Friday, April 26, 2013

The Synopsis

135,499 words and counting.

My editor has been asking me for a synopsis for ages now. They need it so that they can send it to sites like Amazon, so they can put it up to inform people what it is they'll be buying. I took a few minutes today to write it, and before I go to bed tonight, I figured my Minions deserved to see it first.

Last Stand of Dead Men:

War has finally come.

But it's not a war between good and evil, or light and dark- it's a war between Sanctuaries. For too long now, the Irish Sanctuary has teetered on the brink of world-ending disaster, and the other Sanctuaries around the world have had enough. Allies turn to enemies, friends turn to foes, and Skulduggery and Valkyrie must team up with the rest of the Dead Men if they're going to have any chance at all of maintaining the balance of power and getting to the root of a vast conspiracy that has been years in the making.

But while this war is only beginning, another war rages within Valkyrie herself. Her own dark side, the insanely powerful being known as Darquesse, is on the verge of rising to the surface. And if Valkyrie slips, even for a moment, then Darquesse will burn the world and everyone in it.


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Zathract Mist said...


I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...

ZATH!!!!!!! *supermegatacklehugsofdoom*


Jophiel said...


I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...

Zathract Mist said...

Hi Jubi and Death.

I'll be distant.

I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...


Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...


Wbd - maths revision. Ugggggh.

Jophiel said...

I am too... i am watching Zaffy get dragged around her house....

Zathract Mist said...

Hi Ieni.

On Skype?

I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...

OK I really gtg :(

Jophiel said...

Bye Jub Jub!

*Slowly backs away from Zaffy's YouTube channel*

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

Bye, Jubi:(
Hi, Death and Zath!

Ugh, conversions. Imperial and Metric. All I can think of is cyber conversions and the Imperial Fleet from Star Wars.

Aisling Dubh said...


Aisling Dubh said...

Oh I still have my profile pic from last night.

Aisling Dubh said...

Is it back to the other one?

Aisling Dubh said...


Is anyone there?

Dynasty Maguire/Rathrockt Maguire (Brad Wood) said...

Hello Deathy!

Hi everyone else!

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

Hi, Aisling and Brad!

Sorry, I was revising:/
I'm doing circles now. Ugh, I'm so bad at remembering this.

Aisling Dubh said...

Hi Brad


Dynasty Maguire/Rathrockt Maguire (Brad Wood) said...

MMM! Having Pancakes... mmmm

Maralie Lily Charm said...


but my dad woke me up -.-

a big one

Aisling Dubh said...

Hi Mara. Was it hardback?

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

Maraaaaa!!!! *ninjaeroplanetacklehugs*

Haha, was it fun? I got woken up at 8:30 by my sister playing her oboe in the room next to me

Aisling Dubh said...

Gtg bye. Will be back later probably.

Maralie Lily Charm said...

It was definitely hardback:3

Ieni! :) 8:30? O.o I barely wake up at that time for SCHOOL!

Bye Ais!

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

I wake up at 7:00 for school. I stay in bed for about 15 minutes though, because I can't get up straight away, otherwise I feel all dizzy and stuff. My bus comes at 8:00 and school starts at 8:35.

Well, wasn't that a bit silly of you, Mara XD

Maralie Lily Charm said...

My mam wakes me up at 8:00 and I sleep in until 8:30 (XD I LIKE MY BED). My bus comes at 9:00 and school starts at 9:30 :)

Maaaaaybe... :P

*distant, watching Key Of Awesome on Youuuuutubbbbe*

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

What?! On Tuesday's and Wednesday's, I start 2nd lesson at 9:30!
What time do you finish?

Haha, I think you should watch the 1D parodies. At least the One Thing one. In no way, is that offensive to a ANYONE.

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

I like the rain outside:) It makes me feel less bad about staying in to revise.

Maralie Lily Charm said...

I'm finished at 3:10 :3
I'm in primary though. In September I'm going to secondary and idk what time it starts but it finishes at 4:30 :)

Maybe he can buy us beer though,
And tell us what that one thing is XD

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

Ah, okay:) Ugh, 4:30 sounds like a really bad time to finish.

WAIT A MOMENT! I swear you've always told me that parodies are evil?

Mary Contrary said...

Hello. :3
Gah. I envy your waking-up-ness at 8:00...
On weekdays, I wake up at 6:45. My bus comes at about 8:10. (I take a long time to do things, okay? :P) School begins at 8:50-ish.
Except for the times when I accidentally wake up at 8:05, and pretty much fall down the stairs and into my shoes, and leave. :P

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

Hi, Taia!! *ninjaeroplanetacklehugs*
I know! It's not fair *sulks because Mara* ;)

Mary Contrary said...

Hiya, Ieni! *is ninjaaeroplanetacklehugged* :)
Schools should let us sleep more. *nods* :P

Unknown said...

Hi guys!!!

Unknown said...

Omg, I wake up at 6 every morning. Leave at seven. School starts at at 7:30.

Mary Contrary said...

Hi Alexandra!
That's just... That's just cruel.

Unknown said...

That's when school starts normally we have to get there at seven.

Aisling Dubh said...

Hello wbd

I get up at 8am leave at about 8:40 and school starts at 8:50. My school is a 3 minute walk away. Then school ends at 2:30. I'm lucky.

Aisling Dubh said...

That is cruel Alexandra. Sleep is very important. What time does your school finish at?

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

Hi, Muse!!
Woaah, that sounds evil!
What planet do you live on? Is it like some cruel army camp, where they train you day and night?

Yes you are, Aisling. Yes, you are. And, hi again!!

Mary Contrary said...

Hi, Aisling! Lucky indeed!

Alexandra: Do they just really hate the idea of sleep? :P

Unknown said...

Hi Ieni! I'm pretty sure I live on the same plant as you maybe not the same continent. No I don't go to a army camp.

Unknown said...

I think they just think that we go to sleep at 8. Like that's ever going to happen.

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

Ohhhh. You could be Spanish. They start really early there and then go home for lunch.

Unknown said...

I'm not Spanish!

Unknown said...

Go on google images and type in 'Durban,south Africa'

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

I dunno, you might be.

¿Cómo te llamas?
(I don't know much Spanish) :/

Okay, are you sure you live on the same planet? You might be Marsian? you live in South Africa?

Aisling Dubh said...

Does anyone go to sleep at 8? Well anyone over the age of about 7.

Jophiel said...

Ugh... I am trying to memorise the Prologue if Romeo & Juliet...

Unknown said...

Yes I live in South Africa!!!!

Unknown said...

Hi Death!!!

Jophiel said...

Hi! That is so cool! I've always wanted to go to South Africa! Is it warm there?

Aisling Dubh said...

Ohh South Africa. You probably get much better weather than we do.

The Irish year:

Spring: rain rain rain wind sometimes the odd but of sun and sometimes a tiny bit of snow.

Multiply that by four and you have our seasons. Well summer is usually a few degrees warmer and winter is usually a few degrees colder. But logs of the time we get more rain in the summer than the winter.

Aisling Dubh said...


Mary Contrary said...

@Alexandra: Wow! It's so pretty. :3

@Ais: Weather here is pretty much the same, except apparently more snow in Winter/Spring.
Which figures, really, since Wales and Ireland are pretty close together, really. :P

Aisling Dubh said...

That's so pretty.

I want to go to Wales sometime. And England. And South Africa but that's less likely to happen.

Unknown said...

It's officially winter here and it still looks like summer:P love the weather here!

Aisling Dubh said...

Her it's nearly summer and still looks like early spring. It's officially summer in 4 days.

Aisling Dubh said...


Unknown said...

In winter we only really need jeans and a jacket. Winter only lasts a few weeks here.

Jophiel said...

It is cold here... It should be warm... DAMN YOU SHEPPARTON!

Aisling Dubh said...

I still need to bring a coat to school with me half the time.

Jophiel said...


Mary Contrary said...

And I want to go to Ireland some time. And South Africa. Among other places. :)
I came pretty close to visiting Dublin, a year or so ago.
I was like, "Derek Landy, I am coming to GET you." But that didn't happen, in the end. :P
Still, Wales isn't bad. We have, like sheep. And mountains.

I don't know when Summer begins in the UK. I guess the clocks change to Summer time late March, but I don't actually know what that /means/.

Hi, Death!

Jophiel said...



Maralie Lily Charm said...

Sorry for poofing! I was in a shop, listening to all the One Direction talking cards :3


Jophiel said...

You swore to Harry?!

Unknown said...

Where do you live Death?

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Hi Deathhhh! *huggles back*

MaraTC isn't all innocent... LIKE MEEEEEE
Seriously. When I'm annoyed, you'll know about it. I don't like cussing online though. Seems worse when you can see it. *shrugs*

Damn. Brb.

Aisling Dubh said...

Hi Death

Jophiel said...

Victoria, Australia! It is cold. We saw snow on the mountains... It was, believe it or not, very cold.

But you still did it Mars

Jophiel said...

Hi Ais!

Aisling Dubh said...

Oh yeah is it winter for you Death?

Mary Contrary said...

I don't bother with a coat any more.
I like the rain, anyway.
It makes the old folk on the bus look at me oddly, though. :P

@Mara: 1D and Easter Eggs? Awesome~ :3

Aisling Dubh said...

The teachers give out if you don't have a coat for the yard when it's cold.

Unknown said...

I saw snow when I went to China!!!

Jophiel said...

It is autumn... The middle... It is FREEZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maralie Lily Charm said...

I know.
But Harry was being a jerkface :P

Unknown said...

Hi Mara!

Aisling Dubh said...

But autumn is supposed to be not that cold even here. I mean our "summer" holidays are July and August and August is technically autumn.

Jophiel said...




only i call people jerkfaces...

Jophiel said...

Mara, did you read my MC chapter?

Jophiel said...

Why did it go quiet?

Mary Contrary said...

My teachers recommend coats, but they don't force them. They figure that if people are cold, they'll use common sense, I guess. That, or they don't care. :P
My maths teacher sometimes turns the heating off in his classroom in Winter, because he says people work better that way. It's a cold room, even WITH heating.

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Not yet, Death! I'm seriously behind on the MC :(

Mary Contrary said...

@Aisling: I always considered August autumn. Apparently that's wrong, though. ^^
Seasons don't really seem to happen when they should...

Maralie Lily Charm said...

August is my birthday ^^.

Jophiel said...

Morw... The chapter has nothing to do with anything, really...

Maralie Lily Charm said...

I'm currently walking around Lidl, so excuse my distance.

Aisling Dubh said...

Turns off the heating? That's cruel.

In Ireland apparently the seasons are slightly different to the UK. August is Autumn here. Summer is May, June and July. And Autumn is August, September and October.

Aisling Dubh said...

*is looking forward to getting June, July and August off next year instead of just July and August which I have ATM*

Aisling Dubh said...

*have off

Jophiel said...

I am a Gemini!!

Maralie Lily Charm said...


Mary Contrary said...

'Kay, Mara.

That sounds about right, Aisling. I /think/ summer actually begins mid-June here.

Ah, he's a pretty funny teacher, though. Naturally, he brings a little plug-in heater to put in the corner where he stays.
Or an electric fan, in Summer. Also in the corner, so nobody else can enjoy it. xD

Aisling Dubh said...

Naturally Taia.

I'm Cancer

Mary Contrary said...

I'm Aries. :)

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Wbd, reading MC:)

Unknown said...

I think I'm Aquarius.

Aisling Dubh said...

Gtg bye

Jophiel said...

Bye Ais

Star Inkbright said...


Now I'm in secondary, we start at quatre to nine and end at twenty-five to four!
So it's ten minutes longer.
But we only have an hour and five minutes' worth of break time altogether.
In primary we had an hour and a half.
But actually longer, because most teachers were nice and gave us longer breaks, y'know.
So yeah.




My sister's making me Phototshop more. :P

Star Inkbright said...

And September, October and November are autumn; December, January and February are winter; March, April and May are spring; and June, July and August are summer. *nods*

Unknown said...

Hi Star!! I'm primary and we only get 40 min of break altogether! It's sad.

Mary Contrary said...

Bye Ais!

Hi, Star! As did my primary school. And my secondary. :)
I get an hour of total break time, I think.
45 minutes lunch, 15 minutes between second and third lessons.
If your teachers let you out on time...

I've learned to pay little attention to seasons. Last year, we had better weather one week in March than in the entire summer, here. :P

Star Inkbright said...

But Ais, you finish at TWO THIRTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wish I had been in your primary, so much. D:

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

Damn you maths revision! *glares*

Unknown said...

Btw. How old are you guys?

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

I'm 14, Muse:)
*skips Algebra section of book*

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Nom nom ^.^
1D chocolate.


Niamhy Jay said...

Hey Everyone!!
How're you??

Unknown said...

Hi NJ!!!!

Ruá Black said...

Hey guys(:

Ruá Black said...

I'm 20... lol

Unknown said...

Hi Ruá!!!

Maralie Lily Charm said...


Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

Hi, Mara and Muse and NJ and Ruá!!*ninjaeroplanetacklehugs*
I'm suffering over this horrible thing called maths revision, NJ. You?

Unknown said...

What's mrow?

Niamhy Jay said...

I am putting off Revision!! Which isn't wise of me :P

Ruá Black said...

Msd, making lunch. I'll be back though :)

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Andgirl, you and I, we're bout to make some memories tonight...

Elle said...

Please please please can Darquesse try to kill everyone?!

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

I'm not sure I like that idea...

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Can't stay right now. Just came to say to Derek Landy:

Thanks for thinking of your minions. Only, I make it a habit of not reading the synopsis on sequals.
I love to be surprised and involved in the story. :D
Surprises are the best part.... [well, maybe not for your books- there are too many other best parts... But you know what I mean :P] .
Not to say that I wouldn't be surprised, but if I read the synopsos, I'd still know the plot, whereas I wouldn't otherwise.... See?

@Bloglander minions.
I'll be back later. Hope to see you folks then :D

Ruá Black said...

Don't even try to take this weapon from me, I like you more and more the less air you breathe.
I've come undone, I think I'll kill everyone.
My, what have I done? Fudge it let's kill everyone!

That song reminds me of darquesse..

Star Inkbright said...

Little sisters are evil. *nods*

She had to go clean her fish though. In doing so, she took these chains away and freed my hands from bondage - *hums Avarice* - so here I am! :)

Jophiel said...

Hi! I am, typing in bed, under my blanket thing...

I am also leaving. Bye!

Rua, life the song!

Jophiel said...


Maralie Lily Charm said...

Oh ny god.

*is shaking*

This fanfic... Harry's... dead...? Louis.. Liam... no... *sobs*

Star Inkbright said...


Cassandra Clare is one of the BEST AUTHORS EVER. Her books are FABULOUSNESS.


Star Inkbright said...

*hugs Mara*

It was only a fanficle. Not real. Okay? :)

Star Inkbright said...

I think Will's my favourite of all of the characters. Including TMI.


Dragona Pine said...


Maralie Lily Charm said...

It's so real.
It's amazing, it really is, but...
Imagine if...

Sorry, ignore me. These fanfics make me so... emotional, I guess.

Maralie Lily Charm said...


I shouldn't be laughing. Why did the author put a funny bit into a fanfic where One Direction will be shot? OMFG. Holy crap.
They better not die... *shivers*

Dragona Pine said...

Lol Maralie.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Hehheh yes my signed TMS was shipped today by NJ!!!'

Star Inkbright said...


*hugs Mara* Evil authors. :)

Dragona Pine said...

Hey Star! How are you?

Maralie Lily Charm said...



poor eleanor... *whimpers*
poor harry... *sobs*

Star Inkbright said...

Oh my gosh.

In my book someone's sister just accused him of murdering their father, who'd btw just died, so he got arrested, and somehow it was written so that I was laughing my head off all the way through it. :P

Dragona Pine said...

Lol Star.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Hmmm im hungry....

Mary Contrary said...

Sorry. I poofed.

And now I have When You Smile by the Flaming Lips in my head... :P

Uh, How is everybody?

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

Funny hat lady was walking along the park and this dude took a picture. She was in the library too.

Dragona Pine said...

Hey Ieni! How are you?

Star Inkbright said...

*hugs Mara*

I'm good thanks, Dragona. :)

Star Inkbright said...


Mary Contrary said...

Hi Star!
Hi Ieni!

Star Inkbright said...

OH MY GOSH. *dies of laughter*


Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

Comment poofed, radio's crackling, I'd say I'm allowed to be in a bad mood.
Oh, now I'm laughing, because the words bad mood are so funny:)

Dragona Pine said...


*shoots zombie with a bottle of coke*

Star Inkbright said...



Yeah, just ignore me. :)

Dragona Pine said...

*uses the book to kill a zombie*

Mary Contrary said...

@Star: Which book is this? :)

Star Inkbright said...

Clockwork Princess, by Cassandra Clare. :)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Can i possibly watch Doctor Who at the right time AGAIN? I always record it since my Dad tends to control the tv but last week I got to watch it at 8pm my time when it airs..


Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

What book are you reading, Star?

Star Inkbright said...

@Ieni: *points upward* :)

*giggles head off about hats because CP2*

Dragona Pine said...

Zafira, since we can't record it I use my PS3 and go on BBC IPlayer. ^^

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Omg. Perrie's voice in Silent Night.


Unknown said...

“So when the moon's only partly full, you only feel a little wolfy?"
"You could say that."
"Well, you can go ahead and hang your head out the car window if you feel like it."
"I'm a werewolf, not a golden retriever.”
― Cassandra Clare
I find that very funny.

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

But, but...I thought I refreshed it. Obviously not *facepalms*

Dragona Pine said...

*throws a squirrel to everyone*

Mary Contrary said...

Ah, I believe that's already on my list of books to read. :3
It's good, then?

Star Inkbright said...

@Alexandra: *laughs*

I liked the part about Count Blintzula in . . . whenever it was. Simon and Isabelle.
*laughs at memory*

Star Inkbright said...

It is. :)

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Airtight, [I still keep trying to say that instead of "alright" >.>... ~shrugs~ It should be new slang :}]

I'm back! I'm not entirely sure how long I can stay at the moment, but if i can't stay long, I'll try to get on later.

Anybody here?

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Bsoitheaaaaa, hello! ~glomps~

Dragona Pine said...

Hey Skyril! *gives squirrel* It's been a while. How are you?

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Taia! Are you still here? Hiya! ~glomps~

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Hello, Dragona. I'm good, thanks.

Maralie Lily Charm said...

being a fangirl is fun :3

Mary Contrary said...

Aw, heck, Skyril.
You appear as soon as I have to go, eh? :P
I'll speak to you soon, I guess. :)

*hugs and cookies to all*

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Maraliiieeee! Hello again!

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Awww, you have to go? :/ Too bad. Hope to see you soon then! ~hugs~

Anonymous said...

Hello? I am up at 7:25 on a SATURDAY, so msd. Of I can fall back asleep, I'm sleeping til ten. :-P

Dragona Pine said...


Maralie Lily Charm said...

Bye Taia! *hugs* :(

Hi Skyril and Fabigail! *hugs* :)


Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Hiya, Fabi!

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...


Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Well, it's 9:30 here, but I've been up since 5:30...

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Oo, 1201??

Dragona Pine said...


Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...



Dragona Pine said...

Nah, no cheese. Not this time. :)

Star Inkbright said...



Anonymous said...



Hi Mara! [hugs]

Hi Skyril!

5:30 on a SATURDAY???? POOR YOU! ;-(

[is a very sleepy person in general...yeah]

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

I dedicate this page to a change of heart, to seeing new things, to stopping to smell the roses, to kittens, to books, post-it-notes, and to imagination.

And again, I have to dedicate this page to friends, because I would be much less without them.

Anonymous said...

Hi Star!

Hi Dragona!

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...


Well, I don't mind getting up early [I don't tend to stay up very late], but I usually sleep till at least 7 on Saturdays. I wanted to get up and get going earlier today, though :3.
I hate missing any time on Saturday Sundays- the days that I can do exactly what I want! :D

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Ok, I've got to go. :/
Sorry I couldn't stay longer.
Bye, guys!

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Her 'heavenly peace' made me die. Omg.

ONE DIRECTION DIDN'T COMMENT D: dammit. I could've gotten deds. Oh well, I suck at them anyyyyywayyyyyy.

Great ded, Skyril :)

Anonymous said...

That makes sense, Skyril.

Oh, bye. :-(

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Bye Skyril! *hugs*

Anonymous said...

Also, nice ded.

Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...


Mara, did you hear the crap about Taylor Swift Being Pregnant with Harry's baby...

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I got up at 9;10am but i still may fall back asleep and its 10 to 11

I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...

*yawn* morning. *checks clock* oh... it's almost afternoon here....

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