I'm sitting in my hotel room in... where am I? Melbourne? Adelaide? Wherever. Anyway, here I sit, tapping away at my laptop, about to go to bed and I figured I'd drop by and say hi.
So, y'know... hi.
The tour continues to go well. In fact, it's going great. Brilliantly. The response has been incredible, with so much energy and enthusiasm at each event. Signing queues have been massive, which is slightly less cool, because I just don't have the time to chat to each person as much as I'd like to, or even sign all of their books in some cases. Next time I'm over I'm going to INSIST that more time is left for signing. Some of these Minions-with-funny-accents go through an awful lot to get to me- some have been driving for 7 hours, some have even FLOWN in... The least I can do is have a chat and sign whatever they have. Sometimes that's just not possible, but I try my best.
I've met so many people from this Blog and the Forums and the Facebook pages (and the old Bebo page! Which I must reactivate... maybe... The Bebo page was DAUNTING because of the amount of comments and emails I'd have to answer every time I logged in... Every time I opened the Bebo page I'd spend HOURS there... no such thing as a quick dip in and out...)
Where was I? Oh yes, meeting a load of people I've only seen online. That's pretty cool, to be honest. I had no idea, for example, that Nixion or Calamity were Australian (well, maybe I did have an idea once, but I'd totally forgotten it). It's always so weird when I meet people and realise I know them from somewhere online- it's like we're old friends, and yet we've never met...
Another nice thing about being on tour is the amount of hyperventilating teenage girls who arrive in front of me. I swear, if Teenage Me ever found out what Adult Me is confronted with every day on tour, he'd be so insanely jealous... You're all hysterically funny and quite, quite odd.
When I get home I'll post pictures of some of the cool stuff I've been given (really, you'll have to see them to understand the coolness of some of your fellow Minions), but suffice it to say that I'm really glad I only packed half a suitcase worth of stuff- because I'll be going home with a LOT more than I came with.
Right then, just a few things before I go... According to the Facebook page, some stores in the UK and Ireland have already released KOTW. Naughty, naughty stores. On its OFFICIAL release date I'll put up a special Spoiler blog where you can discuss it here openly, but until then, please keep doing what you're doing and don't spoil it for the others. I'm very grateful to you all for the restraint you've shown so far.
Because of the fact that some schools are back early, some of the Irish times have been changed.
Thursday 30th August
Public Signing: Easons, Whitewater Shopping Centre, Newbridge, TIME CHANGE FROM 12 noon to 2PM start.
Friday 31st August
Public Signing: Dubray Books, Market Cross Shopping Centre, Kilkenny, TIME CHANGE FROM 2PM TO 4PM start.
And one last thing- the competition winners from, ahem, last year. Yes yes, it's taken me ages to send you your books, but now you're also going to get a signed KOTW too, so, like, yay...! But I need you to send your names and addresses to us again, because SOME of you, hilariously, decided not to include your real name the last time, and instead insisted that the books be sent to your online taken name... which would have confused the nice people who deliver the parcels. Also, I know that at least one of you have changed addresses since winning, so we're gonna need an update.
So, send your real name, and your real address (and also your online name so I'll know who you are) to this email:
It's the only email address they could find that wasn't being used for anything else... Sorry...
Here's the list of winners, in case you've forgotten.
Miss Arianna Dark
Asteria Wing
The BookNommer
Silke Gronau
Lauren Longbottom
Valkyrie V
«Oldest ‹Older 4601 – 4800 of 4893 Newer› Newest»(HAPPY 800th BIRTHDAY TO MAGNA CARTA! *laughs* Just revisited my childhood by watching the special of Horrible Histories- it was BANTS!)
It makes me feel awful... More likely to do it
Bethany: I am...
(Yes, Jaimie.)
Minerve: Then you will go back to Liliana and cripple her. And I wish to watch you doing so. And once you have done that, I will pay Silente a visit.
*sighs, grinning, holding Beth tightly*
*nuzzles her ear gently, nibbling her ear, tugging it gently*
*cuddles against her side, half draped across her*
Onwa: *shakes her head*
A shame you didn't specify which daughter. I won't be crippling Liliana I'm afraid.
Bethany: *she smiles, holding her close*
Minerve: Then I am afraid you will have to look elsewhere, mortal. Although I would like to kill the little vampire, I will not do so without something in return. Otherwise I would gain nothing.
Exactly . . .
*hugs Noelle*
Don't feel bad . . . it's not your fault you have to do it. Don't try and scare yourself out of it, try and feel better . . . although I imagine you've been trying the latter for a while . . .
*smiles, kissing her throat gently*
Onwa: *frowns*
How about,
*uses her power as half creator of the realm, locking Minerve in, increasing her gravity by a very high amount*
Your freedom.
She's just scared, Adra, it's her job. Just know it's out of love. :)
*wants nothing more than to curl up in Loki's arms*
*instead, curls up on a cold rock*
*kneels atop the rock* You know, rocks are notoriously bad huggers. Although, I believe Eve was pretty good.
(*is a cold rock*)
((Hello Adra, Trip and Danni.))
(*is no longer a cold rock and returns the cuddle Danni left earlier*)
*falls off Tia* Hey! I was using you!
I did it last night before I went to bed
It's really purple too..
*walks over and picks Rose up and holds her close*
(I will be back soon.)
(*sighs* Okay Soph.)
Oh, I'm sorry. *hugs*
I love you very much, Noelle, and I'm sorry you feel this way.
(*hugs Kas*)
(*hugs Iris back* Hey...)
(Hey. *slowly dissapears*)
(Herrow Bow. *hugs* What's up?)
(*hugs her tighter, stopping her from vanishing*)
*Is little bits*
*starts gathering up the Adra bits, making sure they're all together for easy reconstruction**hugs Adra pile*
(*looks at Iris*
*is regretful because all feeling, all tears are gone for today*
*keeps hugging her, not as tightly as before*)
(Derek's watching The Maze Runner right now.)
(*looks at Kas and walks away*)
[hugs Noelle]
We love you, okay?
Little bits is okay.
Little bits are worth just as much as a big bit. :)
Esquibeth!!!!!!!!!! :)
*hugs Fabsimoss* We love you too.
(Iris? Are you okay? *goes to follow her*)
(@Trip Twitter.)
(Hey, Moss.)
(Oh right. *quivers* Twitter...)
(*lies down on the ground*
"Change Causes Suffering"- that's what my RS teacher made us write an essay on last lesson. I agree with that statement now though I didn't before.)
I'm sorry....
So sorry
I believe everything can cause suffering, so, yeah, I agree.
However, I believe that change can also decrease suffering.
It's okay, Noelle.
Whatever it is, we forgive you. You know that Doctor Who episode, one of the new ones, where Clara and the Doctor are by the lava . . . Clara wanted the Doctor to go adn fetch Danny from the afterlife . . . and Clara chucked the TARDIS keys in the lava . . . and the Doctor forgave her, because he loved her?
Yeah. It's like that.
*Leaves quickly*
[hugs everyone]
Hello. I'm not sure I'm really here... but um maybe hi?
Derek is hysterical with this...
*heals Noelle and hugs her once before she leaves*
*retreats back to a corner*
What Star said.
Bye, Noelle. I'm sure you did well on your test; you're amazingly intelligent. [hugs]
(But can it Star? Say I buy a car, this is now a change because I used to walk. It seems like this is a good change because it means I don't have to walk or take the train everywhere, but what about the pollution? What about my health? These are negative impacts, therefore there is suffering, the world suffers because of the harmful gases, I suffer because I gain weight because I no longer have to walk. Change always causes suffering, we just don't always notice it.)
(Adra... what are you sorry for?)
(@Iris For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Just because change causes suffering, does not mean that it can also cause good.)
Whatever it is Adra, there's no need to be sorry. You've been so good to us, even if you have done something, it's perfectly all right.
(Change causes both suffering and relief of suffering. It's just the nature of things becoming different.)
(*faces the wall*)
(Iris? What's wrong?)
(*is the wall* Hey!)
@Iris: Well, what about acceptance? Surely gay marriage becoming legal makes more positive change than negatiive change, overall?
(But it still have negative change, of course. It probbaly upsets some people).
Or just, y'know, what Kas said. :P
I should go...
See you.
Fours, Moss-with-bouncy-Esquibeth.
If you want to talk, you know where to find me, Fabsi. *hugs*
(Exactly, change always causes suffering, just sometimes less amounts.
I'm angry Kas, that's what's wrong.)
@Iris: But you could also argue that change always causes good things, just sometimes in less amounts.
(Hi, Adam. Hear hear!
Bye, Moss!)
(What's changing, Iris? What's making you angry?)
(But do good things not cancel out bad things?)
(I can't see a peaceful country turning into one of war and conflict with any advantages...)
(I am back.)
Bethany: You're amazing.
Minerve: *she tilts her head* The universe comes down to priorities. You are new to the concept of universes, aren't you? My dear, you cannot imprison me. You want me to hurt Silente, yet she is in the other realm, where your powers mean nothing. Neither can you hurt me, because I feel no pain. And should you kill me, I will simply appear in my realm, as that has priority over your powers. It is true I cannot escape without killing myself, but for the goddess of death, it will just simply be a thought. As I do rather approve of your attempt to stop me, I will give you the chance to avoid the slaughter of every mortal in this realm, and ask you to allow me to pass through this universe without having to kill myself.
And I'm not Iris. The annoying moany one is back.)
So are you..
*grins slightly*
Onwa: *frowns, thinking it through*
*releases her*
Go. If you have nothing to offer then leave.
(Countries of war and conflict tend to be more united amongst each other and hate those near them less, as conflict necessitates people coming together.)
(@Iris depends on the details. If your country is peaceful because anyone who asks for a little more free speech gets executed, then conflict against the authority can be an advantage to the people if they get more freedom in the end, but will have to suffer throughout the conflict. Good and bad. Details.)
@Iris: It could be better for some individuals - they might make more money, for example, or maybe the upheaval would prevent someone committing suicide.
Plus, some of the effects it makes overall may be good. Like, the Fiest World War brought us closer to equality.
(Really because I think Friday was 100% suffering.
I just don't get why-... *cries*)
Bethany: At least now I understand about the recreational uses for a cage... I feel quite safe in it?
Minerve: I have one last thing to say before I leave. *she tilts her head* Sweet dreams. *she vanishes in a flash of blackness*
OHMYGOSH Kas that was a great response thank you. :)
I tend to think that sudden war occuring in a peaceful vountry will be bad, because they won't be used to war. Likewise, if all war suddenly ceased in a country like Alethkar from the Stormlight Archive, then the country would probably fall apart.
Well. I imagine they'd soon try to go to war again.
*smiles, kissing her gently*
Good..I'm glad you like it..
Onwa: *frowns at that*
*shakes her head and reappears beside Liliana*
I'm back..if fix the rainforest tomorrow. I may have turned some of it into silver and shadow.
I'm just saying that there's always a reaction to everything.
*hugs Seirsha warmly*
(Oh just f*** her...)
(Whatever happened, Bow, the reasons were myriad and justifiable within context, and their effects will be okay because we're here for you.)
(Sorry about that, ladies and gentlemen!)
(@Star Then you probably don't even want to hear about war and chance.)
(But is it really chance?)
Bethany: *kisses her back* I do. It's nice.
Liliana: I wonder whether you will be able to fix my broken heart likewise.
(*just hugs Iris and Seirsha*)
*nestles into Loki's arms and smiles gently*
*smiles, cuddling against her*
Onwa: Liliana..?
*steps closer to her*
(*gently hugs Danni*)
(*hugs Kas back*)
Bethany: We probably should call my mother soon?
Liliana: *she steps away a little* You went behind my back and you have cursed us both. I felt my mother enter the realm and I thought my time was up. So I decided to watch.
Onwa: Cursed..? Liliana..I didn't..I didn't do anything to curse us..
So you missed me...
No... I-
*curls tighter and buries her head closer into his chest*
I do...
War and chance?
Bethany: *cuddles against her* Not now, though. Too happy for that.
Liliana: I told you about consequences, Onwa. And then you decide to threaten my mother without any thought of what she could do? There are Parasites after us. Malevolent creatures. They feast on sadness and other negative emotions. Fear, also. First, things will start going wrong around us like we are some sort of bad luck magnet. Then it will invade our dreams and torment us whilst we sleep. Then it will have enough energy to become a physical being, and it will torment us during the day.
*kissesher head* I understand.
*smiles again and looks up at him*
I shouldn't be doing this....
*smiles, holding her close*
Much too happy..
*kisses her neck lightly*
Onwa: *frowns, immediately looking worried*
Parasites? I..how do we get rid of them? How can I make them leave you alone..
(@Star Halo.)
*pets kitty*
Click for next post
I dedicate this page to Dau Sketch. She's amazingly creative and really really nice and awesome and her troll picture and story were really great.
I also dedicate this page to when I had enough time to make video deds. That was awesome.
I also dedicate this page to anyone who's having a bad day today. It's okay. You're not alone. You're not some freak of nature just for feeling pain. We all do, albeit in different ways, and yeah, I would love it if you were all happy because you're my friends and I want you to be happy, because people are...happier when they're happy.
Brilliant wording there, Moss.
Anyway, I'm not going to magically stop caring because you're upset. I'm actually more likely to care more. I mean, yeah, I obviously have no clue what you're going through. I'm not psychic or telepathic here, and even when I've experienced something similar, it isn't the same at all. Everyone reacts differently to stuff, so something that's a big problem for you might not be as big a problem for me, or vice versa. (Speaking of which, do any of you freak out around butterflies? If so, please tell me. It'd be nice to feel a bit less weird in that regard.) Contrariwise, getting a math grade that isn't in the 99th percentile wouldn't be a big deal for me, because I'm really not a math person, and while it's a useful skill for dealing with finances and stuff, I don't need to be stellar at it. In fact, 99% of my math scores aren't in the 99th percentile. If you're dreaming of becoming a math person, though, or trying to get into a college with a rigorous math program, the math test probably means more to you than it does to me, and even though I'm not particularly upset by it, you have every right to be because you are a completely different person than I am, and THAT'S OK.
It'd be really really boring if everyone was a clone of everybody else, tbh.
I also dedicate this page to our similarities and our differences, because yeah.
Also to Glitch, may it rest in peace, and heli-kitties because adorableness and Ieni because, um, she's a ninja aeroplane.
Oops. I spent half an hour on this. I should really have been doing homework.
Moss, you're amazing.
That was a great ded. Thank you. :)
Thank you
[hugs Star]
[poofs again]
*Lays flat, and ill* 213 :(
*lays next to her, and hugs*
*Curls her spine against him* *Bites her arm*
*lightly strokes her hair*
*Tears squeeze from her eyes* *Trembles*
*gently brushes the tears away* I love you.
I know.... *Shivers*
Are you cold?
Yes.. I'm just... Mm
*offers her his coat*
*Takes it greedily and lays on the hill* brr..
*nuzzles Loki's chest and hides her face*
*holds her gently* *is warm*
*Likes warmness* *Wraps her legs around him tightly*
Shhh I am here.
*warms his coat, as well*
*Is pleasantly warmed...*
*Hides in him* thanks...
You are most welcome.
*Curls her arms up*
*holds her gently*
I'm starting to feel a little impulsive...
I known you are... I miss you, Loki...
Try to divert your attention, perhaps? Go to a safe room, close the door, and watch or do something engaging for a while.
Okay.. I'll try..
That is all I can ask. I love you.
I know
The lamp lightbulb just exploded next to us with a loud pop. I took a lot of pictures..9
Are you alright?
Yeah, but it was really strange. I mean- it shattered completely- and nothing touched it. No lightning struck the house either, because it is a clear night.
No clue
*hugs her gently* Goodnight.
Bethany: *she smiles, cuddling against her*
Liliana: You cannot, as they do not actually exist. I told you about consequences. And you decided to get my mother involved? If you ever do something like that again, we're over. How can I trust you?
*kisses her neck gently again*
Love you..
Onwa: *frowns*
I'm afraid I don't understand..?
Bethany: I love you, too. So much.
Liliana: My mother wants to kill me. And you know this. And now she knows where we are because you are too focused on getting revenge rather than thinking things through. You went behind my back and wanted to make a deal with my mother! I just... *a tear rolls down her cheek* I just want us to be us. No one else. Now you have endangered us and all of the inhabitants of this realm.
*grins gently*
Mm..so, wanna keep the cage?
Onwa: Lil.. *steps forwards and wipes the tear away*
*sighs, head slightly hung*
Perhaps we are not as compatible as we first thought.
Bethany: Definitely. *she smiles, cuddling against her*
Liliana: Not when you are so impulsive and thoughtless, no. But I still love you and I still want to be with you. Just think in future. That is, if there is a future.
*holds her close*
*sighs happily*
Onwa: *straightens her spine*
I can try. It's not in my nature to change..and I'm used to getting what I can when I can..but I.
*shakes head*
I cant promise I won't be thoughtless or impulsive.
Bethany: You like the cage?
Liliana: Trying is fine, I suppose...
*a woman's scream can be heard from outside*
Onwa: *snaps to attention*
*teleports to the woman quickly, leaving about twenty guards surrounding Liliana in her place, for protection*
Bethany: Why?
Liliana: *she sighs* I am not a dog...
*there is a dead man in the street, with his head torn off* *a young child wearing a white dress is calmly walking away from the body*
Mm..its pretty. And its fun.
Onwa: *frowns*
*freezes everyone in a 10 meter radius*
*walks towards the child*
Bethany: It's definitely fun...
*the child continues to walk, turning down an alley*
Yes, it is.
Onwa: *frowns, wondering why the child was not stopped*
*forms a wall in front of the child, teleporting behind it, a wall forming behind herself, a roof of brick now above them*
Bethany: *she kisses her passionately*
Parasite: *she stops, turning to Onwa, showing that her eye sockets are empty and around them is just bone* Do you want to play a game?
*kisses her passionately back, lightly stroking her chest*
Onwa: *keeps a straight face*
Not particularly, no. However I doubt you'll give me a choice in the matter. Talk quick, explain your 'game'.
*the small room is quickly heating up*
Bethany: *she cuddles against her, using her tongue cautiously in the kiss*
Parasite: *there is a flash of blackness, and a drawing appears on the wall - of Liliana and Onwa hanging from the branch of a tree with broken necks* It's a very fun game. *she smiles, showing sharp teeth* I know you'll love it! *she raises her hand at Onwa, the drawing being carved into the flesh of her arm* *she giggles and skips through the wall*
*smiles, matching her, gently guiding Beth's tongue with her own*
Onwa: *hisses, ignoring it for now, teleporting after the girl*
Bethany: I love you so much...
Parasite: *has vanished*
(I will be back soon.)
I love you too Beth.
Onwa: *curses in every language she knows*
*blasts the brick walls apart*
*looks at the image in disgust, singeing it from the wall*
*walks back to the man, waving a hand, his head reattaching itself*
*grows her nails longer, cutting the square of her skin with the engraving on away, leaving a bloodied patch behind*
*holds the skin in her hand, teleporting to Liliana once again, shadows writhing angrily around her*
Onwa: These parasites, are they focused on this realm or on us? If they are following us I can almost certainly help. If it is the realm they are focused on I may have more of a problem, however I may still have a slight solution.
(I am back.)
Bethany: Again?
Liliana: *she tilts her head* What was it?
(I am back.)
Bethany: Again?
Liliana: *she tilts her head* What was it?
Liliana: They are focused on us.
Hm? What again?
Onwa: *throws the square of skin at her feet, the bloody square on her arm bleeding*
Unwanted guests.
(Hello again. *hugs Jaimie tightly*)
Bethany: That?
Liliana: I see.
(*hugs tightly back*)
*raises an eyebrow*
*kisses her gently, licking across Beth's lips lightly*
Onwa: I have an idea.
*heals the patch on her arm*
But its..complicated. And not ideal for either of us.
Bethany: *she smiles* Close?
Liliana: What is it?
*grins, kissing her with more passion, licking across her lips again*
Onwa: If they're tracking us, they're tracking our energy, our thoughts..
I..can mimic your energy field, and put a shield in your mind along with an energy shield which should hide your energy from unwanted pests..
Bethany: *kisses her passionately back* Closer...
Liliana: You do not understand. If we use your example, it has become part of our energy fields. It is here right now. *she takes Onwa's hand* And I am not allowing you to face it alone.
Mmm..I like this side of you.
*kisses her passionately, gently using a little tongue*
Onwa: I won't let it rip apart your dream Liliana.. I helped make this place for you, I won't cause it to be ripped apart, not when I can save it..
(Hello, Tia.)
(Hi Kas.)
(Hey peoples, sorry about poofing yesterday! I may or may not have fallen asleep... *blushes*)
Bethany: *she kisses her passionately back, using her tongue also*
*when Onwa blinks, she can see the parasite looking out of the window*
Liliana: We will work together, Onwa. No questions.
(Hey ...!)
*sighs happily into the kiss, wrapping her tongue round Beth's slightly, kissing her deeply*
Onwa: *glares slightly when she blinks, ignoring it*
*sighs, gently rubbing the back of Liliana's hand*
If I have to tackle it alone, I will..but not until their is no other way.
(How are you?)
(I don't even like bananas lol.)
(I'm good! How are you?)
Bethany: *she cuddles against her* So... Again?
Liliana: *looks where Onwa glared* What is it?
And no, you will not be alone. Ever.
(I'm okay thanks.)
Onwa: Parasite. *glares more*
*smiles gently at Liliana*
I have been semi-alone all my existence, at least were it to protect you and your dream it would have a reason.
(Hey, Iris!)
(Time skip, Jaimie?)
Liliana: I see. *she looks at the window cautiously* I am not letting you face it alone, not for any reason.
(How ya doing Kas?! Rp?)
(Time Skip *nods*)
Onwa: Don't hurt yourself or your dreams to protect me Liliana..Perhaps we should call of the feast and sleep while we can?
And I'm... okay.)
(Just ok? *hugs*
We were getting into the taxi, yes?)
(A bit worse than ok, Iris.
And yes.)
(How come? Do you want to email?)
*sits down slowly, wincing slightly*
Bethany: *she smiles, cuddling against Silente, curling up*
Liliana: Perhaps.
*smiles, holding her close, gently stroking her wings and hair, eyes half closed*
Onwa: *smiles gently*
Shall we speak to the people then..?
(@Iris not really...)
*gets into the taxi*
@driver closest movie theatre.
*shuffles closer to Kayleigh, applying healing magic all over her body*
(Okay. I'm here though if you need me.)
*smiles* Thanks.
You don't have to thank me.
*nods* Okay.
(I know I don't have a page to dedicate to,
So I'd like to dedicate this comment.
And I dedicate this comment to Idena Menzel.
Not because she played Elsa in frozen, I mean yes that was awesome.
Not because she's a brilliant singer, which she is, I mean, seriously, she's brilliant.
But because she's honest. She doesn't hide from the public, she doesn't pretend she's always happy.
I don't know much about her past.
I know when she was 15 or something her parents split up on thanks giving, making her not really like the festive season.
I know she has a kid.
And that she likes to think glass half full whenever she can.
She isn't perfect, not by a long shot.
But she isn't scared to be imperfect, which is a marvellous thing.
She isn't scared to talk, to tell people her personal things, to share her experience and stories with the public.
She's just so...refreshing.
And that's why I'd like the dedicate this comment to her.)
Bethany: *wraps her wing around her*
Liliana: Indeed.
(hello people
cant stop for long, too much homework
I have to write an essay for englsh and im no good at intros
does this look okay?
One particular theme that Duffy writes about in her poems is female experiences. In her poem ‘Oppenheim’s Cup and Saucer’, she writes about the relationship between the persona, who is portrayed as a female ‘her breasts were a mirror’ and another woman, who is left unnamed. It can be assumed that their relationship is secret, because it happens ‘far from the loud laughter of men’. This shows that men play no role in their lives. This theme of men not dominating women’s love life is also present in Pugh’s poem ‘The Haggard and the Falconer’. In this poem, the wife of a falconer gives herself pleasure during the absence of her husband.)
*Velvet sat by the lake confused, so much had changed in the last couple of days. Her house had been destroyed, Flo had run off with her boyfriend, she had found out Flo wasn't her actual sister but in fact it was- A Goddess. A Goddess of Rainbows. Velvet laughed, then stopped, the realisation hit her. If Iris was her sister, who were her parents? She had memories of them before they died, they were fun, kind, caring, but most of all, they were normal. And she had no memory of Iris. But who were the two normal people that looked after her as she grew up? Was her given name even Seirsha?. Did any of that even matter? No. What did matter, was that if her "twin sister" was a Goddess... Was she...?*
(Looks okay to me Chloe?)
*smiles, eyes still half closed, pulling the wing closer around herself gently*
Onwa: *takes Liliana's hand, leading her to the door, to a stage*
(thank youuuuuuu
I must be off now)
(Distant, back very soon.)
(Hear hear!
I wouldn't know if that was great for the expected standard because I'm only thirteen but it sounded great to me Chloe!)
(Okay Kas.)
*Pulls out an ancient katana and lays it on the ground, blade facing the sky*
*turns her back on it and falls down on the blade, letting the pain attack her senses*
*it didn't slice through her vertebrae*
*slowly gets up, repositions the katana, and tries again*
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