Monday, January 9, 2012

The First 10,000

Just thought you'd like to know, because you are eager Minions who care about these things, that I have apparently started Book 7. Ten thousand words written since Friday.

And some of them even make sense.


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Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Oh... I do ash wednesday...

But I have to go now, bye!

bluebird said...

star, u still there??

bluebird said...


Stephanie Edgley said...


Hi, bluebird *hugs*

bluebird said...


bluebird said...

hi *hugs*

bluebird said...

happy pancake day!!!!!!!! :)

Stephanie Edgley said...

As bluebird not aa nuebird^

Bye, val!

bluebird said...

*flips pancake*

bluebird said...

haha i love doing the star thingy

bluebird said...

*nom nom nom eat pancake*+

Stephanie Edgley said...

Happy pancake day!

They don't celebrate it in the us, val just told me.

bluebird said...

hehe do u want a pancake?? hahahaha

bluebird said...

relly, y????

Stephanie Edgley said...

*eats skittles*

Ha. I like skittles better.

Stephanie Edgley said...

In fact . . .


*eats tuna mayo sandwich*

bluebird said...

damn skittles
*throws pan into sky*

bluebird said...

i thought u hated mayo

bluebird said...


Stephanie Edgley said...

Val says PASTA!, eve says SLAUGHTERHOUSE! and i say TUNA MAYO!

bluebird said...

*eating mayo*

bluebird said...

ok then.. haha

Stephanie Edgley said...

I don't like mayo, but i <3 TUNA mayo.

*throws chicken mayo sandwich at blue*

Can i call you blue?

bluebird said...

im going to write about llamas lol, im just like u now *llama llama llama*

bluebird said...

ye u can call me blue

bluebird said...

i love chicken mayo

bluebird said...


Stephanie Edgley said...

YOU'RE GOING TO WRITE ABOUT LLAMAS??? *has a heart attack*

G2g now, british awards:( bb later.

Jakro Tintreach said...

oh... no one here... got to go then

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Er... I'm sort of back...

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Nope... I'm not.

Zathract Mist said...


I'm not here. Bye!

Robin Snowscar said...

It's oh so quiet
It's oh so still
You're all alone
And so peaceful until...

Robin Snowscar said...

Wow, nothing. Really?

Robin Snowscar said...

Okay so this *points accusingly at blogger* is messed up.

Robin Snowscar said...

It won't let me post! *growls*

Unknown said...

Wow the comments are filling up so fast here!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Robin Snowscar said...

Ha heya Flame

Unknown said...


Robin Snowscar said...


Unknown said...

I just finished the first one in two days.

I think I'm in love.

I haven't been this in love since SP & HP

Robin Snowscar said...

I finished the first one in maybe 4 hours :)

Unknown said...

Its soooo addicting. The way she leaves something new at the last paragraph of each chapter that makes you dying to read the next one .

Robin Snowscar said...

Yeah I love HG so much! Team Gale :3

Unknown said...

I don't really know Gale that well but I'm guessing hes in the next book more. I find Peeta a bit needy or something =P

Robin Snowscar said...

Same here he's like a little puppy! Gale on the other hand *winks*

Unknown said...

Hes way more good looking In the movie trailer xD

Robin Snowscar said...

Liam Hemsworth YAY

Unknown said...

BYe! I am off to the sleepland in which I sleep. Its full of clouds and teddy bears and all of that

Robin Snowscar said...

I'm goin' to chat!

Rim. said...

Anyone online can't go on chat...

Stephanie Edgley said...

Hi, gab. If you're still here, that is.

Stephanie Edgley said...

I am still waiting, people who come on in the future. I am still checking back occasionally. If you leave a comment, then wait, i will reply. Maybe not immediently, but soon. This guarantee is still valid until i say otherwise.

Gabriel said...

Hello Star

Gabriel said...

Ok then you're not here.
It's interval here and I have to go in like two minutes.

Stephanie Edgley said...

I'm here!

Stephanie Edgley said...

But you're not . . . Great.

I am still waiting, people who come on in the future. I am still checking back occasionally. If you leave a comment, then wait, i will reply. Maybe not immediently, but soon. This guarantee is still valid until i say otherwise.

Gabriel said...

Bye Star.

Stephanie Edgley said...

Bye gab.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Rim. said...


Rim. said...

Hi!!! *hugs*
How're you???

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I'm eating a candy cane, despite the fact that I'm sick.

Rim. said...

Ah nice... Not the sick part, the candy part!!
Have u got a cold or fever or something?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Eh, I don't know... I threw up earlier, I have a cough... So that qualifies as sick, I suppose.

Stephanie Edgley said...

Hi val! Hi rim!

Rim. said...

Yeah it does... I've not thrown up in 5/6 years...
Are you 13 tomorrow or is that Flame??

Stephanie Edgley said...

I have a guarantee now. So i don't miss people by minutes all the time. It is:

I am still waiting, people who come on in the future. I am still checking back occasionally. If you leave a comment, then wait, i will reply. Maybe not immediently, but soon. This guarantee is still valid until i say otherwise.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

That's Flame. I'm not thirteen till April 29.

Rim. said...

Oh!! Your only 10 months younger than me!!!
Hi Star *hugs*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

10 months exactly, or...?

Stephanie Edgley said...

That's flame!

I'm going places tomorrow, and staying at my grandma's, so i probably won't be on then:( Half terms are meant for resting!

Rim. said...

Almost 11 actually mine is 7/7.
Same as the 7/7 attacks...

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Hmmm... My birthday is the same day as that huge royal wedding, so less people pay attention to me.

Stephanie Edgley said...

I'm eight months older than you then val. Not exactly. If we were in the same country, we'd be in the same school year.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

My brother's a buttmunch-eavesdroping person.

Rim. said...

Just looked in the mirror and I have a tennis ball sized bruise on my stomach...

Stephanie Edgley said...

Well it's not as bad as having your birthday on christmas day is it?

At least, not in england . . . We don't do thanksgiving . . . What IS thanksgiving, anyway?

Rim. said...

Whats he doin?

Stephanie Edgley said...

Did you get hit by a tennis ball, by any chance?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Thanksgiving is when American people celebrate a huge feast the 13 colonies had when they left England. I think.

Stephanie Edgley said...

Okay . . . We just have christmas.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I wanna hit my brother in the face... With a baseball bat...

Rim. said...

Nah actually! I wales into someone's baseball bat... Basically they accidentally swung it as I was walking by and the bruise is near my hip so it hurts... But I can't stop poking it!!

Rim. said...

*I walked into

Stephanie Edgley said...


Well, no, i didn't tell you.

Rim. said...

Hi! This is Hawthornes friend and I wanted to say that, Ivy you look fit and I would go out with u if u went to my school! Peace!!!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...



Stephanie Edgley said...

Jakro once said something about swinging a baseball bat and running screaming into a wall . . . I've forgotten exactly what it was . . . Anyway, i said to him, that sounds like something val would do, and he said, maybe without the baseball bat though.

He was wrong! Ha!

Rim. said...

I go to to toilet and I come back to see THAT!!!!! I'm gona kill him!!!!
BYE VAL *hugs*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*glances back at the comment Rim's friend posted*

Uh... What?

Stephanie Edgley said...

Bye val!

Woah . . . That your friend, rim?

Rim. said...

I whacked him for you!! He said you look hot...
And he calls me Hawthorne so don't ask...

Stephanie Edgley said...

Okay . . .

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*laughs* That's hilarious that your friend said that.

Rim. said...

Oh btw he made a Jizz face whilst I was typing the last comment...

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Ugh, I hate my laptop... It's pugged in but it says it isn't. *throws laptop at wall* WHY DON'T YOU WORK?!

Rim. said...

If you're wondering he's sleeping at mine tonight cus his parents are on holiday!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Brb, I have to go find a different outlet for my laptop...

Stephanie Edgley said...

You know everyone was trying to guess who nix liked? Well at one point he said he'd email gab and tell him, and before he'd got the email, (we didn't know he hadn't got it), he decided to make a random guess to unsettle nix (we didn't know that either), so he just went IT'S STAR!!!!! and i just went WHAT???????? but then we found out gab was lying. Was a bit of a shock, though.

Stephanie Edgley said...

And no, i don't know who nix likes, so don't ask.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I hope it isn't me. That would be irritating, because there's already enough guys who bug me in real life. Like highschoolers. They shouldn't flirt with 12 year olds. It just isn't right.

Stephanie Edgley said...

No. Which means that the valkyrie in the books shouldn't be going out with people hundreds out years older than her.


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Oh my god... My computer cable is broken. Oh... Oh my God, this is not good. This is terrible. I... I need to buy a new one, but... that's way too much money... I can't use a computer without a computer cable...

Stephanie Edgley said...

I now support ghastlith after a few very moving things sparky said.

Stephanie Edgley said...

You're right . . . That's terrible . . . How are you meant to comment???

Rim. said...

I'm happy with my love life ATM!
Ghastlith and Fletcherie

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*is panicing* I DON'T KNOW!

How am I supposed to WRITE? My entire story is saved on my computer!

Rim. said...

Email it to yourself then!

Stephanie Edgley said...


Think about it, if val and fletcher don't get together, nobody's crying about it, are they? But with ghastlith . . . Oh, poor ghastly . . .

Stephanie Edgley said...

You know tanith's steak? Sparky said she reckoned ghastly made two steaks, then sat down by himself opposite an empty chair pretending tanith was there. She said she imagined he had a conversation with himself, pretending he was talking to tanith, only then he broke down and started crying . . . Like i said, poor ghastly . . . Why is derek so cruel . . .

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Well... My computer's broken, so I won't be back for a while. Bye.

Stephanie Edgley said...

Bye, val! Hope your computer gets better soon!

Rim. said...

BYE VAL!!! *hugs*

Stephanie Edgley said...

Rim? You still here?

Stephanie Edgley said...

Oh, you are here.

Rim. said...

Yep! Im not going anywhere Luke keeps talking so I'm not gona get any sleep...

Stephanie Edgley said...

So, rim? What did you think of sparky's scenario?

When i'm away this weekend, i might write it out properly and put it on my blog . . .

Rim. said...

It's good! I was there when sparky said it and I cried with her...

Rim. said...

Hows your hols been so far???

Stephanie Edgley said...

If sparky doesn't mind, i want to write it out. And i'll post it here, too, so derek might see it, and see how he NEEDS to bring back tanith un-possessed.

Stephanie Edgley said...

They've been good! How were yours?

Rim. said...

Good!! My parents and grandparents got drunk allot and my grandad started river dancing and I Laughed all night!!!!

Rim. said...

I'm gona leave at midnight and try to get some sleep.

Stephanie Edgley said...

Sparky . . . You need to come on . . . *starts medatively summoning her* Sparkysparkysparkysparkysparkysparkysparky . . .

Stephanie Edgley said...

Okay. I want to wait and see if sparky comes, buf i can't have NO sleep so i might leave soon too . . . Sparkysparkysparkysparkysparkysparkysparky . . .

Rim. said...

BYE!!! *hugs*

Stephanie Edgley said...

Woo-hoo! It's midnight! *throws confetti*

Stephanie Edgley said...

Bye, rim!

I am still waiting, people who come on in the future. I am still checking back occasionally. If you leave a comment, then wait, i will reply. Maybe not immediently, but soon. This guarantee is still valid until i say otherwise.

Stephanie Edgley said...


Stephanie Edgley said...

If you're still here . . .

YOU WERE WRONG! VAL DOES HIT PEOPLE WITH BASEBALL BATS! (If you can't remember, don't ask)

Stephanie Edgley said...

I am still waiting, people who come on in the future. I am still checking back occasionally. If you leave a comment, then wait, i will reply. Maybe not immediently, but soon. This guarantee is still valid until i say otherwise.

Stephanie Edgley said...


There, i said otherwise. It's almost two in the morning so i'm going to sleep now. My guarantee is no longer valid.

Unless someone pops up right now, of course.

Stephanie Edgley said...

Bye . . . Night, blogland. *yawns*

Jakro Tintreach said...

Damn, i keep missing people... still on kind of if u are...

Jakro Tintreach said...

when will anyone come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jakro Tintreach said...


Jakro Tintreach said...

anyone here????????

Jakro Tintreach said...


Jakro Tintreach said...


Jakro Tintreach said...


Jakro Tintreach said...


Jakro Tintreach said...


Jakro Tintreach said...


Jakro Tintreach said...


Jakro Tintreach said...


Jakro Tintreach said...


Jakro Tintreach said...


*throws anvil in air*
uh-oh... that was supposed to be confetti

Lavender Hope said...

Hi, i'm Lavender Hope. Well, that's my taken name at any rate. Anyway, i'm on and if u didn't guess by now, i love SP and i'm new. I noticed everyone knows each other so u probably haven't heard of me. also, i am American and live in California. Anyway, that's it for now then. Bye.

Jakro Tintreach said...

I dedicate this page to:
1. Sparky and flame's blogwedding
2. New bloggers like lavender and others
3. Pie

Sparky Braginski said...

*punches imaginary Jakro*


Eve the ROCK said...


Sparky Braginski said...

Okay, I'm here to talk now.

Eve the ROCK said...

We don't do dedications anymore.

Sparky Braginski said...

I love my timing.

*evil grin*

Eve the ROCK said...

Sorry that was a question mark

Sparky Braginski said...

Why don't we do dedications anymore???

Eve the ROCK said...

Hehe yay!

Sparky Braginski said...


End panic.

I meant Jakro posted OVER AND OVER.

To get first.


Eve the ROCK said...

I dont know you just said we dont do that anymore so I assumed......

Eve the ROCK said...

Ooooooh right good. I like dedications

Eve the ROCK said...

Is Mist here?

Eve the ROCK said...


Sparky Braginski said...


No one but you an-


*does victory dance*

Eve the ROCK said...


Sparky Braginski said...


Never mind, just let me have my fun.

Eve the ROCK said...

Tell me, what? I've got nothing else to talk about.

Sparky Braginski said...

I'm writing, slow responses...

Eve the ROCK said...

Okay. But still, tell me...

Sparky Braginski said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Why not? Is it about me?

Eve the ROCK said...

*starts whining*

Sparky Braginski said...

*shakes head*

Not telling.

Jakro Tintreach said...

I'm back...

Eve the ROCK said...


Eve the ROCK said...

At least email it to me.

Btw I can't send u emails for some reason.

Sparky Braginski said...


How strange.


Sparky Braginski said...

Gotta go.


Jakro Tintreach said...

hey eve, do you know what "chat" is???

Jakro Tintreach said...

eve??? EVE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Eve the ROCK said...


Zathract Mist said...


Sparky Braginski said...

Nothing happens when I'm not here, y'know that?

Sparky Braginski said...

And still, nothing is happening.

Zathract Mist said...


Hello, Sparky.

Jakro Tintreach said...


Sparky Braginski said...

Eve was here when I left, but I don't know now.

*is thinking*

Back to writing...

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi mist!

Sparky Braginski said...

*kicks Jakro in the shin*



Zathract Mist said...


Sorry about last night. I managed to convinced my mother to turn the internet back on again but by the time it connected, you left.

Sparky Braginski said...

I'll go to my thinking hammock...

*scampers to hammock deck, then watches the couple from over the wooden railing*

Jakro Tintreach said...

what the bloody hell was that for sparky!!!!!!!!

Zathract Mist said...

You probably deserved it somehow, Jakro.

Zathract Mist said...

Also, seeing as that was posed as a question, not a statement, there should be at least one question mark in your sentence, either before or after your long road of exclamation marks.

Zathract Mist said...


Jakro Tintreach said...

screw grammar... we are NOT a prep school

Zathract Mist said...

No, but I AM a Grammar Nazi In-Training. Except for when I'm on my iTouch. Then it doesn't count.

Eve the ROCK said...

Sorry. Heated fight with friend so fin

Jakro Tintreach said...

a grammar nazi, really man...

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