Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tom Percival Back Cover Madness!

You lucky, lucky people...

I am, of course, referring to those Minions who talk with those funny accents. A full 36 days before the rest of us, Kingdom of the Wicked is now available in Australia and New Zealand.

The normal rules apply. No Spoilers. None. None whatsoever. There's not even going to be spoiler zone Blog post for you to discuss it in secret- not until it's available in Ireland and the UK. You're just going to have to keep it to yourself and off the internet for 36 days. That is your punishment for getting it early...

And you have it SO early that not even I have a copy. How is THAT fair?

In other news...

A new school-type event is now listed in the Sydney section of the tour schedule below. If you want to get involved... er... I dunno what you have to do... Get your school to register, or something?


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Sir said...

Alright, I won't burn the city down if you let me eat you. Deal?

Drew O'Connor said...

Touch me Sharkboy and I'll be having you for sushi tonight.


Sir said...

Sushi isn't what you think it is, you know.

You're probably thinking of raw fish, shashimi.

Noelle said...

WHAT? Why would I let someone eat me?

And yeah, I'd listen to her. She can be brutal.

Drew O'Connor said...

Well fine then, I'll have you with my chips, drenching in salt and vinegar.

Either way.

Sir said...

Nope. Emerald, you're pretty much crippled right now, so I'll come back to eat you later. You won't be able to crawl THAT far. Now then..

*flies up, starts breathing fire*

Sharks. We're the deadliest predators in the universe.

Star Inkbright said...

Hi again people!

Flame Phoenix said...


Sir said...

Hello Star, want to help me eat Emerald and Adrasdos?

Noelle said...

And apparently you all fly, also

*her voice is loud, and echoing through the streets, anyone looking for her, unable to find out where she was*

He has a point, em. You have a lamppost going through your stomach.*opens portal for her, which will take her to Nye*
*uses air to push her through*

Noelle said...


Hey Flame, Star!

Drew O'Connor said...

Since when did it go through my stomach!!!!

Since when did I get involved with this fight!!! lol

And one more note: Sharks are crap!

Sir said...

Hm. I wonder who lives here?

Oh wait. I don't care.

*continues burning down city*

Noelle said...


And Em. You got in the fight when you were skewered with a lamppost. *raises hand* my fault. :D

Sir said...

*pauses for a moment*

If you let me eat you, then I'll stop burning it down.

Noelle said...

Uh... Let me see a consultant first.
Em? Any ideas?

Sir said...

Ew... That's kind gross, maybe you should get that twitch looked at. Before I eat you.

Drew O'Connor said...

Get Derek after him.

Noelle said...


okay... here!
*steps out of shadows.*


Sir said...

You just stepped out of the shadow. I now know where you are.


*flies towards Adrasdos*

Noelle said...

*she doesn't move*

Sir said...

*fires laser beam from head*

Drew O'Connor said...

*pulls the lampost out of my stomach and slams it into the shark's head from behind*

Noelle said...

*it hits her, and she flies back against wall*


Sir said...


*falls to the ground*

Sir said...

Did I mention that I fell on Adrasdos?

Hm, probably should have.

Drew O'Connor said...


I just don't like sharks that play dirty

*holds stomach tightly*

Noelle said...

*is effectively squished, and bleeding*


Sir said...

And... Dinner is SERVED. Wait.

This is a trap, isn't it?

*flies up, and breathes fire on Adrasdos*

Don't know about any of you, but I like human well-done.

Drew O'Connor said...

*shifts into wolf form*

*grabs shark by it's tail and hammer throws it into a wall*

Sir said...

I always wanted to get into an Olympic sport. Never thought it would be hammer throwing though!

*hits wall*

Noelle said...

*is bacon*

Sir said...

*reaches head over, and nibbles on face*

Drew O'Connor said...

*whispers* Adra, your an elemental, you could control the fire couldn't you?

Noelle said...

*mouth has been eaten off, unable to talk*

*is STILL bacon*

Sir said...

Well, she's fried now.

*Unhinges jaw and swallows whole*

I'll see you later then!

*Flaps fins and flies away*

Drew O'Connor said...

I'm disappointed Adra :( I thought you would have put up more of a fight lol

Sir said...

To be completely honest, I'm not even sure that was Adrasdos. Actually, I think it was her reflection. Stepping out of the shadows, not moving, not talking, it really does make sense!

Noelle said...

*sent email to Em, with her story*

*wonders if Sir Rein just left*

Sir said...

Wait. What am I doing? I haven't burned down the city yet!

Noelle said...

*the real Adrasdos steps out of the shadows*

Hello, sweetie *grins evilly, wielding sword and automatic machine gun*

Sir said...


Noelle said...

*slaps Sir Rein across the face*
No, you didn't. I called it before you did. You just didn't know it.

Sir said...

Nah, I thought that it was a reflection the SECOND you said, "*doesn't move*"

It just made so much sense. At least I got to taste your face.

Noelle said...

You've been fighting the reflection ever since it took your teeth out. That's when I decided to switch them out. I put the reflection on the balloon chair.


Star Inkbright said...


*thinks it's incredibly cool how I referenced to my own writing*

Star Inkbright said...


Flame Phoenix said...

no there isn't...

Sir said...

Ah well. I still got to nibble on your face. So then....

Goodbye Batman! I still have the Adrasdos tracker 9001, so expect me to come for you in your sleep!

*flies off into the sunrise*

Noelle said...

What the hell???

And I'm sorry, Star. I'M SORRY!

Flame Phoenix said...

Star, i thought you meant HERE!

Drew O'Connor said...

That shark is demented

Star Inkbright said...

Well, THAT profile pic didn't last long. They rarely do. The one before last lasted an UNUSUALLY long time . . .

Star Inkbright said...

*looks guilty* Whoops. Sorry. I know that when someone new posted me and I thought they were talking about Derek's blog when they weren't it was INCRDIBLY annoyzigging . . .

Next time I'll say NEW POST ON MY BLOG!!!!!!!!!!

Drew O'Connor said...

Gotta go lads, I'll chat to you in a few hours time.

Love yas x

Noelle said...

Agreed, Em.

Noelle said...

BYE EMMM!!!! *hugs*

Sir said...

I'm going to disappear for about 10 or 15 minutes, you know, torture calls.

But don't worry, I'll be back...

For your souls.

Star Inkbright said...

*sobs again* IT'S OKAY, ADRA, I FORGIVE YOU.

*peers at Adra suspiciously* Wait. Are you YOU? Y'know, YOU you? Coz if not, I WILL NEVER FORGIVE, AND I WILL NEVER, EVER FORGET. Which is a quote from somewhere. Don't ask me where. I know I'm quoting, I just don't know where from. But never mind that. If yiu ARE you, the YOU you, you don't have to worry about that. So, ARE you you? The YOU you? Are you?

Star Inkbright said...

Fours Em! See you in a mo Sir!

Star Inkbright said...

Although I think it was "I will never forgive this. And I will never, ever forget." YEah, that was it, Anybody know where I'm quoting from?

Noelle said...

I think that's Harry Potter. maybe.

Star Inkbright said...

In fact, it might have been: "I will never forgive you for this. And I will never, ever forget." Yep, that's definately it. *nods*

Now, let's sort through the massive lsit of books I have read and see where it's from . . . Although it might just be one of my own stories, y'know. Sometimes I get reminded of a story and I try to remember which story I'm being reminded of and then I realise it's my own. Lol.

OR, I could be: "I will never forgive this, < name >. And I will never, ever forget." Yes, THAT'S it . . .

*is feeling talkactive atm*

Noelle said...

*is watching patiently, flipping open and closed a lighter*

Star Inkbright said...

OR, "I will never forgive you for this, < name >. And I will never, ever forget."

Maybe something like that features in HP, but I don't think it's from that. I haven't read HP for years.

I bet it'll be one of my many fanfics, now . . . *facepalm*

Star Inkbright said...

Not Mortal Instruments, not Time Riders, not HP, not Gone, not . . . Wait, could it be SP?

Noelle said...

Could it perhaps be a movie?

Sir said...

Alright, LAST time I implant explosive slugs into someone's heart. The mess got EVERYWHERE, and I'm going to have to clean it up soon. Bleh.

Star Inkbright said...

Could be SP. Daniel X??? Seems likely, but would I remember it that well???

Dunno. Oh, this is hopeless. I read too many books. When I get my NEW SP BOOKS :))))

And I'm READING THEM ALL :)))))))))))

then if I come across my unidentified quote, you can bet you'll hear about it.

Noelle said...


WB Sir Rein!

Sir said...

Thank you, Adrasdos. I've decided to become a vegetarian, so here's your reflection's face back.

*regurgitates it*

Noelle said...

*looks at pile of glob*
I think I really needed that :/

Sir said...

Yeah, you never know when regurgitated bacon-face could come in handy.

Noelle said...


*walks off*

Star Inkbright said...

WB Rein!!!

No, Adra. I don't remember movies like that. And I don't watch many, either.

My Total Movies Watched compared to my Total Books Read would be like this, with *** being movies and ---- being books:


Yeah, something like that. Also, the way I hear it said in my head tells me about where it might be from, too. AF fanfic, maybe. SP, maybe. Daniel X, maybe. Gone, most likely NOTTTTT.

Sir said...

What's wrong? If you think that I am going to attempt to consume you, you are heartily mistaken. I am simply your average, mild-mannered gentleshark.

Noelle said...

I almost laughed...

Star Inkbright said...

Well, more like ****

And, if you don't want your reflection, I'LL HAVE IT!!! *burns reflection to ashes as a sacrafice for the Banana Lord*

Sir said...

*blows bubble rings on oxygen pipe*

Star Inkbright said...

I didn't laugh. Then I really though about it. Then I laughed :)

Noelle said...

*is practicing knife throwing*

Sir said...

*is practicing streetlamp throwing*

Noelle said...

*narrows eyes*

Sir said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Star Inkbright said...

Btw, Rein, what DO you say? Because your profile pic says, "I say.", but it never says WHAT he says. Well, I suppose he DOES say "I say.", but that seems kinda pointless. It's like me shouting, "I SHOUT!" We all know I shout. We can hear me shout. But what is the POINT of shouting if all you have to shout about is that fact that you are shouting? It's just a waste of breath, innit?


Noelle said...


Well, while Sir Rein seems to have crisis or perspective... I've been laughing at his insanity, cleverly hidden behind a thin veil of politeness.

Sir said...

Have you no experience with Victorian age manners? Very well, allow me to explain. When something MOST not proper happens, many people will exclaim, "I say!" It is a term used in many facets of life, however, not just shock.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Oh! I wanna try the "I say" thing!

I say, Sir Reingington, I have a quelling urge to propel you at the sun!

*throws him at the sun*

Star Inkbright said...

*whispers* and i whisper.

AND I SHOUT!!!!!!!!!!

and i whisper

AND I SHOUT!!!!!!!!!!

and i whisper again


and i whisper again

AND I *starts coughing from overuse of shouting*

DAMN SHOUTING!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE SHOUTING!!!!!!!!!!!!

Noelle said...

I say, good sir Val. It is most good to see you today. Most good.

And as for you, Sir Rein. I have been to the Victorian age.

I have the up most knowledge of it

Star Inkbright said...

*sighs* I KNOW, Reingington. I just like taking things literally.


I SHOUT!!!!!!!!!!

Sir said...

I do say, Valkyrie, that is a MOST improper act to commit! Have you no shame, Madame? Very well, allow me to illuminate the TRUE potential of being a gentleshark!

*flies back down to Earth, with a trail of gentlemanly expression propelling him*

Many of the expressions include,
"I say! You bally rouge! How caddish! I humbly apologize, and present myself to your service, sir! What a conundrum! But this reminds me of a puzzle!"

Sir said...

Adrasdos, it is "the utmost knowledge of it"

And Valkyrie, quelling an urge would be to stop yourself from acting upon the urge. It is like quelling a rebellion, it is preventive. Therefore, there cannot BE such a thing as a quelling urge, unless it is an urge to quell and urge.

Star Inkbright said...

I say, how did this "I say" buisness in Victorian age start anyway?

You have NO PROOF that it didn't start by someone who enjoyed saying things for the sake of telling people he/she was saying things.

Noelle said...

I daresay, our good friend Star Inkbright seems to have lost it!
*hides behind Sir Rein*

Go make her sane!

Flame Phoenix said...

How do you do the link??

Star Inkbright said...

Of course a conundrum reminds you of puzzle. A conundrum IS a puzzle.

Sir said...

*slaps with fin*

Get a hold of yourself, madame! Giving in to bestial urges and delights such as these can only lead to the abyss, a downward spiral into the black depths of humanity!

Star Inkbright said...

You dare to say that, Adra? Well, I say, you are MOST daring. AND I SHOUT THAT YOU ARE MOST DARING, TOO!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*blinks at Sir Reingington*

Did you just call me "Madame"?

Noelle said...

But dear, that is what makes me fun to be around.

And Sir Rein, who mmight you be talking to?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Will be distant now, I'm going to put my psycho dream into a story...

Sir said...

Indeed. Does this present a problem to you? For if it does, I would recommend never traveling to the Victorian age.

Star Inkbright said...

How do you know the abyss won't go PAST the black depths of humanity into worse things?

Oh, now I know how you know. It's obvious - you have first hand experience. :)

Sir said...

Indeed... I am not proud of it, yet many of my experiences have not been proud and triumphant, believe it or not.

Noelle said...

Of course he does! Have you not heard what I mentioned eariler?
His insanity is hidden by a layer of polite

Noelle said...


Star Inkbright said...

I daresay, the Victorian age was worse than this one! AND I DARESHOUT IT, TOO!

*dares* IT, TOO!

*dares* IT, TOO!

*is dareshout IT, TOO!*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Being called Madame is just odd to me. That'd make me, like, Madame Valkyrie. Or Madame Ivy. That's just weird.

Sir Reingington, are you a shark now?

Star Inkbright said...


Sir said...

Oh Star, you can be ever so droll sometimes!

Sir said...

Very well then, Valkyrie, I shall not call you madame anymore.

And indeed, I am a proud gentleshark now.

Noelle said...

Oh yes, Valkyrie. Perchance you could stay a while?
It's quite the story.

Star Inkbright said...

Yes, he is a shark, Ivy. First he was a robot/Moroccan/embodiment of destruction/dissident/gentleman/American/Narcissist/poor boy, nobody loves me/fencer/surfer/scientist, then he was a robot/Moroccan/embodiment of destruction/dissident/gentleman/American/Narcissist/poor boy, nobody loves me/fencer/surfer/scientist/dead gentleman/mustache, and now he's a shark.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

And how did you manage that, then? Just yesterday you were a robot, then a mustache, and now you happen to be a shark? That is quite puzzling, Sir, quite puzzling indeed.

Sir said...

I do admit, it is quite the tale to tell.

I shall start, as usual, with someone trying to murder me.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

That someone trying to murder you practically always being the lovely and psychopathic me, of course.

Noelle said...

He has been transported.
*gasps, and nearly faints*

My dear, I think that our friend Sir Rein might be an extraterrestrial.

Star Inkbright said...

*is ROTBL (rolling on the bed laughing) from the memories of the comments on that page*

Sir said...

It was Adrasdos, and of course she did it for no reason. She TOSSED me off of a cliff, and a great white shark LUNGED at me. Thankfully though, he missed, and by my extraordinary luck, I landed on his nose. Instantly, I had overpowered his mind and possessed his body. I gathered my previous wardrobe, including my monocle, suit, and pipe, and then I attempted to murder Adrasdos.

Star Inkbright said...

*is still ROTBL, irl*

Flame Phoenix said...

Ignore me, sure.

Noelle said...

It was quite the adventure including multiple planets, burning cities, and smoothies.

Sir said...

Ah! Greetings, Phoenix! I must have missed your comment while I was retelling my story. I apologize deeply.

Star Inkbright said...

I AM SURE! AND I SHOUT! *ignores Flame*

Sir said...

And to be accurate, Adrasdos, it was only one planet, and one moon. Remember?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I didn't know if you were still here, Flame.

Here, this will make you feel not ignored.


*smiles like a crazy person and hands him a dead banana*

Noelle said...

Naturally! I could never forget that!

Sir said...

At first, I was in COMPLETE control, only attempting revenge. She tied me to a balloon chair, and UP we floated. However, I bit through the ropes, and tried to fire a laser beam from my head at her. Unfortunately, it missed, and she pulled out 100 of my teeth. In response, I pulled out all of hers. Blood was EVERYWHERE. And surely you know what happens when sharks smell blood.

Star Inkbright said...

*snatchs dead banana and buries it* Why were you talking to air, Ivy???

Noelle said...

We had a bit of a "spat" on the beach, and I portaled away, feared for my life. But unfortunately, the gentleshark here had an Adrasdos Tracker 9001 or something, and found me in a smoothie shop.
I portaled to a moon, and he followed.
From there, we went to the planet Xenon 5.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Hmmm... I dreamed that I was best friends with Spiderman, Giles from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, I was good friends with Fletcher who worked at a fish place, I was both Ivy and me, I watched people get eaten by giant mustache plants...

It was quite a lovely dream, if I must say it. Not odd in the slightest bit.

Star Inkbright said...

Are you a robot/Moroccan/embodiment of destruction/dissident/gentleman/American/Narcissist/poor boy, nobody loves me/fencer/surfer/scientist/dead gentleman/mustsche/gentleshark/sharkman/sharkboy now, Sir?

Sir said...

Mustache plants? Ah yes, I know them, they live across the street! Fine chaps, though they DO get a bit hungry sometimes.

Star Inkbright said...


Star Inkbright said...

* . . . shifts away from the other ide of the street*

Flame Phoenix said...

I posted a comment like, 3 minutes ago...


Star Inkbright said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Oh, and the not so lovely part of the dream was that Ivy had to wear a dress. It was a pretty dress, indigo and black and long, but then she ate something gross and it turned pink and she almost died again while she was screaming for her life.

I thought it was hilarious, but as Ivy I freaked out... Because I was two separate people at the same time.

Sir said...

Oh Star, OF COURSE NOT! I'm just a shark/gentleman/embodiment of destruction/dissident/American/Narcissist/poor boy, nobody loves me/fencer/surfer/scientist/reflection eater/lucky number/deadliest predator in the universe/chip eater/ice cream lover/cad smiter/rouge beater/oxygen pipe smoking split personality!

You don't want to know the accolades my OTHER personality has gained.

Noelle said...

Oh Val! It seems to me that you have stumbled upon the role of dedicating the page!

Noelle said...

ah yes. You forgot belly-flopper, Sir Rein.

Sir said...

Oh no, that was one of the accolades my CADDISH side has.

Noelle said...

You mean your insanity?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Whatever, I dedicate to:

Derek, for being awesome.
Spiderman, for being an awesome team member for stopping aliens and mustache plants.
Giles, for scolding us in an amusing way.
Fletcher, for giving me free pizza, working in a funny fish shop, and helping out later on.
Me, for looking funny while I laughed hysterically at Ivy.
Ivy, for being epic.
And the aliens, because I got to kill you all.

Noelle said...

*raises champagne glass* I concur!

Sir said...

Indeed, and may we raise our glasses to VALKYRIE, for her most entertaining and informative dedication!

*raises glass*

Star Inkbright said...

*is reading Chasing the sun* Damn you, Flame. You got the song stuck in my head now.

Star Inkbright said...

*rasies glass solemnly* I SHOUT!

Sir said...

Now then. Does anyone wish to engage in a battle of riddles? For it is the TRUE sport of gentlemen.

Star Inkbright said...

We've only just begun,
Hynotised by drums,
Until forEVer comes,
You'll find us CHAsing the sun,
They said this day WOULdn't come,
We refused to run,
We've only just BEgun,
You'll find us CHASing the sun,
Oh oh oh oh oh oh,
Oh oh oh oh oh OH,
Oh oh oh oh OH oh,
You'll find us CHASing the sun,
Oh oh oh oh oh oh,
Oh oh oh oh oh OH,
Oh oh oh oh OH oh,
You'll find us CHASing the sun . . .

Star Inkbright said...

Ratsel would want to. *grins*

And YES, I know I missed the dots over the a, but I dunno how to do them on the laptop . . .

Star Inkbright said...

*has just checked my emails*

*hugs Dark in response to her comment on my blog* THANKS. :D

And yeah, I should make it less mysterious . . . *laughs*

Sir said...

Very well. I shall start the game.

Thirty white horses on a red hill.
First the champ, then the stamp, then they stay still.

Noelle said...

Riddles? CERTAINLY!!!!

You're welcome, Star

Sir said...

And cheating will be SEVERELY punished.

Noelle said...

*Spock gesture* scouts honor

Flame Phoenix said...

You're cheating.

Sir said...

Very well, close enough.

But if you ARE cheating.. I will cut out your TOUNGE!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

And you spelled "tongue" wrong.

Star Inkbright said...

. . . Sir? I don't get it.

But I have one. There was a man, and he lived on the 27th floor of a building. Every day he goes down the elevator to work on the ground floor. But when he comes back from work, he always goes to the 25th floor in the elevator and walks the last two floors, EXCEPT on rainy days.


Noelle said...

*laughs daintily, and fans herself against the heat*

Why might I cheat? I've been to the 1600's.

Star Inkbright said...

*There IS a man, and he LIVES on the 27th floor of a building

Sir said...

You have me stumped. I don't understand the riddle, it IS a good one!

Noelle said...

I haven't a foggiest idea, either! It seems quite the puzzle

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

What belongs to you, but you never use it?

Noelle said...

Your intellect

Noelle said...

Or, perhaps, love

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

No. Your name.

Noelle said...

*nods* I see...

Only one color, but not one size, Stuck at the bottom, yet easily flies. Present in sun, but not in rain, Doing no harm, and feeling no pain. What is it?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Okay, here's one:

I am the beginning of the end, and the end of time and space. I am essential to creation, and I surround every place. What am I?

Sir said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sir said...

You are the letter e.

Star Inkbright said...


The answer to mine was: the man's really short and he can't reach higher than the 25th button in the elevator - but on rainy days, he can, because he presses the button with the umbrella. :)

Noelle said...

Aaaaahhhhh very nice, Sir Rein... Can you crack my riddle, however?

Sir said...

I am attempting to... Though I HAVE heard this one before, I can't quite put my finger on the answer!

Star Inkbright said...

The letter E, Val!

@Adra: your reflection?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Reingington, I swear you're cheating.

Think of words ending in -GRY. Angry and hungry are two of them. There are only three words in the English language. What is the third word? The word is something that everyone uses every day. If you have listened carefully, I have already told you what it is.

Flame Phoenix said...


I know the answer to adra's one.

the man was a dwarf and he couldn't reach the buttons.

Sir said...

I swear that I am not, on my gentleman's honor!

Sir said...

Hm. Nobody answered MY riddle. Oh well, it was teeth in your mouth! Now, let's see if I can get Adrasdos' one.

Star Inkbright said...

That was mine. But yeah:)

Noelle said...

Ah, unfortunately, it is not a reflection.

And Val... I haven't an idea.

Sir said...

OH! IT'S A LANGUAGE PUZZLE! It's in the riddle...

Flame Phoenix said...

it was star's one..

And, adra, a bird?

And rein, you are.

Val, GRY?

Noelle said...

*slams hands on table, and stands up*


Noelle said...

Nope. Not a bird.

Sir said...

Hm, if I'm right about this being a language puzzle, then the answer is either the English language or what.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

The answer to mine was "Language".

It says, "...There are only three words in the English language. What is the third word?"

Flame Phoenix said...


Noelle said...

See above^^^^^ Val!!!

Hah.. No one has mine yet.. :P

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

The more you have of it, the less you see. What is it?

Sir said...

Ah! I thought that the answer was "what" because of the fact that it said "what is the third word"

Sir said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sir said...


Star Inkbright said...

Darkness, Ivy?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Oh, 'what' would've been a good answer!

Sir said...

But really. how many darkness/emptyness/shadow riddles are there?
You'd think that riddle-makers could be more creative.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Yes, it was darkness!


Sir said...


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