Monday, February 7, 2011

The Jitter Girls

Ah, the Jitter Girls.

They’re quite scary, you know. Scary and unstoppable. Or maybe more creepy than scary. But unstoppable. Definitely unstoppable.

I came up with the Jitter Girls as part of a script that never got made. In fact, it was this same script in which I came up with the idea for the Cleavers, as well. That script had a whole load of ideas, but unfortunately it just wasn’t very good. All these madcap ideas didn’t cohere into anything resembling sense, so I abandoned the script and started cannibalising my own stuff, taking what worked and using it somewhere else.

Which is why I’m writing about the Jitter Girls, ten years after coming up with them.

January was, basically, a month writing various short stories and whatnot. I had reached the halfway point of Book Six, and was quite comfortable with taking a few weeks off to get some other work done. Well, now I’m back at it, and I needed a new threat for the middle section and I was searching through this magnificent mind of mine and those creepy ol’ Jitter Girls just jumped right out at me.

I knew I’d get to use them, sooner or later.

I’m not going to tell you much about them, other than that they are currently giving Skulduggery and Valkyrie quite a hard time. I haven’t a clue how they’re going to be defeated, either. The way I’m writing right now, it looks like the Jitter Girls are going to kill our heroes and skip off into the darkness. Which, you know, would be bad for the rest of the book.

Oh dear. I seem to have written myself into a proverbial corner.

I should probably get back to work.


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Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

ok Rosella im sooooo happy! ive been waiting FOREVER for the day to come when i will be a black belt at last! and at such a young age! ok the youngest girl at my studio to test for black was an 11 year old but whatever still IM SO EXCITED!!!

. said...

just going to change accounts.

hold on

arwa said...

nice! You're unbelieveably lucky, I've always wanted to learn martial arts!

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

just one little thing....the test is like five hours long

arwa said...

Oh..... oh wow.

Liz said...

My instructor says i have to do 100 push-up of the my test :P

Liz said...

Oops, i meant for

Mar-Chu said...


Rosella Embers said...

ok i'm back.


i thought the leagal age for getting a black belt was 16 and all?

arwa said...


Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

and its non stop movement no breaks its like a war in there and yet it is all worth it now i must remember

12 forms
26 combinations
10 animal strikes
and a few blocking techniques

Rosella Embers said...

ha ha.

i'm looking after nyx's brother and hes playing raving rabbids

Katie Louise said...

it's raining it's pouring the old man is snoring he went to bed and bumped his head and couldn't get up in the morning :P

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

nope its not you just have to know all your forms and stuff which i do

Liz said...

Thats pretty intense Skulgirl...

Rosella Embers said...

LOL jaffa!!!

i have been traing for the rock climping comp for ages now, and every day my shoulders hurt.

Mar-Chu said...

Soot! where are youuuuuuuuu?

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

yep but i can do it...i just wont be able to move the next day

Rosella Embers said...

but seriously, skulgirl, thats amazing.

i am really jealous of you right now.

i'm only up to blue belt

Katie Louise said...

good luck Skulgirl

arwa said...

you're awesome. best of luck. I hope you pass.]
What happens if you don't?

Rosella Embers said...

goodluck skulgirl!!!!!!

and thx lizzy 4 adding m as an author to thebiorama blog, and sorry i sent you so many messages. i was REALLY desprate.

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

i can do INSANE bad girl kicks or so says my Sense and i did karate yesterday and not i feel like i cant walk :P but i can i love using my sword though so much fun

Liz said...

I didn't know you did karate Rosella :) i'm up to blue belt with a green stripe

Min (Thalia) said...

....the Jitter Girls sound scary man....

Liz said...

Its ok Rosella :)

Rosella Embers said...


i wonger why pigs dont fly?

they should

Mar-Chu said...


Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

do you people know what type of karate you do jsut to see if we do the same type

Aquila Felis said...

gtg, Bye all!

Rosella Embers said...

i'm up to blue with blue stripe

Katie Louise said...

gtg BYE!!

Rosella Embers said...

hi aquila!!!!!


Mar-Chu said...


Rosella Embers said...

bye jaffa!

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...



but do you know what TYPE of karate like i do showlin kenpo karate

Rosella Embers said...

? hello holo?!

Min (Thalia) said...

Hi Mar-Chu!

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...


HELLO holo!

Rosella Embers said...

oh, i do the same!!!!!!!

hai five!!!!!!

Liz said...

I do a mix of kempo and sholin karate with the 7animals thrown in, some Ju-jit-su and some Chin-na.

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

*gives rosella a virtual high five*

do you go to a vallaries studio?

Mar-Chu said...

Holo! How do you like blogland?

Min (Thalia) said...

....Hello to everyone that is saying "hello" to me~

Rosella Embers said...

but i'm not really focusing on karate right now, as i said i'm training 4 the comp

Min (Thalia) said...

@Mar-Chu: it's fun~!

Rosella Embers said...

no, i go to this private training place at my school

Mar-Chu said...


Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...


Rosella Embers said...

la de da!!!

Liz said...

Skulgirl is a tournament coming up on march 20th near your school?

Rosella Embers said...

y oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh skulgirl?

Min (Thalia) said...


Rosella Embers said...

also, i live in Aus, so i have no clue what your on about

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

ummmmm i dont think so my sensais would have informed us let me check

Rosella Embers said...

is it saturday for everyone here?

Rosella Embers said...


Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

oh that would explain a LOT

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

no friday here

Rosella Embers said...


my sensei says i look like an elephant choking on cereal when i try blocking...

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...


Liz said...


Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...


Rosella Embers said...


Mar-Chu said...

wait-check out my latest story addition~ some people have already seen this...

Shana Hakumei was being kidnapped. She hated being kidnapped. It ruined her day. So she always did her best to ruin the kidnappers day. Today, her kidnapper was Billy-Ray Sanguine.

Shana was walking into a cafe, expecting to meet someone, and there he was, sunglasses and all.

He tilted his head and said, “You were just the person I was looking for.” and then he ran and punched her in the face.

Shana flew back into the street, dazed. She realized she was being pulled by the collar of her coat, and had cuffs on her hands.

'Well.' She thought. 'Ain't that just dandy?'

Shana was dropped into the passengers side of a car, and soon after she heard the drivers side opening and the car starting up.

Her head snapped up, and she blurted out “No body likes you!”

Sanguine laughed. “Oh, I don't think thats true. There are lots of people who like me.”

“And there are lots of good-natured people who don't.”

“So not everyone hates me.”

“Well I know I do.”

“And why is that?”

“Your too psychotic. You should be locked up. It'd be community service.”

“But I don't really want to be locked up. Is that a problem?”

“No. Not really.”

“Well okay then.”

Shana pulled her legs criss-cross applesauce. “Let me go.”

“I'm afraid I can't do that.”

“Why not?”

“I'm afraid I can't tell you.”

“Thats no fun.”

“I can't imagine it can be.”

“Let me gooooooooooo.”


“Or I'll start to sing camp fire songs...”

“I'd appreciate it if you didn't.”

Shana began to sing at the top of her lungs. “Da moose da moose, da moose da moose, swimming in da water, swimming in da water...”

“Stop it.”

“eating his supper, where did he go? Where did he go? He when to sleep, he whent to sleep. Da moose da moose...”

“Please tell me theres not another bloody verse.”

“Swimming in da water, swimming in da water, eating his supper, eating his supper, where did he go? Where did he go?”

“He went insane because your singing about him.”

“He went to sleep. He went to sleep.”

“Stop it.”

“Then let me go.”

“I can't do that.”

“Baby shark, doo doo do do do doo, baby shark doo doo do do do doo, baby shark doo doo do do do doo, baby shark doo doo do do do doo, baby shark!”

“%$+#” (befuddled)

“mama shark doo doo do do do doo, mama shark doo doo do do do doo, oh look theres Inyashi doo doo do do do doo, your going to get hurt doo doo do do do doo...”

something slammed on top of the car, causing it to swerve on the road.

A girl of about 18 stood in the road, dressed in all black. “Hello.” She said when Sanguine got out with his razor. “I belief you have a friend of mine.”

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...


Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...


Liz said...

I'll be back later...

Rosella Embers said...



Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...


Rosella Embers said...

damn it...

Rosella Embers said...

bye lizzy!!!!

why do the americans always rule everything?

why isnt it the Australians

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

thats why i was saying random things

Daniel Jackson
Jack O'Neil
Samantha Carter

damn it Daniel WHYyYYY!!!!!!!

Rosella Embers said...

Also Skulgirl, is your sensei noice?

or does he yell at you for doing anything?

Min (Thalia) said...

Oh oh!!!! Mar-Chu, email me the story that you have so far!! and the girl.....i won't give it away....

Rosella Embers said...


won't ask...

Rosella Embers said...

990 comments to go!!!!!!!!!!

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

i have two sensei's its a married couple both 6th dagree black belts and they're very nice and very funny

Min (Thalia) said...

asdfghjk she posted something but it's gone now....

Rosella Embers said...

la de da!

Mar-Chu said...


Rosella Embers said...

thats good skulgirl!!



Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

Rosella havce you ever heard of Stargate SG1???

Rosella Embers said...


should i have?

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

you dont have to have heard about it *taps ponter fingers together looking like a young school girl* but it would be nice for someone to know aout it it seems no one does

Rosella Embers said...



i was going to ask you something rally important.....

oh YEAH!!!!!

do you like bluberry pie?

Rosella Embers said...

where IS master derek???

Rosella Embers said...


Rosella Embers said...


Mar-Chu said... dang. i gotta go. Holo! see you either on blogland or on monday!

bye~ hmm. or i can be back on blogland tomarrow~

*hugs everybody*

bye ya'll!

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

Master Derek is probably asleep silly

and i prefer chocolate pie:P not a fan of blueberries

Rosella Embers said...


*hugs mar-chu*

have a good day!

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...


Rosella Embers said...

very true skulgirl.....

and its the middle of the day here, so i wouldnt know...

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

the time right below our comments shows us the time where he lives!

Rosella Embers said...

do you reckon, skulgirl, we can break the blog on our own?

Rosella Embers said...

oh, does it?

mine says the time here

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

no not a chance

Rosella Embers said...

also, if nyx comes back, i will have to go quickly, so dont feel rejected when i go.

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

no not a chance
February 12, 2011 1:30 AM

that was my last comment and thats what is below it

Rosella Embers said...


Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...


Liz said...


Liz said...

Hey :)

Liz said...

Dragona said that you were calling off the wedding...

Liz said...

sweeeeeeeeeeet :)

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...


Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

wait you guys are calling off the wedding???!?!?!?!? porquo?!?!?!

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

oh ok so after the wedding you gonna change your name to Kallista Pine???

Liz said...

LOL, i was wondering that...

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

LOL kallista

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

seeems to work or maybe you two should switch last names it would be cool

Liz said...

back, sorry, mum wanted me to help her with girl scout cookie orders :P

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

OMG!! i was a girl scout in like fifth grade :P i LOVE thin Mints there so GOOD!

Liz said...

I like tagalongs, they have peanut butter :3

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

thin mints are better though my mom actually just bough samoa icecream

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

gotta go dad calling

Liz said...

ooooh, that sounds GOOD :)

Liz said...

byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Skulgirl

Liz said...

Surprisingly not that bad

Liz said...

brb, i need to take the dog out

Liz said...

hurruugggg, its cold out XP

Liz said...

mum said its going to be 50f out next week, take that snow! XD

Liz said...

Kallista, i don't know what its like where you are, but here we have FOUR FREAKING FEET of snow, its now time of sunglasses yet :P

Liz said...

*picks up Kallista and places her in front of a wood stove, Kallista starts to defrost from her block of ice*

Liz said...

LOL *sets up lawn chairs and a topical umbrella, sits down and enjoys a smoothie*

Mar-Chu said...

*magicly appears from shadows*

*sits on the tropical umbrella and sings mary had a little lamb*

Liz said...

LOL, go forth brother-slave and bring me coconut ice cream! :D
Hey Mar-Chu

Mar-Chu said...

hello! have you seen google today? it's quite interesting!

Liz said...

I know! i saw it and it really cool

Mar-Chu said...


*sucks smoothie*


*goes all cat and curls up by the heater*


Liz said...

*takes out water gun and sprays Kallista* ;)

Mar-Chu said...


*chases another ball of fluff*

Mar-Chu said...

*bites water gun and water explodes everywhere*

Liz said...

hurrrggggg XP mum says a have to get off now, good night y'all! most pleasant dreams!


Mar-Chu said...


*clings to lizzy like a koala*

Mar-Chu said...

well, now that lizzy is leaving...

*sits in cat form on top of Kallista's head*

Mar-Chu said...


Mar-Chu said...

oh yeah. this is me.

Mar-Chu said...

meow meow meow meow!~


*jumps off*

*beggs for kitty friskies*

Mar-Chu said...


*jumps around*

wait i gotta gooooo! bye! meow meow!

*jumps away*

Anonymous said...


ACK *Accidentally presses some button on the computer*

*Fixes it*

Phew -_-'

Anonymous said...


*Hopes someone comes back on*

. said...



. said...


. said...

Any one?

. said...



. said...


yeah, too late...

. said...



Katie Louise said...

I'm here! is anyone else though?

Katie Louise said...

I should be on for about the next 3hrs so i'll be in and out

Katie Louise said...


Katie Louise said...

man, this sucks

Katie Louise said...

KALLISTA! YAY! how are you?

Katie Louise said...

my ankle REALLY REALLY hurts. i went into town today with a friend and we did heaps of walking which made it hurt more. I updated my website by the way

*hugs Kallista back*

Katie Louise said...

lol. maybe, it didn't swell up or anything so it's not to serious. thanks for your concern though but i'm kinda known for not doing things when told

Katie Louise said...

what time is it there?

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Spelling errors? I just can't be bothered to fix them anymore

Katie Louise said...


@Kallista, lol, i when i was at the clinic i kept moving the ice pack around so as a joke the nurse said that if i move it again she was gonna tape the ice pack to my ankle, i stopped moving it after that :P

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

What's the difference between a clinic and hospital ????

Oh wait I know

Katie Louise said...

*unties herself from the chair, sneaks up on Kallista and draws a captain hook mustache on her then attepts to run away but doesn't get very far because of her ankle*

Katie Louise said...

the clinic is what we call the nurses office/place with beds and chairs

Minnie said...

Hi, Skyril!
Sorry it's been days since you said hi to me, but I rarely check the comments, and when I do, I usually just scroll through really fast without reading. I just look to see if Derek has left a comment.

But thanks for saying hi. =) How are you?

Katie Louise said...

so what time is it there kallista?

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

*franticly tries to rub off mustache*

*eventually it starts to fade away*


*draws N7 logo on everyones shoulder *

Katie Louise said...

lol, i still have some blue hairspray had zinc on me :P

Katie Louise said...

hi Minnie

Katie Louise said...

ok, i can't really judge you kallista since i've stayed up until 5:30am on here before :P

Katie Louise said...

ok Kallista, are you happy now? i've got my ankle strapped up and resting on a footstall :P

Katie Louise said...

brb, my sister is forcing me to get her some dinner cause my mum is out. why she wants feeding i have no idea :P

Katie Louise said...

BYE KALLISTA! might speak to you tomorrow!


Katie Louise said...

i'm back :P

Katie Louise said...

anyone there?

uh oh, my sister's forcing me to watch High School Musical, i dont mind it but i've seen it sooooo many times!

Minnie said...

Hi, Kallista! How are you?

Katie Louise said...

hi Minnie, unfortunately Kallista left

Katie Louise said...


Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

*holds the sacred banana peel like it's a god*


I'm still here

Katie Louise said...

i am sooo bored!

Katie Louise said...

NICOLETTE! how are ya?

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Heya Jaffa!

I'm good, just sneaking downstairs for breakfast

No ones awake yet :)

Katie Louise said...

lol, i wish my sister would go away, she is really annoying!

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

All sisters are aren't they lol

If not then I want a refund on mine

Katie Louise said...

lol, same

Katie Louise said...


Katie Louise said...

i'm back :P

Katie Louise said...

BYE!! will be back later

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

AHH sorry jaffa!

Mum woke up and I needed to get ready and AHH I hate Saturday mornings

Mums always in a bad mood on Saturdays, slagging off our dad in the morning and then complaining about him when we get home

It's stupid

Dragona Pine said...

Hi... is anyone on?

Dragona Pine said...

I've seriously JUST woken up.

*rubs eyes*

Dragona Pine said...


I'm staying at home today :)

Dragona Pine said...



Dragona Pine said...

I have Homework :o

Dragona Pine said...

English, Spanish, French, Maths... that's what I've got to do! :o

Wonka said...

hello? Dragona? have I just missed you?

Dragona Pine said...

No! I'm still here! Hi Wonka :)

Wonka said...

yay! hello! homework sucks

Wonka said...

have you decided on a date for the wedding yet or did i miss it?

Dragona Pine said...

I know it does, I don't do it on weekdays because I come on here so I have a PILE of it at weekends... but I don't mind.

Wonka said...

I have to revise for a geography test, and do some maths I think...

Dragona Pine said...

You haven't missed it. It was supposed to be today but Kallista has postponed it and we haven't decided a date. Everyone's going to come and there isn't going to be a wedding today... I don't think :S

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