Thursday, December 15, 2011

ANOTHER Competition??

London had Justin Bieber turning on its city's lights. Dublin had Michael Buble. And who did my neighbouring village Donabate have to turn on THEIR Christmas lights last Saturday evening? Why, they just had international superstar author Derek Landy drop by to ROCK. THEIR. WORLD. 

And verily, their world was indeed rocked.

I was surrounded at all times by a pack of chattering girls, led by my very good friend Molly, whom I had met at the Twilight premiere a few weeks ago. 'Tis a small world indeed. A small, odd world. Filled with small, odd girls, who wouldn't stop talking.

But that's not why I'm here to talk to you today. Specifically, you people with the funny accents. Even more specifically, you people with the funny accents from Australia and New Zealand. I am here to tell YOU people that, good Lordy, we are running ANOTHER create-a-character competition just for you- because I am a kind and gracious Golden God.

I wasn't planning on running another competition quite so soon, but after talking to my publishers I decided to squeeze one last contest into the final few weeks of 2011, and it's all to do with The End Of The World, which is being published in Ireland and the UK in March as part of World Book Day. Now, I'm sure all of you know just how much I love synchronicity, how much I love releasing books at the same time across the world, so we have arranged for TEOTW to be released in Australia and New Zealand at the same time, and it was decided that it should include a brand new and exclusive short story featuring two characters that you guys will have to come up with.

Readers elsewhere need not worry, of course, as this bonus story will be collected along with all the other short stories 'n' stuff sometime soon (or soonish...). And readers in Ireland and the UK will also get a few pages of bonus material in the back of TEOTW, just for being you...

But I digress.

The competition! The deadline is tight, my Australiminions, my New Zeali...minions.... (I'm not sure that works... ahem...). The deadline is 11.59 PM on New Year's Eve in whatever Time Zone you happen to be in, and not a second after!

Because we have this tight schedule, I'm going to give you a few pointers which might improve your chances of winning- pointers which look a lot like ten rules you MUST OBEY.


1. Readers from Australia- I need a female character from you lot. Readers from New Zealand- I need a male character from you. 

2. There will be ONE winner from each country. 

3. Be practical when giving them their powers. I couldn't use some FANTASTIC characters from the other competitions because their powers would either have needed some heavy-duty explanation, or the characters were just TOO DAMN POWERFUL.

Restrict yourselves to a discipline of magic we've already seen in the books. Don't make your character someone who can do both Elemental and Adept magic. Don't make your character half-unicorn. Don't make your character Skulduggery's long lost brother. Who is also half-unicorn. Who can do both Elemental and Adept magic.

Be practical!

4. Post your entries HERE, in the Comments Section, which is now off-limits to everyone else! (The Blog entry accompanying this one will be for the usual chatter.)

5. You can post as many times as you want.

6. Before your entry, write this: "I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work."

7. Understand that I might have to tweak your character in order to get the best fit for the story.

8. I can't think of an eighth rule. 

9. Oh, oh! I thought of one!

10. Bring me... a shrubbery. 


1 – 200 of 4849   Newer›   Newest»
Lexie said...

...I'm Aussie, by the way.
I hereby give Derek Landy, author supreme, full rights to use this character and adapt her to his work however he so chooses. Good enough?

Amarantine 'Amy' Dol
An adept who can mimic the voices and mannerisms of those she interacts with. However, she must have heard them speak more than ten thousand words. This makes her the perfact spy, but she can only impersonate those who she has familiarised herself with. The issue of changing her appearance is a problem at times, because she cannot change her physical aspects and so must develop disguises to make her look like the individual she's trying to inpersonate.

Lexie said...

I give Derek Landy full permission to use this character however he sees fit in his explosive writing.

Alana Terrene
Alana makes it her business to separate legend from fact - she was one of the sorcerers working at the site where the Sceptre of the Ancients was uncovered. She knew Gordon as little more than an aquaintance, but it was due to her that he was able to thus obtain the sceptre since she let him accompany her. She busies herself trying to uncover old secrets which have wormed their way into stories and folk tales, and tells nearly everyone she meets that all 'old' tales are steeped in fact.
I really have no clue what you'd do with her as a character, but I'm sure she'd possess a lot of knowledge on topics which most dismiss as sensationalist wastes of time, similar to attitudes portrayed concerning the sceptre at the beginning of book one and the Death Bringer prior to Melancholia's little 'adventure'.

Destiny Princeston said...

I'm from canada ._.
Theres never any thing for us :'(

Lexie said...

Whoops, forgot to add that Ms. Terrene could possibly be working to investigate Darquesse or maybe even Vile's 'return' as her 'hobby' has given her some pretty decent skills at isolating important information where others would overlook it...

Lexie said...

Derek Landy has my permission to use this character however he so chooses.

Mirabel Ignatius
Breathes liquid fire. She forges the best blades in the world, and her secret is the 'liquid' texture of her flames - her skin is impervious to heat, and thus allows her to manipulate the hot metal whilst it is still submrged within the liquid. This mixes small amounts of 'fire' with the metal itself, creating blades of the finest quality. However, large amounts of water can kill her, so she lives in the driest areas she can, and provides weapons to sorcerers. The reason these blades are so unique? They are impervious to any kind of magical attack, and cannot be broken. Necromancers have commissioned items such as jewellery, daggers and armour from her in the past, but her current whereabouts are unfortunately unknown.

I think I'll go to bed now, since it's almost one in the morning and it's no use trying to avoid the inevitable...

Good luck, everyone!

Derek, I can't seem to find a 'shrubber' anywhere...

lilian.thigh said...

I, Lilian Thai, hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character (and the relevant scene written by me) and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work. All right if I show, not tell?


A hatstand greeted me when I knocked on the door. Its upper hooks were pointed at my belly, powering forward with the force and intent of a battering ram. This was it - I was going to meet my make speared by a hatstand, on top of a feathered white fedora and a collection of ugly woollen caps.

"Miss Charade!"

The hatstand stopped mid-air, a pink scarf flapping on a lower hook. I sucked in a breath through clenched teeth.

"Christ, one more second and the sofa would have come at you." Miss Charade stood inside the flat, laughing weakly. She ran a hand through her rusty red hair, the other hand waving the wayward hatstand back to its place. I noticed then the yellow sigils curling up its wooden core, and the seemingly innocuous pattern on vines around the 'Welcome' mat. Those ones were glowing red.

"My security," she sighed. "I re-did the sigils after the break-in last week, but it's recognising friends as foes - absolutely bloody useless."

It was a nice flat by the beach, sure, though hardly had anything worth stealing. At least, to a mortal eye. Miss Charade's most expensive assets were her paints. Even now she had canvases stacked along her wall, and the beginnings of a rainforest mural in her living room. Symbols sneaked into every one, and there was apparently enough of a market for portable, commissioned sigils to keep her comfortable in a seaside apartment.

"I can make you a cuppa, darling, but after that you have to get out of here."

I took the tea when it was set in front of me, finishing up my story. She'd stopped looking at me. "Miss Charade?"

She pursed her lips, facing her kitchen window. At this hour the ocean was green and clear, surging over the rock pools at the south end of the beach.

"This changes things." A mug slammed down, a hand thrust out. "No more Miss Charade; I'm Art when I'm working. I'm ready."


Haven't got a shrubbery. Must live in the wrong part of Australia. All I've got is a wooden duck.

Natalie Jay said...

I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work.

My characters name is Coralie Buckner. She is an adept but a young one (around 30-ish). She is not particularly powerful and makes a living by doing magic tricks for mortals. All she knows are cheap little tricks that would seem highly insignificant to a mage but very impressive to a mortal. She is quite high up in the world of entertainment and takes pleasure in owning the most expensive things. She doesn't like to be involved in things happening in the mage world because she doesn't like knowing people are more powerful than her (which is why she surrounds herself with mortals). She does not seem to care about magic being a secret instead she flaunts her powers in public, causing concern from the mage community.

Natalie Jay said...

I didn't explain the powers in detail because I wasn't sure what kind of powers you were looking for in your story!

09Sienna_Pyre said...

6th!!! I think?
and only ameriminions and the newzealanders? no-one from england??? awww...

well, good luck!

Aoife Giggles said...

I love how the second i start reading his blogs.. all the competitions focus on other countries... DEREK! MY SOLE REASON FOR BEING!! why is there an english website and not an irish one... im so dissapointed in you :P haha xxx

Astrid Bartleby said...

I'm waiting for the Canadiaminions contest... as are all the people I've converted into S.P. fanboys/girls.

Reginald Barris said...

I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work.

Australian Here, and when I read that you needed a female character, I knew I'd need to use my thinkin' brain.

So here goes.

Kiara Quinn
As a relatively young adept, Kiara takes delight in her studies of the arcane art, her chosen path: Symbols and sigilism. Growing up hearing tales of the revered China Sorrows she found herself a teacher and some ancient texts and began studying at a young age. With a mildly eccentric and excitable nature, most people find her enjoyable company if a bit tedious and irritating at times. Never without a grin on her bright, blue-eyed face, she wears her auburn hair up is a messy ponytail. Not one for flashy appearances like her idol China. She is continually looking to advance her knowledge and practice of symbols and sigils in the hopes to one day meet China Sorrows in person, and if her dreams were to come true (although knowing China, they'd be dashed on the rocks) even learn from her.

oh, and that shrubbery you requested has arrived:

Enjoy, Mr Landy, sir.

Minion Tyler Morrisson, Signing off.

TheDaisyDeer said...
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Vita Song said...

at my funeral I want always look on the bright side of life!!!!!!!!! 'cause i'm like that!!!

Life of Brian is my fav..... :D
imagines glaloping across fields with a coconut split in half.......



no offence

Nivek96 said...

good luck aussieguys

shame on derek for not bestowing this amazing, divine honour on his home turf

Mz.Boo said...

"I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work."

Thalia Vusher wanted all over the world for the murders of many people. She is an adept skilled at changing form into someone she knows from memory very well. eg. parents. She is very deceitful, smart and strategic. She knows who she is after and almost practically everything about them, she kills them by changing forms into someone they know most, then lures them to her before killing them and then running off into the night out of sight. Her signature move is cutting off their heads in a means to kill them and she is as skilled with a knife as she needs to be.

Miles Herbert said...

I Miles Timothy Herbert hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work.

Before I begin I have to ask what sort of shrubbery? Do you want a path? Or maybe a small steam? As I'm a shrubber I need these details if I am to appease you and for go your mighty wrath.

Now Thats out of the way, I'm a New Zealander so male character it is!

Rubeus Smite

Rubeus is 366 years old and lives in a wooden shack in a small village in England a mainly mortal village with only 2 other sorceress families. Average height, white hair and startling blue eyes and he is fit for his age. Looks around 65 but refuses to acknowledge it, says he looks 40 if that.

He was cursed when he was a teenager by a spite full witch after he turned down her advances. Her curse has left him with only the ability to re-direct others elemental attacks but only as a defense as he may not harm others with magic. Friendly to both mortals and sorcerers alike but does keep to himself mostly. A tad arrogant but with a solid sense of right a wrong.

Hope he is helpful and I will probably submit another entry soon as I have one on the edge of my mind.


My name name said...

"I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work."

UM... Firstly i am from the UK so just so you would know.


Name: Mr. Alataros

Magical Power: Adept. Is able to be like a chameleon and can be exactly like his backgrounds. He an assassin which expresses his love for the faceless ones by murdering
un-magical with a quick slit of the throat and uses the blood that flows out to splatter the walls with their blood and forms really complicated signs and logos which force people to actually think about going to the faceless ones side and trying to save them but the effects are very weak and only work on very weak Sorcerers. He has been chased a lot across the world and has very unknown contacts and people he knows to help him either willingly or forcably. He does not care about the blood he spills and would quite gladly sacrifice everyones life even his own to save the faceless ones and to bring them back. He is a very old man and is aged just over 150. He used to be in prison for 64 years of his life until he 'supposedley' disappeared.

-He was born in Cardiff
-He was an orphan
-He started his murder rampage at the age of 23
-He hates elementals
-He once tried around in the arts of Necromancy
-He has come close to death twice in which one of them he is stabbed just near his heart and in the second he nearly bled to death
-He met Tanith Low once and had a most unpleasant fight
-He only fights with daggers
-He is obssesed with vampires and has tried to become one more than once
-When he was Taken into prison he was taken by skulduggery pleasant when he had flesh
-He created a temple for the Faceless Ones


Thank You,

My name name said...


Christine Night said...
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Christine Night said...

Oh god i'm having a fan girl moment..Give me a sec. Make that an hour

I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work.

Ivant Zepickle

He is the Prince of some foreign country that reminds people of someone sneezing. Ivant is very proud of the fact that he is a Prince and will challenge anyone who questions it to a duel even though he is horrible with fighting, of any kind. He is very short and and skinny with a nose that looks like a banana. He speaks with a lot of Ze and vhys. He also has a peculiar obsession with rocks.

Violet Night said...

This is not a character entry but i had to voice my opinion. How is it, that in the tiny village of Donabate, where everyone knows everyone, that no one inclined to tell me that YOU were turning on our pitiful light display????? HOWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How did none of my incredibly nerdy yet lovable friends all of whom are huge fans of yours, not know???
So answer me this Derek, to spare my feelings. When did it happen? If it happened during school hours then I can at least comfort myself with the knowledge that I could not attend. On the bright side though had my Irish oral today and I was not completely bewildered...:D

Christine Night said...

Hmmm oh Golden God it seems that you have missed something. You never said that the charter had to be human.

So may i present

Albert the Hippo!

Albert always thought he was a special hippo because he was not just "The Hippo." He was "Albert the Hippo." But today he thought that he was extra special. He just managed to escape his horrible zoo, and just to make the day a bit better he just ate a tall guy in a coat's hat and the girl he was with was bending over in laughter. Albert wiggled his ears in joy.

oh i forgot your shrubbery here you go!

I hereby give Albert the Hippo to the all powerful Golden God, Derek Landy. He is aloud to take this hippo and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work.

Izz said...
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Izz said...

Wow oh wow oh wow!!!!

I'm so exicted I can't think!
Ok here's one off the top of my head:
Lyra Blue
-Weapons expert
-A little bit criminal
-Plays poker
-Tech savvy
She has shoulder length black hair cut jaggedly (so sort of spikey) and gray-blue eyes. She's tall and super modelish but couldn't care less.
She knows pretty much everything there is to know about weapons; especially guns, knives, axes and swords. She deals in magical weapons as well.
Her powers go towards making her immune to spells cast upon her as well as increasing her speed and agility.
She has a strange obession with origami.

I'll see if I can think of some more...

Izz said...

I deleted the first one because I spelt strange, strage, and felt stupid.

Izz said...

I nearly forgot:
I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work!!!!
(referring to the entry above the entry above of course)

Izz said...

Oh yeah and before I take up all the comments:


Izz said...

I just read everyone else's entries.
They are soo awesome!!
There are a lot of similarities between them so I wish Derek luck in picking one!


georgepuckering said...

Corrin Alabaster: I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work.

Corrin is a necromancer (i know, highly original), she is almost a cleric in the Australian temple because of her high success rate in her assassinations, she is an assassin much like Bison Dragonclaw only much better.

Also, she has a stutter, not a huge one but enough for a few people to comment on...and die.
she is usually very good tempered, but when you mention her stuttering she goes into an all round killing spree, having a pathological need to punish the ones who made fun of her stutter. Despite this she is very charismatic and savvy. She is very good at distracting the opposite gender because of her full lips and her blonde hair and her bright green eyes. she is also good with her words, being able to crush a debate in about fifteen minutes despite her hindrance with stuttering.
In the power section, you could say she is slightly above average, almost at Valkyries stage, but not quite. She also went into necromancy because of Solomon wreath.
when she was younger, her mother and father were mugged and killed... brutishly. the man who did it spared no expense in the amount of pain he delivered in her parents slow death. As corrin was hiding in a nearby Dumpster, she was grabbed by a man thinking it was the attacker. But it was Solomon wreath, he then smiled at her, with a slight tear in his eye, killed the attacker, and took her to the safest place he could find, the Australian Necromancer Temple (you can of course tweak the story). then after seeing she had some power, they decided to let her stay.

so, yeah...thats corrin alabaster....hope you pick me :P
Also, i dont usually go on my own blog, so on the off-chance that i win, can you send all the information to my email address.

Also, i couldn't find a shrubbery. :P

georgepuckering said...

oh yeah, sorry. but im from Australia :)

MonsterMouse said...

I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work.

Name: Indigo Nye.
Description: Long, purple hair. Wears only black, with golden trimming. Has blue eyes. Never seen without her silver chain and pendant around her neck.
Path: Elemental.
Facts: short tempered, rebellious. Is often the one to figure out the problem. Has an odd veiw on life, and is a very literal person.
An old freind of Ghastly's. Worked with ChinA for a short while.

MonsterMouse said...

I dindn't describe her very much so that you could have some fun.

MonsterMouse said...

I am from the US, so you probably wont choose me, but for the Ameriminions competition i just could not post no matter what i tried to do. So I went nuts trying to post on this one, and suceeded.

Jakespeare said...

I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work.

Name: Penelope hiding
Power: Adept, more specifically the power to blend into her surrounding objects. Not turn invisible, more like a chameleon.
Profession: Assassin so good an evil. Will help the side that pays the best
Connections: Billy Ray Saguines ex Girlfriend

Interesting characteristics/traits/facial appearances:

She has hair as dark as night with a bright red streak through it and sparkling green eyes that can expertly stalk prey. She fought for Meritorius against Melevelont but after that took a drastic turn in sides by pairing up with the bad guys. She can use pretty much any weapon but she is know for having a sharp metal axe that brutally cuts through her enemies bones (like the cleavers scythes).

She is that rare combination of being able to go from laughing with a friend to pulling out her axe and threatening to chop his head off. She is serious and not an enemy to be rifled with.

Her right arm is decorated with tattoos of dancing shadows that lead down to a metal bracelet carved with symbols. The symbols react to another group of symbols carved onto her axe that uses magic to "summon" the axe to her hand.

She dresses in a leather jacket that like the clothes made by ghastly bespoke protect her from knifes and like the cleavers outfits can move through the air and isn't flammable. She also wears black combat boots along with trousers.

She is smart, wise and a little bit crazy. She is very angry after her parents abandoned her at age 10. She is a passive gambler and quite poor. She has no permanent home (she normally kills the owners of the houses to live somewhere for a while), no friends or allies, she trusts no-one.

By Jacob Parker

Anonymous said...

I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work.

Name: Ophelia 'Lia' Wilde

Appearance: Wild copper-coloured hair, bright green eyes, short, but slim and strong. Her elfin looks make her seem to be around the age of 18, but she is just over 100, and she doesn't think she's aged too badly, either.

Personality/magic/other stuff: She is an Adept, and has the ability to change her appearance at will, though only for short periods of time. She has been trained by some of the best martial artists in the world, but her flippant attitude frequently lands her in trouble, well, this and her inappropriate jokes. Not only this, but she seems to have the attention span of a severely brain-damaged goldfish, but her intentions are good... for a fish. She may be irritable at the best of times, but she is skilled and has a heart of gold.
I don't know where this is going... but I hope you kindofmaybesortof like her! :)

So there is my character! Yay! And here is some shrubbery for my Golden God
(It also has HEAPS of information on how to care for your shrubbery :D )

Kiiyashi, The Forum Admin said...

I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work.

Alas, I do not have a shrubbery, but I do know the Air-Speed Velocity of an Unladen (European) Swallow.


Anyway, this character's magic style was adapted from the sealing and binding magic shown within the novels already, but lacking a name and details, I had to brutally hack away at it and fill in the gaps myself. Would be nice to have information about binding and sealing magic...

Amaranth Trammel.
Binding and Sealing magic.

- Character Skin Color/Ethnicity: Amaranth is naturally pale, only burning, but never tanning in sunlight.
- Character Height: Amaranth is about average height at 176cm tall. (5’8”)
- Character Hair Color: Amaranth’s hair is a deep reddish-brown.
- Character Hair Length/ Style: Amaranth’s hair is slightly wavy, reaching down to a little past her shoulders.
- Character Eye Color: Amaranth's eyes are a deep violet colour,with streaks of both lighter and darker purple scattered around the pupil.
- Character Description: Amaranth is noticeably larger than most females her age, and at 95kg she is quite chubby, with the extra weight spread evenly across her body.
- Character Attire: Often seen in a loose-fitting white shirt and baggy black trousers, Amaranth always wears her knee length dark-gray coat, a special pocket on the inside holding the Echo Stone she carries.

The link has all the required info, and goes into more information, but people seem to be posting stuff in this format.


Anonymous said...

*seizes in agony on the floor, lamenting at her loss due to the fact that she's quite plainly NOT Australian or New how much she would like to be. WAHHHHHHHH.*
What about the SWISS? Can that count? >xD

Anonymous said...

*writhes in almost physical pain at her loss*

pinata_BLASTA said...

hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work.


Meet, Jotas Flint

She regrets giving herself such a stupid name now, but theres no way she can change the past. Back in her teenage years, she was wild, doing things specifically to annoy her elemental parents. Pulling pranks on high ranking sanctuary officials, going to parties with people from Roarhaven, Stealing anything she could lay her hands on, and even dabbling in worshiping the faceless ones

she was about to be sent to prison for excessive arson (i.e. burning down several libraries, which made China Sorrows cry) but she was approached by a necromancer (going by the name of Arkious Grim) who got her out of trouble with the use of his enchanted knife.

That was when she decided to be a necromancer, Grim disciplined her, and for 15 years she trained under his leadership, before she became a women who obey the rules of the necromancer order and respect those who are greater then her

Now she uses a necromancer enchanted glove, which allows her manipulate the shadows as if they were puppets, and can also create huge hands out of the shadows and uses this to crush, or capture her enemies. She became obsessed with darkness an started to become evil and sadistic. She became dangerous and unstable so the necromancers had to imprison her for 250 years, where her look aged so it was as if she were in her mid 50's.

when she got out, Jotas informed the necromancer high priest that she was leaving and, glove in hand, she walked away without looking back. She picks up odd jobs, but their rare as no one trusts her, and she only takes on jobs that sound interesting or like a proper challenge.

Shes dead to her parents now but she doesn't care, She in good contact with her mentor, Grim, Until he was killed by the Death Bringer. All she has for company now is an echo stone of a long lost friend of hers, and her Dog, Phantom.

Now you know Jotas Flint (Facisinating person isn't she?)
so i have 2 points to raise
1. Our aussie accents aren't funny, your accent is a pretty good laugh though...(yep that comment lost me the competition)
2. I shan't give you a shrubbery, because if I do, you'll change your name to the golden bull terrier and get us to cut down a tree with a herring

Shade O'Killer said...

I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work.

Jet Black
He uses voice magic, given a long enough conversation he can have you doing anything he wants. It needs to be a long conversation because his power works more like suggestion; instead of telling you what to do he has to plant the idea in your head. He can whisper from the far side of the room and be heard like her was standing next to you and only you, or everyone in the room.
He never knew his parents and was raised by someone whose name he never knew. This gave his an odd mix of little morals and charity to small children. Most of his jobs come from the mysterious man, or from people whom have been referred to by him.

blubber2000 said...
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blubber2000 said...
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blubber2000 said...

I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work

Name- Jack Petulent
Adept-Mind reader and has an influence over mind BUT NOT COMPLETE CONTROL- He cannot force someone to do something but he can influence there decisions/emotions :D:D:D

Appearance-Short blonde hair, would be attractive except he has weird ears, about 25
Request-Please make him be a New Zealander PLEASE :o

blubber2000 said...

N.b im not sure wat the story is about so i will make 2 people with the same power so u can see which one fits the story better :)
1st one...
Name-Ventus dicentis (latin for wind speaker)
Power-Has lived in the mountains of... somewhere for hundreds of years mastering the power of the wind. He has become so proficient that he can hear conversations from anywhere in the country/world...

Maree Teilor said...

I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work...

Moxie Desperado
Adept - Moxie has the ability to rearrange her molecular structure so that she can walk through walls and phase through objects at will. As she is new to using the ability, Moxie's primary use is to walk through walls (she has more difficulty using it in fast-paced situations such as battles)

Until recently, Moxie has mostly kept to herself and avoided confrontation with other mages, however with the lack of teleporters around, Moxie's ability to walk through walls and surprise opponents has become a valuable asset to the Sanctuary - although Moxie does her best to avoid confrontation anyway.

Moxie is short with black curly hair and blue eyes. She often dresses in a long dark trenchcoat, black turtle-neck sweater, black cargo pants and red sneakers (what's life without a little colour).

When not using her abilities, Moxie separates herself from other mages - as she finds their nature boring - and instead favours hanging out with mortals whenever the opportunity arises, picking fun on them using her ability without them noticing. So in summary, when she's with mortals Moxie acts happy and bubbly and when she's with mages Moxie is generally arrogant, rude and analytical.

Sparky Braginski said...

I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work.


Sparky Braginski, duh!


Magic- Control over electricity, and the ability to manipulate people.

Appearance- Same 3/4 length jacket as Val's first one, cargo pants, t-shirt colours always red or green or black. Long straight brown hair. Freckles. Freakishly pale skin. Short. Hazel eyes.

Background- Has known about herself being magic at a young age, unable to find anyone else with magic has trained herself. Was always interested in electricity, thus using that interest to her advantage and very recently (with Fletcher Renn's help) gotten into LOTS of trouble. Entailing, she's been kidnapped four times. Even though she is VERY Australian, she has a Russian/Irish accent with hints of English and Welsh.

Behaviour- Gets angry easily, but takes a lot to make her show it. She is normally good-natured, but can fly into a rage at a moments notice if you aren't paying attention. Often has excellent ideas. (Cause She is me) Never gives in ever. Will always bring something up at the worst times.

Talking about myself in third person is strange...

And! In the following comments I am going to post the fanfic I am writing about Sparky. This is to reinforce everything I've just said, and I WON'T be deleting them for the first time ever!

Oh, I SO hope that is enough!

Sparky Braginski said...

OH! BEFORE I POST THE STORY, I forgot this in the appearance.

Wears a belt, with Makhaira hanging quite obviously from her waist.

Sparky Braginski said...

Sparky Braginski looked up. She was hanging from the ceiling by magic- binding cuffs and it was a long way down. She saw her captor walk into the Sydney Opera House Concert Hall. She was unfortunately hanging in the middle of the ceiling, so that if she did manage to escape the cuffs, she would land on some very unfriendly concrete. She was up so high she couldn’t see her captors face, but she could hear him.
‘How are you up there Sparky?’
‘You took my sword.’
‘So I did. I am not going to give it back, and as you are not in a position to negotiate with your words or your fists, I recommend you answer the question. So how are you?’ Sparky gritted her teeth, knowing that the man was right.
‘If you must know, my wrists hurt I’m losing circulation in my hands and feet, and I’m wondering how Fletcher Renn managed to talk me into going to that party.’ She answered, irritably. She looked down at the man, trying to see his face but she was to high up.
‘Party? I read your files and you hate parties.’
‘I do hate parties, loud music, too many people and obnoxious people at that.’ Sparky blew at some hair that kept falling on her face.
‘Look, I get the whole, “kidnap me” routine, but why have you chained me here?’ She asked.
‘Simple,’ He replied, ‘the last time someone kidnapped you, you saw their face. This time, no one’s here.’ He sneered. Sparky hated it when people sneered at her. It meant they thought they were better than her, and in this case, smarter than her. But she wasn’t going to let that title slip away without a fight. She watched the man leave the room. Why did she go to that damned party? If she ever managed to escape she was going to, to, well she would do something to Fletcher. As she hung there, Sparky looked around the room again and saw the organ. If she could just get near it. She looked up at how the cuffs were attached to the ceiling, and saw that, if she could rock her body, the cuffs would slide her towards the organ, much like a flying fox at a playground. Sparky swung towards the organ with all her might. Unfortunately it was more oiled than she expected, and Sparky speed towards the organ. She hit it and bounced off. Wincing in pain she swung at it again. This time she managed to grip the top of one of the pipes with her foot. As she steady herself she grinned, almost two hours, she’d been hanging up there, waiting for someone to come in to check if she was still there. Now that they thought that they knew where Sparky was she could make her escape. In those two hours of waiting, it hadn’t taken her long to realise that the shackles were way to big for her, and that with little effort she could slip her hands out. She dropped carefully onto the organ and shimmed down far to slowly for her liking. As she dropped to the floor she felt magic returning, and it was a welcome feeling. She tested her magic, yes, electricity could still stream from her fingers. She crouched and decided that before she left she needed to make sure that no one was guarding the doors.

She sat down thinking that maybe those piano lessons had done something for her in later life and slammed her hands on every key of the organ within reach. She heard a shout from behind the main doors and darted into the nearest room. She then crept out into the foyer and was about to leave when she remembered her sword.
‘Damn it all.’ She mumbled. She turned, looked up and nearly walked into a man that was guarding a door. She braced herself for when he saw her and sounded an alarm. But he wasn’t moving. Gazing at the back of his head she backed away and was about to walk away when he turned and saw her.

Sparky Braginski said...

A year ago he would’ve yelled and she would’ve jumped. But not now. She looked straight into his eyes and said ‘You cannot see me. I am not here. Turn around.’ The man strained and turned. Sparky walked towards the main exit looking for any rooms that her sword might be in. Sparky sighed knowing she wouldn’t be able to leave her sword behind and walked back into the foyer. As she was walking she heard something whimpering, she followed where it was coming from. It was coming from one of the bars and as she peered over the edge and a man was sitting there with his eyes glued shut, practically wetting himself with fear.
‘Please don’t kill me.’ He sobbed. Sparky sighed. Why did everyone think she was going to kill them? She was a thirteen-year-old girl for god’s sake. She hit people, she had disabled one person and broken a couple bones, but she didn’t kill anyone. She vaulted over the bar and landed in front of the man.
‘I’m not going to kill you.’ She said trying to make her voice soothing. The man opened his eyes and they widened in shock. His mouth opened wide to yell but Sparky clapped her hand over his mouth. When his facial expression was a little calmer Sparky put a finger to her lips.
‘Are you okay?’ He nodded. ‘Are you sure?’ He nodded. ‘If I take my hand off you face are you going to call for help?’ He shook his head madly. She looked dead into his eyes. ‘Are you lying to me?’ The man tore her hand away from his mouth and frantically whispered, ‘Why would I lie? I just as confused as you are!’ He clamped his own hands over his mouth and shut up.
‘Okay one, that was astoundingly stupid and two, I know exactly what’s going on.’ She snapped. ‘Who are you anyway?’ She asked.
‘Who am I? I own this establishment. And I a-‘ Sparky shushed him. He looked offended but he stayed quiet.
‘Look, there isn’t much time. I have three questions. Do you know why these men took me here?’ He shook his head. ‘Do you know who they are?’ He shook his head again. ‘Last question, Do you know where they are in here?’ At this he nodded.
‘I know where they are, yes, but I’m not going back there.’ He shivered at the thought. Sparky felt bad about what she was about to do, but she didn’t have a choice. She looked deep into the man’s eyes. She saw fear. She was about to change that.
‘Sir, you need to get up. Now.’ He stood up, this poor mortal didn’t stand a chance. ‘You are going to lead me to where they are.’ He only faltered for a split second and then started walking. She followed him into a secret room. He turned around snapping out of the trance.
‘How did we get here?’ He asked. Sparky was about to answer when he bolted. She shrugged turned and entered he room. It was empty, but her sword and her phone were lying on the table. She picked up the sword first and inspected it. Her sword was a Makhaira, too long to be a knife and too short to be a sword. Good for all kinds of things. Stabbing, slicing and lopping. Sparky herself hardly ever used the thing, but she loved it, kept it close and she knew how to use it. The one time she had used the sword it was against a fully-grown man who had been using his sword for almost 150 years. She had been using her sword for two years. She beat him.

blubber2000 said...

I FORGOT :o I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work.x2"
2nd one- N.b Maori's are the native people of New Zealand...

Power-Has lived in the mountains of New Zealand for hundreds of years mastering the power of the wind. He has become so proficient that he can hear conversations/sounds from anywhere in the country/world...

Apperance-Always wears a brown hood so you cannot see his face

Sparky Braginski said...

When people marveled at her for her fancy footwork with her Makhaira she merely shrugged, not wanting to be a show-off. She picked up her phone and saw that Fletcher had called her fifteen times. She called him and told him where she was. Suddenly a hand gripped her shoulder. She whirled thinking that it was one of the thugs but when she turned there was no one there. That cocky voice came from behind her.
‘Why so jumpy? You called me, I came. That’s normally how it works. That’s how it worked with Val anyway.’ She looked at him, fuming.
‘Just take me somewhere else so I can yell at you without getting attacked.’ Fletcher complied taking her to a park near her old school that was completely empty. Then she exploded.
‘Fletcher Renn you are in so much trouble right now.’ She yelled. ‘I have been so tolerant of you. Listening to your incredibly interesting stories almost made it worth it. Until today, that is. Someone kidnapped me. Kidnapped, Fletcher, they kidnapped me. Th-‘
Fletcher cut across her. ‘You’ve been kidnapped twice before, and you never freaked out this much.’ She slapped him, hard.
‘Be thankful I didn’t shock you as well porcupine. The last two times, I escaped easily because my captors were morons. This time I was hanging from the freaking ceiling of the Concert Hall! In magic-binding cuffs! If the person who had cuffed me was more observant I would still be there!’ She cried. Fletcher smiled, not taken Sparky seriously.
‘She’ll came down in a sec.’ He thought. Sparky saw him smiling. She opened her mouth to scream in frustration, closed her mouth without making a sound, looked at Fletcher long and hard and ran away. Fletcher watched blur away, marveling how fast she could run with a little, magic running through her blood-streams. He saw stop behind a tree, lean against it and curl into a ball, rocking back and forth lightly. He decided it would be safer to his health if he walked up, giving Sparky a couple minutes to calm down. As he walked up he noted the complete silence. Sparky sat there, wondering why no one could tell when she was being sincere. Was it because she was young? No, it couldn’t be, her school friends didn’t take her seriously. Because she was short? Possibly… Fletcher was almost with Sparky. He could see her brown hair, and pale skin. He grinned, thinking about how happy he’d made her. He was about to ask how she was but faltered. He could hear something. He looked around, but the only person other than him was Sparky. But that couldn’t be right, because he was hearing sobbing. Then it hit him. Sparky was crying. She didn’t cry, she never cried. He’d seen her break an arm and she didn’t cry. She didn’t cry when she found out that her pet lizard had been eating by bush turkeys. Sparky didn’t cry. He had no idea how to respond, but he had to do something. He crouched in front of her, and lifted her chin. Her face was red and wet from her crying, but her eyes were completely different. Her eyes weren’t sad or scared. They were angry. She was practically in a rage. Fletcher thought it would be best to think very carefully.
‘Sparky? Are you okay?’ He asked, tentatively. Sparky looked up at him. She then scowled.
‘Do you think I’m okay? Really? Does it actually need to be asked? Are you actually that stupid?’ Fletcher was taken aback.
‘I just meant-‘
‘Fletcher I don’t care what you meant. Just go away.’ Fletcher tried to say something.

Sparky Braginski said...

Piss off Fletcher!’ She screamed. She stood up. Now she was in a rage.
Fletcher Renn! This is all your fault! Now GO AWAY!’ Fletcher hesitated. Then disappeared.

Sparky sat there thinking for a couple minutes, then got up and stretched. She now really regretted treating Fletcher like that, but what could she do? She called him. He picked up on the third ring.
‘Fletcher, I’m sorry, okay? I’ve just been really stressed and-‘ She started.
‘It’s okay, you needed to vent. That’s cool. At least you said sorry.’
‘Can you- I mean, if it’s cool, could you take me home?’ She asked, awkwardly. He appeared in front of her.
‘Course.’ He motioned to his back and, with a laugh, Sparky jumped on his back. He teleported. Sparky opened her eyes and shrieked.
‘This isn’t my house!’ She said coldly. Fletcher was standing on top of the Harbour Bridge. She got off and scowled. Then she pushed him of for the hell of it, knowing he would teleport back up. He screamed briefly on the way down.
‘Hey! Don’t do that! If I wasn’t me I’d be dead!’ He said, laughing.
‘But I wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t you. No one else is annoying enough to make me want to push them of the Harbour Bridge.’ Sparky giggled. Fletcher took her home. Everything was as it should be. She walked upstairs and went to sleep. In the morning she woke up and tried to stretch. She then opened her eyes. She was blindfolded.

blubber2000 said...

bye the way THANK YOU SO MUCH DEREK FOR MAKING THIS COMPITIION ESOECIALLY AS I MISSED THE LAST ONE! And the fact the you meationed new zealand, we always seem to get missed out in other stuff :( thank you again SO much!!! (i object to the speasking funny comment Australians speak funny we don't ;)) and we can be your kiwiminions

Rosella Embers said...

Hello Mr Landy, sir! I was wondering whether I could use Rosella Embers, since she already has a mention in the book. She would be my preferred character creation. Thank you! (plz reply quickly)


blubber2000 said...

kwl story Sparky ;)

blubber2000 said...

also Derek Heres 3 shrubberys :D:D:D

blubber2000 said...

Looking through my comments i sound insane and stuckup...

blubber2000 said...

Insaness=very good :DDD
Stuckupesness=Very Bad DDD:
Just casually talking to myself...

blubber2000 said...

both of the wind people were brown cloaks so you can not see there faces... and if you could them one with the Latin name would have a fearturless face with a space were the mouth is to talk out of (all features will have been blown away bye the wind) and the Maori man would be the same (except quite a bit darker skin tone) IM SO EXITED!

blubber2000 said...

wow most of the people seen to be from Australia so i have a better chance Mwhahahaha also i seem 2 be the only gurl from Nz ;)

~Acacia Volt~ said...

I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work, whatever it may be. :)

Name: Cephala Felonious.
Power: Elemental. Prefers kicking and punching people over using her powers, but concentrates more so on fire when her powers are used. She finds it more satisfying to punch someone after they knock her bowler hat off. No one touches the hat.
Cephala has pink-tipped white hair, spiked to barely brush her shoulders. She has no eyebrows; whether it is by design or natural is unknown. Her style is grunge, so she’ll wear lots of black, over sized t-shirts and mechanic boots. Once again, no one touches the bowler hat.
She has a fairly dry sense of humour and back-chats when she deems the situation right.

And, yes, she has a funny Australian accent. :)

(Goodness, I think that’s it. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to a Christmas party… dressed as a gate-crashing vampire.)

~Acacia Volt~ said...

Oh, and I give to you an abundant blessing of shrubberies. :D

Merry Newtonmas.

Alice Rose ♥ x said...

"I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work."
Okay, now into the character.
Name: Amity Insanitable
Age: unknown (you can tweak this)
Powers: Able to influnce people's moods e.g. happy to sad, evil to lesser evil, glomping mood to depressed, etc, etc.
Apperance: Messy brown hair, bob cut. Blue eyes, with a hint of freckles.
Likes to wear her boots and a frilly dress, or her flats and a black dress.
From: Austraila/Ireland

More entries coming!
Alice Rose x

blubber2000 said...

Wow Cephala sounds awsome

blubber2000 said...

if i could have any power it would be the one that Ventus dicentis/Mita has though the featurless face would be kinda freaky...

Sparky Braginski said...


I must also comment on the fact that no one here has the same magic as me.

And, in fact, the only other person I've EVER heard of having electricity magic is Lightening Dave.

And he's dead.

Sparky Braginski said...


Sparky is thirteen, as mentioned in the story. That is all.

blubber2000 said...

lol :) sorry i dont reply to ur comment sooner my laptops really weird, im 13 to :DDD but you live in the arch rival country :o ;)

Alice Rose ♥ x said...

"I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work." (again.)
Name: Alice Rose
Age: Possibly around 147 (newbie)
Powers: Adept, has a special weapon that can change into 5 shapes:
-Small dagger
-Pipe bomb
-Wings (will get dizzy if used too long)
Personality: Bi-polar. Mostly happy, but tends to go all scary the next.
Apperance: Loves goth clothing and masks. Will wear fashionable clothing upon occasion.
Has shoulder-length hair, and its black/brown.


Sparky Braginski said...

I don't really mind NZers to be honest. I think they talk funny, but are otherwise cool.

Except you can't do this:


blubber2000 said...

same i dont mind auzzies but you talk funny :p and you cant say !WE WON THE RUGBY WORLD CUP 2011! dosnt have the same ring 2 it as AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE, OI OI OI but wateva ;)

blubber2000 said...

oh and another things you cant say (properly) are fish and chips and six ;)

blubber2000 said...

"I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work."

Name-Konrad ligature
Power-able to play any instrument like and expert after holding it in his hands for 3 seconds
Wears simple yet\fashionable clothes and has short brown hair
Always calm
Weapon of choice-Katanas
Age-appears about 30 is actually 150

blubber2000 said...

"I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work."

Name-Apera (a Maori name!)
Apparent age- can't tell because of the moko (traditional face tatto) covering his face
Power-Hardly any magic but has lived for just over 1000 years (one of the first Maori warriors)
Adept very limited control over the elements he prefers to fight with a Patu (club) made out of green stone.
He is fearsome but is also extremely intelligent.

blubber2000 said...

MUST think of more tomorrow, grrrr I didnt add enough details to my favourite charectors (the Jack and the wind guys )because i was doing to let the golden god fill them in to suit his story, i regret that now...:P

Jakespeare said...

I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work

Name: Kat Forlorn

Powers: Elemental

Dress: Dark sunglasses, Leather jacket over a red tank top with black tracksuit plans, normally bare footed.

She has blonde hair thats cut shortly so it doesn't go passed her ears. She has a green stud in her left ear and speaks with a thick african accent. She has dark chocolate skin and golden eyes.

Background: Kat was born into a magical american family, for a week. Her parents abandoned her in south africa for her own good. She learnt about her magic, learnt to survive and learnt to control her anger by herself.

Now men are trying to capture the 17 year old. This girl is valuable to the men for some reason that i'll leave YOU to decide. I see that Sparky wrote a story and I might do the same (P.S THAT WAS A REALLY GOOD STORY SPARKY!)

Jacob Parker

Sparky Braginski said...


And Blubber:

I don't mind NZer's.

Sparky Braginski said...

I'm still writing it...

I (Sparky) am currently standing outside the Roarhaven Sanctuary. In the rain!

blubber2000 said...

and i dont mind australians once u get past the accent they are awsome :)

Hayley Starkid said...

I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work.


Kaeldra Bluejay
Looks around 20, though only she actually knows how old she is (she likes to leave people guessing)and has developed the ability to use the earth-statue-turning ability temporarily and only on a small area if she chooses.
Kaeldra is fairly tall with light brown, curly hair that looks suspiciously like bed hair and she has eyes that change colour almost daily.
She is stubborn, frustrating, confusing and most people think she is insane, and when people get to know her they realise this is all true

Here is your shruberry bringer:

Sparky Braginski said...

Also Sparky (being me, can't remind you of that enough times) has...

Well, y'know FEARS...

Deathly afraid of spiders and *hides head in shame* being *mumbles something*

Everyone else: What?

Being tickled, okay? It renders Sparky (me) completely useless and that scares me more than anything else in the world. Really.

Mistical Future said...


I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character

though i have a Q if i do this will i still be able to clam my character after this? if not than ... sorry i would like to keep this person because she is AWESOME!!!! btw i can't spell well

Ally Lonmt AKA Mistical Future
is an Adept she can predict peoples Future that she touches only skin on skin (or in SP's case skin on bone). but it comes with a down side when she is predicting the future she will screams out in like she is in agonizing pain therefor making her venerable for enemy's to attack her she only has 1/2 of a minute after she touches someone (skin on skin)to get away.and her seances are high-tend so she can hear a heart beat in a kilometer radius and she can track up to two days (maybe an hour more if there wearing strong deodorant)her speed is fast so she can run faster that average mortals. she is supper agile but that is not one of her powers she did that herself but her speed helps her to doge fast.

She wears a dark gray coat goes down to her knees (it's made from the material that Ghastly uses so she doesn't get hurt!)(though it douse not all ways work because of the trouble she gets in her coat tends to get taken off her)she wears a black full length cat suit with silver swirls down it and black gloves (so she doesn't predict everyone's future) and black boots. she has a black belt around her waist with a silver thing with blue ribbon around the handle (this thing is her sword it the blade retracts into the hilt and the hilt folds up). if she want she can put on a mask that is black with silver eyes (kind of like spider-man's)there is a pocket thing for her mask in her belt.

she is 28 and looks 23. And she tends to swear! the majorette of her life she keeps a secret. and she tends to say "I hide more than I show"

Sparky Braginski said...

Oh yeah...

*runs into near by nursery and takes as many shrubs as possible*

Shop Owner: You can't take those.
Sparky(me!): Oh uh... *looks into shop owners eyes* You are letting me take these so that I can give them to the worlds most honourable cause. Making Derek-The-Golden-Go-Landy love me and use Sparky(ME!) as a character.
S.O: KK.

Mistical Future said...

wow Misty u wrote a lot!!!!!!!!!!! dude u knead to cut down!!! sigh true but look at what u can accomplish if u try!!!!

btw Derek part of that is what she wears so plz don't skip it because it is long!!!

Sparky Braginski said...

*looks at Misty*

You wrote a lot? I'm on my 14th comment about the same character (That's ME folks!)

Mistical Future said...

hey Sparky!!!
did u see what i wrote if u didn't it is the massive block of text just a bit above! u can't miss it!!!

Sparky Braginski said...

Scroll up a bit and read what I wrote!

(About ME!!!)

Mistical Future said...

lol *roles eyes a Sparky(not me)*

Sparky Braginski said...

Well yeah...

And I've written another comment worth of story...

Mistical Future said...

cool i like it!!!!

Jakespeare said...

Kat Forlorn hit the pavement hard as the glass shattered behind her. She rolled and came up running, not breaking her stride. She didn’t look at the man in black glaring at her from the broken window, nor did she pay attention to the man following her in the van behind her. She ducked at the sound of gunshots as screams of the innocent echoed through the street.

Kat had always been troubled but she didn’t want civilians to get hurt, or worse. Kat took a sharp turn, kicked off a wall and crashed into a trash can. The van swerved behind her and two men, also dressed in black, jumped out. One of them brought out a pistol and fired several shots at her.

Kat, out of instinct or out of luck managed to twist out of the way of the bullets. It wasn’t turning out to be a nice holiday in U.S.A but she surely was doing things, seeing things and getting plenty of exercise.

Pushing at the air Kat managed to get over a high brick wall. The men shouted behind her but she paid no attention to it. Sweat clung to her shirt and she was panting as she ran across the road.

She was already on the road before she saw the van again to her right. She got a much closer view as she rolled over the bonnet. The car screeched to a stop and Kat fell onto the ground. Her eyes closed.

This is my story for my previously introduced character Kat Forlorn. Its not that big but you can add to it.

Sparky Braginski said...

Oh! More!

When wet Sparky (ME) has a tendency to shock herself out of lack of control. When she (ME) is wet she can't touch anything because she shocks it by accident, and turning any electrical appliance while she(ME) is wet makes all the plugs/power points in the room blow up.

Sparky Braginski said...

Great story!

I find it pretty cool that you wrote that because of my story...

*glows with pride*

Mistical Future said...

btw Derek i forgot to add (blushes yea sorry) that's not it but Mistical has Sapphire blue eyes and dark caramel hair. and that's it!!!

blubber2000 said...

your guys charectors are so cool!!! however i can find comfort in the fact that we beat you in the rugby world cup :P

Sparky Braginski said...

I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work.


Sparky Braginski, duh!


Magic- Control over electricity, and the ability to manipulate people.

Appearance- Same 3/4 length jacket as Val's first one, cargo pants, t-shirt colours always red or green or black. Long straight brown hair. Freckles. Freakishly pale skin. Short. Hazel eyes.

Background- Has known about herself being magic at a young age, unable to find anyone else with magic has trained herself. Was always interested in electricity, thus using that interest to her advantage and very recently (with Fletcher Renn's help) gotten into LOTS of trouble. Entailing, she's been kidnapped four times. Even though she is VERY Australian, she has a Russian/Irish accent with hints of English and Welsh.

Behaviour- Gets angry easily, but takes a lot to make her show it. She is normally good-natured, but can fly into a rage at a moments notice if you aren't paying attention. Often has excellent ideas. (Cause She is me) Never gives in ever. Will always bring something up at the worst times.

Talking about myself in third person is strange...

And! In the following comments I am going to post the fanfic I am writing about Sparky. This is to reinforce everything I've just said, and I WON'T be deleting them for the first time ever!

Oh, I SO hope that is enough!

OH! BEFORE I POST THE STORY, I forgot this in the appearance.

Wears a belt, with Makhaira hanging quite obviously from her waist.

I must also comment on the fact that no one here has the same magic as me.

And, in fact, the only other person I've EVER heard of having electricity magic is Lightening Dave.

And he's dead.

Sparky is thirteen, as mentioned in the story. That is all.

Also Sparky (being me, can't remind you of that enough times) has...

Well, y'know FEARS...

Deathly afraid of spiders and *hides head in shame* being *mumbles something*

Everyone else: What?

Being tickled, okay? It renders Sparky (me) completely useless and that scares me more than anything else in the world. Really.

*runs into near by nursery and takes as many shrubs as possible*

Shop Owner: You can't take those.
Sparky(me!): Oh uh... *looks into shop owners eyes* You are letting me take these so that I can give them to the worlds most honourable cause. Making Derek-The-Golden-Go-Landy love me and use Sparky(ME!) as a character.
S.O: KK.

When wet Sparky (ME) has a tendency to shock herself out of lack of control. When she (ME) is wet she can't touch anything because she shocks it by accident, and turning any electrical appliance while she(ME) is wet makes all the plugs/power points in the room blow up.

There will always be more but, Sparky (once again ME. THAT IS ME.) swear only when she does something incredibly stupid.


Sparky Braginski said...

She tried to scream, but had a piece of cloth in her mouth. She attempted to fry the cloth over her eyes and mouth, but the electricity wasn’t coming out of her hands. So instead she made the electricity rise out of skin directly onto the cloth. This was a tactic that she had recently discovered. The magic-binding whatever that was on her would keep her magic from leaving her body, but electricity had science. The electricity on her skin jumped to the cloth, burning it. She could see again. She craned her head taking in everything she could. Which wasn’t much. She noticed that this time they hadn’t taken her Makhaira, which was nice for a change. She also noticed the man asleep on a stool by the door, supposedly guarding her. Always a weak link in these kidnapping attempts.
‘Hey! Dude, wake up.’ She called. The man shook, opened his eyes and looked at her. Sparky took her chance, staring into his eyes.
‘Release me.’ She ordered. He looked like he was hung over.
‘Release me now.’ She repeated. He stood up and untied her. She was about to walk out the door when she stopped. This was way to easy. She looked back at the man.
‘Walk out the door.’ She said. He looked scared for a fleeting second and then opened the door. Sparky was hiding behind the door when he fell. She peeked around the corner and saw that the man had been shot. This situation had started beyond her control and was now sliding much further away. She thought about calling Fletcher but decided against it. They had probably set something up to prevent him from helping her. But then again…

Twenty minutes later Sparky was standing in the rain outside the entrance to the Roarhaven Sanctuary. Fletcher hadn’t lied about it always raining in Ireland and she had believed him. She liked the rain, it was her favourite weather, but standing in it wasn’t to fun, there was no cover and it wasn’t pretty when she was wet. Fletcher popped his head back out the door.
‘You can come in now.’ He said. She trudged in immediately regretting it and she shocked herself.

Sparky Braginski said...

Originally the 'Crap!' was a 'Sh**!'

But I edited it out because

a) MY mum's gonna be reading this story and

b) I don't think I would swear here. The atmosphere is too nice.

blubber2000 said...

lol ;)

Sparky Braginski said...

Lol at what?

Mistical Future said...

oh and one more thing (sorry) but the sword is a very rare silver metal in fact it is no longer found on earth any way it can slice through anything the owner wants it to. and it can phase trough anything as well! but one of it is in a way an advantage for her enemies because she will use it so only cut shallow cuts on her enemies. better explanation: if ther was a lef and the sword went trough it it could just slice the flesh or just the bone.

"I don't kill ... at least not anymore" Mistical
tends to say this to!

that is it till i think of more but i think that is it!!!

Sparky Braginski said...

Should I go into more depth on the powers?


Sparky (ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![Once again, can't stress that enough]!!!!!!!!!!!!) can make electricity stream out of her fingers, she can make it crackle around her hands so that when she punches someone they get electrocuted, if she claps a powerful shockwave throws everything in every direction off their feet but often hurts Sparky(ME!!!) more than the enemy, can make fireworks to distract the dumber opponents such as zombies, can make electricity run through her(MY) bloodstream making her run faster.

That is all I can remember for now...

blubber2000 said...

i dont no jus lol :)

Sparky Braginski said...


Sparky Braginski said...

*glares at friends that aren't on Skype*


Mistical Future said...

oh u have skype!!!

i have skype

Mistical Future said...

can i add u?

Sparky Braginski said...




Mistical Future said...

... if your info isn't to percanal!!! that is! if u want i'll tell u mine then delete the comment!

Mistical Future said...

sorry if it sounds weird!!! and if u don't want to that is totaly eceptable!!!

Sparky Braginski said...

Fletcher looked at her funny, and then realizing what had happened asked a man with a scarred head to dry her.
‘Why would I need to dry her?’ He asked. Fletcher explained, also adding in that Sparky developed an embarrassing stutter when this happened. The man nodded and Sparky felt the water lifting off of her.
‘Thank you. My name is Sparky Braginski. Has Fletcher told you about my, uh, predicament?’ The man shook hers warmly.
‘Hello, my name is Ghastly Bespoke, apparently you need to call me Elder Bespoke but you can call me Ghastly. Yes I am aware and I’ll see what I can do. In the meantime, would you like to stay in the Sanctuary?’ Sparky nodded.
‘I would also like to comment on the fact that you are the first person I’ve ever met that hasn’t stared at my scars. How old are you?’
‘Thirteen. I thought that you must’ve lived through enough people staring at you, so I skipped that bit.’ She said, timidly.
‘Would you like a new set of clothes?’ He asked. Sparky looked at her own clothes.
‘Yes. But can I have what I’m wearing? I love this outfit, it took me forever to get it right.’ She queried.
‘Sure you can, I’ll just make them out of a protective fabric, how about that?’ Ghastly suggested. Sparky nodded, noticing something in Ghastly’s voice that struck her as strange. He was pronouncing everything very clearly for an Irishman. As he walked away, Sparky analyzed his comments in her head. Then she realized. He was pronouncing everything as clearly as possible to make sure she understood everything he said. She was now thoroughly irritated.

Sparky Braginski said...

Shook her hand.

Not shook hers.

Mistical Future said...

... honestly Misty don't u think it would be smart to think before u type!!!!!! and i think you should know better!!! *start arguing about is being a bad idea to just type anything!!*

Izz said...

A lot more comments/entries now...
But yeah I've just decided to make another entry.

I give my leige (the Golden God) permission to use or not use this character however he wishes. as long as he cuts down the mightiest tree in the forest with...........A HERRING!

This is Jay Haych, an aussie girl who raises chooks.
She lives in a small town with a name nobody pronounces correctly.
She has always been able to communicate with animals and likes to spend a lot of time with them. Her favourite pets are two silkie bantams named Nina and Speckles (silkies are so cute!).
She has long thick blonde hair and clear blue eyes, she almost never ties her hair up and it is often referred to as a bird's nest.
She's 15 and everyone thicks she's a little nuts; but her close friends aren't much different.
In her spare time she is a collecter of information. She deals with sorcerers but likes to remain anonymous in her activities.
She prides herself with her kickboxing skills, even if they're not as good as she thinks.
Never mention The Human Centipede.
She WILL hit you.

I did get inspiration from a real person but don't tell her....

Sparky Braginski said...


*gets hit by Jay*

Okay, geez I'm sorry...

Mistical Future said...

oh and Mistical has her hair tied up in a ponytail.

Sparky Braginski said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sparky Braginski said...

Sparky (MEMEMEMEMEME) always has her hair tied up. It varies as to how, but her hair is ALWAYs tied up.

Sparky Braginski said...

*looks longingly at picture Tanith*

Anyone who has finished book 5 look at my blog:

Mistical Future said...

sorry sparky if i scared u before!!!!!!!! honestly i am ashamed at my self for not thinking!!!

Sparky Braginski said...

I keep remembering things about Sparky (ME) that you need to know.

She has uncannily good balance naturally.

I do actually have really good balance. I need it. I'm a figure skater.

(Sparky is not, but if she were to, she would have a natural affinity to it)

Mistical Future said...

cool i have never skated before but i want to!

Sparky Braginski said...

It's really fun.

Especially when you get to the point where you can do doubles.

That means when I jump I do two turns in mid-air.

No that the subject has been brought up I'm going to say a bunch of skating jargon.


Sparky Braginski said...


Morgana Fain said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Izz said...

Some really cool stuff here...

Sparky, I'm gonna check out your blog!

Sparky Braginski said...

DEREK, OH GOLDEN GOD, PLEASE READ THIS LINK IT HAS MY REASONINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sparky Braginski said...

Thanks Izz!

Izz said...

Oh my god I spent $77 on ebay!!


Izz said...

It's ok.

I have an awesome coat now. If it doesn't fit I'll put it back up on auction.

Sparky Braginski said...


Sparky Braginski said...

Another thing is that Sparky (Who is me, as I be she and we be each other) is always twitching or fiddling with something.

Izz said...

Everybody go read Sparky's story!
It's awesome.

Izz said...

Seriously do it.
If you don't you'll get pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis!
I mean it!!

Izz said...

Oh and Sparky, I hate being tickled too!!
I actually squeal when someone does it.

School is traumatic...

Izz said...

I'm gone for now, but I'll be back tomorrow.

I have an imaginary world that needs saving!!
Ciao tutti!

Sparky Braginski said...

Agreed. And thanks! Like, seriously. You promoting my story is like you promoting my character(me). I really cannot thank you enough. Y'know what'd be really awesome? If I mentioned somewhere in my story that Lyra recommended that kind of sword (Makhaira) to Sparky!

Christine Night said...

Im back!

*manly voice* WITH INSPIRATION!

Ferris Coddler
Looks about 60 years old with grew and white hair and a rather long face and he always wears his blue cloak. He is very clumsy, kind at hart, means well, still thinks that he can do anything and wont ever back down from a fight or execpt help even if he is tied to a log that is. about to go off a waterfall. His power is that he can make things explode! Only on accident though such as he trips, sneezes or wiggles his fingers playfully at something.

Sparky Braginski said...

Speaking of explosions, Sparky (me) makes pebbles explode when she's bored.

Christine Night said...

I guess everyone has a hobby.

Sparky Braginski said...

They do. And anyway as I have pointed out often Sparky is me. My taken name is Sparky. Which means we share all the same traits. That also makes it really easy to write a fanfic about her(me). Rather than thinking through what each character does in a certain situation, I just do what I'd do.

Christine Night said...

So you will explode pebbles when you are bored? Sounds like fun.

If i could i would like to have a super power, mine would be spontaneous super love. It sounds corny yes BUT in a fight all you have to do is touch them and then all they wouldn't want you to anymore.

on second thought i rather fly...

LythiaHarpen said...

Calling from New Zealand - a male character. Hmm. Interesting. What a challenge you have set, my master.

I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work.

Character: Orpheus Wyrd

Discipline: Adept

Powers: Can morph metal (eg a key into a useless blob and back again), can communicate with rats and spiders (rats he can actually befriend), can see like UV light (imprints, fingerprints, blood, stuff like that).

Physical appearance: A little under average height, spiky dark brown hair, pale green eyes. well-built but not grossly so (he's built like a cricketer, not a wrestler), has a tattoo of a snake around his wrist.

Dress: Casual wear is t-shirts and black jeans, the jeans with a chain hung around the left hip. Formal is a billowing white shirt, black waistcoat, and more formal black slacks. In either case he wears boots with buckles up to the ankles, ideal for kicking people.

Other features: He usually has stubble on his face, which is well-proportioned. He wears a plain silver chain around his neck.

Personality: Orpheus has a temper which can be riled, though not easily - when riled he puts those boots to use very well. When not grumpy he has a cool head, is very laid back and always wary. He doesn't like too many questions and he's always up for a challenge.

He has no wife, child, or girlfriend, is in no way related to any of the characters, and he doesn't work for the Sanctuary, but occasionally helps them out. He lives apart from mortals aside from his work.

...Yeah, I'm quite finished. In the unlikely event elaboration is necessary I shall respond with enthusiasm.

Sparky Braginski said...

Electricity control is what I've always wanted and in every single game I used to play I somehow managed to manipulate electricity. Thunder Storms are my favorite weather.

Sparky Braginski said...

Something that would be handy is teleportation, but I don't want the book series to go screwy because some crazed fan decided it would be that way. But I must admit I thought more people would want the ability to manipulate electricity.

Christine Night said...

Sigh i can make up my mind. Now i want the power to make apples shoot out of my hands...

But yours sound good.

Maybe fire control, Oh no i can see the head lines now.

"Girl burns down town,"

Sparky Braginski said...

Geez, I may be a pyro, but I wouldn't burn down a city.

I can make trees explode to!

Christine Night said...

No i know what the perfect power would be for me!
Something like the million dollar man.

Robotic legs! They have rockets in them so i can sort of fly. I can jump high. BUT MOST OF ALL i can run really fast! You see im crippled from birth so i never had ran before in my life. It sucks.

Sparky Braginski said...

Aw... Now I'm feeling all depressed...

*makes a pebble explode*

Tee hee...

I also hate being treated like a child and so far, all of the places in Australia in my story, are in fact real. The park that Fletcher took me to is called Brennan Park.

Sparky Braginski said...

I'm going to sleep now. I'm going to think Of as many exciting things as possible!


Christine Night said...

Dont feel depressed! My older brother tricked my wheel chair with a small engine, i can go 40 km per hour. PLUS IT HAS CUP HOLDERS!

Miles Herbert said...

I Miles Timothy Herbert hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work.

My second character. John Smith.

Above average height, black hair, slightly crocked nose, and eyes that seemed grey but would lighten up as his mood improved and a solid build and looks around 28.

A very serious man who never wanted to be part of the magical world and works as an accountant in both Wellington and London spending half a year in each place. While he tries to keep away from magic he does have old friends in the magic world so is always willing to help out if they need him.

While he is awake he does not have any magical powers but is accomplished in a variety of martial arts. His magic blossoms when he falls asleep (which he can do easily as long as he isn't over stimulated) and his subconscious conjures very life like illusions in a 10 meter radius which have driven a few people mad (including his mother, hence his serious nature) but he has very little control over these illusions but can sometimes influence them.


Anonymous said...

I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work.

(From New Zealand)

Name: Shockwave Black

He is an adept who's power is to control electricity. He sucks power out of any electric object and uses it to do an assortment of things.

Age: 21

Shockwave discovered his abilities rather than chose them. He was sitting in his room in Glasgow, Scotland at the age of 13 reading a comic book when he thought "Wouldn't it be awesome to be able to control electricity?". He then proceeded to go to his computer and when he touched it, the whole battery drained and he felt energy buzzing through him. He later heard his mum come home and as he went to hug her, an electrical surge shot out of his fingertips and hit her square in the chest, sending her into a coma. She later died in hospital.

After months of practice, he was finally able to control his powers. Not too soon after that, the head of magic in Glasgow discovered him and took him in. After years of training and choosing his name - Shockwave (as he wanted to sound like a superhero like the comicbooks he read as a child) he moved to Ireland and attempted to get work in the sanctuary at age 21 and failed. He still lives in Dublin, however, in an appartment building.

He has picked up many tricks using his powers such as:
He can absorb energy from buildings singe can sneak in without being seen.
He can send energy into various types of battery powered devices, charging them instantly.
He can overpower security systems making him undetectable.
He can channel his energy into people, either killing them, or injuring them.

Appearance: Very tall, but not huge, long black hair that stands on end when he has energy absorbed in him, wears a black t-shirt and jeans, pointy fingertips (not sure why, he just does), he has a lightning bolt tattoo on the back of his neck running down his spine that wasn't done in a parlor but seems to have burnt itself into his skin.

Personality: Killing his mother maimed him slightly, so he's always on edge with everything. He works for himself only and no-one else but he's looking for a girlfriend. He loves comic books and is trying to make his life a real comic. He's always trying to discover new ways to use his powers.

Right, I think I'm done. I'd just like to say that I came up with shockwaves idea completely on my my own so I apologize for any resemblance to any character anyone else has made.

Alice Rose ♥ x said...

"I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work."
Yes, yes. I know. 3 entries already and this isn't even 24 hours old? Haha. I am just enjoying this life, because, 'In the stream of life we are but paddlers'. If I'm a paddler, I hope I get a cool boat. C:

Oblivion Nepotism, age 356.
She thinks she's IMPORTANT IN THE MAGICAL COMMUNITY, when actually, she is not.
Most people don't even know who she is!
She is very biased towards her relatives, and since she recuits people to work in the Sanctuary, she will offer higher up jobs to her relatives.
She is very plain, with only mousy blonde hair, which is tied back into a pigtail. Her favourite colour is fushia/pink, which she tries to hide. She also wears makeup, and a lot of it at that. She hates her face.
Her powers are, you guessed it, elemental. She is a very weak one, but tries to hide it by boasting.

I tried to make her name suit her! >-<
Dictionaries ARE VERYYYY HELPFUL. Haha.

Alice Rose x

Rebella Sadistic said...

I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work.

I'm from Australia. And we love Skulduggery Pleasant. Anyway, my character will be given my name, Rebella Sadistic. She is a girl, and is an Adept with the power to control technology with her mind, say build a computer or fix a tv, nothing big like hack into the military and nuke everyone. she is 374 years old and lives beaneath a shrubery in a high tech room filled with gagets and a prisoner Siren she uses to experiment on. She currently resides in Russia and lives on a diet of tomatos.

Rebella Sadistic said...

I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work.

oh, I forgot, she has dyed her hair to a red, as in red red, not orange or ginger, uses purple contacts, dresses in black body suits and is a freelance to any side, good or bad, and smells like vanilla and jasmine. she has a slight tan and hates the sun. she is nocturnal and uses a small daggers to do what she needs to do.

Rebella Sadistic said...

I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work.

New entry! Lovely Sassy is a girl that lives in Germany and has dirty blond hair and green eyes. she is rogue necromancer that escaped her temple after her brother died in the war against Mevolent. At Lord Viles hand. Her object that holds her power is the bow she uses to hunt followers of Mevolent, as she blames them for her brothers death. Her name really says everything about her except that she wears neon green fingerless gloves and bright orange boots. other then that nothing really makes her stand out.

Alice Rose ♥ x said...

"I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work."
fourth entry. I get the feeling, this is what I'll be doing in church. And school. And when I'm trying to sleep. And when I'm- Yeah. Expect a lot of entriesss C:

Opulent Evanesent.
A wannabe evil (or possibly. Can't decide) character. Female, 441 years old.
She hates the good guys, as when she was younger, everyone would tease her about her disease.
Disease? Yes, she has one. In the form of her Adept powers.
Parts of her will fade in and out, becoming more visible and invisible e.g. sometimes her head will become more visible than her leg, which you can barely see.
She has no control of this, and would love to be out in the sunshine, wearing short skirts for all she's worth, but she is partly a recluse.
Her apperance is of a 20-30 year old lady, with curly hair that's a bright blonde. She loves to follow the latest fashions.

Her name: Opulent:
1. wealthy, rich, or affluent.
1. the process of vanishing or fading away. C:

Goodnight everyone~ more tomorrow. Haha.

Alice Rose x

Alice Rose ♥ x said...

GO CHECK THIS BLOG OUT SKUTTLEBUGS. (I mean Skulduggery Pleasant fans.)


Alice Rose x

Nicole Cerundolo said...

Golden God: 1st of all, "Everywhere" apparently does not include the U.S. WHY? I feel abandoned... 2nd: MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL <3 You rock. As you should well know.

Nicole Cerundolo said...

Golden God: 1st of all, "Everywhere" apparently does not include the U.S. WHY? I feel abandoned... 2nd: MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL <3 You rock. As you should well know.

Alice Rose ♥ x said...

Friend Get Friend.
Also the Short Story Comp dedicated to Americans, and only Americans.

like a boulder~
on a mountain~
eating- i need to sleep. Goodnight.

Alice Rose x

Rebella Sadistic said...

I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work.

Another! Ecentric Newton.
She is a girl that lives in Australia with dark brown hair and brown eyes. She is a genius(which is why her last name is newton) and is very crazy. She hunts vampires as when she was 15(she is now 200) she snuck out to meet some friends and a vampire slaughtered her family whilst she was out. She lives in a flat on the small coastal town Coffs Harbour( look it up, its real) and is an Elemental. She is better then most at controlling water as she leads most of her victims to the salty water end.

Rebella Sadistic said...

I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work.

Wow, im all out of ideas, except this one:

Name: Alice Lithium

Ex drug dealer(explains the Lithium) and now zombie (Scapegraces). she left the zombies horde before the attack on the midnight hotel. she is 23 years old with platinum white hair and black eyes. she smells like dead flesh and knew nothing of magic before scapegrace turned her. Has managed to stay out of trouble and sunlight and lasted a long time after the other members of the horde.She only wears a pink shirt and blue pants with joggers as she was running when Scapegrace turned her and refuses to change as she is scared that parts of her will fall off.

thats it I'm done, good luck, and farewell

jazznicol said...

I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work.

Character: Flame Dexterous.
She is an adept and much like Billy-Ray, is highly skilled in tunnelling (often using it to eaves drop and spy).

Looks around 25 years old, has long bright red hair (like fire), big green eyes and is so beautiful she could give China Sorrows a run for her money! She wears old fashioned clothes (50's, 60's style), but despite her delicate features, she is a strong fighter capable of taking down an group of hollow men on her own without weapons; don't underestimate her (it only makes her angry!) She also has an Australian accent.

Alexander Mythology said...

I, Alex Gourdie, hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy (You know, I think this is sin) full rights to adapt it into his brain explodingly brilliant work.

Apollo Grave

Is an ex-assassin from Scotland with the same ability as Lightning Dave: Electricity. Can you introduce him as a sanctuary agent for Ireland brought in from Scotland? If you can, that would be really cool. Has a soft spot for fishing. Is arch enemy of Sanguine, and absolutely hates necromancers.

Alexander Mythology said...

I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work.

Ashton Long

Reasonably young, tan, lightly freckled face, leafy green eyes, tall, sandy brown hair, wears a lot of white. Is a hypnotist and is highly skilled with knives like Murder Rose. From Scotland. Father was a rich thief who died in a car "accident" when he was fourteen, and was orphaned. Discovered magic, and later on went to the Irish Sanctuary... what next? You decide, Mister Landy.

Alexander Mythology said...

I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work.

You know, while reading your books, I got a lot of ideas for characters that I might have used for my own books if I was to ever write one, but I think you, Derek, would use them far better than I could, so here is my next.

Beast Cogturner

Elderly, walks with a limp, short, slightly pot bellied, wild greying red hair, beady eyes, whiskery chin, scar running over his left eye. Wears a long Irish green overcoat. Is a mad man, and isn't afraid to admit it, can be slightly snappy and impatient, loves a dangerous situation. He is a sensitive, although, he is a lot more battle ready. Maybe an elemental. Can't decide. encountered the Jitter Girls eleven years ago in New Zealand (I was really chuffed by that, by the way) currently works as a clock maker.

Dragoon_theGreat said...

helololo , trying out account//

Tanya said...

I'm aussie!

I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work.

Jocelyn Teal
Youthful looking, attractive but in a she-isnt-aware-of-it type of way, polite, kind and conservative, until she gets p***ed off then she kicks butt. Defining item of clothing is a cloche, and she only wears dresses. She also must always wear gloves and is generally covered head to foot.

Adept - Sensitive

Her talent lies in her ability to read a person's future or past upon skin on skin contact. If you're alive she'll see your future, if you're dead she'll see your past. However using her ability can be painful for her if you have a painful future/past. Vomiting may ensue. For the dead, the fresher the corpse, the further into the past she will be able to see, with ancient corpses she may only see a glimpse (SP may be an exception to this). When she uses her ability her eyes glow blue. She has some latent ability which gives her a type of 'spider sense' so in a fight she can anticipate her opponents next move, making her quite good in a scrap without bothering with much training.

She prefers the company of mortals, given their tendency to have a much shorter life expectancy, so reading the future can be less painful for her as there is less to see.

*hands you a shrubbery*


Sparky Braginski said...


I will continue to post the info here, it's that I can't right now because I'm on my iTouch.

09Sienna_Pyre said...

If anybody wants to use this character, they can. I can't use it because I'm one of those stiff-upper-lip British types, if anyone talked like that anymore, and if it didn't sound like some weird illness... but I digress. Anyway, he's here if you want him. I'll just shut up now:

Lionel Gold:

Tall, medium length wavy golden hair. Quite handsome, but has a scar across the right side of his face from one of the battles in the war.
Appears around 25, actual age is 298. Reasonably tan, green eyes, tends to wear a heavy tan brown jacket/overcoat, T-shirt and jeans. Quite well-muscled.

Lionel is charming, but a little scary to those who don't know him. He has a kind of aura around people that scares them.

A new type of psychic, I think. He can access peoples' minds. mind reading is the most basic of his skills, but he can also see all a person's memories if he wants to, and can also tamper with them, erasing memories that could be dangerous to him.
He can speak through people, he can speak TO them mentally, and he has a certain degree of control over them (like knowing their given name, but not quite as strong. They won't do anything that they would never do in real life, like killing someone. Unless they're nasty of course.)
If he has physical contact then he can control them more or less completely, even up to the point of killing themselves.

Perhaps disappointingly, he's one of the good guys. He used to be part of the British sanctuary, but after some orders that he didn't like (long story), he went and moved to Ireland and got a job with the Irish sanctuary. Didn't like guild much either, but he stayed on. Now he's one of their special operatives. He's not quite on a par with Skulduggery, but he's definitely getting close.
He doesn't like skulduggery much, though he gets along quite well with Ghastly and Valkyrie.

well, that's about it. maybe I'll do a fanfic.... It might happen, i suppose. I'll have to see.

anyway, use him if you want to.

(PS: he knows skulduggery's long lost brother who's half unicorn and is both elemental and adept)

09Sienna_Pyre said...

wow. that was longer than I expected.

Sparky Braginski said...

Hey, Lionel sounds really cool!

SPAM TIME!!!!!!!!!

Please go there!

09Sienna_Pyre said...

nobody else on here?

09Sienna_Pyre said...

Oh, hi! thanks, he's the guy I'd like to be. If I was a guy. anyway... thanks!

09Sienna_Pyre said...

I'm not sure whether he counts as a sensitive though... I don't think there's anyone like him in the books.

09Sienna_Pyre said...

oh well. I suppose he counts enough. and it's not like he's actually being entered.

Sparky Braginski said...

Do you like my character. Whois me?

09Sienna_Pyre said...

I like her a lot. There should be more lightening people in the books, Dave was cool!
And sorry, not really giving out any info about myself, especially not online. No offense, but I don't really know who you are.

Sparky Braginski said...

Nah, I know. I would never give any personal info away but Sparky Braginski is my taken name.

09Sienna_Pyre said...

Anyway, yeah. Sparky is awesome. and there is NOTHING more annoying than being treated like a child, as if it's shorthand for irritating idiot. Especially if you're short. :)

09Sienna_Pyre said...

And Sienna's my taken name. Though I quite like it. It would be nice to be called sienna. My name's boring.

Sparky Braginski said...

Yes. Indeed...

09Sienna_Pyre said...

Why are you Sparky then? And either there's a story behind the Braginski bit or it just sounded good.

Sparky Braginski said...


Sparky because I've always been Sparky. ALWAYS.

And Braginski is because in my favourite TV show (Hetalia) Russia is my favourite character and his human name is Ivan Braginski.

That also explains why I have a Russian accent. (Not really but I would love one, and I do a pretty good knock off)

09Sienna_Pyre said...

I get it now. I haven't heard of Hetalia, what's it about? Is it Australian? (assuming you're australian because you posted. but you might be from new zealand)

I can't do any accents, apart from Yorkshire and Scottish, but they don't count because I'm from that area and I have scottish family members. And my russian sounds like I'm talking martian.

Don't really have a nickname, so I decided to choose my own. I like Sienna Sunrise (the colour), and Pyre just seemed to fit, so there you go.

Sparky's a good name though. I like it.

Sparky Braginski said...

Hetalia is an anime where all of the countries are portrayed as really cute guys.

I also keep forgetting about this crucial part of my appearance. Sparky(me) is ALWAYS wearing a scarf. Always. It changes colours, styles and patterns, but she(ME) is ALWAYS wearing a scarf. She(I) wears one to bed, to meals, to the theatre. She never takes them off.

Bethany said...

Dayumn. Good luck to the Aussies and Kiwis.

09Sienna_Pyre said...

Sweet. Sounds good. Especially the cute guys!

Scarf sounds good as well. Fashion scarf or practical one though?
Listen, I have to go offline now. It was great talking to you though!
See you around then.
Oh, and I want to meet Valkyrie and skulduggery like sparky's going to!

Sparky Braginski said...

Sparky Braginski said...

I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work.


Sparky Braginski, duh!


Magic- Control over electricity, and the ability to manipulate people.

Appearance- Same 3/4 length jacket as Val's first one, cargo pants, t-shirt colours always red or green or black. Long straight brown hair. Freckles. Freakishly pale skin. Short. Hazel eyes.

Background- Has known about herself being magic at a young age, but unable to find anyone else with magic has trained herself. Was always interested in electricity, thus using that interest to her advantage and very recently (with Fletcher Renn's help) gotten into LOTS of trouble. Entailing, she's been kidnapped four times. Even though she is VERY Australian, she has a Russian/Irish accent with hints of English and Welsh.

Behaviour- Gets angry easily, but takes a lot to make her show it. She is normally good-natured, but can fly into a rage at a moments notice if you aren't paying attention. Often has excellent ideas. (Cause She is me) Never gives in ever. Will always bring something up at the worst times.

Wears a belt, with Makhaira hanging quite obviously from her waist.

I must also comment on the fact that no one here has the same magic as me.

And, in fact, the only other person I've EVER heard of having electricity magic is Lightening Dave.

And he's dead.

Sparky is thirteen, as mentioned in the story. That is all.

Also Sparky (being me, can't remind you of that enough times) has...

Well, y'know FEARS...

Deathly afraid of spiders and *hides head in shame* being *mumbles something*

Everyone else: What?

Being tickled, okay? It renders Sparky (me) completely useless and that scares her(ME) more than anything else in the world. Really.

*runs into near by nursery and takes as many shrubs as possible*

Shop Owner: You can't take those.
Sparky(me!): Oh uh... *looks into shop owners eyes* You are letting me take these so that I can give them to the worlds most honourable cause. Making Derek-The-Golden-Go-Landy love me and use Sparky(ME!) as a character.
S.O: KK.

When wet Sparky (ME) has a tendency to shock herself out of lack of control. When she (ME) is wet she can't touch anything because she shocks it by accident, and turning any electrical appliance on while she(ME) is wet makes all the plugs/power points in the room blow up. There will always be more but, Sparky (once again ME. THAT IS ME.) swears only when she does something incredibly stupid. Sparky (ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![Once again, can't stress that enough]!!!!!!!!!!!!) can make electricity stream out of her fingers, she can make it crackle around her hands so that when she punches someone they get electrocuted, if she claps a powerful shockwave throws everything in every direction off their feet but often hurts Sparky(ME!!!) more than the enemy, can make fireworks to distract the dumber opponents such as zombies, can make electricity run through her(MY) bloodstream making her run faster, if she splays her hands a weak wave of electricity can jumble brainwaves and send people into confusion she loves doing this in crowded shopping centres during Christmas season for some unknown reason. Sparky (MEMEMEMEMEME) always has her hair tied up. It varies as to how, but her hair is ALWAYS tied up. She has uncannily good balance naturally. Another thing is that Sparky (Who is me, as I be she and we be each other) is always twitching or fiddling with something. Speaking of explosions, Sparky (me) makes pebbles explode when she's bored. I also keep forgetting about this crucial part of my appearance. Sparky(me) is ALWAYS wearing a scarf. Always. It changes colours, styles and patterns, but she(ME) is ALWAYS wearing a scarf. She(I) wears one to bed, to meals, to the theatre. She never takes them off.

Sparky Braginski said...

Rule 1. Yes. I am Australian. Yes I/Sparky is a girl.
Rule 2. I will be the one winner from Australia.
Rule 3. Even though it's only been mentioned once, manipulation of electricity has indeed been used in the book series. I have gone into more depth certainly, but I think it needed to be done.
Rule 4. I have posted it here, like, thirty times. And I'm planning posting it like another thirty THOUSAND times.
Rule 5. I have. I have definitely posted many times.
Rule 6. I have posted that at the beginning of EVERY COMMENT.
Rule 7. Understood. If Derek was doing the tweaking I'd be more than eager to have that done.
Rule 8. ...Well...
Rule 9. Yes?
Rule 10. I did! It was excellent!

Sparky Braginski said...

I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work.


Sparky Braginski, duh!


Magic- Control over electricity, and the ability to manipulate people.

Appearance- Same 3/4 length jacket as Val's first one, cargo pants, t-shirt colours always red or green or black. Long straight brown hair. Freckles. Freakishly pale skin. Short. Hazel eyes.

Background- Has known about herself being magic at a young age, but unable to find anyone else with magic has trained herself. Was always interested in electricity, thus using that interest to her advantage and very recently (with Fletcher Renn's help) gotten into LOTS of trouble. Entailing, she's been kidnapped four times. Even though she is VERY Australian, she has a Russian/Irish accent with hints of English and Welsh.

Behaviour- Gets angry easily, but takes a lot to make her show it. She is normally good-natured, but can fly into a rage at a moments notice if you aren't paying attention. Often has excellent ideas. (Cause She is me) Never gives in ever. Will always bring something up at the worst times.

Wears a belt, with Makhaira hanging quite obviously from her waist.

I must also comment on the fact that no one here has the same magic as me.

And, in fact, the only other person I've EVER heard of having electricity magic is Lightening Dave.

And he's dead.

Sparky is thirteen, as mentioned in the story. That is all.

Also Sparky (being me, can't remind you of that enough times) has...

Well, y'know FEARS...

Deathly afraid of spiders and *hides head in shame* being *mumbles something*

Everyone else: What?

Being tickled, okay? It renders Sparky (me) completely useless and that scares her(ME) more than anything else in the world. Really.

*runs into near by nursery and takes as many shrubs as possible*

Shop Owner: You can't take those.
Sparky(me!): Oh uh... *looks into shop owners eyes* You are letting me take these so that I can give them to the worlds most honourable cause. Making Derek-The-Golden-Go-Landy love me and use Sparky(ME!) as a character.
S.O: KK.

When wet Sparky (ME) has a tendency to shock herself out of lack of control. When she (ME) is wet she can't touch anything because she shocks it by accident, and turning any electrical appliance on while she(ME) is wet makes all the plugs/power points in the room blow up. There will always be more but, Sparky (once again ME. THAT IS ME.) swears only when she does something incredibly stupid. Sparky (ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![Once again, can't stress that enough]!!!!!!!!!!!!) can make electricity stream out of her fingers, she can make it crackle around her hands so that when she punches someone they get electrocuted, if she claps a powerful shockwave throws everything in every direction off their feet but often hurts Sparky(ME!!!) more than the enemy, can make fireworks to distract the dumber opponents such as zombies, can make electricity run through her(MY) bloodstream making her run faster, if she splays her hands a weak wave of electricity can jumble brainwaves and send people into confusion she loves doing this in crowded shopping centres during Christmas season for some unknown reason. Sparky (MEMEMEMEMEME) always has her hair tied up. It varies as to how, but her hair is ALWAYS tied up. She has uncannily good balance naturally. Another thing is that Sparky (Who is me, as I be she and we be each other) is always twitching or fiddling with something. Speaking of explosions, Sparky (me) makes pebbles explode when she's bored. I also keep forgetting about this crucial part of my appearance. Sparky(me) is ALWAYS wearing a scarf. Always. It changes colours, styles and patterns, but she(ME) is ALWAYS wearing a scarf. She(I) wears one to bed, to meals, to the theatre. She never takes them off.

Vergilius Tenebrae said...

I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work.

Vulcanus Mortensen, a powerful elemental who is a master in the art of Ninjutsu and uses a pair of kusarigama that his father left him after he died in 1426. Originally from New Zealand, he left to study ninjutsu with his father in 1299. His father live for nearly 1000 years and was a frail old man when he died. Vulcanus himself spent most of his life studying elemental magic alongside being a ninja and trying to use earth as an offensive magic rather than defensive. He can create walls of rock by moving his foot in a semi-circle then stomping the ground near the centre of that circle, can use his hands to pull/push at the earth and create platforms to higher or lower ground as well as being able to create anything from earth. By slamming his Kusarigama into the ground he can create a shock-wave of air and earth to knock enemies over. He isn't very good at using water but has a natural gift for using fire. He is big and broad shouldered although very light and agile. He usually wears black or other colours to blend in with his surroundings, like camouflage in a forest of jeans and a jacket in the city. He has long black/brown hair and a beard. He looks very old and tired. He doesn't like to wear shoes and only wears them when he has to, as a result the soles of his feet are as hard as rock. He prefers not to fight hand-to-hand but if he has to then he uses his feet and elbows to attack rather than fists. His Kusarigama are strapped to his waist and they're never far away from him.

Sparky Braginski said...

And my story continued again!

She may have been small, and looked young for her age, but here was another person who didn’t think of her as an equal. She looked at Fletcher and asked him what they would do next.
‘Well, I think you should meet some of my friends. Val, Skuldu-‘ He began.
‘Val? As in Valkyrie Cain? The one that works with Skulduggery Pleasant? I get to meet them? Awesome.’ She was excited now. As Fletcher guided her through the Sanctuary they both got some pretty strange looks. She thought it was probably Fletcher’s hair, but then thought that maybe the ancient Greek sword hanging from a thirteen-year-olds waist was grabbing their attention.
‘Fletcher, where are we going?’ She asked, getting dizzy from all the twist’s and turns.
‘To the medical bay.’ He replied, casually.
‘The medi- Why exactly are we going there?’
‘Because they always end up there somehow. You look lost.’ He said.
‘Yes I am. If you know where the sick bay is, can’t we just teleport there?’ She pleaded.
‘Actually, I was waiting for you to ask me that, I have no idea where we are.’ Fletcher put his hand on her shoulder and they appeared outside what looked like the medical clinic from hell. The chairs were rusted and there were blood splatters on the walls. She turned, and nearly crashed into a skeleton. She looked up, and gasped. She had almost walked into the Skeleton Detective.
‘Sorry. I saw you teleport in with Fletcher. Who are you?’ he asked, his voice calm.
‘My name is Sparky Braginski. I’m from Australia.’ She said, dumbfounded.
‘Really? You don’t sound particularly Australian. You sound half Russian half Irish.’ He commented.
‘I’ve been around. I love Russia, but this is the first time I’ve been to Ireland.’ She explained. Skulduggery cocked his head.
‘Say something else. Why are you here?’ He asked. Sparky looked confused but elaborated.
‘Well, in the last month I’ve been kidnapped four times by the same person. I don’t know why they want me, but I figured it probably wasn’t safe for me to stay in Australia.’ Sparky thought he was looking right at her, but couldn’t tell.
‘You also sound a bit Welsh. Or is it English?’ He said.
‘Actually, it’s both. I noticed as soon as I met her.’ Fletcher added.

Sparky Braginski said...

Vulcanus sounds AWESOME.

Sparky Braginski said...

Sweet 1st!

I dedicate this page to everyone loving their characters to bits!

Sparky Braginski said...

And the next comments by me.

I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full rights to take this character and adapt it into his brain-explodingly brilliant work.


Sparky Braginski, duh!


Magic- Control over electricity, and the ability to manipulate people.

Appearance- Same 3/4 length jacket as Val's first one, cargo pants, t-shirt colours always red or green or black. Long straight brown hair. Freckles. Freakishly pale skin. Short. Hazel eyes.

Background- Has known about herself being magic at a young age, but unable to find anyone else with magic has trained herself. Was always interested in electricity, thus using that interest to her advantage and very recently (with Fletcher Renn's help) gotten into LOTS of trouble. Entailing, she's been kidnapped four times. Even though she is VERY Australian, she has a Russian/Irish accent with hints of English and Welsh.

Behaviour- Gets angry easily, but takes a lot to make her show it. She is normally good-natured, but can fly into a rage at a moments notice if you aren't paying attention. Often has excellent ideas. (Cause She is me) Never gives in ever. Will always bring something up at the worst times.

Wears a belt, with Makhaira hanging quite obviously from her waist.

I must also comment on the fact that no one here has the same magic as me.

And, in fact, the only other person I've EVER heard of having electricity magic is Lightening Dave.

And he's dead.

Sparky is thirteen, as mentioned in the story. That is all.

Also Sparky (being me, can't remind you of that enough times) has...

Well, y'know FEARS...

Deathly afraid of spiders and *hides head in shame* being *mumbles something*

Everyone else: What?

Being tickled, okay? It renders Sparky (me) completely useless and that scares her(ME) more than anything else in the world. Really.

*runs into near by nursery and takes as many shrubs as possible*

Shop Owner: You can't take those.
Sparky(me!): Oh uh... *looks into shop owners eyes* You are letting me take these so that I can give them to the worlds most honourable cause. Making Derek-The-Golden-Go-Landy love me and use Sparky(ME!) as a character.
S.O: KK.

When wet Sparky (ME) has a tendency to shock herself out of lack of control. When she (ME) is wet she can't touch anything because she shocks it by accident, and turning any electrical appliance on while she(ME) is wet makes all the plugs/power points in the room blow up. There will always be more but, Sparky (once again ME. THAT IS ME.) swears only when she does something incredibly stupid. Sparky (ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![Once again, can't stress that enough]!!!!!!!!!!!!) can make electricity stream out of her fingers, she can make it crackle around her hands so that when she punches someone they get electrocuted, if she claps a powerful shockwave throws everything in every direction off their feet but often hurts Sparky(ME!!!) more than the enemy, can make fireworks to distract the dumber opponents such as zombies, can make electricity run through her(MY) bloodstream making her run faster, if she splays her hands a weak wave of electricity can jumble brainwaves and send people into confusion she loves doing this in crowded shopping centres during Christmas season for some unknown reason. Sparky (MEMEMEMEMEME) always has her hair tied up. It varies as to how, but her hair is ALWAYS tied up. She has uncannily good balance naturally. Another thing is that Sparky (Who is me, as I be she and we be each other) is always twitching or fiddling with something. Speaking of explosions, Sparky (me) makes pebbles explode when she's bored. I also keep forgetting about this crucial part of my appearance. Sparky(me) is ALWAYS wearing a scarf. Always. It changes colours, styles and patterns, but she(ME) is ALWAYS wearing a scarf. She(I) wears one to bed, to meals, to the theatre. She never takes them off.

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