Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Ladies. Gentlemen. Minions.



We're still working on it, still altering and changing the little details, still tweaking... but I really wanted to get it out before it's leaked.

And let's face it, it is BRILLIANT.

You can start trembling now.


  1. THAT IS SO AMAZING!! *pteredactyl screech*

    (hi everyone)

  2. Oh my gosh! I am such a big fan of your writing, and if this is anything like the other books (which it hopefully is), count me in as one of the first readers!

  3. *wolf whistles*

  4. Very well... I'll move it here, then

    Sophia, I'm angry, and I'm hurt. You know- what I was saying is that, until recently, the only support I got was on the blog- and only at times when I called for it, or when there was bullying. To me, that isn't a sign of true friendship, because it's about going above and beyond. To me, when someone is hurt, you keep looking out for them, on any medium, aside from when there is just fighting.

    I feel, and have felt, that the support I got was because what was happening was detrimental to the community, not to genuinely help me. Until recently, no one would try- really try- to reach out. Perhaps I would get an email or two, but... Silence.

    Look, I'm not asking for support now- I've come to the stage again where I find it best to push people away, because I'm hurt, and it is easiest for me to cope when I don't have to deal with excess things that upset me. Honestly, I don't want anyone to talk to me- I don't want to deal with this anymore, and I find that a lot of people here are entangled in their own drama, so I shouldnt think it too bad.

    The point is, when I was bullied for two years, the only times that people would really stick up for me was when Zafira was verbally attacking me- and sometimes not even then. To me, I feel like an obligation, and that I need to be solved so that others can go back to their own comfort. Be it that it may be different, that is certainly not the impression that I have recieved.

    Please, Sophia, don't ask any more- I just want to vent and be livid and be hurt, because It isn't healthy to fight it. Plus, I become very defensive, and I don't want to fight. I'm not here to fight. I'm here to vent.

    That's all

  5. (Bang tidy? XD who are you? Keith Lemon? XD)

  6. (As I said Adra, I would email you, but I don't know what it is and I don't know what to say

    but my email is always open)

  7. (I'm in the same boat as Chloe

    Email is there if you want to talk

    I'm not exactly very good but I try

    Use it if you want to )

    Yes Chloe, I am Keith lemon!

    And i just like the saying

    Its my current one XD )

  8. (hehe XD that guy is filthy XD)

  9. It's gorgeous! Expected it to be a little more animated. And I thought the teenage girl would be human!

  10. very horny :P nice cover already preordered :0

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.


  13. (just a little...
    But its how he's funny XD

    And do you want to continue Tawnee's baby dropping?)

  14. I CANNOT wait until this comes out!!! I'm so pumped ^_^

  15. Oh my gosh haha, loving it already!
    Can't wait for owning this book and absorbing it!

  16. (iirc
    The Last thing said was: )

    Gar: *cringes at the sound of the scream*

    Dr: Thats it, the baby's crowning *gently takes hold of the baby's head* just a little more now

  17. I wonder who the artist is for the cover this time.

  18. Called it!

    Now if only Derek posted the cover for SP book 9 paperback...

  19. Taw: *screams again and pushes, sweating*

  20. Didn't Derek say 3 books coming in a 2 year period? That should keep the blog somewhat alive.

    Hello, everyone!

  21. @Adra: I've emailed you loads of times, and messages you on Tumblr, too, and you never responded, so I figured you'd rather be left alone. I don't know.

    @Everyone else: Yoooooooo

  22. Gar: Good girl Taw,
    Not long now right doc?

    Dr: *gently guides the baby out*
    *insert gender here* its a *blank* ! (gender and how many? )

    Well done you two *smiles*

  23. Hey, everyone!

    I was never really a friend to Noelle. And she's not letting me any closer than I am, so... yeah.

  24. (one, boy

    what is it jai?)

    Taw: *smiles* awww

  25. (Hey Kes, Kas and Jai !! )

    (Okay Chloe )

    Dr: *walks around to the side of the bed* do you want to hold him? *carefully offers the baby to Taw*

    Gar: *smiles happily* *kisses Taw's forehead* well done Bach

  26. I don't even know what to do with myself! It's so real.

  27. (thanks ^^)

    Taw: *carefully takes the little boy and cradles it*
    *the baby cries* shhh shhhh

  28. Dr: *steps back* *to a respectful distance*

    Gar: *still smiling*
    Hello little man

  29. Taw: *smiles* Cora has a baby brother....

  30. (not much these days, unfortunately *sighs*)

  31. Gar: *nods* so she does
    Should I go get her?

    (Well Kes, Garrett and Tawnee have just had their second kid
    Because Garrett seems to be really good at making babies so yeah

    Two / 3 (depends if you include not canon or not... ) kids to his name :) )

  32. Hey, Kilandra and Kes!

    @Chloe OMG I look nothing like you!

    *looks at the other photo*

    I don't understand! :c *hugs*

  33. Taw: *nods* okay

    (that's true, I don't think you have pink hair XD)

  34. (thank you Kes *hugs* )

    Gar: I'll be back in a jiffy

    *shadow walks home*
    *picks up Cora*
    Hey sweetie *smiles*
    You want to see your new brother?

  35. Cora: *laughs and giggles* bother?!

  36. (Hey Kilandra? have we met before? maybe when I was plain old 'chloe g'?)

  37. (We probably have. I'm just not here often. If not...Nice to meet you! :P )

  38. (nice to meet you too! *offers hand* im also known as Inky, the werewolf ^^)

  39. (alright kilandra
    *offers handshake*
    The names Garrett Falcone / Rhos (first being Character name second is author name ) use either of those )

    Gar *nods and smiles*
    Yeah, you've got a brother

  40. Cora: *claps and giggles*
    *kisses Gars nose*

  41. I've seen you before, Kilandra. Though that was a long time ago...

  42. *shakes both hands* Nice to meet both of you.

  43. Gar: *laughs* you cheeky sausage *kisses her nose back*

    Lets go see him *shadow walks back to Tawnee*

    (Chloe, I have a question,
    Is the new baby going to be a dragon like Tawnee?

    So then Cora is like Garrett?)

  44. (its a secret)

    Cora: *giggles*
    *sees Taw* Mummy!

    Taw: *smiles* hey big girl, want to see your brother?

  45. (okay... I'll wait then :/ )

    (Bye Kas)

    Gar: *carefully sits Cora on the bed, next to Tawnee* (as in said on the same bed like )

  46. (welcome Kas!)

    Cora: *smiles and touches the baby boy on the head*

    Taw: good girl *smiles*
    *to Gar* what shall we call him?

  47. Gar: *smiles and shrugs*
    I'm not sure.... I didn't think of names...

    You got any ideas? (any ideas Chlo? )

    (welcome back Kas )

  48. (did anyone like my little intro or was it patched? I was thinking of making a story for him.)

  49. (Eh Keiron)

    Taw: *thinks* (no XD)

  50. (it was cool? K
    And yeah, if you want to make a story for him why not )

    (hmm... Maybe something welsh?
    So: Aron ? ) (thats welsh, I just googled welsh boys names )

    Gar: *snaps fingers*
    I have an idea!


  51. (I'll try and find it, it was on the last page of the last post we were on I'm going to add it anyway so I'll repost :) bored and rendering I like the idea of being a killer for once.)

  52. "(*mentally kills hypocrites*)

    (*classical music plays* ahh thats better *points finger at stuff and they explode* The conductor is in.)

    Ah vundabar! *points baton to the sky and floats upwards into the clouds* perfect night for a orchestration of killings and beautiful music!

    *dissipates black clouds all around him and makes it rain* You will know the true beauty of MUSIC! *Maniacal laughter*
    *lightning strikes the ground and forms into an orchestra*


  53. Taw: *smiles* that's a nice name

  54. (Yeh kes I was skully :P or keiron.)

  55. Gar: Aron it is then *smiles*

    *looks at Aron*
    Nice name little man

    (Thank you Kes for approving the name :) )

  56. Taw: *smiles* little aron

    *aron opens his eyes which are bright yellow*

  57. (hey :) I try and change mine a lot to shake things up get into the head of my character and make it real. I have learned this is a bad thing to do but it makes it easier to write as someone else if I am them as they have their own presets. plus before I had to be nice with a hint of you'll die if you hurt my friends now I can be you and your friends will die :P

    was the wow good or oh god you're crazy ? -maybe a but of both :P-)

  58. Gar: *notices the yellow eyes*
    Awwww thats a cute pair of eyes *smiles* an unusual colour too?
    *hugs Taw, Aron and Cora*

  59. Why would it be a bad thing? And the wow was just bc that is...not what I was expecting

  60. (because it's too easy to get lost and hurt people *cough* sorry! *cough*)

  61. (I'm sorry
    I must go
    Talking to too many people on my phone)

  62. (Kas?)

    (Hey Fera )

    (Okay Chlo,
    We can continue whenever we do lol )

  63. hey person...just kidding XD :p

  64. (added a chapt 1... dunno how I feel about it but hey I can edit it if need be.)

  65. administrator: died...a horrible death...yeah ^_^

  66. Oh, you can just call me Kes or Kessie :)
    I should hope not, I quite like her

  67. you aren't? :O what are you then? XD

  68. kes: I don't think we've met before, nice to meet ya *shakes hand* long have you been on blogland? :D and well,sometimes loved ones die XD

  69. The Void.

    *bows* Nice to meet you!
    I'm going on three years, actually, but I haven't a consistent regular in forever. You?

    I mean, you're not WRONG, but she'd be pretty hard to kill.

  70. @kes: the void ha...hmm, i've been a member for like about 3 weeks now, i think ^_^ How hard would it be? (unintended sexual innuendo) *smirks*

  71. @kes: oh...and my name is Fera Topek, what magic do you practice? ^_^

  72. (bad thing Is I still don't know half the peoples magic on here No one ever told me and being Skulduggery I couldn't very well ask now could I? plus people change like the wind so easier to just go with whathappenes and try and beat them)

  73. *waggles eyebrows*
    Very. KesTC has probably tried, I can't even remember.

    KesTC is a vampire and a sigilist, trained by China herself. You?

  74. @The Conductor: Back in the days of blog fighting, everyone knew each orher's magic so that we could tell at eachother for godmodding. Now it doesn't really matter that much :)

  75. (yeh I did read back a big big big bunch back when I ghosted but tbh I forgot who most where so it was easier to just be a noob :P )

  76. @kes: well...what is a sigilist? *smirks* and me...well...i am a young magician....a sensitive, but *smirks* I can use my talent in slightly different ways than your normal sensitive *smirks* Got kicked out of the english council... *grins*

  77. Do your special powers involve the ability to smirk incredibly often?(jk jk)
    And a Sigilist is like what China does, with the symbols and stuff.

  78. @kes: umm, well yes i would say so *smirks* but no, not really, it's just a habit of mine ^_^ It involves...well, it involves beings from the astral planes of existence *smirks*

  79. Oh? That's interesting. ((I'm going ic now because I'm bored))

    *pulls out phone on opens Notes*
    *she types something, and then puts it away*

    Kicked off the English Council, you say? Why wasn't I informed of this?

  80. @kes: why weren't you, is the question *smirks* well, now you know...and i was going to be elected as one of the's, in fact, very intriguing that they did kick me out, wouldn't you say so? *smirks*

  81. *files this away in her head*
    Yes, this is certainly a breach of protocol! I'll have to talk to someone about it. Would you like to take a walk?

  82. ((I've just realized that this is the first time I've ever had an OC w/a different gender from me. Huh.))

  83. @kes: I don't think it would be wise to ask the council about it....something's not right in there *smirks* Yes, sure *walks with kes* so, what kind of a vampire are oyu? *grins*

  84. (haha, i am a guy, and you're female then? :D )

  85. Really? I'll keep that in mind. *she flinches almost imperceptibly, memories struggling to reemerge* Just your regular old vampire, I'm afraid.

    ((I'm...actually not male OR female. I tend to hover around the realm of agender, and I use xe/xir pronouns :) Is your character male, too?))

  86. (yes, my character is male and i am male :D)
    @kes: You should keep it in mind...*notices flinching* are you ok? *smirks* sorry if i asked anything that would make you feel uneasy *eyes start glowing* but i can see that you're nothing like the regular ones *smiles* well...i might just have to be careful with you, my immunity might not help a tad bit against your bites *smirks*

  87. (Just saying.
    You can't know someone's gender as soon as they're born.
    You can only know their sex.

    Not really here. Have to go to sleep soon.

  88. @roleplayed birth above, not @current conversation. :P

  89. @Star: well, it kinda makes sense i guess...ok, have nice dreams ^_^

  90. ((Yo Star!))

    *forced blink*
    I don't know what you're talking about.

  91. (had to go do stuff sozzie and never ever posted, this was back when I was socially awkward and literally scared of talking to people but I still loved the books ....

    still doing stuff wbd)

  92. ((@Ferra:re:gender: Sex is what you're assigned at birth, gender is what you identify as. For the majority of people, they line up, but for some, e.g. me, they don't)

  93. It's dark

    And I can't see

    So I don't try to

    But rather focus on the feel

    Of the scars

    Against my fingertips.

  94. @kes: you know exactly what i am talking about *smirks* but you'd better keep your teeth to yourself *inhales* *aura around him and atmosphere begins to become dense* see, i don't really want trouble ^_^

  95. (*sits in a dark room with a cupcake, the icing slightly melted, the candle burnt nearly to a stub*
    *whispers quietly*
    Happy blogaversary to me.. Happy blogaversary to me.. Happy blogaversary Jaimie.. Happy blogaversary to me..
    *sighs as the candle flickers and goes out having run out of a wick to burn*
    *fades away again, leaving the cupcake*)

  96. O_O Happy Blogaversary, Jaimie!!!!
    I'm sorry I didn't know before. :( :(

  97. (ahh i see, so you're like kinda both? ^_^)

  98. No, I really don't. *surreptitiously taps the sigil on her thigh, throwing up an invisible energy shield*

  99. It's okay, Star. They're not fresh scars. And, as you've said, I could be lying. About the scars. About everything. Who can you trust on the internet, right?

  100. @jai: hey come on, i would've told you happy blogaversary if i knew, i am kind of new here ^_^

  101. *Tanya hugs Silente gently*

    Happy Blogaversary, Jaimie. I'm glad you're here.

  102. @Kas: I don't believe you're lying.

  103. @kes: Yare yare, i hope you don't think i mean trouble ^_^ *smirks* why else would you be creating an invisible shield around you? ^_^ *walks right past you, including the energy field* oh sorry, was i supposed to be kept out? ^_^

  104. ((I smell godmodding :P))

    *continues walking*
    No, not at all. It's not precisely that sort of shield.

  105. (no, not really, i've got my character's limits and powers and oyu'll understand why that happened ^_^)
    @kes: Ok, well at least i am glad you're not trying to bite me or something, that would be bad for one of us ^_^ *atmosphere and aura become normal again)

  106. (ok, let's countinue this role play another time? ^_^)

  107. bye everyone, gonna go as well ^_^

  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. *first words after seeing the cover*
    DANG! Wow. Okay, wow.

    DEREK, THAT IS AMAZING!!! But uh, who's the new artist?

  110. *hugs back*
    Hi Kas. Sorry for distance. Was just catching up.

    You okay?

  111. I'm okay. A bit tired though. Got woken up suddenly after missing my alarm. Idiot moment for me when I remembered that I turned the volume off last night. XP
    *hugs again*

    Also a random thing I just want to get out. I make a lot of silly faces in real life, but because I'm a 'lady' I've been told I need to stop because it doesn't look good.

    Can I really help it if it's just a reflex when I'm being silly or an idiot(meaning sticking my tongue out is my reaction when I do something stupid yet funny)?

  112. I think I got it from my own mom, to be honest. She makes silly faces sometimes when she's messing around.

  113. Especially during a picture taking. Sometimes she smiles, but when she wants to be silly, she'll either make a cross eyed face or stick her tongue out. Or both. Because she's awesome like that. :P

  114. I... don't know. I don't have much of a social life XD

    But most humour my friends and I have is verbal. Maybe it's because we're guys, idk, but we don't make faces unless we're trying to parody someone, and even then we just parody the voice.

    But then again, that's who we are. We're not you, so we do things our way. You can do what you want, I guess. But it's not very mature, I guess...

    Sorry, I don't know.

    Also... were you born in Japan? Or are you staying there? For how long? And where have you lived before? I'm curious...

  115. This comment has been removed by the author.

  116. WEll, considering her name is japanese, i'd say she is jap...just looked back, not sleeping yet, but will be soon ^_^ *disappears*

  117. I was actually born in New York. Didn't grow up there, though I wish I could have. We stayed for a year after I was born, then moved in with my mom's parents(I'm here with my dad's relatives in Japan. Any family I mention in America are on my mom's side) in California. I grew up and lived in the state for most of my life, though we moved a few times inside the state. Then we moved to Texas and lived together with my mom's friend(they met in college) and her family.

    I also did visit South Korea a few times, but usually for the summer because of other family friends whom my parents met in college.

    Now to answer your last two questions, I'm staying in Japan for a while longer, but I'm not sure how long. My family is allowing me to stay as long as I'd like, and I don't see a reason to leave, honestly. There's less to do in America than there is here, so I feel happier where I am.

    Also, after I came to Japan, my parents moved back in with my grandpa to take care of him after my grandma died a few years back. And since I only lived with them when I was a toddler, I never made any real friends near his place(unless you count adults), as most of the friends I made were from other cities I lived in before. So it's hard to visit them as my dad has to stay home(unless he's working) to tend to my grandpa(who's having troubles with his legs) and my mom's always working until evening. So yeah, there's not much I can do back in America. And before you ask about studies, I'd probably fail anyway, so I don't think I'll go to college any time soon. I'd like to learn how to drive, but I wouldn't know where to do or who to ask about it. And I'm guessing that if I don't go to college, then it'll be hard finding a job I'd like, so I'm just practicing my music here, in Japan.

    *shrugs* Not a great plan for a young adult, but better than sitting around all day.

  118. Not mine, Kas.
    *wonders if it was Fera's*

    Sleep well when you do, Fera.

  119. ...

    I think that's the first time I've said so much about myself on the blog.

    No one really asked about it before, I think.

  120. hopey: still not asleep, and yeah, you said quite a lot, and that's pretty interesting ^_^ but like, you do know how to speak japanese, right? ^_^

  121. and yeah, it was my deleted comment, cuz i said something stupid, "since she is called japanese, i think she is japanese" XD

  122. I see.

    Well... what I don't see is how there's less to do in America than in Japan.

    Like, you know English. Surely there's more to do in a country where you can speak the main language?

    I don't know all the details, but in your place, I'd likely move to America.

    Then again, I don't know these details, only you do. Maybe you're happier in Japan. I'm just wondering if you'd consider moving back to America, and when...

    *whispers* I'm not sure Fera knows how to delete a comment.

    And yeah, most people don't ask, I guess. They're stuck in their own little worlds. Such is life.

  123. *gasps* Fera! No deleting comments unless you must/unless you explain why. Please.

  124. Ah. Haha. :P And thanks. I'm pleased to hear my life is interesting to you.

    And, well, I can't speak it easily, but I can understand a lot, and I'm still learning. But I'm able to communicate okay enough. At least I have a few friends and family who know enough English as well to talk with.

  125. what, why no deleting comments? XD

  126. @hopey: yeah it is pretty intriguing ^_^ so, i am guessing you don't go to school anymore...and that's good, i wanna learn japaneseeeeee ^_^

  127. It's still weird though. Daunting. :/ oh, well.

    @Fera because reasons.

  128. Yeah, it'd be easier to live in a country which speaks the same main language, but I lost touch with my old friends. It feels awkward to try and talk to them now. I mean, when I still lived there but was in a different city, I used to try visiting them, but... It still felt like I missed out on so much that... They've become different people.

    Although it would be nice to go to a library where I can actually read all the books. :P They don't have many options for English books in Japan.

  129. At least you have friends...

    *curls up*

  130. @hopey: I miss my friends in hungary as well ^_^ but i don't have any problems with the language, so that's good at least i guess :D ^_^

  131. @Fera: Nup. I'm out of school. Which is nice, but I still like to do some things once in a while. Like math problems on online websites. I don't know why, but it's fun(for the problems I can actually solve anyway. XP)

  132. @kas: come on dude, don't be such a downy all the time, you've got some friends on here ^_^

  133. @hopey: ahh, the asian blood is definitely in you, but it's not strong enough to solve complex equations XD i am a bit asian as well and i enjoy them, and i can solve complex mathematical equations/examples XD

  134. @kas: yeah, fluent in both writing and speaking :D

  135. /Had/, Kas.

    Like I said, it's hard to visit and I've lost touch anyway. But here. You guys are my friends and we can talk everyday without even leaving the country. :)

    That's what I like about here. People can come on, make friends, talk about anything, and become a close community of friends with shared interests. And it doesn't even matter what they look like, who they are, or how old they are. We're here for each other and that's awesome. :)

  136. That's cool, Fera. :)

    And yeah, I think I also got my shortness from my Asian blood. XP

  137. @hopey: yeah i am short as well(5"6 for a 17 yo guy), but strong as a chilli, and i am good at animation dance....jeez, i am so asian XD I even look a bit like it, my eyes are a bit narrow :D
    @kas: dude, you talked about people being in their little worlds, don't be in your little world, be open and happy ^_^

  138. *continues hugging Kas*
    If anything, at least you have me, right?

    And I'm sure Jai, Gemma, Chloe, Rhos, and many others consider you their friend.
    *smiles gently*

  139. @hopey: oh and i love anime, spicey food, sushi, and like the i just have to study the language and i'll become a full-blown japanese person XD pls call me franku-sama when that happens XD

  140. @hopey: and you think i don't consider him my friend? ;_;

  141. Haha! *strikes a dramatic pose, pointing a finger at Fera*
    I'm taller than you! 4(would it be ' or " for feet?) 8(last I checked) at almost 19!

  142. *hugs Fera*
    Of course I did, but I thought it'd be nicer to have you say it for yourself. :)

  143. @hopey: I am 5"6 not 4"6 though XD

  144. *tilts her head*
    Your name's Frank?

    *a smile starts forming, growing bigger as she wonders if it is*
