Friday, January 6, 2012


Hypothetically, if a writer had to fill 16 pages in the back of a book with "extras"- like DVD extras but for, like, a book- then what should he fill those pages WITH?

An interview? A list of his influences? Deleted/discarded scenes? Something else?

Or maybe you'd just like 16 BLANK pages at the end of a book. You know, for your own doodling and such...


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Iain said...

Deleted scenes would be a good idea. It'd be cool to see where you might have taken us.

Kribu said...

No blank pages!

I just found PILES of blank paper at home when packing. So... no doodling pages needed.

I really like the idea of deleted/discarded scenes. Interviews are nice, too, but the mere idea of seeing some deleted scenes... *wipes drool away in a discreet and ladylike fashion*

Colleen McGuigan said...

One of the things I was hoping you would do in the back of your books is "10 tips on being the worlds best detective" By Skulduggery Pleasant, and write it in Skulduggerys point of veiw. Other than that Deleted Scenes would be brilliant!

Niamhy Jay said...


Niamhy Jay said...


Sarah said...

Deleted scenes sounds cool, and I like Val's suggestion too.

Niamhy Jay said...

Deleted Scenes!!
You MUST Put Deleted Scenes!!

Laura Jordan said...

Any of the above would be amazing :)

Niamhy Jay said...

You know Derek the way you suggested that last one, if I didn't know any better, I'd say that you are trying to get out of putting ANYTHING in those final 16 pages!!

Ciara Hughes said...

I like doodling - but only like 3 pages as i'd rather they be more skulduggery pleasant-ified pages
Deleted scenes would be legendary!
Interviews with the characters would be amazeballs!
Basically everything your mind can think of - and more!!!!!!!

Naminé said...

Deleted Scenes and more terribly witty humour. Like your dedications!!
P.S: Congrats on 1400 followers.
Also 9th!!!!!

Incandesence said...

I second Val's idea - that would SO much fun to read. Or maybe something along the lines of that, like a journal entry from a character.

Naminé said...

Oh well 11th!!!!

Dragona Pine said...

You could do an interview with Skulduggery Pleasant... like a comedy type interview for a magical newspaper of some kind... like about what's happened in the books before and the back of the book that it's in... like to explain his opinions on things. The books are circulating around Val, and that's all well and good... but SP should have a chance to get his opinions through. Maybe the interview for the magical newspaper could help.

... which most likely will end up with the interviewer getting completely confused and Skulduggery laughing at him/her...

Ooh! And I've already thought of a name for the newspaper.

"The Daily Mage" :P

Ciara Hughes said...

lol ^^

Naminé said...

I see that everyone is seconding Val's suggestion, which is quite brilliant, and I also second or well third or whatever her suggestion.

Ciara Hughes said...

Sarcasm!!!!!!!!!!!!! <----- defo!!!!

Mary Contrary said...

Deleted scenes, and/ or influences!!
Or maybe, rather than blank pages for our doodling, how about 16 pages for YOUR doodling?!?

Also, Hi.

Ciara Hughes said...

Val's Suggetion is amazeballs!!! i 4th it!!!!!

Ciara Hughes said...


Incandesence said...

Oooh, Dragona's is awesome too. I can totally imagine that happening too...
*starts giggling as the scene unfolds in her mind*
yes, either that or Val's earlier idea.
or maybe some one else will come up with something as good...?

Íde said...

I agree with ValkyrieCain

Mary Contrary said...

I'd like to see 16 pages of Derek Doodles! :3


'Derek Doodles'
The pages should SO be titled like that!

Ciara Hughes said...


Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Omg new post *awws*

Derek can you maybe give me your email?!?

Ciara Hughes said...

so, my favourite so far has to be derek doodles!!!!!!!!!!!
everyone elese ideas are totes amazeballs aswell but derek doodles would be legendary

Dragona Pine said...

To be fair, if Derek Doodles would happen they'd just be photocopied versions (unless Derek has years of spare time on his hands).

Incandesence said...

Aw man, I need to keep reposting because you all keep thinking of great ideas... not that that's a bad thing I suppose.
Derek Doodles, or something from Skulduggery's POV (interview or little blurb of some sort). Gosh, that's a hard one...
OH WAIT - what if the Doodles were FROM Skulduggery! That could be hilarious.
Or maybe I'm just insane.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Derek I have two suggestions...

Hmm.. *cough, cough*

You write a short story and include it, therefore we won't have to be lunatics to go and buy the new paperback..


You write a short story and include it, therefore we won't have to be lunatics to go and buy the new paperback..

*hint, hint* whichever way, it'll be awesome

Niamhy Jay said...

@Dragona: How Likely is that though??

Mary Contrary said...

Thanks Libz!
Obviously,(or maybe not so obviously) I think all the ideas are cool... and 16 pages could be enough to fit a few of them on... maybe? Because 16 ideas are better than one... Right?

Ciara Hughes said...

i dont care if they're photocopies, id just make him do an actual doodle at the next signing where i see him

Ciara Hughes said...

totes Taia!!!!!!!

Dragona Pine said...

NJ, not very. ^^

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Derek is an awesome drawer..
He draws skulduggery when he signs, and then maybe himself if you get lucky ;D

Ciara Hughes said...


Mary Contrary said...

*pokes Dragona* I know they'd be photocopied versions. That's what I meant!
It'd take a LONG time to doodle 16 pages in every copy of the book printed :P

Incandesence said...

Well said Taia! 16 pages... hmm... You should bea able to fit Derek Doodles and a interview in.

And if not, Derek, you'll need to write REALLY small.

Dragona Pine said...


Dragona Pine said...

Incandesence, thanks for liking my idea! ^^

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

And Derek.

Is this the next skulduggery Book????

Cos if you have 16 pages left to fill then that must mean...

It's finished, right?

Incandesence said...

congratz Dragona! :D

MegnusBane said...

I should do a Q and A sesh with loads of the characters about random stuff...and perhaps do a deleted scene...and then leae 2 or 3 pages for doodling:D

btw I'm new so hey everyone!!! SOooooo excited to be here

Mary Contrary said...

LOL Incandesence!
and if he wrote REALLY REALLY small, he might even fit some deleted scenes in there, too!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

And of course I'm ignored, %

Dragona Pine said...

Phoenix, I think he's talking about the book he's doing for World Book Day.

Incandesence said...

you're welcome - that best part of it was I could completely imagine the scene as I read your idea. :)

NatalieDrayton said...

Deleted scenes would be awesome! Or... maybe Fan submitted things? xD I still like the Derek doodles idea though, not gonna lie.

Incandesence said...

Exactly Taia!

Or he needs to use BIG pages. :P

And hi there Raising!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Oh yeah forgot about, EOTW!!!

Derek, i can't wait,..

And Derek ya know sp 8 and sp9 instead of keeping them a year apart, keep them in the same year!!

Dragona Pine said...

Incandesence, like A4 pages? :P

Mary Contrary said...

Thanks Natalie! Fan submitted things sounds awesome too! :D

Ciara Hughes said...

YES A4 - but then there wouldnt be 16 pages left :(

Mary Contrary said...

hmm... Or maybe A3 pages? :P

Ciara Hughes said...

he should do a factfil;e on the new characters from the competition!!!!

Incandesence said...

Good God, we keep thinking of the best ideas.

And yes Dragona!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


I second that, Derek you should do ANOTHER comp, to select messages from sp fans!!

Mary Contrary said...

Or how about small writing AND big pages? Then EVEN MORE would fit on!

Dragona Pine said...

Taia, why not A1 pages for the fun? :P

Ciara Hughes said...

Lol Taia

Mary Contrary said...

LOL Dragona! That'd be a big book... :P

Dragona Pine said...

Blerg. Comp is going slow so will be on chat.

Incandesence said...

there we go Taia! something like size 7 font and the biggest possible page size, and no margins or anything.

Then he could fit EVERYTHING into those 16 pages!

Incandesence said...

aw, later Dragona!

Mary Contrary said...

*nods* Yes, Incandesence, Yes! EVERYTHING!
*stares at a wall, hoping the Golden God will suddenly appear and see the idea*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

See ya dragona

Mary Contrary said...

Bye Dragona!

Ciara Hughes said...

They should make a golden page ..............

Ciara Hughes said...

Free Bookmark (Golden)

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Incandesence said...

*glances around* Golden God, are you listening? 'cause we have some awesome ideas here...

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


He's torturing us..

Incandesence said...

Phoenix... you... you don't mean that ... do you?
*looks around nervously*
I'm kinda scared now...

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

I kinda might..

Cos he would do, I think

Incandesence said...

*gulp* maybe. God-like powers and all that.
I'm just gonna eat my soup and pray the end comes quickly.

Oh, but not too quickly - this is really yummy soup.

Mary Contrary said...

Derek, You'd better be listening... Because if you're not, you're missing out on some awesome ideas, like Incadesence said!

*begins chanting a Golden God Call, to try to make him appear*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Umm, I want soup


Mary Contrary said...

LOL Incandescence! What kind of soup is it? :P

Incandesence said...

oh.. um... *stares at soup bowl, frantically trying to think of a way to give some to Phoenix*

Um... I'm not sure how this will work out. Soup isn't very email-able.

Oh! Great idea Taia! We should do a ritual and everything! I'll get the sacrifice.

Incandesence said...

It's a kind of Asian soup - noodles, mushrooms, cabbage, broth - but it also has turkey in it, so it's not a REAL Asian soup.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

I'll sacrifice

Ummmm the soup

*grabs it*

Incandesence said...

oh, ok - that wor-HEY!!

Lulu Bee said...

you could do the 'most quotable' (as my friend puts it) lines in the book for each character!!!! or just fill it with SMILEY FACES!!!!!!!! because I like smiley faces <3 or you could... mnini stories of storynesses 'suchlike' (as my friend just said) ... I think she made up that word... I can't be bothered to find a dictionary and check it though... um.... ok, lost my trail of thought. ignore the rambling...

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Uh.. That soup sounds well not nice

Im a fussy eater

Mary Contrary said...

Awesome Incandesence! *continues chanting, while drawing up plans for some statues to worship*

Also, sounds like some great soup!

Incandesence said...

Lulu, suchlike is most definitely a word! And, oh my gosh, SMILEY FACES! that's genius.

*watches Phoenix carefully, waiting for the right moment to pounce*

Mary Contrary said...

*the chanting somehow trails away, and is replaced by Stereo Hearts being sung very badly*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*pulls machete*


*continuasly stabs soup*

Incandesence said...


*swipes her soup back from Phoenix*

so, food sacrifice, human sacrifice,object sacrifice, or monetary sacrifice?

Incandesence said...


Are.. you're... mutilating my soup!!

Incandesence said...

wait, where did the machete come from?

Mary Contrary said...


If suchlike Isn't a word, it SO should be. I'm going to say that word, for like, forever now!

Also, what does Suchlike actually mean...? :P

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

I say I sacrifice you so I can have your soup..

*grins evilly*


Incandesence said...

it's a mixture of such and like, I think. It can mean either of the words.

That's what it means in my mind anyway, Lulu's definition might be slightly different.

Mary Contrary said...

OOH! OOH! Pick me! Pick me! I wanna be a sacrifice!
*chants* Sacrifice! Sacrifice! Sacrifice!

Incandesence said...


oh, wait - I'm done my soup now. *glances at the empty bowl*

Um, I have some more in the fridge, so I can get some of that!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

thats mine

*grabs it*

Incandesence said...

Hurray! we have a volunteer!!

Phoenix can borrow you're machet-

*pauses to think*

you know, I'm not sure if we've thought this through

Mary Contrary said...

*puts a potato on a table*
An offering, to the Golden God, as it may somehow held speed up the time until his appearance.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*stabs taia*

Incandesence said...

you can have it Phoenix, as long as you don't start throwing it around. It's pretty hot.

Mary Contrary said...

Hmm... I see what you mean... If I were to sacrifice myself, I wouldn't be alive any more, y'know...

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Can I bind you with my magic silver chain?

And then tie you to the post?

And burn you and cut your heart out.. Oooh

This is fun

Incandesence said...

hehe, yeah, fun...

*slowly backs away form Phoenix*

Taia, run.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Oh were not sacrificing taia? Are we?

*looks like something ripped something away from him*

Mary Contrary said...

*is stabbed*
Ah well, at least we have a sacrifice now :P
Do what you must, Pheonix!

Incandesence said...

a potato! A worthy offering to our mighty Golden God. May it speed his passage into the conversation.

*keeps backing up from Phoenix*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Well I think I've been influenced by someone call VAL V CAIN

When she met me she had murdered someone and said

Hi my name is valkyrie wanna donate your spine!

Colleen McGuigan said...

cool, i just had another good idea! and beleive me, theres not to many of them in my brain.. (seriously 99% Skulduggery 1% school) what if you had a drawing contest and printed the winners on the last 16 pages? there could be 15 winners and a page with their names..? and maybe have all the entrys form a certain country. In which I am from. And You too, Derek. Hint Hint... ;)

Mary Contrary said...

*pulls knife out of herself*
Huh. I'm not dead...? Weird...
*skips around happily*

Incandesence said...

*stares in awe at the poem*

That's awesome! Kallista, do you think Octabonna would mind if we used it as part of our summoning ritual?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


*stabs again*

And kal. That's nice

Incandesence said...

Taia, I think you should go see a doctor.

Taia, stop skipping! you're bleeding out buckets!

Taia, listen to m- ah, what the heck.

*skips around with Taia*

Venice Rain said...



Incandesence said...

Phoenix, I'm going to say this as nicely as I can.

You're psycho.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


You should come before we 'accidentally' kill taia

Mary Contrary said...

Hey Kal! Awesome idea! It'd be great if Octa got his poem used in the book!

Incandesence said...

'we'? I think you mean 'you'. I'm just watching...

and kind of giggling...

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Hehe. Thanks

Just don't tell Robin

Mary Contrary said...

*skips happily with Incandesence, still bleeding madly because of both stabbings*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Well,, giggling is encouraging, which is bad..

Incandesence said...

It's a good thing I'm wearing red Taia, 'cause all this blood will never come out.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*goes to stab again*

Im gonna stop

Mary Contrary said...

*nods* And you don't want me dead, do you Derek? Or do you...?

Incandesence said...

I think that's for the best Phoenix, Taia here is looking pretty pale.

Incandesence said...

awesome! Thanks Kallista!

No, I'm sure Derek doesn't want you dead, Taia.

Mary Contrary said...

*drinks a load of blue food colouring, trying to turn her blood purple, just to be annoying*

Awww... But being stabbed was pretty fun, y'know...

Ciara Hughes said...

wow, this is a ..... odd conversation - im scared of phoenix

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

He could,

How about we sacrifice incandessecence?


*noogies kal*


Mary Contrary said...

Well, Libz, I am rather well known for my oddness...
*hops around happily, bleeding purple blood*

Ciara Hughes said...

*is scared*

Ciara Hughes said...


Ciara Hughes said...

*Stabs Taia*
Your right, this is fun

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Don't be,,
I'm ok as long I'm not provoked

Incandesence said...

Well... maybe...

Libz - you should be scared. VERY scared.

Aw, Taia! Now I'm all purple. I look like a grape now.

Incandesence said...

HEY - we already have one psychopath Libz, we don't really need another.

Mary Contrary said...

I like grapes...
*looks hungrily at Incandesence*

Ciara Hughes said...

*puts knife away and pulls out a gun and a bomb*

Mary Contrary said...

*is stabbed again*
Oww... That one hurt!
*pulls knife out, and passes it back to Libz*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*stabs taia more*

*noogies kal again*


Ciara Hughes said...

hmmm *trys to think of something to do with the bomb and gun*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Kallista may I ask as I didn't understand that what?!?

Incandesence said...

*glances nervously at Taia*

Did I say grapes? I meant... eggplant! yes, that was it. You don;t like eggplant, right, Taia?

*crosses her fingers*

A bomb... really, who carries bombs in their pockets? well, apparently Libz does, but still..

Mary Contrary said...

No prob Kal! It's a great idea!
I just wish I'd made a bio for my OC! :P

*looks at the gun, and the bomb* HEY! that's not fair!

Incandesence said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ciara Hughes said...

*lights bomb and runs around with it laughing like a lunatic*

Incandesence said...

We can throw the bomb at the Golden God to get his attention!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*Takes bomb and gun off libz*

You don't need these

Mary Contrary said...

... I guess eggplant's not too bad, though I prefer grapes... You sure you didn't mean grapes?

Incandesence said...

*runs to her bunker, pulls on a hardhat, and prepared for the blast*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Throws the bomb away as I didn't realise libz lit it

Incandesence said...

oh, I'm VERY sure. And I look like a horrible eggplant - very overripe. Disgusting. You don't want to eat me.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

The whole thing about spamming

Incandesence said...

oh, Kall, we're trying to summon the Golden God using various methods. first was a chant, then sacrifice (hence the bleeding Taia), then... I'm not really sure where we are now.

Mary Contrary said...

I g2g... Byeee!

*runs away, bleeding badly, shouting*


Incandesence said...

what are we doing right now again?

Incandesence said...


Mary Contrary said...

Um, Stabbing me, and lighting bombs? :P

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*taia gets blown up*


Mary Contrary said...

Also, BYEEE!!


Incandesence said...

oh, dear...

Taia, do you want me to call an ambulance?

Faustus Duocore said...

maybe some of the most practisd Sourcer branches
from the alchemistic side .. there we actuly know only the necromancers and maybe the teleportes
but by the alchmist would be a more comon brunch
exist that is more exeptet from the popularity of Sources or? ... hop i didint make this way to iritating english nead pretty much improvents :P

Ciara Hughes said...

Hey, where did my bomb adn gun go????

Incandesence said...

oh, right. You left.

*glances in the general direction of Ireland* GOLDEN GOD, WHERE ARE YOU!?

Incandesence said...

well, you're bomb exploded on Taia, and I think Phoenix has you're gun.

Ciara Hughes said...

*pulls out new gun* >:)

Incandesence said...

*sigh* This was a bad day not to wear my Kevlar vest.

*heads for the hills*

Ciara Hughes said...

*runs after incandesence* *laughs like a lunatic*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

In Dublin

I live in Ireland hehe

I took the gun and bomb, I threw the bomb away and it blew taia up..

The gun has been unloaded and hidden

I have to go, byezz

Ciara Hughes said...

*stares at gun*:/

Mary Contrary said...

Ah. I seem to back again... Well, I guess I didn't have to after all! *is blown up by the bomb*

Xanna said...

Interviews. I'd be really interested in interviews.

Incandesence said...

It's nice to see you back too! We're pretty crazy kids I have to say. And you're the veteran of the group! *salutes*

Ciara Hughes said...

uh oh

Mary Contrary said...

Thanks, Pheonix, for blowing me up. I really appreciate it.
Also, Byee Pheonix!

Incandesence said...

bye Phoenix!

*continues running from Libz*

Ciara Hughes said...

*shoots taia*

Incandesence said...


Ciara Hughes said...

*pulls out rocket*

Incandesence said...

hurray! Hi Taia!

Ciara Hughes said...

*sits on rocket and lights it, catching up with incandesence*

Mary Contrary said...

*is revived* Thanks Kal! *glomps* It's great to see you on the blog again!

Incandesence said...

*pulls out semi automatic machine gun and hands it to Taia*

here you go, happy Birthday!

*continues running*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Oh and

*takes away libz new gun and other weapons and dangerous objects*
*hides them*

Yay dragonas magic Yorkshire pudding!

Ciara Hughes said...

:o :'(

Mary Contrary said...

*is shot. Again.*
Hey again Incandesence!

Incandesence said...

ooh, yorkshire pudding, sound gre- OH DANG IT

*hits the ground as Libz zooms over her*

Ciara Hughes said...

*falls off the back of rocket* ouch :(

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

It's been long time..

Now have to go...

Anonymous said...

SCENES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or a short story

Anonymous said...


No blank pages

Incandesence said...

Oh. no... we're screwed.


Mary Contrary said...

But... I can't accept this. It's not my birthday. Also, I have a bullet through my brain, so even if it was my birthday, I wouldn't be able to take it :P

Ciara Hughes said...

*drinks growing potion and started running around laughing like a lunatic*

Incandesence said...

oh. hmm.

That's fine. Do you want me to, I don;t know, rez you or something?

Incandesence said...

Bye Phoenix!

Incandesence said...

*drinks an invisibility potion and sneaks away from Libz*

Mary Contrary said...

woah... We filled a whole page with awesome ideas, some rituals, soup, sacrifices, purple blood and killing me in various different ways... AWESOME!!

Also, Congrats on 1st of the page, Libz!

Ciara Hughes said...

narrowly missses treading on Taia

Incandesence said...

whoa, yeah - I feel pretty important now. Congratz Libz!

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