Thursday, October 22, 2015

80,000 words and some HORROR

I have now crossed the 80,000 word mark in Desolation. You know what that means?

It's a proper book now.

Demon Road was a little over 121,000. I had wanted it to be 80,000, which is roughly the size of Dark Days. Obviously, that didn't happen. But I am DETERMINED that Desolation be of a  more manageable size. It'll probably end up somewhere around the 100,000 mark.

Writing a book can be a struggle. It's just so happened that in the writing of this one, every time I started to flow, and write LOTS, I had to go off on tour or do festivals or get interrupted for a multitude of reasons. It's very hard to build up any kind of rhythm when your writing schedule is kinda messed up.

But I'm flowing now. I want to get this latest draft off to my editor on Monday, because on Tuesday I'm off on holiday to Disneyworld and Universal Studios.

For Halloween.

Ooooooh this is gonna be my kind of holiday. By day, we go to Magic Kingdom, and go on rides and visit Harry Potter world and just have good, nice lovely fun...

But at night...

Universal Studios over Halloween has the most terrifying horror experiences on offer, and I will be going and subjecting my girlfriend to the ordeal. I'm going to tweet about it. I'm going to take videos. You may see me scream.

But it shall be a manly scream. A WAR CRY.

And then I'll run away and leave Laura to face this guy on her own.

Gonna be FUN.


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Em said...

Have fun!! And I hope you are paying for Laura's therapy after subecting her to that! :P

Happy book writing oh Golden God!

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

Oh, hi.

Saoirse/Sorcha/Velvet said...


Saoirse/Sorcha/Velvet said...


Hey Kas.)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(*tacklehugs Seirsha*


Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

Super duper Marvel vs DC cosplay

John said...

(*Is here and rather unsure what to say...*)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(Happy birthday, John!

But yeah, I understand.)

John said...

(Thanks, Kas. For both.)

John said...

(Did everyone drop off the face of the earth or what?)

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

Derek XD


John said...

(Pardon me as I drop off the face of the Earth.)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(I'm afraid I can't let you do that, John.)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(Because gravity. *nods*)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(You have a point, though -_-)

Feraaaa32 said...


Custard and Cream said...

I love skulduggery so much and the first book of this series didn't disappoint!!!
I love your books and can't wait for the next one!!!
Thank you for all the amazing stories and please come to Scotland soon because I would love to have my books signed!!!

Custard and Cream said...

Oh and have fun at Disney :)

Feraaaa32 said...

hello kirsten ^_^

Anonymous said...

(Kirsten he was just in Scotland... I know coz I went and seen him )

Custard and Cream said...

I know and I missed him :'( really want to meet him though, I love his books

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(There will likely be a signing in Scotland to coincide with the next book's release.)

Custard and Cream said...

Good :)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

Welcome to the Blog, btw! :)

Feraaaa32 said...

hey kas, k :P

Saoirse/Sorcha/Velvet said...

(*tacklehugs Kas* I missed you... I need to come back here more often :(

New person?! Or did I miss their arrival by being away?

Hey Fera!)

Feraaaa32 said...

hey sav ^_^ I am gonna go to deliver my newspapers in a bit ^_^ how're you? :)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(Hey, Fera and Seirsha!

*is tacklehugged* :)

Missed you too, Seri! :)

*nods* New person, indeed!

(Can I call you Seri, Seirsha?))

Inky Flame said...

((I I I am h here *shiverz8!!))

Feraaaa32 said...

hey kas
hey chloe, sup?

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(*hugs Chloe warmly* Hey! :)

Inky Flame said...

((*huggles kas* I am good
Tired but good))

Feraaaa32 said...

*is gone for paper delivery*

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(Bye, Fera!

@Chloe Weekend soon! Then you can rest! :)

Inky Flame said...

((Bye FERA

I can't
Uni open day))

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(Aww, poor you!)

Inky Flame said...

((I know -_-))

Katy A said...

Derek, you're so mean! Poor Laura!

I really can't wait for Desolation to come out, if it's anywhere near as good as Demon Road, it'll be amazing

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

Hello, Katya!

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

@Chloe You can sleep in the car- oh... *hugs*

Saoirse/Sorcha/Velvet said...

(Good thanks Fera, how are you?

Of course you can Kas! *grins*

Hey everyone else!)

Inky Flame said...


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I should probably read Demon Road before the sequel comes out.


Inky Flame said...

((*hugz brother kas^))

Inky Flame said...

((Hello fab!

I have uni to apply for -_-))

Saoirse/Sorcha/Velvet said...

(SISTER! *tacklehugsqueezes*

Yeah, I haven't read it yet either Fabi. XD)

Saoirse/Sorcha/Velvet said...

(Brother Kas XD Sounds like he's a monk.

Have fun Chloooee)

Inky Flame said...

((*huggles seirsha tightly*))

Inky Flame said...

((Thank you siiiis

Kas is like my brother
He's cool like an older brother
And we look alike ^.^))

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

*is a monk now*


Inky Flame said...

((Hehe XD))

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(Sorry for being distant, the wifi isn't great in the monastery.)

Anonymous said...

( I'll be back around 10, mums takingme to see swan lake as she had noone else to go with )

Saoirse/Sorcha/Velvet said...

(*huggles Chloe back* But Kas is my big brother too. *pouts and huggles Kas*

Tidying my room so mbd, but who wants to rp?)

Saoirse/Sorcha/Velvet said...


Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(*picks up the spider*

Poor spider. Did the big human scare you? :P

Sorry for being distant, had to go to a store and stuff.)

Oh, I didn't know you liked pepperoni! *chuckles slightly*

That's why I bought six different pizzas.

Saoirse/Sorcha/Velvet said...

Yeah it's my favourite. *grins*

(No worries)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

*looks down at Kayleigh, who is sat on a chair*

Can I get you a drink? Or will your Fanta do?

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(What are you up to? :)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...


Saoirse/Sorcha/Velvet said...

My Fanta's fine thanks. *smiles*

(Tidying my room :(

Hello Sophia.)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(Hello, Kayleigh.)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(Hello, Sophia!

I just realised some Mass Effect players reject their romance interests by killing them with a nuclear bomb. I mean, it seems a bit overkill when a simple "No." might have sufficed.)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(Hello, Tia.)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(I just realised I can't name a single member of One Direction -_-)


*goes to fetch a bottle from a cooler*

*returns with a bottle and two glasses, as well as two straws*

*places a straw in each glass, and slides a glass over to Kayleigh*

*opens her bottle that contains a red liquid*

Uh, do you want any blood? With your Fanta?

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(You are not alone in that, Tia. I have never paid them any attention at all.)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(But a nuke??? Oh no, Ashley's coming on too strong, I don't want this save to have a romance because I need Shepard to avoid a romance until ME2/ME3. Should I read a guide on how to achieve this? No, nuclear bomb! Problem fixed!

Like... no. Overkill.)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(@Sophia Oh, you meant One Direction -_-)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(There's Ed Sheeran... no, wait, he's a solo artist.

There's Liam... Liam? Liam Neeson? No... he's an actor.

Uh... there's... The guy who left?



Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(Yes, I do. I much prefer other music - The Pretty Reckless are very good.)

Saoirse/Sorcha/Velvet said...


*starts pouring her Fanta and looks up at Tanya* Um... I think I'll pass... *smiles*

Saoirse/Sorcha/Velvet said...


Custard and Cream said...

.... The one who left is Zayn.....

Saoirse/Sorcha/Velvet said...

(*round of applause for knowing someone's name* Thank you Kirsten!)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(@Sophia *nods*

@Seri So I was right about Liam? He sings too, like Tina Turner! And he's in Fallout 3! Amazing!)

*smiles, sits down and pours herself some blood, sipping it slowly through a straw*

*doesn't really need to eat*

(*is bad at rp* :|)

Saoirse/Sorcha/Velvet said...

(I've done my back wall... I might take a break :D)

Saoirse/Sorcha/Velvet said...


*watches her drinking the blood* So... Are you planning on going to the Halloween party?

(*Kas is GREAT at rp*)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(Hello, Kirsten!

@Seri I know nothing about who's in Little Mix. I watched the whole X Factor season of whatever year Little Mix started, so I technically know their names, just can't recall them.


Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(@Seri I'm terrible!)

Halloween party? I... don't really celebrate Halloween. I'd go with you, though. If you'd like.

Custard and Cream said...

Little mix I definitely don't know

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(There's the one with purple hair. Unforgettable. Except for the name.)

Saoirse/Sorcha/Velvet said...


No you're not!)

I don't mind, was just wondering. *takes another slice of pizza and cringes*

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

*stops drinking*

*looks bored*

(Yay for cleaning some of your room, Seri!)

Saoirse/Sorcha/Velvet said...

Want anymore pizza?

*offers Tanya the box*

*cringes again*

*the pain is getting worse*

Star Inkbright said...

((One Direction - Liam Payne Harry Styles Louis . . . someone and then Zayn Mali left.
Little Mix - Jesy Nelson Leigh-Anne Pinnock Jade . . . someone Perrie . . . someone.


And Ed Sheeran is AWESOME. He is totally not in One Direction! Completely different music styles!

I don't think Kas is my brother. He's not annoying enough to be like a brother. :P Ethan is like a brother but as I am not his sister he doesn't annoy ME which is nice. When he holds hands with Cat it does seem to be more of a battle between who can break the other's hand first :P and Cat's always the one wincing and going "Ow!" despite the fact that Ethan has a sprained wrist, haha.

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

No, thanks, Kayleigh... you don't look so good. Are you okay?

(Hey, Starryeyes! How are you?)

Saoirse/Sorcha/Velvet said...

*closes eyes and takes a shakey breath*


Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

*stands up and approaches Kayleigh, putting her hand on her shoulder*


Star Inkbright said...

@Kas: :) Alright thanks. You?

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(@Star I'm fine. May play Halo but not sure which one. Need to also catch up on lore for Halo 5, to better understand what is happening. So that'll require reading stuff.)

Saoirse/Sorcha/Velvet said...

*opens her eyes* Y-yeahhh?

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

Kayleigh... you need help.

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(Going distant, watching Castle! :)

Star Inkbright said...

@Kas: :)

Saoirse/Sorcha/Velvet said...

No I don-

*a wave of pain ripples through her body*


Chione Asahina said...

(Hello. wbd, watching Game of Thrones. I'm finally on season 5 so i'm going to catch up with everyone. Yay!)

Saoirse/Sorcha/Velvet said...

(Hey Gem!)

Inky Flame said...

(Sup, chickadees?))

Saoirse/Sorcha/Velvet said...

(Chickadees? Why?


Dinner now.)

Star Inkbright said...

*is a chickadee!*

Inky Flame said...

((What? *huggles kas and star*

Yes you are star! How art thou?))

Dark Eyes said...

Hello, currently existing humans

Inky Flame said...

((Hello dark eyes! are you new?))

Dark Eyes said...

To all non existing humans and non humans who read that, sorry if you feel offended, ignored or left out.

Dark Eyes said...

And yes, I am.

Inky Flame said...

((*shakes your hand* nice you meet you!))

Dark Eyes said...

The first comment I posted was my first comment ever. Big Moment

Dark Eyes said...


Dark Eyes said...

A word i have never used before and hopefully never will again

Dark Eyes said...

So... *cringes at awkward silence*

Inky Flame said...

((I am chloe, or inky the werewolf

I am from wales
I am seventeen
I hope you don't run into silente

So do you rp?))

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Hey! I'm amazing.)

Inky Flame said...

((Hey jai!

Silente needs to behave))

Dark Eyes said...

Just technical issues. I am from England. Am nearly 14 and very touchy about my age

Dark Eyes said...

Also probably the lamest person you will ever talk to.

Dark Eyes said...

You have been warned

Inky Flame said...

((Okay ^.^

We are practically neighbours!

How art thou?))

Inky Flame said...

((Na wwwww I doubt you are lame!))

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Silente barely knows the meaning of that word.

Hey Dark Eyes! One question! Have you read Skulduggery Pleasant?)

Dark Eyes said...

*watches as tumbleweed rolls past*

Dark Eyes said...


Dark Eyes said...

about a million times

Inky Flame said...

Do you like hugs?))

Dark Eyes said...

best series i ever read would be an understatement

Dark Eyes said...

love hugs

Inky Flame said...

((*huggles dark eyes and smiles*))

Dark Eyes said...

You may also notice how slow my replying is

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(In which case you're already cooler than half the people I know.

Two more questions.

1. Do you have an email address

2. What's your view on sp vampires.)

Dark Eyes said...

and sp vampires.. hmm... I'd say that they are nothing like other vampires, but if vampires existed, that is what they'd be.

Inky Flame said...

((Don't worry ^.%

Its normally quote busy here
You must meet everyone else ^.^

Any my boyfriend, the joker says hi))

Dark Eyes said...

i admire your choice of boyfriend

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(How would you describe them? Cool, awesome, evil, stupid etc.(

Dark Eyes said...

evil, but their intelligence varies, like it does with people

Inky Flame said...

((Thanks ^.^

If you need to chat, my email is on my profile

Chloe the councillor is open all hours ))

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Mmmmhmmmmm. *nods*)

Dark Eyes said...


Edward Fletcher said...

Hello New person

*departs again*

Inky Flame said...

((Jack! *glomps and kisses before he disappears*))

Inky Flame said...

((Oh yeah ...

Normally, people speak in parenthesis - you know, normal conversation

We normally rp outside of brackets))

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*rolls eyes at them Two*

Anyway. Rp anyone?)

Dark Eyes said...

Hello Joker. i don't mind if you're not there because I have more conversations with people who aren't there than I do with people who are.

Inky Flame said...

((I'd love to rp! Which characters?

And whaaaaat?))

Dark Eyes said...

(ok i'll remember the brackets now. And rp sounds fun)

Edward Fletcher said...

*is glomped and kisses* Chloe!

What jai? XD

Dark eyes, I'm pretty sure I exist... Unless it's the matrix

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(@Chloe xD Wolfie?

Also AU!Sil and inky.)

Inky Flame said...

((I can't wait to meet your character!))

Inky Flame said...


Inky: *is in her cottage^

Chris: wolfie!

Inky Flame said...

((Jack ! I love you I love you I love you!))

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

AU!Sil: *spray paints her cottage with a special symbol*

MrBBWolf: Chris?

Inky Flame said...

Inky: *can smell sil*
*runs outside* sil?

Chris: *glomps* I love you wolf! My adorable fiancé

Edward Fletcher said...

I love you too Chloe!!!!!

Btw, I dont use brackets cause I don't rp

Inky Flame said...

((*turns into a cat and settles on jacks head*))

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

AU!Sil: *is wearing a mask*
*pauses, watching inky, staying VERY still*

MrBBWolf: *laughs, kissing him gently*
Someone's happy!

Dark Eyes said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Edward Fletcher said...

*raises eyebrow but smiles up at cat*

Inky Flame said...

Inky: sil! What are you up to?

Chris; *kisses* why wouldn't I be?

((Dark ??))

Dark Eyes said...


Inky Flame said...

((Mew *licks jacks head*))

Inky Flame said...

(Why did you write '??')

Edward Fletcher said...

*giggles at cat*

Dark eyes?

Saoirse/Sorcha/Velvet said...

(Nice to meet you Dark Eyes! *huggles* Welcome to the family! XD

Chloe, Jai, wanna continue from the other day?)

Inky Flame said...

((*cat wants cuddles*))

Dark Eyes said...

(( wrote accidentally.))

Inky Flame said...

(Sister! *glomps* sure thang ^.^ but I'm off at ten))

Grant Ward ((Skylar Isome)) said...

Hello, everyone.

Saoirse/Sorcha/Velvet said...

(*cuddles the cat*

*steals her*

*sits in a spiny chair and turns around*

I've been expecting you...

*grins evily and strokes the cat*

*gives the cat back*


Dark Eyes said...

(( Nice to meet whoever I've not met yet))

Saoirse/Sorcha/Velvet said...

(Okay, where were we?

Hey Grant.)

Inky Flame said...

((*looks at seirsha* ))

(Hello grant!)

Edward Fletcher said...

Um.... *takes cat when kayleigh has finished and cuddles cat XD*

Edward Fletcher said...

Hello Grant

Inky Flame said...

Flauros: She isn't my partner!

Inky Flame said...

((*purrs and cuddles jack*))

Saoirse/Sorcha/Velvet said...

(I remember when I was new... *sighs wistfully and looks up into nowhere*

It was such bants.

FIRST ONE! *parties*

As everyone can see, I am quite hyper because I am ill :D)

Edward Fletcher said...

*cuddles Chloe cat*

I ignore my blogversary
Anyways, bye alls

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

AU!Sil: ...Nothing.

MrBBWolf: I don't know?

Tresha: That's good to hear.

Saoirse/Sorcha/Velvet said...

(*looks at the cat and shows pointy teeth*)

Velvet: Yes, no, I um, don't have...

Chione Asahina said...

(Oh. I think i missed my blogversary...

Hello Dark.)

Inky Flame said...

(Get well soon!

I remember when you were new sis! )

Saoirse/Sorcha/Velvet said...

(Why Jack?!)

Saoirse/Sorcha/Velvet said...

(Well done Gemma, we can just celebrate it extra next time! :D

Thanks Chloe, me too, it was almost a year ago.)

Star Inkbright said...


Dark Eyes said...

((Laptop being slow. Hello Gemma))

Inky Flame said...

(Bye jack

Hey gem!)

Flauros; what?

Inky; you're lying!

Chris:you are amazing!

Inky Flame said...

((My blogversary is 2nd December
This is my fourth year))

Dark Eyes said...

(( I've never even written a blog))

Anonymous said...

( Hello Dark... newbie newbie... or someone we know? )

Saoirse/Sorcha/Velvet said...


Velvet: *sighs heavily*

Dark Eyes said...


Saoirse/Sorcha/Velvet said...


Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Tresha: N-nothing!

AU!Sil: *thinks..*
*drops the can and sprints*

MrBBWolf: Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

( hello then I'm Keiron... 19 scottish and Gemmas boyfriend... I think that's all that matters tbh lol anything you want to know just ask :D :P )

Saoirse/Sorcha/Velvet said...

(November 19th!)

Inky Flame said...

((I am off to bed now

Nos da!))

Saoirse/Sorcha/Velvet said...

(Omg you and Gemma are together again! (Sorry I've missed so much while I was away) *hugs them both*)

Saoirse/Sorcha/Velvet said...

(Night Chloe!)

Dark Eyes said...

((Bye. I have to go soon as well))

Dark Eyes said...

((Some of us are unfortunate enough to be of school age. ))

Dark Eyes said...

(( Is this another awkward silence or is my laptop being to slow to load new comments?))

Anonymous said...

( why yes yes we are :D :P

hehe gnight chloe and dark then *hugs back* :DDDDDD )

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