Friday, June 24, 2011

The End Of The World

Ah, Skulduggery, my old friend. Look how much you’ve changed my life. When you popped into my head six years ago (to the very MONTH) I had no idea what it would mean. Valkyrie came to me within sixty seconds of your arrival. In the next three minutes, I had China and Ghastly and Tanith and Bliss and Serpine- and suddenly I was writing a book. More than one, actually.

A nine book series. Thank GOD I envisioned this as nine books. What if I’d only envisioned it as a trilogy? Then it would have ended two years ago, and these characters who I love writing about would be finished, with no more stories to tell.

It isn’t JUST the nine books, though, because now there are a host of short stories I’ve written, and a lot more I’ve yet to write. These stories are a way for me to write about things or characters or ideas that I just don’t have the space for in the books. At the moment, these stories can only be found in the paperback editions, and while we’re looking into ways of making them available to everyone, for the moment the paperbacks are the only way you can own them. I’d love if there were a way for you to hand over a few cents or pence in a bookshop so you could take that short story home with you, but we can’t do that just yet.

However, next year you’ll be getting something a little special.

World Book Day is a worldwide celebration of reading and books. In Ireland and the UK it’s usually held at the start of March, while the rest of the world tends to hold it in April. I don’t know why it can’t be held on the SAME day, but there you go. To encourage people to pick up a book and start reading, a select few are sold for one pound, or exchanged for Book Tokens. They’re fairly small books, it has to be said, and so they’re REALLY a sort of extended short story… But even so, it’s a wonderful enterprise, and I’m honoured to have been chosen to write a BRAND NEW Skulduggery adventure for World Book Day 2012.

I’m writing it at the moment, actually, in between edits of Death Bringer. I’ve managed to get my publishers to agree to make it 15,000 words long- which is the most they could manage (the average Skulduggery short story is anywhere between 3000 and 5000 words). Frankly, I wanted to make it the longest book it could possibly be within the World Book Day limits because I want to make it worth your while to pick up. In terms of a page count, 15,000 words is roughly equivalent to 90 pages of the Mortal Coil paperback, so it’ll probably be around one sixth of the length of Mortal Coil. It isn’t a full length book, but it’s something cool and new and AFFORDABLE to add to your collection.

The story takes place a few months after Death Bringer and it’s called The End Of The World. Apart from anything else, it’ll be a nice way to bridge the gap between Death Bringer and Book Seven, which will be released in September 2012- as planned- and which is called, er… Dave.


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Anonymous said...

Oh my god that sounds so cool cant wait

Anonymous said...

oh im first first post ever and first

Derek Landy said...

Hi Mal!

Right, I have to go now and do some work- can't be staying here chatting to you all day...!

Bye now!

Anonymous said...

Bye derek

Shalom Chung said...

So excited! Love short stories. They always consist of the best words in the best order in the least amount of space.

Liz said...

Wow! This is great! More Skulduggery at a cheap price! (which is great for people who are broke, like moi) how much is one pound in US money? *googles it* Dude! A Skulduggery Pleasant book for like a dollar! That's awesome!

Liz said...

Thats a great idea Kallista! its a nice way to give back ^^

Isabella Midnight said...


Niamhy Jay said...


Dragona Pine said...

Awesome Derek! I can't wait to read it.

Now guys, could we go on the other one until it is full.

Liz said...

LOL, Hi Bella!

Octa said...

Awesome! World Book Day is now even better than it used to be!

nights.raven said...

awesome!!! cant wait! i dont know why they cant have it in the same month either. I cant wait until it comes out!! how do you get these books? its the first time i have heard of it

Dragona Pine said...

We should fill up the other one before we do this. Just saying...

Niamhy Jay said...


DogsLikeBones said...

Awesome! I haven't gotten a book for WBD for ages - and this one shall make the others cry at their own unworthyness, and then they will be water damaged because they cried so much, and then your book will laugh at their pathetic puddle of tears... If your book is mean, of course...

Isabella Midnight said...

I AM SO HUNGRY!!!!!!!!!

DogsLikeBones said...

Bones to the rescue!
*stuffs unworthy water damaged books into Isabella's mouth*
There! Job done ^^

Niamhy Jay said...

hey Raven!!

Rebecca Norman said...

Derek, i cant wait for you'r short story to come out. You always suprise us with thigs we dont expect, thats what makes you so amazing, along with the fact, that you'r AMAZING at writing books and are so good to you'r minions,

Love me :)

nights.raven said...

hey NJ, how r u?

DogsLikeBones said...

Do your books have individual personalities?
Yeah, it's an odd question but it just came to me. Maybe, Playing with Fire is shy? Mortal Coil could be arrogant? If you had to give them personalities, what would they be? ^^

Niamhy Jay said...

i am good how are you??

Isabella Midnight said...

*starts chewing books*

*says with mouth full*

Very interesting!

Rebecca Norman said...

Hey guys!!

nights.raven said...

im good, a little bored, but im good lol

nights.raven said...

hey val

nights.raven said...

how r u?

DogsLikeBones said...

Opps, I think there were some hardbacks in there too Isabella!
Don't hurt youre teeth!

Rebecca Norman said...

*starts ripping hair out*
I have nothing to read and not had anything to read for literally ages, as soon as that book comes out in september, i am SO reading it!!!!

nights.raven said...

lol isabella

Niamhy Jay said...

hey Bones

Rebecca Norman said...

Hey nights.raven, im good, how are you??

nights.raven said...

im good

DogsLikeBones said...

Hello NJ!
And Nights!
And Val!

Rebecca Norman said...

Good good.

nights.raven said...

hi bones

Rebecca Norman said...

Hey dogs like bones!!

Rebecca Norman said...

Hey NJ !!

Niamhy Jay said...

Hey Val wonna be how are you?? and how are you bones??

DogsLikeBones said...

I'm good, thank you ^^
How are you?

Rebecca Norman said...

Im good thanks, how are you NJ and Bones??

Rebecca Norman said...

Whats your favorite SP book yet??

Jackskin said...

hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii everyone omg world book day sp book I've never really do world book day but next year I'm definetly doing it the end of the world sounds so cool Derek (I'm your no 1 fan and best minion out of everyone) so hi anyone and THE GOLDEN GOD

DogsLikeBones said...

Hmm... *strokes imaginary beard*
I would say I can't choose, but I wanna say Dark Days...
What about you?

Jackskin said...

my favorite sp book is book mortal coil but will end up being death bringer and so on

DogsLikeBones said...

Hello, Jackskin!

Jackskin said...

hi bones whatcha doing

Rebecca Norman said...

Mine is motal coil, they just get better and better!!

Sabrina said...

I hope they'll have it on Amazon after they publish it. I so want that book!

Rebecca Norman said...

GTG guys. Bye-bye!!

Jackskin said...

what sp book do you lot like the best out of book 1 or book 2

DogsLikeBones said...

@ Jackskin - I'm talking to you guys, listening to music and breathing ^^

@ Val - I love them all but I think there's just something about Dark Days... Maybe it's the zombies?

Jackskin said...

by val

DogsLikeBones said...

Bye Val!

Jackskin said...

i'm talking to you guys and nothing else hehe

Jackskin said...


Jackskin said...


Jackskin said...

by bones... not really
so everyone but us left I think

DogsLikeBones said...

Okay then, guess what number I'm thinking of between 5 and 6!

Jackskin said...

by for real this time see later i might be on at about eight

Jackskin said...

ohh wait i know this one its 20000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Jackskin said...

by bones like I said I might be one at eight

DogsLikeBones said...

Okay Bye!

It's was 5.49 by the way...

Rachel McCoach said...

wow! i hated the crappy books from the previous world book days. now therell be an AWESOME one to show all the rest how it's done!




Check me awesome toy! (if ye havent)

SpacemanFromSpace said...

I can't wait to get the paperbacks, I mean I have all of the series up to this date so I couldn't get new ones just for the short stories but my mum is a teacher at a school in the outback (I live in Australia) and she has been trying to find a kid she teaches some books too read (he wants to be a writer) and I suggested Skulduggery Pleasant as that is my writing inspiration, so now I am giving him my old book as it is a small town and they don't have a bookshop, which means not only can I get the new ones but I can also share the love that is Skulduggery Pleasant to more people :-D

Destiny Princeston said...

that's great spaceman from space

Destiny Princeston said...

anyone here?

DogsLikeBones said...

Your picture is epic Destiny! ^^

Rachel McCoach said...

lol awesome!

heya Destiny :)

Destiny Princeston said...

why thank you :D hello dogslikebones and rachel

DogsLikeBones said...

Hi Rachel!

I'll only be kinda half here - busy ^^

Rachel McCoach said...

heya bones :)

destiny- is it micheal jackson or someone? *pretends to have SOME idea of what it is*


Destiny Princeston said...

no it's Gerard Way, Frank Iero, Mikey Way, Bob Bryar and ray toro

Destiny Princeston said...

the band My Chemical Romance

Rachel McCoach said...


lol- my guess was a fail :P

Destiny Princeston said...

i love michael jackson as well, usually my picture is michael jackson, so you were kinda close XD

Destiny Princeston said...

soo. im bored, what you peoples usually talk about?

Rachel McCoach said...

lol- ill go with that :)

...wheres everyone else? should be loads o folk on by noo

Destiny Princeston said...

sooooooooooooooooooo. how are you ? :D

Destiny Princeston said...

whats you picture rachel?

Jackskin said...

hi destiny cool chemical romance picture or though I have to admit I did think it was michael jackson guess I was wrong oops :) hi rachel bones and anyone else

Rachel McCoach said...

hey Jackskin- never met :)

destiny- i dont really know tbh... i THINK its an odd kind of phoenix thing

Destiny Princeston said...

ok, cool enough

Rachel McCoach said...

i think everyone else in on the chat...

Destiny Princeston said...

i never knew there was a chat D:

Rachel McCoach said...


Destiny Princeston said...

thank ya

nights.raven said...

im bored

nights.raven said...

and apparently i missed everyone

Jackskin said...

no you didn't nights raven i'm here oh and pleased to meet you rachel hi raven and everyone

nights.raven said...

hi jack, nice to meet you

Jackskin said...

hiiiiiii we havn't met I don't think hi pleased to meet you

nights.raven said...

no we havent met before :)

Jackskin said...

soooo what do you want to talk about?_?

nights.raven said...

no clue, lol

Jackskin said...

i know how about what number am I thinking of from 1 to 100

Jackskin said...

I know loooolllll

nights.raven said...

lol 72

Jackskin said...

wait sorry not long enough llllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooolllllllllllllllllllllllll"__________________________"

Jackskin said...

close one try left

nights.raven said...


Anonymous said...

hey :)

nights.raven said...


Jackskin said...

wait got to go dinner see you mabye at half past to seven a clock au'revior

nights.raven said...

ok bye, enjoy your dinner! and are you in france?

Anonymous said...

france wow

nights.raven said...

hi florence

Anonymous said...

hey :)

nights.raven said...

nice to meet you

Anonymous said...

awesome to see you too kallista :)

nights.raven said...

hey kallista

Anonymous said...

g2g now bye bye :)

nights.raven said...

bye florence

Cluainn Fhada said...

My English teacher always gives my those vouchers, so I will get it FREE. Mwahaha!!!

Saoirse Equus said...


Jackskin said...

hi night raven I'm back and I live in devon in the uk hello cluainn fhada we havn't met so good to meet you hiiiiiiiiiiii everyone loooooooollllll +__+

Jackskin said...

hello saoirse equus good to meet you

nights.raven said...

hi again

Jackskin said...

soooo just me

nights.raven said...

im here

Jackskin said...

ohh hi raven so oh wait a minute my dad needs the comp be bac in a sec

Jackskin said...

I'm back *trumpet noise in background* no I'm not important enough for trumpets If raven your still there then the flower or the soil

Jackskin said...

is anyone on here

Mary Contrary said...

Awesome Derek, that sounds so cool!!

and, Hi everyone (if anyone's still here)

Jackskin said...

just me amazing old me

Jackskin said...

hi again raven and taia-demars I don't belive weave met how do you do or just a simple hello:) lol

Crescent said...

Oh wow, that sounds awesomenescafe! And the end of the world is always a great name for a book XD
Though I'm not too sure about calling book 7 about you re-think that one? To go from Death Bringer to...Dave just know...*reasuring smile*
It must have splattered your brains across the wall when you thought of Skulduggery. You must have been like "Oh my god, talking ske- oh no...I've just forgotten how to spell skelliton...This isn't good...D:

Mary Contrary said...

Hi Jackskin! Nice to meet you!

*offers a Jackskin cookie*

Jackskin said...

I noticed on your blog raven you joined in june this year... so did I you know what do want to make a team if so you may have to admin it because I don't know how heh

Crescent said...

And Master Derek, if you read this, I was wondering what your take is on the Pottermore website-thingy? I can tell your someone who is a fan of Harrp Potter...I mean HP and SP are like best buddies, right?

Jackskin said...

thanks for the cookie it tasted great mmm cookie* drool coming out of my mouth* anyway nice to meet you

Crescent said...

I crave some proper nice cheese...

Jackskin said...

hp and sp can be twins because there both great books omg nice one cresent

Jackskin said...

sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooGOLDEN GOD I HAVE JUST COME UP WITH A NEW NAME HOW ABOUT THE GOLDEN CREATOR LANDY

Jackskin said...

just me or am I just being stupid

Jackskin said...

......... Me: day twenty four no hope no one to talk to exept wind hi wind.
WIND: I hate you.
ME: shut up wind just shut up.*starts crying*

Jackskin said...

omg am i seriosly the only one on.

nights.raven said...

im here, srry for slow commenting

Jackskin said...


Mary Contrary said...

I'm a bitdistracted at the moment, so I'll be responding pretty slowly..

Jackskin said...

raven you saved me from aloness *hugs raven in bear hug*
Raven: stop..your killing me.
Me: nonsence. just joking whats your favrotie sp chaecter

Jackskin said...

you both came*cartoon moment where I hug both of you you lot with manga tears*

Crescent said...

My fave SP charater..,thats a hard one uuum...

Dragona Pine said...

May I just say that I think it would be better to go on the other one and fill up the available comments we can before we fill up this. It will give us more room to talk.

Jackskin said...

just so you know I'm going to be here for a while

Mary Contrary said...

or, when we finish this one, we go back to older ones? Either way works...

Crescent said...

Golden God? GG? Master Derek? Mr.Landy? Derek? Derek Landy?

Heeey "]

Jackskin said...

dragona what do you mean by the other one because i'm new so I don't know what other one

Anonymous said...

Thank ya derek!!! A LOT!!




Will say more later but dinner!

Crescent said...

Ok, Pine. Whateva you say...

Jackskin said...

hey taia and cresent

Mary Contrary said...

Hi & bye Sadhbh!!

Jackskin: By 'the other one' we simply mean older posts on this blog.

Jackskin said...

could someone please tell me what dragona means by the other one

nights.raven said...

my favorite character would have to be Val, lol

Jackskin said...

ohhhhhhhhh if you tell me which one i'll go if other people are:)

Crescent said...

Pine means the post before this one, cos the limit is 5000 comments, so we fill the other one up first

nights.raven said...

and what dragona means by the other one is the previous blog post

Jackskin said...

hey raven my favourite charecter would be a tough one out of tesseract sp or lord vile orrr solomon wreath

Jackskin said...

ohh are you two going because we can chat there

Jackskin said...

I see now

Jackskin said...

is anyone going to a different blog

tanya7212 said...

its called dave?

Jackskin said...

oh well just me and my thoughts... dam don't any thoughts oh crap what can I do

tanya7212 said...

the otehr post, so thats were eberyone is.. weel BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE got youth club

Jackskin said...

hi tanya we havn't met but are you talking about book seven or a different blog

nights.raven said...

srry, im reading, she means book 7, cuz derek joked about naming it 'dave' lol

Jackskin said...

ahhh.... what you reading raven also being Dereks followers he shoudn't joke about things like that... but then again he is the GOLDEN GOD who inspiered me to write a story

nights.raven said...

im reading The Belgariad by David Eddings and lol

Jackskin said...

I wonder wehere everyone ekse has gone

nights.raven said...


Jackskin said...

is it good if so what is it about

Jackskin said...

whats idk

Jackskin said...

I wikied the book sounds good

Jackskin said...

I'm waiting for a book at the libaray the medusa project its series is callded and thats good oviously not as good as sp

nights.raven said...

idk means i dont know, and its a really good book, up there with SP and its funny too :) cool

Jackskin said...

I'm watching friends right now then proberly going to re-read a sp book

Jackskin said...

seen the episode before though

Jackskin said...

so do you go to school if so where

Jackskin said...

that proberly sounded weird it' only because I'm home taught or do you go to college

nights.raven said...

im homeschooled

Jackskin said...

other than sp and The Belgariad what other books do you like

nights.raven said...

i like Pendragon, Ranger's Apprentice, Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel, and some more i cant think of, lol

Jackskin said...

OMG OMG OMG there for two things one both of us being homeschooled and I just saw the harry potter trailer

Jackskin said...

I like medusa project, alpha force, sp hp and loads more lol

Jackskin said...

I still can not get over the fact that were both homeschooled how old are you

Jackskin said...

I know cool

Jackskin said...

I'm 14

Jackskin said...

yay next page you are still there because I've got to go:( it was nice talking I might be on later but don't think I will we should try to to do this tommorow au'revior

nights.raven said...

ok, bye jack

Kribu said...

Wooohooo! ~does a happy little dance~

I suppose that's the good news that couldn't be revealed the other day? Well, whatever - this certainly IS great news!

*now looks forward to Death Bringer, and The End of the World, and, um ... Dave*

nights.raven said...

any1 on?

Anonymous said...


*Jumps up and down with childish glee*

Dragona Pine said...

Ah, Pandora, please don't call your OC Hawke or something, because I already have an OC called "Hawk".

Dragona Pine said...

The names would be too similar.

Jackskin said...

raven if your on we should definetly try to chat like this again tomoorrow:) hi dragona and pandora

Rachel McCoach said...

technically its already an oc :)

from lady hawke

Rachel McCoach said...

and eh-oh!

Rachel McCoach said...

plus its a second name

nights.raven said...

hi guys

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