Monday, January 16, 2012

Odd Blog

The Blog is Odd. It's started misbehaving, and I don't know why. I know my Minions have broken the internet before, but even I don't think this is (entirely) your fault. I will ask my publishers to look into it on Monday.

In other news, Molly, your tale of woe concerning the author you have to have brunch with had me laughing. I can't wait to find out how the story ends.

In yet other news, I watched the final Sherlock tonight. Much better than last week's, thank God. A relentless plunge into second-guesses and secret plans. Liked it a LOT.

And in even MORE other news, five minutes ago I crossed the 20,000 word mark on Book 7. I don't think I've ever written this fast before. Looks like I'll have it done on time after all...

And to top it all off, here is some religious humour...

... some existential humour...

... and some cat humour...


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Sparky Braginski said...


Robin Snowscar said...


Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

is robin still here? and sparky read my one on collabortive effort thingabob

Sparky Braginski said...

Robin, do you want to read what I've written since then?

Sparky Braginski said...

I did Flame.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

and your thoughts?

Sparky Braginski said...


I'd rather not say.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*raises eyebrow* why not.. ill change back if you tel me.

Robin Snowscar said...

Sure Sparky

Sparky Braginski said...


Yeah, but if you change back because what I think, your going to hit me at they very least.

Sparky Braginski said...

‘Whoa.’ Ace said, as he pulled Scarlet into the shadows with him. They had walked into a room full of guards. They were walking around the room like clockwork. It was a miracle that Ace and Scarlet hadn’t been spotted. At the center of the room, there was a column of wiring leading to the roof. It was thicker than a redwood tree trunk. Scarlet scanned the room, and pointed at a door at the other end of the room. Ace consulted the map.
‘That’s the one. How in the hell are we supposed to get there?’ He whispered.
‘Well, using your brain is a start. We got equipment for a reason.’ Scarlet said, digging through her backpack. Ace grinned and did the same. They pulled out what would be useful, and looked at what they had. Not much. Ace gripped a box of matches.
‘Do you have anything flammable?’ He asked under his breath. Scarlet nodded and opened her backpack again. ‘How much stuff does she have?’ Ace thought. Scarlet pulled out a notebook. She then got out a pencil and wrote: ‘I always keep an empty one on hand.’ She handed him the note book and whispered,
‘What are you going to do?’
‘Burn it.’ He slid along the wall until he was under a sprinkler. He then lit a match and set the notebook on fire. He then motioned for Scarlet to pack everything up and head to the other side of the door that they had come in by. She did so, and Ace met her about ten feet from the door that they had entered.
‘When the fire alarm goes off, I assume that they will exit that way. When they do, we move to the target. Okay?’ Ace said. Scarlet nodded and shoved her backpack underneath a row of pipes sticking out of the wall. She then did the same with Ace’s backpack and then wedged herself in as well. She beckoned for Ace to do the same. Ace jammed himself in, at the very edge.
‘This is uncomfortable, to say the very least.’ He grumbled.
‘Would you rather get caught or be uncomfortable for a few seconds?’ Scarlet hissed.
‘Fair enough.’ He murmured. A couple of seconds later the alarm went off and the guards left the room. Ace poked his head out and saw that there was no one left. He got out and stretched. He then helped Scarlet pull out the bags and together they ran across the room. Scarlet got out her lock-picking kit again. Ace sighed; knowing that time was of the essence and kicked the door of its hinges.
‘No one’s going to hear it over the alarm.’ He said, smiling. Scarlet scowled and pushed him through the door. Ace stumbled through and scowled back at Scarlet. He then faltered and checked the map.
‘We have to walk up these stairs, and go into the room above.’ He headed up the stairs, followed by Scarlet. They walked up the stairs and headed into the next room.

* * *

Danielle looked over her shoulder as the door opened. She had ignored the fire alarm when it had gone off ten minutes previously. To her surprise, there were two teenagers standing in the doorway. They looked just about as shocked as she felt. She faced her keyboard again and finished what she was doing. She then turned around and faced the kids again.
‘Who the hell are you?’ She asked. The two kids looked at each other.
‘I don’t think we should tell you that.’ Said the girl.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

ugh i sent the crappiest thing to you robin. but have to go. bb in 5. maybe

Robin Snowscar said...


Kay Nix

Sparky Braginski said...


My biggest fan.


Robin Snowscar said...

*nods in fierce agreement*


Sparky Braginski said...


Look, my virtual autograph!


Sparky B.

This feels weird!!!!


Robin Snowscar said...

GOOD! *laughs*

Sparky Braginski said...

Gotta go.


Robin Snowscar said...

See ya

Robin Snowscar said...

Is it just me now?

Robin Snowscar said...

In which case I may go read

Robin Snowscar said...

*nods to self*

Sparky Braginski said...


Sparky Braginski said...



Sparky Braginski said...


Sparky Braginski said...


Robin Snowscar said...

Ha, excellent, see you later then

Sparky Braginski said...


Sparky Braginski said...

Wel, I'm gone.

Sparky Braginski said...

No I'm not.

Where is everyone?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*swears* Damn it, I missed Sparky...

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Oh, hey Derek, guess what? My friend Shayla thinks that you (because of me) are awesome. I mean, I was telling her stuff about things you've said (OW! Who threw that? Was it you? I'm keeping an eye on you...), and how you're super awesome, and hilarious and stuff, and she insists that she NEEDS to read Skulduggery now.

And I was telling her parts of the book, and she was laughing so hard that she was almost crying silently. That probably has to do with the way I was describing stuff, like when Nye steals Valkyrie's bag with her heart in it, I did a super high-pitched voice and screamed, "We'll see how many orders you give once your heart has been incinerated!!!" on the bus. It was awesome.

You know what that means, don't you? That means I've just got you another fan. Mmmhmm. *nods, pleased with self*

Sparky Braginski said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

HI SPARKY! I'm reading a story Flame sent me that he wrote. It's cool. Ivy's a character, and her description and attitude is right. It's fun to read. *continues reading*

Sparky Braginski said...

Did you read the e-mail I sent you?

Sparky Braginski said...

Can I read it too?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I read your email. And yeah, sure, I can forward the story.

Ivy acts just like me. It's hilarious. She just stands in the corner and texts people while Flame's angry. That's definitely what I would do in that situation.

Sparky Braginski said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Okay, I just sent the parts of it to you. It starts with part two, not part one, if you were wondering.

Sparky Braginski said...

I've already read part one...


I actually think he asked me about it...

And I am sure I said yes.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*is writing*

Sparky Braginski said...

Writing's fun.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I like the part with Ivy in it. She's such an epic character. Just hanging out, by herself, drinking some soda, being known as an assassin...

Sparky Braginski said...

Yeah, that's pretty cool.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I sent a response that pointed out to Flame that it's just Washington, not D.C. XD

It seems like everyone makes that mistake. It's hilarious.

Sparky Braginski said...

I think I...

Actually, this is an e-mail...

Sparky Braginski said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


I just made Ivy point out the fact that she thinks that she's changing from a psychopathis murderer to something more sane...

Sparky Braginski said...

I must be the first person to be updated about this story.

I LOVE it.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*looks at Sparky's story and freaks out, partly in shock, partly in anger*


Sparky Braginski said...



Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

It just so happens that my arch enemy, the little thief who stole from me and Amanda and hates me more than anything in the entire world, is named Danielle.

And I hate her. So damn much.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*mutters bad stuff about Danielle* Little brat thinks I stole Amanda from her...

Sparky Braginski said...



I don't actually know any Danielles, sooooo...

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Sparky Braginski said...

She sounds like a b*tch.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

She is. She really, really, is.

Sparky Braginski said...

Actually, she sounds like someone I used to know.

My one's name is Sasha.

We went to primary school together.

She came in Year Two. We were really good friends.

Then in Year Three I met Japan. (Who wasn't Japan at the time). And Japan and me, we got on GREAT. And then Sasha started doing girl guides with Jade, and they claimed to be sisters.

Which pissed me off.

And then, Sasha convinced japan that I was a scheming, thieving b*tch.


Man, I hate her so much.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Everytime a new student came to our school, Danielle would immediately go to them and say terrible things about me (I'm a thief, I have two boyfriends, I get suspended every other week, etc.) so they wouldn't like me, but then they would talk to me, and instantly hate Danielle for lying, because I don't steal, I don't have two boyfriends (I don't even have one, and neve had, because I think that twelve year olds don't need one), and I never even get caught when I do something bad.

Sparky Braginski said...


You are so cool.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*crosses arms and grins smugly* Mmmhmm.

Sparky Braginski said...

That's it.

That's the one.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

And I'm serious about never getting caught. Ever.

Sparky Braginski said...

Y'see, that's what I do.

Bad things.

*evil grin*

And I stopped getting caught in, like, Year ONE.

*giggles evilly*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Well, I was girly girl goody-goody till the end of fifth grade. I never did ANYTHING bad then, aside from tattle on everyone.

But last year till now? I don't do anything too bad, but I still do things I would get detention for.

I have to eat dinner, bye!

Sparky Braginski said...


Sparky Braginski said...

*sits writing, waiting patiently for someone to arrive*

*laughs at thought of Val's reaction to something I just wrote*

She is going to like that.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

What am I going to like?

Sparky Braginski said...

Oh this:

Danielle looked over her shoulder as the door opened. She had ignored the fire alarm when it had gone off ten minutes previously. To her surprise, there were two teenagers standing in the doorway. They looked just about as shocked as she felt. She faced her keyboard again and finished what she was doing. She then turned around and faced the kids again.
‘Who the hell are you?’ She asked. The two kids looked at each other.
‘I don’t think we should tell you that.’ Said the girl. Danielle snorted.
‘My name is Danielle Clark. Now, who are you?’
‘No offence Danielle, but knowing your name doesn’t really alter the situation that much.’ Said the boy. Danielle smiled.
‘Okay, so I’m not about to find anything out about you. Can I ask why you’re here?’ The pair looked at each other and shook theirs heads.
‘Fine. What happens next? You obviously didn’t come here for fun.’ Danielle narrowed her eyes. ‘Who sent you?’
‘We don’t know. We don’t know who sent us. They never told us.’ Said the girl..
‘Hmm. What did they look like?’
‘Black hair. Dark eyes. Pale skin. Scary.’ Said the boy. Danielle sighed.
‘Of course it’s them. Look, I need to know your names. Just your first names.’ The two kids had been walking towards Danielle as the conversation progressed and they were right in front of her now. The boy opened his mouth to answer, then shot his fist at her chin. Danielle’s head rocked back and her vision clouded.
‘You little shits.’ She said as she passed out.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Oooh, is she dead? (please say yes, please say yes, please say yes...)

Sparky Braginski said...

Not yet.

Not yet.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Sparky Braginski said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Sparky Braginski said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Sparky Braginski said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I have to leave in a few minutes. Carissa has a viola concert that I completely forgot about.

Sparky Braginski said...

Have fun with that.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Leaving now. Bye!

Sparky Braginski said...


The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...


LLAMAS AND SNAILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

DAMN theres no one here to annoy with my llama and snail nonsense. =P

@Star - Ummmm, that was a very interesting dedication u wrote on the last page of the newest blog. But I'm just gonna pretend that its opposite day and that everythng about llamas were not true but the opposite of that. Thankyou for that!

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

Please is there anyone?????

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...


The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...


The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...


The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...


The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...


Sparky Braginski said...


The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

Hi Sparky!

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

Sorry for the late comment. I was updating my profile =P

Sparky Braginski said...

That's cool.

How're you?

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

Good. SO are my llamas. And snails. I feel sorry for Stars dedication because no matter how much she asks - my llamas and snails are never leaving this blog =P
How are you?

Sparky Braginski said...

Pretty good.


I think I just stood on one of your snails...

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

:O You're gonna have to pay for that!

Sparky Braginski said...

How much?

*produces two replacement snails*

That okay?

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

*sniff sniff*

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

Yup - Thx. Wanna live chicken?

Sparky Braginski said...


The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

Oh. Ok. Wanna Dead chicken????? They don't taste any better. I can assure you.

Sparky Braginski said...


The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

I would'vve taken the live chicken. Just my opinion.

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

Ummm. Do you wanna cookie?

Sparky Braginski said...

No thanks.

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

I still woud've chosen the live chicken. Much better in my opinion.

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

How's Echo going?

Sparky Braginski said...

Pretty good.

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

How much have you done of it so far? Are you even close to finishing it???

Sparky Braginski said...

Haha, no.

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...


Llamas and Snails =)

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

ARE YOU GONNA BE INCLUDING LLAMAS AND SNAILS IN IT??????? *Jumps up and down excitedly*

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

*Jumping decreases very quickly* Oh. Thats all right. Maybe next time, eh?

Sparky Braginski said...

Probably not.

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

*Jumping fully stops* Oh. Ok. Thats fine with me. I think. *Plonks down on the floor*

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

*pats llamas*

Sparky Braginski said...

*tosses live chicken in FreakFan's lap*

I'm going to keep writing now.

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

*nibbles on carrot like a rabbit* Want one?

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

Oh. Ok. *Gnaws on live chicken* Thanks for that!

Sparky Braginski said...



The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

*Gives llama to convince her to include him in the story*

*Whistles innocently*

Sparky Braginski said...

*pats llama*

I'm not going to write about you. Sorry pal.

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

*Llama nudges Sparky*

*Llama steals her carrot*


Smiles innocently at Sparky

Sparky Braginski said...

I'm going to write...

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

*Gives Sparky a replacement carrot*

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

Ok. Have fun? Post up the part u were writing once u've finished!

Sparky Braginski said...

Where are you up to?

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...


The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...


The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...


The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

I'm playing with my kitten. You can see her in my prfile pic =)

Sparky Braginski said...

Where are you up to in Echo?

Sparky Braginski said...


The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

Oh. Ummmm kinda hard to remember cuz ur posting everything up at different times and i dont know which parts come before or after each other and now im all confuffled. :/

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

You should give you're story chapters! That would be a good idea.I've been trying to copy and paste parts of you're story to try and get everything in the right order!

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...


The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...


The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...


The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...


The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...


The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...


The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...


The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...


The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...


The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...


The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...


The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...


The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...


Sparky Braginski said...


If you go to this link:

You can read it, then I'll post what I've written since then here.

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

YESSSSSSS FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...


Sparky Braginski said...



The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

Hmmmm I'm gonna do the dedication later.

Sparky Braginski said...

I gotta go for about fifteen minutes.


The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

Thats okay - I'm reading Echo =)

Sparky Braginski said...

I'm back.

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

Hi (again)

Sparky Braginski said...


The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...









Sparky Braginski said...

I like it.

Especially the bit with me in it.

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...


The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

GLAD U LIKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...


Sparky Braginski said...

I'm still here.

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...


Llama and Snail =P

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

*eats live chicken*

*feeds Inky the kitten live chicken*


*is sooo proud*

Sparky Braginski said...

Do you want to read what I've written since I posted the blog?

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...


Sparky Braginski said...

‘Whoa.’ Ace said, as he pulled Scarlet into the shadows with him. They had walked into a room full of guards. They were walking around the room like clockwork. It was a miracle that Ace and Scarlet hadn’t been spotted. At the center of the room, there was a column of wiring leading to the roof. It was thicker than a redwood tree trunk. Scarlet scanned the room, and pointed at a door at the other end of the room. Ace consulted the map.
‘That’s the one. How in the hell are we supposed to get there?’ He whispered.
‘Well, using your brain is a start. We got equipment for a reason.’ Scarlet said, digging through her backpack. Ace grinned and did the same. They pulled out what would be useful, and looked at what they had. Not much. Ace gripped a box of matches.
‘Do you have anything flammable?’ He asked under his breath. Scarlet nodded and opened her backpack again. ‘How much stuff does she have?’ Ace thought. Scarlet pulled out a notebook. She then got out a pencil and wrote: ‘I always keep an empty one on hand.’ She handed him the note book and whispered,
‘What are you going to do?’
‘Burn it.’ He slid along the wall until he was under a sprinkler. He then lit a match and set the notebook on fire. He then motioned for Scarlet to pack everything up and head to the other side of the door that they had come in by. She did so, and Ace met her about ten feet from the door that they had entered.
‘When the fire alarm goes off, I assume that they will exit that way. When they do, we move to the target. Okay?’ Ace said. Scarlet nodded and shoved her backpack underneath a row of pipes sticking out of the wall. She then did the same with Ace’s backpack and then wedged herself in as well. She beckoned for Ace to do the same. Ace jammed himself in, at the very edge.
‘This is uncomfortable, to say the very least.’ He grumbled.
‘Would you rather get caught or be uncomfortable for a few seconds?’ Scarlet hissed.
‘Fair enough.’ He murmured. A couple of seconds later the alarm went off and the guards left the room. Ace poked his head out and saw that there was no one left. He got out and stretched. He then helped Scarlet pull out the bags and together they ran across the room. Scarlet got out her lock-picking kit again. Ace sighed; knowing that time was of the essence and kicked the door of its hinges.
‘No one’s going to hear it over the alarm.’ He said, smiling. Scarlet scowled and pushed him through the door. Ace stumbled through and scowled back at Scarlet. He then faltered and checked the map.
‘We have to walk up these stairs, and go into the room above.’ He headed up the stairs, followed by Scarlet. They walked up the stairs and headed into the next room.

Sparky Braginski said...

* * *

Danielle looked over her shoulder as the door opened. She had ignored the fire alarm when it had gone off ten minutes previously. To her surprise, there were two teenagers standing in the doorway. They looked just about as shocked as she felt. She faced her keyboard again and finished what she was doing. She then turned around and faced the kids again.
‘Who the hell are you?’ She asked. The two kids looked at each other.
‘I don’t think we should tell you that.’ Said the girl. Danielle snorted.
‘My name is Danielle Clark. Now, who are you?’
‘No offence Danielle, but knowing your name doesn’t really alter the situation that much.’ Said the boy. Danielle smiled.
‘Okay, so I’m not about to find anything out about you. Can I ask why you’re here?’ The pair looked at each other and shook theirs heads.
‘Fine. What happens next? You obviously didn’t come here for fun.’ Danielle narrowed her eyes. ‘Who sent you?’
‘We don’t know. We don’t know who sent us. They never told us.’ Said the girl..
‘Hmm. What did they look like?’
‘Black hair. Dark eyes. Pale skin. Scary.’ Said the boy. Danielle sighed.
‘Of course it’s them. Look, I need to know your names. Just your first names.’ The two kids had been walking towards Danielle as the conversation progressed and they were right in front of her now. The boy opened his mouth to answer, then shot his fist at her chin. Danielle’s head rocked back and her vision clouded.
‘You little shits.’ She said as she passed out.

* * *

Ace grinned as Danielle fell to the floor. He shook his hand and blew on his knuckles. Scarlet rolled her eyes and knocked him over.
‘So this is it.’ Scarlet said as Ace got back up again.
‘Yeah, I guess. What do you think will happen afterwards?’
‘Lots of running. Lots of running.’ Scarlet said. Ace got out a pair of scissors and Scarlet sat down at the keyboard. She typed a message onto the screen, as she’d been told. ‘I believe that we’ve won this battle Danielle.’ Scarlet looked down at Danielle. She was fast asleep. Scarlet then proceeded to delete every single document on the computer. Ace went up to the mass of wiring with the scissors. He cut the six nearest wires and then something sparked.
‘Time to go!’ He yelled. Scarlet got up and ran for the door. Ace was already on his way down the stairs.
‘Wait up!’ She shrieked.

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...


Sparky Braginski said...


The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

Have you got the next bits yet or r u still working on them????

Sparky Braginski said...

That's every word I've written.

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

Wow. When did u start writing? There's a lot there!

Sparky Braginski said...

Three days ago...

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

wow sorry gtg chat to ya son hopefully! Bye!

Llama and Snail Out

Sparky Braginski said...

K, Bye.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Sparky Braginski said...

What incredible timing.


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Yes, well, I believe I've caught on to Skulduggery's nick of time thing.

Guess what? I might be doing archery in April! Whoo hoo!

Sparky Braginski said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

And Amanda might do it with me!

Personally, I want to do fencing more, so I can sword fight and whoop everyone at it (not that I don't already; reading Skulduggery teches me loads of tricks), but archery's a close second. *imagines self hunting for food in the wilderness with a bow and arrow, wandering in stealth-mode, then starts laughing at the thought*

Sparky Braginski said...

Archery is f*cking hard.

Fencing, fencing ROCKS.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I know. I can beat practically everyone in my family at it. Or, if causing them to fall over and say "STOP!" before I smack them with whatever I have as a sword counts, I do that too. I practically pushed Kienan into the forest at our grandma's house once...

Sparky Braginski said...

My brothers really good at fencing...

I'm good at it, I guess.

But if you're standing on a platform with me, I'll stay on longer. Every. Single. Time.

Sparky Braginski said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Sorry, I was watching Potter Puppet Pals with Jaida.

Sparky Braginski said...

I was watching Comic Relief.

So... Funny...

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*thinks for a second* You know what else is funny? When a guy underestimates me for being a girl, then I prove that I'm way stronger and the expression on their face is all like "What the heck...?"

I love doing that so much...

Sparky Braginski said...



It's very funny.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Especially when I prove a bunch of people wrong. Like last year, everytime I went to move a desk, a guy stepped in front of me and said, "You can't move that; I'll do it." After repeately saying, "NO", I just picked up the entire table - with desks full of stuff - and walked across the classroom with it, and then turned oround to arch an eyebrow at all the guys' expressions. It was awesome.

Sparky Braginski said...


I was referring to the time I went to Luna Park (Theme Park) with my friend Michael and his friend Julio.

There was a test your strength thing and Michael insisted that he try and win my something. He got me the smallest size prize.

Then I had a go. And I gave him the prize I won, that was two levels bigger.


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*smiles back* Ah, the superior strength of awesome people.

Sparky Braginski said...

We are truly blessed.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Hey, wanna read the first draft of the completed Chapter Four? It's about 200 words shorter than chapters One, Two, and Three, but I kind of needed to get to the good parts, so... I can email it to you.

Sparky Braginski said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*laughs* Okay, okay, I'll send it to you!

Sparky Braginski said...


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