Right, well, SOMEBODY at Harper Collins messed up, and I am NOT a happy writer. But, for those of you who may have heard, yes, it is true, you are getting a Tanith Low novella coming you way early in 2013 so, um...
And before you get carried away with what it might be about or who might be in it, the synopsis provided was an early one, before I'd actually started the damn thing. Biggest change? Ghastly ain't in it. Probably.
So what IS it about, you ask?
It's about God-Killer weapons. Four of them, scattered around the world. Four weapons that could hurt- even kill- Darquesse whenever she arrives. Tanith, being thoroughly devoted to dear Darquesse, does not want these weapons falling into enemy hands. So she recruits a gang of misfits and villains and off she goes to snatch them before the good guys come calling.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to stomp away and find someone to beat up...
Also, to all my east coast Ameriminions, you better stay safe during this storm and all these power outages. That is an ORDER.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
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If anyone's still on, I have a question.
Do you have skype? I finally remembered my password for it so...
I can now use my skype again.
*is very distant and msd*
I do.-Zaf
So do I.
Skype me, Hope and Zaffy?
Blow Me Away
^ check it out, Zaffy.
Sure Tia,
*would like to take a moment of everyone's time to say that Mass Effect 2 is his favourite video game ever*
*has had this opinion for nearly five years*
*doesn't even ship anyone*
*ships a love triangle*
*but is a great game and story without ships*
*someone went ahead and novelized the entire game*
*a major achievement, considering the amount of choices the game lets the player make*
Never mind, I have to go. Goodbye.
Zafira: *lays down in the grass*
Yay for characters!
Big man Shepard/Jennifer Hale Shepard
Mr I-fly-ships-into-volcanoes-and-make-jokes ship driver Joker
Bro Garrus (and his friendship issues)
Alien baby killing machine bro Grunt (and his daddy issues)
Attractive voice female disembodied AI E.D.I.
Generic sexually attractive woman Miranda (and her daddy and sister issues)
Generic dude Jacob (and his daddy issues)
Tattood psycho chick Jack (and her growing up issues)
Big guy Timmy Sheen
Green alien guy Thane (and his son's daddy issues)
Blue alien samurai space magic chick Samara (and her daughter issues)
Slutty yeoman fish-feeder Kelly Chambers
Engineers Ken and Gabby (you guys getting into a relationship any time soon?)
Fast-talking smart amphibian(?) alien Mordin (and his colleague issues)
Oh god Tali's alien hips and space suit (and her daddy issues) and voice
That blue alien archaeologist chick from the first game who is less shy, more murderous, kinda bitchy and unhelpful but determined to bring down a bad guy Liara (her race doesn't have fathers, her mother has daughter issues though...)
Kaidan or Ashley abandon Shepard when they are needed (whichever one didn't get nuked and ooh prettier armours)
(Who else do we have?)
Kal'Reeger the alien suited marine hunk who got shot up and pumped full of drugs lol.
Zaeed the story-spilling gossip bounty hunter (and his revenge issues)
Legion the wtf geth? Robots wearing the armour of ghost of Christmas past (and his 10,000,000+ robot brother issues that get exploded at 1.21 gigawatts)
Kasumi the cute Japanese hidden master thief (and her love issues... finally!)
Ms Don't-fuck-with-Aria the Boss, C.E.O, Queen, if you're feeling dramatic.
The flying not flying freaky frakking alien Collectors and The Collector General and Harbinger the space squid robot spaceship that parodies Gangnam Style and kills all the things and insults Shepard's team and has buddies called Reapers.
Captain Anderson the politician-slapper
The Citadel Council - Tevos, Valern and Mr we-have-dismissed-these-rumours Sparatus
(I don't think there's any more important characters.)
That blue chick who outran a nuke (how?)
Wrex who is alien and rules and wrecks
The freaky aliens of The Blood Pack
The tech specialist bad dudes of the Blue Suns
The dudettes of The Eclipse
Admiral Hackett and his whole I am confused are you a good guy thing
(I lost the plot a while ago.)
Special credit to Jack Wall for creating the soundtrack. It's amazing.
I'm off to sleep. Good night, guys!
I watched Thor deleted scenes from my DVD and THE FEELS!!!
Just after his banishment Frigga is seen yelling hysterically at Odin for banishing Thor and this:
"I wouldn't have the heart."
"That is why I am king, and you are not."
Then this gets me worse:
"Couldn't you bring him home?"
"No! His fate is in his own hands now!"
And now Into Eternity plays as I type.
*As the night settled in on the realm eternal, Asgard, there was an evil stirring. The royal family had settled in for the night, when in the dark, came the Dark Elves. Many had beileved after the Convergance and the failure of the Aether plan, Malikith would leave Asgard alone, realizing twice now the Asgardians were stronger. Coming in from one of Loki's secret pars was Malikith, coming in from another was Laufey, and a few Frost Giants. Heimdall stood watch, and could not see either enemy, they had shrouded themselves from him. If their plan was sucessful, the two combined would go down to Midgard and take the world, they agreed the place called Blogland would be first, as Loki and Zanida frequented this location. Laufey went straight for his daughter, and he found her alone in the throne room*
Zanida: *eyes widen, and she draws her lance* Stand aside creature.
Laufey: I would rethink that statement, Zanida Laufeydottir. You are from the same realm as I.
Zanida: *looks up at her father, her hands shaking from rage* You abandoned Loki and I. You allowed Odin to-
Laufey: -Odin is a murderer and a theif. He stole my children and the Casket.
Zanida: What do you want?
Laufey: To see my daughter.
Zanida: So you sneak up on me during the night? Likely story.
Laufey: I come from a realm of cold and darkness, night makes no difference to me.
Zanida: *her lance doesn't waver, and she looks petrified*
Laufey: Zanida....That is not the name Farbauti and I gave you, my child.
Zanida: That is my name, whether you gave it to me or not.
Laufey: Sefanìa.
Zanida: That is not my name.
Laufey: That was what we called you as a child.
Zanida: *lowers her lance* Why did you come?
*as she speaks two Frost Giants grab her from behind, Zanida kicks and tries to fight back, but due to her state of pregnancy, she cannot fight*
Laufey: I promise you will be safe, Zanida.
Zanida: Let go of me!!!!
********To be continued possibly
(Ugh. Bad parents. Don't set the cats on me to wake me up.)
(Where is people?
*continues writing the seventh sentence of the fifth page of the seventh chapter of my book*)
(No idea. I'm vaguely here.)
(Hello Bach
I'm soooo tired today)
(Why are you soooo tired?)
(I don't know
I woke up at 6:30
Looked out the window
Thought it snowed
Realize my window was steamed up
Was disappointed
Fell back asleep
Woke up again about 10
Felt tired since)
(Low blood sugar? Iron deficiency? Emotional disappointment?)
Yay, Sil used my terminology!! :) :)
I'm reading another Brandon Sanderson (author of Mistborn) book and it's amazing. Just - ugh. It's so DETAILED. Like, most authors create a world, and focus on a plot IN that world, but he's created a HORRIBLY DETAILEDLY REALISTIC world with so much complrxity and done TWO simultaneous detailed plotlines and I have a feeling we haven't even got to the main plot yet.
The book I am reading is around 600 pages, it is part ONE of a full book (the books are split in two - 1200 pages would be a bit much, and the font isn't exactly large), and it is part of a SERIES OF SIMILARLY-LENGTHED BOOKS.
At first I wondered why the hell it was so long and now I understand it's vecause of all rhe AMAZING COMPLEX AWESOME DETAIL. Like - this is a WORLD created here. This is an ACTUAL WORLD. I swear. There's just so many different - ugh. Dunno what you'd call them. You could probably make at least five separate stories out of the stuff I've read so far.
In the acknowledgemts, Brandon Sanderson mentioned that his editor doesn't get paid any more when his authors turn in 400-k word monstrosities, and that someone (can't remember who he is :/ a publisher person) helped him to 'get away with' this book, and that thid novel 'is the type that would make many publishers run away at full speed.'
Which tells me that it is REALLY HARD to publish a book as detailed and complex as this. Likeeeeeee . . . the more work you put into your book, the harder it is to get it published??? Should it not be the other way around?????
The world is stupid, I swear.
(It may be Sil
Hey Star! Sounds cool
I'm writing the seventy second page of my book)
Well done, Inky!!!!!
DAMN that's a lot of pages. O_O
(*cuddles Inky*
*wishes I was able to come up with decent stories*
*and actually write them*
*and actually had a computer to write them on*)
(Thanks ^.^)
(*huggles Sil*
*hand writes stories *)
(*cant stands her own handwriting*
*it distracts her*)
(*writing is tiny *
*mum says handwriting is crap*
*never can please*
*parents say that I'll never be an author*)
I can usually read it, though.
I have a laptop, but I um, can't really write (no ideas, not good at writing the ones I have), so . . .
I would encourage you not to give uo, Inky. :) :)
(Thanks Star
I'm sure you have great ideas
I'm working on two stories atm
I gave one to my friend to criticise what I've done so far
I asked her yesterday of she has read it
She said she had only gained custody of the book because her boyfriend took it and read it
He loved it
He fangirled and died apparently
I wouldn't say I'm that good though)
Going for food now
I don't, InkyInky. :)
And I'm sure you are that good. :) :)
*a wild vampire hair-ruffler appears*
(ooh pretty snow)
(I'm back
And thanks star ^.^
I'm sending my stories off when I finish them)
*has no snow*
*has sun instead*)
(*hugs Amazinky*
*ruffles her hair*
It's okay, Chloe, it's okay, don't cry...)
(*huggles* thanks Kassy)
(Do you have Skype?)
(I did make a Skype account however I've never used it
I'll have to download it onto my phone)
Ah, well don't do it just for me because then you'll never use it...
(I was planning on getting it anyways so I can talk to Rhos so it's no bother ^.^)
(I have a sausage dog sitting on my stomach)
Awwkay c:
(Damn why does it take things ages to download -_-)
le bump
(The little Rudolph thing I have that moves side to side in the sun is driving me insane with the noise
I'm tempted to throw it at a wall )
I would like to dedicate to two very awesome and kind people: Chloe and Jaimie. You guys really are amaazing. Thanks you!
(Thanks Kas...I'm not that awesome
But Silly is *applauds sil*)
(Rhos why are you deleting comments?
And yes, you are, Chloe.)
But it's my fault )
But it's my fault )
(My new Skype name is Inkyflame)
I should go
*is here for don't know how long*
*reads the comments and wonders if this is a bad time*
Hey hope!
*hugs* how be you?
And nope I don't think this is a bad time?
*hugs Rhos back*
Hi. I be okay. You?
Tbh I'm meh really....
But hey... Onto other things
*hugs Rhos again*
Okay then, if you don't want to talk about it...
*thinks of a lot of irrelevant things to say*
*chooses not to say them because they don't really need to be said*
*finds something to talk about*
How are you going to celebrate the New Years?
As you can see, I suck at conversation...
Blarg. XP
Its all good, conversation is hard....
And new years, I plan on having a drink and eating a packet of sponge fingers from a box of trifle mix *nods*
How are you going to celebrate new years?
I'd probably stay up till midnight while having a countdown with some friends. During the day, my family will have a traditional style feast for breakfast. Did you know that they put thin flakes of gold in their food?
They say gold is supposed to be good for your health, though I have no idea how much it must cost just to have a little bit.
*is also about to have hot cocoa at almost midnight*
Because my cousin reminded me that I bought a box of cocoa powder and haven't even had any yet...
I also want to write right now, but I'm having writer's block...
Are you ok, Rhos? Why did you delete comments?
(Hello, Hope.)
Gotta go,bye.
Sorry, Tia.
Bye, Hope!
Found Tanya's theme tune.
I remember now...
No one (besides Chloe ) likes talking to me...
So I'm gonna go now...
(Rhossie..,come back)
Bethany: *smiles and sighs happily*
(Hey Soph)
(Hey Soph)
(Hello Jacko)
(Alright Chlo.... I'll stick around... *huggles tightly*
But I'm only staying because of you *nods* )
(Hello Chloe, how be you?)
(*huggles Rhossie tightly *
I'm alright
You guys?)
(Good thanks)
(I'm feeling meh right now....
*snuggles Chlo* )
I kill you!
(Jeff Dunham quote )
(Achmed is awesome!)
(*shivers* *cold* *freezing* *shivers violently* sledging is f-fun...*thanks autocorrect for fixing her shivery typing*)
(Hello Jai, sledging? We only had a bit of frost. How be you?)
(that he is *nods*
He did the best Christmas song *smiles* and you're awesome Chlo!)
(Hey Jai *huggles warmly* how was the sledging?)
(Hello, Silente. *hugs her tightly*)
(We had snow *nods* cold. Very c-cold*)
(*hugs Garr*
*cuddles Soph tightly, stealing her body heat*
Mm. Better.)
(Lucky, I want it to snow here
Hello Soph)
(*huggles Sil * hey
And thanks Rhossie, and you are)
(Your welcome and thank you *smiles*)
(Tis true ^.^)
(Tis true for you too ^.* )
(*wraps a blanket around Silente*)
Thank you Soph.
*cuddles blanket and Soph*
Next time I should wear warmer clothes...And shoes...)
*smiles at Beth*
We could..just stay in here forever? We..we don't have to leave this small clearing..
Was in town and walking there and back in constant fear of tripping up on ice isn't fun :c
(Hello Tia, how art thou?)
(Chlo, do you want to RP with Vik and Alys?)
(Jai do you want to continue with Gar and Mr b.b Wolf?)
(Hey Kas! How are you?)
(I am ok. How are you?
How is everyone today?
Rhos, I'm sorry for ignoring you at times :/)
(That may be a good idea, Silente. *cuddles her back*)
Bethany: We could. *smiles* But... food? I know I could feed you, but I need food too...
(@Rhos okay..um...where were we with Garr and BB?)
(Good thanks)
(Hey Kassy!)
(Sledging is fun.)
Well..we can grow our own food here?
(its all good Kas *nods* and I'm alright thank you)
(The last thing Gar said was:
Lilith? (because bb said about going to see Sil (so technically Sil 2 ) )
MrBBWolf: yeah...I-Inky and my..child.
(Sledging... haven't done it for years...
*has watched Jack Ryan*
*is watching Star Trek Into Darkness*
*wonders how he ended up on a Chris Pine marathon*)
(I have never done it.)
Bethany: I suppose we could. *smiles*
(I have never done it.)
Bethany: I suppose we could. *smiles*
(Ahh. Food. Bbs.)
t(^.^t) CHOO CHOO!!!
its da pain train! )
Choo choo! t(~.~t)
(Sorry, I'm distant...
See you later, Rhos, Chloe, Jack(?), Soph and Jai.)
Ay! Chloe still knows it *surprise huggles*
RP? (but only of you want to and feel up to it?)
(Ok Kas, Jack is my name)
(okay Kas, see you later Bud )
(Kay Kassy! *snuggles Rhossie* okay
Which characters?)
(Okay. Back.
Never been sledging Soph?!)
No more problems...just..us..
(Welcome back Jai)
(Hey Jacko. How are you anyway? I don't believe I asked..)
(No, I have never been sledging.)
Bethany: I suppose, given the fact I should probably stay away from people, it is for the best, anyway.
(I am good thanks Jai, you? don't worry about it)
*snuggles Chloe*
Which do you want to do?)
(Welcome back Jai )
Gar: You and inky had a...? Never mind its none of my business...
(for bb wolf )
(I don't mind ^,^ alys and Vik?)
(@Soph you lived in CANADA! HOW did you not go sledging?!)
(@Ed better now. Warmer.)
Well..only if you'd want to..
MrBBWolf: I-I... it wasn't...my intention..
(Sure *nods*
And Gar will make the wedding on time (probably... Depends if he wants to try and take Wolfgang... *smiles*)
Vik: *is still at the restaurant*
*finishes up his food*
(Warm is good
Gar: Okay *nods* I'm not going to pry because I don't want to know...
Alys: *finishes her burger* mmmm
(It never seemed to interest me. I saw those around me get hurt whilst doing so and I chose to stay away from it.)
Bethany: Of course I want to. *smiles* You know Aetas has a daughter? He has both a son and a daughter. I don't like the son... he's really arrogant, but the daughter - Elizabeth - seems alright. Fond of bows and crossbows.
MrBBWolf: O-okay...I-I don't ev-ven swing that w-way..
Vik: *smiles* did you enjoy your burger?
Gar: *looks puzzled and then realises* oh I see, right *nods*
Anyway do you know where Sil lives?
(It so much fun!
..if you dont get too hurt.)
Ugh. Arrogant..
Crossbows are cool..bows slightly less so.
Alys: *nods*
MrBBWolf: No..b-but you could..call her?
(Chloe, Jai, would you like to continue rp?)
Vik: Good *continues smiling*
Would you like dessert?
Gar: Okay and good idea *nods*
*pulls out phone and calls Sil*
(Okay ^.^ you first Jacko)
Alys : I I'm full thanks
(@Ed sure. Inky?)
Sil2: *answers her phone, putting it on loud speaker so she can keep working on the sigil*
Mercy: *Throws a map into the fire*
(Sure thang)
Vik: Okay *nods* shall we go back to the house?
Gar: Hey, its me
I need some help please?
Bethany: You could meet her if you'd like?
Annabelle: wait! *grabs Mercy's shoulders, eyes red and face blotchy from tears*
Please...he could be our only hope..
*looks heart broken and helpless*
*is only, like, fourteen*
Alys: I okay
Why do that mercy?! *growls*
Sil2: *sighs*
What happened this time. Don't tell me Taw's giving birth now.
Sure..she sounds nice enough .
Cole: *growls* he's our only hope f getting our pup back!
Mercy: *Looks down at Belle* Why would he help you? *Looks at Inky* To prove im right
Annabelle: Please..we have to t-try..
Vik: Okay, hold on tightly *smiles*
Gar: Nope, Taw's at home, its me I ran into some trouble and took a beating... I'm with Mr wolf right now
Mercy: If I help, what do I get?
Cole: please ...we need our pup back
And I need my mate back!
Cole: what do you want?
Alys : *holds on*
Mercy: *sighs* Fine, I will help you
Annabelle: what do you w-want?
Sil2: *scowls at the phone*
Tell wolf to go away.
Bethany: She doesn't really speak much, and she has a habit of telling your future whilst you speak by accident, but she seems nice. *smiles* One moment...
Mercy: I want you all to believe Inky killed him
Annabelle: Thank you!
*hugs Mercy tightly, crying into his shoulder slightly*
You will? *eyes light up*
What?! *ears lower *
Telling your future while you speak?
This should be interesting.
Mercy: I will help, but you must all see she killed him. She murdered him
Annabelle: but...we already believe otherwise..
Mercy: Fine, but she tried to kill him at least
Vik: *smiles and teleports back to the burrow*
Gar: Okay... I don't know what wolf has done and I don't really want to find out...
*looks at Wolf* I'm sorry mate but Sil has told me you to go...
But thank you for the help, if you need my help just call me okay *nods*
Cole: *growls* what will that achieve
*looks to the floor* believe it
Alys: *blinks* t that's p powerful magic
Mercy: It achieves that you see her as a murderer or as the person who tried to kill him
Bethany: It's very interesting. *smiles* We should probably get dressed?
Annabelle: well..she did try kill him...
MrBBWolf: I..*hangs head*
*walks away*
Mercy: Exactly, she tried to kill him. So, shall we head off?
Vik: It is *smiles*
You have powerful magic too *huggles*
Gar: I'm sorry, but i do need the help and you can rely on me for help because I owe you *nods and shadow walks to Sil's house*
*collapses outside*
Cole: lets
Bethany: *smiles and shifts from underneath her, climbing out of bed* *kisses her passionately before starting to put on her clothes and armour*
Mercy: Inky, you knew him best, any idea where he would be?
Well there is the bar...
Sil2: *climbs out and to Garr's side*
*claps her hands, cupping his face, healing him*
Annabelle: Okay..
*kisses her passionately back, smiling*
*starts pulling her clothes on*
Did somebody ask for a bar?
Mercy: Yes the person who managed to trick almost everyone into thinking he is dead is in the local bar?
(Trip, how art thou?)
(Very well thank you. I've a livstream on in the background, and it's good fun.)
(Hows it going trip?)
Gar: *wakes* I owe you one Sil *nods* you want to know how it happened?
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