Thursday, March 5, 2015

Demon Road

It was with much glee that I watched your reactions to the video yesterday.

As for those who cursed me for drawing it out so long, all I can say is... "heh." It amuses me to torture you, have you not learned this yet?

Over the coming weeks and months you'll be finding out a lot more about Demon Road, but I figured I'd answer a few questions now.

For starters, this is NOT the cover.

This is just a nifty holding image we give out so that people can pre-order if they want to. Hence the following link:

The ACTUAL cover, and the new cover artist, will be revealed in due time.

The release date is, as you can see, the 27th of August. Yesterday we said the 28th, but we figured out a way to get it to you a day earlier, and we took it.

Demon Road is both the name of the first book AND the name of the overall trilogy.

It WILL be a trilogy.

The books will be released 6 months apart. This is the way the publishing industry is going, to be honest — especially for children's books/YA. It's a hectic, bruising schedule, which will mean I'm gonna be overworked for the rest of the year, but hey... I'm quite looking forward to it, actually. I always felt bizarrely guilty for making you wait a year between Skulduggery books, so I'm going to see if this way is better.

Ah yes, and it will be Young Adult as well. There's nothing in it (yet) that is amazingly inappropriate for younger readers — maybe a word or two, slipping into older territory — but it's just the overall feel of the thing.

I'm TRYING to write shorter books. I was aiming for a Dark Days length, roughly 80,000 words. I have to write three of these books this year, and I can't have them spiralling out of control like Skulduggery did. I'm currently at 91,000 words. Hopefully I won't go above 100,000, which is roughly where Mortal Coil was. Hopefully.

Right now, I've only signed a contract with Harper Collins UK, which will publish the books in Ireland, the UK, Australia and New Zealand, and Canada. Over the next while, I'll be signing with foreign language publishers also — but for most of them, I'll need to show them the finished book. Harper UK trust me enough to sign a contract with what they've already seen of the book as I'm writing it.

There is absolutely no reason why we shouldn't be published in America as well.

Oh, and yes, I will be touring with Demon Road, but it's far too early to say where.


  1. This new book sounds really good! I cannot wait for more news!

  2. I cannot wait for the cover of Demon Road ^.^

  3. Excited for the actual cover and for the book! Hopefully it will be published in America...

  4. (Hello.)

    Liliana: That was interesting. And rather better than sleep.

    Bethany: *she squeezes Silente's hand back*

  5. 1: A SURPRISE POST??? Thank you DEREK for giving your chattering minions more comment space so soon!

    2: Canada is a huge improvement! I hope you'll be able to publish elsewhere! GOOD LUCK! :D

    3:(sorry for this one, but as a surprise post, I gotta say) Curse you LANDY for that sneak attack!!(Totally not completely meaning it)

    Whoa, even your LAST name is autocapitalized. O.o

  6. (Bongela is good! Bongela helps. No more pain.


    Onwa: *chuckles*
    Indeed. Now, perhaps, we should get some sleep.

    *walks to the changing rooms*

  7. (I am rather impressed by the new amount of comment space which has been created.)

  8. (No!!! It means MORE POSTS because he'll be revealing stuff more often!!!)

  9. Yay Sil!! :DDDD


    Again, I shall say, GOOD LUCK DEREK LANDY!!!
    *cheers him on*

  10. (Hello, Jaimie. *cuddles her tightly*)

    Liliana: Perhaps, or we could go again...

    Bethany: Could you come with me?

  11. (*cuddles tightly back*)

    Onwa: *grins*
    Hmm.. eenie meenie minie mo.
    *kisses the tip of her nose then kisses her passionately*

    Sure. What about Claire..?

  12. *splashes Zaf with a bit of cold water, not enough to soak her, just wet her face*
    How you feelin?

  13. Liliana: *she kisses her passionately back, using her tongue*

    Claire: I can wait outside.

  14. *whimpers* America....books....actual reason not....

    I think I may faint again....


  15. It's awesome, right? :D

    I bet Thrust will be happy to hear Derek's books are publishing in Canada.

  16. And at LEAST, maybe this time having the books ON the same continent will be more convenient in ordering online terms. Then again, I rarely order online, so what do I know?
    *shrugs in an 'ignore me' way*

  17. Considering Brandon Sanderson has about six series on the go and can write two TDOFTL-sized books in sixth months . . . I am failing to have much sympathy for Derek. :P Sorry.

    Yay for more posts, though! :)

    I hope Demon Road comes out before September 15th so I can get it for my birthday. :)
    . . . Wait, weren't we already told the release date? Hang on.
    Ah, August. C: Great. C:

    . . . Not that I've read TDOTL yet . . . but I will over the summer! :)

  18. *TDOTL
    Sorry, I always do that . . .

  19. *huggles Star*

    *is really hoping she'll somehow be able to order those last three books online*

  20. *laughs*
    TDOFTL actually looks cool though. :P

  21. Hello, Sophia. :) Hello, Lavender. :)

    @Lav: :) Yeah, they're good books. :)

    . . .
    Well. The two before the last one are. I haven't read the last one. :P

  22. It's just . . . the 'of' throughs me off. :P It seems too short a word to abbreviate, somehow . . . idek.

    And idk, I prefer TDOTL. :)

  23. I get that. Alright then. :)

    *should be sleeping by now*
    *doesn't know if she can*

  24. Let's have our fingers crossed, Ameriminions!

    Also, this means we can stop hating on DEREK, because the Golden God hast given North America his blessings. \0o0/


  25. ANYWAY
    Homework timeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

    My teachers keep expecting me to do revision and I'm like "wtf I have no time for revision I have too much homework."
    But today in English I was complaining about this, and the girl next to me was like "I know right! I have English and history and French" and I was like, "Well . . . I have art . . . and maths . . and further maths . . ." and she was like, "Well, that's your fault for taking further maths," (coz it's an extra subject I do after school and at lunch adn stuff) and I was like, "Well . . . yeah :P." And then the boy opposite us, who is called Nathaneal and I am mentioning that because is it a cool name, and who, for the record, ALSO takes further maths, said, "Well, I'm doing Grade Eight cello" (done in out-of-school time) "and I've entered about eight music competitions and I have to practise for two hours every night. EVERY night."
    Considering I have pretty much no free time because of homework, and he must be the same EXCEPT HAVING TO DO AN EXTRA TWO HOURS OF CELLO EVERY NIGHT WTF I was like "How do you have time to SLEEP?" and he was like, "I don't."

    I feel so sorry for him.

  26. You shouldn't be hating on Derek anyway. As me and Elleni explained yesterday, it is NOT HIS FAULT that his publishers won't publish in America.

  27. Right okay where did I say?

    I didn't. I'm just hoping we can actually have a shot now because well it is a bit....hard.


  28. (Sorry. Was eating :)

    Onwa: *uses tongue also, smiling*

    You sure..?

  29. @Zaf: You didn't say; Lav said, and I was talking to her as well as everyone in general beacuse everyone in general can benefit . . . sorry.

  30. Liliana: *she pulls her close* So go again?

    Claire: I have the choice of watching Bethany get changed or standing outside and playing tricks on people with my telekinesis. I'd rather stay outside.

  31. Yeah, but I was sort of hating on him(jokingly) for the late title reveal yesterday(and those other false alarm posts, WHICH I am still grateful for), and also for SPOILER ALERT(sorry it came too late last time) Z̸a̸f̸'s̸ d̸e̸a̸t̸h̸ i̸n̸ t̸h̸e̸ l̸a̸s̸t̸ b̸o̸o̸k̸.

  32. @Lav: Fair enough then, I guess. :)

  33. Onwa: Okay. You've convinced me.

    *rolls eyes*
    Watch out for scary people.

  34. This is the time I'm actually glad I got that new keyboard option. :P

  35. :P yeah well I always will hold back my reaction until we meet in person. Very high pitched midget Minion screeching at him.


  36. (Why does the death of a character mean that Mr. Landy would get hated on? Is it not in the nature of authors to kill off their characters?)

  37. @Zaf: Ohmygosh, if he publishes his books in American he'll tour in America and you'll be able to see him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    (for some reason, that only just hit me)
    *HUGS ZAF*

  38. @Sophia: Yeah, but people don't want the characters to die, and as the author could have prevented it, it's the author they take their anger out on.

  39. (Of course the author could have prevented it. But that is not the purpose of killing off a character.)

  40. (Yes, time skip.)

    Good girl.
    *pulls Beth into the changing rooms*

  41. Not only that, it's ZAF'S character, so I guess there was more attachment to her as we know the real person who sort of came up with the character in the first place. DEREK just had the right to do whatever he wanted to her once he began writing her in the books.

  42. Right, well, I'm gonna attempt at sleep as it is half past one in the morning...

    Night all!
    *hugs everyone*
    *waves to Sophia instead of hugs*

  43. XD
    I love my German class.

    On YouVoc, then you haev multiple choice questions - where it gives you a word in English/German and then four options and you have to pick the correct translations . . . or you can do translation, where it gives you a word in English/German and you have to answer with the translation.
    And the answers you give in the translation come up in the options for the multiple choice . . . so people occasionally type a load of rubbish and then people who do the multiple choice can read the rubbish and laugh. :P
    We've had 'cookies' as a translation for 'attraktiv', 'mybutt' as a translation for 'checkout', and 'Please stop making *German word I've forgotton* happen!!!' in answer to '*German word I've forgotton*'.
    Currently, one of the translation options for 'crime' is 'Is what desperate, misunderstood people turn to when there is nothing left.'

    it's a cool class. :)

  44. Yeah...Derek did and I stupidly did agree that he might kill me....but you know, I'm always going to be attached as she is based off me.

    If you read TDOTL even my mom read the bit I was in and she knew that was so me just by how she spoke.


  45. @Sophia: Noooooooooooooooo
    but the author MADE IT HAPPEN.
    It's like, Hitler didn't put people in concentration camps to make their families suffer, he put them into concentration camps for different reasons, but he still made the people's families suffer and therefore they still hate him for it.

    (Also, Godwin's Law.)

  46. Sounds like a good book. I've written the book title and release date on my hand when I was extremely bored in class and my friends thought I was possessed and that demons would take over the world on that date. I just laughed at them. I am a bit on the weird side, however, so they have a right to suspect me.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. YouVoc: nice
    Multiple choice answer: NO I DONT WANT A COMPLEMENT

  49. (If Zafira agreed with Derek about it, and it has not stopped her roleplaying as Zafira, it does not matter.)

    Liliana: Now I definitely think we should sleep. *she grins*

    Bethany: What should I try on first?

  50. Emotions aren't logical, Sophia, and they don't always obey logic. Just beacuse something, logically, shouldn't matter to you doesn't mean it won't.

  51. Chi where?
    Damn. I must have been arguing when she appeared.

    Hi Gemma, hi Skulduggery. :)

  52. Liliana: *she smiles, kissing Onwa's neck passionately*

    Bethany: Well... The underwear first.

  53. Onwa: *moans quietly, signing happily*

    Okay then. Underwear then jeans?

  54. @Skulduggery: *nods*

    Hi, Inky. :) And Jai. :)

  55. (HOLD UP, DEREK READ THE COMMENTS?! Thank you! And I mentioned the publication date yesterday, does that mean he saw my comment? O _ O *dies of ohmihgoshness*)

  56. Doubt it, maybe a few, he must get emails saying so and so said ...

  57. (But the bit about America because we were all talking a both that yesterday... Oh well... *diesofawwness*)

  58. (ARGH I CANT WATCH RTHIS ANYMORE! FNAF 3 IS TOO SCARY!!! *hides behind skully*)

  59. *hugs Jai*

    You're not a spare part. You're important. *hugs her gently*

  60. (oh there there
    you aren't s spare part)

  61. (Hi kas?

    *hugs both back*

    Want to continue with MrBBWolf & Chris Chloe?)

  62. Hello peasants.

    I have decided to grace thee with a newly formed Egg, one moulded by the iron hands of a private secondary grammar school.

    (also omfg demon road somebody hug me now plz)

  63. (okay ^^ you start because I cant remember where we were)

  64. Morana, you should delete that comment.
    That's a spoiler for people who haven't read up to that part yet.
    Please do.
    And especially because it's on the first new page.

  65. *googles definition of glomp*
    *is satisfied*

  66. Hello, everyone.

    *hugs everyone weakly and sits down*

  67. (Hey egg.)

    MrBBWolf: *is sat watching Chris make breakfast after Tawnee puked from morning sickness*
    We should move out..

  68. (five nights at freddys 3
    the jumpscares!

    wassup kas?

    how art everyone?)

  69. Oh yeah.

    I haven't seen you guys in aaaages!
    Who's new
    Who's dead
    Who's alive
    (pls no eggs be deads)

  70. Chris: you think?

    Taw: *sits quietly*

  71. (Ah lol alright, the gifs of that are so funny because it's out of context there is a cuddly chicken on the screen and grown men are crying :P)

  72. (*waves my hand frantically* Im alive!)

  73. Chris: I guess so...but where to? We must be close because of Little Lil

  74. (pls be ink ward alive)
    Whu iz all the new gaiizzzz?
    I luv new gaizzzzz!

  75. Chris: but Inky...

    (Inkward will live, here and irl)

  76. Uh...
    Why are heads being tilted towards me?
    Did I lose my face again?

  77. I'm not quite dead, nor am I quite alive.

  78. MrBBWolf: Ed hates Lil.. maybe Inky will be happier with her gone..

  79. Chris: *stands up* Wolf! do you not know inky at all? she would not want that

  80. (Wow. I just took three photos of me, one as a baby, one at four and one from the other day. I've changed so much (obviously I have from when I was a baby but even from four I look sooo different). Suddenly I don't want to grow up. Wow. I just. Idk. *sits down*)

  81. Since when were we blessed with the presence of *coughs* Lord Vile *coughs* I mean Mr.Pleasant?

  82. (*hugs velvet*)

    MrBBWolf: Sorry! I.. it was idea..

  83. Chris: okay...just a bad one

    (shit! almost fell off my chair because of the jump scares)

  84. (it was like three jump scares after eachother

    Chrris: don't mumble

  85. (Fnaf3 Gunna luk at it latorz
    Has high xpectations)

  86. (*is hugged* Although there is cake and present sooo... *grins* YAY! 7!)

  87. (I wacth this guy called smike

    hes awesome!)

  88. @Jai: Yeah
    but I can't keep track. :P

    And you are definitely not a spare part. :) Although, spare parts can be cool too. :)

  89. Uhh....
    I was googling demon road
    And I found a book called
    The Demon Road
    By Richard Gray.
    About a girl called Amber.
    In a car.
    I feel like something is familiar....

  90. It's supposed to be a way to help on the theory test, but to be honest it does seem like a magical mysterious dangerous sort of story....

  91. MrBBWolf: *stands up*
    I'm going to go see Lilith.. look after Taw?
    *walks off*

  92. It also kinda just a little reminds me a hell of a lot about supernatural, not just cause he used that word.

  93. Chris: okay...

    Taw: whats with him?

    *Lilith giggles*

  94. Lil: *giggles* dada!

    (okay Ozzy!)

  95. (Okay ink- Hey is doesn't work with your name! D:)
    Velvet: *is very confused*

    (What a great way to start things off! XD)

  96. MrBBWolf: *smiles, lowering his head so she can reach*

  97. *lil grabs his nose*
    Lil: hehe! dada!

  98. MrBBWolf: Yep. Dada.
    *sits down with her*
    You'll be getting your powers any time soon I guess..not the hunger though..

  99. Felix: I asked whats up *looks innocent*

    *lil looks up at him with big blue eyes*

  100. MrBBWolf: Everyone will want you.. someone will have to teach you how to control it.
    I promised Chris I wouldn't leave..
    *has tears in his eyes*

  101. (I am back.)

    Liliana: Mmm...

    Bethany: *she nods, pulling the curtain over the entrance to the changing room before moving the dress over her head* *she removes her underwear, also*

  102. *sighs* I'm just thinking about everything I've learnt recently. I'm a Goddess, my parents are alive, I'm called Cali, I- don't know my age...

    Elektra: *in Velvet's head* You'll be two hundred next week darling.

    Jesus Christ!

  103. MrBBWolf: *sniffles slightly, pulling on a smile*
    Yeah Lil..?

  104. Lil: *giggles and claps* dada! c chri! chri?

  105. *points to her head* My mum. Talked to me. In my head. Again. I'm 200 next week... *cringes* I thought I was a teenager...

  106. Chris: *mutters* he better not do a runner

    Taw: im sure he wouldn't...

    Lil: c chri! *giggles* dada!

  107. Felix: *shrugs* im five centuries old

  108. (Hi Gethie..)

    MrBBWolf: *whispers*
    Dada..might go away for a while..
    *closes eyes, tears spilling over silently*
    But.. h-he'll be back..I promise he'll be back..
    *strokes her hair gently*

  109. Oh good, I didn't like that cover a jot. I find image based covers just feel kind of tacky.

    How are ye lovely ones?

  110. Onwa: *nods and cuddles against her*

    Mhmm. I know.

  111. MrBBWolf: I love you very much..I do..
    *smiles sadly down at her*
    Maybe.. maybe Chris and Tawnee c-can comfort each other..

  112. *pokes his face* I'm in one of those moods today, I don't know what to do with myself. *giggles*

  113. (*tilts head* flame inky? its inky flame... *pokes geth*)

  114. (Hi Gethie, nice to meet you. :))

  115. Liliana: *she holds Onwa close*

    Bethany: *she takes one of the sets of underwear, putting them on*

  116. Felix: okay... *smiles* what shall we do? ill do anything that doesn't involve cake

    Chris: I should probably check he hasn't done a runner...

    Taw okay

    *chris goes to the nursery* Wolf?

  117. Felix: yup. youre hyper enough already

  118. Onwa: *shifts close and falls asleep*


    MrBBWolf: *pauses*
    And then the huntsman viciously hacked the wolf apart, all in vain as the little girl and grandma were little more than partially digested chunks and bones. The end..

  119. *sighs "sadly"* *the tendrils of energy stretch out in the direction of Felix's house and steals some from the fridge* *eats it in front of Felix* Damn, this is good cake!

  120. Chris: *enters* what are you up to?

  121. (nah
    Inkles is cute

    Felix: you didn't just...

  122. Back to say bai :c
    (apart from that I heard people were saying their ages, 200yrs, 5cemturirs...
    I'm older than time.)

  123. *winks* I did. *takes another piece and begins to eat it* Its very good cake, I must say...

  124. I dedicate to me because I'm bloody fantastic.
