Monday, September 17, 2012


Now then... THAT was a tour.

And it's all over. I've been home for a few days in between, but the fact is this tour has been going on since August 5th, and it ended September 15th. Last night I was walking around my garden, looking up at the stars, and the thought hit me: it's over. It's done.

Sure, sure, I have other things to do. I have an interview tomorrow, and signings and events in Bray, Ennis, Bangor, Belfast, Dublin and Cheltenham to come over the next few months, but essentially, that's me done for the year.

It's been a good tour. No, it's been a great tour. I got to meet so many of my Minions, both from Blogland and Facebook and the Forums and even Bebo, for God's sake. And then I got to meet so many more, those of you who don't even post comments. And then I got to meet those Minions who don't even know I have a Blog, or that there are Forums and Facebooks and Tumblrs and whatnot out there.

Already, some of you are being talked about in the corridors of Harper Collins. The tall blonde with the T-shirt in London. The hot chick in Australia, who asked me to marry her and assured me her girlfriend wouldn't mind. The readers who gaped, who froze, who hopped and skipped, who babbled and blubbered. The readers who proposed and flirted and flattered. The readers who came in costume, the readers who came with gifts... the artwork on display, the stories, the effort and dedication and the sheer talent. The massive four hour signing session in Liverpool 1, the even more massive five hour session in Bluewater...

And then all the bro-fists and the hugs and the tears from the hyperventilating teenage girls. The parents and guardians who stood in line so patiently, and who were so good-humoured. I hope you Minions thanked them for driving/escorting/waiting with you- they thoroughly deserve a hug.

It was exhausting. It was manic. It was fun. I wasn't able to take all the gifts with me on the plane, so they're being shipped over and I should have them in a few days. Once they are in my possession, I shall post some photos. Some of this stuff is astonishing.

So thank you, everyone who came out to see me and get a book signed. For some of you, it was our first time meeting. For others, we've met before. Others still, you've come to see me practically every single tour. I remember a lot of you. I know some of your names. And I love seeing you again.

And I'd love to say that now I'm going to take a holiday- but really, what are the chances of that? I've got stuff to do, and things to write, and sometime over the next month or so I'm going to have to start Skulduggery Pleasant Book 8...


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Uilliam Kinsella said...

Hey Mist

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Mist. You're probably waiting for your part of the des, yes?

Eve the ROCK said...


Jophiel said...

This is the strangest conversation I've ever had!
Me: so bre, how are you?
Bre: a lezzo
Me: what did you just say?!
Bre: I said I was fine! Duh!
Me: oh! Oh I thought you said you were a lesbian! Phew!
Bre: I did, and I'm fine about it!
Me: okay, *slaps self* nope, not dreaming!

Star Inkbright said...


Zathract Mist said...

Hello...Fei. Hope you're alright...

Hey, Eden.

Hi Eve. Nope, I don't think I'll get one. I'm not a regular anymore, after all. Also I don't deserve one.

*is glaring ferociously at Steam*

Jophiel said...

Hi Zath!

Zathract Mist said...

Hi Ink.

Uilliam Kinsella said...

That's a very weird conversation.

Jophiel said...

Mmmm, that was between my BFF that I have had for 7 years!

Jophiel said...

*Dives into the ocean* *Tries not to fall asleep*

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Okay even weirder.

Zathract Mist said...

What's wrong with being a lesbian, Death?

Jophiel said...

Yeah... One of my eyes won't open and it is only 6:52 here!

Jophiel said...

We have had so many sleep overs, in a double bed, and now she is making out in Melbourne with my enemy!

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Okay even more weird.

Zathract Mist said...

Wait, how old is she?

Jophiel said...

Mmmm, okay! Let's play the waiting game!

Eve the ROCK said...

Hm. Yeah. Okay.

Oh god. My mum just looked at my giant Slulduggery and said "Should we cut his head off?" If I was standing, I would've fallen over.

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Theres a lot of weirdness in the world.

Jophiel said...

And her girlfriend is 9

Zathract Mist said...

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's illegal then.

Star Inkbright said...

@shrugs* WHy shouldn't she cut his head ff? He has a spare. :P

Jophiel said...

Well, love is love...
*Silently gags*

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Yeah but try sticking it back on.
And that's like weird to the power of 50.

Zathract Mist said...

Well, yeah, that's fine, they can be together. But you said they were 'making out', which is illegal at their age.

Luciana said...

Sparky...You might have left us, for an incredibly lame reason, but I still love you. My little sister that is always there for me, no matter what happens. You're a bright spark that brightens everything up, even when everything is so dark it seems impossible to ever get better. You'll brighten up the world with your talent with words - you're one of the most talented writers I have ever known. I would honestly have a tough time deciding between your writing and Derek's...You're always going to be in my heart, because despite being blog, and fandom, famous you're down to earth. And you even accepted me, which is something a lot of people seem to find difficult. Before I started commenting on the blog I looked up to you, because you have always been amazingly brilliant. Now? Now I couldn't be more thankful for calling you one of my best friends. Every time you're on here at the same time as me, I know I'm going to have a laugh. I remember the first time I ever got an e-mail from you. I almost screamed in disbelief. I love you, girl. I'm never going to forget you, even if you forget me. I hope you see this and I hope you'll return, because without you I don't know where I'd be. I owe you so much and thank you will never be enough...but, it's a start. So, thank you, Sparky. Thank you for everything, you're inspirational.
Starrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Yes, your name has that many Rs. Now correct your name. :P STAR, I'D CALL YOU BUBBLY BUT YOU'RE A STAR. AND STARS AREN'T BUBBLES.'re starrified. I've always loved stars. The amount of bags I have with stars on is unbelievable. Stars are beautiful; bright; shiny and helpful. You're all of those things and more. Star, you're hilarious, too. Lighting up the night sky! XD You're perfecccccttttt, ACCEPT IT OR I'LL THROW POPCORN AT YOU.
(Cont. Because the next one may hurt to write...)

Jophiel said...

And we are all wierd! Even me! The sicky eating es krim!
Anu... Saya mau es krim!

Jophiel said...

Here here again!

Uilliam Kinsella said...


Jophiel said...

In Indosesian it translates to "Um... I want ice cream!"
That os the only thing I know in Indo!

Jophiel said...

I think I am going to sleep... What do you guys think?

Unapplicable. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Star Inkbright said...

*laughs* Ah, I know the ded isn't finished but I HAVE to say something . . . Thanks, Sequintial! You're awesome! That star/bubbles thing reminds me of the Coco Pops Moons And Star Advert - the one with that fish who wants to visit space, and he looks up at the stars and thinks "Now, how the bubbles I am going to get up there?" And then he goes to space and sees the stars and all, and then it's wonderful, but he was born to be a fish so he goes back home again . . . Okay, rambling. I am not helpful at all btw. I try, and I fail absmylly, but oh welllllll . . .

And I'm not as funny as some. But if I was the most hilarious person ever, I wouldn't find as many things as funny, would I???? So it's all good, to steal your phrase. :)

I AM NOT PERFECT! *stands in front of Sequintial hopefully with hands out ready to try to catch popcorn and eat it*

Unapplicable. said...

I'm back.

Jophiel said...

You said that before Cal!

Luciana said...

LYNXIA LOST. Lynxia is so pretty it hurts. Seriously, she's one of the most beautiful people I've ever known - her heart is pure, too! Lynxia is always there for me when I need her and if I didn't have her in my life...Then I don't know what I'd do. Shew so strong and so perfect. I just wish she could see how amazing I think she is. I PLAN ON MEETING YOU AT A SIGNING NEXT YEAR, LYNXIA. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED. Lynxia was the first blog-sister I got and I love her more than anything, 'cause she's amazingggg. If any of you fail to see her awesome, you need your head checking. If any of you say anything offensive to her, you will have made yourself a new enemy. Lynxia is always here for me and I'd do anything to ensure her happiness and safety, because she means more to me than the world itself - she's the best sister I could ever want. Lynxia, you're my sister, not just blogsister, actual sister. I've decided. I'm so lucky to have you in my life AND WE CAN FANGIRL OVER LINK, LOKI AND LEGOLAS. (what is it with us and the letter L? *realises both Lynxia and Luciana begin with the letter L and laughs*) L IS THE BEST LETTER IN THE ALPHABET.
Now, to anyone I haven't already mentioned....I love you all more than words can say. You're my heroes, I love you all.


Zathract Mist said...

Luce, you're amazing.

That dedication was great.

Jophiel said...

Go Lynxia!

Jophiel said...

There is more to come Zath

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Is there more?

Jophiel said...

Yes, and I'm about to fall asleep...
I feel like a cat!
*Starts meowing and fur starts growing*
*Hisses and discovers it of black fur* *Purrs*

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Today is just jam packed with amazing fantastically bonkers weirdness.

Star Inkbright said...

Ohandimnotquitedonewritingthis> Yes, there's more.

In my secret code language I made up, the letter L is a diamond with a cross on it . . . Not X-style cross. The diamond with the X-style cross on it is the letter J. It's a +-style cross. Yeah.

Jophiel said...

*Starts shrink to the normal size of a cat*

Jophiel said...

*Rubs against Eden's legs*

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Cool, I don't make up my own codes I use historic ones.

Uilliam Kinsella said...

* grabs bridge of nose*
Too much weirdness.
* teleports into mid air constantly so it looks like I'm flying.*

Jophiel said...

*Looks up at Eden*

Star Inkbright said...

I made up one. I can use it to write down things whilst I'm in school so people don't see what I'm writing. Before I invented my own, I used the Artemis Fowl one, which I went to great lengths to work out and learn. I can read all the Gnommish at the bottom of the pages in the books now (albeit slowly), which is awesome. The only flaw in my victory is that they give it out as a font on the website, which is just cheating . . .

Jophiel said...

*Finds snake tail* *Start batting it thinking 'meow meow meow meow meow!'* *Snake turns around and hisses* *Bolts up a tree*

Jophiel said...

Meow meow meow

Luciana said...

Hmm...I think I'm forgetting someone really important...I just can't think who could have hadl a huge impact on my life...I can't think of that person who is always there for me and refuses to hate me...the person that makes me laugh, no matter how I'm feeling. The person that makes me laugh so much that I ache, the person I argue with about who is awesome..The person I could tell anything to and have no fear of being hated.

I'll never forget you, Zath. No matter what happens you're always going to be in my heart, because you're amazing. You're that person I can count on all the time. I've known you for less than a year, but it was only recently when I realised your true worth. There are very few people that I know I am myself around and there are very few people I trust as much as I trust you. You have showed me that I'm not on my own. You have proved to me several times over that there's always something worth fighting for. You've been amazing since always;3 You're always here for me when I need someone. You can tell when there's something wrong without me even having to say so, it seems. *draws a flower on Zath's face in pink highlighter* You stopped me from self-harming. And gave me something to smile about. Keep on writing, I want to be the first to buy your first book, alright? I'll be your biggest stan (stalker-fan, for those of you that are poorly educated);3

Zath, I don't care about your past. And I don't care who you hurt - unless it's Lynxia - because you're amazing and you mean the world to me.

Life is too short, remember? The past is the past, the future is still to come. Let's live in the present, because the present is our time.

Derek, I'd ded to you but you're getting a letter, instead. :P

Now, I'm going again. I'll be back by the 14th of November, for Kallista's birthday. And stay until at least the 18th, maybe stay for good. But I want to be around my friends for my 16th birthday.

Feel free to forget me, I don't mind. It's probably going to be better for you all that way. However, I'd hate you to forget that you're loved. So, even if you choose to forget me, remember that somebody somewhere loves you. You don't have to remember my name or my face, or even my personality. Not even what I've done. Just remember you're loved.

I'll talk to you when I get back, I guess...please excuse my typos. I'll try to reply to some e-mails when I can. I'll read your blogs and leave the odd comment. I might end up blogging once it twice, myself.

Please, everyone, don't die whilst I'm gone... <3

See you all later..


I love you all, even those of you I don't particularly like.

Jophiel said...

*Darts down the tree and into some bushes, hoping never to be found again*

Unapplicable. said...

How long did learning Gnommish take you, Star? Did you decipher it from the books or...?

Unapplicable. said...

Luce. That's just amazing. You're never going to be forgotten, aha. Don't know why you'd think that!
Take care of yourself and do say hello once in a while. Lots of love from my end.

Jophiel said...

Luce! We will never forget you!

Zathract Mist said...


Thanks, Luce...I'm kind of stuck for words here...

Zathract Mist said...

Take care of yourself, L. See you soon, hopefully.

And stay alive, too.

Jophiel said...

Yes! You have to drop by ever now and again! You will make me feel guilty otherwise!

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Thanks I gtg I may poof a few times.

Jophiel said...

Bye Eden and I shall go to sleep now! Goodnight! And Luce, promise me that you come on every now and again!

Jophiel said...

And I leave you with a parting quote: Doth mother know you wearth her drapes?

Star Inkbright said...

SEQUINTIAL. I'll never ever forget you. If you have to go, then, horrible at it makes me seem, I hope you fail dismally and come back a few days later. Even if you don't . . . You'll come back at some point. We can sink our claws into you then. :P

Star Inkbright said...

It was easy, learning the Gnommish. On the first book they have, like, four whole verses in Gnommish followed by the translation in English. Then I wrote down which letters meant what, and starting deciphering all the Gnommish from the bottom of the pages, filling in the blanks in my Gnommish alphabet as I went. Sometimes they put instructions to the humans at the bottom of the pages, sometimes it's, like, a short story . . . Then after a while of reading it all, you just memorise a few of the letters. So I started trying to use it to write in code . . . I kept on forgetting letters, though . . .

Plus the letter Y is kinda complex. It's this crab. One of the reasons I made my own code was coz the Gnommish just takes too much drawing.

Nixion Strange said...

Star, you know in some of the books they have the Gnommish alphebet in the back?

Star Inkbright said...

Btw, that was a truly amazing dedication. :)

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Hey Nix

Jophiel said...

I'm here again... Maybe...

Star Inkbright said...

Not in the copies I read they don't.

And besides, I learnt it. Plus I learnt Centurion (bottom of book two, in the English copies with old covers at least), which was so easy it doesn't really count as learning at all seeing as it's just slightly warped English. And I learnt that complex code in book three (again, English copies, oldest covers) where they have all the lines in columns . . . AND THEY WOULDN'T HAVE PUT THE ALPHABET OF THAT UP. I would never have used that as a code though. TAKE TO LONG TO WRITE OUT ALL THOSE LINES IN THE RIGHT PLACE. Plus that was harder to learn. I got it from taking the book's cover off (it was a hardback) and the name of the author and the name of the book were written on the spine in that complex lined-columned code, so I got a few letters from there and painstakingly proceeded . . . Hardest code by far. Then books four and onwards just had Gnommish again, which was . . . disappointing . . .

Jophiel said...

Uh... Is it normal to cough up blood?

Zathract Mist said...

Only if you're one of us, Death.

Not really though, no... You should tell someone about that.

Hi Nix.

Star Inkbright said...

Well. I say I learnt the complex code. Not really. I temporarily learnt a bit, and just had to look at my piece of paper tours de temps while I was deciphering the stuff at the bottom of the pages. So, not leanrt. :P

Jophiel said...

Okay... I will! I doubt I can go to the hospital, we are in the middle if Lake Eildon...

Jophiel said...

Mum says she will see how I go during the night...

Jophiel said...

Okay, I'm sleeping now!

Zathract Mist said...

Oh, it's also pretty natural if you happen to be a vocalist for a Death Metal/Black Metal/Doom Metal/Heavy Metal/Scream Metal/Metalcore/Deathcore band.

But otherwise, no.

Star Inkbright said...

No. Have you seen the adverts on the buses? "Had a cough for over three weeks? Blood when you cough?" "Time to call your doctor."

Not trying to scare you, but no, it's not normal.

Jophiel said...

Nope, I don't sing that kinda stuff, I sing to Mayday Parade, Lorenna McKennitt, Short Stack and a few others...

Jophiel said...

I'm not a smoker!

Zathract Mist said...

Yeah, it was a joke.

Unapplicable. said...

Just... make sure you get it checked it out as soon as possible.

Zathract Mist said...

Well, a joke for this matter. It's actually true, but... *shuts up*


Yeah, get it checked out, Death...

Jophiel said...

Yep! Will do! After I sleep! G'Nighf guys!

Jophiel said...


Zathract Mist said...

Bye, Death.

Star Inkbright said...

I never said you were a smoker. I never even thought it. Okay, my thoughts jumped to smoking when you said "coughing up blood", but only because my dad smokes and I have known him to cough up blood, which is slightly scary . . :/

Uilliam Kinsella said...

G'night Death.

Star Inkbright said...


Unapplicable. said...

Good night, Death. Make sure someone checks up on you continuously as you sleep. Better safe than sorry.

Jophiel said...

Okay, I understand!
*Lays back down*
I am really sleeping this time!

Nixion Strange said...

Bye Death

Jophiel said...

Meh... I'll sleep later! My lungs hurt too bad anyway!

So! What's up?

Uilliam Kinsella said...

So Nix have you got anything new in stock?

Nixion Strange said...


Uilliam Kinsella said...

Guns ?
What sort of weapons dealer are you?
* grins*
I heard you accept money.

Nixion Strange said...

Oh. Right
Sorry, I'm a little distracted...

What do you want?

Zathract Mist said...

Oh, yeah, the weapons, Nix...

Eve the ROCK said...

Bye Lucy Anna, see you soon! Don't worry, I won't forget you, but come back soon! I need at least one Lucy in my life!

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Well, lets see.
Got any AK47s or smith and wessons

Uilliam Kinsella said...

? Forgot the ?

Nixion Strange said...

I got a few Smith and Western's
I don't deal in guns specifically much

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Well then do you have any rapiers or sabres?

Zathract Mist said...

You have any other Onyx-Hilt knives?

Jophiel said...

Nope, I'm gone again!

Nixion Strange said...

Yeah Eden

I only have the pair Mist, and someone else has reserved them for a good price

Zathract Mist said...


Zathract Mist said...


Jophiel said...

I have a rapier! Take it! It is free!
*Throws rapier over to Eden* *Dissapears*

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Actually any sabres or cutlasses?

Star Inkbright said...

*watches with interest*

Zathract Mist said...


Okay then...

*looks through the rest of the shelves of knives*

Jophiel said...

My dad has a cutlass! Name your price in Aud

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Nice on Mist.

Nixion Strange said...

Yes Eden
I have most non gun weapons

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Something black with some industrial diamonds on the blade or woven razor.

Nixion Strange said...

No diamonds on the blade, but a few magical weapons that cut through almost anything, scars that don't heal, cause ever lasting pain...

Jophiel said...

It's a woven razor and it is black... I could give you some diamonds for it...

Uilliam Kinsella said...

And I'll give you a bit extra if you engrave ET into the hilt.

Jophiel said...

Me? I can do that!

Jophiel said...

The pluses of your dad having any toy you could possibly think of!!!

Nixion Strange said...

What weapon do you want?

Eve the ROCK said...

Well, since you're all trading weapons...

Star (if you're still here), a banana for a banana?

Zathract Mist said...

*shrugs and picks out two regular looking knives with fairly long blades and a good hilt-grip*

How much?

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Death please, weapons dealers are talking.
So a sabre, black with a gold Pommel and cross guard and ET in gold as well.

Jophiel said...

Oh! While I am here, do you have any sai knives or tridents?

Uilliam Kinsella said...

And I want it perfectly balanced please, and don't forget woven razor, it has to be woven razor.

Jophiel said...

Huh, you dont think this girl us into weapons and guns?
Typical men!

Nixion Strange said...

Mist... Hmmm...
*gives piece of paper with price on it*

Eden, I'll have it soon, okay?

Star Inkbright said...

That sounds reasonable, Master. *takes out banana and swaps it for Eve's*

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Thank you Nix, always a pleasure doing business with you.

Nixion Strange said...

I do Death

Jophiel said...

Yeah, that is everything that dad's cutlass is!
I bloody go shooting with him every month!
*Mutters angrily*
Why do men think it is unnatural for girls to go motorbike riding, to go shooting, to go 4x4ing and love it???

Nixion Strange said...

Uh uh, now about the price Eden

Star Inkbright said...

*gets email telling me Eve has commented* Inkystar what?

Zathract Mist said...

*examines the paper*

Hmm... *nods*

*throws Nix a bag of money containing the aforementioned price and two dictionaries*

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Yes Nix what do I owe you.
* takes out massive wallet*

Jophiel said...

Thank you Nix! Wait, do you mean that you have a trident and/or sai knives or about how you know that I am into guns and weapons too?

Nixion Strange said...

Thanks Mist

Now Eden, I don't always deal in money, and what you're asking is worth more than just cash

Uilliam Kinsella said...

I see, so what are we talking 4, 5 favours.

Nixion Strange said...

Both Death

Nixion Strange said...

Favours? No
I want something else in return

Jophiel said...

*Continues to mutter*
Stupid men think that getting a motorbike for your birthday is beyond strange! Men always wondering what a girl will do with her own ford GT...

Uilliam Kinsella said...

And what might that be?

Jophiel said...

Yes! How much?

Nixion Strange said...

I need a particular object, magical properties. I would like you to... aquire it, for me

Jophiel said...

And Zath, you need to ded!

Nixion Strange said...

Death, what exactly do you want? One trident and a pair of knifes? Be specific

Zathract Mist said...

Ya know, Nix, I'd do that and probably almost anything else for free, right?

Zathract Mist said...

Huh. That I do, Death...

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Sure, and what might that object be ?
* leans in interested in the subject*

Nixion Strange said...

I know Mist, but it's funnier if I watch him try to do it

Eve the ROCK said...

*pockets brand-new banana*


Jophiel said...

Sai knives, woven razor, maybe a golden chakram, woven razor... Anything is affordable!

Zathract Mist said...

*almost laughs*

Alright, fair enough.

*slots new knives in holders on the inside of jacket*

Jophiel said...

Well, I like to drive nice cars, and I am like Tanith in a way, we love motorbikes!

Uilliam Kinsella said...

So Nix, what we talking gold medallion, ancient weapon etc.

Nixion Strange said...

I'm not going for money from you Death
Give me an exact list of what you want, not just general objects

Star Inkbright said...


Nixion Strange said...

A box Eden
The box... and what's in it

Uilliam Kinsella said...

I'm hoping you'll tell me.

Zathract Mist said...


Could this box possibly be the device that currently holds and contains the demon known as...


Jophiel said...

Sai Knives: woven razor, good grip, balanced, lightweight
Trident: strong, gold, shoulder height, light weight
Chakram: golden, woven razor, light, balanced, needs good blade

Nixion Strange said...

That, Eden, is need to know. And you don't need to know
Give me the box, unopened, and you'll get you're weapons.

Jophiel said...

Zath, ded!

Nixion Strange said...

*rolls eyes at Death*
How many knifes?

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Certainly and where might I find this box?

Jophiel said...


Nixion Strange said...

Mist, if I could tell you, I would. But not until I have it can I say what's in it

Jophiel said...

Sai knives come in a pair...

Zathract Mist said...

I'm writing it, Death.

Jophiel said...


Nixion Strange said...

I don't know what Sai knifes are Death, I just tell my workers to bring them and they do

So Death, a price...

Nixion Strange said...

You want the location Eden?

Tell me, ever heard of a place called the Cast Gates

Jophiel said...

Anything is affordable!
*Hides dad's walet behind back*

Uilliam Kinsella said...

I'll handle this
* hands Nix a wad of cash *
Keep the change.
Now about the assignment?

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Maybe I've heard of it maybe I haven't.

Nixion Strange said...

I don't want money Eden

*burns it*

A different price Death

Uilliam Kinsella said...

In truth I haven't.

Uilliam Kinsella said...

There was 2,500 euros there!
* calms down *
Okay about the gates?

Jophiel said...

And what is that?

Nixion Strange said...

You haven't?
Well, it'll be exciting to go for you then, now won't it?

Death, any suggestions on what your price should be?

Zathract Mist said...

Ooh, Nix! Can I go with him too?

*has a video camera at the ready*

Jophiel said...

Anything! I can double it!
*Holds up dad's multiple check books and his credit cards*

Nixion Strange said...

*burns all of it*

I don't want money Death

Nixion Strange said...

You can if you want Mist... but you may not want to

Jophiel said...

Want do you want then?

Uilliam Kinsella said...

I don't mind if Mist comes,
It'll means I'll have a witness to all my heroic deeds.
* straightens tie*

Jophiel said...


Jophiel said...

"He knows when you are sleeping, he knows when you're awake..."

Zathract Mist said...

Nah, I think I do.

Besides, I'll have Coward as 'protection'.

*rolls eye at the Black Bear*

Jophiel said...

So Nix, what do you want from me...?

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Who's the black bear?

Nixion Strange said...

Actually Death, I was hoping you would go with Eden to the Cast Gates

Jophiel said...

Sure! Why not?

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Aww but it's supposed to be an adventure.

Nixion Strange said...

And why will it not be an adventure now?

Zathract Mist said...

Oh, well never mind, I suppose.

*chucks Death the video camera*

Record it all, kay?

Jophiel said...

What?! Again! Men! Thinking that a girl isn't up for this!

ARGH! I'll go get it myself... Brief me later!

*Shimmers away*

Nixion Strange said...

Death- please don't God Mod

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