Monday, September 24, 2012

Lots and Lots of Photos

Okay then, as promised, documented evidence that show you Minions are an incredibly creative bunch...

Here is the first batch of stuff I was given while on the KOTW tour.

I've started to only pack half a bag every time I go away, because the amount of things I'm given while signing is just astronomical. What usually happens is that my publicist takes anything I can't fit onto the plane and sends it on to me afterwards. Well, the final package has arrived, so here I am to give you a brief pictorial rundown.

A skull! Signed by "le gang"! And a picture from the irrepressible one, Becky...

I don't have room to put up all of the artwork I was handed, but here are some pieces that stood out...

And I was also given books! One Minion had illustrated my biography blurbs- wonderfully unique idea! And in Liverpool I was handed Project Baguette, a collection of letters and notes and drawings and all kinds of coolness.

And elsewhere in the UK I was given a box! A wonderful little box!

But what's INSIDE the wonderful little box? Is it, perhaps, a set of wonderfully TINY Skulduggery books? It is!

The pic below is so cool. For those of you who can't spot the similarity, this is Super Derek, sitting on a stack of books, reading one with, er, his tongue hanging out of his mouth...

Quite simply one of the CUTEST things I've ever been given.

I've shown this one before, but I figured I'd do it again, and add in another two Skulduggerys (one from this tour, another from... three years ago, maybe...?)

And this! This Raggy Skulduggery that SHE WOULDN'T LET ME KEEP!

Because of the unfortunate lack of Skulduggery merchandise, many of you have had to improvise. Some of you, ahem, have improvised better than others...

Ah, the Tall Bonde! One of my favourites! You've seen her picture here before (I doubt you've forgotten it) but here is a picture of the BACK of Sabrina Sparrow's T-shirt...

And this is Sabrina's partner-in-crime Becky, giving a suitably deadpan freedom sign...

Naturally, Sabrina and Becky came with their banner- much like they did the LAST time they turned up...



And here's a picture of Mable and Sherlock totally agreeing with the message in my kitchen...

As I was shifting these pictures from my phone, I came across a few I'd taken in Germany a few years ago...

See that? Stylish AND practical!

And to finish it off, here's a picture of my cousin Michael, who came to one of the events in Australia and looked, it has to be said, AWESOME.

Once again, thanks to everyone who came along, and an extra special thanks to those of you who did something extra special.


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Jophiel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jophiel said...

I've drank 2L of milk today and it is only 3:47pm

Liason Ice said...

Thats some pretty nifty stuff.
Would LOVE some official toys and shirts and posters and stuff though

Mayan said...


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mayan said...

Yo Davis... LOL Davis looks like Davies.. Russell T Davies

Georgina Howlett said...

*blubbers* no keyring and no angry birds mug? D; no crazy Liverpool mention? 3:

Nixion Strange said...

You don't want to know how long I spent on the old post
Okay, can I just give a suggestion, if you see a new post, say new post

Drew O'Connor said...

Ah poor Nix.

Did you not see the update in your reading list?

Becky Allaker said...


*pterodactyl screech*

the skull
and Project Baguette



I still have the other half of that with a massive SP Waterstones poster jammed in it. It's like my Isthmas Anchor to your house. Surprised you haven't actually noticed my presence over the last year. I brought you a shrubbery and everything.

But yes. Thank you for posting this up. It's set my day off in the right direction. Gonna go let everyone know about it now, as is the way of the Bex.


Nixion Strange said...

I didn't check it today Em
I had other things on my mind

Drew O'Connor said...

Ah well then someone should have told you.

The important thing is that you're here now.

Nixion Strange said...

No, the important thing is still I wasn't told

Drew O'Connor said...

Don't dwell on it Nix, what's done is done.

It's over with.

Nixion Strange said...

I dwell
I'm a dweller
Don't try and change me

Drew O'Connor said...

I'm not trying to change ya Nix, I just think it's a petty thing to be getting upset over.

It's not worth it.

Nixion Strange said...

I'm petty
By the way, I'm also joking

Mistical Future said...

I'm back

ok yes i know i took a lot longer than anyone would of thought but i had to do a major clean up in my room after sorry!!!

Hi all

Drew O'Connor said...

Sorry... lol

It's like half 8 in the morning, my brain is not functioning at full capacity lol

Mistical Future said...

Hi Emerald! Have we met ... i don't think we have! Hi! *shakes hand*

Drew O'Connor said...

S'up Mistical *brofist*

Mistical Future said...

*Brofist's Eme*

can i call u Eme?

Nixion Strange said...

Hey Em, what's your skype?

Becky Allaker said...



do any of you guys read


Drew O'Connor said...

It is...


What a surprise lol

Mistical Future said...

yes i read some fan fiction

Nixion Strange said...

I only read the ones on blogs, but yes

Becky Allaker said...

i wrote a pretty heartbreaking, short one

everyone has cried that read it


Nixion Strange said...

I just sent you a request

Mistical Future said...

ok i'm up for it!

Georgina Howlett said...

Casually on the blog when supposed to be doing work at school hahahahaha


Derek why have you started calling me Howlett


Like, a psychological one or

Drew O'Connor said...

My day has now been made.


Becky Allaker said...

He has a twitch, Gero. Like the dude in the Pink panther. We're Clueso.


Nixion Strange said...

I won't be able to call, so it's essentially useless, but anyway

Becky Allaker said...

Okay you asked for it.

Don't read if allergic to tears.

The battlefield became a dense barrier of sound in the background, the world outside of the small stone cottage was meaningless. All that mattered was lying on the floor in a pool of her own blood, her head rested on the knee of the man whom owed her his life, her weak hand clasped tightly within his bony fingers.
Skulduggery's spare hand traced Valkyrie's forehead, in calming strokes. Her eyes were barely open now, but she was still listening to the words he sang. 'Tall and tan and young and lovely...'

He knew it wouldn't be long. Not long at all. But it still felt like a lifetime. It had been a lifetime, for her. The moments they'd shared. The fun, the horror, the heart break. But after all of it they'd still had each other. Always. No matter the friends they lost along the way, they always had each other, and that was all they needed, really. It was.
And that's all they'd ever need. That's all Valkyrie would ever need. Now, more than ever. In her last moments.
He wished he could say something, do anything to reverse the last ten minutes, but he couldn't. Skulduggery Pleasant, world saving detective, was incapable.
Her brown eyes slowly drifted up to his hollow eye sockets, and his voice gradually silenced. She opened her mouth to speak but the words wouldn't come. He squeezed her hand tighter. "Shh. Hush now."
She drew in a short breath. He knew it was all she could muster.
"I'm so sorry, Valkyrie. For everything." Her fingers twitched, eyes drifting back. He was glad he had no face, now. He would be trying a smile but he knew that he wouldn't be able to kid her. "But we had a time, didn't we? I know I did. I'm sorry that it has to end like this." He knew she didn't blame him. But that didn't take away the guilt. It never would.
"You'll be okay, you know." Those brown eyes met his line of sight once again. "Things are always okay. In the end." A tear had been brimming her eye and it fell as she smiled. It was genuine, too. A thing he hadn't seen her do in too long.

Valkyrie Cain drew her last breath with a smile on her lips, and Skulduggery clasped her hand tight one last time.
"I'm so sorry, Stephanie." He whispered.

Nixion Strange said...

Good writing, but unfortunatly, it's not sad enough to make me cry. I don't cry

Drew O'Connor said...

Ah Becks!!!

Between you and Adra, I'm in bits :(

Becky Allaker said...

Neither do I but I blubbered when I was writing. I have an inability to write nice things.


Georgina Howlett said...

I know Becky, like, he's changing everyone's names around o__o



... LANDY!!! *shakesfist*

Becky Allaker said...

I'm currently writing a Darquesse thing and- *rips out heart and stamps on it*

Becky Allaker said...


Drew O'Connor said...

Oh stop

I hate really emotional death scenes.

Mistical Future said...

*berst into tears*



OMG u did such a good ... why did i say good? ... it's not GOOD! IT"S EXELENT!!!! IT WAS SO SAD I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!

*Gathers the Val's corps and SP in her arms and cries why hugging them*


Becky Allaker said...

Val won't die.

Not alone.




Becky Allaker said...

Honest to god I swear it's a thing with me and Derek because we share the same birthday. WE LOVE BREAKING HEARTS.

it's awkward because I break my own



Georgina Howlett said...

I hope if either die they both die together.

Because that would be the best ending ever

With Ghastly just stood by their graves

and then he walks away

and it's all over

Mistical Future said...

I don't want it to end like that i wasn ta happy ending with faries, rainbows and unicorns!!!

... ok minis the faries unicorns and rainbows

but still!!!

Drew O'Connor said...

Ah girls seriously lol

It's too early in the morning for these tears.
Quit it!

Mistical Future said...

Ok this is my oppinion on what sets Val off

... i wrote a fanfic on it ... it's not finished but u can see it any way

The reflection stood in the door as she watched Valkyrie who had her back turned. Valkyrie didn’t know that her reflection was there and she wouldn’t get much of a chance to. The sceptre of Ancients felt cold and heavy in the reflection’s hand. She was waiting for Valkyrie to turn; she wanted Valkyrie to see who killed her before she died, before she turned to dust. She wanted to see the look on her face when her life was taken away from her. The reflection knew that Valkyrie didn’t deserve the life she had, after all she was hardly ever there and she was going to kill her parents anyway so it would be better for everyone if she was simply killed. Valkyries parents would never know and they would never need to. Valkyrie stated to turn, everything slowed. As Valkyrie turned Alice walked up to her, the reflection aimed the sceptre at Valkyries chest and willed the sceptre to fire, it crackled as the black lightning appeared getting ready to jump at its victim. Valkyrie was still turning as she did her free hand scooped up Alice, and held her in front of her chest. The black lightning jumped at and hit Alice, her face screwed up in pain and confusion, and then she turned to dust. Time went back to normal as Alice’s ashes sprinkled to the floor.
Valkyrie looked at the remains of Alice on the floor, her face mixed with surprise and confusion. Slowly she looked up to see her reflection still holding the sceptre strait out her face was covered in shock.
“Y-you killed Alice” said Valkyrie, her voice hollow
“I-I didn’t mean to I w-wasn’t aiming for her, y-you just picked her up at the last second!” said the reflection lowering the sceptre “I would never hurt her”
Valkyrie was the first to react
“YOU KILLED HER!” Valkyrie bellowed and lunged at the reflection.
The reflection tried to move but wasn’t fast enough to escape Valkyrie’s hold.
“YOU KILLED HER!” Screamed Valkyrie as she slammed punches in the reflection’s face, “YOU KILLED MY LITTLE SISTER!”

Jophiel said...

I probably won't be on for quite some time, tomorrow...

Mistical Future said...

oh and it's 6pm here! so it's no to erily ... here at least.

Mistical Future said...

ok Death!

Mistical Future said...

... has everyone didapered? or am i just impashent?

Eve the ROCK said...


Mistical Future said...

Hi Eve how r u?

Nixion Strange said...

Actually, you were surprisingly patient

Mistical Future said...

ok YAY!!!

Mistical Future said...

did u like mu story?

Drew O'Connor said...

*waves hands*


Mistical Future said...


Georgina Howlett said...

I have to log off now so I'll talk to all of you later c:

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Misty! Hi Nix! Hi Mem!

Bye Georgina!

Mistical Future said...

Bye Georgina

Eve the ROCK said...

Nix, I had the same problem! I was waiting at the old post, I was thinking "WHERE IS EVERYONE?" Then I thought, "New post? Probably not" So I checked, and as the page was loading, I thought "There's probably no new post." And then I'm like "DAMMIT!"

Mistical Future said...

HAHA, that's happened to me once to.
oh well at leastg ur all good now!

Mistical Future said...

... is everyone playing hide and seek?

if so signal me in some way if i'm it!

Mistical Future said...

ok brb i got to have a bath i should be back in 20-35 min. yes i like long baths!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

that stuff is AMAZING!!!


wbd, should be doing homework...

Jophiel said...

Sorry, tried to send that earlier!

Jophiel said...

And that too! It was supposed to be sent a while ago as well!

Jophiel said...

I now have a new pet, he gives me tissues! His name is Snort... Guess what he is!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

I'm back

for some reason, Rose, I'm guessing he is a cold

Anonymous said...

Hello people of Blogland!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

hey Kessie!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Miss Cain! *waves frantically*

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

*waves frantically back*

Anonymous said...


*throws Miss Cain in volcano*

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

*shadow walks away from volcano*

Anonymous said...

damn it.

*runs after Miss Cain*

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

*runs into forest*

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

gotta go


Anonymous said...


Jophiel said...

Okay, here is some random fan fic I came up with now...

The Bentley screached to a stop outside an abandoned building in Melbourne's west. The skeleton jumped out and called to his partner who was laying on the ground.
He strode over to Valkyrie and nudged her gently with his beautiful black shoes. "Val, are you alright?"
There was no answer.
Skulduggery hunkered down and touched her forehead. "Val... Are you okay?"
There was still no answer.

Pleasant leaped up at the soft thunk landing near him. He looked around and saw a pale form. It had black hair, black clothes and an ugly red scar down the side of his face. Dusk, Skulduggery thought.
The vampire looked at Skulduggery and smiled. "Hurt your little friend, did I?" Dusk asked sarcastically. That burned in Skulduggery's bones; the mocking of this emotional creature who killed his best friend and partner. "Well, I did say I would get her and not a drop was wasted. She could have died and let all that delicious blood go to waste. She could've-" Dusk was interrupted by a loud roar and the sounds of vials opening.
"YOU INSIGNIFICANT LITTLE PIECE OF...!" Skulduggery roared again and slammed into the vampire.

China Sorrows stood around the corner and watched the detective's rage for the second time in her unussually long life. She loved setting people up and it had worked again.
1. Kill Cain
2. Hide the body somewhere near the skeleton's range
3. Hire someone to talk to the detective after he finds her
4. Get the hired guy to taunt her
5. Get the hired guy killed and take back the money

Easy, but China didn't feel too good about what she did right there. True, she had killed the wife and child of Skulduggery but why did she have this twisting jabbing pain in her chest where her stomach was? Guilt? The famous China Sorrows felt guilty for killing someone so dear the the skeleton?
Nothing a little torture wouldn't fix, she thought and walked off to find an attractive young man to kill

Jophiel said...

And it is a tissue box, my pet Snort is a tissue box!

Anonymous said...

China is not evil!

Bethany said...

i feel completely embarrassed by my attempt at art. don't know whether to bring it or not now

Niamhy Jay said...

Can I buy some of those paintings?? XD

Unknown said...

That picture that is apparently cute scares me!

Unknown said...

i love china! she's one of my favourites!!!

Star Inkbright said...

I know how Nix and Eve feel! Once I was on an old post for hours before realising there was a new one . . . I don't know what the hell Em means by "reading list". If I have one, I never check it. I nearly always come to Blogland on my phone. Usually, to get here I open my Browser app and the page of comments I was on last will be open and waiting. If I've turned my phone off at some point, or the Browser app has just shut itself, then I go to my history and select the comment page,I was just on from the list. Usually my history is just a long line of "Blogger: Derek Landy . . . "'s, so it isn't hard. I don't use no reading list.

So. Hi. If you'll wait till I've tapped it out, I'll give you an annoyed rant about cheese and science.

Niamhy Jay said...

Fletcher, China and Ghastly are my top 3 favourite Characters!!

Unknown said...

Fletcher, China and ... hm. ????!!!

Unknown said...

i don't know my third

Komodo Devious said...

Does anyone know how to spell the fancy shmancy word for shit?

Niamhy Jay said...

You don't like Ghastly??

Komodo Devious said...

I've kinda forgotten.

Unknown said...

i do like ghastly but he's not my favourite :/

Niamhy Jay said...

Oh right.

Komodo Devious said...

It would seem that everyone has gone silent. Is everyone in awe of my great question?

Niamhy Jay said...

I actually don't know the fancy smancy word for Shit tbh :/

Unknown said...


Komodo Devious said...

Ugh, I totally messed up my mod.

Unknown said...

Quite Cool, your stories actually inspired me with my story, but sadly, it's COMPLETELY different.

If I could write a Chapter in Skullduggery Pleasant, this would be part of it. With some of you characters.

All was quiet. It wasn't meant to be though. No killings had happened and The Sanctuary was losing reason to exist. Guild sat there on his desk, moping around. He was hoping for that something bad would happen. If there was something he wouldn't do anything anyway, it was what The Sanctuary done anyway.

"Val?" asked a Voice
"What?" replied Voice 2
The person who was Voice one was different from a human, yet not different either. Voice 2 was perfectly human, a young girl as it seemed.
"I...uh, want to ask you something."
"Yes? What is it Skull?"
"Do you want to go back home? I mean, there's no action around here any more. I don't see the point you are with me."
Val, or Valkyrie as her given name was, shifted uncomfortably in her seat.
"I mean, you can still sit here. But I know how much you hate The Purple Menace so do you want to?"
"OK" was Valkyrie's answer.
So Skullduggery went to The Cain's house and Valkyrie stepped out of the car.
"Do stay aware Val, we might need to save the world again."
Valkyrie sneaked into her room and found her reflection on her desk, writing.
"You OK? Do you want me to do those Homework sheets?"
"I am just a copy of you, a reflection of you. You may do them."

I will do more soon :3. And the Purple Menace was a Ford Fiesta

Unknown said...

Homework :|

Star Inkbright said...

BACK! Sorry, I left. Dinner, then I went to the village shop to buy milk . . .

Star Inkbright said...

I'm making a card box for my Skulduggery Pleasant Battle Pack . . . I've got it the right dhape and cut it out and everything - now I just need to decorate it.

Valice said...

I just got my Skulduggery T-Shirt and KOTW last Friday (it always takes a little bit til the book is in Germany)!! Wohoo!!!!
*puts out Jellybean-gun; starts shooting*

Reflector said...

just reread the post...
By "first batch" do you mean you'll be showing us MORE?!

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Ah, the things people do for what they love. :D

Completely brilliant.

~thinks up something Derek has never gotten before and plots to get it... or them.. or him~

~laughs manically~

Niamhy Jay said...

Hey All!!

How is everyone??

Willow Storm said...

Hi, NJ!

Niamhy Jay said...

Hey Willow!!
How're you??

Willow Storm said...

I'm okay, you?
*hugs back*
I'm going to be banned again.

Niamhy Jay said...

I am good :)

Why are you going to be banned again??

Willow Storm said...

I am not 'behaving.'
I really don't like ZOmbie.

Niamhy Jay said...

He is seriously such a Prick.
I didn't like him when I was on.
He was a wee Kiss A$$ and was always asking to be made a mod.

Willow Storm said...

I'm banned :)
For swearing multiple times. :)
Is he like seven?

Niamhy Jay said...

OMG he needs to wise up!!

When you are no longer banned you should 'inform' him Swearing makes up about 60% of an Irish persons Vocabulary usage :P

Willow Storm said...

I did.

Niamhy Jay said...

What did he say??

Willow Storm said...

He said he didn't ban me for swearing, when the ban was for Swearing Multiple times, but because I was swearing at Litrin, which we always do. So I said then Litrin = A$$hole/ Then Litrin said Willow = B!tch. I then put Sexy B!tch* Just for a laugh. Zombie hasn't said anything since.

Unknown said...

Hi! The knitted Skulkduggery is mine! IM SO HAPPY! THANKS FOR ADDING HIM! Could you please respond to my letter? Hope you like the teddy! Thanks! Its the one on the left below the picture he posted already! Thanks again! :D

Niamhy Jay said...


Unknown said...

Hi! The knitted Skulkduggery is mine! IM SO HAPPY! THANKS FOR ADDING HIM! Could you please respond to my letter? Hope you like the teddy! Thanks! Its the one on the left below the picture he posted already! Thanks again! :D

Niamhy Jay said...

How're you??

ValkyrieMarshmallow said...


Willow Storm said...

Hello, Flame!
How are you?

Flame Phoenix said...

I am good.

In Dublin, in my aunties. Just back from England! WOOT!

I have to drive to Offaly. *sigh*

Anywhose. Who ist all of yous.

Niamhy Jay said...

I am good :)

Laura Jordan said...

Oh my! I'm on here again... several times :D Ahd Becky is there too! Yay! naturally she is thrilled about this! Needless to say, I just screamed the house down! Thank you again for everything, Derek, (I can't stop thanking you!) you are truly brilliant :')


Willow Storm said...

I'm fine.

Niamhy Jay said...

How're you??

Willow Storm said...

Hi, Sabrina!

Niamhy Jay said...

Damn, I gotta go :(

Willow Storm said...

Bye, NJ!
Come back soon.

Laura Jordan said...

Hello NJ! Hello Willow :) hope you're both okay :)

Unknown said...

i wish id given him something now ^^

Flame Phoenix said...

I just did the Oreo challenge with my cousins.

Georgina Howlett said...


Willow Storm said...

Hi, Georgia!
I am not following your tumblr as said.

Willow Storm said...

How are ya doing?

ValkyrieMarshmallow said...

VALMARSH IS HERE. My phone is being grumpy today, so I said Boo earlier and then the internet decided to turn off.XD

Robin Snowscar said...


I'm making an SP tee shirt or two.

Drew O'Connor said...


S'up girl!!! Haven't spoke to ye in ages!

Robin Snowscar said...

Hey people of blogland

ValkyrieMarshmallow said...

I KNOW!!! I never have time to dos anything, bacause apeerantly its normal to spend our afternoons doing homewrk and study in JC year. moi does not agree.

Lilie said...

Hi guys! *hugs*

Robin Snowscar said...

My homework load is gradually decreasing. Me is happy :D

Drew O'Connor said...

I did NOTHING for JC and I passed it all no bother lol

Lilie said...

Whats JC?

Unknown said...


Georgina Howlett said...

I need people to follow my Tumblr because I have no idea who to follow or anything so I just sit here searching for tags and reblogging for eternity

ValkyrieMarshmallow said...

Ah, but you see YOU probably listened in class. i think I have ADHD or something... I CANT CONCENTRATE. XD

Robin Snowscar said...

My tumblr is completely Divergent! (As in the book)

Robin Snowscar said...

A JC? Whut?

HI KALLIE *hugs*

ValkyrieMarshmallow said...

GEORGINA! I saw your video on YouTube. I want your books.>:(

ValkyrieMarshmallow said...

JC is Junior Certificate, thts the exam us Irish do in our third year in secondary school:D

Drew O'Connor said...


What's that!

Lilie said...

I can never manage to cancentrate in any class!

ValkyrieMarshmallow said...

I honestly dont know. I think its a neccecity to listen to somone. I dont usually do that....

Lilie said...

...I g2g, sorry!
Bye!!!!!!! *Hugs*

Robin Snowscar said...

Bye Lil!

Oh okay...

Drew O'Connor said...


You haven't read Dublin Daes

*dun dun dun*

barmybex said...

I want the "Sparrow Flies south for the winter" t-shirt and the picture above it too, like the book cover printed on a t-shirt. I'll have to look into that! EPIC

Robin Snowscar said...

God, gotta make some SP merch!

Robin Snowscar said...

*writes out SP quotes to have on various shirts and hats*

Unknown said...

Tieed -.- bed.

Robin Snowscar said...


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

YES!!! I got myself ungrounded

Robin Snowscar said...

Well done! Why were you grounded?

Venice Rain said...

But yeah, just posting a comment here about the upcoming Belfast signing. Apparently a massive unionist parade is scheduled, so naturally people are being advised to stay the fuck away. (Told this by Niall, who thought he could go but then couldn't because of this :c )

Really this message is for anyone planning on going to the Belfast signing, and Landy himself, in the hopes that he'll stay safe (Though hopefully nothing will happen!) and that perhaps the signing could be rescheadualed?


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Oh because my whole class failed the summer reading test. My teacher expected it we might be Honors but it was rather difficult for Honors. But Mom finally caved since it wasnt fair to punish me for the fact our 3 books were meant to be extremely hard

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Today was fuuun!! And my nephew now offcially has a goal to read Scepter of The Ancients which is kinda hard....for a 6 year old. But hey it got him determined to read

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Ok so everyone just...died? Greeeat

Anonymous said...

Hi people!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Hi Kes!!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*falls out of tree*

AHHH!!!! Scary thought!!!

2 books left...

What will happen?! What will our Golden God do?! What will we do?!

*stares in shock*

It. Can. Not. End.

Anonymous said...

Hey Zaf!

A little piece of me will die when it ends.

Wbd, reading the most awful Harry Potter fanfic in the history of the world.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


I think I'll cry. I cried for THG and HP I'll cry for SP

*climbs back in tree*

hmmm Yo fui al lago para nadar y visitar un Derek-lizard

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


aah I love Spanish. I can confuse people....

Yo voy al Ireland para visitar Derek!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah. I don't think I'll be able to cry though. I'll just be...emotionless about it until the next year when the next one would have come out and I realize there will be no more.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I'll probably open book 9 and just sob. Hopefully by then I'd have my other books signed *gives Derek the evil eye* so I can casually think of the days of awesome

Lois Lane said...

We need some official SP merchandise. (but mostly the next book)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I gtg bed

Aidios mis amigos!!!

Buenos noche!!!

Hehe!!! I hope I confise Derek when he reads through the comments

*skips outta Blogland*

Anonymous said...

*joins Zaf in giving Derek evil eye*

Hi Lois! How is Superman lately?

Anonymous said...

Night Zaf!

Anonymous said...

One more...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I dedicate to SP merchandise. There should be some. I'm fairly certain that virtually EVERYONE here would buy some, and it would help sell the books here in America. *looks imploringly at publishers* PWEASE?!?!

Fiona Valkyrie said...

Can you come to America so that I can give you gifts, Master Landy? PWEASE?!?!!?

Anonymous said...

Hello Fiona!

Master Derek, if you came to America, I would force my parents to let me go, even if it was in another STATE! I would pay for the plane tickets, and the hotel, and food, and souvenirs *cough*more SP books*cough* and everything. THATS how much I want to meet you.

Anonymous said...

Anyone still here...?

Anonymous said...

*Is lonely*

Nixion Strange said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Nix! How are you?

Nixion Strange said...


Anonymous said...

I'm fine. Tired, but fine. Why only meh?

Nixion Strange said...

I'm nearly always meh
I live a meh sort of life

Anonymous said...

Meh, as in boring?

Because I think most people's lives are boring.

Anonymous said...

You like how I've suddenly become a psychiatrist? May I jump in your volcano?

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