Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Death Bringer Tour

Here you are, my Minions, all of the Ireland and UK public events are listed below. In between all these, I’ll be doing a lot of school events, but these are the ones where anyone will be able to attend.

As usual, whole sections will be missed out, because every year I try to visit different regions. So if I’m not going to be anywhere near you this year, I’ll probably be there in 2012. Maybe.

Sept 3rd
10 AM, WHS Brent Cross, London- public signing.
3 PM, Waterstones Bromley- signing.

Sept 4th
1 PM, Glenearn Community Campus Hall, Perth, Scotland –event.
6 PM, Waterstones, Stirling, Scotland - event.

Sept 5th
5:30 PM, Waterstones, Sauciehall St, Scotland – event.

Sept 7th
1 PM, Seven Stories, Newcastle – event.
4 PM, Waterstones, Blackett Street, Newcastle – signing.

Sept 8th
3:30 PM, Waterstones, Meadowhall Centre, Sheffield – signing.
7 PM, Waterstones, Pescod Square, Lincolnshire – event.

Sept 9th,
3:30 PM, Waterstones Cambridge – signing.
7 PM, University of Hertfordshite, Hatfield – event.

Sept 10th,
10:30 PM, Muswell Hill Children;s Bookshop, London – signing.
3 PM, Waterstones, Bluewater, London – signing.

Sept 11th,
4 PM, Mountains to the Sea Festival, Dublin, Ireland – event.

Sept 15th,
11:30 AM, Tallaght County Library, Dublin – event.
4 PM, Easons, Newbridge – signing.

Sept 16th,
10:30 AM, Liberty Hall, Dublin – event.
4:30 PM, Easons, Swords, Dublin – signing.

There'll probably be two more signings around Ireland on the 17th, but I don't know where yet.

Oh, and on the 15th and 16th of October I'll be at the Frankfurt Book Fair!

You can bring whatever you have and I'll do my best to sign everything. Naturally, if the queue is huge and time is running out, I may only be able to sign one thing per person, but I'll try my best. If you're lucky, only half a dozen people will actually turn up and then we'll have LOADS of time to chat! Oh, and if this "one book per person" rule comes into effect, try not to take it personally.

When I was over in Australia I'd been signing for two or three hours and I was seriously running out of time, so we announced that I'd only be able to sign one book per person in order to get through everyone. Now, all the people standing in the queue were very cool and understanding about it, they didn't mind one little bit...

... apart from this one particular boy.

I'm sure he regrets it now, but he started to stamp his feet when his mother told him that no, Derek couldn't sign everything. And then he started whining. And then he started crying. And his face was all red and blubbery and I was trying to explain, as quickly and as kindly as possible, that I just didn't have the time, but he kept stamping his feet in front of EVERYBODY and I was trying my best not to break out laughing. The poor little lad. So I said fine, okay, and I scrawled my name on his books and his mother took him away, hanging her head in shame. 

It was, and I really don't want to be mean here, hysterically funny, and even remembering it now has me laughing...

So, beware of this rule! As more and more people read the books, and as more and more books are released, I obviously don't have the time I used to. But if everything goes according to plan I should have plenty of time to sign, doodle and- most importantly for me- chat to you guys while I'm sitting there. 

Oh, and hugs are encouraged (time-permitting). 


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Shadow Rider, Lord of the Damned said...


Shadow Rider, Lord of the Damned said...

Yes!!!! I rule! I rock! Hi Derek! Derek Derek Derek Derek!

Derek Landy said...


Hello Shadow Rider...!

Oh, and I just want to send out my condolences to Isobel, who recently lost her grandfather. I know you don't know how you feel about this yet, Isobel, but the fact is he was a part of your life, and now that he's gone your life will have changed. Let it effect you however it effects you.

Anonymous said...

You should visit Germany, Austria and Switzerland... There are lots of fans, but only one or two opportunities to meet you!

Anonymous said...

i wish i lived in the UK or Ireland haha (: you'll never come to Asia will you D: OOH FIFTH.

Anonymous said...

just wanted to let you know you have a few fans here in Asia who would definitely love to get the chance to meet you (SINGAPORE hinthint) but its quite unlikely that you'll ever come down ): nevermind we're still waiting for the books to come and we love the series (:

Derek Landy said...

Akssan, thank you for reminding me! The post now has includes my two days in Frankfurt in October!

Kyre, i was in Asia... um... last year? Was it last year? I think it was. I spent a week in Hong Kong, visiting a load of international schools. Had a wonderful time. But Singapore... ah, Singapore... I've never been, but the idea intrigues me...!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, Frankfurt will be great! You´ll love the german fans, look forward to our surprise^^ It´s great :D

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

Come to Norn Iron please!
Although I might have to travel to Dublin anyhoo...

Also, I got onto Pottermore.
I am telling everyone.

J Larkin said...

How lucky are the fans in those regions? Very lucky.

Fun story (or maybe creepy, depending on your point of view): After skipping a semester in college to destroy my nose against the grindstone, I was able to afford this amazing trip which involved sending thirty-nine other students and myself to the UK.

We went and saw a lot of the places that are often included in the bucket-lists of English nerds such as us. Dublin was one of our stops.

It took dragging my smaller group to five different bookstores, but I managed to find a copy of 'Dark Days.' In Dublin. Two weeks before it came out in the US.

I also saw Stonehenge and touched Jane Austen's writing table. But the 'Dark Days' story is my favorite to tell of the trip.

So, creepy or fun, depending on your point of view. But now you know!

Bethany said...

Alas, no Belfast again. Ah well.

I shall have to wait for Derek hugs.

It's pretty weird that you posted this post today. I had a dream about the Jitter Girls last night. Except they were kinda like the Powerpuff Girls. It was an interesting dream to say the least.

Bethany said...

Jeepers, thoughts going out to Isobel as well :s

PuppyFly Boutique said...

Hi Derek,
Just wanted to say a big thank you for this series so far as apart from loving it myself - it's got so many boys at our school reading. I read book 1 to my first class - and they are still hooked and hoping I'll read them the new one in September. and no matter how old they get - they are still trying to make fire in their hands!

Thanks! Anna.

ValkyrieVamp said...

I'll see you in Glasgow on the 5th Derek. And I'll come ready for hugs!

Seychelle Saint-Clair said...

Hey Derek!
Thank you for choosing the name I suggested, Alison, for Valkyrie's sister. I'd also like to thank you for choosing my surname as Melancholia's surname!
See you at the signing in Dublin!

Rachel McCoach said...

:) Heya all!


guh! so bleary eyes... just read the whole of Dark Days in the past 12 hours :P

*does victory dance*

ValkyrieVamp said...

Nice one Rachel :)

Seychelle Saint-Clair said...

Oh and just to let you know I am sending you a letter through HarperCollins, New York. Keep an eye out for it!

Rachel McCoach said...

VERY awesome indeed :P

Anyone goin to the Edinburgh thing?

Bethany said...

My dad won't let me go :(

Anonymous said...

Dammit! Okay, so you're not going to Milton Keynes this time but....

I'm pretty sure if i do more chores... I could convince my mother to let me go to London, or BlueWater, or Cambridge... :D but what the hey, it'll be worth it :)

And for Isobel: my love and prayers are with you and your family. Not sure if this will help you at all, but whenever my Mum talks about loosing her Dad she says 'It's okay to cry because he's gone. But it's fine to smile because he was there once too.' <3333333

Rachel McCoach said...

:( that thoroughly sucks Bethany...

but there are only, like, 3 people going to it from here...

Aquila Felis said...

Derek, there are two Frankfurts in Germany...
Frankfurt am Main and Frankfurt and der Oder...

Bethany said...

I'm actually gutted, Rachel. I mean, yeah okay, I'd have needed to pay for either a plane trip or boat trip, but still... Gah! Wanna go so badly. They won't even let me go as a birthday present. It's my eighteenth on the eighteenth of this month.

Rachel McCoach said...

awesome b-day :) and Happy birthday for when it comes!

but could u like, come over urself?

wait...where are u about?

Niamhy Jay said...


Bethany said...

Can't afford to pay my way over completely :S And I'm from Northern Ireland

Niamhy Jay said...


Bethany said...

NJ, I wouldn't get your hopes up. There aren't any Northern Ireland dates D:

Niamhy Jay said...


Niamhy Jay said...


Bethany said...

Couldn't tell you :s

Rachel McCoach said...

u startin to spam the poor man, NJ?


Niamhy Jay said...

RACHEL *hugs*
I need him to come to N. Ireland!!
I still dont know if i am going to Edinburgh!!

Rachel McCoach said...

:D *hugs back*

i suppose then that Dublin is further away from Belfast than it appears on the map...

and u so should!!

:P though for some stupid reason we have to get up at 5 in the mornin, catch the train then hang around Edinburgh forever...


Niamhy Jay said...

I know.
I'm really starting to think my dad is going to sway towards a NO
he keeps on saying we'll see!! and that usually ends up meaning YES but I dont think it will this time :/
And if i end up NOT going my dad will NOT let me travel all the way to dublin for a book signing even if it is the Great Golden God :(

Anonymous said...


Could you please come to America? :3 It would mean a lot to us minions over here.
Please? :3

Self-declared Minions of the US (MUS) temp-ambassador


Rachel McCoach said...

That sucks...parents are so disagreeable...

:P 2 years to go...then i can get a car! hehe

:) i can drive from these boundaries!
...yet knowin me, id prob get stuck in some random town somewhere...

Bethany said...

NJ, which part of Northern Ireland are you from?

And Belfast is only four hours or so (by car) away from Dublin :l

Rachel McCoach said...

:P g2g... neck is gettin all thingwyed fro readin :P

adios, mis amigos!

Niamhy Jay said...

I live in County Antrim!!
I live not that far from Ballymena!!
And it takes around an Hour to get from there to and through Belfast to head down to Dublin!!
And if i was to go i'd more than likely have to take the train which my dad will not allow.
And he is Extremely Busy!!

Niamhy Jay said...

Bye Rach

Venice Rain said...


i'll see you there!! and anyone else!!!!!
me and my little sister are going to dress up... not sure what as...

actually *mentally raids wardrobe*
i wonder how much a black wig costs...

Bethany said...

I might actually be able to get to Dublin. I'm from County Antrim as well ^.^ Glengormley, to be precise.

Gotsta go. Dinner :3 And then a Poker Night :D Pip pip

Sir Pine said...

I can't wait to go to a signing and hopefully i will get all my books signed but i won't mind if i don't.

Spikings said...

I'm in Lincolnshire so this would be perfect for me.

If I wasn't going to university for the first time the next day, and I need the whole day before to pack and panic to death. :| Nevertheless, I shall beg and see if I can wait in a queue for many an hour to see your wonderful face. And hopefully get a hug, if time permits. :)

Niamhy Jay said...

Bye Bethany
Nice to Meet you!! (figuartivley speaking)

Venice Rain said...

just scrolled up and read the rest of the comments.

ok, people going to any london signings - if your not used to london, print off directions. I'm not joking, its easy to get lost. I'm going to write down the buses I need, and I live only about an hour away.

also bells, this is more proof we're here for you. and always will be.


Rachel McCoach said...

Is it that awesome that i'm in demand?


Dragona Pine said...

That kid sounds funny, Derek, I don't know how you didn't laugh. I would have. It sounds funny.

Dragona Pine said...

And Derek, why do all your book signings have to be so far away from me? The nearest one in that tour is Medowhall which is like 4 hours away, the nearest one on the tour before that, the Mortal Coil one, was in Manchester in the Trafford Centre, I don't even know where that is! Plus it's like a longer distance away from me than Medowhall!


flaring rhythm said...

I haven't talked to you in AGES. Because you haven't been on Bebo D:
I seriously SERIOUSLY cannot wait and we're going to scare you and get you to sign EVERYTHING and and GIVE YOU HUGS. MANY HUGS.
Please please PLEASE get yo Irish ass on Bebo again, were it's possible to comment without 5000 other comments getting in the way!

I'm taking that hugs are encouraged thing seriously, Derek.

So very seriously.

Flaring Rhythm-ness

Rachel McCoach said...


*whispers* Guys!!

check this:

jakoparsons said...

Derek! The tallaght library is perfect the only thing is... I'll be in school at 11:30 am! Why! Aww I don't know what I'm gonna do, maybe get my dad to come up and get my books signed.. Would that work?

Ayesha said...


im gutted i cant meet you!! im actually really sad, i wanted to meet you for SUCH a long time, well i guess i have to wait till next year...oh god that such a long time away and im soo impatient!!!
*sighs again*

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Hehehe I'm going to convince my dad to take me to one of the London signings again :P

Derek is getting a bear hug! :D

.... I mean it I'll bring my pet bear but I expect a hug also :)

Unknown said...

hi derek, big fan,awesome stuff. i'm definitely goin to the mountains to the sea festival to hopefully get my newly purchased copy of death bringer signed!
love the books!


Bethany said...

I think I might actually get to go to one of the Dublin signings :O I have to figure out what train I'd need and whether I'm free and all, but GUYS, this might actually happen.

Toyin O. said...

I live in New York, so I can't make it:(

SpinOffReviews said...

Yes! Will see you either in Bromley or Bluewater! I missed your Mortal Coil signing, so glad you're coming back to somewhere near me! =]

Rachel McCoach said...


check this mis amigos!

Rachel McCoach said...

Aye aye cap'n!


already have a paragraph! :P

Rachel McCoach said...

Lol :) yup!

im soz u dont appear TOO often yet...though i'm leading up to a Kal moment :P

mwa ha HA!!!

Swindler the Thief said...

I'll be one of the first to get Death Bringer cause I'm going to the Edinburgh book festival on the 15th August. Oh yeah!

Taylor Shields said...

Are you going to becoming to the U.S.?

Rachel McCoach said...

:P same Swindler!

there's only like 4 people i know from here going...

Brey said...

I really wish you could come to Sweden :(
I love your books and skulduggery is a big part of my life.
It seems my bookstores won't help me, so I'll cross my fingers and hope that I will be able to make it to your signings in scotland or london.
I'd really like to meet you in person and get one of my books signed.
Best regards

Ann Marie said...

Dear Mr. Landy,

*HUGS* Hehe.

Now, where are the North American tour dates, hmm?

Love, me

Dragona Pine said...

Have to go now. Night guys!

Rachel McCoach said...


Heya! i'm gonna make a guess its 3-ish there?

:P i really have NO clue...

Swindler the Thief said...

Oh yeah us people from Scotland are so cool to go see the great Mr Landy!

It better just be the four of us cause then we can get all the time we want.
But it may be a little awkward for Mr Landy, talking to only four people.

Oh well! :-p

Isabella Midnight said...

:-P thought I should announce it!

If only my mum was alive to be there...

But still. MY BABY IS A GIRL!!!!!!!!

Ann Marie said...

1pm! I'm hungry and sleepy. Can't decide whether to eat or nap first... Oh, my life, it is so hard. XD

Swindler the Thief said...

BTW I was the one who asked if Death Bringer would be available at the Edinburgh Book Festival.

Rachel McCoach said...

:D That'd be awesome!

Though one me friend is coming :P

where bout r u from?

Isabella Midnight said...

I'm gonna name it Kallitha

As in

Kal, Lilith, Aquila. ALL MUSHED TOGETHOR!!!!!

Baby Kallitha!

Ann Marie said...

Hi Isabella! Congratulations! Girls are awesome. <3

Swindler the Thief said...

@Ann Marie actually not that hard, I have to fast 20 hours for Ramadhan!

Rachel McCoach said...

Then i bow to ou, Swindler *bows*

Bella! Thats AMAZING!!! got any names lined up? :P

ann! dang my guess was crap :P u seem very nocturnal though...not to be rude :P

Swindler the Thief said...

@Rachel Glasgow. I have quite far to come but it is well worth it!

Isabella Midnight said...

I'm naming it Kallitha

As in

Kal, Lilith, Aquila


(my answer Rach!)

Rachel McCoach said...

ah, cool! only ever been to Glasgow once :) went to the science centre- was awesome!

i be from Edinburgh itself... but crapily moved up to inverness. tis a fail of a city really, after being used to such a big one :P

Rachel McCoach said...

Lol awesome Bella! Congrats!

Swindler the Thief said...

Well then you at the Festival . Byeeee!

Ann Marie said...

@ Isabella - I like the name Kallithann better. XD

@ Rachel - totally nocturnal, yup.

@ Swindler - I was being silly. I know my life is pretty darn cushy.

Swindler the Thief said...

Sorry see you at the festival Byeeee

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Congrats Bella!!!

Awesome name!

(Octa be here too)

Ann Marie said...

OMGPYROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hi! *smooshes in giant hug*

Rachel McCoach said...

See ya at the Festival, Swindler! Adios mis amigo!

Ann- Kallithann sounds cool! ... a tad like a mychical creature though... but awesome too!


Ann Marie said...

*smooshes Octa too*

Rachel McCoach said...

Heya Guys! (Pyro, Octa) *bows*

:P im in a bowing mood... am also doin a funny dance for some reason...


Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Hi Ann and Kallista!!!¡¡¡!!!

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Hi Rachel!!!¡¡¡!!!

Isabella Midnight said...

I'll pass along Kallithann to James!

:-P Actually sounds nice!!

Rachel McCoach said...

werent u guys on holiday? or am i gettin the dates stupidly wrong...

Isabella Midnight said...

Hey Pyro/Octa!

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

We're in Ireland, it's great!

Also, Octa wants to know if Derek answered our question which was if we would be able to meet him. (in the comments section)

Ann Marie said...

*bows to Rachel*
*dances with her*

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

aww Kallithann .... aww thats so sweet

Isabella Midnight said...

MAYBE Kallithan. It might be Kallitha!

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Hi Nicolette!!!¡¡¡!!!

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

its still sweet you combined the names of your interweb friends ... awww

Isabella Midnight said...

No hi for me Pyro :'-(

Rachel McCoach said...

*bows to ann*

Honour to you, my prodege!

*Beats hand on chest and salutes*

Ann Marie said...

Hi Nicolette!

Pyro, not yet. I wonder how soon it would be acceptable to start spamming him with demands for info for you guys?

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...


Hi Isabella!!!¡¡¡!!¡°¡!!¡¡¡!!!

( -.-)

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

I'm going to Ireland in 6 days :)

Rachel McCoach said...

well / anyone who aint read the Message fro the Minnion thing...


Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

I have missed Ireland, my accent might come out again :)

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...


Does the button for new page not work for you?

nights.raven said...

hi everyone

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Hi Raven!!!¡¡¡!!!

Rachel McCoach said...

Heya Raven!!!

But alas, i must leave... no crying now, folks! i shall be back... tomorrow :P



*beats chest once and salutes*

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Octa will brb

Lunar Tears said...

No! I would have been able to come to the signing in Newcastle if only school didn't start again that day! WHY????!!!

Isabella Midnight said...

*tries hard not to cry* Bye... Rachel!


Ann Marie said...

Hi Raven!

So where are you and Octa at? Are you having fun? How's the weather?

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Bye Rachel!!!¡¡¡!!!

Lunar Tears said...

Optimus has 7 letters. Seven is a prime number. Optimus is prime.

Ann Marie said...

Bye Rachel! *hugs* Have a good night!

nights.raven said...

hi ann, how r u?
hi kal, im good, u?
hi/bye rachel
hi izzy
hi pyro

Ann Marie said...

Suppose it's a bad idea to cut the very first day of school, huh? You need a reflection.

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Hi Lunar!!!¡¡¡!!!

We are at Killarney, the weather is misty…

Very misty.

Isabella Midnight said...

I had a car that was called Misty!

It was a small Ford and it was silver!!!

Then I gave it to my sister. She needed it more!

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

*hugs Kallista*

Octa: *also hugs Kallista*

Ann Marie said...

I'm hungry! Going to look for breakfast.

Lunar Tears said...

I do need a reflection!



Must find a mirror, I suppose...

Lunar Tears said...

There are so many dual personalities! I find it hard to keep up.

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

~joins the American ranks that wish they were living in the UK~
... Even if you refuse to visit the USA :P
By the way, if you did visit, I would sleep outside whatever place you were going to be signing books at so I could chat and watch yo doodle and get a million things signed! REG
plus, I'd give you your cheese.... well, maybe I'll have to give you a cooler so it doesn't go bad while your signing books and hugging people and doodling and whatnot....

[even though it won't be as fan-tabu-lous without meeee :P]

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Hello, Guys!
~glomps everyone that's here~

... Now I have to go!
I'll probably be back in a little while, though so hope to see y'all! :D

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

I got my hair cut! My hair is quite short [for me, anyway] and I like it a lot! It's much cooler and more... wooshy....

Lunar Tears said...

If women ruled the world there would be no wars. Just a bunch of angry countries not talking to each other.

99% of the male population is attractive in some way. The other 1% go to your school.

Guns don't kill people, gaping holes in vital organs kill people.

You can grow up to be anything you want... except an astronaut, we got rid of those.

We are all time traveling into the future at normal speed.

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Omg! I just saw a skulduggery advert for Disney!!! *faints*

nights.raven said...

Hi/bye skyril *hugs*

Lunar Tears said...

Hi/bye Skyril! Hope to see you before I go to bed!

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Both: *packs loads of hugs into a really big envelope and sends it to Kallista's house*

(for when we're not here)

Octa: *dances with Kallista*

nights.raven said...

lol lunar

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Hi/Bye Skyril!!!¡¡¡!!!

AshyyPanda said..., was just wondering about the back cover for Death Bringer, like if you will be posting a picture of it before the book comes out, or will we just have to wait and see??? :) :) :) :)

Lunar Tears said...

The gene pool could use a little chlorine.

100% of human beings have tried to fly on a broomstick.

"Queue" is the only English word that sounds the same when the last four letters are removed.

If you want someone to touch you, tell them you're not ticklish.

Finding a whole worm in your apple isn't as bad as finding half of one.

Baked cookies will never be as good as the dough they are made from.

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

LOL Kallista!!!

Octa: yes, that's right Kallista, more dancing.

Lunar Tears said...

Gotta go! Bye!

Isabella Midnight said...

*sits on the sofa* *sighs*

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Hi Ashers!!!¡¡¡!!!

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Bye Lunar!!!¡¡¡!!!

kk Kallista!!!

nights.raven said...

lol bye lunar

Esther said...

Hi Derek, I've only started reading your books over the past 2 months (unforgivable, I know) and already I've finished all of them! I was wondering if you were coming to Chester at any time?

AshyyPanda said...

Hiii!!! How is everyone??? :D

Isabella Midnight said...

*sits down on sofa* *sighs*

gingainaskulduggerypleasanthood said...

HI DEREK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why arent you coming to galway???????????? galways should come to galway...
if you do id be eternally grateful
please come to galway............
if you did come id probly be first there
id be the ginger thats obsessed with unicorns and skulduggery pleasant


Esther said...

Hey Derek, guess what... I'm listening to my newly bought Skulduggery Pleasant audio book!

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Yep, we're having a great time!


Ann Marie said...

I"m back!

Bye Lunar! Hi Skyril ...bye Skyril. :-P

Isabella, why sigh?

nights.raven said...

wb ann

Ann Marie said...

Hi Ashers and Esther! And person with too long a name for me to type out!

AshyyPanda said...

Hiii Ann Marie!

Has anyone else noticed how we haven't seen the back cover for Death Bringer yet??

Ann Marie said...

Well, I've noticed it now, thanks. LOL

What's on the backs of the first three? I only have US versions of those. :-P

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Yes, we're having withdrawal symptoms.


AshyyPanda said...

LOLOL! um, Dusk is on the back of Dark Days, and that Russian guy whose name I can't spell is on the Mortail Coil one, and I can't remember the other ones...whoops...

Ann Marie said...

*puts Pyro and Octa into rehab* That Kallista addiction is a tough one to kick.

Ann Marie said...

Yes, well, I have those, as there aren't US versions of them! I should just buy the originals of the first three. Americanizing Irish English is bad. :-P

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Select, Start, I'm trying to unlock your heart.


Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...


Our parents have enforced a curfew.


Bye all!!!¡¡¡!!!

AshyyPanda said...

Hmm, I don't really even like the US covers for them. And yep you shoulddd

Ann Marie said...

:-( Gooodnight Pyro and Octa! *hugs* Was good to see you!

Hi Niall!

Ashers, I don't either. :-P

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

Bye Pro!
Don't talk to anyone in a tracksuit!
Tell Octa I said hi!

Venice Rain said...

dammit, missed pyro and octa D:

but Niall and ann-marie!!

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

I can't stand the US covers.
The art is awful...

nights.raven said...

hi niall
bye pyro

Venice Rain said...

its not tom percival, for deffo. its... generic.

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

Yay Venice!

Ann Marie said...

*sulks* Why'd they have to go and change them? The Percival covers are epic.

Hi Venice!

AshyyPanda said...

I don't even understand why they didn't use tom's ones, yannooo

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...


nights.raven said...

congratz ann

Venice Rain said...

:@ NIALL NO ONE CARES!!! *cries in corner*

im going on hooollliiiiidaaaayyyy in twooo sleeps!

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

Much too late to get the oneth comment...

Venice Rain said...


and Bella and James, and their baby.

and nerds, and harry potter and art

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

Where are you pottermore going pottermore?

Ann Marie said...

Oooh. I dedicate this page to TOM PERCIVAL and his epica Skulduggery Pleasant illustrations!

And goats. Can't forget the goats.

Venice Rain said...

im going to Egypt. you spaz.

so yeah, am also going to upload more stuff, including more writings.

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

I forgot how earphones worked and tried to jam the jack into my own ear just now.

It hurt.

Ann Marie said...

*facepalm* Nice one, Niall.

AshyyPanda said...

Have you tired getting into Pottermore yet?????????

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

I'm good, Kal.
My ear hurts, though.

Venice Rain said...

niall, you utter moron.

Ann Marie said...

When I looked it said registrations were closed for the day. I will wait until it's open to everyone.

AshyyPanda said...

Ohh yeah in October? I GOT IN TODAY!! I screamed so loud the neighbour next door stopped cutting his garden and was like, wthhhh??/!! LOOOOOOOOOOL

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

I made it on.
Waiting for my Welcome email.

B :^)
Deal with it.

Hey! Latverian girls,
How's your kingdom?
Subjugated to a madman with no FACE!

Venice Rain said...


AshyyPanda said...

Apparently no one will get it till after the 6th when the 7 days are up :D :D

Ann Marie said...

Is it fun?

Cluainn Fhada said...

i would go... but all my Skulduggery stuff is signed..... Might go to newbridge and just hang out, even if it doesn't mean a whole day off school like it did last year.

It was a Thursday, and i was a little sad to miss double art....

Here's a link at the end of which you can see a picture of us.

And for the record Derek Landy CAN'T solve a Rubik's cube.

Venice Rain said...

double art was the reason to wake up in the morning for me :D

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

My taste in music is so good it hurts.

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

My art teacher is an idiot.

Cluainn Fhada said...

Venice... It was straight away first thing kick start to Thursday too....

Thank god I'm noyt dropping art, I love it so.

Venice Rain said...

2/3 were amazing. the third was a perv ¬_¬
one of them taught us how to do skulls! I said how useful it would be, and everyone looked at me weird... ah well. I gave my skull a variety of hats. (but not a fedora. hardest to draw hat I know of)

also niall, im listing to kirby krackle now!! STOP INFLUENCING ME!!!

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

Come on, Venice! I'm a GOOD influence with awesome taste and amazing fan theories.
*eyebrow waggle*

Cluainn Fhada said...

Spilling glue on the chair seems like one way to do it.

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