Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tom Percival Back Cover Madness!

You lucky, lucky people...

I am, of course, referring to those Minions who talk with those funny accents. A full 36 days before the rest of us, Kingdom of the Wicked is now available in Australia and New Zealand.

The normal rules apply. No Spoilers. None. None whatsoever. There's not even going to be spoiler zone Blog post for you to discuss it in secret- not until it's available in Ireland and the UK. You're just going to have to keep it to yourself and off the internet for 36 days. That is your punishment for getting it early...

And you have it SO early that not even I have a copy. How is THAT fair?

In other news...

A new school-type event is now listed in the Sydney section of the tour schedule below. If you want to get involved... er... I dunno what you have to do... Get your school to register, or something?


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Mayan said...

I will start my homework @ 8.00

Eve the ROCK said...

.... :(

I'm getting more and more people to read Skulduggery. They all love it, of course, and it's great, but.... I just know that one of them will find this blog, start talking here.... This was supposed to be MY place. My escape from the real world. Kinda. It would feel wrong if someone from school was here. I would start thinking of them as some kind of intruder.

*buries face in hands* Oh god, it better not be Brisna who comes here....although she's the most likely..... Uggggghhhhhhh

Mayan said...

The time in kiwi-a-gogo is 8.00pm

Lynxia Lost said...

Hi Eve! It can't be any worse than Carrie, I still haven't forgiven her.

Selena Gasp said...


Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

Eve, just never get them to Google Derek Landy or Skulduggery Pleasant

im trying to get people to read SP, they wont
i wonder why...


oh yeah, they think theyll end up like me, completely obsessed

Mayan said...

IKR I really DO NOT want any of my friends to go on this because it would ruin the magic. And sometimes my friends copy me WHICH I HATE!

Mayan said...

Ummm Selena are you sure your clock is right???

Selena Gasp said...

Bye, I have to go

Eve the ROCK said...

What did Carrie do, Lynxia?

Miss, I can't just GET them to not look it up. They're nowhere near as obsessed as me or you guys, but there are bound to be people who want to find out about the new books or something. And Person (Brisna) is ALWAYS searching up stuff about Skulduggery Pleasant just to test me. She's so annoying. I would hate it if she came here. Promise me you'll shun her if she ever arrives :P

Eve the ROCK said...

Bye Selena!

Selena Gasp said...

I kinda took a guess at the time, and same with all of you, I like to be freeeee here BYE!

Mayan said...

K byeeeeeeeee! See you at school!
Goodbye! (for real) :''''''(

Lynxia Lost said...

Bye Selena!

Never mind Eve, it doesn't matter.

Drew O'Connor said...

So Lynx, what are you gonna do for the next chapter?

Eve the ROCK said...

Okay then...

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

bye Selena!

Eve, will do
if she comes...

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I don't stop pestering people until they read SP... And I like to talk. Which means lots of people like SP.

Personally, there's a few people who I think would be fun to come on here, that way they would believe me when I tell them what happens here...

Examples of things no one in the real world understands:

-Blood samples from Eve
-The importance of when Derek talks to you
-Murdering robot mustaches
-Attempting to marry the Doctor
-Going on about Skulduggery in the most ridiculous ways possible

And the list goes on....

Lynxia Lost said...

Next chapter? I'm writing it? Oh... Did not know that.

Oh and Em, another point, Rätsel is also called 'Guardian of Riddles' so I was thinking that might creep out Drew if he says he's a guardian.

Lynxia Lost said...

Hi Val!!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

i know Val!!
my friends know that ive blogspeaken to with Derek

its pretty cool

i think people dont read SP when i tell them to because i talk TOO much

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Hi Lynxia! I've been here, just wandering off...

Drew O'Connor said...

Oooh that's a good idea Lynx, I like that

And yeah me and Nix organised the blog yesterday so make sure you read the posts so you understand what's going on.

Lynxia Lost said...

I got creeped out from playing this game yesterday, I shouldn't be playing it. *carries on playing*

Lynxia Lost said...

I already read them Em, so am I doing the next chapter? Right, I'll bring in Rätsel. I have a feeling at least one person is going to make fun of his robes.

Eve the ROCK said...

Yeah... I only told one of my best friends about this place.. She doesn't get a lot of it, but she understands how awesome it is to have Derek Landy actually TALK to you. I wish I could brag about it to everyone, but that would raise a lot of questions, like: "You spoke to him? I want to! How did you speak to him??", then they'd find out about this place, and so forth

Drew O'Connor said...

Yep it's your turn Lynx :)

Make us proud.

Lynxia Lost said...

Oh damn... OK, I'll start now.

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

my friend knows that im on here and theyve read SP
but they dont want to come on here...

im not sure if they know ive spoken to Derek...

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

...speaking of which, Derek hasnt blogspoken in a while

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

My friends know every time Derek says anything because I freak out and run into a wall in my moment of screaming.

Lynxia Lost said...

This isn't going very well, Em.

Lynxia Lost said...


You will never guess what Zath just asked. 'Who is Loki?'!!!!! AGGGGRRRHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

i have to go now
im going to buy glitterrrrrrrrrr

byeeeeee alllllll!!!!

Lynxia Lost said...

Bye Missy!!!!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

How could someone not know who Loki is?!

Lynxia Lost said...

I have no idea!! I've got my outfit sorted now and I'm very proud of it! Even if it is just painted cardboard!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Okay, I'm on some website with pictures of things and I found a picture of a Dalek.

The caption underneath:


My interpretation:


It actually had nothing to do with SP, but it said SANGUINE!!!

Lynxia Lost said...


Lynxia Lost said...

Em, I've finished the chapter and it's saved as a draft so you can read it now. it's sssoooooooooooooooo bad!!

Nixion Strange said...


Lynxia Lost said...

Hey Nix!

Nixion Strange said...

Oh, that worked. Huh

Lynxia Lost said...

What worked?

There's a draft of the next chapter on Pleasant Dae. I wrote it so it's bad. Sorry!

Nixion Strange said...

The comment. My internet gave up half way through it. I've been waiting for 2 hours for the internet to work

Lynxia Lost said...

Stupid internet. Tell it it's being stupid. I talk to my internet all the time.

Nixion Strange said...

Just gave up again
Where de draft?

Lynxia Lost said...

On the Pleasant Dae blog.

Lynxia Lost said...

Yeah it's on posts. I'll email it too.

Lynxia Lost said...


Unknown said...

awwww yeahhhh! Was second in line at the book store to get my hands on KOTW. 2 o'clock starts for the win!

Unknown said...

Sooooooo... anyone here?

Lynxia Lost said...

I agree Ben, 2 o'clock starts are great if you're in line for something you want. Otherwise they suck.

Lynxia Lost said...

I'm here but if I start screaming, it's because I'm playing Amnesia.

Gabriel said...

Hi Lynxia.

I want to play Amnesia.

Helena Ember Sky said...

I broke my arm. I need leaves.

Lynxia Lost said...

Hey Gab! Yeah, you should. It's scary but awesome!! This and Slender are the best!!

Lynxia Lost said...

Hey Hel!! You need to post the next chapter...! Otherwise I won't be able to read it for 2 weeks!!

Gabriel said...

Hi Helena.

Gabriel said...

I don't have money to buy Amnesia though :/

Maybe its for the best that I don't play Amnesia.

Lynxia Lost said...

Stick to Slender, just as creepy and without the messed up custom stories. *is playing Small Horse custom* This one is messed up.

Helena Ember Sky said...


Lynxia Lost said...

How's you break your arm?

Lynxia Lost said...


Helena Ember Sky said...

Touch footy. Meant to be a non-contact sport!

Lynxia Lost said...

Never broke a bone so I wouldn't know. Sounds painful though. Hope you get better soon!

Helena Ember Sky said...

It's the first time I've broken a bone. And thank you.

Lynxia Lost said...

NO probs. I wish we had numbing leaves and stuff too. They'd be awesome!!

Gabriel said...

Okay, I think everyone is distant...

Wow, I hope you get better, Helena

Lynxia Lost said...

* is hiding in iron maiden* Please don't see me, please don't see me...
*the monster is right behind me*
You can't see me, you can't see me. I'm safe in this spiky coffin thing. Pleas don't see me!

Helena Ember Sky said...

Thanks Gabriel, it's certainly a new sensation.

Gabriel said...

Is the Iron Maiden the coffin with the spikes inside?

Lynxia Lost said...

Yeah, I'm still not out because the monster is still there. Oh God, move on already!! My sanity is dropping like a brick here!!

Gabriel said...


Jokes, you don't have to.

Star Inkbright said...

Hi people!

I now have a CLEAN bedroom :)

I dropped my phone last night and the battery fell out - I couldn't find the battery so I started completely tiding up my bedroom floor to find it. I FINALLY spotted it when my floor was almost clear, and since I hated to leave the job half done, I finished tidying up this morning. I NEVER tidy my room so I am SO proud of myself.

Also, LYNXIA'S LOKI HELMET IS AWESOMESAUCE! and I can't BELIEVE Zath's doesn't know who Loki is. Though admittedly, I would never have heard of him if not for Lynxia and L . . .

Thirdly, PLEASEANT DAES IS SO COOL. I can't wait for my turn!

Lastly, MY NEW GONE BOOKS ARE KILLING ME. I have the whole series now and I'm DESPERATE to read it, but I want to save my Gones for when we go in holiday. It's so annoying.

Star Inkbright said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gabriel said...

Hi Star!

Lynxia Lost said...

No, I would not do that! He just went out because he'd gone then there was these stairs. I opened the door and another monster came out and started after me up these stairs and I had to jump down to the door. He then followed me into the room AGAIN and I had to do three things to unlock one door and he's STILL chasing me!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!! Agrh!! I'm running out of sanity potions!!

Star Inkbright said...

Fifthly, I MISS THE LAPTOP. Writing comments with my phone is so SLOW.

Star Inkbright said...


Wow, that was LONG . . .

Lynxia Lost said...

Hey Star! Thanks, the helmet could have been better though. If I had Facebook this is what my status would be 'Is currently scaring herself shitless'.

Helena Ember Sky said...

Star! Hello *winces in pain*

Star Inkbright said...

Won't be here long, we're going out soon . . . :(

Gabriel said...

Lol. Do you want me to post that for you, Lynxia?

"Lynxia is currently scaring herself shitless."

Star Inkbright said...

Hi Heck! Ouch. *sucks in breath*

Sounds painful. I remember when my brother broke his arm. It was horrible for him at first but after a while you barely notice your arm"s broken. Honest.

Lynxia Lost said...

Sure Gab, people would get a kick out of it I'm sure.

OK Star!

*is still on Amnesia* STEPHANO!!!!! If you've seen PewDiePie's Amnesia vids, you'll know he carries around a little gold statue, I've started doing it too. It's comforting.

Star Inkbright said...


Lynxia Lost said...


*is carrying the statue* NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!1 RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lynxia Lost said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gabriel said...

Wow......you're tempting me to play that game..

I shall try and find a free version of that game!

Lynxia Lost said...

It's not that good Gab, there used to be a sight where you could play it for free. It was the original though, not what I play.

Gabriel said...

Yeah...when I get money. I'll try and buy that game.

Distant. I have to try and finish my Geography Assignment for tomorrow.
And I gotta sort out my blogs.

Star Inkbright said...

Gtg nowwwww. :(


Lynxia Lost said...

OK Gab!

bye Star!

*door explodes and monster comes out* OH FUC- *is dead*

GOD DAMN IT!!!!!!!!

Lynxia Lost said...

Ole dole doff,
Kinke lane koff,
Koffe lane, binke bane,
Ole dole doff!

How to choose which path to take! ^^

Helena Ember Sky said...

Thanks Star! Bye Star! Sorry I'm so distant guys.

Gabriel said...

I don't think my blog needs sorting..
I hate geography. Wait.
That's not right. I hate my geography teacher. He keeps giving us homework and I'm not even going to take Geography next year.

Gabriel said...

Bye Star!

Lynxia Lost said...

K Hel!

We drop subjects at the end of yr 8 so I've already ditched geography for a whole year. Best decision ever! That and getting someone in my class to install Amnesia at school. What we do in IT lessons, play a creepy video game.

Gabriel said...

Aww..I hate my school because we can't play any games. Except when you play an emulator. But the teacher can see what your doing from her own computer... -.-

Lynxia Lost said...

We didn't have games until suddenly Amnesia appeared on the network... Our IT work is really easy so we can do it in like 5 mins then the rest is on Amnesia. Our teachers can't see what we're doing because our school is low budget and has a very old and crippled network.

Eve the ROCK said...

I'm back-di-back-di-back

Lynxia Lost said...

WB Eve!!

Helena Ember Sky said...

Hey Eve.

Gabriel said...

Hi Eve!

Gabriel said...

Okay then...--

Lynxia Lost said...

Me gotta go now! bye guys!! *hugs*

Gabriel said...

Bye Lynxia!!

Helena Ember Sky said...

*screams* My ARM! *waves weakly* Bye Lynx. *hugs with right arm*

Lavender Hope said...

Sorry I vanished! Didn't think I had to leave so quick. Didn't even have time to say bye.

Anyway, now that I thought about it for a bit, I'm not that nervous about seeing The Dark Knight. I actually want to see it. Well, I DID want to see it, but I was nervous about going to a theater to watch it. Now my nervousness turned into excitement.

Lavender Hope said...

*looks at the time on the last comment*
Really? No one commented for about two hours?

Never mind. I gotta go anyway. Night!

Eve the ROCK said...

Well, I'M still here.

Speaking of me still hear, I might disappear soon, warning

Eve the ROCK said...



Eve the ROCK said...




Sir said...

Is anyone still here?

Noelle said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Sir! Hi Adra!!

Sir said...


Noelle said...

Hello everyone!!! *hugs*

I'm listening to Death Bringer on audio book... *smile of glee* its good so farrr

Eve the ROCK said...

Nooooooo! School photo day tomorrow...I have a really ugly smile, so i'm not smiling. I'll just....slightly smile. I'll twitch the corners of my mouth upwards a little bit. I can say cheese without smiling. I'm quite an advanced child.

Sir said...

Good for you. I am listening to the opening and closing fiddler piece from Fiddler on the Roof... Even though the instrument is a Scottish Violin.

Sir said...

Very well, Nixon. Still, how are you?

Sir said...

Well, it's better than not feeling at all.

Noelle said...

true, Sir Rein... hey Nix!!!*hugs*
*sticks out tongue* Skulduggery's voice isn't as cool as it was in book 2 audiobook...

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Nix!

Sir said...

How can it be cool? It has no temperature, it's a voice.

But onto more important things. Don't you hate it when you put a delicious, right out of the oven muffin down, just for one second, and have it disappear?

Nixion Strange said...

I do not like SP auidiobooks. Val sounds weird

Eve the ROCK said...

That's never happened to me before, Sir. I know what's mine and it stays that way. ALWAYS. No one has dared to steal from me!

Sir said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Noelle said...

She does... Skulduggery is the main reason why I listen. :P

Hah. Sir Rein. Uh.... *backs away slowly*

Sir said...

*gets out bucket and rope*

I hope it wasn't YOU who stole my muffin...

Noelle said...

water board??? 0_0 uh, please tell me that you mean the thing that people stand on, being pulled from a boat

Noelle said...

*runs away with muffin*


Sir said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sir said...

*lassos Adrasdos*

Now then, since you're new too this, I'll explain it as I go. First, we tie you upside down. Then, I let you go, and your head falls into the bucket filled with water. You hit your head of the bottom, which causes you too lose your breath. Then, you almost drown. I pull you up, and we repeat as long as necessary.

Sir said...


Noelle said...

And you spelled my name wrong. Go figure.
*slices rope, and slips it above her head. Falls through portal just before hitting the ground*

Unknown said...

Hey guyys I'm new to this chat. I got introduced bye my good friend Adrasdos I just got the audiobook for Death Bringer CANT WAIT TO LISTEN TO IT

Sir said...

I don't smoke anything. Mostly because it interfere's with my ability to torture people.

Sir said...

Ah, welcome to the blog King Yuri!

Your avatar is familiar, but I cannot place my finger on it. Ah well. IF Adrasdos introduced you, then...

Well, I've still got an extra rope, and a full bucket of water...

Unknown said...

hey Adrasdos toss !!

Nixion Strange said...

Hi King
You're name shows so much modesty
I kid, I kid

Unknown said...

I' faster than i look and u recognise my avatar as Tea gardener from yugioh the anime series u wathed too i love yugioh well anyways ...

Sir said...

I have NO idea of who that is. Oh well, I said it LOOKED familiar, not that it was.


Unknown said...

yes i could go modest "STRANGE" but its not just a made up name it came from somewhere thats related to my avatar

Noelle said...

*kidnaps Yugi*
*runs through portal*

Sir said...


Oh well, at least Nix is still here.
Though Eve seems to have disappeared.

Noelle said...

EVE HAS POOFED!!!!!! *hands Yugi a Skul-cake8 there ya go twin!!!

Sir said...

Is that like, the 8th version of a Skul-Cake?

Unknown said...

YAYAYA all is right in the world

Unknown said...


Noelle said...


Noelle said...

OH wait.... YEAH

Noelle said...


It was a failed asterisk. Learn it, Rein. :P

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

1000 comments woo

Sir said...

I know, I was being facetious.

Unknown said...

ur right everyones gone where'd they go??

Sir said...

Hm. Well, it can take a while to realize that there are new comments, and so they take several minutes to respond.

Nixion Strange said...

Hahow's it going bros? My name- is PEEWDIEPIE

Nixion Strange said...

Oh, I realised it first comment, but I was watched PewDiePie

Unknown said...

Ahh that makes sense .... sorta

Noelle said...

Hm. I couldn't tell. I think you're slipping, Sir Rein :P

Hah. okay. YEP!!!

I'd like to dedicate this page to the Derek-lizard, because when Val comes on later, I plan on killing him. Again.
And I'd like to dedicate this to my hypothetical cat, Nigel.
And to Skulduggery Pleasant because its amazing, and without it, I'd have never have met anyone on the blog.
Well, except Yugi. *high fives*
And I also dedicate this to audiobooks, forever making Americans 10x more lazy.

*raises glass* hear hear

Unknown said...

hey someones back yay

Nixion Strange said...

I never left
I just don't comment a whole lot sometimes

Unknown said...

yaya grat dedication i bow down to u

Noelle said...

Lol I thought I taught you better!!! When people actually dissapear, they usually say... And uh, if they don't after 30 minutes or so, you can kinda assume.

Noelle said...


And thanks dear ;D

Nixion Strange said...

When correcting your spelling you only use the * at the start of the word

Sir said...

Otherwise people might think that you're actually disappearing.

Noelle said...

*rolls eyes*
so picky (I joke, I joke)

Unknown said...

haha sorry im new remember

Sir said...

Oh no, we're talking to Adrasdos, Yugi. Not you.

Noelle said...

I used another asterisk to put emphasis on how sorry I am for a spelling mistake :P

Noelle said...

Yeah it's okay Yugi. They're being mean to me, don't worry ;P

Sir said...

Hm. I couldn't tell. I think you're slipping, Adrasdos. :P

Noelle said...

Oh get off it, Sir Rein ;D *ties him to balloon chair*
*walks around*

Sir said...

*falls out, because I'm still a mustache*

Honestly, I thought you'd learn by now.

Unknown said...

ey wat adrasdos let me help *kicks chair of the cliff*

Unknown said...

dont worry I'll get the blow torch

Noelle said...

YAYYYYY!!!! *hugs Yugi* thanks hun!

*watches the mustache fly in the breeze over the sea, and, when close enough, a shark come up and eat it*

Sir said...

*instead, I land on the shark's nose, possessing it*

Well then. Now I appear to be the most gentlemanly shark.

Unknown said...

grrr i does the blow torch still work?

Noelle said...

*laughs irl*
Oh god. All he needs now is a monocle.
*dons monocle herself*

You're most correct, Sir Rein. This is most dignifying.

Sir said...

I certainly DO find this new avatar to be delightful, though he seems to be lacking a gentleman's most defining feature, a mustache. Very well then, I shall learn to live with this defect until the situation can be rectified.

Noelle said...

Good sir, where do you find these most outrageous pictures?
*puts on top hat*

Sir said...

Where anyone ELSE finds outrageous, outlandish, and strange pictures beyond disbelief.

The drugstore.

Sir said...

And yes, they are beyond DISBELIEF. They are so outrageous that instantly no one can question their inaccuracy.

Noelle said...

Ah, my proposition is correct. You do smoke mysterious things down in Florida.

Sir said...

Oh no, by drugstore I mean your local pharmacist.

Unknown said...

haha very true very true

Noelle said...

Of course you do. How silly would it be to assume otherwise.

Sir said...

Indeed, chapette.

Star Inkbright said...


LOL, Rein. Good thing I finished my water before I start laughing.

Star Inkbright said...

Oh, hi, btw.

Sir said...

Hm. That could have been quite the unfortunate situation, that would have required immediate attention, directing your attention away from this blog, and posts therein.

Star Inkbright said...

I'm trying to save my Gone books for when I go on holiday but there's no way I'll manage it.

Nixion Strange said...

Hi Star

Noelle said...


Good day to you, Star! *shakes hand*
how art thou today?

Unknown said...

yes quite unfortunate when water goes out your nose

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