Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick Or Treat

Ladies and gentlemen, for your reading pleasure this Halloween evening, I give you a micro-story written with the invaluable help of our dear friend Thalia.

Before we begin, I'd just like to point out that the Friend-Gets-Friend competition is now officially CLOSED. I'll spend the next day or so compiling all the names of the people who took part, and then I'll pick ten random winners.

But for now, my Minions, here's Tanith and Billy-Ray, in Trick Or Treat.

Tanith wiped the blood off the carving knife and, ignoring the body of the man she had just stabbed to death, went back to carving her jack-o-lantern.

Her skill with a blade always came in useful this time of year. While other people would be satisfied with triangular eyes and jagged teeth, Tanith transformed her Halloween pumpkins into works of slowly-rotting art. Tonight, she was carving a portrait of her dear friend and object of worship Valkyrie Cain. By all accounts, poor Valkyrie still refused to embrace her destiny as destroyer of the world, but Tanith could forgive her this little bout of self-doubt. After all, if Tanith herself hadn’t been corrupted by a Remnant then she would have been helping Val run from the inevitable.

It was the Remnant inside her, the thing of cruelty and nastiness, that had shared with Tanith this vision of the future, when Valkyrie would become Darquesse and burn all life to a cinder. It had been a glorious revelation, one that had spurred Tanith on to schemes and plans she had never before thought herself capable. But the fact was there were no more Remnants out there. Her kith and kin were all trapped and locked away and hidden from her- so Tanith was on her own. More or less. She had a Texan psychopath who was besotted with her, and there were times when he certainly did come in useful. But she didn’t love him. Her love was reserved for Darquesse, and Darquesse alone.

She put down the carving knife and picked up a candle, placed it carefully inside the jack-o-lantern. She lit it and stepped back. It was a good likeness. No, it was a great likeness. Valkyrie was such a pretty girl, and Tanith had to resist the urge to take a picture and send it to her. But she knew that Valkyrie would only tell Skulduggery, and Skulduggery would trace the picture back here to this small town in Ohio, and suddenly there’d be Cleavers, Cleavers everywhere. It was all so unfair. All Tanith wanted to do was protect Darquesse from the people who were planning on harming her, after all. She was on Valkyrie’s side, in a way. Why couldn’t Val see that?

Headlights looped in around the room, and Tanith went to the window, looked out. A battered old car lurched to a stop outside the house next door, and a shabby middle-aged man climbed out. As she watched him hitch his trousers higher around his waist, Tanith made sure to keep her mind calm and free of violent thought. There were Sensitives who could pick up feelings of hostility, and while she didn’t know if Jerry Ordain was one of them, she couldn’t take the chance. There was too much riding on tonight to risk a stray thought at the wrong time. The fact that he came home at all meant that he hadn’t foreseen tonight’s events, and that was a promising start.

Of course, it was entirely possible that Jerry knew full well she was there, and he had a trap waiting for her the moment she made a move. But that was the trouble with Sensitives- it was very hard to sneak up on them.

She took her sword from the table and left through the back door. She sprung lightly over the fence, landed without a sound in Jerry’s yard as lights flicked on in the house. She crept to the window. No sign of an ambush. She saw Jerry ambling into the kitchenette. If he sensed her watching him, he gave no sign.

Taking a breath, Tanith moved to the door, and rested her hand against the lock. It clicked open and she moved in silently. Jerry was a bachelor, and lived like it. The house smelled of dust and old socks. She slid her sword from its scabbard and walked up the wall. Those floorboards were old and she didn’t trust them not to creak. She crept upside-down along the ceiling, careful not to disturb the bulb as she passed it or cast her shadow onto her target. Jerry had his back to her, and was making himself a massive sandwich. She reached the far wall and walked down until she was standing normally again. He still didn’t turn around. She took out her phone, sent a text. A few moments later, Billy-Ray Sanguine rose up from the floor beside her.

They waited for Jerry to sense the hostility that only a psychopath of Sanguine’s stature could muster- the kind of hostility that he could never conceal, no matter how hard he tried. Instead, Jerry continued making his sandwich. Tanith was impressed at how cool and collected he was. It was almost as if he wasn’t even aware of their presence. Jerry started humming to himself, and Sanguine looked at her. She frowned back. Now it really seemed like he wasn’t aware of their presence.

Once he had piled every conceivable type of meat onto his sandwich, Jerry cut off the crusts, and then sliced it down the middle. He picked up one half, raised it slowly to his mouth and bit into it as he turned. He saw them and shrieked, spitting it all out again as he stumbled back against the fridge. A bit of lettuce hung wetly off his chin.

“Hi,” said Tanith. “Just checking- you are Jerry Ordain, right?”

The man stood there, eyes bulging. “Whuh,” he said.

“Jerry Ordain? You are Jerry the psychic, aren’t you?”

He shook his head. The piece of lettuce fell away. “No. Not me. No. Wrong person.”

“Then who are you?” Sanguine asked.

The man gaped at him. “Me?”

It was Jerry. It was obviously Jerry, from the look on his face as his fear-frozen mind tried coming up with a false name. “I’m... I’m...”

Sanguine added an edge to his voice. “What’s your damn name?”

“Jerry!” Jerry blurted. “But not the Jerry you’re looking for! I’m a different Jerry!”

Jerry had to be the worst liar Tanith had ever met.

“I’ll get him, though,” Jerry said, stepping sideways. “If you stay right there I’ll get him. Just stay there. I’ll be right back, with Jerry. The Jerry you’re looking for.”

Sanguine strolled over to intercept him, and Jerry reversed direction, started heading for the window.

“Make yourselves at home,” he was saying. “Want a sandwich? I just made a sandwich. You can have my sandwich. I won’t be long. Thirty seconds, tops.”

“Jerry,” Tanith said, “we’ve come a long way to talk to you.”

He shook his head. “”You’ve come a long way to talk to the other Jerry...”

Tanith showed him her sword. Jerry stared. And then he bolted for the window.

In his haste, however, he completely forgot about the coffee table, and when his shin smacked into it he barely had time to howl before his face hit the floor. Tanith watched him contort in pain, one hand at his shin, the other covering his mouth. He’d bitten his tongue. She winced. She hated that.

Tears in his eyes, Jerry launched himself up and ran into the wall. He rebounded impressively, gave a little whirl, and staggered to the window. Clumsy hands fumbled at the latch. He finally raised it, glanced behind him to make sure he still had time, and in that moment the window closed. Jerry turned back and dove into the glass, cracking it and careering backwards. He collapsed onto the rug and curled up into a sobbing, moaning ball.

“Pleathe,” he lisped, “shtop hurting me.”

Tanith sighed. “We haven’t touched you, Jerry.”

“I seen a lot of things in my time,” Sanguine said, “but I ain’t never seen a man beat himself up before. That was highly entertainin’.”

Tanith walked over to Jerry as he continued to sob. 

“Pleathe don’t kill me.”

“Don’t worry,” Tanith said, her voice soothing. “We weren’t planning on it.”

Sanguine looked at her, surprised. “We weren’t? Why not? He’s clearly an idiot.”

She glared. “We’re not here to hurt anyone. We’re here to ask some questions and leave.”

“But we’ll be killin’ him before we go, won’t we?”

Jerry squealed softly.

“No we won’t,” Tanith insisted. “Violence is not always the answer, Billy-Ray. This time, Jerry here gets to live out the rest of his life in peace- understand?”


She hunkered down and patted Jerry on the shoulder. “Don’t mind him, Jerry. He’s cranky. He’s used to being the only American in my life, but now there’s you. Jealousy is a terrible thing in a grown man, isn’t it?”

“I ain’t jealous.”

“Of course not, dear. Jerry, what do you say you answer our questions and then we leave you alone? Does that sound good to you?”

Jerry nodded.

“Good man. How’s your tongue?”

“I bith it.”

“I can see that.”

“Ith bleeding.”

“I can see that too.”

He stuck his tongue out at her. “Ith it bad?”

His tongue was bloody and horrible. She took a small leaf from her coat, and placed it delicately into his mouth. “Don’t say anything for a few seconds. Let that heal.”

Jerry blinked at her. His eyes were wet. He wasn’t an impressive human being.

“Show me,” she said, and he stuck his tongue out again. She nodded. “It’s healing. It was only a small bite. Now you can answer our questions, can’t you?”

He nodded, and she stood.

“You’re involved with a group of people, aren’t you? A group of sorcerers from different Sanctuaries around the world.”

“How... how did you know that?”

“I’ve spent the last few months asking a lot of people a lot of questions. See, I figured there’d be someone out there who would be trying to do something about Darquesse before she even turned up. That’s when I heard your name for the first time. You’re a psychic, aren’t you Jerry?”

“I... I prefer the term clairvoyant.”

Tanith did her best not to roll her eyes. “Clairvoyant, of course. And as a clairvoyant, you would have seen visions of Darquesse.”

“Of course,” Jerry said, nodding. He was still on the floor, but he was sitting a little straighter now. His chest puffed out slightly. “Even low-level Sensitives picked up something. For a clairvoyant of my ability, it was a veritable tsunami of images and sensations and emotions. Very powerful.”

“What did you see?”

“I saw death.”

Sanguine gave a barely-suppressed sigh.

“What do you mean?” Tanith asked, smiling at Jerry.

“I saw a city destroyed. Streets cracked and broken. Buildings burning. And I saw her. I saw Darquesse.”

“Did you see her face?”

“Alas, no, I did not,” said Jerry, and Tanith resisted smacking him for using the word alas in an irony-free context. “But there is no doubt in my mind that it was her. Ten foot tall, she was. A terrible sight to behold.”

“Ten foot tall?” Sanguine asked.

Jerry nodded. “Oh yes. Easily. And the way she moved... like a cat.”

Sanguine frowned behind his sunglasses. “What, on all fours?”

“Pardon me?”

Sanguine continued. “I heard from another psychic- sorry, clairvoyant- that Darquesse had long black fingernails that she used to cut off people’s heads. Did you see that?”

Jerry nodded. “It was awful.”

“And she shot laser beams out of her eyes.”

“Well,” Jerry said with a shrug, “I don’t know if they were laser beams, but yes. Devastating blasts, they were.”

“This clairvoyant friend of ours,” Sanguine continued, “he also caught a glimpse of red hair beneath her cloak. Did you see that? Don’t worry if you didn’t. Our friend is probably the most powerful Sensitive in the world, I wouldn’t be surprised if you didn’t see as much as him.”

“Red hair?” Jerry said. “Yes. Yes, I saw that too, now that you mention it. Long, tousled red hair.”

“He said it was straight.”

“Long straight red hair, yes.”

“He said it was short.”

“Short straight red hair, that’s what I meant to say.”

Sanguine looked at Tanith, who glowered and poked Jerry. He screamed. She had poked him with her sword.

“You’re lying to us,” she said. He screamed again. “We don’t have a psychic friend. Billy-Ray made all that stuff up. You didn’t see a vision, did you?”

She twisted the sword and his screams reached a new pitch. “No! No I didn’t! I’m sorry! Please stop stabbing me!”

She withdrew the sword, and wiped the tip of the blade on his shirt. “Are you even a Sensitive, Jerry?”

“I am,” he whimpered, cradling his wound, “but I’m not a very good one. Sometimes... sometimes I can predict the weather, if it’s a nice day.”

“Is it going to rain tomorrow?” Sanguine asked.

“I don’t know,” Jerry confessed. “I can only predict a few minutes into the future. Most of the time I have to watch the forecast like everyone else.”

“You,” Sanguine said, “are the worst psychic I’ve ever met.”

“Does anyone else know that you’re a fraud?” asked Tanith.

“No,” Jerry said, sobbing. “I’ve managed to keep them fooled. It hasn’t been easy, but whenever they ask me to look into the future I always try to be as vague as possible. I talk about shadows and death and ominous feelings, and they generally infer their own meanings onto that and then leave me alone.”

“So when this group of sorcerers asked you to find out more about Darquesse,” Tanith said, “you basically just copied what every other Sensitive was saying?”

“Essentially, yes,” Jerry said. “Can I have a bandage? I’m bleeding quite badly here.”

“First you tell us what they’re planning, and then we’ll see about bandages.”

“I’m losing a lot of blood.”

Tanith let the veins rise beneath her skin, and her black lips curled into a smile. “Tell us what they’re planning.”

Jerry paled, his face going slack. “Yes. Yes, of course. They’re going after weapons. Four weapons, that they think could hurt Darquesse.”

“Where are these weapons?”

“Scattered,” said Jerry. “All over the world. They’re going to go after them.”

“And you know where they’re goin’?” Sanguine asked.

“I have a list of the possible locations.” Jerry took out his wallet, rifled through it, came out with a crumpled piece of paper.

Tanith took it from him, examined it, and nodded. “Looks like we won’t be needing you anymore.”

He brightened. “So that’s it? I can go?”

She pulled him to his feet. “You can go,” she smiled, and her sword flashed and she took off his head.

“You,” Sanguine said, “are delicious when you’re vicious.”

She gave him a smirk, and led the way to the front door. She opened it and froze.

Six little children in Halloween outfits looked up at her.

“Trick or treat,” said the little witch. Surrounding the witch was a pirate, a zombie, a vampire, a Mad Hatter and a rabbit. They rattled their buckets.

“Uh,” said Tanith.

Sanguine appeared at her elbow, and grinned at the kids. “Look,” he said, “there’s a little zombie. Smells a darn sight better than the real thing, doesn’t he? And a vampire! Doesn’t she look cute? And a rabbit!” He faltered. “A rabbit. That... that ain’t exactly scary, though, is it?”

The rabbit looked up at him. “It is if you’re scared of rabbits.”

Tanith nodded. “You’ve got to admit, he makes a good point.”

“You talk funny,” said the witch. “Where are you from?”

Tanith smiled. “I’m from London.”

The pirate frowned. “Is that in France?”

The Mad Hatter scowled. “It’s in England, dummy.” He looked at Tanith. “You’re English. Why do you have a sword?”

“Because I’m an English ninja,” Tanith replied. “We’re just like regular ninjas, except we wear leather and flirt more.”

The kids nodded, satisfied with the definition, and then rattled their buckets again. “Trick or treat,” they chorused.

“This actually isn’t our house,” Tanith told them, “but whatever you find in there, is yours to keep.”

The pirate perked up. “Even the TV?”

“Especially the TV.”

The kids glanced at each other, then stormed the house. Tanith waited a moment, watching them approach Jerry’s headless corpse warily. The rabbit hesitated, then nudged Jerry’s head with his fluffy foot. The head rolled in its own blood, and the rabbit shrugged. “That’s so fake,” he said, and turned to help the pirate with the TV.


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Nixion Strange said...

Oh, i LOVE birds

Eve the ROCK said...

Thanks for the comment, Mist.

*puts on Shrek accent*

I just can't do it, Donkey!

Hehe. Randomlicious.

Nixion Strange said...

you know on the blog you don't have to make a story people finish. You can do something that you wanto the temporarily do to your character and finish it yourself

Eve the ROCK said...

Oh, okay. Thanks for the extra allowingness, Nix.

Nixion Strange said...

im not allowing you, im informing you

Eve the ROCK said...

Fine. Thanks for the extra INFORMINGNESS, Nix.

Nixion Strange said...

You're WELCOME Eve

Zathract Mist said...

Eve, please do something I can respond to well...

Or NIX put up something I can respond to then.

Nixion Strange said...

respond to? then i'll have to give up this idea im writing...
Okay, i got something, give me a sec

Zathract Mist said...

One second has passed. Post it up nooooooooooooooow!

Eve the ROCK said...


So raise your glass if you are wrong!
In all the right ways!
All my underdogs!
We will never-


Nixion Strange said...

*holds up medal*
See this? I'll post it when it's ready, cause im right

Eve the ROCK said...

*moans and falls onto the floor*

But I can't do serious. You can. But I can't. Im sorry.

Zathract Mist said...

*steals the medal off Nix*

You don't get this back until you put it up like a good doggy.

Nixion Strange said...

i have the medal in my hand
*medal appears in my hand*
See? I'm right
*puts it in alternative demention*
Give me a few minutes, or you won't get it at all

Zathract Mist said...


*waits unhappily*

Zathract Mist said...

*pulls Eve back onto the couch*

Eve the ROCK said...

*is poking mosquito bite*

Nixion Strange said...

okay, i need an idea...

Eve the ROCK said...

*sits next to him and huffs*

Eve the ROCK said...


Nixion Strange said...

got an idea!
It's not about apples though... how would you even-
Look, im writing now

Eve the ROCK said...

*is glaring at hands*

Zathract Mist said...

*looks at Eve*

What's up...?

Eve the ROCK said...


*is angry at self* It's just that you're all so bloody talented at writing and I'm crap at it.

*shakes head* it's funny, coz I actually thought I was-

*curses* I have to go now. I'll be back in half an hour, hopefully less. *hugs Mist and leaves*

Nixion Strange said...

Eve, you're a great writer

Zathract Mist said...



I'll tell you everything when you get back.

Bye, come back soon. *hugs back*

Zathract Mist said...

Okay. Will read in a sec. Switching to iPod.

Nixion Strange said...


Nixion Strange said...


Nixion Strange said...


Octa said...

*turns into a giant mosquito eating apple*

Zathract Mist said...

I posted on my blog and on Blogland Chronicles.

Nixion Strange said...

so... are you a mosquito eating an apple, or an apple that eats mosquitos?

Eve the ROCK said...

*is back* Yes, Octa! Eat those mozzies!

Octa said...

An apple that eats mosquitoes.

Sorry for the ambiguity.

Octa said...

Salutations Eve!

Nixion Strange said...

gteetings and salutations Eve

Nixion Strange said...

What If? may be my greatest idea yet

Eve the ROCK said...

Salutation? Chop that word into itty bitty pieces and you get a salute. The E is s generous gift from moi.

Eve the ROCK said...

Commented on your two latest posts, Mist.

Zathract Mist said...


What the hell should I do?!

Eve the ROCK said...

Yes, Nix, you are genius. We all got over it.

Eve the ROCK said...

What do you mean, Mist?

Nixion Strange said...

yes Eve, greetings and salute
Give me a salute Eve

Nixion Strange said...

Mist, this is why i wrote it. Any chose you make is a bad one

Eve the ROCK said...

*salutes to Nix* Now off to war with you! Oh wait, that's me...

Octa said...

Would you settle for half of this freshly rotting lemon?

Eve the ROCK said...

Oh, in What If. I get it. *starts rapping*

Nixion Strange said...

Yeah, i get a comfy deask job and get to boss people around, while you go and most likly die
And i get paid more
Have Fun!

Eve the ROCK said...

I love half lemons! Especially when they are rotting! *takes lemon and eats it whole* The sour taste tickles my toungue!

Nixion Strange said...

Freshly rotting? I don't know how anyone can resist that

Octa said...

Freshly rotting at that!

Very fresh rot!

Eve the ROCK said...

Sir, yes sir! *marches off to the end of my life*

Octa said...

Because no one wants to eat mouldy stale old rot.

Zathract Mist said...

What the hell should I do?!

I can't just leave you two there...

Nixion Strange said...

but why is the rum gone?

Eve the ROCK said...

Ah, but I always take fresh rot for granted. It is one of my many flaws.

Nixion Strange said...

you can save of of us and watch the other die, save both of us and millions die or save none of us and save mllions

Octa said...

I suggest donning a tutu and dancing your troubles away.

Tis a most excellent stress reliever.

Also it'd make me laugh.

Eve the ROCK said...

You can leave me there. To save the aaaamuleeeet!

Octa said...


Zathract Mist said...

I would never leave you.

Nixion Strange said...

i bet Eve will be saved
Or millions
Or me
Or no one
Wait, those are all the options...

Eve the ROCK said...

I sold my tutu and my troubles at the age of 62.

Sure you would, Mist. It's easy!

Eve the ROCK said...

You ARE the banana king!

Zathract Mist said...

Hang on...


You can use your bone breaker thing, I can stab Eve's vamp. Yay!

Nixion Strange said...

no, i can't because im not fast enough, and i'll die if i try
and i don't know that

Eve the ROCK said...

I could easily bite the vampire's hand off. Nothing like a good vampire hand to settle my stomach.

Nixion Strange said...

i don't know your plan
You have your options, pick one

Nixion Strange said...

Eve, throat being held, out of your mouths reach, really fast so if you even twitch you'll be dead

Eve the ROCK said...


Nixion Strange said...

Cthulu wouldn't be fast enough either

Eve the ROCK said...


Zathract Mist said...

*grumbles darkly*

I'll be back soon. Gonna type up that response and typing on iPod is slow.

*kisses Eve and starts writing*

Nixion Strange said...

Vamp would then kill you

Octa said...


Zathract Mist said...


Eve the ROCK said...

*kisses him back* Type like the wind, Mist!

Nixion Strange said...

Mist, wait!

Eve the ROCK said...

No. WORST fear. Your initial reaction to your worst fear isn't killing it.

Nixion Strange said...


Nixion Strange said...

i have a feeling Mist didn't wait...

Nixion Strange said...

I dedicate this page to What If?
It's a great idea, and in the first day we've already got seven posts. May we enjoy it for a long time

Eve the ROCK said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Huzzah? Huzzah?

*throws an oven at Nix*

Octa said...


Nixion Strange said...


Eve the ROCK said...

*pulls out gun*

*is wearing awesome sunglasses*

Not today.

Octa said...


Nixion Strange said...

Hello parking meter

Octa said...

I like singing!

I like dancing!

Nixion Strange said...


Nixion Strange said...

I like trains

Octa said...

I haven't even read the story or know the rules or anything!

*searches desperately for a loop to climb into*

Link please?

Octa said...


How did I get here?

The end.

Eve the ROCK said...

...You didn't really leave the situation bet open to the imagination, did you?

So let's see:

I'm tired.

It's seen me use my power.

It knows it's not real.

It's not a wimp.

Are you canceling out every solution I come up with just to make sure there's no happy ending?

Tut tut, Nix. Tut. Tut. *starts tutting*

Nixion Strange said...
no oficial rules, but if someone who wrote it says you only have these options, it'd be stupid to make your own

Octa said...

*starts tutting a semi-octave higher than Eve*

*wonders who else will join in the barbshop quartut*


Nixion Strange said...

Eve, the whole point of that story was there was a few bad options, and you had to pick one
not to try and think of your own

Eve the ROCK said...

Why would it be stupid? You never even said it wasn't allowed, and now you're calling me stupid? I am shocked, Nix. Shocked.

...Well, not that shocked.

Nixion Strange said...

not saying your stupid Eve...

Eve the ROCK said...

I am not tutting with my voice, Mr. Ambrosius. I am tutting with my arms.

Eve the ROCK said...

I know you're not. I am simply a camoflauged mango.

Nixion Strange said...

Nixion Strange said...

Harry Potter, how it should have ended
I haven't even watched it yet

Eve the ROCK said...

99 seconds is cool.

You haven't watch How HP should have ended?! *faints*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Is dear Octaboona still here?

I need a chat.

Eve the ROCK said...

*raises eyebrow at Phoenix* Thought you left.

Nixion Strange said...

new you wouldm't stay away forver
Im glad you're back Flame

Eve the ROCK said...

Wow, that sounded mean...sorry.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

I'm left. I want to talk to my blog dad. Is that a problem?

*raises eyebrow*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

And I'm checking back. There is one person I want to talk to. But he hasn't been on. Bah.

Eve the ROCK said...

Blog dad?


Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Octa. Contact me.

Nixion Strange said...

aww... wait, blog dad?

Eve the ROCK said...

I fink Kallista and Octa adopted Phoenix.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

They did.

But, now, bye

Nixion Strange said...

Bye Flame...

Eve the ROCK said...

Bye Phoenix. Have fun without us.

Eve the ROCK said...

*glares at comments of late*


*sits on ground and huffs*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Eve. Your making ne feel guilty. I shouldn't feel guilty, so, please. Stop.

Eve the ROCK said...

I know you shouldn't. I'm sorry.

Eve the ROCK said...

*is dragging a nerf gun towards self with toes*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

I hate this.

Guys. Life goes on. Seriously. Comment. Have fun. Do random things. The blog- is ruined if that doesn't happen and I font want that. Nor do you. So. Yeah


Eve the ROCK said...

That's what we're doing.

Bye Phoenix

Nixion Strange said...

Bye Flame...

Eve the ROCK said...

I wonder how much Mist has written...

Nixion Strange said...

not that much i bet

Eve the ROCK said...

Aw. :(

Octa said...

I seem to make a habit of just randomly disappearing and reapparing.

I am easily distractable.

I wander what Flame wanted...

Eve the ROCK said...

*is tossing Bionicles around* Die, Vezzorak, die...

Nixion Strange said...

Hye Oct, im talking to Kal on chat right now

Eve the ROCK said...

WB octa!

I fink he wanted you to email him.

Nixion Strange said...

And Mist is commng back

Eve the ROCK said...

I know he's coming back. I just wanted him to come back soon.

Nixion Strange said...

like, now
He just commented on the blog

Zathract Mist said...

Argh! It wont let me put up the second part. Stupid iPod.

Nix, put it up for me.

But even as he was running towards the vampire, he saw his hand clench into a fist and rip out the throat of his girlfriend. Blood sprayed everywhere and Eve's limp body fell backwards looking mangled and distorted. 
Everything was fuzzy. Slow. A refusal to accept what had happened, a wall in Zathract's mind that was blocking out the truth. Eve could not be dead. It was impossible. He would never allow that to happen. 
Someone was calling his name.
That didn't matter. 
The truth was slowly sinking in. 
"I..." Zathract gasped, his eyes on Eve's mangled body. ""
Someone grabbed his arm before he could continue and he lunged forwards, trying to get to  the vampire, but he wasn't there anymore. In his place stood Sparky with Lynxia and Robin talking from behind. 
"NO!" Zathract bellowed making everyone turn to look at him as Sheldon released his arm. 
He fell to his knees as tears spilled over his face and streamed on to the floor relentlessly. He didn't try and stop it. Nothing like that mattered.  
Eve was dead 
And it was his fault. 
"No..." he gasped between another sob, tears now pouring over his face. 
"Zath," someone said. "Nix, what happened?"
Zathract was not listening. 
Eve was dead. 
It was his fault. 
Eve was dead. 
It was his fault. 
His girlfriend was dead because of him. 
Slowly, Zathract raised his head, the tears not halting. His gaze fell on Nixion who's face was white. 
The words came spilling out before he could stop them, but he didn't care. 

"You weren't worth it." he gasped, practically moaning with grief. 
"No..." Nixion whispered. "I wasn't..."

Eve the ROCK said...

Just read it. *sighs* He has such a way with words...

Eve the ROCK said...

So I am dead.

Ah, well, you never know, I might pull a Jes-

Wait, that's disrespectful. :P

Zathract Mist said...

*cocks head*

That took me forever to write out.

Nixion Strange said...

yes, that is Eve

Zathract Mist said...

Nix, why did you want me to wait?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Hey, what post we on?

Nixion Strange said...

never mind

Nixion Strange said...

the halloween stroy thing i think...

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

G2g. Bye. Nix tell kal what post this is.

Eve the ROCK said...

Bye Phoenix

Zathract Mist said...

*manages not to roll eyes and flops back down on couch*

So. What would you guys rate that? Was it any good?

Eve the ROCK said...

Ack, my comment disappeared.


Eve the ROCK said...

Ten out of ten. You write awesomely, Mist. *sits next to him*

Zathract Mist said...

Aw. Okay. :( *hugs just in case*

Thanks, guys.

Eve the ROCK said...

Wait, 9.99, because you wrote gloves instead of gloved. :P

Zathract Mist said...

Damn it. I always do that...

Eve the ROCK said...

*grins* Would've been better if I died wearing awesome sunglasses. But that's Nix's fault.

Nixion Strange said...

my fault, of course

Eve the ROCK said...

*throws an oven at Nix*

Nixion Strange said...

*dodges oven*

Zathract Mist said...

I would have put them on your at your funeral, but Sheldon left without your body. *tuts*

*laughs and pulls Eve in close*

Eve the ROCK said...

*sighs sadly at Mist's writing*

Eve the ROCK said...

*smiles and kisses him*

Zathract Mist said...

*kisses back*

Just so you know, I would never let you die.

Eve the ROCK said...

*smiles* Not even for the aaamuleeet?

Zathract Mist said...


*grins and kisses her again*

Eve the ROCK said...

*kisses him back* I wouldn't let me die either.

....You knoooow, you could've just used my Ressurrection Toolkit.

Zathract Mist said...

*grins and slaps her cheek softly*

Nixion Strange said...

i never got why in Captain America he didn't just turn the plane around at the end...

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

I think I'm going to post a couple of stories in the next while. Am I part of the blogland chronicles.

Zathract Mist said...

Oh for...

Flame, are you leaving or not?

Nixion Strange said...

Hi Flame

Eve the ROCK said...

*pretends to be insulted* Oh, so it's shame on me for being prepared?

You could always just kiss me back to life, you know. That seems to work on some.

....What if I became a vampire?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Zath. Bah. *doesnt answer*

Eve the ROCK said...

*sighs* hi again, Phoenix.

Zathract Mist said...

Your throat had been ripped out. Kissing wouldn't help.

*kisses her*

If you became a vampire, I'd lock you away each night and make sure Val didn't try and kill you.
And I'd make you swear you'd never bite me.

Zathract Mist said...

Yeah, whatever. *ignores him*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Star Inkbright said...

Hi people!


Star Inkbright said...

I haven't been on aaaall day . . .

Apart from when i was writing, which doesn't really count.

Star Inkbright said...

Oh, PLEEEEASE don't say nobody's here . . .

Star Inkbright said...

My new fav is:


Just Rebellion.

Plain, but it works.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Hey star.

Zathract Mist said...


Comment and such. It's awesome. Kay? Good.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Zathract Mist said...

I'm too tired now. Night Star.

Gabriel said...

Is anyone still here??

Gabriel said...

Yep. People are still here.

Gabriel said...

Or not..

Lynxia Lost said...

Damn. I think I missed everyone...

Lynxia Lost said...

Damn. I think I missed everyone...

Gabriel said...


Lynxia Lost said...

Hi Gab! *hugs* How are you?

You know... Practising the piano and blogging at the same time is hard...

Gabriel said...

Sorry for the over enthusiastic call.
I'm just feeling optimistic even though my future is going to be a dark, dark place. Lol/

Gabriel said...

Wow you know how to play the piano?
Damn it...I thought about the things that's keeping me afloat and not thinking about suicide....and all I came up with is I actually smiled when I thought of that... I have no life.

Lynxia Lost said...

A dark, dark place... Right.

Damn, now I'm YouTube-ing too. I need to stop doing so many things at once.

Gabriel said...

Yeah... My computer is already slow...But I'm just blogging right now.

Gabriel said...

And Facebook-ing.

Lynxia Lost said...

Yeah, I have a life. Just a very sad one.

Yeah, I'm playing Pirates of the Caribbean on piano, blogging and listening to Star Wars being played on the cello all at once.

Lynxia Lost said...

I don't have Facebook.

Star Inkbright said...

I alreadt follow what if. But i'd rather not comment or anything on it till i get home.

Lynxia Lost said...

Hi Star.

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