Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tom Percival Back Cover Madness!

You lucky, lucky people...

I am, of course, referring to those Minions who talk with those funny accents. A full 36 days before the rest of us, Kingdom of the Wicked is now available in Australia and New Zealand.

The normal rules apply. No Spoilers. None. None whatsoever. There's not even going to be spoiler zone Blog post for you to discuss it in secret- not until it's available in Ireland and the UK. You're just going to have to keep it to yourself and off the internet for 36 days. That is your punishment for getting it early...

And you have it SO early that not even I have a copy. How is THAT fair?

In other news...

A new school-type event is now listed in the Sydney section of the tour schedule below. If you want to get involved... er... I dunno what you have to do... Get your school to register, or something?


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Noelle said...

And to you Flame! Hello!*hugs*
Good lord, Sir Rein. How difficult it is to be polite.

Sir said...

Well then, it appear my sharky gentlemanlyness has attracted many members of the blog, as it very well should.

Unknown said...

oh and ,hello

Nixion Strange said...

Hey Flame

Unknown said...

oh god this passes the line in bigheadedness

Noelle said...

*coughs on water* shark... manliness? *laughs again*

Star Inkbright said...

Hi Flame!


And I want to read Gone. It's calling to me.

Sir said...

What a shame that you do not have gills, as I now do.

I suppose you are jealous. Ah well, that is to be expected.

Nixion Strange said...

Lol, I'm having a confusing conversation with cleverbot

Unknown said...

oh my when did rein get soooo modest

Noelle said...

In your dreams, sharkboy.

*throws off monocle and top hat*

I CAN'T WAIT EITHER, STAR!!!! I'm sooo excited for Lynx to write chapter 4.... and then on through everyone.

Sir said...

Most likely when I first placed my first top hat and monocle on.

Unknown said...

haha cleverbot u do that too soo funny right!

Unknown said...

haha cleverbot u do that too soo funny right!

Noelle said...

*laughs at Yugi* Ah, sarcasm :P

Nix- lol believe me, it's happened to me before.

Nixion Strange said...

It's hard to say if I'm confusing it or vise versia

Noelle said...

I think it's a bit of effort from both sides :P

Sir said...

It is easy to confuse cleverbot. In only a few sentence I got it to admit that it is male, female, an alien, and the author of The Cow who Jumped Over the Moon.

Unknown said...

woah im writing on this blog listening to death bringer adn watch ing a movie all at once

Sir said...


Star Inkbright said...

Versia? Did S decide that I was her best friend so now they're inseparatable, or summat?

Noelle said...


Nice, Yugi

Sir said...

Actually, it was a omitting mistake.

I omitted a "s" from the word "sentences"

Unknown said...

haha yep thats a new one

Noelle said...

Shame on you, Sir Rein. The poor "s"

Sir said...

Honetly, it' my leat favourite word to ue in a entance.

Star Inkbright said...

The S couldn't have been in the word sentences coz there wasn't an I next to it!

Unknown said...

poor poor s completely neglected

Noelle said...

Ahhhh I see what you did there ;P


Sir said...

Are you about to blow up?

Because I'm still underwater.

Noelle said...

No. I'm not. There was a snake.

Sir said...

Oh, good. Can I have it's blood?

Star Inkbright said...

ARGH! A SNAKE! *blows up*

Unknown said...

oh noo i just cleaned the place

Noelle said...

LOL, Star!

And uh. Sure???
*throws snake at Sir- Reinshark*

Sir said...

Lately, I have been considering something. Perhaps I could gather a group of the most extraordinary and well-dressed gentlemen in the world to form a group. We would fight all manner of goodness in the world, naturally.

And of course, most of us would be penguins.

Star Inkbright said...

*is a puddle of ink on the floor*

Sir said...

Could someone put Star in a bottle and throw her in the ocean?

Unknown said...

well u keep pursueing that dream

Unknown said...

well u keep pursueing that dream

Noelle said...

*envies Star*

Good God, man. PENGUINS?

Unknown said...

stop repeating

Nixion Strange said...

If you do that Sir, I'll make a group for the violent

Sir said...

We certainly would clash quite a bit then, but I think that the penguins would be able to overpower you.

After all, who would hit a penguin?

Noelle said...

*cheers* violenceeee!!!!

Nixion Strange said...

Me. I've killed animals from penguins to pandas

Unknown said...

oh well then we'll just get some seals to eat them

Noelle said...

Sharks and penguins. I'd be surprised if you don't kill them after five minutes.

Sir said...

Really? Pandas? Why would you do that, they make GREAT sweatshop workers! After all, they do have two thumbs on each hand.

Star Inkbright said...

Of course, penguins are NATURALLY the most well-dressed beings in the world. *sarcasm* They ALWAYS wear clothes.

Sir said...

Honestly Star, why are you talking? You're still a puddle of ink on the floor.

Noelle said...

And they keep their shoes nice and shiny

Unknown said...

animal cruelty ahhhh someone call the police the aspca anyone

Noelle said...


Unknown said...

penguins have very nice fur suits

Sir said...

Well, I'm going to warn you in advance. I wouldn't go swimming in the oceans, or any deep lakes either.

Noelle said...

Dear Lord.... *headdesk*

AND SIR REIN! How dare you be RUDE.

Nixion Strange said...

I will, and I'll kill anything that attacks me, or looks at me
I gotta end this video

Sir said...

Me? Rude? I do not think so. For you may notice, the post was a VERY noble warning to all who oppose me. Indeed, I helped you all.

Noelle said...

Bye Nix!!!!!! *hugs*

Noelle said...

No, rude to poor Star!!!

Sir said...

Farewell Nix. May you bring back good tiding with you when you return.

Unknown said...

we are getting violent aren't we

Unknown said...

bye Nix nice meeting you

Star Inkbright said...

How DARE you assume puddles can't talk? I mean, I'm always ink, and I'm often on the floor, so why should being a puddle stop me talking?

Sir said...

Well, all I really did was say the truth, that she was a puddle of ink on the floor, and I was puzzled and asked her how she was even talking.

That is all, Adrasdos. I do think you should get some more rest, for you seem to be hypersensitive to all that is around you.

Star Inkbright said...

Fours Nix!

Noelle said...

Atta girl!!! *ties mustache-shark-Sir-Rein- to a balloon-chair*

Unknown said...

how very right you are

Unknown said...
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Noelle said...

and if you were curious, you might've said "how are you talking" not "why are you talking"...

Sorry, I just looked slightly more than a little bit rude to me

Sir said...

*snaps open ropes with enormous teeth*

Did you know the average amount of teeth a great white shark has? 230 teeth total, spread out in 5 rows, with 3000 replaceable teeth at a time.

Unknown said...

nice use of google

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sir said...

It's there for a reason, Yugi.

Noelle said...

Is that a threat, or a random fact???
If the former, than I have a scythe.
if the latter, then sharks must have a good dentist.

Sir said...

I'm not trying to impress, only to inform.

Star Inkbright said...

Woah. Impressive.

But can those teeth of yours bite puddles of ink?

Sir said...


Hoohoohoohoo! Goodbye, Batman!

*flies away*

Unknown said...

ahh okay i believe u

Noelle said...

*laughs* impress... Hah.
*ties Sir Rein to balloon chair with shark-approved rope*

Star Inkbright said...

*laughs* And my "impressive" comment just HAD to appear after your "don't mean to impress" one,. . .

Sir said...

Too late, I'm already in the Stratosphere.

Unknown said...

aghhh he got away again adrasdos

Noelle said...

*flies up next to Sir Reinshark in another balloon chair*

I can't wait until the balloons die. FUUUUUUUUNNNN

Sir said...

*eats your balloons*

Goodbye again, Batman!

And don't you know, I'm not flying with balloons!

Sir said...

I'm just flapping my fins, flying like all other sharks do. My word, Adrasdos, did you not take Biology?

Unknown said...

alright adra u get the front i got the back

Noelle said...

No! That's next year! :P
Good Lord *flies next to Sir Rein*
you're a weird person, I realize

Drew O'Connor said...

Are you children fighting again?! lol

Sir said...

Shark, actually.

Sir said...

Well, Emerald, I will admit I started it, by attempting to water board Adrasdos and King Yugi.

But on the bright side, I am now a flying, gentleman shark.

Unknown said...

weirdness is something that has no remedy

Noelle said...

EMMMMM!!!!! *tackle hugs*
*climbs on her back*

Apples and pears, Sir Rein

Star Inkbright said...

You can be a child AND a shark. You can be a shark-child.

Noelle said...


Sir said...

Actually, there's a reason it's called gentleMAN. Even though I'm still a shark. This is getting strange, sometimes I wish I was a mustache again.

Unknown said...

Its decided your a sharkman then

Noelle said...

No. Still a sharkboy :P

Sir said...

Well, I was originally a mustache, so I'd be a... Sharkmustache? Which is even stranger, because my avatar has a distinct lack of a mustache.

My LORD this is getting confusing.

Unknown said...

sharkboy got it

Star Inkbright said...

You're a gentleshark. :)

*looks nervously at Sir's teeth* I hope you ARE a gentle kind of shark . . .

Sir said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

thank goodness for the faceless ones... wow did i just say that

Noelle said...

Good GOD. *stands up, still flying*

Sir said...

You know, you're floating in midair, talking to a great white shark in gentleman's attire about stopping his evil plans? Well, I have a surprise.

*laser beam shooter comes out from forehead*

Star Inkbright said...

I remember! :/

*hopes Sir's plan don't include GIANT SPACE ROBOTS*

Noelle said...

AWW CRAP! *dodges laser and kicks Sir Rein in the face*

Sir said...


*slaps Adrasdos with fin*

What are you doing? I ate your balloons a long time ago. You should probably fall now.

*Hits the top of Adrados' head with tail fin*

Unknown said...

dont worry balloons appear out of thin air very easily

Noelle said...

HEY!!!! *Kicks flying shark in the side, and pulls out a few teeth. And by "a few" I mean 100.*

And I am an elemental. I can fly

Sir said...

Fine then, you pull out my teeth, I pull out yours.

*pulls out 32 teeth*

Hm... Do you happen to have 68 more teeth somewhere else? Oh well. You probably can't fall.


Unknown said...

oohhh ouch shark teeth are very usefull

Star Inkbright said...

*gives Sir a Free Dentist's appointments token* Will this be useful at all?

Sir said...

Not really. I've got at least 2900 teeth in reserve.

Unknown said...

make sure to brush and floss 3 times a day

Noelle said...

*teeth regrow painfully*
*lands on the ground*

*kicks the shark into the sand*


Star Inkbright said...

*shrugs and offers token to Adra instead*

Sir said...

*swan dives into water*

Olympic judges, several thousand miles away in London, still hold up three 10s.

Unknown said...

eeekkkk soo muh bloood and wheres there blood theres a ... a .... SHARK

Drew O'Connor said...

I'm watching Raa Raa with Ciaran

Noelle said...

I still don't know what all these shows are, Em :P

AND OH NO. 0.0

Sir said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sir said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Star Inkbright said...

I'm so proud that my cpuntry's hosting the Olympics. :)

It's surreal to think of it all happening just five hours or so away from me.

Noelle said...

*screams, and runs out of the landing zone, wielding a stick*

Sir said...

What happened to your scythe? Oh wait. I'm a bloodthirsty monster right now.


*Flies after Adrasdos*

Noelle said...


Hahaha Star, it's about 5000 miles away for meeee

Star Inkbright said...


NOOOOO! NOT CAVIAR!!!!! *blows up warehouse full of caviar*

Noelle said...

AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!*runs down the beach*

Star Inkbright said...

Hi Kal!

Sir said...

*lands on Adrasdos*

Belly flopped!

Noelle said...

AHHH!!!*is smashed by giant shark*
*muffled* oh my GAWD
*stabs upward with stick*

Unknown said...

run adra ruuunnnnnnn come here i got a shark proof safe house ruuuuun

Sir said...

*bites stick*


*backs up a bit, and starts biting into the arm of Adrasdos.*

Unknown said...

noooo TOO LATER my friend WHHYYY *cries* WHYYYY such a cruel cruel world

Noelle said...

I can't I'm SQUISHED.

Sir said...


Noelle said...

*kicks shark*
*jumps up, and runs into the woods, arm bleeding*

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Sir said...

I'll burn your tea garden to the ground if you come one step closer. As a SHARK.

Unknown said...

no u wont't army of velociraptors ATTAACKK

Noelle said...

Yugi, it's okay. I've fought sharks before. A lot. I also die.
A lot :P I die at least once a day. And whenever Val comes on we try to murder each other....
*steps out of trees*

HEYYYY DON'T KILL HER! *wields boulder*
*throws it*

Sir said...


I just realized. This is a lot like Pacman.


*chases after Adrasdos*

Noelle said...


Sir said...

*eats boulder*

Hm. By the time this is over I won't have room in my stomach for you, Adrasdos. Whatever, I'll just store you underwater.

Star Inkbright said...


Unknown said...

RUUNN *gets the pocorn and lawn chair* RUUNN

Noelle said...

*breathes out.* THANK GOD

*runs again* stupid sharks....

I'd like to dedicate this page... to... Food. Because I really want some. *wanders off to get some chips*

Ah. And The Golden God, because he is epic.

*raises glass* hear hear

Sir said...

*eats glass*

I thought you'd learn by now. I WILL CONSUME ALL!

Unknown said...

want some popcorn

Noelle said...

*eyes widen* *pokes Sir Rein in the eyes*


Unknown said...

haha dis gonna be good

Sir said...

But we're on Earth. Not on your watch. *eats watch*

Noelle said...

Yes... *frowns, doubting* of course.

LOL You say you love him in all caps all the time!!!!

Hah. Yugi, you have no idea :P this happens all the time :D

Em. I know you're still there

Unknown said...

*face palm* did he ust say that

Noelle said...


Good GOD Caelan sounds stupid.

Sir said...

I'll eat him RIGHT after you, don't worry.
Wait, do worry. It's funny to see people worry and cry before they're eaten.

Drew O'Connor said...

Damn it lol
Your getting better Adra lol

Unknown said...

ugh i'd hate to talk with u guys everyday i think i'd lose my mind

Noelle said...

Me? Worry and cry? HELLOOOO Val ate my arm once.
Wait- twice.
Three times.

I'm used to it

Sir said...

Oh good, so you're not going to worry and struggle? Thanks, that makes it SOOOOO much easier to eat you.

Sir said...

Ah don't worry, it was no problem!

I'm still going to eat you, though.

Noelle said...

*runs through portal*

And Kallie! Your story is amazing!!!

Sir said...

*uses Adrasdos Tracker 9001 to find where Adrasdos is*

Come to me, my penguin minions!

We're going on an Adrasdos hunt!

Noelle said...

Thanks Yugi. APPRECIATE IT. :P

And yeah. Em. I am pretty slick ;J

And Kallie- yes. We know :D

Noelle said...


Sir said...

Thanks for your blood, again.

If you hadn't stolen MY teeth, then I wouldn't have stolen yours, so you wouldn't have bled everywhere, and I wouldn't have gone psycho on you. So really, this is your fault.

Unknown said...

bye guys thanks so much for making my first chat the best i gtg thanks for introducing me this adra your the best bye guys I WILL BE BACK

Noelle said...

BYE YUGI!!!! TTYL!!! *hugs*

*curses herself* of course it is*

*hides in a secret place, convinced they wont ever find me*

Sir said...

*bursts into secret place with penguin army*

Your secret place is...

A smoothie shop? Hm.

Noelle said...

*throws empty smoothie cup at sharkboy*

GO AWAY!!!! *goes through another portal*

Sir said...

*eats smoothie cup and uses tracker again*
The moon again? Talk about unoriginal...

Noelle said...

Not just ANY moon. Deimos.
*portal-jumps to...*

Xenon 5. That's new.

Sir said...

Sharkmustache...Man..Boy...Gentle... Whatever, AWAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!


Noelle said...

*still can't believe of flying sharks*

*runs along the forest, where trees were purple with silver leaves*

Sir said...

Honestly. You didn't think that someone in black wouldn't stand up in a forest of purple and silver?

*descends, shadow moving right onto you*

Noelle said...

I did. I wear black.
*summons flames*

And I chose this spot, because I found it dramatic.

Sir said...



Noelle said...

*portals away, sitting on the shark*
You seem to have forgotten that bit.

Sir said...

And I know how to do an aileron roll.

*rolls, crushing Adrasdos*

Drew O'Connor said...


I am bored.com and I see that Adra is getting impatient lol

Noelle said...

Ah. Well... now you're on your back, so...
*grabs root from ground, and pulls herself out from under the shark*

Oh my God. You weigh a ton

Sir said...

I'm a great white shark. OF COURSE I WEIGHT A LOT. Well, only one thing to do.

*breaths fire, setting everything around on fire*

Sir said...


Noelle said...

you're KIDDING ME.
*dodges falling flaming tree*

Lol glad you're enjoying this, Kallie.

And Em- for WHAT

Sir said...

Why would I ever kid you? I don't even HAVE any baby goats, I already ate them all.

Noelle said...


uh... *run through flaming forest, dodging fire balls and trees*

Sir said...

Fine then.

*flies up, and breaths fire on most of the forest*

Noelle said...

NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! *jumps into water, trying to get from the flames*

Sir said...

Wait... You did NOT just jump into water. I'M A SHARK.

Ah well.

*follows you into the water*

Drew O'Connor said...

She's getting impatient for Chapter 14 lol

I just can't handle the public demand

Noelle said...

*jumps out the other side, creating a giant wave of water, dousing the flames so she has a path to get to the city*

*runs under a streetlamp, looking back.*
*runs into the darkness*

Sir said...

*lifts street lamp from the ground, and throws it like a javelin at Adrasdos*

Man, it would be PAINFUL if she was skewered by that.

Drew O'Connor said...

Lads your getting very violent indeed lol

Sir said...

Still a shark, not a lad.

Noelle said...

*lamp misses and hits an innocent bystander, Emerald Melody*


*rounds corner*

Sir said...

Really? Do you want me to burn the city down, just to get you? Fine...

But first, I'm going to eat this innocent bystander that I hit.

Noelle said...



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