Saturday, March 3, 2012

Heading Down Under Again!

Yes, the rumours (and, er, the announcement in the back of a few books) are true- 2012 will see my second trip to Australia and New Zealand for a Skulduggery tour. I will spend two weeks in August- from the 6th to the 20th- going around meeting the Minions-who-talk-funny and signing whatever they have to sign. The first few days will be spent in NZ, then off to Oz. Details, such as exactly which cities I'll be visiting, shall be forthcoming as soon as I have them. I actually have no input into where I visit because my publishers do all the arranging, and I just go where I'm told to go.

My last tour, in 2010, was a huge success and every single day I was startled by the reaction. It was exhausting, with an astonishing amount of travel, but so worth it.

When I get back home, I have a little over a week to recover before the Ireland/UK tour kicks off. We're going to be doing something different this year- instead of heading over to the UK for 10 straight days, I'll be heading over for three weekends in a row. The plan is to pack as many signings in as possible on days when none of you will have school or college or work, so hopefully you can come along if you haven't had a chance to before. Again, further details will be available once I have them.

And now for something completely different...

How did you enjoy World Book Day? I know, I know, different countries have World Book Day at different times of the year, and some countries don't have World Book Day at all, so, the very term itself is kind of misleading... but ANYWAY...

I had a very good World Book Day, thank you very much. I was over in London with a bunch of other writers for a huge webcast thingy that was broadcast to three quarters of a million students across Ireland and the UK and, I don't know, possibly elsewhere. We each had five minutes onstage, which isn't a whole lot of time. I ended up talking about my dogs, for some reason. It was manic, but amusing.

Behind the scenes, however, was where the real fun was taking place. Put ten authors in a room, especially authors who write for young people, and after a while things are going to get slightly odd. And when a camera comes out to record interviews? Oh dearie me. I'm sure they'll be posted on soon enough, so you can watch as responsible adults (such as me) turn into immature kids as we try to make each other laugh. Fun and games galore with Andy Stanton and Steve Cole and Chris Bradford, while Cressida Cowell looked on in astonishment. Eoin Colfer wasn't above having a bit of a lark himself, but Holly Webb and Jeremy Strong did the wise thing and stayed well away from the rest of us. Jacqueline Wilson, meanwhile, must have wondered what the hell was going on.

To end the webcast, we all trotted back onstage to meet The Duchess of Cornwall. I'm completely ignorant about all things royal family-ish, and I may have forgotten to stop chewing gum when I was shaking her hand. But I DID smile and say "pleased to meet you", so that was something, wasn't it? At least I didn't have my hands in my pockets, like Ronan O'Gara did when the Queen met the Irish rugby team.

Which, I have to say, I think is hilariously dim.


I've been on TV quite a lot lately, and it's all thanks to World Book Day, so thank you, World Book Day, for interfering with my writing week. I was on the Alan Titchmarsh Show, which most of you know about, and then I was on Live With Gabby on Channel 5 a few days later, then I was on Elev8 on RTE yesterday, and on Tuesday morning I'll be on Ireland Am on TV3...

Good GOD. I'll be sick of myself, I swear I will.

And I can't even get away from myself in newspapers, either. The Guardian asked me to list my ten favourite villains from YA/children's fiction, and you can see if you agree with me by clicking here .

( I didn't include any of MY villains, because obviously mine would be best, and I'm far too modest to proclaim that in a national newspaper.)

Okay, that's enough babbling. It's 2:30 in the afternoon and I haven't eaten anything yet. Must make lunch.

Oh! One last thing! Take a look at this video- - which promotes standing up to homophobic bullying. I mean, life is hard enough to get through without bullies making things worse, and the only decent thing to do is stand up for your friends when they need you.

And NOW I'm going to make lunch.


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Zathract Mist said...

Are you all going to leave to to talk to myself again?

Zathract Mist said...

That's not very nice.

Zathract Mist said...


Zathract Mist said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Oh, right. Um, the ring? I haven't seen it, but the trailer freaked me out.

Zathract Mist said...


Zathract Mist said...

Ah, the Ring.

I'll look at that now...

Lynxia Lost said...

I s Nix still here? He seems to have vanished...

Zathract Mist said...

Oh, god, what's behind the door?

Zathract Mist said...


Eve and Nix need to be more activer.

Zathract Mist said...


Zathract Mist said...

What;s behind the door?

Eve the ROCK said...

What do you mean, mist?

Zathract Mist said...

Never mind.

*carefully continues watching trailer*

...Oh god, oh god, oh god...

Eve the ROCK said...

Scary movies off the top of my head:

The ring

The woman in black


Shutter island

Paranormal activity three

An American werewolf in London

Dawn of the dead (not scary, just delightfully gory)

Zathract Mist said...

Watch this. I haven't seen it.

And the Ring trailer wasn't scary...

Eve the ROCK said...

Oh, and the hole. Beware of Jitter girl!

Zathract Mist said...


*screams at The Rite trailer*

Zathract Mist said...

Eve, watch the link!

Lynxia Lost said...

God that's a freaky trailer...

Zathract Mist said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Watched it. Wasn't scared! *remains as stubborn as that*

Lynxia Lost said...

Yeah, not scary just Golden God damn freaky.

Zathract Mist said...

Yeah, I just keep thinking they'll be pop ups...

Silly me.

Lynxia Lost said...

Finished Part 4, not putting it up though... Ha ha ha...

Zathract Mist said...





Lynxia Lost said...

No, well, all right...

Eve the ROCK said...


Lynxia Lost said...

OK, it's up.

Zathract Mist said...




*pounds head on desk*



Eve the ROCK said...

You know what? I think I prefer gory movies to scary zombie movies!

Zathract Mist said...

*continues listening*


I am actually laughing this hard!

Eve the ROCK said...

Hahaha yeah that was playing when they were in the mall having fun while zombies were rampaging right outside the door. But the disturbed version was definitely playing when all the survivors died anyway.

Zathract Mist said...

Was it this one?

Lynxia Lost said...

Watch this and 1 and 3, that one ^^^ is number 2!

Zathract Mist said...

Read and commented, Lynxia.

Eve the ROCK said...

Yep that's the one.

Zathract Mist said...


Stupid Richard Cheese...

*watches if Pokemon were real*


Zathract Mist said...



Eve the ROCK said...

Haha that was funny.

See, I'm watching all these vids for you and yet none of you watched jake and Amir.

Lynxia Lost said...

I have! It was funny!

For just 2 weeks!


Zathract Mist said...

I already did.

It was funny. xD

Lynxia Lost said...

I adore Smosh! It's so amazing!

You all thought my name was Zelda!
That's a f**king girls name!

Zathract Mist said...

*stars drumming out the opening to Down With the Sickness*

Zathract Mist said...


I haven't hugged you today, Eve.


I don't think I had anyway.

Lynxia Lost said...

Watch this, it's sssoooo funny. If you've seen Star Trek it might make more sense.

Eve the ROCK said...

No, I think you have hugged me, but still. *hugs*

Read and commented, Lynxia.

Oh, good. I thought my links were in vain.

Lynxia Lost said...

Have you watched the link?

Eve the ROCK said...

Haha I had no idea what those little potatoes were saying.

Zathract Mist said...

I am getting this shirt.


Lynxia Lost said...

Watch that then this...

Lynxia Lost said...


Zathract Mist said...

Anyone want a sneak peak of Zathract Mist Chapter 17?

Lynxia Lost said...


Zathract Mist said...

Or not.

*cries in fake misery*

Eve the ROCK said...

I have to go now. Bye:(

Lynxia Lost said...

We want to wait to read it all, not just sneak peaks...

Lynxia Lost said...

Bye Eve! *hugs*

Zathract Mist said...

Bye Eve!

Zathract Mist said...

Wow. It's been one day and already there's almost 2,000 comments.

Zathract Mist said...


Lynxia Lost said...

lots of comments...

Eve the ROCK said...

I'm back, but slow to comment

Lynxia Lost said...

K Eve. brb

Zathract Mist said...

Yay. Eve is back.


"And then a sudden wave of tiredness crashed over me."

Lynxia Lost said...


Zathract Mist said...


Zathract Mist said...

*looks at iTunes*

Oh no. Meaning of Life is playing...

Lexie said...

(You can imagine me saying this in my Aussie accent if you really want, since you seem to find it amusing...)

Found TEOTW for four bucks in Target. Lots of squealing, fistpumps and jumping on the spot ensued because I could actually afford it since I'm a poor uni student. The shopkeeper shelving books about five metres away from me stared as I whipped out my phone and called my bestie to ask *coughIn frantic gibberishcough* if she wanted a copy. At the top of my lungs. Whilst still bouncing on the balls of my feet.

The shopkeeper abandoned the massive pile of books on the floor and sidled past me with her head down before speedwalking out of there. I regret nothing.

I finished it on the bus a short time later, and when I read the final page the excited gibbering and bouncing was repeated. On the bus. With lots of people staring at me.
You had better come to Melbourne.

Zathract Mist said...

Yay. It's changed.

*goes back to editing*

Zathract Mist said...

Hello, Lexie, if you turn out to be one of the people who actually talk here rather than comment once and leave.

If not, then bye.

Zathract Mist said...


I suppose it's a bye then.

Eve has an excuse for not replying but, Lynxia? You have none.

*whines pathetically*

Say something.

Zathract Mist said...

Or, you could, you know, not say anything and let me ramble on mindlessly.

Zathract Mist said...


Zathract Mist said...

Maybe I'm just being impatient.

Zathract Mist said...

I probably am.

Lynxia Lost said...

Where'd everyone go, it's gone so quiet...

Zathract Mist said...

But I'm a very impatient person.

Zathract Mist said...

Ah, Liberate is playing.

Lots of swearing.


It isn't that bad I suppose...

Zathract Mist said...

Oh, good, you are talking.

Zathract Mist said...

Eve the ROCK said...

There. Here, my friends, is an almost satisfactory presentation on the Slip Slop Slap program. And now for History!

Slip slop slap, seek and slide, have fun outside, but don't get fried *wags finger at audience*...

Lynxia Lost said...

Sparky vanished on the last page too.

Zathract Mist said...

So she did.

Zathract Mist said...

Nix's gone.

Wait, what happened to Star?

Oh, I remember now.

Zathract Mist said...

And that was it.

Zathract Mist said...

I'm gonna have to go soon.

Either because I'm told to or because I'll be too tired to continue, I do not know.

*waves hands mysteriously*

Lynxia Lost said...

Yeah, and then I'll be all alone...

Eve the ROCK said...

No, you won't. I'm still here.

Eve the ROCK said...

LALALALALALALALALALALALALA!!!! *grabs Mist's hands and jumps up and down*

Zathract Mist said...

*jumps up and down with her*

Why *jump* is *jump* this *jump* happening *jump* ??

Lynxia Lost said...

Yeah, but you said you will be a slow commenter.

Eve the ROCK said...

BECAUSE *jump* I'm supposed to be *jump* doing my homework! *jump*

Zathract Mist said...

*is still jumping mindlessly*

I *jump* wonder *jump* if *jump* I'll *jump* ever *jump* meet *jump* you *jump* guys. *jump*

Eve the ROCK said...

*stops* I wish I could meet you too.

Zathract Mist said...

Ah. *jump*

It's an evil *jump* energy, homework. *jump*

*looks over at maths homework*

I...still have one more day...DO I?!

*runs off quickly and check's School Planner*

*comes back and starts jumping again*

Yes, I have until *jump* Tuesday *jump* for maths. *jump*

Lynxia Lost said...

Probably won't meet me. England remember...

Eve the ROCK said...

Because by then, ill actually allowed to have a boyfriend, and everything wil be fine!

Zathract Mist said...

Oh, we're stopping.

Yeah, I want to meet you. Maybe we'll see each other when Derek comes.

*starts jumping again absent-mindedly*

Derek's coming to Australia!
Maybe my parents will take me up to Adelaide. He WILL be here on my birthday after all.

*remembers something*

I'm one month older than you! Which means...wait, what day is your birthday?

Eve the ROCK said...

Yeah. Unless I spontaneously teleport to England.

Zathract Mist said...


My parents don't really care if I have a girlfriend or not.

They don't want me talking to people online though.

Shhh! They don't know.

Eve the ROCK said...

7th of September.

Zathract Mist said...

Because teleportation is so easy these days!

*runs to tree-house*

So easy!

Zathract Mist said...

7th...I'll need to work out what to get you.

Eve the ROCK said...

Yeah. My mum doesn't like it when my older brother goes on Facebook, but this isn't the same. I cant talk to you anywhere else.

Lynxia Lost said...

I don't have Facebook...

Zathract Mist said...

I don't have Facebook.

Eve the ROCK said...

*smiles* I always forget birthdays so you're gonna have to remind me. August 9th right?

Zathract Mist said...

I will soon though.

I keep bugging my dad.

My main problem is that if my parents find my blog, I'm screwed. So I made a new one to give them when they ask for a link, but still, they could search. And then they would find it. Then read the post about Nix and Mist.
And then they'll know that I've been talking to Nix about writing.
And then they'll guess that I've been talking to others too.

And then I'll be gone forever. :(

Zathract Mist said...

9th, that's it!

Eve the ROCK said...

I don't have Facebook yet. When I'm thirteen I'll get it. Don't know if I'll use it much though.

Eve the ROCK said...

Don't talk about that, Mist. :(

Lynxia Lost said...

I wish I could meet you guys. *hugs Zath and Eve* Group hug!

Eve the ROCK said...

*group hug*

Lynxia Lost said...


Zathract Mist said...

Bye, Lynxia!

Zathract Mist said...

Oh, wait, are you leaving?

Eve the ROCK said...

Ugh, history is sooooo boring.

Zathract Mist said...

New blog post!

Zathract Mist said...

It can;t be worse than GEOGRAPHY...*groans at thought from last lesson*

I don't mind our teacher though. For the first two lessons she drowned us in useless knowledge and stuff but since then she's been distracted and ended up using class time to tell us stories of floods and and other stuff. It's funny.
She even has a motto we made up for her: "It's off-topic, but it's interesting, so I'll tell you about it."


Zathract Mist said...


Zathract Mist said...


I have to get off now.

I'll get on my iPod but there's no promise my internet will stay. :(


Eve the ROCK said...

Read and commented.

Eve the ROCK said...

Okay. *hugs*

*looks at time*

*rushes to get History assignment done*

Zathract Mist said...

Commented back. Thanks. :)

Zathract Mist said...

Ok, I'm on iPod.

Eve the ROCK said...

Cool. Homeworks a breeze....*is delirious*

Zathract Mist said...


*falls onto bed*

No. I need a shower...

*staggers into bathroom*

Eve the ROCK said...

I followed your other blog. :)

Eve the ROCK said...

*nods* Okay. *turns to assignment* Hehehe. Assigniment. AssIGNMENT. ASSignment....

Zathract Mist said...

Oh, that one. I probably won't do anything on it.

Zathract Mist said...

*laughs stupidly*

I'm going to have a shower now, sorry if my dad kills the Internet while I'm gone.

Eve the ROCK said...

That's alright. I have an assignment to keep me busy. :)

Zathract Mist said...

I am back!

Eve the ROCK said...

Yay! *hugs Mist*

Eve the ROCK said...

*bubbles with purple tea leaves* Yay!

Robin Snowscar said...

Hurdy Gurdy Mushroom Man Has Locked Me In A Frying Pan

Robin Snowscar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zathract Mist said...

*hugs back*

Hi Robin.

Zathract Mist said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Robin.

Zathract Mist said...


Zathract Mist said...


Zathract Mist said...


Eve the ROCK said...


Zathract Mist said...


Eve the ROCK said...


Robin Snowscar said...

And Everybody Laughs At Me - The Frozen Scarecrow In The Sea


Zathract Mist said...

My head is throbbing. That damn hot water...

Eve the ROCK said...

Hehe. *kisses cheek* You'll never catch up, no matter how hard you try.

Zathract Mist said...


Zathract Mist said...


I will.

...I will.

Eve the ROCK said...

I like hot water. Except when it burns me. Which happens on an alarmingly regular basis.

Robin Snowscar said...

*sings really loud*
Fluffy hair on a polar bear
Means more to me than a lavatory

Zathract Mist said...

Oh no.

I think my Internet will go soon.

Zathract Mist said...

Or not...

Zathract Mist said...


Zathract Mist said...

I think it's staying.

Eve the ROCK said...

*pushes Robin into lake* There's a polar bear in there -

*forgets what self was about to say*

There's a bear in there...

Zathract Mist said...

I hope it is...

Zathract Mist said...


Zathract Mist said...


Zathract Mist said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Yay! *worships internet*

Robin Snowscar said...

Eve. I can't swim. *stands up and walks out of lake and gives Eve a massive hug* No you're wet too

Zathract Mist said...


And now we're even.


Eve the ROCK said...

*squeals at cold water*

Grrrr! *tackles*

Rim. said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Hello Rim! *continues to tackle Mist*

Zathract Mist said...

*rolls around*

Argh, cold water!

Zathract Mist said...

Hi Rim!

*gets tackled again*

Rim. said...

Hi ink!!!

Eve the ROCK said...

*shakes off cold water like a dog*

Robin Snowscar said...

Hey Rim

Eve the ROCK said...

Star's here? Hi Star!

Zathract Mist said...

Nets going!

Zathract Mist said...


*hugs Eve, tackles again and vanishes*

Robin Snowscar said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Bye Mist! *hugs*

Eve the ROCK said...


Zathract Mist said...


It's still there.

But it'll die very soon.

In the meantime though, *tackles into lake*

Robin Snowscar said...

Gah I must go will be back, later!

Zathract Mist said...

Bye Robin!

Rim. said...

Gota go for lunch, BYE!!

Zathract Mist said...



Zathract Mist said...


Zathract Mist said...

Internet probably died. Oh well...

Eve the ROCK said...


Eve the ROCK said...


Eve the ROCK said...

What is the meaning of this madness?

Eve the ROCK said...

Oh sheesh y'all

Eve the ROCK said...

πŸ’© does this look like a smiling turd to you? Or chocolate ice cream?

Zathract Mist said...

Smiling turd.

I made a post on the other blog, Eve!

Eve the ROCK said...

Cool! I'll check it out.

Eve the ROCK said...

Read and commented! I shall switch to my iPod now, and, uh, mum might muder the internet when/if she finds out I finished my homework. I'll be with you in a sec.

Zathract Mist said...

Ok. :)

Zathract Mist said...

🐸 it's a frog!!!

Eve the ROCK said...

I am now wrapped on a blanket

Eve the ROCK said...

πŸ’it's me!

Zathract Mist said...

😞 no chickens...

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