Sunday, June 7, 2015

Forgotten Trail competition

Back in 2013, I ran a little competition.

The competition had nothing to do with me or Skulduggery — it was all to do with an educational video game designed to teach you maths and have, you know, actual fun while you do it. Incorporating historically accurate aspects of Native American tribal life and culture, the game was called Spirit Lake, and the competition was to find someone to become a character in it, using your name and likeness. Here's what I said about it at the time:

"And if this works like they hope it will, this could be the beginning of something huge. This could revolutionise teaching, and learning— not just in America but across the world— and it could be just the thing that's needed to help struggling students make that singular, all-important leap. This could change people's lives." 

The competition was a great success. I got in some hilarious responses, and also some heartfelt ones, and while it was not easy to pick a winner, a winner I did pick. 

And now I'm going to do it all over again.

These same awesome people — people who include the mother and sister of my personal (Twitter) friend, UFC champion Ronda Rousey* — have another game in development, called Forgotten Trail. 

SO — if you like the idea of having a video game version of yourself teaching kids maths across America, give me your reasons why. In no more than thirty words, explain why you should win, and send your entries to You can enter as many times as you like, you can be any age, from any country, and the winner will be announced at the end of July.

Good luck!

* Yes, Ronda does count as a friend**.

** By friend I don't, of course, mean someone I've ever actually met, but that's not what's important here***.

*** What's important is that we're PALS. Some might say buddies. Kindred spirits, perhaps. I might even go so far as to say I've taught her everything she knows****.

**** I haven't ACTUALLY taught her everything she knows, but she knows that I would have, if ever I knew something that she didn't already know. Such as writing*****.

***** Although seeing as how Ronda's autobiography has made it to the New York Times bestseller list — a list I have yet to ACTUALLY grace — this probably isn't the best use of my, or her, time. But even so, I am sure there are PLENTY of things I could teach her. Though probably nothing useful or, you know, not-imaginary, like unicorn-taming, or yodelling******.

***** I'll shut up now. 


  1. The asterisks are honestly the best part.

  2. (@Star your friends are great. Also check your email. Also I'm sorry for what I'm about to do.

    Ohhhhhhh competition.)

  3. [07/06 22:22] Lizzie: ((I got bit by a chicken then later fell down a cliff))
    [07/06 22:23] Lizzie: ((But not as good as the goose))

    @jai: :) :) :)

    *top multitasking to do more than smileys smileys now*

  4. (Yeh I understand Star and I agree with those too because they are almost the same thing... but when I hear feminism I think the woman -yes few but they do exist- that want to be superior not equal...that's why if done properly then yes I'm also a feminist, I just find it easier to say equalitarian because that way I feel like I'm including everyone even things we have yet to encounter. :P :D not arguing against it at all :P)

  5. (I want to teach people because then maybe I'll learn something :P .. hehe I'd totally win)

  6. (Hello.

    Carrying on with the conversation - Why would a female be put off whilst trying to enter a profession which consists of mainly males? It makes no sense. There is no possible logic to that. So what if there are a lot of males? It means absolutely nothing, other than the fact few females have wanted that job. And how does the number of other females doing said job in any way affect your choice of job? "I don't want a job here because it's full of people who have brown hair and I have blonde!" - Would that be a reason not to get a job? ... No. At the end of the day, it is your choice. But people cannot segregate themselves, in effect, and then complain about a lack of women in a particular industry, because you yourself are causing that, surely? And saying, "I don't want to get this job because there are loads of men there and no women", is slightly sexist?)

  7. (@Soph I replied on the last page.

    *BLOWS STAR UP IN 10*)

  8. (I, actually, would not consider myself a feminist. Quite simply because names are important to me, and if feminists wanted equal rights they would be called gender equalists or something similar, which means they are focused on the sexism that females are victims of, and that alone. When in actual fact, you should be considering the whole system and not part of it.)

  9. (i agree Soph, the only thing deterring you from a job should be whether you like the job or not, possibly income and whether you're good at it, nothing to do with who works there or how many of those types of people work there.)

  10. (*there aren't wires, its a radio wave explosive*



  12. Liliana: Is it hurting you?

    Bethany: *she increases the light intensity*

    Lily: So there are some which aren't a necessity... I'll have to make a short list. What are human rights?

  13. @Conductor: Yup yup yup. Agree agree agree.:)

    @Sophia: Yeah, but the last time I had a non-internet friend who was male was when I was two. And I obviously haven't had a boyfriend or anything . . . so picking options that are female-dominated just feels more comfortable and less lonely.
    I actually . . . I don't want to say that here, but I'm much more comfortable with being in a male-dominated area now. But like, if I had the choice between two groups that were identical except obe was full of males and the other full of femails, I would generally pick the females one even if I liked the individual males in question better.
    Ir's not rational, but only half my decisions are rational. The others are fear-based.

    Additionally, females can be shamed info thinking they have to be ladylike and ut's not acceptable to want to do sport. Not in the majority of English communities, but still. And those adverts just say "yes, it is acceptable."

  14. XD

  15. (That's exactly why I don't like it also... like I said if done correctly including all then I don't mind too much but I also prefer what you are saying if they were to be what I called an Equaletarian whether that Is right or sounds good enough is something else I just think it implies all parties no matter what better than Feminist )

  16. (XDDD DAMMIT STAR!!!!)

    Onwa: No. It's just.. draining

    *hisses, pupils starting to shrink, skin starting to regrow slightly*

    Manuel: Human rights are eight (?) Basic things that all people should have access to

  17. @Conductor andSophia: Yes, if would be NICE if I made all my decisions for my future based on success, but like, no. Fear trumps rationality in a lot of my decisions. The only reason I'm going to the sixth form I am instead of the other possibly-better one is because my friends are going to this one, and I don't want to be lonely.
    (I mean, I'm not a raid of being lonely. II'be spent much of my life being g lonely. I just know I'll be much happier with my friends, and I want that. And that tends to trump rational career decision a, although not in a major way.)

  18. star *glares* star *glares* ^_^

  19. (Star, then it is, again, the choice of the individual, and only they are to blame for causing different industries to be dominated by different genders. You need to improve the relationships between the two genders, so they feel comfortable with each other. Even something such as being made to sit next to someone who is a different gender to you in every class could improve it. All those in the industry have done wrong is get themselves a job. Calling them sexist for that is ridiculous.)

    Liliana: Feel free to borrow some energy if you need it, I have rather a lot.

    Bethany: *she increases the intensity even further*

    Lily: What are the eight laws? And I'm not a human, so I suppose I'm not included in them?

  20. Fera. :P *glares*

    omg my phone broke again. -_-

  21. @Sophia: AWH HELL nO

    Yeah. It (was) more a me-thing than a people-thing, really.

    *nods* Lots of agreement.

  22. (:D :P Listen to jai :P sleep :) hehe

    but also I understand where you are coming from with the males to females group thing, I feel comfortable around a person more to do with how they think and what they say more than what they do or what their gender is. I think that anyone can be a bad person as well as a good nothing you are should define that only what you do.

    :P Make choices based around what you want not what others want... like sleeping for example... go do it... :P)

  23. When I get sat next to someone I don't know and we are a two as opposed to a table,I'll have you know I spend all my lessons sitting there in complete silence and it gets very awkward, anyway.
    I like tables much better. :P

  24. Onwa: I should be fine.

    *hisses, cowering back, pupil shrinking even more, skin growing quicker, growling*

    Manuel: (*huffs and Google's*)
    Right to life, Freedom from torture and inhuman or degrading treatment, Right to liberty and security, Freedom from slavery and forced labour, Right to a fair trial, No punishment without law, Respect for your private and family life, home and correspondence, Freedom of thought, belief and religion, Freedom of expression, Freedom of assembly and association, Right to marry and start a family, Protection from discrimination in respect of these rights and freedom, Right to peaceful enjoyment of your property, Right to education, Right to participate in free elections

  25. (I sometimes wonder whether I am too logical for... pretty much everything. I am not saying I am always right, as logic is wrong half of the time, just as emotions are, but society has created these problems, then complain about them, without fixing the original problem. Surely society would be better if someone told society to just fix the fucking problem? Or is that too simple to do?)

  26. It's not like I judge people for being male. I'm just more likely to be scared of them as I feel slightly less comfortable with them. Like I'm scared of teachers purely because they're teachers.It has nothing to do with me judging them as a person.

    Rule 6359. of understanding Star: She is afraid of pretty much everything. :P

  27. @Sophia: Imo, no such things too logical. :)

    Nah. People just prefer to complain as opposed to fix.

  28. I really do need to go to sleep now . . .


  30. ((It's dark outside over here in the outskirts of Hull . . .))

  31. ((I think. Can only see over the top of my blinds.
    Plus like . . . streetlights. XD))

  32. (dark up in Scotland-land :P )

  33. (Good night everyone!
    Good night Sophi W-said I wouldn't call you that here never mind. *cuddles tightly, smiling* *falls asleep hugging her*)

  34. (goodnight Jai and star and anyone else *offers hugs to them all * sleep well )

  35. (Star, then why complain? If I do not like something, I try and fix it, as is shown by basically I've ever done on here. It is a bit like threatening someone - why threaten them if you're not prepared to carry out the threat?)

    Liliana: If you are not, just say so. We should have a few minutes until the mist hits, which is full of demons and such creatures. Unfortunately, we will get caught in the middle of it.

    Bethany: *she increases it even further, the light making the wood around the barrier turn black*

    Lily: ... And I have none of those?

  36. @Sophia:Because people enjoy complaining.

  37. (I wonder what possible advantage there is to complaining over taking action, on an evolutionary point of view.)

  38. @Sophia: Yeah, people don't think about that when they complain. They just want to share their emotions with the world. It's probably a social thing.

  39. (Or perhaps people are simply too lazy to take action and prefer to pass their problems effectively up the chain of command, to people likewise as lazy so nothing gets done.)

  40. (goodnight Soph...

    very quiet and people going what seems early... )

  41. here in chester, it is almost dark but i can still see a bit of orangey sky at the bottom :O :D

  42. ( I'm going to go as well because I am off to Haggerston Castle tomorrow and need to get up before noon :/ hate early rises )

  43. XD well i am on holiday, so i don't have to be up at all XD

  44. (i often don't go to sleep till 4 am though so....)

  45. yeah i usually sleep like either 4-5 hours or 7-8....more than 8 is very unusual, and yesterday i slept was very weird and i woke up with a headache, so.. ^_^

  46. (I slept for 48 once :P... in my defence I hadn't slept for a month.... I don't remember coming home or anything I just plopped down on my bed on the friday and got up monday morning hungry and needing the toilet lol :/ )

  47. that must've been really confusing ^_^ though, i think you'd die without sleeping for a month, so it's a bit of an exaggeration, right? :P

  48. (nope 28 days straight. :P I lived on energy juice though Like 2 litre bottles of boost day, I needed to "study" and I needed me time, there was no time for sleep. It was kinda but It was a long weekend so I got the day off anyway.)

  49. (someone bet me I couldn't and they said they had I challenged them to a duel of sorts :P they only lasted 10 days... b4 it was "too much" ... I don't recommend trying I started having conversations people told me didn't happen, even learned something My teacher told me we weren't going over till 2 weeks away... 'twas weird.)

  50. I sleep usually 7-8 hours a school night 9+ any other time, you see I have exams three days and I'm off for summer

  51. you do realize, that after just 3-4 days of NO sleep at all, you'll start hallucinating(most people- and even if not, after about 7 days everyone's gone), the record is about 12 days, or 14 days or something like that, but the guy who did it was totally out of it by the time....Energy drinks do not actually make you energetic, they just replace bodily fluids that are lost during exercise, they might make your heart beat faster due to the excess of glucose and water(which can cause oedema, the build up of tissue fluid btw)...on top of that, your body will try to shut itself down after just a few days of not sleeping, i don't think it is physically possible to last 28 days without no sleep WHAT SO EVER ^_^ as i said i think you'd die, there are biological reasons why the body needs sleep, such as metabolism, storing memory(dreams)...your brain would fail before it could get past the 2 weeks mark ^_^ Your thoughts would be incoherent, you wouldn't know where you are, and at that point it is impossible to avoid falling asleep... and especially for "studying" :D There is a saying in hungary: "the lying man will be caught out faster than the dog with a limp" ^_^

  52. (I swear to go god 28 days i WAS GONE... I don't remember half of it.)

  53. I am a feminist.

    I am not embarrassed to admit it, and I'm not embarrassed to use the word.

    I made an analogy a while ago, but I think it was on TLC, so I'll repeat it here.

    If I or a close relative/friend was personally affected by brain cancer, and I decided to campaign for a brain cancer cure fund, would you call me out for not doing the same for Alzheimer's?

    It is completely natural for people to focus on issues that more deeply concern them.

    That said, most of the feminists that I know are also involved in other social issues.

    The word "feminist" does not mean that feminism is all you care about.

    I would also argue that the word "equal" is misleading.

    Women and men are never going to be exactly the same because of genetic and anatomic differences.

    I don't want "equality" so much as the acknowledgement that my differences do not make me unfit to occupy the same place in society as a guy.

    That said, the word "feminist" has the negative connotation of "feminazi," which is honestly total bullshit. I've spoken with some pretty extreme feminists (I go to a more politically-liberal school), and none of them have ever advocated the murder of millions of men. I'm sure someone, somewhere probably does, because there are a lot of people in existence, but they need mental help.

    That's all I'm going to say for now, because I really need to work on an essay, but yeah. I have opinions and stuff.

  54. con: I am sorry bud, I know human nature all-too-well ^_^ I am not judging you though, it is embarrassing to admit that you lied, however, it is even more embarrassing to keep insisting on such ridiculous claims :) No hard feelings :)
    break: You haven't really explained your idea of a feminist though ^_^ "they don't want the assassination of millions of men" oh how nice of them, do they want an award as well? That would be the worst thing they could want, so it doesn't say anything that they don't want it ^_^ It just says that's the only thing they didn't say to you...and if your idea of feminism is the idea of feminazism, then I think you also need some help ^_^ Putting down one gender is quite frankly the stupidest thing i've ever heard, and i would gladly kick anyone in the face if they started saying stupid shit like that, so i guess it is also a good thing that we're on a blog :D

  55. I'd role play with you Zaf!

    ...oh shoot I sent you an email and you probably replied. I'M CHECKING RIGHT NOW.

  56. Um, yes I did. I said that my goal is the acknowledgement that gender differences do not make one inferior.

    I implied, but did not say directly, that I don't view the word equalist/equalitarian as applicable to gender-related issues, but that I understand that the word feminist has some negative connotations.

    I expresses how ridiculous, insensitive and narrow-minded I find the word "feminazi." I see it invoked so many times, but I have yet to meet anyone actually worthy of that comparison. The word Nazi has connotations as well, connotations that honestly should not be applied to this scenario.

    I never stated that my idea of feminism was feminazism, nor did I say anything about putting one gender down.

    The point I was trying to express is that it's stupid to say that people who advocate women's rights are putting men down, it's stupid to say that people who advocate LGBTQ rights are putting straight, cisgender people down, it's stupid to say that people who advocate civil rights are putting white people down, it's stupid to say that people who advocate veterans rights are putting non-veterans down, it's stupid to say that people who advocate animals rights are putting humans down, it's stupid to say that people who advocate children's rights are putting adults down, it's stupid to say that helping people with one serious disease is putting down people with another. Do you get my point? At all?

    I also would like to point out that the tone of your comment is extremely irritating, and if you're actually thinking of taking violent action against me, you should be damn well glad we're on a blog, because I fight like a girl, and I'm effing proud of it.

  57. I never addressed the actual post, did I? Sorry about that.

    I thought Spirit was a really cool concept, and I think the same about this one. I probably won't be entering the competition, but I wish everyone who does the best of luck.

  58. *Claps for Break as well*

    Fera, try actually reading what someone says next time and quit talking like you own the place.

  59. *hugs Break and El*

    *throws a water balloon at Blake because I'M SO HOT*

  60. *Matrix-dodges the water balloon and falls asleep*


  61. Thank you, Elleni, Blake, Dugglyn. I have to say, I'm pleasantly surprised by your responses. I'm not really sure what I was expecting, though. But yeah, thank you.

  62. *frowns*
    *sneakily draws a pink Sharpe mustache on Blake and put whipped cream in his hair*
    *snickers and also goes to sheep*

  63. (*hugs Fabilous* You're fabulous. Also hear hear! And xD to the fighting like a girl and being proud of it part.)

    Onwa: ..I.. may require some energy in that case.

    *hisses and jerks slightly, collapsing and curling up tightly, shaking a lot, the skin rapidly regrowing, coating the entiery of the vampire body, the eyes going back to normal*
    *groans at the heat, starting to burn a bit*

    Manuel: Hmm. In blogland you would have these rights. However I am not entirely sure as to with everywhere else.

  64. (Feminism by definition is the advocacy of female rights. If there was a charity which was for brain illnesses, and you instead gave your money to one focusing on brain cancer, then yes I would criticise you for that, as you are putting your own wants for one group as a higher priority than the needs for everyone. Did you know women cannot be charged with rape, only lesser crimes? Can you imagine the consequences of applying that law to men, also? People would go ballistic, and yet it seems slightly unequal pay in "comparable" - i.e. not the same - jobs takes priority - not just for feminists, but for society in general. I do not want a gender-blind society, as there are differences and I think it is important to recognise them, but having a group which campaigns for the rights of everyone would be nice, rather than groups focusing on one gender or the other.)

  65. Liliana: *she smiles, a black orb forming beside Onwa* That should be enough.

    Bethany: *she stops the light* ... Are you okay?

    Lily: Oh... That's not good...

  66. Onwa: *nods, touching the black orb*

    My girlfriend is hot enough to literally burn..

    Manuel: mostly you should get the same rights.

  67. @Sophia: A lot of feminits I know say that the real problem is the patriarchy in society, and thawomennotbeinghargedwithrapelawsisallpartoftheproblemofeomeneinose en as weaker(sorrymyphonespazzedout).Theysayrharifyouetridofpatriahy,thenbothgenderswillbeequalandothwillloseanydisadabtaetheyainfromthis situation.sorrtifthiswasn'treadable.

  68. Liliana: *power flows rapidly into Onwa* Mmm... Now here comes the mist. *within a second, the ground and sky is covered in a thick black fog* It will make you tired quicker than normal, but should only be a nuisance. The demons inside it, however, are more of an issue.

    Bethany: The light, not me... I'm really sorry. *she dissipates the barrier, hugging Silente tightly, her hands glowing white whilst she heals the burns*

    Lily: But why when they're human rights and I'm not human?

  69. (Star - I do not agree with patriarchy, but I do not think that it is the root cause.)

  70. Onwa: *shivers, grinning at the power boost*
    Mmm. So no showy kills?

    *hugs her back, relaxing*
    Ahhhh.. better. Thanks Beth.
    *smiles at having hands again*

    Manuel: You appear human?

  71. *that women not being charged with rape laws is all part of the problem of women being seen as weaker (sorry my phone spazzed out). They say that if you get rid of patriachy, then both genders will be equal and both will lose any disadvantages they gain from this situation. sorry if this wasn't readable.

  72. @Sophia: Eh. Depends on how you look at it. I can just as easily argue from your side.
    Either way - if you make women equal to men, men will naturally be equal to women, so . . .

  73. Liliana: Afraid not.

    Bethany: You're welcome... I was quite scared for a moment but I'm fine now. *she cuddles against Silente, closing her eyes*

    Lily: Until I touch the necklace...

  74. (Star, there needs to be a standard, and raise both genders up to that standard. One being equal to the other in terms of rights and laws may not be good enough, if the rights and laws require improvement.)

  75. (*is gonna avoid this discussion*)

    Onwa: Darn.

    *holds her close, stroking her hair gently*
    I didn't mean to scare you..

    Manuel: Indeed.

  76. Liliana: And try not to let a demon possess you.

    Bethany: It's okay... I just didn't expect you to jump at me. But you had your cute bald head again, so I focused on that.

    Lily: ... So my rights depend on whether or not my wings are hidden. *she sighs* Could be worse, I suppose.

    (I have to go now. Goodbye. *cuddles Jaimie tightly*)

  77. Onwa: possess?

    It's not cute..

    Manuel: Most of the towns surrounding blogland are used to strange people turning up.

    (*cuddles Sophi tightly back* bye! Good luck to draggie!)

  78. ( since I had time. On the train I decided if read your little gore fest jai, I gotta say I liked it even if it kinda cut off short ... Just my opinion, the fight could have been longer. With more retaliation on the big guys part...he Talks big boy he should have had a little more bite after the initial surprise I think. It was good though *claps* loved the taking of the heart.)

  79. Standing frozen on the spot * looks around for something to kill*

    Come on puny humans I know you're out there. Stupid conductor even till the end trying to dismiss me. * looks angry as he tries to move his foot but it is frozen solid*

    First no fatalities and now I find out you took me here... *anger can be heard in his voice both his eyes filled with hate although the white eye looks happier than the dark filled void of his left eye* oh ! Be glad we share the same body Boy and that I need your tiny incarnation of magic and mind to move or you'd die quicker than brother... You do remember don't you, he could control me with ease he didn't need this puny baton to wield his power. Embrace me or you will die you little insignificant piece of shit. * flicks baton to the sky white and black energy hitting the stem.... Cracks form down the baton splitting it in two when it reaches his hand*

    See how hard was that? * snaps his ankle free from the ice leaving the got behind*

    * floats on a cloud of darkness an inch above the snow*

    Where's the nearest Town?

  80. (*didn't realise there was a new post*
    Uh, hi.)

  81. ( hi gem, I do believe in the only one here ... How are you? )

  82. (Hey Kassy, Keiron. Sorry i disappeared. I'm doing chores.)

  83. (not long in hagerston poofed because pushing Courtney and pulling suitcase lol no third hand fit typing... It's lovely down here bloomin roasting)

  84. It only rains like this in England at few times a year, and this year I'm only walking home a few times in the year.
    How annoying that it should rain like this on a day I walk hone.
    I am SO WET. My feet were leaving footprints of water even after I took my shoes and tights off.

    Also, my and Cat are now arguing over whether or not women can be rapists. Help?

  85. ( that's a shame star .... I'm in Berwick and its usually never this nice in Scotland :P)

  86. (Don't know how good this is lots of glare and my swag glasses :P)

  87. Hey Star.
    I'll brb, have to go get my brother from school.

  88. ( it's. To get warmer throughout the week :0 its warm enough now ....

    :P star hehe ... I th ought it was this side o' the border,i was wrong :( I'm in dun dun dun England.... Hehe)

  89. @Conductor: Woah . . .

    Um . . . okay? :P

  90. Straaange

    How come it won't let me sign in into my Blogger account? Really annoying. Any ideas fellow humans?

    So how are you all anyway? It's been a while

  91. @Star You should ask Cat whether she knows the definition of non-consensual sex, and whether she believes both parties should consent to sex.

  92. Hiya Kas. Have we met before?

  93. Heya Starry!!! :) haven't spoken to you in time! How are you my dear?

  94. @Rhydian You may remember me as Kasumi/Tia/Tanya Halcyon. We never really talked.

  95. She does what star? :/ who we talking about?

    And ahhhh, okie dokie Kas. Well it's good to see you again nevertheless :)

  96. *@Kas

    Sorry! Sorry! Can't type!

    :) I'm fine, thanks. You?

  97. @Star So is she saying that non-consensual sex isn't rape if you're female?

  98. @Kas: She's saying that if you're female you can't force a male to have sex with you.

    (Omg this argument is on such an awkward subject omg.)

  99. Good to hear :) and I'm good Starry

    I've been alright recently Kas :)

    Btw, why are we talking about sexual consent? :/

  100. @Rhydian: Me and Cat are having an argument.

    She also managed to prove biology wrong today, which was fun.

  101. Ah okay. Sooo....what's been happening in Blogland recently?

  102. Um, you expect me to know?
    I pay very little attention to this. I read it but I don't retain the knowledge. And not much happens in Blogland anyway - I'd say the most active roleplay was Jai and Sophia's, which isn't set in Blogland.

  103. I'm gonna have to do so much research into rape now.
    This is gonna get awkward.

  104. Well good luck handling the awkwardness Star :/

  105. I've been okay, Rhyidan. Kinda upset, restless, emotionally all over the place, but still mostly okay.

  106. *nods at Kas :)*

    OH MY GOSH some of these rape statistics are scary. O_O

  107. Well I do hope you are okay Kas. Just be strong is pretty much all I can say :)

  108. @Kas: :/ At least you're mostly okay . . .


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    Fallout: New Vegas song
    Jingle, Jangle, Jingle
    genre Swing
    Authors and performers
    artist The Kay Kyser Orchestra
    radio Radio New Vegas

    "Jingle, Jangle, Jingle" is a song broadcast on Radio New Vegas in Fallout: New Vegas, and also used in the Fallout: New Vegas E3 trailer.


    It was written by Frank Loesser (lyrics) and Joseph J. Lilley (music) in 1942 for the film The Forest Rangers. The version of the song in the game was recorded in 1942 by The Kay Kyser Orchestra with lead vocals by Harry Babbitt and Julie Conway.


    Yippie yay
    There'll be no weddin' bells for today

    'Cause I got spurs that jingle, jangle, jingle
    Jingle, jangle
    As I go ridin' merrily along
    Jingle, jangle
    And they sing, "Oh, ain't you glad you're single?"
    Jingle, jangle
    And that song ain't so very far from wrong
    Jingle, jangle

    Oh, Lillie Belle
    Oh, Lillie Belle
    Oh, Lillie Belle
    Oh, Lillie Belle
    Though I may have done some foolin'
    This is why I never fell

    'Cause I got spurs that jingle, jangle, jingle
    Jingle, jangle
    As I go ridin' merrily along
    Jingle, jangle
    And they sing, "Oh, ain't you glad you're single?"
    Jingle, jangle
    And that song ain't so very far from wrong
    Jingle, jangle

    (instrumental break)

    Oh, I got spurs that jingle, jangle, jingle
    I got spurs that jingle, jangle, jingle
    As I go ridin' merrily along
    As I go ridin' merrily along
    And they sing, "Oh, ain't you glad you're single?"
    And they sing, "Oh, ain't you glad you're single?"
    And that song ain't so very far from wrong
    And that song ain't so very far from wrong

    Oh, Lillie Belle
    Oh, Lillie Belle
    Though I may have done some foolin'
    This is why I never fell
    Why I never fell

    'Cause I got spurs that jingle, jangle, jingle
    I got spurs that jingle, jangle, jingle
    As I go ridin' merrily along
    As I go ridin' merrily along
    And they sing, "Oh, ain't you glad you're single?"
    And they sing, "Oh, ain't you glad you're single?"
    And that song ain't so very far from wrong
    And that song ain't so very far from wrong

  110. Well, it didn't have to copy the entire page -_-

  111. I do not want to be googling this.


  112. @Star It's okay, Bubble. You don't have to.

  113. @Kas: No . . .
    But she's WRONG. :P

  114. Because no one would tell me even though I asked, I had to ask google (shock horror) why prostitution was apparently inherently wrong, and as far as I can tell people seem to think so for a few main reasons -
    - they believe the industry is generally very bad and human trafficking and people being treated badly and shit.
    But y'know, I'm fairly sure the industry would be perfectly decent if it was fully legal and regulated and there wasn't so much negative stigma attached to it. So that argument can just be refuted with plain logic.
    - they think it's wrong because of religions beliefs.
    Obviously, I can't empathise.
    - they think it's wrong because they view sex as something very sacred and special and think things like if you're a prostitute you're selling your soul or whatever.
    I can't relate to that either.
    Besides, sex without love happens all the fucking time. Shall we ban sex that isn't between married couples? (And there is so much wrong with that concept as well. Just because you're married to someone doesn't mean you love them. And just because you're not married to someone doesn't mean you don't love them. And the whole 'couples' thing. And just shdiandim bleh). And like - why the fuck . . . what the fuck . . .
    yeahhhhhhhhhh I just don't have that perspective on sex.
    - they think that it's objectifying because you're letting yourself be used instead of being valued as a person
    Lol, when you hire a plumber, you're using that plumber for his skills only instead of his value as a person. Same with, y'know, window cleaners, just plain cleaners, teachers, doctors, shop workers, etc. . . . you sell services for money THAT'S WHAT A JOB is.
    Once again, refuted with logical thinking.
    - they think that it's somehow harmful to women's rights and equality bc objectification stuff.
    . . . what.
    I don't get this one, I'm sorry.
    I'm in favour of male prostitutes as well as female ones, anyway.
    - they think it's harmful to relationships because it encourages people to cheat.
    Uhhh . . . well, if someone is disloyal enough to go and cheat if they have the option of prostitutes, well, then that relationship is doomed anyway.
    Once again, logic.
    - they think it is just inherently wrong because personal emotions on some deep level.
    I don't believe in forming arguments based on irrational emotions (unless like I'm saying "Well people would do this bc irrational emotions." I don't like say, "Maybe it's okay to kill people because I feel like killing people and so it must be right, yes?")
    So, y'know. Please use logic next time.

    So, on the whole, I have decided -
    - I still don't get why the fuck people object to this so much.
    - Many of these arguments are illogical.
    - It is becoming clear to me that many of the people objecting are doing so on emotional reasons, which are not only not necessarily logical, but also, they're emotions I don't relate to, so naturally I don't understand where they're coming from.

    Thank you.

  115. ( I don't see anything wrong with prostitutes tbh ... If your going to have a lot of sex why not. Make money off of it.just like every other job...

    Also girls can rape guys. Just saying, just because he doesn't want it or consent doesn't mean his muscle won't react, Stephen hawkings works fine hw has 3 kids and he has ms -he can't move his muscles properly )

  116. @Conductor: Me neither. I very much wanted someone to explain it to me, but nobody would, so I had to ask Google.
    I still don't see the issue, but I think I see why people see one now.

    Yeah. I agree with you.

  117. (Star, the main issues I have with it are: 1. It is fairly easy to exploit - there have been lots of cases in which, for example, fathers have forced their daughters into prostitution to earn money, yet the daughter does not get any money for it, which is essentially sexual slavery. Secondly, if you have people who sleep with many others, sooner or later they will contract diseases, which they may pass on to other clients given the fact that such a profession is very hard to regulate. Other than that, I have nothing moral against it.)

  118. (It would also promote the system of kidnapping people, getting them hooked on drugs and then force them into prostitution to be able to buy more drugs. It is a very profitable situation for those who organise it.)

  119. (Although the last one is rare, criminal gangs are known to have done it in other countries.)

  120. Liliana: It only happens rarely, it is not a large concern. *dark shapes can be seen moving within the mist*

    Bethany: It is totally cute.

    Lily: ... Rights depend on where you are?

  121. ( it's. Okai in some countries to have a strip bar where the woman literraly get money thrown at them for dancing with little to no clothing on... In a way its almost exploiting men because they allow alcohol in some )

  122. (How is that in any way exploiting men, just because there is alcohol?)

  123. Onwa: Okay. Perhaps we should find Ember?

    Is not!

    Manuel: Sometimes.

  124. (Tia, you have already said that.)

    Liliana: Perhaps. *she walks forward, heading through the mist*

    Bethany: It is! It's so cute. *she smiles*

    Lily: Why?

  125. Thank you, Kas. :)

    @Sophia: I don't agree with abusing window cleaners either..That doesn't mean I think we should abolish the profession.

    Also, people who work on aeroplanes have a higher cancer risk. As do people who work in nuclear power stations. And moee fonstruxyion workers are killed then soldiers.
    I don't think possible damage to health should mean the abolishment of a job. I just think that safety and health care should be a high priority to minimuse the risk.

    Also, it should, of corse, naturally be illegal to force someone into prostitution. You'd need it very well regulated and there would have to be an age limit.

  126. Onwa: *follows after her*

    *shakes head, smiling*

    Manuel: Some people show less respect than others.

  127. ( because men with there inhibitions halved are more likely to not notice how much money they're actually throwing away... Technically exploiting)

  128. (Star - As I said, prostitution is hard to regulate, as there will always be people who operate outside the regulatory system. And if people believe that all prostitutes are doing so legally, that is where the problems arise. With a window cleaner, doing it illegally would not cause a great deal of problems. Prostitution, however, could.)

    Liliana: Ember is fairly close.

    Bethany: Have you ever seen your own bald head?

    Lily: Okay...

  129. @Sopbia: Fairy nuff

    @conductor: Not if they go in there voluntarily.

  130. I never realised what a big deal rape was until tonight but OH MY FUCKING GOSH.
    Some of these stats are simply HORRIFYING.

  131. Not quite sure what you thought about rape before today, Star...

  132. @Kas: I didn't realise it was that bad. Like - I didn't realise how prevalent it was.

  133. cloud: Yes i misinterpreted your comment, and yes my tone was irritating, but what can i do, it's just me ^_^
    soul: I don't own the place, i never tried to imply anything like that, but when i get irritated, i do change tones ^_^
    Otherwise, hi everyone, hope at least you had a good day ^_^

  134. hey starry, how was your day? :) *sigh*

  135. Alright. Went home early. Spent several hours arguing.

    :/ I'm guessing yours wasn't too good??

  136. Awww *hugs* I am sorry to be such a downey ^_^ I just feel like somebody sucked the life out of me and left my sad body on the sidewalk...and i very rarely feel like that, i am usually energetic, and bouncy and all that ^_^ *hugs*

  137. Oh . . . :( *hugs*

    And, don't be sorry. :)

  138. WOAH...hopey's voice is absolutely beautiful *.* it changed my mood :D :)

  139. I dedicate to hopey's voice :) Honestly, it's sooo smoothing and beautiful ^_^
