Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Spoilers Ahead!

The time has come...

Death Bringer is trickling into some shops ahead of schedule... I was in my local bookstore today and there it was- out two days before it should be. I glared at the book, and the book blushed, for such is the power of my glare.

The official launch is today- Wednesday- in Dublin. And then Thursday it is finally, and officially, unleashed.

So the comments section for THIS blog entry are reserved for MILD SPOILERS. There is to be NO casual conversation here- that's what the previous entry is for. THIS entry is for discussions about the book. Even so, try to exercise SOME caution, because you just KNOW that someone is going to stumble onto it by accident, or they're going to pop in before they've FINISHED and then they're going to be horrified that the ending is now ruined for them...

So. If you haven't read Death Bringer, continue using the previous comments section. But once you have read it... discuss it here.

And now I'm going to bed.


1 – 200 of 432   Newer›   Newest»
Derek Landy said...

I've read it, so I can post.


Now bed.

**Poppy** said...

2 comment!

Jasmine Lovelace said...

ooh third!

Jasmine Lovelace said...

*smiles proudly* first third comment :p

Jasmine Lovelace said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jasmine Lovelace said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jasmine Lovelace said...
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Jasmine Lovelace said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jasmine Lovelace said...

gonna delete the comments so people get the 4th and 5th place =)

Jasmine Lovelace said...

just realised what a stupid thing to do

Blood Butterflies said...


Blood Butterflies said...


Blood Butterflies said...

Well..... I haven't read it.... shoot....... nevermind. I'm going back to the old one. SAVE A SECTION FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DEREK!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE COME ONLINE!!!!!!!!!!!! *screams*

Jasmine Lovelace said...

im here!

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...


Jasmine Lovelace said...

lol bb...after writing an amazingly mindblowing book...all the guy wants is some sleep :P

Jasmine Lovelace said...


Jasmine Lovelace said...

and no...i couldnt fall asleep :(

Jasmine Lovelace said...

did i hi-5 you for being 13 aswell?

Pyro how on earth do you manage to write beautiful poems?

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

I've posted it on the poetry blog

Jasmine Lovelace said...

Great thx!

Jasmine Lovelace said...


Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Kk Jasmine!!!¡¡¡!!!

Jasmine Lovelace said...

posted a comment! =)

Jasmine Lovelace said...

*facepalm* Pyro why couldnt i have know you earlier?

would have gotten to read these great peices of work =)

Blood Butterflies said...


The day before I die

The clock strikes ten.
Clasp my hands and with upturned eyes,
How many times do I forsake these skies?
Look back down, see the summer frost,
Big bad sins come at such a cost.
The day before I die, I sit on the dirty ground,
Head turned thoughtfully and eyes cast down.
Why did I have to be so stupid?
Why did I have to kill him, small Cupid?
Because of rash and undecided actions,
I find myself here with my meager rations.
Find myself in a very dark, dank lair,
Where mice dart in and out of my hair.
Now my hands are shackled, they pull me out,
Their taunting words echoing about.
Poor girl, they sneer. Poor poor girl.
Most stupid murderer in all the world.
And the clock strikes eleven.
Shuffle to your cell, they say.
They push, and on the ground I lay.
Struggling to sit back upright now,
I feel as helpless as a pregnant mother sow.
The guards laugh and close the door,
Leaving me staring at the darkening floor.
Stare, girl, I say. Stare all you like.
In the next one hour your head’ll be on a spike.
Stupid, foolish, idiotic girl.
Most stupid murderer in all the world.
The day before I die, almost over,
And I pick up my last clover.
Help me, I pray. My only hope, help me.
My eyes, upturned to God for him to see.
And the clock strikes twelve.

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Thanks, it means a lot when people like my work.

Blood Butterflies said...


Jasmine Lovelace said...

hey no prob Pyro =)

wow BB *stares in awe at poem*

Blood Butterflies said...

*gives everyone chocolate pudding with custard sauce*

Jasmine Lovelace said...

ooh yumm!

*eats custard happily*..hey im doing extreem power yoga later :P

Blood Butterflies said...


Blood Butterflies said...

lol okay. How is Iris? I heard they cancelled the hostel. I'M SO HAPPY!!!!!!!

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

That's fantastic Tessa!!!

It really and truly is amazing!

Jasmine Lovelace said...

yes hours do Flip ^^

Blood Butterflies said...

Thanks Pyro!

Jas: I don't think hours flip. THEY FLY.

Jasmine Lovelace said...

BB she's good i gusse!

...i've got some bad news about me though =(

Blood Butterflies said...

NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Unless Derek comes to the previous post to talk to meeeeeeeeeeeee XD

Jasmine Lovelace said...

Kall i know...i just couldnt help it :p

Blood Butterflies said...

Aw, what happened?

Jasmine Lovelace said...


Kribu said...

Okay, I can say then that I've read it too (*huggles bookshops who release things early, even though I know it's wrong and all*), and, well, I'm still hanging out here, aren't I? Would I do that if the book hadn't been BLOODY BRILLIANT?

Emphasis on both bloody, and brilliant...

I whimpered. I don't whimper when I read books, but, well, I whimpered. Chapter 29 made me whimper, and then I sat and whimpered for a bit before I could even read on.

I think I was mostly in a consistent state of whimper for the rest of it, too. Except for the bits where I laughed, and laughed, or wibbled.

Also, as a Val/Skul shipper (yes, there, I've admitted it and I'm not particularly ashamed of it!) ... well, there was a lot there that made me grin. In a "oh dear what an evil tease this author is" way.

So... yeah. Loved it. Possibly my favourite of the books yet.

Rebella Sadistic said...

Melancholia on the back cover was mad!

AlasseCarnesir said...

Hi Derek,

Been reading this series for the past year once I discovered it and am finding it such a joy to read. I've been waiting anxiously for this installment and even though I am only up to Chapter 8, I'm having a great time reading it.

You're truly an inspiration to those of us who want to write but are afraid.

I picked up my copy yesterday (30th August). I was pretty stoked actually because I was dying to read it.

I especially love that dedication on the front. You always write such interesting dedications.

Just wanted to drop a line now that I've bent your ear a bit with my waffling. Am looking forward to reading more of Deathbringer and anticipating the rest of the books to come. I'm not even going to contemplate the last book right now because I'd hate to have to leave this world you've created. Then again, that's why I buy the books so I can reread them over and over and over.


Kribu said...

Oh, and that twist ... I did not see that coming. I mean, in hindsight, it's brilliantly obvious - all the clues have been there, carefully placed throughout the books, and it makes so much sense, but ... I didn't expect that.

MysticScraper said...

Woah...that twist was shocking. Completely unexpected. My favorite book from the series.

Blood Butterflies said...



Anonymous said...

Oh no, i still haven't preordered. Must do so right, like, 6 hours. The money machine has gone to work, you see. Thank you Derek L!! (I never know how to address you! Should I just say Derek or is that to familiar? Mr Landy sounds like your my teacher - school teacher, not awesome way of the ninja teacher which would be something like...Grand Master Dee.) Anyway, on with the sentence, thank you Derek L for making the short stories available!! Can't wait to read them, especially on my kindle :D:D I can tell they are going to be brilliant, even the titles have me cracking a smile already! And now i must wait 2 whole days without returning to this page and having a wee peek at what endless joys await me.

Anonymous said...

I just had the slightest, ittiest, bittiest peek. There is a twist. An apparantly SHOCKING twist. Oh lord, what could it be?? AHHH its going to be SOOOO DAMN GOOD! *happy dance*

Rebella Sadistic said...

Fletcher and Val break up. thats all i know from reading the last pages at my book store.

Kribu said...

I actually felt really sorry for Fletcher in this book.

I mean, this is GOOD writing - I couldn't stand him when he first appeared, and then through just a couple of books, I went from finding him incredibly irritating to thinking "well, this is basically a good, nice, decent boy here; I'm seriously feeling bad for the way he's being treated".

But yeah, it was bound to happen at some point, so I can't say I was shocked about that happening. Moved, though! Fletcher went through some great growth and maturing as a character.

Aerliss said...

Finished it last and commented on the last thread... where it probably got swamped in spam :P So I'll say again; Chapter 61 is brilliant. I have waited for that chapter for a few books. Thank you Mr Landy, thank you very much.

@Kribu; Agreed. He's grown up very fast. Hopefully he continues to do so. The same with China. Her change was ever so subtle, ever so slight.

Didn't see the revelation coming. Absolutely did not. My jaw dropped.

I keep loving Skulduggery more and more, but by the end (yeah, not half way through but RIGHT at the end) I grew a little bit afraid of him and what he might do.

Kribu said...

Aerliss - I so agree about China, too!

I am a little worried and a little afraid about both Skulduggery and Valkyrie. They both have potential to do some very scary things. Which is ... an all new level of complexity there, really, and so awesome, but it does make me wibble.

Oh, and also ... I'm almost a bit amazed how much I still LIKE both Valkyrie and Skulduggery. I mean, they're both fantastically flawed characters, and the things they have done, and the things they may do in the future, there's some pretty dark stuff there. But it's impossible to not feel for them and sympathise with them, as we see that *struggle* that they (well, Valkyrie, and Skul through Val's eyes) are going through.

As for chapter 61 ... yes. Brilliant. And a fitting fate, really.

Vita Song said...

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh wannna read booookkkk,

Ayesha said...

Ok I know I haven't read the book and don't worry I shall be going to other one as soon as I commented but I can't get the book on Thursday I have to get it on Friday It's because it's eid for me today and eid lasts two days so I have to wait one extra day, that totally sucks.... damn it!! :'(

Well anyways I won't be on till Friday anyways so Byee everyone!!

Brey said...

Oh fudge :( I'll have to order it online asap, if not I'll have to wait for six months before I can buy it in my local book store.

Derek please come to sweden! We promise to feed you! and take you out for a stroll in the park.....on saturdays...!

Rowena said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Swindler the Thief said...

Just what I needed. There is a character in the book named after a person on the blog. Oh and the book is AMAZING!

Swindler the Thief said...

Oh and Eid Mubarak.

(No need for conversation just needed to say that!)

GhastlyFan22 said...

Could Someone E-mail Me What Happpens PLEASE

ValkyrieMist said...

I'm literally about to go and check if it's at my bookstore now.

Rebella Sadistic said...

the book has been at my dymocks for the last 4 days

M said...

derek! the book is amazing,i am already excited about the next one! best wishes for the future :D x

Quinnera Elviana: 5th Seat of the Council of the Lost Ones said...

Ok. I haven't read it.

I'm just here to say, to those of you who've read it:



Now- I'm not even going to look at this post any more. I WANT TO KNOW NOTHING.


Yeah. Random evil laugh. Because I'm cool like that.


Snoogy said...


Now seeing as I haven't read the book yet, I must go, for last time I read some spoilers on mortal coil which was really annoying!

Jimmy is ainm dom said...

I loved the book :D It's definitely one of my favourite books of all time ever, but then again every Skulduggery book is one of my favourite books of all time ever (Playing With Fire is still my favourite though, because I had no idea it was even being written so when I saw it in the book shop I was so surprised, plus it's got my favourite cover, plus it introduces my favourite character, Spring-heeled Jack, plus Derek Landy signed my copy of it).
I actually really liked Chapter 34, 'Valkyrie and Fletcher', because ever since Dark Days I've hated Valkyrie's attitude towards Fletcher, and I was really on his side of the argument the whole time. And it shows how Fletcher has matured way more than Valkyrie, and I really felt she deserved everything Fletcher said. I think Derek was sort of hinting at this when the taxi driver is talking about a character in Gordon's books and he says: 'In the first book when you meet him, you think he's the brave hero. But he's not. He's a selfish little coward.' While I don't think Valkyrie is a coward, the taxi driver pretty much summed up how I feel about her. But that shows us what a brilliant writer Derek is, that he can change our perception of a character so easily.
Also, the twist was amazing. Definitely the best twist in any book or movie I've ever seen, because when you hear it first it's so unexpected, and I had to read it again to make sure I'd read it right, but then when you think about it you realise it's so obvious and it makes so much sense, but you'd never think of it yourself.
Plus I'm all happy that we don't have to wait an entire year for more Skulduggery, with the World Book Day book coming out :D I never thought I could say this sentence and not sound crazy, but I can't wait for The End Of The World!

Jimmy is ainm dom said...

Whoah, I just realised that was a massive comment :P

bethany_sarah said...

Please please please someone post spoilers....and lots of them!! Cant get the book quick enough!! Or perhaps just some clues as to wth happens in Chapter 61????? Or what happens to Tanith?

Kribu said...

@Jimmy - I felt the taxi driver's comment was appropriate about both Valkyrie and Skulduggery, really. Except that I don't think either of them are cowards, other than when it comes to telling the other the important stuff.

"Valkyrie and Fletcher" was an awesome chapter. And it really showed Fletcher in a much better light than Valkyrie. (To be fair, Valkyrie's also had a lot of heavy stuff on her mind for a while now, but that's no excuse for the way she treated him, neither in this chapter nor in general.)

Jimmy is ainm dom said...

Thanks Kribu, I totally agree :D

Kribu said...

@bethany - what with people being likely to stumble across this post and comments also by accident, I suspect none of us is wanting to reveal the major spoilers!

Chapter 61 though ... without going into too spoilery details (because some things you really need to read, not just be told, to appreciate fully ~evil grin~), Caelan and Valkyrie have a disagreement.

As for Tanith - we only get a few mentions of her in this book, so not much to be said there. I hope we'll see more of her again in the next book, because I really want to know, too, but I think Death Bringer had more than enough stuff going on without a whole big Tanith subplot.

- said...

that twist was... well... epic, surprising, genius - i did not see that coming. LITERALLY because... well... i still don't know it, i'm going down tomorrow to get the book

Octa said...

I can post!

Just finished reading Deathbringer. My favourite book yet. That twist was mind blowing but so very obvious. And I loved chapter 61.

And two bloggers on here who I know very well feature in the book. That warmed my heart it did.

Plus I believe I may have found a mistake. When ghastly lists the 7 dead men he doesn't mention Erskine Ravel. I swear Ravel was one of the dead men. Which would make it 8.

Also in my copy the baby is called Alice but in the online exract she is Alison.

The ending was phenomenal and I loved the growth of the characters. And the countless revelations especially the one about Fergus was truly amazing. Des is hilarious as ever.

This book is a masterpiece.

- said...

darn. everyone knows this twist but me seemingly. and what is with chapter 61!!!! and wow! how many chapters are there? as there is at least 61.

Anonymous said...

re: rebecca sadistic

- said...

oh and by the way - Octaboona. Alice is meant to be short for Alison i think.... (not that I (!!!!) would know, as I (!!!!!) haven't read the book yet)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

only mild
that was as FAR from mild as you can GET

Anonymous said...

but then again
i shouldnt have read the comments.........ah well
i WILL learn from my mistakes
happy reading everybody! :)

thrice dozer said...

sup havent been on here in AGES!!!!!

Octa said...

Umm there be 62 chapters altogether.

@ China

That isn't actually the twist no.

Considering the actual twist and all the revelations Rebecca's comment was very mild indeed.

Anonymous said...

OMG OMG OMG exctited 4 death bringer soooo much
in a massive act of loyalty i am selling my stuff to by you book derek. I hope you put me on the list of awsome people for this XD

coming to blue water to get my book signed on the tenth YAY!

Anonymous said...

oops ive just read the post and realised i wasnt supposed to do that post....*blushs* sowwy dewek.
Ok Mild spoiler....I havent got the book yet so here goes..ITS TOTALLY AMAZING!! i can tell from my future seeing vision that it is

Kribu said...

@China ... believe me, that was NOT the twist. And compared to everything else in the book, I think it's about as mild a spoiler as it can get while actually talking about things happening in the book!

As for Alice/Alison - yeah. She's Alison at first, then Alice throughout the book and then switches to Alison again later on. I did wonder if it's something that got changed in a late stage and proofreading didn't catch it all, or if it is actually Alison being called Alice most of the time (it didn't actually feel like a nickname being used, but if that's what it was, fine by me!).

Octa said...

Isn't Deathbringer so phenomenal.

I'm still in an OMG awesome sort of haze.

When Derek said that at the end of Death Bringer we'd be going oh god is that refering to

the end bit with Kenny

or the end scene with China

or both? neither?

Octa said...

I refer to a previous post. To this passage.

I’m not saying the endings are in ANY way similar, because they’re not. The Faceless Ones ended with the reader shouting “Oh God no no no NO!” whereas Book Six will end with the reader saying “oh... hell...” very, very quietly.

Kribu said...

Octa - I think it's the Kenny bit.

I have my theories about China, but it's not really what worries me. The bit with Kenny though? That pretty much has to lead to trouble in the next book/trilogy, doesn't it?

March's Secret Santa said...

Undoubtedly it does.

Jitter Girls played a smaller part than I thought they would.

Kribu said...

Yeah, they did, and I suppose I had expected a bit more, too ... but it was a nice way to introduce enough danger in the beginning of the book for You-Know-Who to come out to play, which of course was significant. And that pretty much fulfilled their purpose.

March's Secret Santa said...

I knew as soon as You Know Who appeared that she'd be back at the end of the book.

I eagerly looked forward to it. And was very impressed.

Kribu said...

I was very impressed, too! And both extremely curious and more than a little worried about what it implies for the future...

Gah. It's been seven days now since I read it (yes, that one online e-bookshop was *early*) and I'm *still* so hyped about it that I haven't even been able to read anything else since.

Is it next September yet?

- said...

what happens with China????? wait... no! don't tell me. ok, nvm TELL ME!
*be strong.
k. DON'T TELL ME. but someone tell me something small and mild that will keep me going until i get the book tomorrow!!!!

Kribu said...

Um... small and mild. *thinks*

Echo-Gordon is awesome. And has some good advice to give Valkyrie. And is funny.

- said...

thank-you. :)

Anonymous said...

Haha, I just read your short stories xD Oh my good lord, they are hilarious! Oh Peg, poor sweet little Peg, of course he said no. He is MINE.

March's Secret Santa said...

Hmm... small and mild.

Desmond is to blame for Valykrie's fear of penguins!

I'm serious.

Small and mild.

Kribu said...

@WoopWoop - no! He is mine! MINE! All mine!

Well - I can share. One leg for you?

Kribu said...

Oh, and the reflection is still creepy. Probably more so than ever. I've given up on theories about the reflection, but I'm so very curious as to where this is going.

Anonymous said...

@Kribu - He be miiione! I'll donate a fedora though, and maybe even a Fez from the Doctor :D

Kribu said...

You can keep the fedora. He has more than one, after all.

Oh dear. That was a spoiler from the book!

Niamhy Jay said...

I read the Book it was AMAZING!!
But the more you think about it the more it makes sense!!
Well played Derek, well played.

bethany_sarah said...

@Kribu thanks loads for the mild spoilers... managed to get my copy now. unfortunately its going to be at least tomorrow before I start reading it :( having to read all the books again to refresh my memory. Nearly done with the Faceless ones so it shouldn't be long now................ :D

Mar-Chu said...

*runs around screaming madly*





*rolls around on the ground, screaming and covering her ears*


(But I'll be watching other the way- Happy National Blog Day!)

*runs away the best she can while screaming and flailing random limbs*

*pokes head back*

But, just tell me if...oh, I dunno...what Allisons first word is? Does it say that anywhere? Is it Stephy, or something like that? What about Skul? Has Skulduggery met Allison yet?

*looks around, grins sheepishly, then walks away*

Kribu said...

@Mar ... um, I think you were the first one to mention Melancholia here!

As for Alison, I think she's still a bit too young to utter words...? I'm not an expert on baby development, though.

Xanna said...

Oh my god, you have no idea the will power it's taken for me not to read the spoiler comments. I have seen eight warnings about spoilers and have, eight times, immediately closed the page. Only to go back to it, then close it again. I REALLY want to read it. I want to know what happens REALLY BADLY. Oh dear... I can feel sanity slipping away...

Xanna said...

I've decided to stay up, like the sad, pathetic person I am, until midnight so I can watch the countdown clock reach zero :)

Vita Song said...

ahhhhhhhh please some one tell me the names of peeps in thsi blog in bookk!!!!!!!! PWEASSE

Xanna said...

Less than an hour to go!

M said...

*jumping up and down* i cannot wait!!! *screams!!!*

M said...

that wasn't meant to happen

BananaMinion said...

i havent read the book and all these spoilers are killing me *urging the book to hurry up in the mail and get here already* its torture!

BananaMinion said...

*starts screaming hysterically*

ahem. *looks around innocently*

BananaMinion said...

where'd everyone go? don't leave me alone with all of these spoilers! im thinking to much....i must be brain dead until it arrives.

*imitates zombies*

its not working!

M said...

*looks around anxiously and thinks of the worst case scenarios like the book gets lost in the mail and will never get to read it*

M said...

BananaMinion,im still here!

BananaMinion said...

thank you! :D

BananaMinion said...

my mom thinks im crazy. but i just say she doesnt understand! :)

M said...

thats exactly what my dad thinks of me!

BananaMinion said...

what happens in chapter 61????? everyones talking about it! (have you read it?) *suspicious look*

BananaMinion said...

only half an hour left!!! although im in the US it still says less than half an hour! :) im insane. but thats ok. im good with that.

M said...

ive only read the first few chapters (just a bit more than the chapters put on here)but i am not looking at the spoilers so i do not know!

BananaMinion said...

ah. you are wise. i just cant help myself! i fead the first few chapters on the website. this is going to be the best book yet! (until the next one at least) :D

M said...

haha i can't wait,i am literally jumping around and not being calm!!

BananaMinion said...

my mind is so like that. but if i jumped around right now id probably break something. im taking it out on my slinky!! kinda feel bad for it. not really.

Vita Song said...

hheee heeeee heee heeeee, me wanna read book, me also wanna know who's names from blog are in book!! me hopes its me

BananaMinion said...

i think derek should connect with D.J. MacHale and Tim Burton- they're so mush alike its almost creepy!

BananaMinion said...

this is driving me nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!! brb have to go mental run around the yard. *runs frantically like jack sparrow*

M said...

haha he should! i am drawing skulduggery to pass the time :)

BananaMinion said...

*runs back inside* sweet!

M said...

taking deep breaths does not work!!

BananaMinion said...

thanks for the tip! :)

M said...

you're welcome,but it doesn't work!(well for me anyway!)

BananaMinion said...

not for me either...darn.
didn't derek say something about us talking on here?

BananaMinion said...

omg 15 minutes till it comes out!!!!!

M said...

oops, sorry derek!

BananaMinion said...

arent we supposed to be talking on the earlier post? hmmmm....

BananaMinion said...

going over to the other post. oops.

Anonymous said...

*Jumps around spazmatically with a stupid grin*

I just made up a new word xD

Anonymous said...




I should probably start talking dad into ordering Deathbringer from the other side of the Atlantic now, to get it for Christmas and devour it like a good little book-deprived girl. Or rabid squirrel. Both work very aptly.

My only concern is how to explain the nammmeee... 'Cuz I can imagine how that conversation's going to go in my head already.

Kribu said...

Argh, my hardcover of Death Bringer is still "processing" in the bookshop where I ordered it... I am itching to re-read it properly (I've been re-reading the chapters I loved most, especially chapters 29 and 38 but also 16), but I told myself that the first re-read would be when I had the physical copy in my hands, just to make it a different experience from the ebook... but this means I'll have to wait at least another week or two to do that.

Maybe I should re-read Mortal Coil while waiting. Or write fic. Or something.

Niamhy Jay said...

I Pre-Ordered Death Bringer on AMAZON before i went to Edinburgh!! But I am giving it to my Friend!!


I LOVE THE "Dude, I'm sixteen" bit it was HILARIOUS!!

Niamhy Jay said...

AND THE TWIST *screams*

Sparky Braginski said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Kribu said...

And now I'm really hoping everyone who hasn't read the book yet - and actually doesn't want to know (because there ARE people who want to know *everything* before reading, as I've learned to my surprise) - stays well away from here...

But yeah. I'm glad that my jaw is rather firmly attached to the rest of my face, really, or it might have dropped off at that point.

. said...

DEREK, Dan here (met you in Australia during the Dark Days Tour in Brisbane at your Riverbend signing. Surely you remember me? I was, like, one of the people who queued again to get all the books signed and I called you awesome and you did the same, I got a cool photo and we shook hands [and I had a massive fanboy moment just then]. Don't remember me? You sure? Really? ... DAMN)


And the two bloggers--awesome. A very cool nod to the fanbase, my friend!

AND THE TWIST. OH MY GOD. FINISHED THE BOOK TODAY, JUST DEVOURED IT (not literaly of course, because then the world would mourn the diappearance of a copy of Death Bringer from the face of this Earth, and that would severely suck, and, I don't know, make a penguin mad or something). CHAPTER 61 was... FINALLY!!!!

That's all I'm saying, and the chapter "Valkyire and Fletcher" excellent. I was just in turmoil over the two through the course of the book, but I find myself feeling really bad for tht two, especially after the events of chapter 61. And chapter 62... God, I love that kind of writing. Derek and people who have read it, you know what I'm talking about. My God, I loved that chapter. And alos the fact Derek wasn't afraid to go a little more out there wiith the language without doing what Harry Potter did with it's sixth book and suddenyl becoming very dark. Skulduggery Pleasant is the perfect mix of dark and humour, it all interlocks together perfectly.

Derek, just a question about Kenny, I was wondering, did you base him after a Kenny I write about? Just becyase... well... I know about porrofreading and stuff, but it's just.. well... nah, i was probably just hyped :/

Oh well.



. said...

Damn, that was the longest comment I think. WORLD RECORD ACHIEVED.

(everyone else: CHALLENGE ACCEPTED.)

And a mild spoiler: *cries for Scapegrace because I have a soft spot for him*


Yes, I am a Scapegrace fan. I ADMIT IT.

How could you not like the guy? And feel sorry for him? !

Kribu said...

I admit, I have a soft spot for Scapegrace, too... but, well, he's still around? Maybe? Sort of? In a way? In a manner of speaking?

*hopes, although it's pretty disgusting, really, come to think of it*

Kribu said...

... also, I'm commenting way too much here. But I can't help it. The book was simply too awesome. *sighs*

MysticScraper said...

Wow...great book. I seriously can't wait for book seven (and of course The End of the World). I could see it coming, the Chapter 61 event. Overall, my favorite book in the series. Derek Landy is very talented.

. said...

Yes, I sorta hope Scapegrace comes back, in a weird sort of way. This chat is really making me hate Scarab, I might add.

Kribu said...

Yeah - I have to say I liked Scapey a bit more when there was more left of him, as fun as he's been as a zombie. I mean, I like my share of gross, but ... well, you know.

I *was* kind of hoping that Nye might help him, but now I'm not so optimistic about that.

Jack Wilkinson said...

Sweet mother of god, this book was amazing. My favourite ever. Just... Just wow. A few reactions here...
Moore moment #1: Doooo itttt.
Moore moment #2: Oh crap. Oh crap oh crap oh crap oh- Oh. Awesome. :D
Twist: ... What. Holy crap. What just happened.
Fight at end: *changes pants*
It basically left me wondering why on Earth this book isn't that popular in my area. It was truly amazing. Loved every moment of it.

Kiiyashi, The Forum Admin said...


Snoogy said...


I still have to wait 3 Days.... Drat.

Ah well. I literally just got up, so I'm heading back to bed now... Night All!

Vita Song said...

ahhhhhhh can anyone tell me the names of people on this blog in da book!!!!! PWEEEEAAAAASSSEEEE

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

~~~~~ SPOILERS! I know this is the Spoliers post so I really shouldn't have to do this but I mean it someone will be tempted to read these comments before the book but I beg you Don't read this I have only done mild spoilers but major spoilers are sort of crypted in the post to, SPOLIERS! ~~~~~

WHAT WHAT IS GOING ON! That twist in the middle for Jeebes you nearly blew my mind and that can't happen because I hadn't read the end!

But OMG this book, the funny moments, No book has EVER made me laugh EVER But this, I had to put the book down to have a laughing fit and then my mum would look at me funny as if to say 'why to I still give her these?'

And Oh I laughed when Skulduggery pointed out her reflection was naked and she shreiked... my mum was counting and I was laughing for 10-12 minutes straight

... That book had a lot of valduggery teases though, I can see people liked that, I never considered valduggery but with sparkles dead and porcupine over with ... I can't believe I'm liking the idea of valduggery

WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME! I NEED TO BE PUT DOWN (please don't then I can't read the rest of the books.)

And Kall and Rosella.... I'm so jealous! :D but a good kind of jealous ... like happy for them but glaring at them on the inside ... yet I like them to much to care :D

and the ending ... you had me walking around for an hour like a zombie cradiling the book, and I started tearing up nd going OMG OMG and then I feel into depression at the fact I'd have to wait a year for the next book ... and then I came on here to take out all my feelings ...

and now I really want cowslaw rapped in ham ... and to go for round two in reading the book ... by the way the show down near the end between you know who :O EPIC!

This book is by far my favourite from the series, it was hillarious gripping and the twists! and the lenght was awesome 600 pages with smalled text ... I loved it.. and to be honest I was reading it for 2 days before I finished ...

Thank you Golden God, thank you so much for being so awesome and putting up with our insanity (mostly my insanity is what I'm apologise for)

I can't wait till next September ... seriously why can't we have time machines?

The ending :O I want to see how that will turn out

... Did I say Thank you? Yes? No? Maybe? Turkey? I could look up and see but I'd prefer to say it again


Death Bringer is my number one book by far out of anything I have ever read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

... and you really should see my book shelf

Kribu said...

*agrees SO hard with everything Nicoletta is saying*

And heee, I wondered if it was just because, well, almost anything can look like a Valduggery tease for those of us with Val/Skul glasses on, but I guess it wasn't just me then... *grins*

And my hardcover has been dispatched! Woot! So looking forward to getting that, because, well, it'll look awesome next to the others in my shelf, *and* I still have the author bio bit and the back cover blurb to read. (Seriously, I don't think I've ever spent so much time reading - and LOVING - author bios and dedications etc with any other book as I have with the SP books. And I've read a few thousand books in my life.)

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

~~~ SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~~~

OMG Your right^^

Even when I was reading the part after 'porcupine' where she was descriping how she would need someone 'fun, someone who could make her laugh, who could take her placea she'd never been'

and I was practically shouting at the book


Kribu said...

I know, right! And, well, also ... realistically, or as realistically as a Val/Skul shipper can think, would it even be possible for her to find another man who'd actually *understand* her? And the things she's going through? And the things she has done and might do? Will she even be able to consider sharing some of her big secrets with some random dude, no matter how good-looking?

She might find someone new and young and cute for the smoochies for now, but is she going to be satisfied with that in the long run (if there is a long run for her)?

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Exactly my point ^ Skulduggery is the only one who I think could understand (exept for about 2 or 3 more) that wouldn't kill her if she told them who she is/ will be

aww I'm disapointed in myself ... discusted in myself that I support this but I do :D

and I'm quite enjoying the feeling :)

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

have I mentioned my new school bag has skulls on it :)


Kribu said...

Yay for the skulls! This reminds me .. I had a cute little skeleton necklace (well, about 10 cm tall) back when I was still young enough to go to school. (Which was a long, long, long time ago. But anyway.) It's hanging in my toilet now. ... Which, come to think of it, is a bit creepy.

And hee! I know ... I mean, the idea of Valduggery is a bit, um, unusual, really... and honestly, I'm perfectly happy with the awesome friendship and partnership they're having in the books.

Although I *loved* all those little teases in this book (honestly? that drying off after the shower? he didn't even need to to ask what she wanted from him?), and it's not making me be all for eventual Val/Skul any less. *g* (In the meantime, until she comes to her senses and realises the perfect man has been right there beside her for years now, there is fanfic. Oh yes.)

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

... I know the next time I go on I'm searching ...

nothing M rated D: Jeez I would live happily thinking no one ever wrote anything M rated about those two..

and yes the whole shower thing was a tease I loved reading it and reread it about 3 times :)

I'm thinking of reading the whole book again just for those types of moments :)

Kribu said...

I read that whole chapter in a sort of a happy haze... and have re-read it a few times, too!

"Jeez I would live happily thinking no one ever wrote anything M rated about those two.."


*is not going to say anything at all about that*

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

*raises eyebrows* They DO!

dear lord ...

I'm still for the pairing though ... I'm quite content that derek would never write that type of stuff ..

I must go wash my eyes ..

speaking of eyes

ew for darkquese .. t'was cool though :)

Kribu said...

I rather suspect that sort of thing will never happen in the books, no. *g*

(In my defence, when I wrote some, it was as a challenge to myself. Because we all need challenges in our lives. I don't know what the excuse of all those other people is, though!)

As for the eye thing .... ewww, yes! And I had to re-read that bit, because I blinked and thought "um, did I just read what I think I read?", and then I read it again and .. squirmed a little. Although not as much as during the whole Nye bit in Mortal Coil.

But the whole fight there in the end ... that was just all sorts of awesome. Gory, but awesome. (And now I worry a bit about Val in the future. That sort of power *would* be terribly addictive...)

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

It was so epic! I wanted it to happen and thought EPICA! It was gory but cool ... and right at the end ... the talking ... made me tear up for a weird reason .....

especially near the end when val blurted out "there is something wrong with us." and Skul just went "yep."

*Glances at book* I haven't let it out of my sight for two hours and am highly considering re reading it .. the more I think the more I want to ...

As for Nye It was awesome to have him back :)

If a bit creepy ... I like his and clarabelles discussion

"A remment squirmed inside you, and you killed Kenspekle grouse."
"your hired, but I have to warn you if you try to kill me I will dissect you and sing to your screams."
"Can I have mondays off."
"you may."

I laughed so hard :D

Kribu said...

I loved the bits with Nye - both with Skul's reaction to it, and with Clarabelle & Scapegrace later on! Also, the Clarabelle/Scapey/Thrasher bits (oh dear, it looks SO wrong when put like this) were great fun.

Poor Scapey. *sniffles a little*

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

I loved the penguin ice cream van ... I love penguins ...

and yes *sniffle* a moments silence to remember the killer supreme ... who never actuallly killed anyone

Kribu said...

Well, he did kill Thrasher, I suppose. And a whole lot of other people really, that were all turned into zombies. But somehow that doesn't seem to count quite the same way, does it?

I loved pretty much everything in this book. The fights were all epic, the funny bits were so funny, the sweet bits were sweet (the bit where Skul killed the sofa for Val? awwww!), the serious things were suitably serious... and yeah, that twist, that really made me flail and whimper and feel like I'd been punched in the stomach, really.

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Completly agree... this book IS perfection ... I know I'm going to be re reading this loads...

and I loved all skull/val bits .. especially the sofa part ... oh and the requiem ball .. that was good :)

Kribu said...

The ball was excellent. *nods* (Also, was it just me who got a strong vibe of some past China/Skul with that? In which case, well, you know, that bit in the end was even worse...)

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Yeah I got that to with the dancing, I feel they were really starting to become friends and starting to trust each other ... and then there was that ending.

as for the last chapter itself :O OMG! that has me as worried as I was shocked by the twist

Kribu said...

It was brilliant, the way the whole Kenny thing framed the whole book - we got that funny bit in the beginning, where it was sort of easy to dismiss him as yet another bumbling random person, but then there was that part in the middle ... and the end, yeah.

I suspect this isn't the last we've heard of Kenny. And I'm sooooo curious (and worried) about what he's going to do / where this is going to lead.

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

So am I, at the start I thought he was just going to be there for joke purposes ... but then he was investigating and I thought .. he might actually get somewhere

of course the moment finbar sent him off the geoffry I was like, oh good thats thats taken care of ...

of course then he remembered and with the extra information he was given I suddenly went OH NO!

then he didn't pop up much ... but the ending and what hes planned ..

it feels like everything Val has tried to do over the past four years is all going to come crashing down.

Kribu said...

"it feels like everything Val has tried to do over the past four years is all going to come crashing down."


Not a happy thought, that... don't think that her parents, Desmond in particular, would be all too happy about it either, if they finally found out.

Gah. I realise the last three books haven't been written yet, but I want them! NOW! *weeps* The only reason why I'm happy I can't have them now is that if I did, there wouldn't be any more to look forward to ... but right now, yes, next September can't come soon enough.

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

I know how you feel... I really want the next book right now! but if I got them now then I would read them all and go into depression that there are no more ...

God when I finish the 9th book I'll cry and weep ... thats it Derek doesn't plan to extend it... I mean just imagine where we would be if he had left it as a triology ... back then it was like yeah 9 books! thats 7 more!

but now it's like D: only 3 more books NOOO!

Kribu said...

I don't know if I'd want it to be one of those never-ending series ... I mean, part of me would love that, obviously, but it's always best to have a story line planned with an ending and all.

I just hope that once SP is over and done with (*weeps at the thought*), there will be new and awesome Derek Landy writing for us to enjoy.

But yeah... only three more books. At least there are also more short stories and the such to look forward to. And I'm SO glad it's a nine book series and not a trilogy - I mean, I loved the first three books, a LOT, but it's really this second trilogy now that's got me thoroughly obsessed.

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Completly agree this second triology is great ...

I wouldn't want a never ending series ... but I think you know where I'm coming from

Rebella Sadistic said...

on memoration of the great skeleton detective, mum got me two pairs of skull earrings and a skull wrapping paper! so happy

Derek Landy said...

Ahem. Sparky kinda forgot the whole "try to be MILD about the spoilers" bit...! So Sparky, what I've actually done is deleted your comment, but first I saved it, took out the line about the BIG TWIST, and I'm reposting your comment here...!



I can't put my emotion into words.


Also Valkyrie Cain is INCREDIBLY naughty on p121...

AND THE JITTER GIRLS??? THEY ARE just plain creepy.

I'm only halfway through though... DEREK YOU ARE AN UTTER GENIUS
I've started a website about Skulduggery Pleasant but it isn't finished yet.
Here's the URL:


Kribu said...

Whew! I hope I managed to not mention that big twist thingy once it had already been mentioned once ... *skims past comments*

Probably didn't manage to keep a lot of other things in generic terms, but, well, I guess that depends on what people would consider major spoilers. *wibbles*

M said...

luckily i didn't read the big twist (wipes forehead in relief) :)

M said...

loving the website so far derek!

Octa said...


Is Ravel one of the Dead Men or not?

Becuase he wasn't listed in ghastly's list. Which if it is an error then I'm pointing it out.

For reprints and so on.

If he isn't then I have the mistaken impression that he is. For some reason.

Kribu said...

Tanith definitely mentioned Ravel as one of the Dead Men in Mortal Coil, and I don't think anyone corrected her (and it was at least implied elsewhere there, too). So, yeah... maybe Ravel wasn't part of the group at that particular time that Ghastly was talking about? Hadn't joined them yet, for example?

Anonymous said...

I read this post to my mum and she laughed very hard!!!

Rachel McCoach said...

:D i LOVED it!!

loved how you included Kal as character!!

Aerliss said...

You people talk too much!

*ahem* I'll just skip a bunch of posts and read and reply to the last ten or so.

@Kribu I didn't catch a China/Skul thing at the ball, but you could be right. And yeah, makes everything at the end just that tiny bit worse.

@Kribu and Lone Wolf M rated Skul/Val... you knows he's, like, a skeleton, yeah? o.O Not going to ask... don't want to know!

I couldn't read M rated Val/anyone; she's too much like a kid sister. I've watched her grow up. But, whatever floats your boat :P

I don't think they'll ever pair up. I think they're friends, very good friends... they'd end up murdering each other if they actually went out with each other! Too much ego flying around.

Speaking of flying around; can you imagine Darquesse and, well, you-know-who getting together? Eep.

@Lone Wolf

"especially near the end when val blurted out "there is something wrong with us." and Skul just went "yep.""

I thought that was brilliant. Skulduggery said so much with just that one word. It was... foreboding.

Kribu said...

Aerliss ... I thought there was a LOT of passion there in that epic showdown fight towards the end. ;-)

And yep, he's a skeleton ... not a problem, really. ;-) But yeah, I fully expect them to just stay best friends through the books, which I'm fine with, but it's still making me grin to see all those little moments through my Val/Skul coloured glasses!

As for Skul/China ... it was something about the way they were dancing, through Valkyrie's eyes (and that "they're playing our song" thing) - I was quite likely reading a bit too much into it, but... well.

I thought that was brilliant. Skulduggery said so much with just that one word. It was... foreboding.

Oh god, yes. That was so good.

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

M rated anything scares me O.o .... I agree I'm happy to see the moments in there but I think they will remain great friends :)

and yes that bit was vary good :)

Kribu said...

I've spent YEARS in the Harry Potter fandom. Nothing, and I mean nothing, can scare me any more.

And ... argh, I want to know what happens next. With Valkyrie, and with China, and with Kenny, and, well, everyone. (And I really hope we'll get to see Tanith again soon too.)

Anonymous said...

$adhbhs page

Anonymous said...

$adhbhs page

Anonymous said...

$adhbhs page

Anonymous said...

$adhbhs page

Anonymous said...

$adhbhs page

Anonymous said...

$adhbhs page

BelladonnaCurse said...

Right, it was brilliant. Can't describe. What we found out about Skulduggery, I did guess, but genius. You're supposed to be able to guess a good twist right? Anyway, it was epic on epic proportions. When Fletcher called Caelan a sad little emo git, I felt like a proud mother, and I'm not entirly sure why... ARH!! NEED NEXT BOOK NOW!!!!!

Rebella Sadistic said...

i've noticed how much skulduggery pleasant is like v for vendetta. strange

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