Monday, February 15, 2016

Desolation Publication Date Changed!

Hello children.

February already, is it? Dear lord, where does the time go?

Into the void, that's where. Into the void with all the PLANS we make and the PROMISES and the GOOD INTENTIONS and the LIES... Ahem.

I'm busy. I'm working away. On what? Different things. Some will see the light of day. Some will not.  That's what happens. I've pretty much started the third and final Demon Road book, which is good, since my deadline is HILARIOUSLY close and I have an awful lot of work to do. But there are so many distractions! So many different projects to work on!

But I must focus. I must.

So, right now, my publishers are busy nailing down UK and Ireland tour dates for Desolation. First thing I have to tell you is that the release date has been changed, pushing it back a week to April 7th. Not that much of a big deal, and there are a load of external factors involved in the decision. It was explained to me but I zoned out. It's something to do with... something. Anyway, whatever, it's out on the 7th, although it will be available to buy a few days earlier at certain locations on my tour.

So, roughly, from April 3rd to the 7th, I'll be in Oxford, Manchester (don't know if it'll be available to buy early here, will check), Liverpool, Birmingham and London. Irish dates include Dublin and Kilkenny so far, from the 8th to the 10th.

As soon as these things become solid, I'll post them.

We're doing our best to have something cool happen in London, so keep your eyes peeled, ladies and germs. Awesomeness awaits. And possibly nightmares. Which is awesome in itself.


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Inky Flame said...

(I remember when we learned about them in school and they said that the disorders are rampant a and then I started to worry cause I was such a picky eater)

Star Inkbright said...


We learnt about them for about an hour . . .))

Inky Flame said...


Inky Flame said...

(Tim curry is awesome!)

Bruadar Cadail said...

(He is, this is true.)

Inky Flame said...

(Hey ^.^ I love rocky horror!)

Bruadar Cadail said...

(i first found him when he was the voice of Slagar the slaver in Redwall when i was wee. He's got a superbly refined evil in his diction)

Inky Flame said...

(Awesome ^.^)

Bruadar Cadail said...

(gotta dash. byee!)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...


So I was playing Elite: Dangerous today (blame that game for me not being here for days) and I met a guy called Dexter Vex :O

I told him to come here if he'd like to chat about the series (which he recently re-read!)

Anyways, how are you guys doing?)

Inky Flame said...

(Kassy! *glomps* How is you?

Byii Bru)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(I'm fine, Chloe!

*is glomped*

What about you? How've you been?)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(Elite: Dangerous has gotten to me. It features a 1:1 scale reproduction of our galaxy. Complete with 1:1 scale planets, stars, solar systems. Oh, yeah, and there's 400 million stars. And there's other people. Most of them aren't dicks..
Anyways... I should head to sleep soon(ish?))

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(*is a fan of sci-fi*)

Chione Asahina said...

God i love roblox...

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Saw on the news about a high school shooting in Ohio and I imediatley thought of didn't appear the students were from a Catholic school. Still I hope Noelle is alright I hope it wasn't her school.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

It's not Noelle's school.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Good. I didn't think it was like I said, but still....

Noelle said...

No, but my dance coach was on lockdown for a while. Luckily, no one was hurt.

ED definitely is an acronym for eating disorder. It is one of the many phrases that has "ED" as an acronym. As a female, i think it is obvious that what I meant wasn't erectile dysfunction.

And also, just, as a reference, even though I disagree with so-called "feminazis", it isn't really nice to call people that- even if they're extremists. Here's a little life lesson: Feminism was begun by women and was for women- because when it truly started off (around 1870?), women were horribly mistreated and unequal. However, as women's rights have improved over the last century, the cause has begun to encompass the LGBTQ(etc) community, gender issues, sex issues, racism, and many more social movements. Don't be alarmed- just because the name has "fem" as a root word, doesn't mean that it is full of mysoginistic people. By believing that all Feminists are "man haters", you're about as ignorant as those who say that all Muslims are terrorists.

Feminism stands for across the board equality, regardless of race, sex, gender, orientation, lifestyle, or what have you. Actually, if there are people here on this blog who don't classify themselves as a Feminist, I'm a little surprised. People get so caught up with the word- like, good grief, it's like refusing to use the word "mankind" to refer to the human race, because it has the word 'man' in it. No one throws a fit about that, so why should having the root 'fem' be such a touchy thing? It's just historical context. It's the same as having arachnophobia: the root word, Greek for "spider", is just a root word.

It is just.


Now, if the issue isn't the word, but what the movement believes in (equality of all people), then please never talk to me again.

A true feminist doesn't put other people down. They don't hate on men- they don't hate on women. They do not discriminate, and their honest goal is to raise humanity up to a higher standard of existence.

and if anyone replies with anything OTHER to the definition above- such as "feminists hate men", well I can tell you to please never speak to me ever again in the existence of this god forsaken universe.

I can't tell you guys how frustrated it makes me when people get so picky about Feminism. It's not a scary word. It's just. A. Word. Focus on what it stands for instead.

So yeah.

Please don't call extremist Feminists "feminazis". They may be wrong in representing the cause, but no one deserves to be called a nazi.

Noelle said...

(Ps: Derek Landy, Meryl Streep, Misha Collins, Mark Ruffalo, Ellen Page, (ok, Barack Obama ok), Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Hiddleston, Emma Watson, Ashley Judd, Will Smith, Patrick Stewart (this man is a blessing), frickin Prince Harry, Ian Somerhalder, the Pope, the Dalai Lama-

What I'm getting at

Is that these famous people are role models, and are setting an example. (Notice how a lot above are genetically male)

Be like them.

Don't be afraid of the F-word :). ))

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I'm glad no one was hurt, and I agree with most of what you just said.

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

@Noelle YES
I was actually just thinking about this today after seeing a post on tumblr that made me angry.

Star Inkbright said...

First of all - I'm not familiar with eating disorders. I do not have this knowledge. I'm not trying to deny that it doesn't stand for earing disorder, I'm just pointing out that my brain would never make that leap. Sorry. :(

Secondly - I never said I believed feminism was hating men. The thing is, feminism is meant to be about equality for all genders, but you don't need that word to say you believe in equality. You can avoid that word entirely without creating an issue. And I don't think I need to use the word "feminist" to describe myself - I don't think it would benefit me to use that label.
Not because I don't wish to be labeled as a man hater, but mostly because I don't believe in feminist theory and I don't believe that feminism is needed in my country in this day and age and yeah, maybe I could take up the word and reclaim it, but I could also just support equality whilst not referring to myself as a feminist.
The other week me and Catherine were having a little antifeminist conversation and this ft monist overhead us and started arguing in an annoyed way, but we quickly established that none of us disagree with anyone else in principle so it was all okay.
(Catherine literally doesn't believe in equality for the genders either because she doesn't believe equality is ever achieveable, so one can be a decent person whilst definitely not being a feminist. Not that I'm implying you doubted that. And that wasn't sarcasm. Ugh social interaction why must you be so hard.)
And what I was referring to is - I go to a debating club every Monday day, and today the motion was "Gender quotas are good for equality."
I am not a fan of gender quotas. I am very against gender quotas. I have to admit after researching the other side of does have some good points for it, but no, I'm against gender quotas.
And yeah, so me and Cat turned up to completely BURN the For side. And at first we were real worried that we weren't gonna get any feminists to burn, but then two of them turned up. And like, they walked in and wrre like "what's the motion? Which side's the feminist side?"
And so yeah they got pitted against us and we had a debate and DUDE you should have seen this girl's face as she tried to come to terms with people who didn't agree with feminist theory. She was just like "but women have been oppressed by men for hundreds of years -" and Catherine was like "yes, but that's in the PAST" and her face was just like "but but but -"
Then at one point she proper yelled "FEMINISM IS EQUALITY FOR THE GENDERS!" and I just yelled back "THEN WHY ARE YOU NOT ON OUR SIDE?"
Ugh fun times mate fun times.
So yeah. When I say "burn feminists" I mran "argue against people who treat feminism like a religion and who don't seem to put critical thought into what they're actually arguing for and Cam occasionally take their quest for quality too far and try to implement gender quotas."
Have to admit, me and Cat were researching for this debate before it occurred, and I was like "ugh feminism" and she said "There's nothing wrong with being a feminist" and I said "No of course not, but there is an issue with stupid feminism. If you're a feminist and you're not stupid, it's okay."
(Bear in mind that's a private conversation. If I was speaking to someone on here I would phrase it more politely.)
And so I have no issue with individual feminists until I know what they're like, just loke i hAve no isue with your average human until i know what theyRe like. But I'm not a fan of the majority of the movement I see nowadays. And it's not the "MEN SHOULD DIE" part I'm seeing.
But either way I support equality so really do long as you dont take issue witu me in another way there should be no issue, right?

Star Inkbright said...

And now I must rush for school so I apologise about how unedited that was.

Inky Flame said...

(Grrrr my biology lecturer better be in first lecture... Otherwise I will hit the roof!

I could've had a lie in!)

Star Inkbright said...

I'd just like to point out
feminism is the name of a movement. Thus is describes a movement. It's a lot more complicated than wotds that simply describe a group of people without them chooding to be in that group of people, such as "humankind" or "woman." Although those can be made much more complex as well, come to think of it. Point is, a human is just something you are. A feminist is more of am identity. It's different.

Kai The Immortal said...

( the only reason I dislike feminism is because of said extremists... the ones that re looking to be better than men not equal, in my own little bubble I don't give a fuck who you are..... wht you look like what you believe in or who you want to fuck. I treat everyone the same, piss me off I will dislike you try to be my friend and do it well I will like you... as long as no one I like is being hurt by you then we cool....

I like to think of my self as a humanitarian.... or equalitatian... and in this little thing of it's own, I am not pc for a good reason. I believe we are not equal until you can make fun of everyone for anything without anyone being offended, like with your best friend. If we're all too busy trying not to stand on anyone's feet what's the point? )

Inky Flame said...

(Um... Can you hate an entire... Group just because of a minority's of extremists?)

Kai The Immortal said...

( yeh coz it sends a bad view of the entire group...

lets flip that on its head.... can you like a group just because a minority of good people lets say I dunno kkk , what if there are good people in that ? have their own families etc just are a bit out of date? )

Inky Flame said...

(Then that's stereotyping and that can be horrible.... I don't know many feminists by I'm sure that they are nice on the most nice..

And how does the kkk get into this?! There may have been decent people but you forget the purpose of that group and it was wrong. I don't think there would be people in that group who I'd like because their motives were evil

I don't Know how they come into this debate)

Star Inkbright said...

I think feminists are a bit like people on benefits.
Everyone knows there are some lazy people on benefits who cheat the system, but everyone also knows there are also many people who are on benefits because . . . well, for reasons other than "lazy and cheating system." And like, most people will know of someone who is getting more money by not working. But most people should also know that someone's benefits are necessary. So when you meet someone on benefits it's only sensible to withhold judgement until you know why they're on benefits, instead of assuming that all people on benefits are lazy buggers or that all people on benefits have 100% good intentions.

So yeah, I will say "ugh feminism," but when meeting individual feminists I'll wait and see whether they'Re the stupid kind or not before making judgement.

And I don't think the feminists that piss me off are necessarily "extremist." I think they mostly just try to fix things which aren't issues or try so hard to reach the x axis they go over the other side and get into negative numbers . . . oh did I not mention that metaphor?
I believe equality is like an exponential graph. The x axis is equality. And rhe line can be varying distances away from zero, and if you try very hard you can get very close, but you will never rwsvh there. The difference between me and Catherine is that I believe it's worth trying to get closer.

Inky Flame said...

(Hey Star ^.^)

Inky Flame said...

(Oops! Better get to psychology

Noelle said...


I can't believe this place. This is very insulting.

Star Inkbright said...

Actually I'm more likely to stand up for people on benefits as they have less choice about their position. If someone takes up the label of "feminist" they choose to take up all the connotations with it.

@Noelle: Sorry. :(
Like. I am sorry. But I'm not going to have one opinion here and one opinion in real life and this is my opinion so there you go. Hate me if you want.

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

Hey Keiron, let's broaden the metaphor a bit, because really, hating a whole group because of a few extremists is, like Noelle mentioned, more like hating all Muslims because of ISIS.
Which is wrong on so many levels.

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

Sorry Noelle...
*offers hugs*

Star Inkbright said...

And actually, I think the opposite. This place is far less insulting than what I'm used to . . . it stresses me out. :P

Star Inkbright said...

@Dugglyn: Haha nice one :)

Inky Flame said...

(Hello, I'm done for the day)

Inky Flame said...

(That is a good point duggy ^.^)

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Using Keiron's logic for a bit.

I now hate all white people because of the KKK, all religious groups because some of them believe I don't have the right to get married if I happen to fall in love with someone my own gender, all Americans because some of them are voting for Trump, all humans because some of them are bad and/or stupid.

Keiron, you just weakened your own argument there rather than strengthening it. It's hella narrow-minded to hate a group because of a small minority of extremists, and it's hella narrow-minded to like a hate group because some of the members might have good parenting skills.


I feel like saying "oh I'm not a feminist, I'm an equalist" is a bit like saying "forget black lives matter, all lives matter." Yes, people of both genders should have the same rights and opportunities. Yes, police should avoid unnecessarily using lethal force on anyone. However, choosing a broader label can undermine the experiences of the group that's facing discrimination.

You don't have to agree with me on every single thing, but please don't use a word with the word "Nazi" in it to describe a movement that's helping to reduce sexual assault and sexual harassment on my college campus, to name but one positive effect of feminism.

Talk about a word that has connotations...

Inky Flame said...

(*applauds fabulous*)

Star Inkbright said...

I do agree, Lantern, with all of it, but personally, I don't think we need a narrow focus on gender equality in thus country, and personally I don't do mode for equal gender rights than yell at a few feminists about gender quotas on occasion. Hence, I don't think I'm a feminist.

Plus "I believe in gender equality" is no more wordy than "I believe in racial equality" and we don't have a specific word for that.

I do not need this word. :P

Inky Flame said...

(I just don't get how you can hate someone because of a small minority of extremists ..)

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

@Chloe SAME
like, how do you not realize it? I just don't really understand

Also, I got 104% on my math test! It didn't change my grade because it wasn't worth very many points but the lowest quiz score will get dropped so then my math grade should go back up to 100-101% range.

Inky Flame said...

(Well done Dug!

It's like... To use an analogy that relates to me.. People say wiccans which are often associated with witchcraft... Saying they will all hex you and they eat babies... So not true XD )

Star Inkbright said...

Keiron never said he hated PEOPLE, just FEMINISM. For example, it's easy to hate organised religion and yet be friends with individual Christians.

(Although there's still an issue with hating a group because of a minority of extremists. I'm not a fan of the majority of feminists because the /majority/ of feminists I meet piss me off.)

Star Inkbright said...

@Dugglyn: :) :) :)

@Chloe: Huh. I thought Wiccan was witchcraft. Sorry.
(Blame Lizzie. XD)

Star Inkbright said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Star Inkbright said...

Lizzie does Wiccan stuff and witchcraft stuff and gave me the impression it was all kinda the same thing.
(Her witchcraft actually works as well it's so cool. :))

Inky Flame said...

(That's okay XD you can be a Wiccan which is a type of paganism.. More the religious side
They incorporate witchcraft which is magic..
I haven't done a ritual yet)

Star Inkbright said...

*nods at Chloe to represent the fact that I'm paying attention to what she's saying*

Inky Flame said...

(Thanks star XD

I actually need to collect stuff for a ritual)

Inky Flame said...

(How are you?

An in regards to k... I asked a question about whether it's right to hate on a group because of a minority of extremists and he said yes)

Star Inkbright said...

@Chloe: :) I'm alright, thanks. Just got home :) so feeling like the worst of the day is over.


Ah fair enough then. (Fair enough to you I mean.)

Inky Flame said...

(I am good
Wondering around hobby craft *.^ )

Star Inkbright said...

@Chloe: :)

Inky Flame said...

(Got my very first scrap book!)

Noelle said...

*thank you Fabi*


A few things that Feminism deals with..

In the developed world: The gender pay gap, rape, human trafficking, sex norms, media portrayal of individuals..

In the developing world: genital mutilation, marriage laws, femicide, voting rights, human trafficking, kumlare, dowry, arranged marriage, legal marital rape/so many other issues.

And it makes me so angry when people try to tell me that this ^^^^ isn't valid. Of course it is. This /is/ what feminism is, and anyone who is a self-proclaimed Feminist and preaches otherwise probably needs some more education.

Feminism isn't just for women. That's my point. It's one of the many mediums of just being what is a decent human being. Most of the themes of Feminism: decency, respect, love, acceptance: they are all basic tenets of any philosophy.

-won't go into correcting everyone about what "gender" means, because this is a gender binary world and I'm just not going to do it-

Noelle said...

And believe me, it annoys me too when people who are Feminists say un-Feminsit things.

I became a Feminist because my father verbally and emotionally abused my mother. I'm a Feminist because my step sister was raped and beaten by all three of her father figures in childhood, and now has severe physical and mental disabilities. I'm a feminist because I'm afraid to walk by myself- anywhere, day or night. I'm a feminist because the one boy at work was paid almost 30% more than what all the girls on average made. I'm a feminist because I have an eating disorder created my media representations of what men and women should be like. I'm a feminist because in some countries, if a woman disobeys her husband, it is okay to murder her. I'm a feminist because boys are taught not to feel emotion (especially cry), which is terribly harmful. I'm a feminist because a boy at my school freshman year leapt out the top floor window because he was bullied.

And I can't explain to you

How hurtful
And painful
It is when people tell me that feminists are stupid, or overzealous (the proper feminists, not the extremists)

Because based on the absolute shit that this world has dealt, and still deals, why the heck am I patronized for being angry that (the list above) happened? That I want to stop these things from happening? Because I want other people to help stop them?

Listen, feminist may not be as needed in the first world anymore. It isn't legal to beat spouses. Everyone can vote.

But there is half a world out there that so absolutely fucked right now. And no one, feminist or not, is in the right to ignore that.

Noelle said...

So look

I'm sorry if classifying myself as a Feminist is fucking annoying. But really? I don't care, Becuase there are people dying without equality.

Inky Flame said...

(Thank you Noelle *offers hugs* I know, those extremists do give all the good and proper feminists a bad reputation :-/ )

Inky Flame said...

(*shivers* do you ever just can't warm up?)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*bobs in*

1- Although I do prefer the term equalist to feminist I'm okay with the word and label feminist. I'm not okay with feminazi. Some of them are extreme and a uneducated on what feminism is, that doesn't make them a Nazi.

2- Witchcraft, remember above all else, whatever is given must be payed for. I don't know if I believe in all those spells and stuff but be careful. My mum is wiccan/pagan and has always taught me that what you ask for must be paid for, so make sure you're willing to pay the price.)

Inky Flame said...

(Hey Jai ^.^ thanks for the advice ^.^)

Inky Flame said...


Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...


So, um, a few things.

1. KKK is a hate group. The only benefit of joining the KKK is so you can burn a black family's home down so you can get them out of the house and rape and hang them.

2. Nazis are a right-wing political group. Joining the Nazis was mandatory if you were in a highly skilled job, or a job where you watched over others. This includes shop owners, mayors, teachers etc. If somebody told you you had to join the Nazi party to open a grocery store, you would do it, regardless of your opinion of the party, nor whether you agreed with their actions. This was supposed to be a system of controlling the state - having a Nazi in control meant that everybody could be monitored. However, most people did it because it was mandatory, and went about their business as they would have before joining the party.

So there is little harm caused by joining the Nazi party, and a lot caused by joining the KKK.

So I am generally okay with Nazi-related terms (feminazi, grammar nazi etc) if they're used appropriately. (In fact, I know someone who refers to himself as a grammar nazi/gestapo)

3. Yes, inequality is a serious problem in third world countries. No, I don't know how I can do anything about it.

Also hi.)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(*of course, most people don't use the terms appropriately, but we can't all be not idiots.)

Inky Flame said...

(Kassyyyyyy! *glomps*)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(*hugs Chloe*

Hey! :)

How are you?)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


So okay long story short my school is stupid and won't let me take Spanish 5 as a senior with 4 previous years of Spanish so whatever I'm taking Spanish 3 so I can practice the beginnings of other tenses besides present.

So we're doing a translate the sentence to Spanish thing so I do the work and our teacher picks me to read. So I read my sentence the entire class looks like why are you right? Why?!

I knew to use 'de' for the word 'of' and something in vocab I forget what word exactly.

Inky Flame said...

(Hey Zaf!

*hugs kas* im okay

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(@Zaf Hi! How are you?

That is weird, considering "de" is a very obvious word. Los estudiántes en tu colegio son muy peculiares.)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(That's good.

And I'm fi- it's 10!!!!!???

I've done nothing since 5? How did it get so late I've done literally nothing?)

Inky Flame said...

(I am off now nos da)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(Nos da!)

Kai The Immortal said...

( Keirons logic was hating the individuals because of something a few of them done..... if all you had seen from feminists was annoying we hate men crao you would associate that with them therefore hate the group... if all you seen from kk members was niceties and shit then you would automatically assume they were all nice no?

i'm not saying they re i'm just using groups not entire amounts of people.... associate yourself with a group like star said you get all the connotations both good and bad.... *continues to read what most of you can't wrap your heads around as ye canny see the forest through the trees)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(Derek is a feminist, so I don't see how comparing him to members of the KKK will do anyone any good.

I also don't think most people will jump to the conclusion of judging an entire group of people based on the actions of the few.

I also don't think anyone is associating themselves with anyone.)

Noelle said...

And yet, Keiron, from what I've told you in many lengthy paragraphs, /Feminism is not misogyny/.

Here's the thing. It's okay if all you knew were misogynistic Feminists- that isn't your fault. However, I am telling you NOW that what those people preach is NOT Feminism. Continuing to believe in your former belief, however, would be your fault.

Kai The Immortal said...

(i'm not comparing groups..... i'm not saying they're nazi's or kkk.... i'm comparing the people in said groups.


Nazi party groucery store (like kas said:) "Have a good day hail hitler" or something seems nice huh ?

kkk grocery store: have a nice day

feminist grocery store: that'll be an extra £5 coz you're a man....

now which two would you be more likely to go back to because they seemed nice.... knowing nothing about what they do or who backs them or anyone else in their group does... which do you like? what is your overall thoughts on each store... do you decide to alaways go to that type of store because of it and avoid others because of it?

well thats how you can come to hating an entire group because of few .... I don't give a fuck what you do as long as it don't bother me... I'm going to stay an un pc equalitarian because fuck everyone, then hug everyone.

Kai The Immortal said...

( telling isn't seeing... every feminist I know that actively pursues it... not just hell yeh feminim types are assholes... you telling me they aren't isn't going to enlighten me... )

Noelle said...

it's like racism:

A child is not at fault if they are raised in a racist family, and don't know any better.

However, sticking to their racist ideas, after being PROVEN the flaw of their beliefs, is a fault.

Like white people in the south. Many were raised that way. However, the refusal to learn and absorb knowledge is pure ignorance.

Kai The Immortal said...


*just fucks off to hell where he builds a 50sqft obsidian box with the same carvings to hold lucifer under lava then backs into a corner with a katana pointed to the middle of the room when the lights go out so he sits down sweating waiting, just waiting*

Star Inkbright said...

*sighs* Right. Catherine is a not a mean person, but she comes off as very mean and that has rubbed off on me a lot and it is a lot, lot harder for me to phrase my words in a nice polite manner than it used to be. I'm not used to it.
So I would like to apologise for that first of all, and for any hurt or upset that was caused due to that. I would also like to apologise for any hurt or upset caused by the things I think, but unlike my phrasing, I don't really regret the things I think; if I did I'd stop thinking them.

Right I'd like to first point out that my below pointings-out are coming from someone living in Britain and apply to Britain and similar countries. I definitely don't deny that there are severe gender inequality issues in some countries that are not my country. I also don't deny that feminism is needed in said countries with these gender inequality issues. I don't take any issue with that whatsoever. My issue is with feminism in this country (and similar countries) relating to issues in this country (and similar countries). If we're talking worldwide, I'm happy to agree with you that feminism is necessary. But a lot of the time feminists irritate me (talking about individual feminists, not all feminists everywhere) it's because they're trying to fix issues when such fixing is unnecessary, and it's in this country (and similar) that the fixing is often unnecessary. n
- I have no issue with the gender pay gap (you can question me on that if you want but I'm not going to derail into that right now)
- I do have an issue with rape. But does rape happen because of gender inequality? Maybe sometimes, but I don't think it's the main reason. So rape is an issue, but does it need to be a feminist issue? No. (Unless we're talking about countries where marital rape isn't even illegal, which is definitely an issue but as pointed out, I'm not).
Human trafficking - not really a major issue in Britain, I don't think.
(That said, if there's a particular case where feminism can help, I'm not going to prevent them. People helping stop rape is always good. But rape as a whole doesn't happen because of gender inequality.)
Sex norms - men are different to women. Hence norms and stereotyping. To give an example that makes me point pretty clear, it is normal for men to be taller than women. Feminism can't really change that.
I won't deny though that sex norm-ish stereotypes do really piss me off sometimes and I am actually for trying to break out of them - I'll give you that one. :) I think there'll always be some norms though. Bit like how equality is unattainable.
So yeah I appreciate feminism's input there if it wants to input constructively. But it's not a particularly big issue.
Moving on . . .
Media portrayal of individuals - yeah, that sucks. And it is worse for women that it is for men, in general.
Like. The media sucks with portrayal. But it doesn't suck because if it's gender inequality. BUT there's still gender inequality there and sometimes it can be more suckish bcause of that. But like I said equality will always exist and I tend to see media portrayal as representative as some of the dregs that can never be fully gotten rid of. Which imo doesn't mean you shouldn't push for it.
So I'll give you that one as well. :)


Star Inkbright said...

So yeah in summary there are some small ways feminism can be useful in this country I live in but on the whole, it's not necessary like it used to be. We all have the same legal rights. It's rare when a women is not viewed as an equal in society due to her gender.
I really don't think you can get closer to equality than this, and trying too hard is what makes things like gender quotas exist. So yeah, you can continue fighting the small battles here, and I'll even support you and try to get as close to equality as possible with you, but I don't think feminism is /necessary/, per se. Necessary implies there is a /need/. I would more say "helpful, when used correctly."
If it makes you feel better to believe in feminism though then please be my guest; like with everythign and everyone in life, so long as you're not hurting anyone, go ahead and do it.
(*suddenly realises how my phrasing could be interpreted* *laughs*)

Of course feminism isn't just for women - feminism is about equality for the genders, and you can't have gender equality if women are better off than men. Most feminists that I've seen realise this.
But yeah, feminism is about gender equality. And maybe there are things like decency and respect that factor into that, but like, decency and respect also factor into CHristianity and yet you ain't a Christian if you don't believe in God. Christianity is full of decency and respect (at least. It can often be.), and yet following Christianity is about believing in God and following Jesus, right?
So yeah, there's some nice themes in feminism, but you don't need it to be a decent human being any more than you need Christianity to be a decent human being. Considering I know a decent human being who is the literal opposite of a feminist, I'm not likely to ewasily change my mind on that one.
"-won't go into correcting everyone about what "gender" means, because this is a gender binary world and I'm just not going to do it-"
That's how a lot of people feel about thinks like sex norms. "We live in a world with different genders and I'm just not going to fight that." Not "if one gender is dominant over the other, that's okay," but "we are equal now in this country in this day and age and I'm not fighting the minor differences."
Does that make sense? *was just hoping you might possibly be able to relate if I went abotu it like this, but if not, sorry, I'm shit at explaining things*
(Like I said, I'll occasionally take a swing at the minor differences if I come across them. Like those BLOODY gender quotas. :P which I'm very passionately angry about due to the sexism. But some people won't take a swing. And I understand where they're coming from, and can relate to it better than a lot of (not all!) feminist perspectives.)


Star Inkbright said...

I became a Feminist because my father verbally and emotionally abused my mother.I'm a Feminist because my step sister was raped and beaten by all three of her father figures in childhood, and now has severe physical and mental disabilities. I'm a feminist because I'm afraid to walk by myself- anywhere, day or night. I'm a feminist because the one boy at work was paid almost 30% more than what all the girls on average made. I'm a feminist because I have an eating disorder created my media representations of what men and women should be like. I'm a feminist because in some countries, if a woman disobeys her husband, it is okay to murder her. I'm a feminist because boys are taught not to feel emotion (especially cry), which is terribly harmful. I'm a feminist because a boy at my school freshman year leapt out the top floor window because he was bullied."

I'm not going to go through the list this time. Been there, done that, and I realise I've upset you already and am upsettign you right NOW and will probably continue to do so, and like, I don't /like/ upsetting you. But all of these issues you point out are issues. I'd even go so far as to say they're severe issues. They're not, you know, little issues that don't matter. Tehy're big things.
But not all of them are feminist battles.
And even when feminism can help, gender inequality is not usually the main problem. At least I'm not seeing that it is. Like I said, I'm not a believer in most feminist theory.
But once again, if feminists want to try and help out I am not stopping them in the slightest. More help is always good. :)

And, yes, it may hurt you when feminism is insulted or . . . is degraded the word? And I'm sorry it hurts you. I really am sorry; I don't want to hurt you, it's not a thing I enjoy. But like I said, if you choose to identify with that word - and it's a loaded word, lots of connotations, and it describes a movement as well and that does mean you'll get burdened with people's opinions of the overall movement that has nothign to do with you - then you're picking up all the baggage that goes with it. And me havign this discussion with you now, that's shitty stuff that comes with the feminist identity.
So yes, I am sorry I'm hurting you, but if you choose to identify with a movement that I largely (definitely not all!) disagree with . . . this conversation will, at some point, happen.
like. Idk how this is sounding. Is it sounding blameful? It's not meant to be blameful. It's just like, if you choose to be one of them doctors that works with dying people, you choose to have to bear the fact that your patients are gonna die on you, and if you choose to work with refugees, you choose to bear the fact that they might be deported and get sent back to be killed once you've got to know them and care about them, and if you choose to identify as a feminist, you choose to have people insulting a movement you belong to. And like, my mum will continue to get to know and care about the refugees she works with anyway, because someone needs to. And if you think that you should identify as a feminist because it's the righ thign to do, then you know, good on you and I'm not telling you to apologise for your views. But I'm not going to apologise for mine either.

I'm sorry if I fucked up anywhere in that.

Would you like us to end this conversation now? Your choice. I don't want to continue the argument if you want to stop.

(I type so much better when I'm not rushing for school or in the middle of a lesson trying not to look like I'm not paying attention. O_O

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(@Noelle I get what you're saying.)

Star Inkbright said...

Seriously though Keiron THE FUCK

I can see how you'd hate a MOVEMENT because of extremists (although that is still wrong - like someone (Dugglyn?) said, it's like hating Islam because of ISIS when Islam, as a whole, can be perfectly fine).
But to hate individual Muslims you've never even met because of an ISIS that they likely hate just as much or more than you???
I know some really lovely nice people who are Muslims and to hate them because of ISIS is just plain wrong.
How on EARTH can you hate certain individuals because of certain otehr individuals they don't even like??

Star Inkbright said...

Sorry for anger, it's just, I'm angry.
*looks ashamed*

Noelle said...


I give up.

Goodnight, bye, whatever Noelle.

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(Thank you for those three walls of text, Star.

@Noelle sorry if I upset you.


Humans are messed up.)

Star Inkbright said...

@Kas: Was that sarcasm or not?

Kai The Immortal said...

( again ... you're merging groups and people star ffs.... I'll hate all isis because "ISIS"

do you not hate isis? did you not say that most annoy you...? you're basically fucking agreeing with me it's just that at least this one Scottish person has strong views on everyone and everything. if you do and continue to do something wrong then get the fuck out of y country ..... if you do something alright then we cool by my standards.... I'll have the good half of feminism the rest can go sit on a lego with a tac in it.

I have muslim friends gay friends bi friends... black friends disabled friends/ sister.... I don't give a fuck who you are... as long as you're a good person. I hate more over privileged white bitches than anyone else... and I know you all hate the hate word but ohhh guess what it's means a strong dislike for and it's the best goddamn word for it. )

Star Inkbright said...

@Keiron: But . . . but not all feminists are extremist. All ISIS are extremist so that applies. Not all feminists are extremists . . . the fuck.

And if you don't give a fuck who people are so long as they're a good person then why do you mind if they're a feminist

*smashes head into laptop and cries because I don't understand people*

And DUDE overpriviledged white people can not help being white and over priveledged!!!
(Sorry for spelling. Always fuck that word up)
If they're bitches then fair enough because then why are the "white" and "overprivilegded" phrases needed? If they were black bitches would you like them better? Because that's a bit fucking racist.

(Sorry. Getting tired.)

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Sorry, Keiron, this may be rude, but could you use some commas? Only because I have no clue what you just said.

Star Inkbright said...

*realises I could have just scrolled upwards and copied Keiron's spelling*

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(@Star Of course not! You wrote three large walls of text to explain your opinion and stance in a reasonable way. Meanwhile, I'm just lazy and write a few sentences.

@Keiron Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 b8 8/8 no h8 m8)

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Huh, I could've sworn there was more swearing in that.

Star Inkbright said...

Ah, you see, I used to be a grammar Nazi - sorry, um, pedantic person - who struggled with reading comments with lack of commas too, but after a year talking to Lizzie I now barely use commas myself.
Such is progress. :P

Kai The Immortal said...

( because most of those types of people be bitches. hence the hating and I hate feminists because all the serious ones I know seem to be complete assholes that want to be better than men. and no if they were a black over privileged bitch that was an asshole then no I'd not like them same way I don't like middle east with all it's rich cunts.....

like I said give me the good half, I will happily be friends... I am friends with feminists that don't take it seriously and agree in the ways of equality not betterness....

I'm going to stop talking I know what I fucking mean It's not my problem that none eh you can wrap your head round people being absolute cunts and not liking them for it... try going out into the real world. )

Star Inkbright said...

@Kas: :) Oh, thank you.
And tbh this morning I was doing AWFULLY with being reasonable and polite but in fairness I was rushing to school and in lessons . . .
should've just waited till I got home. -_-

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(@Trip Hi! :) I crunched some words together and got Tripley, enjoy the random ship!)

Kai The Immortal said...

( naw I winae fucking use commas and ye ken wit if yer smart yell fucking decypher it.

* fucking vanishes back to hell and insstalls sound dampening* )

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

It's not that Star, those elipses and run on sentences are just genuinely throwing me. If it were just simmpler I'm sure I could follow the logical thread better. But also, yeah, I'm a bit of a massive pedant.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

If Noelle wishes to be a feminst for the very many reasons, good reasons, she listed, so be it.

If you don't like the ideas or words, well I'm sorry you don't, but respect those who are feminists.

I support certain ideas of feminismn, some I don't care for.

I'm Catholic, I don't see why birth control is so wrong. I take the pill for medical reasons and I think it's wonderful. The Catholic faith is based off what men wrote and think. Of course a man would think birth control as wrong, they don't get a period, they don't get pregnant. So they can say oh the pill is wrong! If they had periods and pregnancy it'd be allowed.

I don't think it's right men are paid more than women. If I'm doing the same work as a man I should be paid equally. If I'm going for a job and I'm better qualified than a man, it should be me with the job, not the man.

It pissed me off women only got the right to vote in 1920, with the 19th Amendment. Men thought us too stupid to vote. They thought we were their property, we aren't. So yeah some things I agree with.

Like okay I think it's cool a woman is doing well in the primaries for our election, but Hilary isn't getting my vote. I refuse to vote for her just because she's a woman, and a man asked why I, a female, don't support Hilary.

If I bloody liked her agenda, I would vote for her. I registered Republican because I couldn't stand either Democratic canidate. To me, the person I vote for is gonna get my vote because of what they stand for, not their gender.

See to those who don't get it, you gotta declare yourself Republican or Democrat in order to vote in the primary in my state. Some states allow Independants to pick, ours doesn't.

Rant over

Star Inkbright said...

@Keiron: Um bit stereotypical there.
(I am pointing you out on all your minor offences just because you made a point of not being racist and loving minority groups, btw. I'm not usually this strict. I'm just trying to draw attention to potential hypocrisy.)

I hate people who are, in your words, "absolute cunts" (ooh I never use that word. Ooh that was scary. Ooh. Ooh I should use that word whenever I get really mad. Ooh.), but I like to try and identify whether or not individuals are "absolute cunts" (ooh. I like this word) before I hate them. Because I don't believe in hating people who've done nothing. Which is the same reason I don't like hating on minorty groups just for existing.

Does this make sense? If not, whatever, I'll try to stop arguing.

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

(Cool beans, Kas. How are you?)

See, I got that. Writing strangely is fine, it's just when he tries to convey a reasonably complex idea in a massive sentence that I can't manage.

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(@Keiron Hahahahaha

You hate the middle eastern guys!

And by the "middle eastern guys" I mean 0.05% of them!

You do realise most aren't wealthy?)

Star Inkbright said...

@Trip: No, I think I possibly do know what you mean. It has, in the past, been genuinely hard for me to try and decipher what people are saying without commas. Like, you read it but it just won't sink it because there's no tone variation . . . ?
If I'm completely off the mark then never mind. :P

@Zaf: I have no issue with anythign you said, except for the thing that referenced the gdner pay gap. Women and men are, by law, paid the same amount for the same work. When you apply for a job, they're not like "we'll pay you this much if you're a man and this much if you're a woman." The reason there's a gap is because women are less likely to take higher-paying jobs and thus women on average earn less money.
I researched the gender pay gap a little bit (only a little bit) for the gdner quotas debate, and most people who want to reduce the gap want to do it by getting women to work more in more higher-paying jobs. Hence gender quotas.

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(@Zaf Yeah, I get it. I'm all for equality. Who are you voting for, btw? And when is the vote?

@Trip I'm fine, thanks. How are you?)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I don't like the idea in Middle Eastern cultures you can kill your wife if she disobeys. I don't like women being opressed. I don't think women are property. The whole they have to cover themselves or be shot thing is stupid, they live in a dessert!!

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Yeah, ever hear of the Iran-Iraq war? The people who fought that war are the kinds of people who live in most of the middle East: mostly poor, mostly oppressed.

Kai The Immortal said...

( i said the rich bastards kas... I said the rich bastards *realizes you can't hear me due to I dunno must be the ammount of fucking foam papdding or maybe skulls being thick*

cool just gonna go resolve this real quick.... you know the problem that everyone is having... me I'm gonna not make me a problem .


Star Inkbright said...

Oh, I thought Keiron meant the middle east of Britain. Never mind . . . oops.
(Twas the lower case that was throwing me off, I think. Not an insult, btw, I don't use perfect punctuation or capitals either.)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(@Star A British video game development company, Criterion Games, recently had an event that was some sort of showcase/one day course for women to show what it's like to develop games, in order to hopefully convince more women to join the field of game development. I thought that was pretty cool.)

Star Inkbright said...

@Keiron: Alright. I hope it's quick for you. You can always email me if you need to talk, but I would advise emailing Gemma over me as she knows you better and will probably be able to better help.

Star Inkbright said...

@Kas: Cool. :)

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...



The Middle East has a whole bunch of cultures and countries all with very different sets of laws, none of which I understand involve killing women who don't wear burkhas, except for various territories held by militant groups, I imagine, where you can be tortured to death for being beardless.

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(@Keiron That's what I said. You hate rich middle easteners. You hate ISIS. You hate privileged bitches of all kinds, you hate feminists.

You're just a very hateful person.)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Star- I just know it may happen still, and I hope it doesn't

Kas- Well, currently we're having primaries. Today is Super Tuesday where 11 states all hold their elections. I think my state holds ours in April. I had to send in my form yesterday so I can register. I'm registering for the first time, since I'm 18.

Who I'm voting for? Trump. I can't stand Hilary and Sanders. So I went to the other party and I think the others are all groomed politcians and I think Trump will go in and actually do his job. He has many and is sucessful for a reason, he also is using his money only to campaign so he isn't tied to companies who fund politicians. He won't go in as president and go well I have to watch out for the people who backed me. So I like that, I also agree with a lot of the whole building a wall. It sounds harsh but we have to stop illegals getting in from Mexico. I don't like how they get in and live off the government. They need to be deported if you come here legally, then good congrats you're a citizen. Otherwise? Get out and come here legally.

When the primaries are over we vote the first Tuesday in November for the president and we vote between whoever is the winner of the primaries from each party. The election actually is 50 seperate elections held on the same day. Weird, right?

The Vile part of Skulduggery Pleasant said...

( I hate cunts that deserve hating. I like people that deserve liking ... and I love but 1 )

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Well they have those nuts, and those nuts who believe in killing women for things like that need to be stopped. They're lunatics!

Star Inkbright said...

@Keiron: OMG. Really???
Omg!! I thoguht I was doing shit at finding friends but I love two friends and I'm doing better than you and you don't fail at life so I must be not failing at life either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Star Inkbright said...

I don't like Trump. I'm not American. I'm not researched enough. I'm not getting into this.

Star Inkbright said...

OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IT IS OKAY YO ONLY LOVE TWO PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Star Inkbright said...

Sorry about that. Freaked out a bit there.

The Vile part of Skulduggery Pleasant said...

( I don't fail at life?

news to me...

the only person I love is Gemma... most my family fall into like. )

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

:P smart one Star. You gotta be here to hear debates and all that and be up to date on the issues. Trump, not including the results from today to come in soon or later, is leading for the nomination, so obviously people like him since he isn't a career politician. Usually when the election comes to my state we have a solid idea who won, but sometimes we make the difference.

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Isn't it a little hypocritical to criticise an unstable region for not being able to prevent extremism while you and your country as a whole are considering electing a man who wants to strongarm your neighbor into building an economically destructive wall?

Star Inkbright said...

Tbh I love my family but I don't tend to count them because I didn't choose them.
My family are fabulous though.

And now I THINK about it, I DO actually love more than two people still not including family (only have three real life friends but I do love multiple online friends too so it's okay), so . . .


dude. I'm succeeding.

Star Inkbright said...

Um. Msd. WiFi went.

The Vile part of Skulduggery Pleasant said...

( I don't dislike my family I like them more than my friends I just personally think love is saved for well love.... what I feel for Gemma is much stronger than my family... I'd call that love. )

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(@Zaf Trump?

The guy with the quote "I know words. I have the best words" who also denies climate change? And a wall? The guy who is taking FBI's side against Apple and wants your phones to be tapped remotely? The guy who thinks that building a wall to replace a fence will prevent people from using ladders or shovels? You're voting for him?

I mean... it's much better than voting for Clinton, but... Trump... why not Bernie?)

Edward Fletcher said...

Is trip still here?...

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*shrugs* I'm not critizing the weaker countries stuck with lunatics. They need help and we should help.

As for the wall, you don't understand the entire thing.

People come in illegally via the Mexican border. People come over pregnant and have kid here. Kid becomes automatic citizen so family can stay. Family now lives off government. Kid grows up and goes to college for free.

Not all do this but it's enough to be a problem.

The wall is to keep illegals out. Imagine if you had let's say a castle. Your castle prospers but people sneak in. They live off of the workers and rulers. Meanwhile your people work hard, and are paying out their asses in taxes. You'd want to defend your castle from the people sneaking in. That's what Trump is saying, we build a wall to keep the illegals out. Nobody says you can't come here legally, that is not a problem.

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(@Zaf the same Trump that tells us that the way to end the conflict in middle east is to kill unarmed families?)

Star Inkbright said...

@Keiron: For me, it's Cat and Lizzie at the top, then family and some online friends only slightly below that, then people I don't know that well who I don't count bevause they're muchly further below.

Star Inkbright said...

I'll leave other people to the Trump debate bevause I don't feel confident enough on the subject area, but I am anti-Trump.
(Which doesn't make me anti-Zaf, I'd like to point out. You can disagree with people without hating them or disliking them.)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(@Zaf You know what'd be great? If Saudi Arabia stopped bombing hospitals. But it won't happen because America has to keep selling those bombs to someone, right? Really helping those people, America.)

Star Inkbright said...

My middle category is actually slightly more inclusive than that but whatever.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

As for the Apple vs FBI case

I agree with Apple. They say to create this software is a risk to everyone with an iPhone. The bad guys get this we are screwed.

Also- Our Constitution says we have the right to privacy. Who is to say the cops can't ask Apple to do this for a drug case next?

Example- Your co-worker is caught for drug dealing. They get this software and unlock the phone see your co-worker called you and text you. You never knew this person did drugs. Guess who's ass gets hauled in for questioning? Yours. Word gets out and say you work for a school. You think you'll be in a job much longer, probably not.

Also- If the FBI had contacted Apple they could have avoided this. They could have bought an iPhone, plugged the old phone in and gotten into the iCloud and had all the info from the old phone onto a new phone without a passcode. They reset the passcode! So now they can't get info.

And if they had transferred the data it'd work. When I did it to my new phone my texts all came back and recent calls. So there you go you could have had it.

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

I get why the moron rednecks want to build a wall, it's the same reason why the moron English people want to leave the EU, because of the imaginary foreigners who are invading. What I'm saying is that Trump is actually saying that he will get Mexico to pay for it. He is actually saying he will force Mexico into paying ludicrous amounts of money to the United States to build a defensive structure against themselves. How is he going to do that? By asking them nicely? No. He's going to use the best funded military on the planet.

That's messed up.

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(So yeah, it'd be nice to have someone who isn't as extreme as Trump, and not as corrupt as Clinton. I don't know enough about the other candidates so idk if there's someone better to vote for.)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I agree we shouldn't be sending things to those countries.

Oh and killing the innocent? We did that with the atom bomb. We killed some to save many. He isn't talking nonesense, it's been done by us. And that's if he really said it. Media lies and twists things.

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(@Trip I thought he'd just take the money out of the national federal aid to Mexico that they send every year, and problem solved. It's not the money that's the issue.)

Edward Fletcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I doubt he'll really manage to make Mexico pay. I think we'll end up paying for the wall but if he keeps the border secure....

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Kas- I'm pretty sure that's the general idea. They pay by losing aide money.

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

If you believe a wall of any real calibre that stretches across the entire US will cost less then 2 billion dollars you're delusional. And who's going to patrol the massive wall in the blistering sun?

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(@Zaf I don't think you do understand. If somebody bombs hospitals, the people will want retribution. How would you like it if somebody started bombing hospitals in US to get back at the US government.

And let's not forget that all but one of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudi Arabian. And US just keeps giving them more and more bombs to bomb civilians.

But no, let's elect someone who doesn't care about that, but cares about a wall.)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...


Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(@Zaf Again, I'm sorry if this comes as a personal attack, it wasn't meant this way. Voting is your choice, and at least it's not Clinton...)

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Also, have you ever had to live off the government? It's not the sweet life they'd have you believe. This experience is by no means first hand, but nevertheless accurate.

(Aww, thanks Ed. :|D )

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

(Yeah, Hillary is awful. Sanders 2K15)

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

(Also Zaf- EXACTLY. It's a wall, not an army. Only oceans and people stop people, and even then most are undeterred. The wall would need Manning, and who's going to want that job?)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(@I mean, they could just row or swim to America, or Canada, and cross there...)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...


Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

(That would be quite a feat, to be honest, when ladders are available.)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(I mean, it's a wall. Wow. Just wow.)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*shrugs* Suit yourselves. I can't change your minds and you can't change mine

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(@Zaf Okay, how will the wall stop somebody who has a ladder?)

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Well, you have offered no counter- arguments. I'm perfectly willing to change my mind if you'll tell me why to.

Let's take Hadrian's wall as a case study. Admittedly it was considerably shorter and lower than the proposed wall, but it had a different purpose and was of a more military nature. Technology was not so good in those days, so the distance that could be patrolled was less. Even so, there were roughly forty Garrison's on Hadrian's wall, each with an estimated minimum garrison of one thousand men. That's forty thousand legionnaires to patrol the northern border of England. Let's say that Trump needs half as many men to patrol half the distance the Romans did, that still means that he needs roughly fifty thousand border patrol guards at or near the wall at any one time. These people will want holidays, so that's at least fifty five thousand people. There will of course be major staffing problems on big holidays like Christmas and that sort of thing, but that's probably manageable. What's less so if fifty thousand jobs popping into existence that the government must pay for and source people to fill.

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

*double the distance

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

You know who are generally useful when you need to find dedicated, bard working people who are accustomed to low wages and are a massive boon to many industries that require people less entitled than those in their own country?

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(@Trip I do! I do! But go on, say it!)

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...


No wait those don't exist.

The immigrants that you don't have racial prejudices against but over time will slowly realise inside that you do and become increasingly isolated from your modernising society. Finding solace in sunset town thinking.

That was a more general you. I wasn't actually calling you a racist, just a lot of Trump's supporters.

Edward Fletcher said...

Aye, do tell

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(@Trip If it comes down to Trump vs Clinton, better vote Trump, yes?)

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

(I don't know, Clinton seems more moderate at home, while her aggressive foreign policy ideas aren't nearly as bad as Trump's, not that U.S reputation abroad could be a whole lot worse. She's also a senator, giving her experience in governace. On the other hand, Trump could be an entertaining four years of one man struggling against a system that thinks everything he believes is an affront to its nation's values, much like the Obama presidency.)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...


I dislike Clinton because she deceived the public for monetary gain. She is far more corrupt than Trump.

I'd rather see someone win and not use this as a way to profit.

Plus, the whole Hillary unencrypted illegal home server thing... I'm no genius but didn't she have enough illegal, unsecured documents to amount to treason? Why wasn't she tried for treason? I doubt her excuse of "I don't know how to use email" would've held up with 10,000+ emails on that thing.

Why is US voting for someone who either doesn't know how to send an email, or is lying to the public about it?

What the hell is wrong with people in general?

I am losing my faith in humanity every day, Trip.)

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

(Better a technologically illiterate liar than a man who supports torture, killing people to make examples of them, building a 3000 kilometre wall with only 2 billion dollars and inherited 10 million and now only has two. It's the lesser of two evils, like almost always.)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(Meh, I think I like Hillary less. She lies to your face. Trump is just picking a stance that suits him on a certain day because that's what he feels like. He doesn't set out to deceive you and make money.

Vote Bernie dammit)

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

(Pretty much yeah XD)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(I just can't get over how corrupt they are... like... you do know you're voting for a corrupt woman/a man encouraging war crimes


I don't vote

And Cameron is Cameron

But oh my god, people are actually voting for Trump and Clinton

I want to hurt myself.)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

they're projecting a lot of wins for Clinton and Trump, not all polls closed yet. It's only 8:05pm

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(@Zaf it's the fact that people are voting for them... like... why?)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

He won Tenesee, Alabama, Massachusettes, and Georgia.

*shrugs* I relay what I see live. Virginia was too close to call.

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...


Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(Good night!)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Why? Clinton beats me as to why.

Trump- Well a lot of us are sick of the career politicians. Trump isn't one. So a lot of us feel like this guy will get in and fix what is wrong.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I dedicate this page to cats. Cats are cool.

To Jensen Ackles as it's his birthday!

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(Ah, yes, voting someone inept to be president. That'll solve those *gender pay inequality/war/immigration/healthcare/corruption* problems! Five bucks says he won't build a wall if he becomes president.)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(I should stop getting into this, since I really shouldn't care either way.

Good night!)

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

Okay, so I get how bad a lot of candidates are but Trump? I-

Oh, and might I recommend watching this??

It's extremely hilarious and has some good information.
(Also John Oliver is brilliant.)

Dugglyn Carzainia said...



Kai The Immortal said...

( *has cleared his head* 110 mph with your head out the window was just the thing I needed ... along with a pep talk from Gem although I didn't ask for it :P :3 :D )

Noelle said...

Everyone is freaking out about Trump.

Don't get me wrong, though I greatly dislike her, I would vote Hillary over him any day. Actually, I would rather vote Kasich over Trump. He's my favorite non-Democrat.

Here's the thing.

Even if, God forbid, Trump became president, the position of "president" is not the most powerful in the country. So Trump can write up a national budget, and put "wall around the USA" in it, but Congress would never EVER let that happen, regardless of which party the congress belongs to. Typically, around 5% of the national budget drafted by the president is actually written into the final draft. That's why creating a national budget for a single fiscal year (October 1-September 30) takes around 18 months.

Hell, even if Congress WANTED to build a damn wall, we're too deep in the hole for that to be a main priority. I'm 99% certain that, if they had to choose, the hardcore Trump supporters would rather take Social Security benefits OVER a wall separating the US from Mexico.

His slaughter campaign isn't meant to have logic. He caters to that hidden and deep post-9/11 racism that is secretly prevalent in so many areas of this country. It's poisoning the minds of so many people. Honestly, even if Trump were the best economist in the world, (again, not that the president controls the economy, Congress uses Fiscal policy and the Fed uses monetary policy- the president, again, has no power over unemployment or inflation),

Even if he did have that power, and could create a healthy economy (because no unemployment is very unhealthy, as bad as it sounds), his fire-and-brimstone John Edwards hate speech is just not worth it. An asshole can be great at chemistry, but that doesn't take away from the fact that they're bigoted, creepy, old tupee'd grandfathers.


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inky Flame said...

(*looks at talk about politics, freaks out and runs for the hills*)

Inky Flame said...

(*is too tired to run*
*been up for ages *
*collapses on spot *)

Star Inkbright said...

*laughs slightly at Chloe but in a fond way as opposed to a mean way*

*still listening to debate about politics; still not gonna contribute*

Inky Flame said...

(Hey Star! It's okay to laugh at me, most people do XD my family do on a daily basis

I simply know nothing about politics so I can't contribute
I think we should learn about them to a degree in school
Like, when you reach a certain age you can vote... But there'll be loads of people voting who are uneducated about such matters...

*thinks about my sisters parents evening the other night*
*winces* we think my sister has anxiety.. Or a social phobia as she has low confidence arounf others ... She is seeing a councillor
She isn't so good academically -I'll be tutoring her for her exams-
Dad said he wanted me to go to my sisters parents evening so he can say 'I know two kids are different, but intelligence runs in families. Chloe did well in her exams and *sisters name* has the potential to be smarter than Chloe, she just needs to gain confidence and be pushed '
Like seriously dad, push my confidence down to boost my sister's? I'm sorry, but my family pander to my sister as she has these issues which I understand.. But what I don't like is how they reckon I have so much confidence in myself they feel it's okay to take the Mick out of me! Like... Mum says how my sister has nicer legs than me and I have 'mammy legs' and how my sister has a thigh gap and I don't.. One, my legs are quite muscular through years of exercise -though they are disappearing... Haven't been to gym in a while- and I do have a thigh gap.. I just don't let anyone see me while I'm changing... Not that there's anything wrong with not having a thigh gap.. What I'm getting at is im the slimmest in my family, slim and slight... I'm the only one who does any exercise. My sister has lost a lot of weight as she's grown but she's not quite my size. I just don't like my body being criticised, even if it's jokingly or to build up my sisters confidence Also, I love my sister to bits and I empathise with her because of her lack of confidence... But she can be confident in the house and she says stuff to me which is actually quite hurtful...)

Edward Fletcher said...

Chloe, your perfect as you are and always will be

Inky Flame said...

(*kisses Jack* thank you darling... Really, thank you
You are amazing

It's hailing and snowing heavily and the place is white)

Star Inkbright said...

@Chloe: *nods* Yeah, by it would be hard to endure schools gave unbiased education.

@Chloe: :/ No, they shouldn't put your confidence down to put your sister's up . . . not if you're not okay with it. They can build her confidence without putting you down . . .

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(Deleted my comment because nobody cares about Trump.


Inky Flame said...

(I hate nervous systems !)

Star Inkbright said...

@Chloe: Really?

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