Wednesday, November 21, 2012


First, let's get some bad news out of the way... errr... you're going to have to wait just a FEW more days for the Tanith cover...



This probably won't make you feel ANY better about the delay, but it's looking amazing right now. We still have to get the colour just right (because this was an unplanned addition to the series, it's kind of thrown our title-colour scheme up into the air...) but it's looking beautiful. Tanith looks like a total BAMF.

Middle of next week. DEFINITELY.


The good news is, I've finished writing it. I finished yesterday and sent it off. Right now, before the editing process begins, it is 54,000 words long. That's fifty-four THOUSAND.

It was MEANT to be roughly twice the size of The End Of The World, which came in at something like 17,000 words. So when I started I was looking at a quick 36,000 word novella that I'd bang out between the end of the KOTW tour and the beginning of writing Book 8, giving me loads of time to relax and take it easy.

And it was going fine, it really was. I had Tanith and Sanguine, and they'd recruited their team of villains, and the story was rattling along and everything was cool... and then I introduced a team of good guys as well. So we have Dexter Vex and Frightening Jones and a few new characters, including the Monster Hunters (two guys I've been trying to find a place for in the regular books) and Saracen Rue. Saracen is the only surviving member of the Dead Men that we haven't met yet, and it was just so much fun writing them all that the word count kind of... ran off, dragging me behind it.

It was MEANT to be a little sliver of a book. Now it's practically two-thirds the length of Book One.

The things I do for you people, I swear...

The "Can Your School Get More Awesome?" competition is still going strong over at the Skulduggery website. The ingenuity on display is something to behold, with many of you using both social AND mainstream media (local papers, radio stations) to garner as many votes as possible. Have to say, I'm impressed at the imagination being displayed- there are some real smart cookies out there. There a few schools that are practically guaranteed to be in the top ten, there are plenty more who have established themselves as challengers, and then there are the schools with only a few votes. And to the people who put forward THOSE schools, I have to ask- how does it feel to be so utterly cool? How does it feel to be the only one in your area with enough good taste to vote? You are shining lights, you truly are.

I'm just looking at some of the photos... I love that the Bishopston school in Swansea and Heathcote School and a few others have sent us photos of the school crest- I have no idea how Tom would have drawn Skulduggery in THOSE photos but it would have been fun to see him try...

And St Annes in Shankill, who supplied an arial view... Dammit, if this had been voted for, Tom could have drawn Valkyrie plummeting from the sky and Skulduggery swooping in to save her. Argh! The potential for coolness would have been astronomical!

Let's see, what else... Skulduggery and Val would have looked awesome in the corridor of Holy Family Senior School in Ennis...  and they have skeletons in St Matthews!... imagine Val abseiling down the side of Carterton Community College... or Skulduggery walking up the stairs of Selly Park Technology College for Girls... the dogs in Gabbinbar State School in Toowoomba (you don't have to look up Toowoomba to know it's in Australia, do you?) would have been able to chew on poor Skulduggery's leg... awww and I've just seen the picture from Invicta Grammar School with all the girls in army fatigues- I'd have loved to have visited there... I'm pretty sure that's a picture of Camilla visiting Brookside Primary School- so Val would have looked pretty cheeky pulling a face behind her back... and she would have fit right in with the girls from Oakmeeds Community College... Skulduggery would have been so proud to stand in amongst everyone in Scarborough College... then we have Skulduggery himself in Brentwood Ursuline Convent HS... and I'd have loved to have visited Hitchin Girls School, if only so I could have made a load of jokes about hitchin' girls...

Voting is still going on, so you've all got plenty of time left. Once we have the top ten, it'll be up to me to pick the photo that would lead to the best Skulduggery pic and then we'll have our winner. But the effort all of you have gone to is just hilariously impressive...


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Noelle said...

*Safe and Sound by One Republic plays in the background*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Not that one, the Norwegian one...

Star Inkbright said...

I suppose one of the things I love most about Blogland is that even when nobody's listening to you, you can still speak. In real life, you kind of need some confirmation. In Blogland, you just write and people read. As the people reading comes afterwards, then when you're writing, you don't know whether people will read or not, so you don't get the sense you're just wandering off away form everyone here and no one's following you. And even if you know that you ARE wandering off away from everyone and no one's following you, then at the time, you're just caught up in the thinking, and you'd have to actively THINK that "wait a sec - no one will read this."
Whereas in real life, the signs are rather obvious.
I suppose here, you type to a computer.
In real life, you talk to a person.
The computer will always receive my writing, even though people might not always receive my talking. And even if the people don't look at my writing after the computer has received it, then . . .

I should really get a diary or something, though. Then I can sit there and write that and no one will have to put up with my thoughts. XD
Although they feel quite important to me, so I'd rather tell people.
And it's like . . . if no one's going to acknowledge that emotion you spent on it, the emotion is rather wasted.
Well, it feels like that, anyway.
It's like with the suicide. If it doesn't happen, what was the point in it? I spent that effort thinking it out. Out of the nothing, I have created Something. And what right have I to just extinguish that Something as if it were worthless? It's Something now. It's in the world, whether I like it or not.
(But I can't seem to really prevent it anyway. One time, I must write out this out.)
(And like, whatever I do . . . they're still going to be alive after that. And I'lll just be making them die later.
Everyone has to die, I guess.)


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I'm here sorry brother came over then sister called

Emerald Melody said...

So... everyone just chilling out today or anyone up for roleplay??

If not that's okay, I can just do some Dublin Daes.

Noelle said...

That got really sad, Star.
We don't mind reading your rants and ramblings- it's just a little hard sometimes to keep up with them, because they're so "train of thought", you know?

But yes, they are really nice, and I don't think you ever have to worry about if people are reading, because someone always is.

And I don't see anything wrong in thinking, even if it may seem pointless, or a waste of time.

Star Inkbright said...

(They have to die sometime. And they'd really rather die in their own way.
Although . . .

@Adra; *hugs* Have I told you that you are one of the nicest people on this planet? I can't really tell you that you're one of the nicest people in the WORLD, as there may be planets out ther ewith super-nice people on (although there will, of course, be disadvantages to that unnatural level of niceness), but, um, yes. :)

*hugs everyone online*
*even the ones I can't see*
*although I was thinking about the ones I can see*
*coz, you know, they're here*


Noelle said...

*Hugs Star, and bites her* Thank you, missus :P

Em- Adra's actually getting food, so I don't know how much help she would be. Food and being sad and stuff. As she does

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I don't mind I'm home

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: Thanks. *hugs*

They are so 'train of thought.' :P
My friend C says that my friend B doesn't LOSE her trains of thought, she just stands there whilst they rush past her and doesn't even attempt to run after them. :P
My friend C says she has some disease that makes her constantly tease B. The longer I know them, the more severe this illness looks. XD
Uh, yes.
My trains of thought . . . I sort of jump on them, and then I just kind of sit there and let it go wherever it likes, and then it just kind of wanders all over the place and I just go "Ooh, this is interesting."
Whereas some sit in the driver's seat and actually DRIVE their trains of thought where they need to go so they can actually get there. :P
But it's not about where you get. It's about the journey. Of course, that phrase always reminds me of Lloyds TSB - "For the journey."
Not that Lloyds TSB exists anymore.
There's Lloyds, and TSB.
I'll miss Lloyds TSB. Even though I only knew it from the adverts.
Uhhhhhh . . .

And anyway.

*hugs Adra*

Thanks. :)

I do think my more thoughtful rants can be quite interesting. Then again, high self-esteem. *shrugs*


Star Inkbright said...

starDoingHomework = False.

Haha, I spent half the morning thinking:

print('I've been talking in Python all morning. :P')

dAnnoyed = True.

starBothered = False.

@Adra: As she does indeed. :P
*hugs Adra* *the other Adra, not you* :(


Noelle said...

Trains of thought ARE fun, aren't they?

And I love that, Star. "But it's not about where you get. It's about the journey."


My trains of thought usually run off the tracks and kill some pedestrians.

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: *hugs* Thanks. :)
I think I've stolen the 'it's not about where you get. It's about the journey' from many, many sources, and it's slowly just dripped into my 'general facts about the world' pile. :P

And - *laughs*
Your trains of thought sound fun. :)
Remind me not to walk near them. :P


The Grave of a Coward said...

Back in the days when the world was young, when all the stars still stood in the sky, and every moment of every day was like a present waiting to be unwrapped, I discovered that I had a gift.
My gift was talking. I was very, very good at it.
My weapons were words spoken peacefully and softly. My voice was sweet and soft and kind, and when I spoke, I spoke with the utmost respect for the listener. I spoke with my heart on my sleeve, and I spoke with words that laid bare the raw emotions toiling within my chest.
Every man, woman, or child, who spoke to me, killed themselves shortly after.
I was happy.
Before me, no one knew there was such a thing as slaughter of the self. I encouraged it. With a gentle hand on their shoulders, I gently steered countless men over countless cliffs. Gently placing the spoons in their cold hands, I whispered sweet words to women as they stirred their poisons into their afternoon drinks. I held the hands of thousands of children as they drew the knives across their throats.
I was happy.
One day, as I sat in the street, alone, Death approached me.
The little boy (or was it a girl?) tilted his head at me, and smiled a bleeding smile.
You are a very peculiar human.
“Thank you.” I said, with my voice like honey.
You are a new type of human. Death said to me. You are special.
Whenever men die, they die through me, by my command.
But you are giving them their peace without my permission.
You are defying me.
“I will defy Death and Life in equal measure.” I said. I stood up. I had been on the earth nineteen years, and was far taller than Death.
Death’s smile widened. I will not allow it.
“A human may ascend as high as Death, if he so chooses.” I said. “He may ascend higher than War and Famine and Pestilence. He may ascend higher than all things.” And I spread my arms wide. “I have ascended. I have done what no other man has done before me; I have instilled a desire for Death in the world. I have guided many to taking their own lives. I have ended the suffering of thousands, and laid thousands of lives on your banquet table.”
You are not human. Death said. There are no humans who do what you do, and speak as you speak. Your voice, Death said, is the sweetest in all creation.
Tell me your name.
“I abandoned my name.” I said. “I don’t need it, nor do I care for it.”
Then I will name you. Death said. All things must have names.
“What will you name me?” I asked.


“What does that name mean?” I asked Death.
It is a new word. A new name, for a new gift that you have given the world. Death replied.
“Then I will wear the name proudly,” I said. “when I ascend.”

I was happy.

I lived on, and on, and on, and my voice left death in my wake. I was called Bliss, by some, and Peace, by others, but my name remained my name. It was given to me by Death, and Death is not meant to be defied.
There were many others who had ascended. It was said that Death himself had ascended once. But I never paid the others any mind; my world was a solitary world, a world of white fog and vile words spoken tenderly, and I was content with my lot.
I was happy.
I walk anywhere and everywhere, and in many unexpected places. I follow after Despondency, and come before Death. I am peace, bliss, and a dark eternity. I defy Life and Death, each in their turn. I am Death’s greatest acolyte. I am sweetness and solitude and quiet resolve.
I am Suicide.
I am happy.
You will find me in the fog, in the darkness, and in your own head. I am tall, but I am young, and I am wearing a white coat.
Do not be afraid of me. I am here to bring you peace, I am here to bring you rest.

Close your eyes.
Listen to me.


(Hullo, Blogland.
How are you today?)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*sits quietly working in the Sanctuary*

Hayley: Grand Mage, may I suggest we try to disable any sigil Aro has?

His magic is bound he'll hardly be able to do a thing. Just keep him in his cell.

Hayley: How old is he?

17. Apparent son of the other me and Javier.

Ravel: We could interogate him.

He's 17! He is underage. I don't condemn young people unless I have to

Noelle said...

Okay, Star :P

Hey Anni!

Noelle said...




The Grave of a Coward said...

(Yes I did. It is a brief sequel to a short story I wrote last year.)

Noelle said...

That was really good!

Star Inkbright said...

@Annika: O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O
I don't even have words for that.
That was . . .
I must invent a word for goodinahorribleway.
*puts thinking cap on*

I need that word too often, and I don't know it.


The Grave of a Coward said...

(Awh, thanks!)

Noelle said...

*Is clapping*
Okay now I have to write something now.
Drat. :P

That happens occasionally.

Star Inkbright said...



The Grave of a Coward said...


Noelle said...


Star Inkbright said...

@Annika: Dlinerthylick. Good in a horrible way. :)

@Adra; Words. :)


Noelle said...

*Adra departs the diner, wrapping herself up with a sigh, and moving to head back to the lab, despite what emotions might rise up within her*
*Not to mention the broken glass and shards that covered the floor could cut her again*
*Pushes it aside, and gets moving*

The Grave of a Coward said...

(Dlinerthylick. Add it to the dictionary.
*smiles happily*)

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[Smiles at Star]

[Screams at Annika]

Star Inkbright said...

*watching, Adra :)*

My sister though I made the word 'annihilate' up, once, and that it was Nye-related.
She said I made so many words up she could never tell which ones were real.
She was exaggerating. :P
It's like with my dad, though. I can never tell whether the stories he tells us are real or not. :P


The Grave of a Coward said...

(Anyways, I just hopped on to apologize for not being on too often, but I intend to check in hearer and there to let you know that I am still a Thing.
Because, after all, the world revolves around me, and if you thought that I wasn't going to return to Blogland you would be stricken with inconsolable tears of grief and frustration.)

The Grave of a Coward said...

(*flees from Fabi*
*screams* What did I do!?)

Star Inkbright said...

@Annika: Thank you. :)

*smiles back at Lantern*


Noelle said...

I always thought it was Nye, like Bill Nye the Science Guy.
*Adra sips some applesauce, wringing her hands together nervously, almost afraid to go back to her lab- she's afraid that she might lose it again*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I don't know, I was just greeting you enthusiastically.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


The Grave of a Coward said...

(Ah. I see.
*runs screaming at Fabi while waving arms*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I was going to write a blogpost about how to speak in Python, but I kinda realized that for poetry or different-perspective purposes, it doesn't matter if you forget a semicolon or something, and if you want a program that will run, I'm the wrong person to talk to anyway, so...

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...









[Throws water balloons at everyone]

Noelle said...

*Her footsteps are loud as they crunch against the snow leading up to her door, which stands tall and overbearing above her*
*Pulling her coat tighter, she reaches out to open it, but hesitates*
I don't want to go in there..
You have to.
But I don't want to! It's not safe in there.
You will. Make yourself do it.
I can't do that to myself!
Then I will!'
*Her hand closes around the cold handle, and she gently slips inside of the lab, the threshold closing*
*She stands for a moment*
*Lip wobbles and, one foot at a time, has herself walk forward*

The Grave of a Coward said...

(If any of you want to read the story that my Suicide story was a sequel to, it was the Halloween post on my blog. I'm very proud of it, I must say, but I won't make you read it. It's a bit lengthy, so I won't post it as a comment.)

The Grave of a Coward said...

(*looks concerned*
Everybody vanished . . .
*begins to sound the alarm bells*
*and flashes the bat signal in the sky*)

Noelle said...

*facepalm* Grief, woman.
*Adra makes careful to watch where she's going and, when she makes it to the main foyer, she collapses into tears*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(I'm here just tired as I've been to school today and all. And scared for Aussies to wake cuz Aiden threatened my life in rp and so I know I'm screwed when he wakes up, I told him tonight my time. Actually he'll probaby be up in a bit

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Sorry, had to track down my mosaic cutters.

The Grave of a Coward said...

(Ah, of course.
*nods solemnly*
You wouldn't want to be caught without your mosaic cutters.)

Star Inkbright said...

@Annika: Sure the world revolves around you. :P

@Lantern: *shrugs* I support the decisions that you want to make?
(And that was a question because I'm questioning my way of saying it, btw.)

*gets hit by water-bomb* *feels my bubble mixture dilute further* O_O


Star Inkbright said...

@Zaf: I'll look forward to reading it. :)


*nods happily at my remembering skills*


The Grave of a Coward said...

(Of course the world revolves around the magnificent me!
*rolls around in a pile of money, tea bags, and black-and-white photographs of Misha Collins*)

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

If I didn't have them, I'd have to deal with the guilty feelings of oh-no-I-am-monopolizing-the-teacher's-only-pair-when-there-are-fifteen-people-in-the-class.

Either that or I'd have to wait my turn and have nothing to do half the time.

So yeah.

Gtg soon-ish.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(I went and checked my gerbils ok so this wheel is so pee and poop encased I cleaned it well I take it out clean it and the two are cuddling in distress that I took the wheel out so I shoo them so i can place it back and steady well they jump on it so I have two gerbils on the wheel and i'm trying to steady it.

Noelle said...

*hugs Fabi if she goes*

Noelle said...

*She stumbles back, and runs for the door, swinging it open, and slipping and sliding around outside, and hitting the grass in her yard, outside of her lab*
*She sticks her face in the snow, and breathes slowly and deeply, concentrating on the chill to slow her*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Jay: *silent* We lost the kid

Javier: He's a powerful Sense-Warden...

Jay: No matter we need to block Croatoan from Tesla.

Hyde: We kill Croatoan.

Jay: We just need to hope to get him.

Hyde: Ask Zafira, she's one of the best fighters.

Emerald Melody said...

*Emerald poured the last of the ice into the bathroom sink. She then unwrapped her burnt arms. It was painful, her skin has started to heal and was sticking to her bandages.

She slowly lowered her arms into the sink and took in sharp breaths as the cold hit her burnt skin. Maybe she did do it on purpose, to get rid of the black but she honestly thought it was a mistake.

She then began to think about what he had said to her. About magic. Could she do magic? If so what kind, but then again if she couldn't, what was she doing in what seemed to be a magical world?*

The Grave of a Coward said...

*strolling happily and contentedly down the street*
*a basket swinging from her hand*
*it's lunch*
*she's never packed anyone a lunch before*
*but she has decided it is fun*
*she whistles a cheery tune*
*and smiles at Blogland children riding past on their bikes*
*she looks at the basket and hopes Oscar likes camembert*
*and reasons that he must*
*who doesn't like camembert?*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Alexis: *is brushing hair thinking of Lorcan and how maybe their relationship can take a positive turn and be happy. Maybe this isn't that bad, for the time.*

Star Inkbright said...


I went for dinner, sorry.



The Grave of a Coward said...

*arrives at the tower*
*the mighty tower of the Evil League of Evil*
*and pushes through the revolving doors*


*the building is alive with security guards*
*pelting from room to room*
*kicking open doors and shouting over the intercom*


Guard: Ma'am, I'm going to have to ask you to vacate the area.


Guard: We have a situation, ma'am, there was a class six security breach.

Wait, what does that mean?
*begins to panic*
Was it the Justice League? Who did this? Is everyone alright?

Photo: Baby!

*whips around*
*sees Photo leaning against the wall*
*a shock blanket around his shoulders*
*and drinking a bottle of beer*

Photo: *whimpers* Baby I screwed up, screwed up real bad.

Star Inkbright said...

I just looked up camembert and I have decided that I probably don't like it.
It looks like a type of cheese that I don't like.
I don't like most types of cheese.
In fact, cheese is really the only food that I properly HATE.
But still. :)


if you DARE do anything




. . .

*wonders what exactly I WILL do*

@Em: O_O
Poor Em. :/

@Zaf: I hope their relationship goes positive too. :)
Did I mention I was watching your plot?
I was following it before I came online, I think, so I don't think I mentioned . . .


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...


Star Inkbright said...

*the OTHER Zaf plot

*the one with Jay and Javier and Aro and Hyde

@Annika: ANNIKA.


The Grave of a Coward said...

*drops the basket*
*and hurries to Photo's side*

What happened? Are you alright? Who did this?

Photo: *hiccups*
I messed up, screwed up big time, I'm really sorry, baby.
*slurring his words*
So sorry . . .

What's wrong with you?
Why are you drinking? You don't drink!

Photo: *blearily* Guy came in and slipped past all our *hic* security nets. Didn't even *hic* see him, too busy working on the *hic* freeze ray project I didn't even . . .
*looks distraught*
I really screwed up! Dunno where the boss has gone!

The . . . the boss . . .
*panic in her eyes*
*panic in her voice*
Where's Gary?

Photo: *hic* They took him in for questioning.

And Oscar?
Where's Oscar!?

Photo: . . .

*shakes him violently*

Photo: I'm so sorry, baby.
*dazedly pats her on the head*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[Tilts head and watches people, spewing random bits of seemingly irrelevant info]

Star Inkbright said...




Noelle said...

*She gets up, and makes herself move, each thought painful, like a stab to her mind, reminding her*

The Grave of a Coward said...

*runs to the lift*
*leaving Photo by the wall*
*and punches the UP button*

No . . .
*whispering frantically to herself*
No no no no no no no . . .

Elevator: DING!

*bursts out of the elevator*
*and into Oscar's penthouse*


*looks around wildly*
*the penthouse is in disarray*
*it has never*
*ever been in disarray before*


*looks in every room*
*opens every closet*

*almost sobbing with panic now*

*runs into the bedroom*
*and sees the blood everywhere*
*pooling on the bed*
*dripping from the ceiling*
*and smeared on the mirror*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...






Star Inkbright said...



Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...


Hopefully when I'm back I'll have the awesome rewrite of the André bit!

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...


The Grave of a Coward said...

*her heart skips a beat*
*her breath catches in her throat*
*and she staggers back and falls on her arse*
*breathing short, ragged breaths*
No . . . no . . . no . . .
*then the words won't come*
*and she's left helplessly gasping on the floor*
*as hot tears begin to stain her eyes*

*the notebook blazes in her pocket and she viciously rips it out*
*opening it*
*and watching as a new drawing fades up*
*a perfect drawing*
*such as could only be draw by a proper artist*

*her hands begin to tremble as she sees what it is*
*she begins to shake violently*
*her skin deathly white*
*tears streaming down her face*
*she tries to breathe*
*she can't*

*guards come to drag her away*
*and she doesn't have the strength to fight them*

Maralie Lily Charm said...

I'm taking control
I'm taking back what you stole
Before your eyes
And we'll unravel
You get to see me shine
See what happens
This time I followed my heart
And there's no going back to the start

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Thanks Star! I'm not sure where to go with it until later I plan to involve Ari simply so she isn't left out and also I don't have Zaf with her often I'd like to do a change of the usual

Star Inkbright said...

*is crying now D:*

Osmosis. D:



Noelle said...

Goodbye, Fabi! *hugs*
Hello, Mara *waves*

Star Inkbright said...

@Zaf: *nods*
It was cool, reading your characters fight Ari. :)

Also, I'm interested as to how their plan is going to work. :)
(As in, I'm interested in watching it, not that I doubt its working-ness.) (although, that said, it could easily NOT work because plot) (but you know)


The Grave of a Coward said...

Guard: Is she alright?

Doctor: Certainly not.
She's been incoherent for the past hour.

*drags herself to the nearby dustbin*
*and vomits into it*

Guard: Have you been able to communicate with her? Reason with her?

Doctor: No. I talk, but she doesn't listen.

*curled up on the floor*
*mind spinning with incoherent nightmares*
*Khasiis's laugh*
*and Hassle's eyes as he peeled Khasiis and Precocious apart*

Guard: What should we do?

Doctor: There is nothing we can do. She's gone into shock.

*tries to talk*
*the image of the drawing burned into her mind forever*

Guard: She's only going to hurt herself if she stays like this. We should sedate her.

Doctor: I couldn't agree more. Let Mr. Armitage and Mr. Finish deal with her when she wakes.

*the cold prick of a needle*
*then darkness*


Star Inkbright said...

*watching your characters fight Ari

'Reading' is technically correct, but I prefer 'watching.'


Star Inkbright said...



(but, awww. That's sweet of her.)

(but, you know)




Noelle said...

*Claps for Annika* It was lovely, hun! *Cuddles*

The Grave of a Coward said...

(Awh. Thanks.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(I'm devising probably having to fight Niccolò and somehow break the connection or release someone like Alastair who won't help Ari so then I can kill Ari with one of my characters and yeah. Will it work? God knows. Nic's unhinged to begin with so my hope is Hyde can lure Alastair out but I fear Nic taking one of their names because Zaf decided that the best way to kill Jay is take hi name because Zaf in their dimension can revive people so either way he'd come back, so if they want to kill him it'd have to be that way unless Nic can figure something out but eh it'll be cool and I have Aiden wanting my head

Noelle said...

*Smiles, and goes back to where she was with Crimson the night previous*
*She stands there, recalling what she asked*
What would you do if you were in my place?.
*She blinks*
*Aloud* I know exactly what I would have wanted you to do, if you were me.
*She pulls out a piece of parchment, and begins to write*
"Trip- I'm writing this letter to inform you..."

The Grave of a Coward said...

(I must now depart. Forgive me.)

Noelle said...

Bye, Anni *waves*

Star Inkbright said...

@Zaf: That sounds like it might work. :) Good luck with the execution of that plan.

*watching, Adra :)*
(Did I say I liked this plot of yours and Trip's?
I did, I think.
It's really interesting. And emotions. Complex overlapping ones. *nods*)
And - !!!


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

[Alexa Vega:]
Dad, be still
There is nothing you need say
It can wait

[Anthony Head:]
Shi, your mother's calling me...

[Alexa Vega:]
Sometimes I wanted to cry
When the people on TV were not quite the way we were
Somehow I guess I just knew...

But I didn't know I'd love you so much...
I didn't know I'd love you so much...
I didn't know I'd love you so much,
But I do...

[Anthony Head:]
Sometimes I'd stay up all night,
Wishing to God that I was the one who died
Sometimes there's not enough time...

But I didn't know I'd love you so much...
I didn't know I'd love you so much...
I didn't know I'd love you so much,
But I do...

[Alexa Vega:]
I didn't know I'd love you so much...

[Anthony Head:]
I didn't know I'd love you so much...

[Alexa Vega and Anthony Head:]
I didn't know I'd love you so much,
But I do...

[Anthony Head:]
Shilo, go...

[Alexa Vega:]
Dad, I will not leave you here
You will live...

[Anthony Head:]
But you've already saved me, dear...
Now go and change the world for me...

[Alexa Vega and Anthony Head:]
And we will always have each other
In our time of need...

[Anthony Head:]
Shilo, you're the world to me...

[Alexa Vega:]
Daddy, you're the world to me...

Star Inkbright said...

Fours, Anni! :(


Star Inkbright said...

That's beautiful, Zaf. :)


Noelle said...

*She finishes the short, and brief letter, and tucks it inside one of the lapels of her jacket, more than certain that she cried onto the paper*
*A short sob forces its way from her throat, as if it had been stuck there for a long time*
*Her fingers are trembling, and she has no where to go*
*Fingers jitter and twitch more, a slight aggressive fit about to come on, if she doesn't find someone-*
*Turns, and pulls out her phone*
*Sends the briefest of texts to- someone who she never thought she would, Hunter, then another to Ez*
"Hunter, please, come here. Or Ez. Whichever one of you."

(Which, of course Star, I know you're distant, and if you don't want to, if could have accidentally have been blocked. It was just the first names in her head.)

Star Inkbright said...

((I'm not really distant much more.
I AM, however, msd.
Which is something to bear in mind.))

*a few moments later, Hunter appears directly in front of Adra, holding his phone*


Star Inkbright said...

((Or, you know, you could hamster it in mind, if you don't really want to deal with bears.))


Noelle said...

That's alright, Star.. *hugs*
*Adra jumps back, then rushes, and hugs him tightly, beginning to sob*

Noelle said...

I prefer ducks, actually.

Star Inkbright said...

((Duck it in mind, then. :)))

Hunter: . . .
*hugs her back*
I'm supposing you're not okay?


Noelle said...

I am ducking it, thank you muchly :P
*Adra shakes her head, not trusting her voice to sound anything like normal*

Star Inkbright said...

((Ah, that's good. :)
*watches it float by over Adra's head*))

Hunter: . . .
Do you want to talk about it?
*thinks maybe he should have sent Ez instead*


Noelle said...

*It floats back and hits Star in the head*
*Her eyes widen* No, I won't burden you-
*She pulls back* I'm sorry! My goodness, I shouldn't have done that, should I? I'm sorry, I was about to have a fit- I just needed another humanish being..
*She stumbles back*

Star Inkbright said...

((*gets hit on the head* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!))

Hunter: Humanish-being? You could use the term 'person'?
And you can tell me if you want. If you just keep your burden and don't do anything with it, it's not likely to go away, which won't really help anyone.


Noelle said...

*Evil laughter from America intensifies*
No, I'll be fine, just- please go back to what you were doing- I... I'm sorry I bothered you..
*She stumbles backwards, and keeps walking backwards until she makes it over a little hill*
*Then, she turns and runs, but her awkward pregnant-woman run*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Thats from Repo! The Genetic Opera. Where Nathan (Anthony Head) is dying and Shilo (Alex Vega) is telling him she does love him eve though he poisoned her and how she forgives him and I cry so much

Star Inkbright said...


*reappears in front of Adra, but not IMMEDIATEY in front of her, because when you do that people tend to crash into you*

I wasn't really doing much.


Star Inkbright said...


@Zaf: That's just BEAUTIFUL. D:

In The Final Empire (yes, that book again) it mentions that when someone you love betrays you, you don't stop loving them.
And it's just like


Noelle said...

The essence of true beauty
Lingers in all-encompassing rainbows
Of your joy and laughter

You hold my hand and smile
As we ensconce ourselves in our world of fire
Our love is all there is

I touch your face
Your gentleness astounds me
I'm held in the honour of your love

Then overnight, the wrold truns suor
61 mInnIts past the ELevenTHH HouRR
I'M A L 0 N E

P.s. I still have that book!!!!!
Well then it's probably better than listen to me prate on, Hunter.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Look it up on YouTube omg its amazing. I liked how Anthony portrayed Nathan, he was able to carey the emotions well through his voice. Like omg. In one song called Night Surgeon he starts off remembering the night he killed his wife by accident and then goes back to his Repo Man side whch is deeper more raspy voice then to the voice of Nathan which is calm like a father and he does just so well I liked in Let The Monster Rise how he starts off in an angry Dad tone until he's so upset wow he did well inmy opinion

Star Inkbright said...

((@Adra: :)
And - :)
(Sorry, that's just the emoticons that did fittith. :P)))

Hunter: Not necessarily.


Star Inkbright said...



Noelle said...

Yes Star :P *hits with a feather*
Yes necessarily. Look, please Hunter, listen. It was wrong of me to ask you to come, and I'm sorry that I did, but it isn't my place to dump the world's problems onto you, because it would only burden you, and then there would be two of us.
*Her tummy growls and she sighs in annoyance, and grabs some applesauce, sipping it*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Anthony Stewart Head? Yeah he plys Nathan Wallace omg he sings so good...go look up I Didn't Know I'd Lve You So Much on YouTube Star

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Gaaah so awwesome and Paris Hilton is in it though not that song just the movie she plays Amber Sweet a Zydrate and surgery addict

Star Inkbright said...

((What weighs more, a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers?))

Hunter: Have you heard the sharing 'a problem shared is a problem halved'?
If we both have half each, that isn't two of us, that's half of two.
Adra, do you know who I am?
I'm Hunter.
That doesn't have much impact on you.
But, if I chose, I believe I could take over the world. I mean, sooner or later there would be an uprising or something ridiculous like that and I wouldn't have it any more and would die a painful death, which is one of the many reasons why I'm not fond of world domination, but in a sense, I could have the world's problems, and as it is I have more than most people have of them.
Which you could argue isn't exactly fair.
One more person's problems isn't that much more of a burden.


Star Inkbright said...

((Anthony Head played Uther.
He's a rather good actor.))


Noelle said...

"Ms. Amber Sweet is addicted to the knife?
Addicted to the knife?
Addicted to the knife, and addicted to the knife, she needs a little help with the agony..."
Yeah I know yo. :P
*She bites her lower lip*
I'm... I'm pregnant, Trip cheated on me, and the chic has every reason to, and there was a genocide of my alchemists, and only fifty remain.
*She sucks in a deep breath, her tears about to spill over again*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(I found him really good. I do. He's so cool and he did an amazing American accent I didn't realize he was British until I heard him in an interview and I was like: O.O

Star Inkbright said...


I must leave.

I am sorry. :/))


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Did you see Repo, Adra? )

Noelle said...

It's alright, Star. *hugs*

A bit of it, ages ago.

Noelle said...

*she takes another step back, then walks away*

Noelle said...

My knee is locked up again.

Noelle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Graverobber and Amber are in a box and I'm like....ok what did he and her do?

Noelle said...

Okay, sorry, I'm back, my mom came back and popped it back into place.
Ugh. God that was hell.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Owww ok that sounded painful

Noelle said...

It was... Drat. When my mom was doing her energy thing, she moved my leg, but it was right before it was about to pop back into place? So if she had moved it a bit more forward I'd have popped sooner.
But NO
Damn, it hurt more where she moved than where it was when it locked.
*Shoots her knees*
*Falls on the floor*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I think that just would hurt so bad ok oww

Noelle said...

Wait, sorry for that interruption. How rude of me- what were we talking about?
No, I have no idea what you're talking about- I don't remember a lot of it.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Ah okay. I love it I mean its an excellent story.

And then Les Mis on Broadway omg I cannot wait you have no idea. I'm so excited to go and all like wow I'm gonna freak when I get to NYC

Noelle said...



Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

When? I'm going in May-June well omg we nex to so meet up if you're coming over I live close to NYC

Noelle said...

Yeah, I know, I've been to Jersey before :P
And- sometime in there, as well. I don't know what date we have tickets...?

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Omg. Watch us get the same date xD. And I'm in Pennsylvania though Jersey is about 20min from here. Like ok half hour maybe more but less than an hour and I'm 2 and a half from the GW Bridge but we're taking the ferry over which if you can I would do

Maralie Lily Charm said...

They told me I'm no good
Wore me down like I knew they would
Like dreams are impossible
If you don't fit no more
Use me up and they let me go
Now I'm crying solo
Cut me fast and I'm bleeding slow
Not the girl I used to know
And you feel you will never be heard
So small in this great big world
But you're gonna make it
I know you're gonna break it

I know it hurts
I know it burns
They cut with razor blade words
And you die a little
Know you're beautiful
You are worth so much more
We will rise above it all
Little by little

When you're tipping on a tight rope
Your knees are shaking and you're losing hope
Keep your head up don't look down
Keep looking forward and ignore the crowd
You will thank them for the pain
For the disbelief
The shame
It's gonna be the loss
Your gain
Who needs them anyway
So you feel you will never be heard
So small in this great big world
But you're gonna make it
I know you're gonna break it

I know it hurts
I know it burns
They cut with razor blade words
And you die a little
Know your beautiful
You are worth so much more
We will rise above it all
Little by little

Don't blame yourself
Don't let them win
Don't hide away
This is a fight you can win
Up in your room
Like no one cares where you've been
You're not alone
Just let the daylight in

I know it hurts
I know it burns
They cut with razor blade words
And you die a little
Know you're beautiful
You are worth so much more
We will rise above it all
Little by little
I know it hurts
I know it burns
Little by little
Know you're beautiful
You are worth so much more
We will rise above it all
Little by little

Noelle said...

I was close.

I just get that area of the country mixed up

Noelle said...

Hi Mara!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

:P it's not hard. Ari's up in Conneticut I'm in Pennsylvania and Anni is somewhere in New England area. Ha. Okay you and I must meet up. I know if NJ comes over around the time we'll take her to Hersey (2015) cuz she never has been there and that's not far. Oh she'll be thrilled. I think when she comes we're doing NYC too and Seaside so she can kinda see the different states. Cuz we're like bigger then Ireland. By a lot. And hopefully Derek tours here fo his next series omg he'd love it here and be scared of us all. Pile me V Nikki and Celine to a signing he'll rue the day he came

Noelle said...

Yeah, I know you lot are bigger than Ireland :P
*She blinks, and ends up sitting in a snow fort that she made with some applesauce, sipping it happily*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

What I look forward to is NJ meeting something called heat. *laughs*

Omg she meet my gerbils!

*explodes happily*

Noelle said...

Take her to Texas mid-summer.
Now that's heat

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Omg yes she'll love it xD the poor girl is gonna burn.

Noelle said...

Well, so are you, if I recall a story about a particular sunburn you got last summer.
Give her SPF 50- that's what I use. 50 and 70.

Snow said...

Good morning all... or, you know, whatever time it is for you...

Noelle said...

Hello, Snow!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

That was accidental. I just forgot to do my back. Ok we both did. Heh. The sand castle was worth it though ok it was boss and the hot tub helped a lot with my burns I think it cleared up when we went to Medieval Times though and I got hit on by the Chancellor.

Snow said...

Ah... excuse me while I go change my pic

Noelle said...

Riiight, are you sure he was actually hitting on you? Because, at a franchise like that, they could get into some serious trouble.
*She makes a few tiny snowmen in her snowfort*
*Pokes her head out the top, and does a spin*
*Chuckles, and ducks down, making more snowmen*

Snow said...

There we go

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Not like for real it was obvious his character was. Because you later see what he's like character wise so it was in character

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Ah, sorry. Trying to study and failing and panicking as usual:/

Noelle said...

My Geometry teacher always says that the first rule to anything is to not panic. If you don't think you know it, then give it time to settle, and go back to it later.
I think his method works pretty well.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Ari: We're back! Back for the next few hours, unless something unexpected happens.
I actually find it really interesting how the group of assassins are planning to kill me. And Niccolò. Also interesting because I thought they were targeting me to hide the fact that they were targeting Zaf, but if I am only a diversion, I wonder why they're trying so hard. Because it seems like they're trying pretty hard. I mean, killing me is one thing- even if I'm stubborn, I'm still technically just a little girl. The four/three of them could totally overtake me. But trying to kill Niccolò will be hard. At the risk of sounding... Well, something bad- he's pretty hard to kill.))


Noelle said...

Hi Aretha!
Hi Niccolo!
(Sorry, I can't do the accent mark on my computer)

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Ari: Oh, it's fine. I can't do it on mine, either. ;p))


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Hai Ari! Oh I have Aro brimming with info and also Nic has full permission to steal names or kill whomever attacks him but if he kills them it is likely other dimension Zaf will revive them

Noelle said...

Also, Mara- I suggest not doing it all in one go. Frequent, brief breaks help studying as well.
*She finishes her applesauce and tucks it away*
*Pokes her head outside of her fort once more, looking for anyone*
*Falls back, making a few more snowballs*

Emerald Melody said...

(And I am back bitches!! I had to put the munchkin to bed and then have dinner but now I am back.)

Noelle said...

Hi Em! Wb!
*She makes a tiny hole in the fort, peeking out*

Snow said...

Ari, Niccolò.

Snow said...

Hey em

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Ari: Oh, he's prepared for that. War was actually pretty prepared for it too, but Niccolò's not going that far. When War wants someone to stay dead, he eats them. Then he crushes their bones and scatters the dust into the wind. Needless to say he was pretty irritated when you brought the copy back with an arm. Niccolò is definitely not doing that. However, he fully intends to burn the bodies, and scatter the ashes in the wind or the ocean or some other such feature, potentially in another dimension.))


Noelle said...

That's lovely.
*She huddles in her fort, and waits quietly*
*And keeps her fingers crossed that Hunter doesn't come back*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Ari: Hello, Mara, Em, and Snow! *hugs all*))

Niccolò: *approaches Adra's snow construct* Hello, Adra.


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Honestly I'd laugh if he took Jay's name I mean he deserves that as death is too good for him. Believe me. He's done things that death would be kind but I shall not go into details.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Aro: *keeps pacing petrified for what is to come, afraid Croatoan will kill him*

Noelle said...

*Her head pokes out and with a war cry, flings a lot of snowballs at Niccolò*
*Falls back into the fort, quicklt gathering more in a defense-attack- thing*

Emerald Melody said...

*Emerald grits her teeth as the ice cools down her damaged arms. So since she arrived, she's fainted, cut her hand, smacked her head off the bathtub, burned her arms and has constantly gotten sick.

She was beginning to wonder if she really was meant to be here.

She looked over beside the sink. She had found a knife in one of the bottom drawers and decided to keep it with her. Just in case. She didn't even know if she did need it but she just had this feeling that she should.

The ice in the sink was starting to melt and turn into a pool, she was going to have to get some more ice pretty soon.*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Niccolò: Regardless of what he has done, I'll not steal another name.))

Niccolò: *laughs* *makes a few motions with fingers and then raises his hands, and about a dozen snowballs levitate into the air* *pushes forward, and they fling themselves high into the air to land inside of Adra's fort*


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Olivia: *Throws snowballs at Nic*

Noelle said...

Em, you need Life Alert :P
*There's a muffled scream from inside the fort, then curses, before the ground behind Niccolò lifts up, and dumps the snow that was on it, onto him*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Ari: And now my trains of thought have led me to the statement "On the inside, we're all supermodels." I don't know why that amuses me so much. I'm picturing Photo in all his sparkles extravagantly gesturing towards a sign that says "We're all supermodels" in really bright lights. Oh jeez.))


Noelle said...

Shall I make a picture for that?

Snow said...


Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Ari: I would laugh so hard if you did. Wow. XD
And- it's true. I think maybe every one of us needs Life Alert. Oh! I just had the best idea! *maniacal laughter*))

Niccolò: *ducks away from Adra's onslaught of snow, only to discover Olivia is throwing snowballs at him from the other side* *after a few moments, snow starts to swirl around Olivia, getting thicker and thicker, until she finds herself stuck in a tall circular snow fort with thick walls* *uses the snow Adra dropped on him to make more snowballs, and tosses them at her*


Noelle said...

Okay, Snow :/

I'll do what I envisioned, and I'm sorry for it :P

*She shrieks, and leaps through the wall of snow, weightless for a moment, before landing on her side, and sliding like a badass, shooting snow from her snow-guns*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Olivia: *tries digging and then clicks fingers melting the snow and then makes more snowballs fly with good aim considering her age*

Alexis: *laughs and helps Olivia throw at Nic* Sorry Nic she's 5!

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Niccolò: *a wall of snow rises up between self and Adra* *throws a few snowballs over the wall*


Alastair Cruciatus said...

Niccolò: I shall dedicate this page to Death Rose.


Maralie Lily Charm said...

How is Tich so talented and kind and sweet and beautiful and perfect?

Noelle said...

*raises glass*
*She stomps her foot, and a ripple of the earth heads straight at him, and sprays a wave of snow at him*

Noelle said...

Mara, I might look up a song- which one do you suggest?

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Alexis: 3 vs 1 god Maybe I should even the odds

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Niccolò: I haven't the faintest idea, Maralie.
*a strong wind suddenly gusts towards Olivia and Alexis, pushing the snowballs back*


Emerald Melody said...

*Lorcan sneaks up behind Alexis and dumps a handful of snow down her neck before running behind a tree*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Alexis: *pushes the air back and sneaks behind Nic dumping snow down his neck*

Olivia: *throws a snowball at Nic's head* (it wont hurt she isnt strong

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Alexis: Eeeek!!!

Olivia: *chases Lorcan*

Emerald Melody said...

Lorcan: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*He laughs as he keeps running, away from the 5 year old.*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Niccolò: *darts to the other side of the wall to avoid the spray of snow* *slips behind it again* *calls out* How would you define cheating? I seem to recall a gun made of snow.
*a small cluster of shadows sweep Alexis off her feet before she can drop the snow on him* *they carefully place her down a few meters away* *catches Olivia's snowball, careful not to break it, and tosses it back*


Maralie Lily Charm said...

Adra - Ooh. Little By Little. Or Dust. Or Kingdom. Or Like Stars. Or Sticks and Stones. Although she was I Am Tich and not Tich for Sticks and Stones. Or When It Was Beautiful. Or maybe Unravel when she was Rachel Furner. And Lovin' It. Also by Rachel Furner aka younger Tich. Ooh. Obsession is good too. By Tich not Rachel Furner. And Dumb. Although they're both slightly bubblegum pop. And her covers are amazing. Her youtube is iamtichmusic and her cover of More Than This by 1D >>>> life. And Love on Christmas Eve by Tich. And Human Nature which is my favourite Rachel Furner song bc perf. Or In For The Kill. Also also by Rachel Furner. Or Breathe In Breathe Out. By Tich.

Idk they're all perfect I can't choose D:

Noelle said...


I'll pick one at random and tell you :P
*Laughs, ending up laying flat on the ground to catch her breath* I have no idea!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Olivia: *uses air to propel snowballs at Lorcan*

Alexis: *rolls eyes and uses air to push herself up and dump snow over Niccolò* Hey not all of us can use Necromancy!

Emerald Melody said...

*Lorcan feels the snowballs hit his back and he dramatically falls face first into the snow.*

Lorcan: Oh no, the little one. She got me!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Olivia: *places foot over Lorcan's chest* Niccolò I beat up a grown man!!!!! *cackles and dumps snow on Lorcan* I win I win!!!

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Niccolò: *lets the snow fall over self, laughing* Not all of us are elementals, either. *motions towards Lorcan*


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Alexis: I'm actually a Sensitive but hey! I'm having fun and its helping me. *while she talks dumps snow on his neck* Heeey Nic you wanna gang up on Mom?

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Niccolò: Very well done, Olivia. *barely perceptively moves a finger and flings a bit of snow in her face*
*walks over to Adra and lightly sprinkles small bits of snow over her face*


Emerald Melody said...

*Lorcan grabs Olivia and starts tickling her with snow all over his face*

Lorcan: I am the tickle snowman!! There is no escape!

Noelle said...

*She grins, and pushes herself a little way out of the action, propping herself against a tree, watching*

(Also, I apologize if this picture is awful. Your arms are so weird in it, Ari :P


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Olivia: *starts giggling non-stop unable to fight back* My weakness!!!!

*stalks down laughing as I watch the entire scene*

Noelle said...

Oi! *smacks at her face* What was that for? I'm out of commission!

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Niccolò: I was referring to Olivia; you seem to be doing quite well as a sensitive. Not particularly, but if she joins us I shan't be assisting her, either.


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