Wednesday, April 20, 2011


While I'm not one hundred percent back to normal, I'm certainly getting there. The medication I've been given seems to have scattered my mind a little bit, making it hard to focus- but there are only a few pills left, and once they're gone, my great and glorious mind shall return...

In the meantime, I just want to let you know that at some stage over the next few days, I'll be posting the REAL cover to Skulduggery 6 here on this Blog, and not Tom's sketch that has been doing the rounds on the interweb. Along with that, you'll also be getting the official title, which may or may not be what you're expecting.

At the moment, Tom is finishing up the cover and it's looking- no surprise here- absolutely amazing. You better have a bucket handy, because when the cover is revealed your heads are going to explode and your brains are going to need something to leak into. Which is, I'll freely admit, somewhat gross.


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Prophet said...

Green elephant
have you been eating those soft mints

Rachel McCoach said...

iv got them all except playing with fire for some reason.

Lilith Nightshade... said...

yeah... hmm... derek... what is WITH YOUR SIGNATURE? it's like... two huge long lines with squiggles at the end...

*looks confused*

Prophet said...

Playing with fire is the Scapegrace one

Prophet said...

Lilith its still a signature thats the main thing

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*looks at mints*

no vlad! i just like bananas, and the green elephant came back from the time when gepard used magic to strip off the girls-


yeah... hmm...

Rachel McCoach said...

yeah iv read it but i think i just stole it off me brother...

hehe i love scapegrace though :) hope he doesnt die...again

Prophet said...

You know I heard scientists made a blue banana once

Lilith Nightshade... said...

my fave character is finbar! NO COMPETITION! :D

Prophet said...

Scapegrace is funny because hes cowardly and big-headed

Lilith Nightshade... said...

yeah vlad, you can get blue, red, and purple carrots!

Prophet said...

Why Finbar

Lilith Nightshade... said...

i use skulduggery's quotes really often! i have one on my profile!

Lilith Nightshade... said...

BECAUSE FINBAR IS AWESOME! hold on! i'll get you my fave part!

Prophet said...

I mean hes weak and it because hes a hippie with all the "dude and"man" stuff

Rachel McCoach said...

haha. is it dark days when the zombies attack the hotel and scapegrace let them eat folk so they went rogue?

Prophet said...

like with the hey skully man stuff he doesnt sound much

Prophet said...

Yeah its Dark Days

Dragona Pine said...

I'm watching Little Fockers, it's funny...

Prophet said...

Even when he was Zombie King he was weak

Rachel McCoach said...

i think thats one o my FAVE moments- when scapegrace told val then sanguine went mantal :)

Prophet said...

So your typing and watching at the same time huh Dragona

Prophet said...

*Lets out a chuckle when Rachel points that out*

Lilith Nightshade... said...

'Skulduggery looked at Valkyrie, his better-looking head tilted at quite a smug angle. She sighed then gestured to the fat man on the table. "Is it OK to be talking about, um, business stuff with...?"
"Oh don't worry about him," Finbar said. "He came in as soon as we opened, asked for a growling panther on his shoulder blade. He fainted the moment I started."
"A growling panther?"
"Then why are you giving him a tattoo of a kitten?"
Finbar shrugged. "I'm just in a kitten kind of mood, y'know?"

Prophet said...

Yeah I remember that part book 5 right?

Lilith Nightshade... said...

no, 4.

Prophet said...

How do you think the fat man reacted to the kitten

Rachel McCoach said...

haha that bits good :) i think i need to read mortal coil again soon to refresh some o the points thatll be in the next book. its wierd, i only take like a day to read any of the books cause i can never stop

Liz said...

LOL, that bit was funny :)

Prophet said...

Niether do I

Lilith Nightshade... said...

umm... vlad he probably didn't really like it but... y'know, finbar wasn't attacked by the guy (as far as we know) so there you are!

Prophet said...

Best Finbar moment I think

Dragona Pine said...


Liz said...

i want to go take a shower and then i need to eat


Prophet said...

I liked when he used"pillow torture " on Solomon

Dragona Pine said...

Bye Lizzy.

Lilith Nightshade... said...

yes it is vlad! :D

Lilith Nightshade... said...

oh yeah! pillow torture was funny! i'll find that too if ya' want?!

Rachel McCoach said...


wats wrong dragona?

lilith- did u post anymore fanfic?

btw part 4 o my epic tale is-

Prophet said...

Hes half scapegrace half sanguine i think
i mean hes naive , unpredictable and not too smart

Lilith Nightshade... said...

no rach, i haven't yet... i'm working on it...

Dragona Pine said...

Rachel, I'm just fed up :P

Prophet said...

1 Second

Rachel McCoach said...

anything u want to talk bout- we're all ears. but i dont want to pry :)

everyone gets like that...

Dragona Pine said...

Hi again Kallista :)

Octa said...

Hello world!

*bounces in on a trampoline*

Dragona Pine said...

Hi Octa!

Rachel, it'd take too long...

Prophet said...

You mean literally dissapear our figgurativeley

Octa said...

Hey Vlad!

*bounces up and down*



Prophet said...

Dear Octaboona
From world

Lilith Nightshade... said...

:) i'm just finding the part with pillow torture now! :)

Rachel McCoach said...

hey octa, kallista

fair enough Dragona :) im sure talking to the wierd bunch on here should lighten the mood though

Dragona Pine said...

Kallista can we go for a talk?

Prophet said...

Ive got my own trampoline and we got it free from a friend

Prophet said...

*Gets out his trampoline and starts bouncing on his*

Rachel McCoach said...

*divebombs the Tampoline, sending Kallista and octa bouncing high into the sky*

Prophet said...

*Runs around trying to avoid Kallista and Octa landing and crushing him*

Prophet said...


Rachel McCoach said...

*yells up to Kallista flying in the sky*

Am good thanks :)

*waits to hug her when she lands*

Prophet said...

*Stands still and closes eyes*
please dont crush me

Lilith Nightshade... said...

"If you have seen this fight, if you knew PRECISELY when I would arrive, then why did you attack me with a cushion?"
Finbar hesitated. "I'm... I'm toying with you, is what i'm doing. Hitting you with a CUSHION instead of my fists of fury is gonna, like, take LONGER, draw out your agony. Kinda like water torture with cushions. Cushion torture."

Prophet said...


Lilith Nightshade... said...

*looks at all the trmpolines*

*sits on floor and reads Skulduggery Pleasant*

Rachel McCoach said...

*rushed over to the Kallista/Vlad tangle*

*hugs em, then wonders how to get them untangled...*

Prophet said...

Oh dont mind me Lilith im only in agonising pain

Prophet said...

Relax its one error the computers are fiddly and are you right handed

Dragona Pine said...

*pulls Vlad and Kallista apart from their tangle*


Octa said...

*bounces back in*

Rachel your story is so amazing!

*lets loose the Vraskin*


Prophet said...

Its easier for right handed people to make errors because of the way its made

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*sees vlad*


you weren't like this to me with the pole incident...

Prophet said...


Rachel McCoach said...

NO!! octa, u cant unleash it!!


Dragona Pine said...

*arches eyebrow*

Octa what on earth is a Vraskin?

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*rolls eyes*

*disintegrates into black smoke and blows away in the wind*

Prophet said...

The Vra- what
*sees it and starts to run*

Octa said...


You didn't siiiiiiignnnnnnn!!!!!

*bounces off the trampoline and starts sinigng the tigger song*

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*ghostly voice is heard* yeah octa! what IS a vraskin?

Octa said...

The Vraskin!

Rachel created it in her story.

It's truly terrifying!!!

Derek Landy said...

Vladthedemonboy asked a BOATLOAD of random questions, of which I'm only going to answer these...!

Will we see more of the white Cleaver because he vanished after book 3


And Solomon is he dead or just missing?

Solomon's fine and dandy.

Can you give us a clue to Skulduggery's given name 
like a game of hangman or something


Is the Angel of death going to be involved (AKA Grim Reaper) because Skulduggery cheated death

Er, no...!

Hey Derek when are you going to put more characters on the character page its only had that many for 3 years

Ah yes, I keep on having this conversation with the website people..! Hopefully we'll update it soon.

Derek could you estimate how many pages there are in it?

Book 6 will be, I'd say, approximately ten percent longer than Mortal Coil.

Lilith asked:

1. Do you have a favourite character, and if so, who is it?


2. Is anyone going to die in this book coming? (I know that you probably won't tell me, but one can always hope...)

Someone WILL die, yes.

3. Did you purposefully say that there would be nine books, and start them off with Val being twelve? Because I've done the math, and for the last book, she SHOULD be exactly twenty...

Ah, but that's only if every book takes place a year apart- which they don't. Some books take place only three months after the last one.

4. What would you say would be the number for 'too many questions'?

Octa's 64 questions is sounding pretty daunting right now...!

5. Do you prefer strawberrys or bananas?


6. Will you ever forgive me for cutting a picture of your face in half? I DID only choose you 'cause I admired you, then my teacher told us to cut the pics!

Er... you're odd.

7. Do you think I should stop here?


8. How are you able to come up with such great lines for your characters?

It's cuz I is so smart, like.

9. What do you think of my pictures of Val and Skulduggery?
(go down the page)

ohhhh nice

10. Did you answer all of these?


Octa- respost the 64 questions and I'll answer them when I can.

Horsegirl asked:

1.) I live in the U.S. and I was wandering if any of your other books are going to be published in the U.S.? or am I just going to have to break down and buy theme online?

To be honest, there are no plans yet, but hopefully we'll get something sorted before too long,

2.)And if they do is there a chance you are going to do a book tour in the U.S.?

I'd love to, but we'd have to wait for book sales to rise considerably...!

Kallista asked:

In the 1st book it was stated that echo stones are rare and hard to come by.
SO how does a person go about getting an echo stone then?

Like anything rare, it's all about who you know and the resources you have at your disposal. Gordon was quite rich, and had many contacts, but even so, finding one was difficult.

Rachel McCoach said...

its my monster off my fanfic :)

Prophet said...


Octa said...



Octa said...

1. Do you have a middle name? If so what is it?
2. Did you know Derek Landy is an anagram of Deryn Dalek? (I’m odd I know)
3. What is Desmond Edgley’s true name?
4. Is Mevolent truly dead? (The same way Lord Vile was believed to be dead but isn’t). Will he return?
5. Does Kenspeckle have a brother?
6. How did the Faceless Ones arrive on Earth in the first place?
7. Will you give us a random (it can be irrelevant but must be TRUE) fact about Book 8?
8. How did Oisin die?
9. Have you written yourself out of the proverbial corner of the powerful Jitter Girls yet?
10. What day is your birthday? (More specific than October please!).
11. How does it feel to be the Golden God of thousands of little minion-y fans?
12. Have you decided who to dedicate the remaining 4 books to? How about us minions?
13. What magical powers would Crystal and Carol have when they reached 21 (if they are able to do magic).
14. What is Valkyrie’s address?
15. Is Haggard a real town?
16. How on earth are you going to torture Tanith now she is inhabited by a remnant? What could be worse? Because you do intend to torture her in each book yes?
17. Will you write a prequel series?
18. What was the last thing Skulduggery ever ate?
19. How did Beryl react when she discovered the brooch was missing?
20. The series seems to be composed of “trilogies”. The first one dealt with the Faceless Ones. The next seems to be all about Necromancy (Darquesse, Remnants and Lord Vile). What is the last trilogy about?
21. Who is the Unnamed?
22. Can you answer the question you’ve always wanted to be asked but never have here?
23. What is the life story of Skulduggery’s first partner?
24. Will Scapegrace and Thrasher remain zombies until they decompose or will they ever return to life?
25. Does Skulduggery ever learn about China leading his family into the trap?
26. What does Skulduggery do with his spare head?
27. Will Cat die now Tesseract is too dead to look after him?
28. Do you like the name Aggoroth Shandular?
29. What century did Oisin come from?
30. Where is the soul located? Does Nye ever find out?
31. How many Jitter Girls are there?
32. What was the present that Skulduggery brought Valkyrie for Christmas?
33. Did Valkyrie ever get her big stick?
34. Are any more of the SP titles going to be based on Shakespeare quotations?
35. Why is a soap bubble round?
36. Did Kenspeckle like cheese?
37. Is the reason the Faceless Ones are evil because they had no one to read them bedtime stories when they were small?
38. Purple? or Purple?
39. What are you thinking right now?
40. Can you tell us a really good joke?
41. Does the walker choose the path or the path the walker? (Huzzah for Garth Nix quotations)
42. How useless is a chocolate teapot?
43. This is a statement cunningly disguised as a question?
44. Who is the person who wiped Davina Marr’s memory?

Prophet said...

Thanks Derek

Katy A said...

Yay! You're getting better! :D

I can't wait for the cover and the title! It'll be good not to listen to people thinking they know the title already from a fanfiction title :P

Octa said...

And now for questions from various other minions!

45. Which languages do you speak?
46. What is your favourite book (not one of yours).
47. Do you write in cursive or......not?
48. Did you know the oldest cat lived to be 38?
49. Did you know that cats can have vocalization sounds of 100 different kinds and dogs can only have about 10?
50. What is your favourite colour?
51. Has Skulduggery Pleasant ever had any pets?
52. Have you ever looked at a goldfish and wondered if it remembers you from the last three seconds?
53. Can vampires be animals? Or is it can animals be vampires?
54. What’s your favourite dessert?
55. Do you like orange juice?
56. Which competitive sports (other than Martial Arts) do you like?
57. White chocolate, milk chocolate, or dark chocolate?
58. What's your favourite fruit?
59. What's your favourite weather/season?
60. Where would you like to spend your holidays?
61. What will you do after you finished the SP series?
62. What is the airspeed velocity of an un-laden swallow?
63. What is your favourite letter in the alphabet?
64. If a munchkin were flying on the back of a giant elephant with the wings of a monkey and the tongue of a dinosaur and the giant elephant was wearing rollerskates with sparkly unicorn horns attached and this were a world where air resistance could be up to 10% less and carbon dioxide and oxygen were neither present so the density of air also reduced and the value of pi was the weight of a fish would chocolate taste the same?

Lilith Nightshade... said...


Prophet said...

Derek theres a preview of the book in Skulpedia is it the real one

Octa said...

I reposted the questions!

Oh and Derek are you ok now? What were you ill with???

Dragona Pine said...

*sees the Vraskin taking away Kallista*

*sprints towards the Vraskin*

*bashes into it*

*twists it around, rips its throat out*

*pushes it through 999,999,999 brick walls and then chops it up into pieces, being careful not to hurt Kallista*

Rachel McCoach said...

haha nice to hear from the Grand Master himself :)

haha lilith- he thinks ur odd :) in a good way of course :D

WOAH- my Vraskin is becoming kinda good at getting all the bloggers

Lilith Nightshade... said...


Octa said...

Oh and Derek!!!!

I'm possibly going to Ireland in August....

Where will you be?

Prophet said...

*Stares at the Vraskin's remains and vomits at the sight*
Oh this is horrible huuuuurgh why me huuuuuuuuurgh

Rachel McCoach said...

... :O dragona killed my Vraskin!

but if u wait till the next parts, ull find they have a few tricks up their sleaves...

Prophet said...


Lilith Nightshade... said...

1. Do you have a favourite character, and if so, who is it?


2. Is anyone going to die in this book coming? (I know that you probably won't tell me, but one can always hope...)

Someone WILL die, yes.

3. Did you purposefully say that there would be nine books, and start them off with Val being twelve? Because I've done the math, and for the last book, she SHOULD be exactly twenty...

Ah, but that's only if every book takes place a year apart- which they don't. Some books take place only three months after the last one.

4. What would you say would be the number for 'too many questions'?

Octa's 64 questions is sounding pretty daunting right now...!

5. Do you prefer strawberrys or bananas?


6. Will you ever forgive me for cutting a picture of your face in half? I DID only choose you 'cause I admired you, then my teacher told us to cut the pics!

Er... you're odd.

7. Do you think I should stop here?


8. How are you able to come up with such great lines for your characters?

It's cuz I is so smart, like.

9. What do you think of my pictures of Val and Skulduggery?
(go down the page)

ohhhh nice

10. Did you answer all of these?




Prophet said...

oh this is disgust-huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurgh...i'll get a wipe

Octa said...

Well this is the 4th time I have been noticed by Derek and the 5th time I've been mentioned!!!!


Prophet said...

*wipes the vomit up*

Rachel McCoach said...

haha but, as not much is known about the Vraskin Kallista, no one is prepared for what happens next...

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*looks around*

*sees vraskin's remains*

*sees vlad wiping up puke pile*

*sees everyone freaking out about something or other*


Dragona Pine said...

Rachel, who's in your fanfic?

Prophet said...

Its the first time hes noticed or mentioned me thank you most wonderful Golden God
google search-skulpedia book six


Lilith Nightshade... said...

I WANNA BE IN SOMEONE'S FAN-FIC! :) ... pwease?... i put LOADS of you guys in... sorta...

Rachel McCoach said...

no one here yet, dragona. i will start another short story at some point with other folk, but im just writing a story iv already sorted out the noo.

Dragona Pine said...

OK Rachel :)

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*is suddenly very serious*

derek, i am forever your servant in gratitude for your mentioning me, and for your position as golden god.

*falls on knees and bows head stupidly*

Rachel McCoach said...

bye Vlad :) see you again sometime

right seeing as how the vraskin has aroused my imagination, i will leave to write some fanfic :)

Dragona Pine said...

LOL hi again Kallista, can we go for a talk?

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*looks at burger king crown*


Liz said...

*wanders in*

Prophet said...

Im back but I only can be for a short amount of time

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*sticks tounge out at dragona*

*eats self*

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone
(I know I always say that!)

Octa said...

*bounces around the blog*

Prophet said...

I come back for 5 seconds and I find Lilith eating herself

Dragona Pine said...


Dragona Pine said...


Isabella Midnight said...

heyyy im here and IM HAPPY and i do need buckets cause my brain is big!

Liz said...


Lilith Nightshade... said...

awwwww! so close! congrats dragona!

*eats self again*

Liz said...


Dragona Pine said...

*heals Lilith again*

Prophet said...

Hey what happened to the Vraskin remains
*catches it in the corner of his eye and feels his insides churn*
No no more please no mo-huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurgh
its all happening agai-huuuuuuuuuuuuuurgh
will someone get rid of that -huuuuuuuuuuuuuuurgh

Octa said...

Hey Isabella!!!

Hey Lizzy!

Hey Kallista!

Hey Dragona!

Hey Lilith!

Hey Vlad!!

Liz said...

Hey Octa! *glomps*

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*eats self again*

Dragona Pine said...

*disintergrates the remainders of the Vraskin*

Prophet said...

Hey Oct-huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurgh
oh this is vile and i dont mean Lord Vi-huuuuuuuuuuuuurgh

Dragona Pine said...

*heals Lilith and stops her from eating herself*

Prophet said...

Thank you Dragona

Octa said...

Vlad! Isabella!


Isabella Midnight said...

LILITH >:o !!!!!!!!!!!

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*glares at dragona*

Octa said...

No! Wait! Stop!

Don't glare. Sort this out peacefully. Please!

Anonymous said...

WHy does Lilith Nightshade keep eating herself?!
(I've just come back!)

Prophet said...

Okay I think its stopped
*realised how much weight he lossed*
WOOO HOO- huuuuuuuuuuurgh

Octa said...

Hey Sadhbh!!!

Prophet said...

Got To Go!!!!!

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*shrugs at sadbhb*

i do this all the time...

Octa said...

Bye Vlad!!!!!

Lilith Nightshade... said...

bye vlad!

Isabella Midnight said...

LILITH!!!! >:O !!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Octaboona

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*looks at green elephant*

*goes on parade with green elephant*

*dances up wall and out window*

N said...

*skips on merrily, singing*

There was once a ball of exploding gas, exploding gas, exploding gas,
A very big ball of exploding gas, exploding gas, exploding gas),
It boomed and bashed and made a very big crash,
But that's what you get from exploding gas!


Dragona Pine said...

Octa, what do you mean by sorting it out peacefully, what's anybody done?

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*yells from outside window*


Octa said...

Hey Tristessa!!!!



You can call me Octa!!

Dragona Pine said...

Hi Tristessa!

Anonymous said...

Bye everyone!
I'll be back!

Octa said...

I don't knooooow!!!!

I'm very hyper at the moment and not fully here.

So I probably misjudged somethingggg


Octa said...

Byyeeeeee Sadhbh!!!!

N said...

Hiya Octa!!!! *glomps*
Hello Lilith!!!! *glomps*
Hi Dragona!!!! *glomps*
Salutations Isabella!!!! *glomps*

And, Sadhbh, greetings! It's great to meet you! *extends hand in greeting and offers a marshmallow*

Dragona Pine said...

*gives Octa a soft mint*

They make you hyper...

Lilith Nightshade... said...

vlad said not to trust the soft mints...

*eats one*

N said...

Or, bye Sadhbh!!!

FISHIES! AND EXPLODING GAS! Not a brilliant combination, mind you... *strokes imaginary goatee thoughtfully*

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*crashing sounds are heard from outside window*

*fist punches through wall*

*fist goes back out again*

*lilith shrieks as she falls off the wall*

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*falls past window*

Anonymous said...

I'm back!
@Octa - sure thanks!

*SHakes hand* Yummy thankks!lol

Octa said...

The wonderful thing about tiggers
Is tiggers are wonderful things
Their heads are made of rubber
Their bottoms are made out of springs
They're bouncy, bouncy, flouncy, flouncy,
Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun!
And the wonderful thing about tiggers
Is I'm the only one!
Yes I'm the only one!

*looks around proudly*

I know that by heart

Dragona Pine said...

OK Kallista.

Anonymous said...

@Octa - ummmmmmm well that's good!

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*shrieks as she hits the ground*

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*a loud cracking sound is heard*


i think i broke my leg...

*shrieks in pain*

N said...

Me too Octa!! Tigger rocks my socks! As does tinfoil. But that's another story :D

Though, I'm now mentally scarred about winnie the pooh... *shudders*

Isabella Midnight said...

I'm really bored
gtg stupid murderer hunt byee lobves ya all :)

Liz said...

i don't know whats going on. *disappears behind a pile of papers*

N said...

Hello Kallista!!!! *glomps* How be you?

Aww.... Bye Isabella!!! *hugs*

Octa said...

Wait! I said that wrong

The wonderful thing about tiggers
Is tiggers are wonderful things
Their tops are made out of rubber
Their bottoms are made out of springs
They're bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy,
Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun!
But the most wonderful thing about tiggers
Is I'm the only one!

N said...

Hiya Lizzy!!!! *glomps* How are you today?

Lilith Nightshade... said...

thanks dragona...

*tries to find some way back inside without using the door*

*looks up at them staring at her questioningly*

*whispers* my mum scares me!

Anonymous said...

this comment was removed by the author.......NOT!!!!

Sorry I just felt like doing that......

Octa said...

Hi/bye to all who are coming/going!!!

Dragona Pine said...

*uses magic yorkshire pudding to make Lilith hover back to Blogland*

Lilith Nightshade... said...

oh... thanks again dragona...

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*falls asleep*

Anonymous said...

*head explodes*
er.....sorry Derek abit to late...

Dragona Pine said...

Kallista, I left a comment where we were talking.

N said...

I'm great thanks, Kallista!!! And you? *pokes her* Huh?

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*wakes up*


*eats the creepy weirdos next door*

Octa said...

*pokes Bryony*

I want a new comic!!!

N said...

*listens to Tom Percival's song*

*sways in time with the music* <3

Octa said...

I'm here! I'm here!

*hides under a table*

N said...

She's not here Octa... but I will pass that message along :D

N said...

No.... *runs for the hills and beyond*

*skips back on wearing a fake moustache* Haha! *twirls moustache*

Anonymous said...

Who's everyone's favourite charater in the SP series?!

Dragona Pine said...

I have to go for my tea... I'll be back later, bye.

*hugs Kallista before he leaves*

Octa said...

Um... well my sugar rush seems to have worn off.

Not a single exclamation mark here.

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*rolls eyes at everyone*

*checks on her DA acount*

umm... is it normal for a guy to say that they like your avatar?...

Lilith Nightshade... said...

sadbhb... FINBAR! OH YEAH!

Lilith Nightshade... said...

and umm... guys, this person is kinda weird...

Lilith Nightshade... said...

i saw some of his work (can't even remember what it was!) and i said: AWESOME! :D

then he said: As is your avatar... :)

Lilith Nightshade... said...

is everyone gone?!

N said...

Bye for now Dragona!!

@Octa: Wait... I think I saw one... nope, that was just a piece of dust... *drags him out from under the table and stomps her foot, pouting* NOW! I want a piggy back! ;)

Anonymous said...

Lilith.....yeah lol he's cool 8D!

Octa said...

*table disappears*

Um a piggy back? But but... I don't have a back!

*floating head, arms and legs*


N said...

*looks at Kallista, puzzled* Gift? Huh?

*comprehension finally hits her* Oh yeah! :D

*puts on a floaty ballgown*

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*eats spider walking right in front of her*

*look up at everyonwe's grossed out expressions*

umm... well, anyways, the avatar thing...

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