Oh, Mira, Mira, Mira. I'm so sorry..."

((Alert: Fabi has once again lost track of where she's going and may have to edit the past a bit later. Deal with it. :-P))

Ebony Law said...

I do not question my guild. But that is besides the matter, I am not with them anymore. This is a personal matter.

-I strike lightning at Zafira-

Do not turn your back on me.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Niccolò: Then you ought to have taken the matter to court. The moment you attacked Aretha, regardless of whether or not any of you were before, you made yourselves criminals.


The Grave of a Coward said...

(*deflects penguin with an umbrella patterned with cupcakes and Union Jacks*)

Noelle said...

Fabiiiii! What are you doing bae! *Cries*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*ducks, facing Aiden her knife drawn* Aiden, what the hell did I do?

Snow said...

*tackle hugs anni*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Ari: Your writing is awesome, Moss. :) ))


Noelle said...

*Adra spots something out of the corner and quickly sneaks away from Aretha, braving the cold weather against her skin*
*She grabs the tire swing, and pulls it to a steel hill*
*She jumps on the swing, and seemingly swings though the clearing*
*Swings back*
*She tire swing snaps from the strain, and she falls into a large snowdrift*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Hyde: We already were at this point.

Jay: He's right, Niccolò. We never will be listened to.

Javier: I'm not even sure why....I can't do anything about this matter.

(Side note: Zaffy has 2 hour delay I shall stay up later)

Snow said...

*tackle hugs moss too*

The Grave of a Coward said...

(Ah! I have been tackle-hugs! I must use my Wonder-British powers to defend myself!
*glares at Snow*
*raises one eyebrow*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Noelle said...

(BAh! I probably haven't got one. I hope so, though. It's supposed to be seven tomorrow morning... It might snow a bit more as well.)

Noelle said...


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Negatives dear, we may not go in but for now its a delay)

Noelle said...

I would
Like to
Dedicate this page
to Kerli Koiv,

SeaNanners, Tobuscus, Pewds, Smosh, SkyDoes, and yeah.
*Raises glass*

Ebony Law said...

We've always had a quarry, Kerias.

And now it's time to follow it through.

-draws whip, electricity crackling through it-

Snow said...

Anni, Moss... you two are the best.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*backs away* Aiden please leave me alone. *closes eyes* don't kill me

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Niccolò: You will be listened to if you bring the matter to court, regardless of any crimes you have committed- however, you will also be tried for your crimes, and imprisoned soon thereafter. But her death is not justice.

Ari: *laughs loudly*


Noelle said...

*Shouts from somewhere in the drift* YOU BITCH DON'T LAUGH AT ME.
*She throws her entire body as far as she can, and manages to land outside of the drift with an- oof!*
*Wheezes, having lost her breath*
The things... I do...

The Grave of a Coward said...

(Awh. Hear that, all ye nay-sayers? Someone thinks I am the best! Ha-HA!
*gleefully dances through a field full of rainbows, unicorns, and pictures of Misha Collins*)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Javier: i...guess but would Aretha listen to us?

Jay: Nope.

Hyde: *sighs while the guys talk and tries to hit Nic in the head with the stick again*

The Grave of a Coward said...

(I'm not entirely certain what to do now that I've finished that role-play. Hmm.
*reclines in her swivel chair*
*strokes her chin*
*and ponders the question*)

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((Ooh, REACTIONS. I love reactions! [hugs people]))

((I have to go now, though. Back in two hours maybe. If anyone's still around.))

Noelle said...

You're welcome to join Ari and me, if you like.

Bye Fab!*hugs*

Snow said...


Ebony Law said...

Don't ask for my sympathy, Kerias.

Noelle said...

*She crawls back to the duvet, shivering, and curls up* That was a bad idea...
*Her hair is frosty*

The Grave of a Coward said...

(*thinks about a gentleman in my life who shall remain nameless*

Here is a list of things that are strange:
A pocket of change
And zebras
And carnivals too
Standing in wheat fields
But mostly, you

Here is a list of things that I hate:
Tan lines
The Nazis
An awkward first date
And problems
And half-cooked fast food
People in general
But mostly, you

Here is a list of things that I need:
Food, sleep, and water
Air to breath
A walk in the autumn
A puppy or two
A hot cup of tea
But mostly, you

Here is a list of thing that you love:
And reading
And God above
And podcasts
A hot cup of tea
Top hats
And laughter
And hopefully, me . . .

*looks out the window*
*of her train compartment*
*as she rides across the desert*
*and sighs*)

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Niccolò: *the stick passes through him* None of you know Aretha. She believes in justice under the law, and will follow the law without exception. If you prove Zafira guilty in court, she will not move to contradict the verdict.

Ari: Are you ok?


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*sends a volley of shadows at him* Kill me! I don't care anymore! I rather be dead!

Snow said...

*nods at what anni said even though I already read it from here blog*

Noelle said...

*Mumbles* I'm cold now. But yes.
*She shuffles a little closer to the fire*

Snow said...


Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Ari: Hi Snow! *hugs))


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Javier: Nic- mortals have a court, we don't we report to our Councils. Zaf's Grand Mage in our country and Hyde's English and Jay is American. Hyde can't report because he as Hyde is forbidden to go near the English Sanctuary and Jekyll will never report Zaf.

Hyde: Basically we're screwed.

Jay: That's why we'd report to Aretha.

The Grave of a Coward said...

(Yes, but when it was on my blog, I was not gazing despondently out of the window of my train compartment.
*gazes despondently out the window of my train compartment*
*as the stars dance and sparkle like diamonds at night*
*and rose petals swirl around me*)

Noelle said...

*She suddenly sits up, a bit of an urge in her*
Excuse me for about ten minutes.
*She puts on her coat and jogs off to her lab*

The Grave of a Coward said...

(Oh, thrice-accursed loneliness, will you ever leave me?
*dramatically press my hand to the window*
Thou art a harsh and cruel master to serve.

Books: Aaaaaaannika.

*turns cinematically*
*my hair whipping in the wind*
Who's there?

Books: Aaaaaaaaaannika.
You don't need love or friends when you have uuuuuuuuus.
Come back to uuuuuuuuuuus . . . .

. . . Okay?
*hugs my books*
I can stay here forever.

. . .

*runs to the window*
*begins singing Someday My Prince Will Come*)

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