Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Events 'n' Things

Ooooh, I haven’t blogged in AGES….!

So, what’s been happening in my crazy, crazy life? Well, on the writer side of things, I’ve been doing a few events, including being a guest at the Prize day for Ardgillan College- a school pretty close to where I live- and Drogheda Grammar School- the school I went to.

Ardgillan was fun, with everyone ready to laugh at the nonsense spewing out of my mouth when I got up to make my speech. Which was nice of them.

Going back to the DGS, the school I’d attended from age 12 to 18, was a blast. Most of my teachers are still there, which is endlessly amusing. They pretty much look the same as they did 18 years ago. Wow. 18 years. That’s a VERY long time. I feel so, so old…

But I had a laugh, which is the main thing, and being invited back to make the speech at Prize Day was lovely. For years after school I always felt like a failure, because I was working on the family farm, writing in my spare time, but having nothing to show for it. Most of my classmates had gone on to college or apprenticeships or proper jobs, and there was I, working for my dad, growing more and more miserable.

The good thing about working for my dad, though, was that he understood my need to be a writer, and he tended to be amused instead of annoyed when he’d realize my mind was far, far away at any given moment. I daydreamed a LOT when I was on the farm- that’s how I wrote- and I’m lucky that he understood that.

That notion of being a failure diminished somewhat when I got two movies made, and then vanished entirely when I wrote Skulduggery. No longer did I have the urge to prove myself to old friends or teachers. It was like a massive weight was lifted from my shoulders, like something petty and nasty and selfish suddenly vanished from my mind. I still show off- oh dear GOD how I show off- but now I do it to amuse myself, not to brag or boast or to demonstrate that I've made it. Now I show off in order to watch the reaction on other people’s faces- which is FUN.

On Saturday I was at the Wicklow Arts Festival, an event that went very well, and I met so many cool people in the signing queue afterwards. Bradley gave me a book he’d published himself, there was an AWESOME Skulduggery-girl and Little-Valkyrie in costume, and two hilariously awesome girls came along in Skulduggery T-shirts they’d made themselves. We went WAY over our allotted time for signing but it was so worth it.

Event-wise, I have nothing on until Edinburgh in August, and then the Ireland/UK/Germany dates in September/October. Which means I have time to write! Yay!

My editor and agent should be getting back to me with notes on the second draft of Death Bringer in the next week or two, and I should be getting Laura’s notes any day now, so hopefully the next draft will be the last.

Once it’s finished, though, I still have work to do. There are a few Skulduggery-related things I need to take care of, and I’d really like to start a brand new, non-Skulduggery book- but then I’ve been saying that for YEARS and I still haven’t had enough time. Oh well- maybe THIS year…


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Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...


Ann Marie said...


How are you this fine day? If it is a fine day in Ireland...

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...


HI derek

Ann Marie said...

LOL Scarlet. Brat. ;-)

adammellal said...

I'd like the new book, but finish Skulduggery first!

Prophet said...


Derek Landy said...

My GOD you people are fast! How do you comment so QUICK??

I was just reading through the comments on the last post, grinning at all those folk who professed to miss me, and I came back here to write a little comment and BOOM- you guys are already here.

You're a bunch of freaks, the lot of you.

Anonymous said...



Tori said...

i thought our great sun god had vanished :O

hey you guys, you need to go check out my new blog posts
i'm not getting as many comments as usual, which makes me sad and depressed :'(
no seriously GO READ AND COMMENT
DAMMIT!!!!! :)

Prophet said...

hey Derek 1 question

Prophet said...

u know how uve got vamps and zombies and everything

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...


U hav inspired ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Prophet said...

can u add lycanthrope AKA werewolves?

Prophet said...

cos i think theyre pretty cool

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

U hav inspired me to WRITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NO 1 has inspired me before
but u were the first!

Tori said...


Ann Marie said...

Kallista, he just said we're freaks! And in context, I think he meant me, specifically. I see chances of a proposal diminishing rapidly.

I think you should get a purple dress, anyway.

Prophet said...

id say the same as Scarlet, Derek but u already hav and im doing a fanfic already

Isabella Midnight said...

Derek, your not old! Not too old anyway. I never knew you worked in a farm ;-)

Tori said...


Prophet said...

neither did i Isabella

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...


i hav been called a FREAK by DEREK LANDY!


Prophet said...

Derek how old are u ?

Prophet said...

i dont like the word freak?
but maybe FANATIC

Tori said...

why is it the only thing that brightens up my monday has to happen right before i have to go to school >:O
now i'll have to wait until i get home to anything else on this blog :'(

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

thats how old my mum is


Prophet said...


Tori said...

....to *say* anything.......

Prophet said...


Tori said...


Anonymous said...

Yay! Im a freak!

Ann Marie said...

((((Tori)))) Have a good day, anyway?

Tori said...

that's so unfair krane

comicgirl said...

i reckon derek has the best sort of humour ever.

Isabella Midnight said...

LOL Krane I'm not in school :-) So I can stay here and chat !

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...


DEREK called us freaks

Prophet said...

Derek is SO much like Skulduggery
witty,humorous and well...witty and humorous

Isabella Midnight said...

I think he made Skulduggery from himself just a thinner and more bony version

comicgirl said...

freaks are awesome. i'm friends with a whole bunch of them.

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

Wish derek could actually stay on and chat with us 4 a few minutes

Ann Marie said...

Aw, Kal. :-(

My kids won the Good Dad lotto. I think Derek might have been second, though. Mine was never that understanding of the daydreaming, either. :-P

Prophet said...

now whats got 2 happen now is ppl are going to school and i foresee emotion

Anonymous said...

Derek, you should do another fanfiction thing!

I submit everisse-eterna.blogspot.com!

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

i'm going to sleep not 2 skool

Isabella Midnight said...


Derek Landy said...

Hi Krane- I don't know about including werewolves, to be honest. I included vampires because I was sick of the non-threatening vamps that were all over movies and books at the time- and still are- but there's a possibility that including werewolves could be a little too obvious and expected. There's also the fact that if I DID do werewolves, they would be wolfMEN, so they'd be bipedal and humanoid instead of full-on wolves- and then the problem would be that they'd be too much like my vampires.

But I don't know- if I can work out a way to come up with something cool and new, then maybe. But no plans yet!

Scarlet, it's so cool that you're writing, and I am HONOURED that you were inspired by my books!

And the rest of you... like I said.... freaks...

Prophet said...

u know wot im saying?

comicgirl said...

OMG its derek! hiiiiii!

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...


he called us freaks AGAIN!

Anonymous said...

DEREK!!! Question!

Do mages lose their magic if they become vampires?

Helena Rainert said...

Wow there haven't been many posts cool for once I'll be somewhere close to first!
Well.... Now I'm here I'm not really sure what to write that'd probably why the first post always says 1st rather than information right? Hehe ahhh well hmmmmm I cant wait for the sixth book to come out but I'll be sad when it does because that would mean that there would only be three more books afterwards which suck:( ohhh and Derek would it be possible to make the extra short stories combined with the new paper backs in to little books because I definitely think my parents would never let me buy the whole series again "just for different picture on the cover and a few extra pages" :( my school got a new library and I is sooooo huge I can't wait to start reading in it it's really pretty ! See you guys later got to go to sleep :(
Bye :)

Prophet said...

Derek the reason i like werewolves is because they always attack the vamp's smug little face

Derek Landy said...

Kallista- of course you are, dear...!

Ann Marie said...

....What are you saying, Mr. Landy? You don't like Twilight?

*gasp* How... how could you?

comicgirl said...

hey derek u should ask tom to draw an entire skulduggery comic. that would be epic

Prophet said...

ive got the perfect way to include them

Helena Rainert said...

Wow now that I read over that again I can see it was quite long and pretty pointless lol :)

comicgirl said...

hey i dont like twilight either.

Anonymous said...


Ann... Besides you and teenage fangirls, I'm pretty sure NO ONE likes Twilight.

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

65th post!

Prophet said...

werewolves cannot die of age but can be killed

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

Derek u r the 1 i look up 2

your books were the first i've EVER READ!

i HATED reading before

until my teacher introduce me to your BOOKS
U hav change my way of thinking
And now my parents r happy that im reading

Anonymous said...

*throws self in front of Derek*

I'm pretty too! You haven't met me, but I am! I'm also magic!

Really, I am!

Isabella Midnight said...


This is going on facebook!!!!!

Prophet said...

actually i dont know how to include them

Helena Rainert said...

Wow sooooo many people posted arghhh that was quick Including Mr Landy!!!!
So what dis you think about including the short stories in separate books????

Ann Marie said...

*ponders Very Important Question of whether tis better to be a Beautiful Freak, or a Pretty Cynical Freak*

comicgirl said...

ummm derek... ihave to tell u somfin...i ACCIDENTLY ripped one of the skulduggery books in half... it got wet.

Prophet said...

Derek the FINAL questions i may possibly ever ask u.ready?

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Octa and Pyro here!

Derek! We're going to Ireland over the summer and want to meet you!

Where will you be exactly in August?

Isabella Midnight said...


So she bought me a new one!!



Derek Landy said...

Vanity- when there are enough short stories written, I hope to collect them into one paperback for the people who don't want to buy the series all over again. It probably won't be until the last book is out, so we can include ALL the stories, but you don't have to read them to understand the books themselves- anything important to the overall story will happen in the books, not the short stories.

Everisse- ohhh I forget...! I know I have this written down somewhere as one of the vampire rules...! From what I remember, a sorcerer who is bitten keeps his powers. I'm fairly certain.

Hi Comicgirl! Hi Isabella! Hi Tori!

And hi Ann-Marie!

Anonymous said...

... It's okay, comicgirl! My books look like they went through a nuclear holocaust.

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

hi just to say

octa is the crazy stalker

im just the crazy

comicgirl said...


Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

i dont like TWILIGHT
i dont kno y other girls like it so much

comicgirl said...

i hate twilight.

Isabella Midnight said...

Twilight sucks rotten eggs to be honest

Prophet said...

1.You included wolfsbane in the Dusk cure.How did you know it was a belief that wolfsbane actually DOES do that?
2.If you do include werewolves can the 1st one be called Krane Farlin?
brown ,medium lengthed hair and always like to wear shin high boots with a hidden knife in the coat
3.Do you know im the new Vladthedemonboy?

comicgirl said...

rotten eggs covered in MAGGOTS!!

Ann Marie said...

EV! Good morning! I actually know one other person who likes Twilight. :-D She's my best local friend, so that works out well for movie-watching, if we both have the money for it at the same time... that's kinda rare, come to think of it.

*points Mr. Landy at Ev's fic blog* She writes good!

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

See we're coming to Dublin especially to meet you!

Well we were going on holiday anyway but you were a large factor in choosing Ireland!

Anonymous said...

Bleh, have to go. Getting ready for school and all that. Bye everyone!


*is a crazy fangirl*

Prophet said...

Everisse i know the answer

Isabella Midnight said...

The baby was a boy! WE'RE CALLING IT DEREK!!1

Prophet said...

never mind

Prophet said...

ahem! but ill tell the rest

Prophet said...

just in case Derek wants to know

Helena Rainert said...

Arghhhhh oh my god you replied yayayayayayaya wow this is sooooo awesomely amazing wowowow I so have to tell my friend who is also obssed with your books about this when you came to Australia we were goig to come tO one of your sessions but we couldn't cause we were at school so we missed out arghhhhh you repiled thank you sooooo much!!! And please come to Australia again sooooon!!!

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

bye Everisse

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Ok I reread your post and you're in Edinburgh?

For all of August? Or just some?

comicgirl said...

i have to keep refreshing and reading posts. is there an easier way?????

Derek Landy said...

Isabella, your foster-mum should call the baby Derek. I don't care if it's a girl. DEREK.

Kallista- no horses or any animals, I'm afraid! Just crops! But from where I'm sitting I can see out my window, and there are three horses less than 20 feet from where I am right now!

Octa and Pyro- I'm not sure yet where I'll be in August- the details haven't been finalised yet. When they are, I'll post them on the blog.

Comicgirl- you ripped one of my books in TWO???

Well now you have double the reading pleasure! Yayyyy!

Prophet said...

a socerer when bitten does not keep his FULL magical power.But the magic that surges inside him/her fights the vamperic cells.The stronger the sorcerer is the longer he/she will last after being bitten

If he/she does not get cured only a small sample of sorcery will remain

comicgirl said...

yes. in two lovely peices. luckily for the human race duct tape exists.

Anonymous said...

The cover ripped off two of my paperbacks, the cover ripped somehow on hardcover Mortal Coil, and I got blood on Dark Days, somehow.

Helena Rainert said...

And yeah I know the short stories dint need to be read but I'm dying to read them!!!!!!!! My mum started reading skulduggery pleasant recently and now she knows every thing about cause she's read them and she knows all it secrects soo know it's not just me in my family who knows about it she does to but I don't think she will become obssed as me... I even made my own SP calendar!!!! Hehehe

Ann Marie said...

Are the three horses Laura's, by any chance?

Bye Ev! Have a lovely day!

And, Mr. Landy! The most important question you will ever get: WHY IS CALIFORNIA NOT LISTED ON YOUR TOUR SCHEDULE? Please rectify this immediately.

Prophet said...

im the database of this stuff.So if there is something anyone,even Derek, isnt sure of ask ME

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...



i live in QUEENSLAND

i really want to meet u
*does puppy dog eyes*

comicgirl said...

he he. i got dirt all through mortal coil... what?? there was a bird! an annoying bird!

Isabella Midnight said...

My pancake is too warm to lift :-( BUT I WANT WARM NUTELLA SO I AM NOT WAITING FOR IT TO COOL DOWN!!!!!

Prophet said...

(Derek plz visit Newcastle or Gateshead the pride of the Angel of the North)

Ann Marie said...

...and wow, Ev. You're harder on your books than I am. O.o You'll have to elaborate on the blood later.

Prophet said...

(btw its in England North - East)

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

My parents refused to let me buy the new cover of mortal coil


Derek Landy said...

Scarlet- I'm the same age as your mum? I HATE being the same age as someone's mum...! It means I'm old enough to be your DAD! And I'm NOT a dad! I'm a Golden God!

Pyro/Octa- just in Edinburgh for 2 days.

Vanity- I'll be touring Australia again in 2012!

Krane- I know the things I know because I is a GENIUS.

Prophet said...

yes of course golden god *bows respectfully*

Ann Marie said...

*kidnaps Kallista* If I adopt you, will you bale hay for me? *puppy eyes*

Isabella Midnight said...




Prophet said...

everyone would Isabella

Helena Rainert said...

Ehehe genius is rift and so is golden god
Great to here your touring next year can't wait I'll make sure I will e
Lined up first place ready with my arms full of the books for you to sign!!!!

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Octa here

well we're in Dublin specifically on 12th/13th August.

Has Edinburgh been finalised? Can it not be on these two days.

Not that we matter more than all of Edinburgh but...

comicgirl said...

i would bring my guitar for him 2 sign. even if i dont play it.

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...


My mum looks pretty YOUNG 4 her age

and U do have 2 worry i actually thought u were in your 20's

Prophet said...

Derek Newcastle/ Gateshead is a perfect place we have a library filled with ur books

Prophet said...

Derek has anyone ever said ur look 32 or less and not 36

comicgirl said...

hey derek when will the movie come out? theres gunna be a movie right? right??

Helena Rainert said...

You will not believe this right ive watch a few of your interviews on YouTube and on your website over the years and at the beginning of this year I was put into my new English class the first lesson we had I got into to class sat down got out our books and the teacher walks in and he beings speking I almost had a heartattack he sounded exactly like you I ha I do a double take
Just to be sure( my English teacher is from Ireland)

Isabella Midnight said...

93 DAYS!!! 93 DAYS

*laughs manically*

comicgirl said...

93 days what?

Ann Marie said...

Hay is ... fragile and delicate, yeah. I wouldn't want it to be manhandled! You'd be perfect for the job! :-D

Anyway, it will grow greener if tended by a beautiful queen in a purple dress.

Prophet said...


Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...


will u come on August cause thats when my BIRTHDAY is!!!!!!

Valkyrie's birthday is on AUGUST RIGHT?

Prophet said...

Brian Cox

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Bye Kallista!

Prophet said...


comicgirl said...


Prophet said...

scroll down 2 william stryker-Brain Cox

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

bye Kallista


Helena Rainert said...

Derek you know what you should do you Gould write an episode of doctor who!!! It needs to have a few zombies added here and there!! :) ehehehe

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...


Derek hasn't commented in more than 10 minutes


Oh no!

adammellal said...

Derek! What major changes have you made in the series from first drafts?

Ann Marie said...

Bye Kallista!

*waves at Dragona* Hope you're reading, xat still hates me.

comicgirl said...

hey your right krane

Isabella Midnight said...


DEREK GO ON THIS!!!!! DRAGONA IS THERE he can't comment so please

Prophet said...

seriously derek u look exactly like him the glasses the hair the little bit of facial hair below ur chin

comicgirl said...

i hate the new doctor who. it was only good with christopher eclston and david tennant. matt sux

Prophet said...


plz derek LOOK AT YOUR slightly looking older TWIN

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

I disagree comicgirl

comicgirl said...

bring it on

Prophet said...

Derek do u think u look like him(my pic)

Ann Marie said...

! Aw. *cuddles Matt* But he's so cute! *ruffles his hair*

comicgirl said...

matt smith is a girl and cant act for crap

Prophet said...

*steps away from Ann*

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Well for starters very few people thought that David Tennant was a good person to be the doctor for a while

Secondly, the actors who have been the doctors throughout all the series have been different, too me the third doctor is and will always be the best

(and no, I'm not THAT old)


Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...



*hugs every1*

hope to c u guys soon

hope to c DEREK in the future

Anonymous said...

to Derek.
this is probably this is bout the 2nd time i've commented on this blog, so i'm new ;) i just wanna say that your books are absoulutely amazing, i can see them getting higher then the Harry Potter/ Twilight section. there absoulutely amazing and you have inspired me to right. i've written about 3 books so far. all about 350 pages, and about magic of course. anyways, ur books are amazing.

Helena Rainert said...

It's raining again and the patch in
My ceiling is getting wetter ( not quite sure if that's spelt right) well I better be going bye everyone it's been nice talking to you all bye Derek continue the awesome writing and I'll be back another post sometime
Down the track.. Off to bed and then watching a midsummer nights dream in English tomorrow with my eniglish teacher who has the awaken Irish accent and it will be awkward evahse my name is actually the same as one of the foolish lovers/ characters and evey one will just be staring at me ahhhh well !
"lovers name is Helena"

comicgirl said...

eh hem. david tennant is is great and some peolple say on the www that he could play skulduggery in the movie. but that would be weird so never mind.

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Bye all!!!

Octa might come on soon though so I'll still be here really


Prophet said...

who0 wud be the best actor as Skulduggery?

comicgirl said...

ok imgunna go a draw now cause im bored and tired. bye every1

Isabella Midnight said...


Prophet said...

i think Hugh Jackman

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

oh but i don't know all that much on the acting world

But comicgirl, David Tennant is a very good actor and no one can say otherwise

Arcanine said...


Thats really AWESOME but SCARY at the same time, cause I'm going to England and Ireland in 2012 and I will never forgive you or myself if I don't get a chance to stalk you...

I'm not creepy or anything...

anyways, I do love Skulduggery but a non-related book by you would be just as awesome!!!

Would it be still for childreny teens? or for an older teeny/young adult genre audience?

I'm going to Europe in April- June... please say thats not when your coming to Australia cause I will probably die if I don't get to meet you before the world is supposed to end..

You probably don't need me to tell you this, but you're awesome and I adore you and your writing!!!

(probably good for your ego)

:) Happy blogging Derek!!!

Helena Rainert said...

David and matt are both awsome
Doctors okay just get over it there different yes but awsome
In there own ways now I can feel my fingers going numb so good night every body!

Anonymous said...

I wish my folks were as understanding of my need to write as your folks were of your writing. My mother shows no interest in it at all, and my dad actively goes out of his way to sabotage any writing time I may have. But I'll show them. I'll become disgustingly rich and famous and flaunt my wealth in front of them! FLAUNT, I tells you!
*cackles evilly, then quietly goes back to writing*

Isabella Midnight said...

I hate Doctors I love Doctor who!

Ann Marie said...

*wonders what being a girl has to do with someone's acting ability* Hmm.

Krane, who's that in the pic?

Prophet said...

its Brian Cox Ann

Prophet said...

now its the Doctor who werewolf

Ann Marie said...

...I'm not really seeing the resemblance, myself. *tries to imagine Derek in 20 years* I don't know.

Isobel said...

golden god. once you are finished skulduggery please don't stop writing!

quick question.

when will you tour Australia again? if you do make sure you go to Sydney!!! though if i go to one of your signings i will probably just stare at my feet and mumble. I'm shy before you get to know me then i become unbearable. it is 9.30pm in Australia now and i am on the computer against my parents will.

they don't know im on. they think im in bed.and i have to get up at 6.00am tomorrow.

I'm weird like that.....come to think of it i'm weird in everything....

I AM RAMBLING ON!.....and overusing ...'s

errrrrrrr.....now what? oh rite.

I am twelve years old and my brother thinks that Skulduggery Pleasant is too young for me...if only he knew...high school is a drag. i derive amusement mainly from my teachers mispronouncing exotic names like: Tallaheu and Batoul. lots of fun! (Tallaheu is pronounced Dullaheu and Batoul is pronounced Botuel.)
My friends call me Obel for short...WEIRD FRIENDS HUH?!?!...it is now 9.40pm. I should leave now.


Ann Marie said...

And I have no idea how it got to be so late. I need to go.

Dear Mr. Landy,

It was very sweet of you to stay and chat with us a bit. Thank you. <3

I am totally serious about the California thing, btw. Come here! ...and don't forget my car, 'k? ;-D


Derek Landy said...

Just reading through the Skulduggery Forums- all those theories about what's going to happen...!

Stormtyson- I'm thrilled that you're writing- well done!

See you later Scarlet!

Krane- errrrr.....

Ann-Marie- the horses aren't Laura's.... sorry, Laura just called to tell me how her last day of college went! Where was I? Ah yes, the horses aren't hers, but I do have a small paddock at my house with a little stable, and she has kept a pony there for a few months, allowing it to eat all of my grass and, bizarrely, most of my fence...!

Okay, now I'm going to have lunch! Yay! Lunch!

Helena Rainert said...

It s 9:54 now I should be going to like I said tenish minutes ago......... Hehee yea don't forget to come to Sydney!!!!!!!!!! :)

Ann Marie said...

Last day of college ever? Not just for the year? Is she graduating? If so, CONGRATULATIONS LAURA! please pass that on. :-)

Ok, now, really, going to bed. Good day, all!

Octa said...

Enjoy your lunch Derek!

Ann Marie said...

Oh, and I'm not surprised at all that a pony would eat your fence. :-P Little monsters... I mean, <3 them.

Octa said...

Oh yes Derek!


I was wondering how to get an agent!

Could you answer this question?


Octa said...

Because all the publishers don't accept unsolicited manuscripts.

But I have no idea how I'd get an agent...

Octa said...

Oh and bye Ann!

N said...

I need a hug... :(

Helena Rainert said...

Hey Derek you know your acknowledgment in page in book five that is all blacked out and stuff well when me and my friend got the book we were siting on the train trying o figure out what could of been written tree ( we came up with alot of different combinations :) ) any ways and the other day my mum picked it put to being reading she saw the page and held it up to the light Teton to see if she could see the writing through the blacked outnareas I tild here it would be impossible because it was all the same color ink and she was just like oh... Right lol :)

neelnanda said...

The only book that could be better than skulduggery is more skulduggery. PLEASE stop all these cliff hangers beore you write other books.

Tori said...

i'm coming on here instead of working :P

N said...

Hi Tori!

N said...


Tori said...

can't go on youtube
stupid school computers have blocks on them

N said...

Lol :) It's alright :) It was "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life"...

You're at school?

Tori said...

i'm supposed to be making a video for biology but the computer is being stupid so i'm doing it at home

N said...

LOL :D My school computers won't let us on blogs... :S

How sad :(

Tori said...

mine hasn't found blogger.com yet

Ayesha said...

yaay derek ur back i was begining to get worried!! i would love it if u made another book i would soooo read it!! =D anways got to get back to doing HW byeee derek!!

Ayesha said...

oh BTW derek i cant wait for death bringer im sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo EXCITED LOL! =D

Tori said...

now i'm all alone :'(

Ayesha said...

AWW poor Tori ill stay here and do HW at the same time kk?

Octa said...

Quinn? Are you still here?

Hey Ayesha and Tori!

Tori said...

i should be doing work but this laptop is stupid so i'm gonna do it when i get home

Octa said...

Arrgh! I'm trying to find a perfect quote to describe our Golden God.

Ayesha said...

how about FREAKIN AWESOME octa??

Tori said...

totally amzing and awesome in every way :D

N said...

I'm here... Sorry. Was on chat.

Dragona's there and wants to talk to you guys :)

Tori said...

i think chat might be blocked
don't know
school computers suck

Prophet said...


btw Dragonas on this and cant cum on the blog


N said...

LOL Tori!

Ayesha said...

say hi to dragona im at library and chat is blocked sorry! =(

Tori said...

and i can't go on chat
it blocked me and i don't know the code to get on it

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