Friday, October 5, 2012


Just a short note to let you know that if you have any younger brothers or sisters and they like a fun, creepy little scare on the run-up to Halloween (and really, who doesn't?) then my suggestion is to check out Frankenkids, by Annie Graves.

Annie Graves may or may not have been helped out in the ideas department by a gent called David Maybury. The name sound familiar? I've developed a habit- especially in the short stories- of killing off the Maybury brothers in increasingly horrible ways, and the real-life David Maybury is now trying to get his own back. In Frankenkids, the poor boys who are the victims of the terrible Uncle Fraser are named Landy, and the older one is called Derek...

I'm not going to tell you what terrible fate befalls them. All I will say is that David Maybury better watch out. In the next short story, he's getting his head cut off.


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Eve the ROCK said...

Bye Death! See you in another life. :D

Bye Misty!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...


Willow Storm said...


Drew O'Connor said...

Trouble has arrived!!!

Heya weirdos :D

Willow Storm said...

Hi, Emerald..

Willow Storm said...

I have to go to my Counselor now. Bye! I'll be back on Chatzy for certain, not sure about the other places. *hugs*

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

Sorry, I poofed...

Eve the ROCK said...

My toes...I must warm them...

Toes, everyone!

Eve the ROCK said...

Hehe. Starrio did a Lucy Anna near the top of the page. Way to dedicate, Star. XD

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

Hey Eve!

Eve the ROCK said...

Hey Missy! Sorry if I fall asleep, and extra sorry if I start snoring. I'm still convinced that I don't snore, but my brother says I do...I'm sure I don't. I don't!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

OK Eve.

Eve the ROCK said...


*eats live chicken*

...Okay, maybe just a little bit, but I'm perfectly sane.

*participates in the banana fest*

...Well, at least I'm not totally unhinged.



So, how is the you?

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

I'm fine. I have althletics carnival tomorrow.

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

I have to go now...

Star Inkbright said...

*laughs* Aw, THANKS, Eve.

That ded took me an HOUR, thereabouts. :P I just opened my notes on my phone and just wrote it all down on the spot.

Btw, my brother has chickenpox. :( Poor him. Lucky me and my sister've already had it. Can't remember it though; I was three, and my sister was six weeks old . . .

Star Inkbright said...

*tugs headphones off and rubs tears off eyes* I tell you, that song is amazing. It made me cry the second time I listened to it as well. *smiles* I'm not inspired enough to have a second emotional rant though.

Star Inkbright said...

"Design a product that is a standard component."


Star Inkbright said...

Oh, I do, like, to be beside, the sea-siiiiide, oh I do, like, to be beside, the seeeeeea . . .

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

What's a standard component?

Star Inkbright said...

*looks around room as if a standard componet will randomly appear in it*

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

Star? Hello?

Star Inkbright said...


A standard componet is a ready-made ingredient. For example, breadcrumbs you buy from the shops are a standard component.

Dinner, bb straight afterwards, sorry . . .

Star Inkbright said...

*bounds back in*

Star Inkbright said...

When your own have died
When there's no more pride
When your soul has frozen
Is that enough?
When your heart has broken
A thousand times
With every moment
Is that enough?

Star Inkbright said...


Star Inkbright said...

We're having to postpone my sister's b-dayparty because of my brother's chickenpox . . . She's not happy about it.

Star Inkbright said...

*b-day party

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

Sorry - it's my brother's birthday and I had to disappear and then my MSN got hacked and I had to sort that out...

Star Inkbright said...

HACKED??? :/


*looks at comment number* This post is almost full . . .

Star Inkbright said...

Chopped wood is a standard component to those who eat paper . . .

Which isn't me anymore. I tried it for a few days and have come to the conclusion that I don't like it.

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

Aha, I only have 4 contacts on it, so it was kinda a fail and then told my friend I had a crush on her and did some other stuff...

Star Inkbright said...


If I had MSN, I would not like it to be hacked. At all.

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

I don't really care. I've only got 2 brothers and 3 friends on who doesn't use it anymore...

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

Might have to disappear again at some point for birthday stuff...

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

So would coffee stuff or soya stuff be standard components?

Star Inkbright said...

I suppose so . . .


It's because it's about nine months after the Christmas holidays. And you know loads of people have birthdays in springtime? That's becuase it's nine months after the summer holidays . . . Yes . . .

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

Ah...all my family has there birthdays in autumn.
And mine is the complete opposite side of the year on St.Patricks day :D

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

6 close family in Autumn
And 3 friends

Star Inkbright said...

The majority of my cousins have birthdays in September or October. Add my dad, mine, and my sister's birthdays into the mix, and it equals a lot of birthday presents to buy . . .

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

g2g - cake! and presents

Star Inkbright said...


Star Inkbright said...


Star Inkbright said...

Hmm. Bit too bright.

Star Inkbright said...

This any better?

Star Inkbright said...

Slightly, I guess. Now; this one?

Star Inkbright said...

. . . Still too blue . . .

Willow Storm said...


Star Inkbright said...

Hi Willow!

Willow Storm said...

Hi Ink!
I like cats, do you?

Star Inkbright said...

Not especially. I don't not like them, though.

Star Inkbright said...

I'm really sorry, but I gtg . . . Bye!

Willow Storm said...

Bye, Ink!

Niamhy Jay said...

Anyone on??

Uilliam Kinsella said...

I'm on, maybe.

Niamhy Jay said...

Hey Eden!!
How're you??

Uilliam Kinsella said...

I'm rethinking a lot of things and I might be distant or not.
Anyway, hi NJ.

Willow Storm said...

Hi, NJ!

Uilliam Kinsella said...

I'm fine enough.
How're you?

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Hi Willow.

Willow Storm said...

Hi, Eden

Uilliam Kinsella said...


Niamhy Jay said...

I am good :)

Hey Willow!!
How're you??

Willow Storm said...

I'm gine.

Niamhy Jay said...


Uilliam Kinsella said...

I think it's a typo.

Willow Storm said...

Grand and fine.

Niamhy Jay said...

Oh right :P

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Boom, I was right.

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Oh wait no, stinking me.

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Darn words added together.

Niamhy Jay said...


Uilliam Kinsella said...

What does yolo mean?

Niamhy Jay said...

You Only Live Once. Apparently.

I mean it as You Only Love Oreos.' :P

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Okay, that makes a lot of sense.

Niamhy Jay said...

I really want oreos now

Uilliam Kinsella said...

I'm not too bothered about Oreos but I want cadburys.
I've come up with my own the sparrow flies south for winter.

Niamhy Jay said...

Really?? What is it?

I say 'The Sparrow flies North for Summer' :P

Uilliam Kinsella said...

I've used it a few times.
It goes, "what's your name? Is it androgynous".

Uilliam Kinsella said...

I came up with it when some jerk said " is this skul guy gay?"
Then my friend says he's androgynous,
And I said that's a brilliant code word.

Uilliam Kinsella said...

I've used it 5 times against jerks who insults him.

Niamhy Jay said...

Fair enough

Uilliam Kinsella said...

They'd be like, "why are you talking about the gay skeleton?"
And I'd say androgynous and hit them.

Niamhy Jay said...

I really wanna hit them now!!

Uilliam Kinsella said...

It's fun,
I ask them if they've read any books and they say Horrid Henry.

Uilliam Kinsella said...

13 year olds only reading Horrid Henry.

Niamhy Jay said...

Horrid Henry??
They really need to learn the definition of a good book.

Uilliam Kinsella said...

I know.
One person even asked if they could bring it in for the book swap thing we're doing in English.

Uilliam Kinsella said...

I nearly started laughing when they suggested it.

Uilliam Kinsella said...

I brought SP in naturally and I also brought in Gone.

Niamhy Jay said...

GAH I'm already getting super excited for book 8!!

Uilliam Kinsella said...

I know,
Skulduggery goes to war.
It should be awesome.
Have you read Gone?
And if so do you believe it's cliche ?

Niamhy Jay said...

I have it, I have started it but seriously haven't gotten round to finishing it. I really should!

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Do you think it's cliche ?
Like everything's been done, like Stephen Kings The Dome.

Niamhy Jay said...

I really don't know.
What I have read so far I think is good.

Willow Storm said...

I have to go, Bye!

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Bye Willow.

Niamhy Jay said...

Bye Willow!!

Star Inkbright said...


Star Inkbright said...

This profile picture or the last one?

Star Inkbright said...


Star Inkbright said...

Fencing is awesome. :)

Niamhy Jay said...


Flame Phoenix said...


Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...


Niamhy Jay said...

Hey Ieni!!
How're you??

Star Inkbright said...



Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

Hey NJ!
*returns hug*
I've actually had a pretty rubbish day. You?
I'll have to disappear when my parents get back...
Do I have to do a ded?

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

Hey Star! :)

Niamhy Jay said...

I'm okay :)

And Yes you do, but if you want you can actually give the dedication to someone else.

Niamhy Jay said...

Hey Star!!
How're you??

Star Inkbright said...

Not really. But it would be nice if you do. Just dedicate to something random, if you want. Not everyone can be Luscathio.

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

Nah...I'll do it.
*Clears throat*

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

Right. I dedicate this comment thingymabob to music, because I could not live without the stuff and it makes me feel alive. People listen to different types of music - but I've never met anybody who hates the stuff.
And also to all the people on here that are nice to me and make me smile, which apparently, I got told today is something I never do, which makes me look like Kristen Stewart.

Star Inkbright said...


I never see them anymore. :( Ah, I remember the good old days with Zath and Nix and Eve as my main Aussiminion blogfriendles. That was such a good time. :'(

I've met tons of new amazing blogpeople since then, BUT I STILL MISS ZATH AND NIX AND EVE. REALLY I DO.

. . . Okay, that was random . . .

Star Inkbright said...

You have to be smiling more than her! :)

MUSIC. Good one. GREAT ONE. :)

Niamhy Jay said...

I love Music.
Music is Amazing.
Especially Rock.
Love rock Music.

Eve the ROCK said...


Star, I miss you too. *hugs*

Niamhy Jay said...

Hey Eve!!
How're you??

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi NJ! *hugs* I'm pretty goose, but I have to go to school now....bye!

Star Inkbright said...

HI AND FOURS EVE!!! *hugs*

At least my half term is the week after next. :) Which will mean I spend mornings on the blog. AND MORNING TIME IS AUSSIMINION TIME. :)

Niamhy Jay said...

Bye Eve!

Star Inkbright said...

I'd better go to sleep now. :(


Niamhy Jay said...

Bye Star!!

Niamhy Jay said...

Well, I better go now too.
Bye to anyone that is lurking about watching me!

MonsterMouse said...

post something new, Derek.

NOM Ominous said...

I am not Derek.. but you know.

ClockworkFallenAngel said...

Who is well enough to be here? (If you aren't here, you obviously have a bad case of an illness.)

NOM Ominous said...

Not true.

NOM Ominous said...

...But to be on the safe side...

ClockworkFallenAngel said...

It's called "youdontappreciatethebestauthorintheworldiosis."
Of course, the only people who have it are the ones who haven't heard of Derek or Skuluggery.

ClockworkFallenAngel said...

No, the only people who don't have it are the ones who haven't read or seen (Im refering to his movies) a work of Derek's

NOM Ominous said...

So that doesn't really apply to everyone who isn't on.
So, ha! You lied.

NOM Ominous said...

So that doesn't really apply to everyone who isn't on.
So, ha! You lied.

ClockworkFallenAngel said...

I didn't lie. I simply voiced something that I meant then but don't now, and I was joking or… making an entrance.

NOM Ominous said...

*fights zombie war*

ClockworkFallenAngel said...


Forest said...


Forest said...


Anonymous said...

Hey SPD!

Hi/bye forest!

Blowfish? Where?

NOM Ominous said...

Today is my 1 year Blogiversery

Anonymous said...

Hey Thrust! Awesome! Happy Blogversary! *hugs awkwardly* do you know what your first comment was?

ClockworkFallenAngel said...

I have a cup that is shaped like a blowfish. Is name is (his name contains a word that little kids can't here, and I'm not sure if we can post it here so I will star the word)… Simon the S*xy Blowfish. I named him after Simon from the Mortal Instruments.
I also just really like blowfish.

Anonymous said...

Lol. I have a rainbow ostrich marionette, who is currently named Alistaite(don't even ask) the Floating Ostrich. I'm planning on changing it to something SP related though.

NOM Ominous said...

Cool beans.

Helena Ember Sky said...

My feet are on backwards.

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

*sits down sipping lemonade*
That was surprisingly fun...

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

I don't think anyone has refreshed their page for a while...

Forest said...


Forest said...


Star Inkbright said...


This cannot be happening.


I refuse to accept this has occurred.

And it's Friday, as well!!!! S'a busier day than most, usually!!!!!



Star Inkbright said...


Nix isn't here, that's what happened. When I git home and was reading comments and laughing, it was Nix and Eve that were dominating the page. Because they're awesome, and they were there day in, day out. There were other awesome, amazing people there, but they weren't there as much. I'm not blaming Nix and Eve though. Because I don't know what happened in Nix's life, but, uh, something happened. And who can blame Eve, or any other Aussiminion/Kiwiminion, for not being there when nobody else is really there? Because being here when nobody else is is BORING AS HELL.

I miss the Nix and Eve days. And I miss the Zath and Nix and Eve days. :(

And I know Lynxia isn't an Aussiminion, so she has no place in this rant, but I miss her as well. :(

Star Inkbright said...

Sparky was before my time, mostly, but I miss the Sparky period also.

Yes, the Sparky period, the Zath and Nix and Eve period, and the Nix and Eve period. Then the Death period??? I know the Sparky period and the Zath and Nix and Eve period run into each other, but they're different in my mind. Ah, Sparky was a page-dominator, she was. Now no more . . .

Star Inkbright said...


Star Inkbright said...


Star Inkbright said...

This time period is more Ameriminion-dominated, I s'pose. Lotsa Ameriminions, not many Aussi/Kiwiminions.

The first part of that last sentence equals VERY GOOD, the second equals VERY BAD.

It's not the Aussiminion's/Kiwiminion's fault, though. NOBODY wants to come on if there's no one else on.

Star Inkbright said...


Star Inkbright said...

Ever since we had an English lesson on apostrophes, I've been muddling my apostrophes up . . .

Star Inkbright said...


Star Inkbright said...

I mean, ********got

S'from that many comments up . . .

Star Inkbright said...

*looks at the S'from* Should really be 'Sfrom.

Valice said...

Hi, someone here??

Luciana said...

There are fewer and fewer people on the blog every day I come on... :(

I've not heard anything from any Iriminions, recently. Barely any Englandiminions are on the blog anyway. Aussiminions, I JUST MISS YOU ALL. :(


Star Inkbright said...

*laughs* It looks like the ********got is a swear word I've astericked out.

Star Inkbright said...


Oh, and HI!!!!

There were never many Engliminions in my time as a reg, so I'm not as bothered.

But the Aussiminions ruled the comment zone. Really they did. To have no Engliminion come on in a day is sad but acceptable. Not have no Aussiminion is INCONCEIVABLE.

Star Inkbright said...

Although I don't swear. Occasionally I do in my mind, but other than that, I don't swear.

. . . I'm pretty random in the order I follow on from comments.

Luciana said...

STARRRRRRRRRR! *tacklehugs*

I've missed you so much!

Star Inkbright said...

I just realised how easily I can just come on here and natter to myself. I'm so sad. XD

Star Inkbright said...

LUSCATHIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! *falls over from tacklehug and lands in lake* GAHHHHHH. *stands up and unsuccessfully attempts to brush water off clothes*

HI! *flicks water at Luscath*

Star Inkbright said...

Scathio is better than Luscath, Star hath cedided.

Luciana said...

*laughs and flicks water back at Star*

How've you been, my dear?

Star Inkbright said...

*jumps backs to avoid the water dat hath been flicked at me, falls over, and is redrenched by lake*

*tries to say GAHHHHH but ends up swallowing water instead*

*coughs for a bit* GAHHHHH. I've been fine, I guess. Unlike my brother, who has chickenpox, and my sister, who's had her birthday party cancelled because of said chickenpox, and, because she's *insert my sister's name*, cares about these things.

OOH and yesterday, the day before, whichever, I did a FANTASTIC (by my ded standards, which in ordinary standards means not that great) ded, which was also a bit of a gloomy ded, but still, I award myself an A* for my dedication to my dedication, if that makes sense . . .

Star Inkbright said...

ANDDDD the relevance of this, which, me being me, I forgot to mention, was that Eve told me I did a Lucy-Anna. :)

Your deds are better though. They have point to them. They inspire people. :P Mine might have imspired people to hate humankond, but that's about it.

Star Inkbright said...


Star Inkbright said...

GAHHHH I'm so talkactive today.

GAHHHH the word GAHHHHH is ny new favourite word. GAH.

*sings to tune of the Airshippy course (the one with the moles with metal things on their heads which pop said heads above the ground, the one with the cannons, yes, that one) from Mariokart DS* Gah, gah, gahgah, gah GAH, gahhh, gah. Gah, gah, gahgah, gah GAH, gahhh, gah.

Luciana said...

That dedication was really good!

I'm going to have to get first soon to see if I can steal back my title;)


I made a speech about the same thing as well, the other day. Wednesday, I think it was. For R.E. I think everyone in my class wanted to cry because I wouldn't shut up...

Star Inkbright said...

Gah gah gahgahgahhhh, gahgahgahgahgahgahgahhhgah (gahgahgahgahgahhhgah), gahhhhh, gah gah, gahhh, gah, ggah. *restarts*

Star Inkbright said...

It wasn't good, really. :) But THANKS. :D

You did???? :D

I bet it was exceptional. :D

Luciana said...

I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Sounds very much like something I'd say. Apart from the fact that I tend to try to stay on track, use more ellipses, use different vocbulary and am emotional through it all. I tend to have an incredibly emotional/strong start and something to end with that people won't forget.

At least, that's how my prepared speeches go. Half the time I just wing it and hope for the best, though. And end up doing better because I listen to my heart, not my head. :3

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

Hello Luciana! Hello Star! :)

Luciana said...

Hello, Ieni! *hugs*

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

Luciana you're speeches are amazing and really motivational!
Star, I don't think I've read any of yours, but I bet they're really good!
Yay hug! *returns hug*

Luciana said...

Awh, you're so sweet! Thanks, Ieni. It means a lot to me! ^^

Star Inkbright said...

*laughs* I was writing down purely what was in my mind at the time I was doing it. Unfortunately, my mind . . . has a tendancy to drift . . .

HI IENI!!!!!!

Oh, and did you see my comment quite a bit after my ded, saying that I listened to Enough for the second time and started crying again . . . *laughs*

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

Does anybody else when they here the phrase 'as the crow flies' in map stuff in Geography thing 'the sparrow flies south for winter'? And then go onto an entire S.P related track of thought which includes 'as Skulduggery flies'. That should be the thing they teach in map skills instead of this stupid crow flying thing...
Just being truthful Luciana :)

Star Inkbright said...

You wouldn't have seen any of mine, Ieni, coz I have like three total. :)

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

...I have to admit, being woken up and told by my mum and being told she'll be at the hospital because my sister's going there is not a comforting thing to wake up to.

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

Ah, okay. I would go looking for one, but I'm feeling pretty lazy right now...sorry about that...

Star Inkbright said...

Nope. I only come across 'as the crow flies' in books. :(

GAHHHH the other day Josh, who sits next to me in Geography, stole my rubber and wrote "I <3 Josh" on it. ANNOYZIGGING.

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

Hey Val :)
:( I hope she'll be okay soon :)

Star Inkbright said...

. . . Poor you and your family Ivy. :(

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

It was something about her heart not beating properly, I think...

Luciana said...

Val! *hugs* :(

Star Inkbright said...

. . . :(

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

She's home now. Sleeping on the couch, and breathing and stuff. Okay. That's definitely good.

Anyway, hi guys!

Luciana said...

Hello, Val!

How is everybody doing?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I'm just getting over being worried... Now I'm excited.


Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

Skulduggery Party?
I is doing....good actually. Ths bus home from school was funny, because me and my friends were sharing this smarties tube and then when we'd finished we wacked each other in the head with it and then it got thrown at my nose...

The Green Bowl Company said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Star Inkbright said...

Well, I got on the bus today a few minutes before it left, and then my friend said, "Holly, have you got your food stuff?" So then I got off the bus again and ran the the other side of my school to get my food stuff (usually five minutes if I walk), then I ran back again in time to see the last of the buses leaving . . . I was really upset coz my phone's out of credit, and I'd've had to go to reception to phone my mum, BUT MY BUS DRIVER HADN'T LEFT, AND HAD WAITED FOR ME!!!!! :D T'was SO. GRATEFUL.

Gtg now, rockclimbing. :(

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