My face is sore. I'm not used to smiling this much. I think I need a lie down.
I'm back home for a bit before my last weekend away, and I've spent today wandering around the house staring blankly at things. It's only when I'm back for a few days that I start to decompress and behave normally, so it looks like I'll have to wait a while for that to happen...
My few days in Ireland were awesome, as usual. I signed in Dublin, Kildare, Kilkenny, Drogheda and Cork. The Cork signing was probably the longest, because I haven't been there in a while, but everywhere there were enthusiastic readers laden down with books. Some truly bizarre and cool people.
Then I had a few days off before my event at the Mountains to the Sea festival, where I chatted on stage with Dave from Eason bookshops about movies that have influenced the series, and we even got to show clips.
Dave showed bits from Starship Troopers (awesome!) and A Nightmare Before Christmas (amazing!) and It's a Wonderful Life (uhm... what?)
I showed a few trailers for a few things, but I don't think I'll tell you what they were... In fact, it might make an interesting blog post, discussing these movies and showing clips... Oh goody, I've worked out what I'm going to be talking about next time!
I headed over to the UK on Friday- just in time to experience the heat- where I signed in Southampton, Bournemouth, Dulwich and Bluewater in London. Last year, I was signing in Bluewater for four hours. I figured there was no way I'd be signing for any more than that this time. Five hours later, I had changed my tune. From people coming in costume- I'm thinking of a skeleton morph suit in particular here-
to people who had made their own Skulduggery T-shirts (and a certain tall blonde with the most awesome T-shirt ever, festooned as it was with lines from the books)-
there was no chance of my smile ever dipping. It's the sheer enthusiasm and energy of the people who turn up to get their books signed that energises me every single time.
And the hugs...
Monday, September 10, 2012
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I dedicate this page to Derek Landy
Nuff said
Derek, yes, it actually happened. I was quite cross about it. All I wanted was to meet my Golden God.
Anyway, thank you so much for replying. I've sent an email now.
You are very awesome. Hopefully I will get to meet you on another tour.
Noooooopoo!!!! I woke up, and I had to go to school!!!
I love that when ever I have gone on in the morning I found that Derek had posted a few comments up or down!
Last time he even answered a question!!!
(best. Day. EVER!)
Derek, why don't you talk bout ninjas at your signings, Derek?
Ugh gotta go you know where!!
NInjas are cool.
Hello!!!!!!! *eats live chicken*
Dotor Who Asylum of the Daleks!!
Is awesome so far.
Going to the signing on Saturday!!! Really excited!
... Or not, then.
I'm going to bed now! Good night, Blogland.
Oh wow...annoying girl from school trying to talk to me and ma friend on iMessage. We kept asking her why she made a group chat, do she asked us a question that she could have just asked at school. We leave, and the best she can come up with to bring us back is
There have been rumors...they say YOU asked B_____ out..."
I KNOW she's trying to get me all worked up and defensive about the rumor she clearly just made up on the spot, so I just say "Yeah I did now bye" Spare her the excess attention, I think. My friends think she's obsessed with me. I think she's an moron. She thinks she's some sort of genius/diva/philanthropist. It's kinda funny and sad and annoying at the same time...
Just thought you'd like to know what I have to put up with every day...
*suffering people around the world are drilling holes in my back*
Please! Just wait til you meet this psycho...
*gets attacked*
Someone save me!
*hint hint come online already, people!*
I'm not much use lol
Hi Em!! :D
(I might disappear soon, warning)
That's all right Eve.
I'm doing other things so I'm sure I an keep myself occupied.
Yah, that's good. I disappear way too much. If anyone's been taking note, you'll notice that a lot of the time I say "hi" and I just leave after that :P Not good manners, I know. Normally I just forget that I'm here. I'm a scatterbrain, what can I say? ;)
Ah sure aren't we all one way or another lol
Anyone here?
Derek: I had so much fun meeting you in Dublin, and my sister has now started reading the books. I may have forced her, but at least she's reading them ^.^
Damn. Why Derek??? Why dont you come to South Africa????????
I have. The awesomist. Hoemwork. EVER.
We have a piece of card. We have to fold it in half. On one side we have to write our names. This is so when we put these pieces of cards on our table every English lesson, the teavher will know our names. On the other side, we have to . . . *drumroll* DECORATE IT WITH WHATEVER EE'RE INTERESTED IN! *screams* I KNOW! IT'S SO AMAZING!
Well, I think so, anyway. Dunno what YOUR definitions of awesome homeworks are.
So, wbd. Decorating my piece of card. I've written GO so far, in the Gone style. That's it. I have a long way to go if I want to include all the things Ibwant to include . . . *starts the N*
Hello, Star.
And the most awesome homework I had was for English, last year. "Make a presentation on Skulduggery Pleasant to show to the class."
*wails* I want to draw Skulduggery, and I have all these cool desktop wallpapers of him to copy of, but I don't know which one to pick!!! The Nix's-pic green one, the Sparky's-old-pic orange one, the And-they're-the-good-guys grey one, the TEOTW one, the Mortal-Coil-new-paperback one, or any other ones I forgot!
OMGG. That hwk is VERY awesome.
So, English = occasional awesome homework.
The hardback SP cover. *nods*
Okay. Not Sparky's-old-pic and not And-they're-the-good-guys, because you cannot see the tops of their hats.
. . . Do I have the hardback SP cover?
Okay, which is the hardback SP cover? I remember it's grey.
. . . *facepalm* My ignorance at this is so embarrasing.
The SP hardcover...GOOGLE IMAGE IT. C=
I have a cool Drama homework :3 I have to make a page on anything to do with Magic and Mystery. I'm doing SP Mwhahaha :3
Ah. Yes. Google. :P
Aussiminions and Amerimions and Kiwiminions always ask me what stuff is, and I always tell them to google it. Should follow my own advice.
hi guys!
finished KOTW over the weekend, had to read it in bits because BSJA keeps interupting -_-
ONE THENG: THE END. i mean, what the... giudshfoiaho. i want the next one. now.
Oh, did I say I was going? No, I didn't. Back bow. The SP hardcover is cool. I remember it now. I think. :P
Alsoooo . . . I stopped writing Hunger and started on my Drama hwk coz the deadline happens to be closer. Part of it is finding a pic of your fav actor. It was a tough choice, but I'm going for Katie McGrath . . . Coz she is amazing. *nods*
*laughs* I just found a pic of Morgana that said KEEP CALM AND KILL on it.
Oh and there's this pic where Morgana is holding the mandrake (AHHHHH! MAN-DRAKE!!!!!! *hyperventiles* Sorry. I just go AHHH!!!!! at Drake's name. We were talking about HP at school today and I kept saying how Draco was Drake with an O on the end. Plus my History teacher's called Mrs Drake and IT FREAKS ME OUT SO MUCH. That name is just SCARY. Okay, where was I? Oh yes.) -where Morgana wS holding the manDRAKE(!!!!!!!!!!) root and it says 'What A Clever Plan.'
*laughs* And one says I Am Evil Ha Ha.
. . . That's just weird.
This may surorise you, but procrastinating dunt make homework go away . . .
WTH? We were meant to find out what the word nationalism means then bring in examples and pictures, but thefreeonlinedictionary says there are about six definitions!
*picks up my paper dictionary* Ah. Two very simple definitions. MUCH better.
*looks at the online dictionary again* Huh. That's just basicly an overcomplicated way of sayung what my dictionary's saying. Next time I'll look in my dictionary first.
Including Light, four Gone books have the letter G in their titles; five the letter E; two the letter N; two the letter U; three the letter L; two the letter R; two the letter I; two with the first two letters being L and I; two the letter H . . . Wait, I'm procrastinating again. Whoops.
*laughs* LOL. There's this pic of all these little figures, and they're following a figure at the front holding a giant flag saying NATIONALISM on it, and the figure at the front is saying "Follow me!" . . . And he's about to lead everyone off a cliff. XD
Star, that's procastinion at it's best.
Maths hwk is boring but at least it's simple. Like, FILL IN THIS SHEET. Easy to understand.
Wiki Answers:
Q. What are three examples of film scores?
A. a Good one a bad one and an ugly one
Oh, wait. I'm not. Damn.
I am doing a damn project on Wind.
Ummm... wind is made out of wind.
A hehehehe :3
Bye Ink! *hugs*
(Hey... do you know anything about winds? Like, this isn't cheating or anything, of course not... =3)
Ummm . . .
Not really. :( Try google?
Yeah... I also have Horrible Geographies upstairs. Unfortunately, I am too lazy to get them ;)
I never use this smilie: :D except on special occasions. If you see mr using a :D, you know I'm REALLY, REALLY happy. Not counting where I used them on this explanation, of course. :P
Heya everyone :) * hands out Valsnacks *
I STILL never got my answer....
*sighs and goes back to re-reading Scepter of The Ancients*
Hmm.... its very quiet...
Hi!!! Sorry, I saw Derek blogspoke and then, omg. How could Waterstones do that? Demons. Thts so wonderful. *sarcasm* okay i am going to finish this. Im re-reading the series. I got bored. I wanted to read KOTW
*laughs* I was drawing Drake as part of my drawing the LIES thing, only I have to do it real small and I was moaning how I was getting it wrong, so my brother got a pencil and paper and started drawing Drake as well!!!
Then I was laughing and saying how Lynxia would love the fact I got him to do this, and my bro said "Yeah, I'm a Banana Servant of her" and I was like "No, that's EVE!" and he was like "But I am a Banana Servant" and I was like "Yeah, but the Banana Lord is Eve! Not Lynxia!'
. . . Little siblings. XD
And yes I have KOTW but i i dunno I was too lazy to walk with it to class. Im afraid how think book 9 will be
Sorry for being distant, today..
Three attacks, so far, today. :(
It's beginning to irritate me...
Thick**** gawd auto corrected iPads these days
Why what did waterstones do!!?
Oooh today, tonight, whatever is or was 9/11. :'( i live close to New York City
Hi Phoebe! Hi Zaf! WB Flame!
:( You okay now, L?
Hey star :)
Okay, so i got super bored in Science. So, of course the smart one I am I drew. I drew a sword and razor in a heart.
How is everyone?
Hi Luce!
Im good. I got my iced coffee
is it bad that I keep begging? I think it is. I think its time I say, mission failed. Im not gonna get an answer. For a while
...and I got my hot chocolate and skulduggery pleasant, curled up in a rug near the fire :)
God its cold. So cold. So. Bloody. Cold!!!!
Its 7 degrees, which is FREEZING!!! It has NEVER been this cold before in NZ!!!!!!!!!!! I am dying!!
Wellinton has always been windy. It is never not windy. The wind is ALWAYS there, but gale force winds with highs of 7? thats just unreal. Its SO COLD!!!
Oooh your a Kiwi!!!
Omg, I memeruzed the exact location of Dublin Ireland on the globe. In Science we did latitude and longitude.
53 degrees N and 6 degrees W
7 degrees? That isn't freezing. Freezing is below zero. :P
You people don't know the meaning of cold.
Its warm lol!!! Its so warm xD
I live in New England. It get REALLY cold here. By cold, I mean about 20 degrees. (That's Fahrenheit, not Celcius. Very different. Celcius makes more sense.)
Its 70 in Pennsylvania, but, still we got to -6 before
Teaser. Your teasing me.
This is so unfair.
Well, at least im cozy :) * looks out window at the rain and COLD and gale force winds *
Are you english, star? If you are, then you dont know the meaning of wind. I went to england - people were all going WOAH ITS SO WINDY and I was like 'guys. Seriously!!? This is harly a breeze. You havent seen Wellington. '
Hah. I can't say I know the meaning of wind... But I've seen some pretty serious shiz.
I love how the Minions with Celcius debating wind ect whereas the Ameriminions are just like....ok.
Gods, that's a quick hammer... Not sure I can work my finger that fast without breaking it.
I never broke a bone...ever
In 2010 we had exceptional, once-in-a-lifetime snow. Our village pond froze over and we could walk on it! There was a thick layer of icy snow on even the main (ish. We're a village, remember?) roads in our village. The snow on the pavement and stuff, before it all got trodden on, was thigh deep. And hell was it cold. We HAD to wear snowsuits and hats just to go a few streets away. My mum got mad at my sister for not wearing thick enough gloves because she said she really needed to wear thick gloves in weather that cold. It was DANGEROUSLY cold. I can't remember than temperature . . . But it was low. We had enough snow in our small garden to build a small igloo, and we did so. We built a bigger one in our neightbours' bigger garden. By the end of it we were bloody sick of snow. One day before it was so extreme, before the holidays, it took is two hours to get to school on the bus coz of the snow. It usually takes fifteen minutes. Once it took us an hour to get home (not nearly so fun! We were just stuck traffickjamned for ages in the village down the hill from ours) and we were walking home in the dark. Quite a few days our schools, which NEVER close for snow, closed for snow. One day my school was open but barely anyone went in coz my parents said it was too damgerous.
Exciting times . . . Of course, I'll probs never get a winter like that again in my lifetime.
Maybe we don't know the meaning of wind. *shrugs*
Before this summer, I didn't know the meaning of hot.
wow!!!!!! SNOW!!! I have never seen snow.
Oh, I had a very snowy winter once, it was so snowy we made tunneks for cars to drive to the driveway. Jumped off the deck. 2 stories high of snow
I've built an igloo before... It was fun. A few years ago, we got hit with a huge ice storm. Blew out the power for miles. Of course, Little Miss Solar Home here didn't have so much as a light flicker. But New England is famous for really wet, muddy springs, hot, hazy summers, extremely colorful autumns, and brutal winters. Land of extremes, here.
Really!!? REALLY!!!!!!!!
I've been in England this summer. It was meh. Not freezing but, DEFINITELY not warm!!!!! Nowhere NEAR hot.
And yes, I'm English. :)
Wow. You guys have extremes winters all round!!
But then, we have extreme winds.
I AM SO JEALOUS OF SNOW!!! YOU GUYS HAVE SEEN SNOW!!! I have never EVER seen snow. Well. Does tv count??
So. You've got wind and heat in New Zealand, wet and cold in England, and all of the above over here on the East Coast.
hey guys.
Star im super jealous of your winter =P
I feel bad for you then, snow is awesome
Snow... I wish I lived in a place with less of it. But the first snow of the winter... Yeah. It's magic.
You've never seen snow ?
That seems so unfair... i feel so sorry for you Phoebe :)
THIS SUMMER??? This summer we had a heat wave! Best summer we've had for years and years!!!!!!
I had my experience of True Heat in Northern France. Yes, I know it isn't a hot place. But they had a heat wave too. We're not a family who go to hot places like Portugal or wherever. We like sun but not extreme sun. So the 37/38°C we had for a few days was SHOCKING. I know you DownUnderians have had hotter, but face it, it was pretty hot.
Gotta go. Bye guys!
That is hot. Very hot.
Its been 110 degrees F before
Here we are, talking about the weather :) how English :D
England is awesome. I find Brits hilarious. I don't know why.
Ah well Zaf. I live in England. If I want winters like yours (I DON'T) I'll have to go live somewhere else.
Phoebes? I feel sorry for you. Snow is cool for the first day or two. Next time, come vist England in winter and hope it snows. It doesn't always.
It's colder up here in Yorkshire than it was in Suffolk . . . We have worse summer but better winters.
Lol!!! We have fun winters its supposed to be the worst winter in 20 years, haa ill see it when it happens
English weather is fickle.
Remember the floods, Star?
Im going again. byee
Fours Gandalf!
Eve, who lives in Adelaide, said that she found heat uncomfortable when it was 38-40°ish. I was so pleased I'd reached temperatures that were hot by Australian standards. Out hot is 30° :)
We Brits are apparently obsessed with the weather. And I'm glad you find us hilarious. :)
You guys have funny accents but Irish accents like the Dublin one, are awesome!!
Dublin is amazing.
I have a seriously funny accent.
But I like it. (':
I dont really have a big accent. Its hard to describe
Me ears are burning :)
Hey emerald :) How're you??
And... I don't think I have an accent. Of course I do, but I just don't hear it. Has anyone heard an nz accent?? What does it sound like!!?
Oh and look up John Key Prononciation guide on YouTube it's so funny and also what we sound like!!!!
The floods were awesome. It waa the year we moved house so we were temporarily living in Hull, with is in a dip . . . Our village where we live now is on a hill. Every day we used to drive from Hull to our village to go to school. I was still at.primart. One day my mum came to pick us up from school early in case we couldn't get 'home' later. And one day we couldn't go to school coz all the ways to it were flooded. 'Our' house was okay, but some people's weren't and that is so sad . . .
English weather is so so so fickle, yes. You never know what tomorrow will be like, and coz we live up here in the north we get totally ignored so the weather forcast is even wronger for us. At least once a week my mum complains about how the weather forcast had got it totally wrong, and we just groan and tell her not to listen to it coz what's the point? It was meant to be a terrible summer this year, according to the weather forcast, but it was brill. Damn the weather forcast.
I wonder what its like in Ireland
I went to Edinburgh signings for death bringer, even though i was near the end of the line and waited a few hours, it was fun! :D
Dublin is amazing. Ireland is awesome.
England is funny :D
In a good, ever so posh what-ho how do you do way.
It's lashing at the moment but it has been very warm since September started
I never say how do you do or what-ho. That's from Edin Blyton books. But I'm glad we're funny. Where in England did you go?
Survivor by James Herbert, btw.
Ooooh *wraps shadiws around Em*
you are under arrest for....uh......not coming on as much
HI EM! That is has. :)
Buckinghamshire, the land of what-ho's and howdoyoudos.
I've filled nearly half my piece of card writing GONE HUNGER LIES PLAGUE FEAR. :)
lol :)
I got my Christmas list! Lol. Early usually im working til November. THG DVD, the district pins, meeting Derek, UK versions of the first triology. Dark Shadows, SP posters if i seriously found one on Amazon
*rolls eys* No wonder you thought we were posh! You were in the South of England nearishish to London! I bet they said barth there instead of bath. And grarss instead of grass. All posh like they do in Suffolk and London and the rest of theSouth if England. COME TO HULL! WE ARE AWESOME! WE HAVE AN AQUARIUM AND GOOD MUESUMS THAT ARE FREE AND REALLY GOOD SHOPPING COMPARED TO ELSEWHERE!
. . . *coughs* Sorry. My mum loves Hull. She and another person were saying once that everyone who lives here thinks Hull's crap but the people who move elsewhere realise that compared to everywhere else we're BRILL.
. . . Well, my mum says.
Wow I really am insane
HI KAL!!!!!!!!!
I am doing chatty. Big long comments filled with random babbling. :)
. . . And I almost pressed Publish then when I realised the irony - this comment anout my comments being long recently was really short!
Em, why you freak at Chase?
Damn typos.
That's personal Flame.
*gives cookies*
No i didnt poison 'em!!
Im very quiet......
Sorry for being so distant, today. :(
I hate being ill.
*hugs Kal*
*hugs L*
*hugs everyone*
i havent exploded anything or anyone important!!
Gtg. :(
Fours Star
Bye, Star!
*hugs everyone* You're all amazingly wonderful people and the world wouldn't be right without you. I'm glad you're alive. Stay strong, don't lose hope and be brave. <3
*is hoping she didn't typo because autocorrect is horrible*
Forget the ither Grand Mage, hehehehe!!!!
I gotta love my insanity
Gotta go, now. :(
More tests and what not in the morning.
Love you loads! X
Talk to you all soon! :3
*sighs* i might poof
Please, will you tell me if you can come to party?
Yuup no exploding
Derek please if you arent busy pop in? Please? I wanna know the answers
I hope he says yes then you people are gonna Skype me and i'm going to see Derek actually!!!! Omg this is making me giddy
See Derek? If you come, it won't just make me and my friends happy, it'll make other people happy because then I can Skype them.
See!!! Then you'l meet this epic Ameriminion via Skype. And can laugh how crazy I am. *gives cheese* please???
I agree with Mickey!
By the way, did you have a different username? I'm confused.
*whistles nonchalantly*
*pokes Ivy*
She's Kal.
But refuses to be called Kal.
Isn't that right, Kal? *hugs*
Oh yeah, today's 9/11... Shucks..
*pushes Flame over*
I thought that was Kal... She seemed like it.
*bites Val*
Read. Divergent. Now.
And that's all I need, is your smile :)
Ow! *punches him in the mouth* Don't you bite me!
And I'm busy being on the computer so I can't read right now.
What's wrong with the world, mama
People livin' like they ain't got no mamas
I think the whole world addicted to the drama
Only attracted to things that'll bring you trauma
Overseas, yeah, we try to stop terrorism
But we still got terrorists here livin'
In the USA, the big CIA
The Bloods and The Crips and the KKK
But if you only have love for your own race
Then you only leave space to discriminate
And to discriminate only generates hate
And when you hate then you're bound to get irate, yeah
Madness is what you demonstrate
And that's exactly how anger works and operates
Man, you gotta have love just to set it straight
Take control of your mind and meditate
Let your soul gravitate to the love, y'all, y'all
People killin', people dyin'
Children hurt and you hear them cryin'
Can you practice what you preach
And would you turn the other cheek
Father, Father, Father help us
Send some guidance from above
'Cause people got me, got me questionin'
Where is the love (Love)
Where is the love (The love)
Where is the love (The love)
Where is the love, the love, the love
It just ain't the same, always unchanged
New days are strange, is the world insane
If love and peace are so strong
Why are there pieces of love that don't belong
Nations droppin' bombs
Chemical gasses fillin' lungs of little ones
With ongoin' sufferin' as the youth die young
So ask yourself is the lovin' really gone
So I could ask myself really what is goin' wrong
In this world that we livin' in people keep on givin' in
Makin' wrong decisions, only visions of them dividends
Not respectin' each other, deny thy brother
A war is goin' on but the reason's undercover
The truth is kept secret, it's swept under the rug
If you never know truth then you never know love
Where's the love, y'all, come on (I don't know)
Where's the truth, y'all, come on (I don't know)
Where's the love, y'all
People killin', people dyin'
Children hurt and you hear them cryin'
Can you practice what you preach
And would you turn the other cheek
Father, Father, Father help us
Send some guidance from above
'Cause people got me, got me questionin'
Where is the love (Love)
Where is the love (The love)?
Where is the love (The love)?
Where is the love, the love, the love?
I feel the weight of the world on my shoulder
As I'm gettin' older, y'all, people gets colder
Most of us only care about money makin'
Selfishness got us followin' our wrong direction
Wrong information always shown by the media
Negative images is the main criteria
Infecting the young minds faster than bacteria
Kids wanna act like what they see in the cinema
Yo', whatever happened to the values of humanity
Whatever happened to the fairness in equality
Instead of spreading love we're spreading animosity
Lack of understanding, leading us away from unity
That's the reason why sometimes I'm feelin' under
That's the reason why sometimes I'm feelin' down
There's no wonder why sometimes I'm feelin' under
Gotta keep my faith alive till love is found
Now ask yourself
Where is the love?
Where is the love?
Where is the love?
Where is the love?
Father, Father, Father, help us
Send some guidance from above
'Cause people got me, got me questionin'
Where is the love?
Sing with me y'all:
One world, one world (We only got)
One world, one world (That's all we got)
One world, one world
And something's wrong with it (Yeah)
Something's wrong with it (Yeah)
Something's wrong with the wo-wo-world, yeah
We only got
(One world, one world)
That's all we got
(One world, one world)
Where is the Love?
I've got to go now... Bye!
*throws a pie in Flame's face and runs off*
*uses her leg of eat the pie*
this is the moment the final test destiny beckons ill never reckon second best
*chases after Kal with a pie net*
Give me my PIE!
Im booooored
*slips on Skittles*
Right, night everyone!
Gaaah missed it
At the touch of your hand at the sound of your voice at the moment your eyes met mine i am out of my mind i am losing control fighting feelings i cant deny
Its a sin with no name
Like a hand in a flame
And its true all the same its a dangerous game
WOAH. I just got a letter saying that some huge educational program wants to send me to Australia this summer to learn about it...
Sounds epic there in the uk! It made me start thinking all these English things and such, and then I ended up watching wallace and gromit, and the pirates.... Please book 8, come soon lol
Actually that sounds a bit creepy..
Did you SIGN UP for it??
And random... really random...
And.. who's summer yourse or their's?
I was talking to the absent Val v,
How's it going ZAF?
How the letter?
*bangs head into cheese grater*
*pushes zaf in lake*
The letter is edited!!!
Gaaah lake
Kes where you at in US?
I'm in Florida, they're in the volcano, and did you send it?
... Wait a second... Was I supposed to do something?
I'll do something, just tell me what.
if it's grusome i may not.
Not yet dad reading it once more to make sure its good then Mom formatting it and it'll be off to HarperCollins
Goes to volcano.
yup, yup. there they are... i don't know how it got someone to hold it up. He's gonna die. yup there he goes.
and now they've jumped on a rock.
aww, they're throwing in flowers as tribute to that random guy.
My manners are the best.
Oh god
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