Friday, December 14, 2012

The End Is Nigh

How are we all?

Are we all nervous? Terrified, even? Are we all dreading December 21st, the last day on Earth as predicted by the Mayans? Although, as Jon Stewart pointed out on The Daily Show, the Mayans haven't exactly got the best track record as far as predicting the end of civilisations go... to wit, the Mayans...

But I digress.

So how will you be spending the last day on Earth? Will you be surrounded by loved ones? Will you be sobbing into a tub of ice cream? Will you, in fact, forget all about the end of the world because you still haven't got your Christmas shopping done?

Or will you be reading a very special end-of-the-world short story as posted on this very Blog- a short story that will ONLY be available on the 21st and 22nd before being taken down-  in which Skulduggery and Valkyrie track down the cause of the world's destruction and do their very best to avert it? A short story called "The Button"?

Hmm? Is THAT what you'll be doing?


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Jophiel said...

I met him when he was Jayden Dark... The. We had a huge fight (verbal) and then I haven't seen him since!

Jophiel said...

I had my dog brake my hand and she's a Maltese Shitzu cross Peakingese!!!

I'm not scared of you!

Anonymous said...

I never even realised they were the same person...

Anonymous said...

Death, be scared of the Nixion. Be veeeeeery scared of the Nixion.

*whispers* He's insaaaaane...

Nixion Strange said...

You should be
Raise your hand if you're scared of me

Jophiel said...



Anonymous said...

*raises hand*

*looks around*

*slinks back*

Helena Ember Sky said...


Jophiel said...

Kes? Really? Wow!

Anonymous said...

Helena! I haven't seen YOU in a while!


Jophiel said...

Hi Hel!!!!

Zathract Mist said...

Nix, email.

Jophiel said...

*Shots Nix in the hand with pistol ring*

Zathract Mist said...

Yeah. Sure. Okay. *raises hand and laughs at Nix*

Hi Hel!

Anonymous said...

Death, that was very likely NOT good idea.

Jophiel said...

I must not have gotten enough sleep because this is kinda funny!

Nixion Strange said...

*bullet bounces off*
You really should

Jophiel said...

I'll use you as a shield!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear.

*waits for Mist to turn in Nagier*

Jophiel said...

*Sits down*
I'm not scared of no Faceless One!

Anonymous said...

*runs away and hides from Faceless One Nix*

Nixion Strange said...

*blasts Death with pure magic*

Helena Ember Sky said...

Hi everyone... Nix and Zath, I'm going to need your help with something... I'll e-mail you in a minute.

Jophiel said...

*Dives to the side*
Missed me!

Anonymous said...

*waves to Death sadly*

Nixion Strange said...

*appears at Death's side, grips her arm and tears it off*

Jophiel said...

Nah, I'm in a dress, I do not run in dresses

NOM Ominous said...

*peeks in*

Jophiel said...

*Looks at missing arm*
Wow, that's kinda cool!
*Flips over Nix and grabs free branch*
Batter up!

Nixion Strange said...

*branch explodes*

Anonymous said...

Hi Thrust!

Death, you DO realise he's a Faceless One, right?

Jophiel said...

*Waves to Thrust*
Hey! I'm about to die! Wanna watch?

Zathract Mist said...

*raises an eyebrow*

I don't turn into Nagier. Nagier is a separate entity to me.

Jophiel said...

Nix, I made a Faceless Ones Church. Did you realize that I am fighting my own God?
*Throws rocks*

Anonymous said...

So, what is the term for Nagier coming out?

Zathract Mist said...

Death, stop Godmodding.

Kes, I'll write out a proper explanation, gimme a while...

Anonymous said...


Death, your missing an arm. You can't hold a branch or flip...

Nixion Strange said...

I'm not your average God
For one, I still have a face
*turns rocks to ash*

Jophiel said...

I'm not, am I? I built it yesterday...

And I've lost an arm? And throwing rocks and fighting a God...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Faceless One Nix, you do? How'd that happen?

Jophiel said...

Hey! You just killed Robert!

I can still flip! I jumped and spun! And I was using my other arm...

NOM Ominous said...

Ah, so we are the mighty audience of a fight.
Yes Nagier. Have no idea how you turn into h- i mean Nagier becomes... whatever..

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

Who made Nix angry?

Nixion Strange said...

I'm the child of a Faceless One
For some reason, the mixture of human and Faceless One makes me more powerful. Guess the natural magic mixed together created some kind of awesome Faceless One with a face

Jophiel said...

*Glares at Nix and infuses magic with it*

Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Cain!

Death did. She said she could take him. I warned her, he warned her...

Zathract Mist said...

Hi Thrust and Miss.

Yes, Death, you ARE Godmodding.

Nixion Strange said...

*sets Death of fire with a thought*

Anonymous said...

That, Faceless One Nix, is cool.

Nixion Strange said...

Oh, and I probably should mention that I can't die

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

*shakes head sadly*

Death, Death, Death, will you ever listen to our warnings?

Helena Ember Sky said...

Hey Missy! *hugs*

Jophiel said...

*Holds hand up*
I mad him angry!!!! I did! I did! Scroll up and guess!

*Throws shoes at Nix*
*Falls over*
God damn!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...



*tacklehugs instead*

Anonymous said...

Miss Cain, she also said something about not being scared of him.

NOM Ominous said...

Faceless Ones would be better with faces.

Anonymous said...

But then they wouldn't be Faceless Ones.

Jophiel said...

*Gets lit in fire*
Ow! Ow! Ow!
*Runs into the lake*
That's better!

And I don't listen to warnings... Randomness of me!!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

Ah. Yes.
I can paint a perfect picture with that information...

Thrust. Agreed.

Jophiel said...

So they'd be the Face Ones!

Anonymous said...

*would join in fight, but is afraid of getting killed*

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

*agrees with Kessie*

Helena Ember Sky said...

*is off to the side organising*

Jophiel said...

I'm kinda feeling dizzy...
*Looks at blood coming from shoulder*

Anonymous said...

Miss Cain, and then she shot him in the head.

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...


Jophiel said...

It was the hand...

Anonymous said...

Because that's SOOO much better...

NOM Ominous said...

Tell that to nix, Kes.
Um, I'm just going to repeat what i said before..
In fact, in fact I'm sure since the HAVE faces, now they have to sit down and explain how the hell the allow themselves to even be called that
to all their enemies before they get the cahnce to kill them.

Jophiel said...

Well, one can kill you, the other is a warning shot...
*Collapses in the water*

Anonymous said...

But, if you're part Faceless One, NEITHER can kill you.

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...


NOM Ominous said...

I'll brb.
Getting the Scepter of the Ancients.

Jophiel said...

*Regains consciousness*
*Drags self to shore*
*Collapses again*

Anonymous said...

Um...If you lost consciousness while in a body of water, wouldn't you drown?

Nixion Strange said...

Hey Thrust, if you mean the book, good. If you mean the weapon, it doesn't work on me

Jophiel said...

She fell backwards

Nixion Strange said...

I can't die

Zathract Mist said...

As I said, Nagier is a separate entity to me.

What happened was Zathract used to be this angry person with a short temper and had to steal food to survive.
Something in the future - which I won't mention now because it will be explained in later Zathract Mist chapters - makes Zathract snap. He loses his mind and becomes insane. For a few years, he was what Nix was; an insane murderer. Only he was more aggressive and more efficient than Nix was. His anger and rage and darkness consumed him and he became what we know as Nagier.
After his fuel and rage was burned up, Zathract eventually regained control of himself (so pretty much like Vile). But during the time that he was what we know as Nagier, his anger and rage had grown and thrived, and regaining control was not something so simple. He had too much rage and darkness inside his body and mind to contain with anything else.

So all of it was expelled from his body and reformed into a different being and manifested into something identical to Zathract. With, uh, red eyes. Because red eyes are awesome.

So Nagier is a different being, the manifestation of all of Zathract's old rage and evil and hate. So Nagier is the evil criminal and Zathract is now the nice person that is seen in Nix and Mist. Because he barely has any anger left in him now, he's rarely enraged.

But now, because the two are different beings, they are still linked. They may be separate entities, but are still apart of something that was once joined. So when Zathract killed Nagier, he was revived, anchored to Zathract still being alive.
If Zathract dies, a similar thing will happen. So neither can die until natural causes takes one/both of them.

I think that's it...

Anonymous said...

But it's the SCEPTRE!

Anonymous said...

Mist, ooooohhhh....

I thought it was like, your true name. That is COOL.

Nixion Strange said...

My conscience is in my magic. My magic doesn't die when my body does. So my magic just regenerates my entire body

Nixion Strange said...

So Nix was a happy insane murderer who went angry after, and Mist was an angry insane murderer who went happy after
Kinda weird

Anonymous said...

You mean consciousness? Because I wouldn't think that a part-Faceless-One would have a conscience...

Jophiel said...

Look! You killed her!!!!!
*Gets angry*
Now I am useless shadow!!!!!!!!!!
*Rips away from Death's body*
And now we all know not to mess with Nix!

Nixion Strange said...

Fine, whatever Kes

Zathract Mist said...

Oh balls, the True Name. I forgot about that...


Jophiel said...

Have you ever seen a shadow without it's body?! It goes haywire!!!!!! It's like a gist but worse!!!!!
*Starts ripping things*

Zathract Mist said...

Another thing. When Nagier was transferred into a separate entity, he took all the things that Zathract knew and more. Because he is all the rage that Zathract had once had, that means that Nagier was also Zathract's subconscious before he went insane and lost himself to the rage. So now, Nagier knows Zathract's True Name, because Nagier WAS Zathract's subconscious, which is where his True Name was.

And now, because Nagier is a completely different person now - however linked they may be - he has a True Name of his own too. He doesn't know his True Name, though. So Nagier has the power of someone who has found their True Name, and has yet to find his own True Name.

Anonymous said...

Does Mist know Nagier's true name?

Zathract Mist said...


Sorry, this needs further explaining.

'Nagier' is Zathract's True Name. He went and got that sealed. No one knows Nagier's True Name.

Jophiel said...

So of Naiger learns his True Name, he will be twice as strong because he is your True Name

Anonymous said...

Oh....I think I get it.

Jophiel said...

Oh, that was a question

Zathract Mist said...

Exactly, Death.

Nagier has the power of someone who has learnt their True Name and he can use it like that.
But if he finds out his own True Name, he'll be amplified with that power. It'd be devastating.

...Devastating. *grins*

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun.

Jophiel said...

That is really cool!!!!!
And who is smart??

Jophiel said...

I'm in a really wierd position!
If the chair was on its side, I would be sitting on it like normal people sit on chairs

Jophiel said...

And now everyone dissapears...

Helena Ember Sky said...

*looks up*
I'm still organising!

Anonymous said...

I didn't disappear!

What're you organising, Hel?

Helena Ember Sky said...

Blogland... Thing.

You did both say that you were coming.

Jophiel said...

Well, most people disappear!

Jophiel said...

Yes!!! I'm coming to whatever now! Sounds fun!!!

Anonymous said...

To the Christmas Party?

That was supposed to already have happened...

Helena Ember Sky said...

Cool, thanks.

Jophiel said...

What? Really?!

When is is supposed to be?

Anonymous said...

It was the weekend of the 15th and 16th. It was a complete flop.

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand back.

I think next time I'll say how long I THINK I would take.

Jophiel said...

Then, we'll have a better one! I'll be there so, it'll be 200X better!!!

Helena Ember Sky said...

I didn'torganise a Christmas party... Who did?

Anonymous said...

Hi again, Miss Cain!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

I can't remeber who it was.
There was a whole email thingymajigy about it.

Jophiel said...

Welcome back Cain!!!

Hey, do you know Skulduggery?

Also, what is your first taken name?

Anonymous said...

Hel, lots of people. I think it was L.'s idea, and a lot of people were responding, and we were all planning the date, and I was one of the only ones who remembered.

Helena Ember Sky said...

I didn't get an email...

Oh well, I'm organising something better.

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

No, don't know Skulduggery. Seen him a a few times around Blogland, though...

And Miss is, I guess, the first name bit of my taken name...

Anonymous said...

Which is?

Jophiel said...

Yay!!!! What date?

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

*runs around and tries to peer over Hel's shoulder*

Jophiel said...

So your first name is Miss?

Helena Ember Sky said...

*swats hand in Miss's direction*
I'm still organising that. With Zath and Nix's help.

Anonymous said...

Mr Bliss's first name is Mister...

Jophiel said...

There HAS to be orange streamers!!!!
*Throws orange streamers around*
*One hits Cain's face*

Anonymous said...

Yes! Orange FTW!

Jophiel said...

But he is also Mr. Ignorance!!!! Dot forget that!!!!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

*avoids hand swat*

*walks back over to Death and Kessie, but keeps glancing at the paper*

Helena Ember Sky said...

Orange streamers. *nods*
*scribbles it down*

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...


Don't worry Death. I'm good.

*runs around throwing orange streamers*

Anonymous said...


Jophiel said...

Orange streamer party!!!!
*Throws orange streamers at eberyone*

Jophiel said...


Jophiel said...

We arrest people because of suspicions? Ridiculous!!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

*throws orange streamers everywhere*


Jophiel said...

I just ate an orange lolly!!!!!
*Throws orange water balloons at everyone's feet*

Anonymous said...


Jophiel said...

Oh, and there MUST be vaccums!

Jophiel said...

Kes, I have a feeling you minorly like the colour orange...

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

The fun you can have with vaccums... *grins*

AND I now must be off. Christmas food shopping must be done.


Anonymous said...

Bye Miss Cain!

Jophiel said...

Bye Cain!
*Throws vaccum in her direction*

Anonymous said...

I have to go as well, see you all!

Jophiel said...

*Turns hand-held vaccum on*
*Runs at Kes with vaccum*

Jophiel said...

Okay, I want this page to hurry up and go! Make it so there was only half an hour on here!!!

Jophiel said...

hel, I'll need your help!!

Jophiel said...

okay, so just some random stuff!!

Jophiel said...

I am Death!

Helena Ember Sky said...


Jophiel said...

Hel, hurry up and help!!!

Jophiel said...

Are you leaving?!

Sorry, I was rude!!!

Jophiel said...

Hi I am bored "!

Jophiel said...


Jophiel said...

S are strange

Jophiel said...


Jophiel said...


Jophiel said...

Ah!! Failed!!!

Jophiel said...

Close though...

Jophiel said...

Ten off

Jophiel said...

I only got 13

Jophiel said...

Blah, blah blah!

Nixion Strange said...

Gotta go now

Jophiel said...


Pineapple gym tree!!

Jophiel said...

You where still here?! Aw, your mean!!!

Zathract Mist said...

Gotta go, bye.

Jophiel said...

space ball hat

Jophiel said...

You were here too?!

Jophiel said...

People are strange sometimes... They hide!!

Jophiel said...

No one else gonna jump out at me?

Jophiel said...


Jophiel said...

Okay, this is gonna be a long one!!!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


People who make you do the weird dress check thingies are weird.

Jophiel said...

I dedicate this page to Eden Threatening!
Yeah, I've dedicated to him a lot! I know, I know! I do hear the voices saying "why don't you dedicate to the people who were murdered in America?" or "how about something that everyone one will know and enjoy?". The answer is that that is the thing that everyone thinks that is what deserves to be dedicated to.
But Eden Threateing deserves millions of dedications! He is sweet, caring, trusting and most of all, my best friend.
He hasn't been on in forever but yesterday that changed!

So I dedicate this page to my best friend, Eden Threatening!

Jophiel said...

I agree!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I left a comment on a Youtube video and some guy is saying that Valkyrie is a guy name.

Idiot. Doesn't he know the MEANING of Valkyrie?

Jophiel said...

Poor you...

Also, where is Skulduggery... I need to warn him!!!

NOM Ominous said...

Ghaa. This story is a bit confusing to write.

Jophiel said...

What's it about?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Death, have you seen this yet?

Jophiel said...

Obviously not...

Kes, dad's gone after Skulduggery!!!!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Well, you should look at it, Death.

Jophiel said...

Chapter 2 Cain!

NOM Ominous said...

Mine is the worst. You still have to read it if you want to understand the story.

Jophiel said...

Well, I'm up to that now... Let's see...

Jophiel said...

Thrust, it ain't too bad!! :D

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

At the place from earlier:

Lady there: So, you all going to paint your nails for the wedding.

Mum: Yep.

Lady: *turns to step sister* But not black, am I right? It's one of my peeves.

Me: *looks around and curls hands into fist to hide black nails*

NOM Ominous said...

Thanks, Rose.

Zathract Mist said...

Here again. Distant.

Writing a post. With a CHAPTER, finally...

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

A Battle for Blogland chapter?!

Zathract Mist said...


Well, it's posted now... Find out.

Calidae Dark said...

Hello everyone.

NOM Ominous said...

Whoa, Zath. 100th post?!

It's great SO FAR. I just looked at the time. it's 1:32, and I still need to go to the bathroom.

Calidae Dark said...

Im rubbish at blogging. I fail. It just doesnt happen.

Zathract Mist said...

Hi Dark!

Yeah, 100th post! Thanks Thrust!

Calidae Dark said...

Congrats :)

Zathract Mist said...

Thanks Dark. :)

Calidae Dark said...

So, hows life in all your corners of the world?

Somehow I dont see the world ending tomorrow.

Zathract Mist said...

There's still time.

Personally, I'm hoping for a zombie apocalypse.

Calidae Dark said...

Now that would be fun.

Zathract Mist said...

Hell yeah.

Unless you were a zombie.

Then it would be kind of redundant...

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