Monday, January 13, 2014

Working Hard...

Well then.

As you  know, I've been writing. Writing, writing, writing. You don't get to do an awful lot of other things when you're writing. Well, sometimes you do, but not when you have deadlines like these. The short stories I'm writing, all of them, need to be delivered by Wednesday. The first draft of Book Nine needs to be delivered by the middle of next month.

To say I am a tad busy would be something of an understatement.

Of course, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, and why would Jack want to be a dull boy? I've been doing things. Reading things. Watching things.

Take this evening, for instance. This evening I watched the last Sherlock of the current season. The first episode of the season was oddly character-driven, at the expense of the central mystery, but I didn't mind that in the least. The second episode, the wedding episode, was hilariously sublime. And the final episode, having Sherlock face off against a truly unique villain... well. It was just wonderful stuff.

And I've been reading. Stephen King, mostly. Going over his early works. His classics. When I was a kid, I went straight from The Three Investigators and the Hardy Boys to Stephen King and these wonderfully violent and detailed Gold Eagle books like The Executioner and Able Team and Phoenix Force, books that gave you diagrams of the weapons they used at the back of the book. Basically, I graduated from kids books to horror and action. And after a few Stephen King books like Cujo (the first King book I can remember reading) I went on to James Herbert and Shaun Hutson — overtly violent and brilliantly horrific.

And now, after all this time, I'm going back to Stephen King, and loving it all.

Recommendations? Read The Stand. Then read It. Two MASSIVE books. You won't be sorry.

So these things have been my break from the writing. Christmas, for me, was mostly about the short stories. But there was one story...

It started off fine. Exactly as I planned. It would be a new kind of story, something I hadn't really tried before. It would probably end up as one of the longer stories of the collection, though, but not by much.

I thought.

I have just finished it. Half an hour ago, I finished it. At the moment, before edits, it is over 20,000 words long. That's twice as long as The End of the World. So you'll be reading through Armageddon-Outta-Here (haw!), and hopefully enjoying the stories, and then you'll get to this brand new novella, a good, solid chunky story, and I think this story alone will make the collection worth the money.

I think. I hope. Right now I'm far too tired to form a coherent opinion. All I know is, I've been working hard. And it's not over yet.


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Duck said...

I'm going to a new school in just a few weeks time.
It's a boarding school.
And I'll be boarding.

Probably won't get to have much time in Blogland this year.

It's quite sad.

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

OMG, Duck, that's what happened to me!

Good luck, okay? It's going to be amazing.

Duck said...

Wait, so has the new season of Sherlock ended ALREADY!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I never was in boarding school. Dont you have to stay there? I'd hate that.

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

Yes. Yes, it has.

I LOVED IT MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE IN THE WORLD, ZAF. It seems like it'll be awful, but in reality it's AMAZING...

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Huh. Not sure if i would...

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

I'm sure you would. Being away from your parents is so joyful...

Duck said...

It's just like having all your friends over at your place all the time!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Beginning of April I'm going for four days to Hersey for state competitions in FBLA

Gtg bye

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

...I mean such a joy-filled experience.


Duck said...

BYE ZAF!!!!!

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

Bye, Zaffy!

Exactly, Duck. Find some time to talk to me and tweet me, okay?

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

...I wish Sherlock didn't have to end so quickly...


TheSmilingCat said...

Starting of with something short ave ending with 20.000 words... ha. Know that one too well for my own liking.
Good to see that you're still alive, though.

Duck said...

How about now?!?!?!?!?

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

Well, yes, but I mean after you're gone and stuff.

Also, I need to go now, so BYE! *hugs everybody*

Duck said...


Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Hullo! How are you all? Msd

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...


Duck said...

Rhydian! Hey! Wazzup?! How've you being? Haven't seen you in AGES! Look how much you've grown! Last time I saw you, you were knee high to a grasshopper! Is that a new haircut? I like it, I really do!

But enough about me, what about YOU?!?!

Duck said...

Oh, your gone...

Hmm... ahhhh.....

Just to the next person to come along, ingnore that previous comment...

Now I just feel awkward....


Duck said...

So today I wrote down my whole plotline for the book I'm about to write.

Such a great title.
Such a magnificent mystery.
Such glorious characters.
Such a marvilous backstory.
Such extraordinary character development.

And what a horrible ending it is...

Duck said...

Literally the only ending I could think of is that everyone DIES!

Derek has just corrupted my brain.

*shakes fist*
Curse you Derek!

Duck said...

Oh, well. I'm off to bed.

See you all when it's sunny side up!


Noelle said...

I'm distantly here, if anyone else is

Noelle said...

Oh hell, I've finished the episode.

Unknown said...

Dear derek please check your hotmail account and then your facebook account and look at the messages from Trinity Hickford Xxxxxxxx P.S.please remember to check the hotmail first or it will not make sence and remember to contact me a.s.a.p no.Is07554647992 or contact me through facebook check not ur personal account the skullduggery account many thanks Trinity Hickford Xxxxxxxx ;)

Unknown said...

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaassssssssssseeeeeeeeee check it for me :);) :p Xxxxxxxx


Unknown said...

Ps remember a.s.a.p

Noelle said...

Oh I do hope that she isn't going to kill him.

That would be unfortunate.

Star Inkbright said...



Noelle said...

Hello, Star :)

Star Inkbright said...

Over my lunch hour, I was at points tapping my fingers incessantly on the table/standing in a corner quietly crying/trying to climb the area in between the wall and the water fountain/being randomly happy.


Then again, everyone is unique . . . and so no one has ever been like me before, so you know . . . how am I meant to be normal?

Plus I've been fluctuating from going I-am-not-bothered and really stressing out about stuff and CLASHING THOUGHTS gahhhhh they came back and I hate them. I was at one point just whispering "shut up" to myself, which ISN'T so great when you're trying to convince people you don't have voices in your head. :P

It's not even thinking, half the time. It's just sort of a strained clashy FEELING, and you think one thing and then you think another thing and then you think another thing and then you're like SHUT UP but then it's kind of a clashy FEELING even when nothing's CLASHING. :P

It's odd.

I really need my clashing thoughts to come back so I can analyse them better, but if they never come back again, I will be glad, so . . . :P

Anyway, yeah.

I was planning to leave the blog for a few days earlier, but . . . yeah. :P

I'm here now, I guess.

I was also going to delete my blog. However, I couldn't remember how to delete blogs and couldn't work it out, so I merely privatised it. *nods*



Star Inkbright said...

Hey Adra! :)

I'll have to be distant, though. Homework. :/


Star Inkbright said...

I mean, my friend was going on about tapping your fingers being a sign of schizophrenia, but I just really needed to tap them. I was working out the best way to tap my hands in maths, as well, and was eventually tapping my whiteboard pen on my book and leaning my book on the edge of the table. It was kind of like . . . idk, the regular rhythm was just nice. :P Next time I'm stressed, I shall try tapping a pen or something.

Although over the summer I got addicted to shaking my hands - like, my right hand, just shaking it. And that kind of looked odd and somewhere along the line I broke the habit, but TAPPING MY FINGERS WAS JUST REALLY GREAT OKAY. <3


Star Inkbright said...

I can't do anything whilst doing it though (one-track brain). Can't tap my hand and write. -_-

Fail. :P


Noelle said...

Delete your blog?





Noelle said...

I don't understand why your friends are insisting that you're so schizophrenic. They're what, sixteen? Fifteen? Jesus, they haven't exactly dealt with schizophrenic people- they aren't doctors, or nurses or whatever. How the hell would they know?

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: *frowns* Um, yeah . . .

I could always recover it again. But now it's privatised, and that's kind of better, in a way, although I don't need to post anything there ever again.

I feel better now it's gone. :)

How are you, anyway? :)


Noelle said...

Well, that's good, if it makes you feel better.

Me? I'm rather rubbish, actually. And hungry. Very hungry.

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: They're fourteen/fifteen. :P I'm almost a year older than half of them, and half a year older than the other half, and I have one friend who I'm only a couple of months older than.

And - the people who told my head-of-year and the others all say they were just concerned about me, and . . . yeah. *shrugs*

I will probably end up saying too much or deleting this and not saying enough, but I think it's a mixture of being concerned and not really wanting to deal with it. Yeah, mostly not wanting to deal with it. And if they get other people to deal with it, that's a good thing coz they've done the right thing and can feel all self-righteous about that (that's why we do good things, you know? So we feel good about ourselves), and also if it gets all fixed they don't have to deal with me being emotional and PROBLEM SOLVED.

And - how the hell WOULD they know?

I would really rather people not tried to stress me out about it, though. I got stuck on it yesterday. Like when I get stuck fixing a memorystick or get stuck getting a CD onto my laptop (I fucking DID THAT *dances*) or something. And clashing thoughts. Urgh.

I probably need to tell someone sooner or later, though, or I'm just going round in circles.

Although the best thing to do would be to stop going round in circles.

So I should really stop trying to do that.


Plus when I'm feeling normal, it all seems so stupid and unlikely.

And I have a tendency to overreact. Like I said, I've thought I'm dying in the past. XD This year, you know? It's not looking to be something you grow out of.

And so half of me thinks that most of it is all in my head.

And I reckon everyone could find things about themselves to freak out about, and it's more a question of whether you chose to freak out not.

And I'd rather not freak.

So my brand-new New Year's Resolution should be to not freak. :)

(but I'm just sort of waffling now)


(and circling)

(endlessly circling)

(Slipknot have a song called Circle. It's really amazing)


Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: :( *hugs*

I hope you feel better soon. :)

And - hunger? Um . . .

The less you focus on these things, they less they are, so I would advise thinking about something else and distractions until you can eat something. :)

But bbs. :/


Star Inkbright said...

Oh. O_O Back.


Noelle said...

Ay, freaking out would be bad.

But, you know, one last note- even if you did have a mental problem (which, by the way, I'm doubting to stay positive), what good would reminding one of that all the time, and forcing that person to be different?

I mean, you haven't hurt anyone, and those are your friends. Why do they want to make you feel different? What good will that do?

And really- it isn't good to try to convince someone that they're depressed, or schizophrenic, or insane. Even if they aren't, it could become a reality for them if they believe it.


I'd really like to have a nice, long chat with your friends.

Second comment- I actually am around a ton of food, but none of it sounds good. I stayed at home today because I'm a bit sick, so..


Star Inkbright said...

Plus I should really learn to stop needing to type every thought that runs through my head out, because I imagine it must be amazingly aggravating. :P

To some people, somewhere, at least.

Plus you can't talk like this irl, so to require constant . . . sort of 'attention', although all you need is constant space to talk, which is a kind of selfish thing to ask for 24/7 . . . um . . . what was I saying?

Yes, so I should stop talking. *nods*


Noelle said...


Sherlock believed he was an idiot because all his childhood, Mycroft told him that he was.


Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: Thank you. :) :) You are incredibly amazing, you know? :)

Seriously, you know, smiling now. :)

Like, RATIONALLY smiling. :)

And - *shrugs at the 'different' comment* *stores it in brain to think about*

And - aw. :( That really sucks. :/ It's like . . . I'm not sure what it's like, but whatever it IS like, it's really sucky.

I hope you feel less sick soon, anyway. :) Bad time of year, bad weather, yeah . . .

But no school is always good. :)

Although catching up is bad.

Positives and negatives. *shrugs*


Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: THAT is one of the best metaphors ever whilst also being really sad. :'(

Poor Sherlock.



Ooh! At lunch I was crying because my friends were talking about cutting fox tails off and making fox hats and DIMKA! D:

I miss Dimka.

I hope he's doing well, over in the afterlife.

*crying slgihtly*


Noelle said...

For the different comment- I just mean ousted. It's alright to be different, but it isn't alright to make someone feel bad about it, or make it a negative thing.

That's what I'm saying..

Honestly, what fun is it to be like everyone else? Then, one would just be another bee in a hive.

And I'm glad you're smiling. *Bows*

And as for school- I have a bit of work to do, but it's all cool. Last day of review in English is tomorrow. Joy.

Noelle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Star Inkbright said...

YES. :) I know what you mean. :)

And - YAY! :) and :/ and :( are, I think, the reactions for that last sentence. :)

Also, my Zodiac sign says that my outlook on life will greatly affect me. *nods*



Noelle said...

Foxes are adorable. How rude of them to suggest such a thing.

And as for Dimitri- I don't exactly know- I haven't thought about what it's like for him.

Nevermind, I know what happened-

His soul isn't in the afterlife. His energy and being moved on to be somewhere else. Like in the flowers, or the trees, that's where his spirit is.

I realize how ridiculous and Pocohontas-y that sounds...

Noelle said...


Ay, doesn't everyone's outlook on life affect them, though?

Star Inkbright said...

My history teacher seems to think that you can have 'an affect'.

Like 'the affects of the first world war'.

I'm just like, uh, no.

Unless I'm wrong, you can only have affect with an object. How the first world war affected them, yes. But it's THE EFFECTS. And you can't have how the first world war effected them, either.


Unless I'm incorrect, obviously.


Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: My Zodiac sign said me ESPECIALLY MUCHLY. *nods like I have made a Great Point*

And - yeah, I believe it does affect everyone. :)

You know, /AFFECT/ everyone.

It's one of my personal beliefs.

Like, one of my personal beliefs is that outlook creates an EFFECT.

Not an AFFECT.


Star Inkbright said...

But yay for Dimitri. :) :)


Noelle said...

Affect- is a verb, I think, usually pertaining to one's own self.

Effect- a noun? Usually something being done to another object.'

I actually don't remember, this is just be guessing. I might have it backwards.

Star Inkbright said...

*not a belief that is unique to me, obviously. Something that I, personal, believe in.
Just clarifying.


Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: No, you have it the correct way around.

My history teacher should KNOW this. *mutters* describe affect as "verb (used with something)"

Something is affected. This creates an effect.



Noelle said...

Ah, well, teachers make mistakes sometimes too. And, it would make sense if it were pertaining to a subject that they did not major in.

Now, if an English teacher were making this same mistake over and over, then perhaps yes. But you don't really need to focus on the modern English language to understand History.

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: But we have to talk about the 'affects' in pretty much every lesson. *facepalm*

It's sort of a major word in history.

And - the really annoying boy I sit opposite in RS who (like, apparently, the majority of the school *facepalm*) thinks terrorists should die listens to Slipknot.

He's also in my art (I swear, he's in so many of my lessons this year -_-) and I was just quietly sitting there fangirling because he was listening to music and kept mentioning song titles and I recognised them and I was like arghhhhhhhh. :)

Anyway, yeah.

Um . . . should really get doing my German now. :/

But I do get what you mean, about the teacher thing.

Although, there's this English teacher at our school who is slightly notorious for being terrible at teaching, and this girl who sits in front of me in further maths was saying that she has to correct his spelling when he marks her book and like - *facepalm*


Star Inkbright said...

It's horrible, though, how so many people want some people dead and believe that death is the answer.


Just, no.

There is a serious problem with society here. :/


Noelle said...

That is true. It's a... Major part of culture- has been for thousands of years. If you don't like something, kill it, and the idea dies with them.

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: But the thing we dislike about them is that they kill people. By killing THEM, we're killing people. If killing people is okay, then why are we killing them? If it isn't, then why are we killing them?


Nobody deserves to die. I don't care who they are or what they've done, NOBODY deserves to die. Everyone is unique and special and awesome In their own way, and if you kill someone . . . you've lost something unique and beautiful and will never get it back again.
Even if they are a terrorist.

And, yeah. :/


Noelle said...

Interesting view point... *nods*

I would agree with you

Noelle said...

So I just thought up the best story idea I think I've ever had.

So, you know how some stories follow two people? Maybe in alternating chapters, it's the two different people, and you learn more and more until the two eventually meet?

I want to do that.

So first, you would meet person A, who is pretty normal and stuff. Then, you would meet person B, who is far from normal, and a total badass.

As you follow throughout the plot, A becomes wrapped up in the same scheme that B is in.
And at the end of the book, B dies a sad and painful death (tear).

But part of the initiation into the secret spy agency or whatever I'm going to decide this is, you have to take a code name.
in the last chapter, you find out that A takes the name that B has.

And the entire story was about the same person.

And you just watched them die, but didn't know that it was them.

Neat, eh?

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: THANK YOU. :)
You seem to be the only one who does, though. :P

People tend to think I would think differently if they killed all my family or something. I hope I wouldn't, but, I've never had all my family killed, so I wouldn't know.


Anonymous said...

Adra, this is an amazing idea. DO IT!

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: OH MY GOSH. :O

I would love that story. :)

(Well, it would depend on how it was written, really, but either way the idea is ace. :))




Noelle said...

Well, there are a few other factors- like how I believe that every soul that has come to this Earth to learn something- and perhaps the consequences they have for killing a person is part of their lesson.

not that I'm saying it's okay to commit genocide or homicide.

Just that, maybe it was meant to happen.

Star Inkbright said...

Hi, Mithria! :)


Noelle said...

MITHRIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *cuddles* Hi babe! How are you?

And yeah- I am going to do it :P

Here I am, baking cookies.

I swear, I get a wild idea like that once a week.

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: I know what you mean. :)

Like . . . murder is never okay. Not ever. But the world isn't okay, and sometimes un-okay things have to happen.

And that is a totally good theory, Adra. :)


*or, you know, stores it in my brain to think about later*


Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: DO IT. :)


Anonymous said...

Hey you two! *hugs both*
I'm fine, Adra! Yourself?

Noelle said...

I'm gonna do it

Ay, Star.
"The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa the bad things don’t always spoil the good things and make them unimportant." -11

Kind of relevant.

I've been better, but that's okay. *hugs*

Welcome back!

The Grave of a Coward said...

Who's life is a malevolent roller coaster characterized by absurdity, obscurity, and nasty-badness-ity?
Who has not been in Blogland for ab absurdly long time?
Who misses her friends in Blogland?
I do.
Who would like to pop on Blogland for a little while and apologize for not being around due to real-life issues and occurrences and swashbuckling adventures that have occurred in the month of January?
Neil Patrick Harris.

I kid.
It's me.

The Grave of a Coward said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Anni!! *waves*

Noelle said...

Hello, Annika! *hugs* Welcome back, as well

Anonymous said...

I don't think I'm really being here btw... I'll try to, though.

The Grave of a Coward said...

Hullo, all.
Would anyone like to role-play?
Or converse intellectually?
Or converse moronically?

Anonymous said...

Any kind of conversation is good conversation, as our teacher would say. I don't think she's right. There can be really bad conversation...

Noelle said...

Okay, Mith :)

Whichever, Annika, is fine by me

The Grave of a Coward said...

Well, if you have anything you would like to do with Oscar, he is currently having coffee with Gary at a coffee shop on the corner of Brook Avenue and Slaughter Street.

If you do not, then I will simply say:

*falls off her swivel chair with enthusiasm*

The Grave of a Coward said...

*climbs to her feet*
*pushes her glasses higher up her nose*
I apologize.
I very rarely fall off my swivel chair with enthusiasm.

Anonymous said...

Anni, I haven't seen it yet... I don't think you would spoil anything but still...

The Grave of a Coward said...

That's why I said that I would simply say
and no more.

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: True. :) :)

I recognise that quote, but don't recall where it's from . . . :/

Hi, Annika! :) :)

Well, I hope you enjoyed your roller-coaster. :)

I'm slightly distant, because homework (assessment to memorise for tomorrow. ARGHHHHHHHH), but I'm happy to sort of distantly be distant . . . ?

*frowns at self in a that-didn't-sound-like-it-was-meant-to way*


Anonymous said...

I have to correct myself: I saw episode 1 and 2 but not 3. Yeah...

Noelle said...

I watched the third episode today.

But a few people have yet to watch it yet, so we don't know if we should say anything

The Grave of a Coward said...

Anyhow, if we are role-playing, which sounds lovely, I should probably ensconce myself in parentheses.

(Ah, that's better. Much more comfortable. Parentheses are much roomier than one might expect.)

Noelle said...

It was from Doctor Who, "Vincent and the Doctor", one of my favorite episodes.

The Grave of a Coward said...

(Hullo, Star. I'm sorry, I know the feeling. Homework is atrocious, even for a homeschooler.)

Anonymous said...

But in Germany Sherlock will bin on somewhen in... um... May or even later...

Anonymous said...

(Ooops... forgot the parentheses...)

The Grave of a Coward said...

(Parentheses, parentheses. I ought to write a poem about parentheses.)

The Grave of a Coward said...

*quietly sips his coffee*
Well, I'm not sure.

Gary: What's not to be sure about?

It seems . . . excessive.

Gary: It's not excessive!
*opens his little black notebook*
*the one with his hit list in it*
*and opens it to a page with five colors scribbled on it*
It's chartreuse.

Chartreuse seems extreme.

Gary: It will look lovely.

I feel that I should propose to her BEFORE I determine what to color the tablecloths.

Gary: *sighs heavily*
What am I going to do with you?

Noelle said...

You don't have to do parentheses if you aren't rping, Mith. :P

And, actually, even if you are, you still don't have to.

And May??


We get it here on the 19th, but I can send you some links, if you like?

Star Inkbright said...


*nods vigorously*

*doesn't fall off swivel chair, because I'm awesome*

*or because I wasn't on one in the first place*

*but I prefer to think that it's because I'm awesome*


Anonymous said...

(Adra, I'd be sooo grateful if you did!
And I will do parentheses even if I'm not roleplaying cause I always did parentheses when you guys were roleplaying)

The Grave of a Coward said...

Gary: A wedding can take months of planning. Often years.

Gary, we didn't even come here to talk about the wedding!
We came to have coffee, and discuss your future as a hit man for my company.

Gary: But first, we ought to settle the issue of the chartreuse.

It's not an issue.

Gary: It is to me.

I already agreed to make the wedding perfectly symmetrical. What more do you want?

Gary: Chartreuse.

No, Gary.
The tablecloths are going to be spun gold, we agreed.

Gary: *aggressively drinks coffee*

The Grave of a Coward said...

(Alright, at this point, anyone who likes may join in.
Or not.
Whatever you like.)

Noelle said...

Sent, Mith! It's in your email. :)

*Doesn't fall off anything*
*Has impeccable balance*

Star Inkbright said...

Sorry, internet died a bit there . . .

I get to watch Sherlock before any other countries. It is both good and bad, like most things. :P


The Grave of a Coward said...

(*falls off a log*
That was easy.)

The Grave of a Coward said...

(I have some friends who, through activities of questionable legality, are good at obtaining any movie or TV show the day after it comes out.)

Anonymous said...


Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: *glares* HOW DARE YOU.

I like to think that I'm fairly good at balancing . . . because rockclimbing involving balancing, yes?
Then again, I am remarkably clumsy sometimes, so maybe my balance is in reality abysmal. :P


The Grave of a Coward said...

. . .

Gary: *quietly sips his latte*

You're a very odd person, you know that?

Gary: Yes, I know.

Tell me, how long have you been around?

Gary: 340 years, going on 341.

How come I never encountered you before now?

Gary: I'm a hit man. We tend not to be noticed.
Except for that damn Texan.
I don't know what his deal is.

Noelle said...

Well, actually, its nowadays only a day before other people. But there are a few livestreams :P

I'm grand at balancing. The majority of my childhood was spent romping around the woods of the North Carolinian Croatan.


Ballet helped. And now Shao-lin.

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: Well, that is grand, I suppose. :) :) :)


Anonymous said...

(Finished Skulduggery 7 yesterday!! Yes, that is the latest book that's available in Germany...)

Star Inkbright said...

*watching your roleplay, btw, Anni :)*



Star Inkbright said...

@Mithria: Yay for reading it! :) :)

Poor Germany. :(


Noelle said...


Well, I mean, it would be in English. And you do splendid with that...?

Anonymous said...

(I would roleplay but I have to leave in about 10 mins...)

Anonymous said...

(I'd love to read Skul in English! :D I wouldn't understand half of what he says but still...)

Noelle said...


*Thinks back*

Book 7... How did that end again?




(And I screamed because my last name is Purcell cha-ching)

But yeah


The Grave of a Coward said...

Gary: Anyway . . .
*finishes his latte*
*looks at it sadly*

I would think we would have found you by this time.

Gary: What now?

We are the most prolific League of villains and evil-doers that has ever existed.
I would think that we'd have discovered you.

Gary: I stay hidden, mostly. I stay up north, where it's cold. I feel at home there.

But you were so well hidden.
No records, no paper trails, no family or friends.
Very impressive work, I must say.

Gary: Well, most people don't take kindly to people like me.

. . . Like what?

Gary: Like hit men.

Oh, well, of course.

Gary: And OCDs.

. . . Yes.
Yes, I know what you mean.

Anonymous said...

(Yep, exactly, Adra. That's it. I was surprised that Derek didn't kill anyone I love in this one. He did in almost every previous book)

Noelle said...


just you wait, Mithria.

*Might join in Annika's thing*
*Tries to think of a reason to why Adra would be there*

*has no idea what she's doing, anyway*

The Grave of a Coward said...

. . . Have you ever met a man named Oliver Carrow?

Gary: I can't say that I have.

That's . . . understandable.
He died in the 1890's.

Gary: . . .

. . .

Gary: . . . Say it with me:

Together: Only an 1890's kid remembers the 1890's.


Gary: *laughs*

*laughter dies away*
*as the memory of Oliver resurfaces*


Another latte?

Gary: Yeah, sure.

Anonymous said...

(NO. No Adra, don't be mean. That was the worst thing you could say, do you know that? Do you know how my poor brain tries to figure out who will die in book 8 and 9 now??)

The Grave of a Coward said...

(C'mon, join in!
It'll be fun!
I promise!
*evil cackle*)

Noelle said...

( I apologize, Mith. It's in my blood.

You must have the book. Pronto!)

The Grave of a Coward said...

Gary: So . . .

So . . ?

Gary: You know what.
I've been spending two days picking out damn tablecloth colors for a hypothetical wedding.
So how bad do you have it for this girl?

Gary, now is not the time.

Gary: Now IS the time. I've never been in love; I have to live vicariously through you. So what's she like? I haven't met her yet.

Er . . .

Gary: Is she pretty?


Gary: What color hair does she have?

. . . Gray.

Gary: *raises an eyebrow*

Oh, don't give me that look!
Your hair is white, let's not forget.

Gary: I said nothing.

Noelle said...

(If you wish)

*She walks down the street, carrying a bag of items- for a pie*

Star Inkbright said...

@Mith: Brains are overrated. :)


Anonymous said...

(I suppose you won't tell me anything else, right? I don't want you to do so but somehow I DO want you to. Does this make sense? Yeah, I NEED the book. But it wouldn't be fun reading it in English when I don't understand half of it... I guess, I'll have to wait)

The Grave of a Coward said...

I don't want to talk about her.
That's personal.

Gary: Fine, suit yourself.

. . .

Gary: . . .

My life doesn't revolve around her, Gary.

Gary: Yes it does, Oz.

. . .
*nods helplessly*
Is that pathetic?

Gary: Yes.

I thought so.

Gary: But not if the girl is worth it.
Is she worth it?

*looks up*
*Gary's eyes are glittering with amusement*

. . . Yeah.
Yeah she is.

Gary: *smiles*

But . . .

Gary: But what?

. . . I'm worried.

Noelle said...

(Bahhhhhhhhhh Of course, Mith.
You could... Run the words you don't know through a translator?)

Anonymous said...

(But when I read I book I don't want to need to look up stuff all the time...)

The Grave of a Coward said...

*looks up*
*out the window*
*and sees Adra walking down the street*

*smiles slowly*

Wait a bit,
Know that face,
Ain't the world a remarkable place?

*stands up*

Anonymous said...

(Gah... I'll be gone very very soon...)

Star Inkbright said...


(You know, we had a maths question today which mentioned bowling. I was rather happy, because Sir and Priya and Precocious went bowling, and, you know, it was yay. :))


Noelle said...

*Hugs Mith if she has to leave*
okay, I see what you mean.


*Stops by a roadside fresh market and begins to browse along the rows for some fruit to make her pie*

Or Blueberry?
Or peach?

*Inspects some apples*

The Grave of a Coward said...

(Yes, that's one of my fondest Blogland memories.
Now I get all happy whenever I go bowling.)

Noelle said...

That they did, Star. That they did.

Star Inkbright said...

@Mith: I know what you mean. :/ I wouldn't want to read someone like book eight unless I could read it PROPERLY.


Anonymous said...

(Yeah, I'm gone now... See you guys! *hugs everyone*)

Anonymous said...

(And thanks for understanding, Adra and Star! *is finally gone*)

Noelle said...

"The TABS are naturalized as loyal new citizens of CAN TOWN. All cans are welcome and equal in your city, regardless of can content, and whether empty or full.

It's not like emptying a can kills it or anything. They are just cans after all."

I mean.

Sorry to see the deeper meaning in the final sentence for the first paragraph, but.. :P

The Grave of a Coward said...

*strolls out the door*
*taking Gary's latte with him*

*sing-song voice*
Oh Adraaaaa?

Gary: Excuse me!
*runs after Oscar*
*and his latte*

Star Inkbright said...

I haven't really gone bowling since then.

I don't think I've been bowling all year, come to think of it.

I mean, I haven't been bowling since before January 2013, that I can remember.

. . .
That is sad.

*tries to remember when I last went bowling* *fails*

It might have been a few years ago . . .


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((It is harder than one might expect to write a poem in a programming language with which one is not especially familiar.))

Noelle said...

Bye Mith! *hugs*

The Grave of a Coward said...

(Goodbye, Mithria.)

Star Inkbright said...

Fours, Mith! :(

@Adra: Interesting. O_O


Noelle said...

That was when I went bowling too, Star. I'll go with you when I eventually make it up to England.

Fabi- I don't understand computers in the slightest, nor how to write good poetry. I can sympathize.

*Doesn't turn to look at them*

Oscar, I'm shopping.

Star Inkbright said...

@Lantern: Well, I would expect it to be difficult anyway, so . . . O_O

Hi! :)


Star Inkbright said...

@ADRA: WE MUST GO. *attacklebowlinghugs*


Noelle said...

We must indeed, Star. *nods*

Star and Flora should come, too.
Maybe Paul.

The Grave of a Coward said...

And I'm having coffee with my bro, it doesn't mean I'm not happy to see you. Have a latte.
*gives Adra Gary's latte*

Gary: *speechless*

Oh, right, sorry.
*takes the latte back*
*thoroughly wipes it off*
*returns it to Adra*
Are you sure you want to be buying fruit out here?
At a ROADSIDE place? They'll be all covered with germs and filth, don't buy them.

Noelle said...

*Rolls her eyes* I don't take coffee. *Hands it to Gary*

This isn't exactly a shack. It's a farmer's market.
By a back road.

Every food is covered in germs and filth. That's why you wash them off.

Star Inkbright said...

@Anni: *laughs*

@Adra: Yes. :) :) Group Bloglandian bowling! :) :)


The Grave of a Coward said...

Still, at least one might take the smallest precautions. Like not buying food that's been sitting in the street for hours. Honestly.

Gary: *takes the coffee*

So, what are you making with this street fruit, anyway? Pie?
I never was one for pie. I'm a cake person. Doctor likes pie, though. So I've heard.

Gary: Er.

Anyways, how are you?

Gary: Um.

Noelle said...

Aye, Star!

Yous better watch out, though. I'm a bit of a pro.

And we should go rollerskating. Blades or skates, I can work both, go backwards or forwards ANYWAY WILL DO LOVEY

The Grave of a Coward said...

(Oh, I do love rollerskating.)

Noelle said...

I'm making a pie. For reasons.


I'm making a pie for Trup, as a late/early birthday present, and I'm going to try to convince him that he's a Sagittarius.

I'm, well. Okay, I suppose? I don't really have or know a good answer to that.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((I'm the only one in my family who isn't a computer programmer, so I guess I have a bit of familiarity with stuff like that, but still. I thought it'd be appropriate, though, since the poem is based off earlier conversations about reality...))

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: HULL HAS AN ICE ARENA. *nods*

(Do most cities have ice arenas? Ipswich didn't.)

(I went ice skating at the weekend and I fell over and I FOUND IT SO FUNNY. I felt I was falling and tried to stop myself falling (duh), and sort of jittered around in a demented circle before falling over. :P)

And I don't know any actual rollerblading places, but we go around the street occasionally?

I am not really a pro. :P That's okay, though. Losing can be fun. :)


Noelle said...



Star Inkbright said...

@Lantern: Those were good converstaions, and I'm sure it'll be a fantastic program. :)

I can type quickly, and . . . yeah, that's about the only computer skills I have. XD


The Grave of a Coward said...

Gary: *quickly* Who's Trip?

Her gentleman caller, my boy.

Gary: . . . oh.
*looks at the ground*

I'm sure he'll enjoy it. It's always lovely to see a woman do something nice for her man.
*smiles insincerely*

Gary: . . .

*peels open a packet*
*wipes off his hands with a moist towelette*

Noelle said...

Ice skating is grand also. :P

Star, we could ice skate as a pair- I'll make sure not to drop you :P

Well, I think it'll be lovely, Fabi

Star Inkbright said...



Sorry. Brain screwed up.


Noelle said...


*Glances at Gary* Is there something wrong, love?

Noelle said...

If it makes you feel better, Star, I once was doing a project in front of the class by myself, and said "porn" instead of "poor"

It was, I must say, one of my favorite moments. Thank God no one but one of my acquaintances noticed.

The Grave of a Coward said...

Gary: *tenses up under scrutiny*
Um, er, ah, no, I, no, no.

*sighs heavily*
Gary, this is Adrasdos Dark, a . . . a person whom I know. Adra, this is Garrote Armitage, a friend.

Gary: Er, uh, hi.
Hi Adra.

Noelle said...

*Smiles* Hello, Gary. Fabulous name, might I add. *Sticks out a gloved hand*

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: Oh my gosh. *laughs*
I hate presentations ordinarily. :P


Noelle said...

You laugh. :o

Luckily for me, I still managed to get a 98 on the whole thing, so. Yay.

*Is reading Homestuck*

The Grave of a Coward said...

Gary: D-do you think so? Great! Brilliant! I mean, uh, thank you. Thanks. I, um, thanks.
*shakes her hand*

. . .

Gary: . . .


Gary: Oz?

Let go of her hand.

Gary: Oh, right.
*lets go*
*turns pink*
*in the sense that a nearly imperceptible touch of color stains his cheeks*
I mean, sorry.

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: That's awesome. :) :)

*still watching roleplay, btw*

*like I would not be, but yes*

*this is me giving some form of acknowledgement*


Noelle said...

*Smiles kindly* Not a problem.


What are you two gentlemen doing? Anything that might require an alchemist?

The Grave of a Coward said...

Well, why don't you tell the lady, Gary?

Gary: . . .

. . .

Gary: . . .

. . . Well?

Gary: I forgot.

We were just having a cup of coffee, as bros. Talking about . . . things. Things bros talk about. Girls and murder, etceteras. Nothing we need an alchemist for, though you're free to join us, of course. Though I confess I don't know what alchemists talk about.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Thanks. :-)

I'll probably slip into pseudo-Python and just make it work. :-P

Also, it's good to see you again, Annika.

Sorry, distant. Doing several things with my lunch break.

The Grave of a Coward said...

(*hugs Fabi*
It's good to see you too.)

Noelle said...

*Pokes Star with a feather from the sidelines*
Pythons are good, Fabi. :)


*Laughs* Since when do you say 'bros', Oscar? I daresay, you are one of the last people I would have expected to use that term.
And I would love to join you, if that's alright. I've had a still few days.
Er, and alchemists talk about lots of things.

Things that aren't to be disclosed.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*sighs deciding to avoid rp* i guess im besf off leaving

The Grave of a Coward said...

I never used to say bros, but it sounds more acceptable than guyfriend, wouldn't you agree?

Gary: *grabs his arms*
*turns him around*
Is she coming to have coffee with us, Oz?

*whispers* Yes.

Gary: *makes an unidentifiable squeaking noise*

*looks over his shoulder*
This was, Adra, we have a table.

Star Inkbright said...

*pokes Adra WITH A POKER*

Pythons are good. :)


The Grave of a Coward said...


Star Inkbright said...

Hey Zaf! :)


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Hey Star

Noelle said...

Hello, Zaf.

*Glances at the two suspiciously, and tosses a roll of cash to the stand owner after grabbing a number of apples*

The Grave of a Coward said...

*sits at the table*
*hisses* This is entirely unacceptable.
You look ridiculous. Men who look like you do shouldn't behave this way.

Gary: Huh?

You look like you're in your fifties.

Gary: Your FACE looks like it's in its fifties.

*orders three lattes*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Not sure what to do if I'm gonna rp or not probably wait til I can focus

Noelle said...

Alright, Zaf.

*Slides into a seat as well, setting her bags down*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Not sure what to do

The Grave of a Coward said...

*sets a coffee in front of her*
A coffee for the lady.
*sets one in front of Gary*
A coffee for the tramp.
*takes his own*
A coffee for that Italian guy who sang the song.
*raises his cup*

Gary: Erp.

Noelle said...

Neither do I, Zaf???

*glares at Oscar* Honestly, how rude of you to call your friend names. *Sips her coffee*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


The Grave of a Coward said...

. . . You don't spend a lot of time with male friends, I take it.
*sips his coffee*
Have you seen Doctor, lately?

Gary: Ithinkyou'reverysymmetrical.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I dedicate this page to insanity because its whag makes our lives interesting, and us unique

Noelle said...

*Raises glass*
Nicely said.
So, what are you up to, Zaf?

That's because the majority of my male friends aren't on Earth right now. And no, I haven't seen her in a while. *grins*

*Hears Gary* *Looks surprised* Thank you for noticing. Not many people do. You are symmetrical as well, Gary.

The Grave of a Coward said...

Gary: *looks a bit flustered*

*pays no attention to him*
Yes, I thought you wouldn't.
*testily sips his coffee*
She's not around much, these days.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

In the car actually going to an appointment :/

Star Inkbright said...

@Zaf: Good luck with your appointment. :)


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