Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Ten Winners. Ahem.

I have just picked the winners.

Before I announce them, I'd just like to mention that Death Bringer is up for an Irish Book Award. Skulduggery has won for two consecutive years, so I really don't mind if I don't win this year- to be honest, I think I'm running out of people to insult in my speeches...! Death Bringer is in the Senior Children's Section, and you can look at the nominees here

For the first time I'm up against Darren Shan, who could very well topple me, as well as three other books that I've been hearing great things about. As usual, I'm asking you to be fair, and don't vote for me just because you're thinking of Skulduggery right at this moment... Look at the nominees, pick your favourite, and if you like any of them, vote.

(And then scroll down to the Popular Fiction award and vote for Cecelia Ahern- she's lovely!)

Whoever wins, Irish viewers will be able to see them accept their award on RTE in the last week of November, because the whole thing is going to be televised. Whenever I win I always seem to grin and smirk and tell everyone how great I am- and generally mock everyone else- so it might be a good idea if maybe I DIDN'T win this year! I sincerely don't think I could be remotely serious...

Anyway! On to the important announcement! The Friend Gets Friend winners! They are, in the order they came out of the hat:

Miss Arianna Dark



Asteria Wing

The BookNommer



Silke Gronau

Lauren Longbottom


Well done, the lot of you. But I'm not finished yet. I have decided that we're going to have two EXTRA winners, two people who were not picked at random but who still deserve SOMETHING. I know ALL of you deserve something, and I'd love to give ALL of you prizes, but there are only so many I can give out.

So, those two extra winners. The first is Valkyrie V, simply for throwing the best Skulduggery party I've seen...!

The second is Trinity Kal- or Kallista, as she is more commonly known. A lot of you guys put forward her name as someone who thoroughly deserves a prize for a multitude of reasons, and I happen to agree with every single one of them. Kallista has been here since the early days, and she's a wonderful example of a Minion- she's warm, funny, nice to everyone and she makes newcomers feel welcome. People commenting here for the first time look at her comments, look at the comments made by all of you, and they instantly know what kind of place this is. We do not tolerate bullying, we resolve our arguments, and we get back to being friends and having a laugh. Kallista exemplifies this wonderfully, so I'm delighted to extend the number of winners to include her.

Oh, and Thalia? For winning the Halloween competition last week, you get the same prize as these guys. I couldn't NOT include you.

So now, all you winners, all thirteen of you, need to send your home addresses to my publisher's email- Mark it "Skulduggery Competition". Once we have your addresses, we'll figure out the prizes and send them off. I don't know when they'll be sent, but probably sometime over the next week or two. Hopefully.

I want to thank each and every one of you for taking the time to do something for the Friend Gets Friend thing. Congratulations to those who won, and commiserations to those who didn't. To be honest, seeing the response we've been getting to these competitions has really encouraged me to start thinking of more I could run- so if you didn't win this time, you could always win next time...

I was talking to my agent the other day about all of you, and the fact is that everyone- and this includes my publishers- have been astounded at your attitude. When Thalia won the Halloween competition, the positive reaction was startling. The rest of you were obviously disappointed that your entry didn't win, but there was no sniping or grumbling or sulking from any of you. You all seemed genuinely thrilled that Thalia, your friend, had won.

The internet can be a cruel place. Just look at all the online bullying that goes on. Look at all the internet trolls who just want to upset people. When you sit at a keyboard, interacting with people you've never met, the temptation to be as nasty as you can be is always there. The internet really seems to bring out the worst in people.

But you guys are different. I don't know WHY you're different, you just are. You are good, honourable, decent people. You're warm and witty and friendly, and you're loyal to each other. And that is a wonderful, wonderful thing to see.

I'm proud of every single one of you.


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Invisible_Fly said...

Is anyone in?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Hello... I just had to type up a booklet of boring essays. I hated it.

Invisible_Fly said...

That sucks. What were they about?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Edgar Allan Poe's life. It was stupid.

Invisible_Fly said...

I have a "Collection of Poe's Best" book with his best stories, but no poems. Do you like Poe?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

YES!!!! I just put a bookshelf in my room! Yay! Now my books don't have to live in a cardboard box like hobos!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!

Invisible_Fly said...

I have no room on my bookshelf for more books XD I keep buying more and more, so I stack them in boxes under my bed :)

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I suppose I like The Raven. I like how it rhymes.

Invisible_Fly said...

I like The Raven because it's sad. I know that sounds a little silly, but I enjoy reading poetry that makes me sad.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Edgar Allan Poe was an alchoholic, you know. And he married a 13 year old when he's like, 20 something.

Invisible_Fly said...

Yes, he didn't really lead an extravagant lifestyle, but he left us some great works of art. And people married their cousins all the time, even when they were 14 years apart, though it wouldn't really be socially acceptable now <_<"

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Okay, I just told my sister, Carissa, to look at cover of Death Bringer because I told her it looked really creepy, so she did, and she said, "How come Valkyrie's fire looks like a sparkler?" So, I looked closer, and it really does! It's like exploding in her hand, whereas Skulduggery's is perfectly normal! Iss there any reason for this?! :D

Invisible_Fly said...

OH SNAP, it DOES! Okay, this is the part where we start speculating.

Aaaaaaaand GO

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Maybe it's because we're seeing the fire from the back of her hand?

*is seriously loving the 'speculating thing'*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Oh! And you know how where it says the words Skulduggery Pleasant Death Bringer? Do you think the black backround is a big cloud of shadows? Because it looks like that's where the the shadow tendrils are coming from...

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Hehehe... My older brother is being sat on by my younger sisters and he can't get free... Hehehe...

Invisible_Fly said...

If you took the title away, you'd just have a mass of black shadow at the top, like your vision is being blackened more and more, until the center of your vision where Skulduggery and Valkyrie are. I don't think the title itself is making the shadows, though there's a lot of speculation you could do there. I think they're just fighting a generic evil on the cover.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

They look like they're outside the Necromancer Temple, so maybe they're fighting Melancholia...? Oh wait! I've got it! They're preparing to kick evil very hard in the face!!!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I've gotta go, I have tons of homework to catch up on. Bye!

Invisible_Fly said...

Maybe it is Melancholia, or maybe we're just reading into the cover too much xD Have fun with homework (or at least make the most out of it :p)

Mistical Future said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Eww... My brother has his creepy friends over. >:(

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Still no one's here? Hmmm...

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Rosella Embers said...

(I be Italian-Speaking)

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Yay! People!

Rosella Embers said...

Adoro la Skulduggery Pleasant!!!
(i love skulduggery pleasant!!!)

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Hey Rosella Embers! I know someone whos name is actually Ember :)

Rosella Embers said...

Ciao, Val!
(Hi Val!)

Rosella Embers said...

that's soo cool!!!


why do you lead such an interesting life?

Rosella Embers said...

BTW, congrats on winning!!!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*smiles* I don't know. I usually have a different perspective on things, and I become friends with interesting people because of it. (Although, my whole family's pretty different. Ember's practically my step-mom... But I love her:) )

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Thanks! I couldn't believe I won... That was probably the happiest moment of my life so far, just to even read that post. :D

Rosella Embers said...

... i see!


thats great!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Have you read Death Bringer?

Rosella Embers said...

i know!

you are so lucky!

but well done!!!!!

i'm so exceited for you!!

when you get the poster, an u upload a pic of it?

( i'd like to see which one you get!)


Rosella Embers said...

yes! i have read death bringer!!

(brilliant, isn't it!)


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Heck yeah I'll upload a picture! Are you kidding?! How could I not?

Rosella Embers said...


he he he...

i'm so exceited for you!!!

Rosella Embers said...

whoops, ignore incorrect spelling...!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Death Bringer was the best one yet... I nearly started crying at the twist because I just couldn't believe it... And congrats on getting your name in the book! :D

Rosella Embers said...


(i had a little double-take when i read my name, then started crying i was that shocked...!)

i think it's the best one yet...personally


Rosella Embers said...


exams start tomorrow!

(i've finished studying, but the FACT that exams are tomorrow is like a dark little spiderweb in the back of my head... and i don't like it there)

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I made a chapter index for the 3 most recent books... And I thought chapter 37 of Death Bringer was odd... It's a complete guy chapter...

'Twas odd to read. But I still loved the book.

Rosella Embers said...

(and can i just add that the when i cried when i read my name was a feat in itself... i havent cried in 7 years...)

Rosella Embers said...

yes...!!! some things ARE a bit odd, but i like it that way! thats what makes it BRILLIANT!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*is trying to imagine Fletcher with his hair like a normal person's* *can't picture it*

Rosella Embers said...


but fletch wouldn't really have much flair if his hair was flat....


team Caelen or Team Fletcher?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Oh! I just remembered something! Wanna hear something awesome?! :D

Rosella Embers said...


(an awesome thing would make my un-awesome day awesome...)

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I honestly can't stand either... My friend and I already have "Team Pleasant" T-shirts... So I choose neither!

(but if I had to choose one, I suppose it'd be Fletcher)

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Time for the awesome thing. Okay.

Look at my profile picture! That is awesomeness.

Rosella Embers said...

i haven't chosen yet either, but i don't understand how Valkyrie could be such a cheat...!

(i am not insulting Val, i just don't think its very her style...)

Rosella Embers said...




Rosella Embers said...


u still there?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

My dad surprised me by being Skulduggery for Halloween! Because I was being Val for Halloween anyway, but he told me he was going to be a zombie! :D

(I was Val in Playing With Fire. That's why I've got a sword - it's meant to be Tanith's. And I'm wearing a dress because Val never changes into her normal clothes... Trust me. I checked several times)

Rosella Embers said...

i see!!

i was Melancholia for halloween,(i think. i had a sword though... which is an additional acessory)

and, when Nyx's mum (Nyx came over for halloween - she was a rabbit...!) told me i looked like the creepy girl on the back of Death Bringer, i was happy :)

Rosella Embers said...

and you look EXACTLY like valkyrie its scary!


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

My sister was Melancholia at my Skulduggery party... Have you seen all those pictures? Because I think there's one of just Carissa (Melancholia)...

They're at

Rosella Embers said...

i've seen them!!!

awesome party!!!

awesome cake!!!

awesome outfits!!!

it looked awesome...!

Rosella Embers said...

but i can't see the sp painting you did...

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*looks at what Rosella said about me looking like Valkyrie* *starts flying, but hits head on the ceiling and falls*


(it's one thing to hear that from my family, but other fans? That's so awesome to hear :D )

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

(no one seems to be able to see the paintings... *frowns* Hold on. I'll be right back to check if I can fix it...)

Rosella Embers said...

but i'm deadly serious!!'s really freaky! it's like val was BASED off you!!


will you look like older val when ur older?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Actually, I'll fix the paintings LATER.

*whispers back and tries not to giggle* I, uh, I hope so... I'm so going to try and audition when Derek sets them up... I'm determined to learn an Irish accent before then!

Rosella Embers said...

what accent do you have now?

cuz if ur scottish, british or anything UK, it'll be easy

Rosella Embers said...

although, being Australian myself, i have found that i just can't seem to do a proper Irish accent...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I don't really have an accent, because I'm American... I can sound EXACTLY like an English person though...

Rosella Embers said...

then it'll be easy, base it from ur english accent!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Trust me, I'm so trying... :D

Rosella Embers said...

what time it it over there?

..., just curious

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

9:00 PM... I'm pretty close to Seattle.

Rosella Embers said...

i see...

sorry, curiosity is my weak point


Rosella Embers said...

oh, i'm so sorry val, but i have to go and study now.

i'll see you later!!!


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I'm pretty curious, too... But curiousity isn't a bad thing! It was out of curiousity that I picked up the first Skulduggery book! And reading it has changed my life!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Awww... Bye Rosella! It was lovely meeting you!

Shade O'Killer said...

Hello peoples

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Shade O'Killer said...

Hi Val!!!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

How are you?

Shade O'Killer said...

I'm good, you? have you sent your address and quote in yet?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Sent my address about 10 - 20 minutes after he posted it, and I didn't send my quote in... But he never said to, so I just posted it here a couple times, hoping Derek'll see it... Should I email it? I've already had to send 2 emails, because in the first one I was still so excited I forgot to even include my address... *blushes*

And I'm feeling pretty dandy. Someone told me I look like Val, which is always fun :D

Shade O'Killer said...

I would send the quote in just in case, and I'm sure there were lots of people to busy Squeeing to add their address ;)

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*arches an eyebrow* Lots of people? There are thirteen of us in total. But I suppose I should... I hope Derek doesn't think I'm trying to pester him...

Alice Rose ♥ x said...

Lots of people aka people who want to steal other people's prizes. :C not cool.

congratz on winning! C:

ummmm, since this comment sounds boring so far, i'll add...
ASDFGHJKLRGFVBHJHI I NEED MORE SKULDUGGERY FANFICS. D: dying! plus my mother DID steal my mobile so i cant check for updates :\

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Okay, I just sent an email, saying that it was Val V, and I added my favourite quote in it :)

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Skulduggery fanfics? I wrote one for Halloween a while ago...

Mistical Future said...

oh yes i loved that!!! i forgot to ask u ...
are u Derek in descise? if not did he help u? if nether then u wright exactly like Derek Landy!!! not kidding ur SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Hehe. No, I'm not Derek in disguse. He didn't help me, either... If I were Derek, how would I also be a twelve year old girl? And thanks for that compliment!!! That's so awesome to hear!!! I enjoy writing, but I didn't know if I was any good... But hearing that I write like Derek is one of the best compliments I could ever get!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D !

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*wonders if Derek has read my Halloween fanfic or "Valkyrie and Ivy" on my second blog*

Mistical Future said...

lol cool i've been meaning to ask that for some time now soz that it's so late!!!

Mistical Future said...

oh i recon u should ask Derek if he wants to put it in his book!!! because i defiantly think it's good enough to go in it!!!

Mistical Future said...

hello? am i a loner?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Sorry... If you're still here, I wass doing the STUPIDEST assignment of all time.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Would you look at that? Exactly an hour later.

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

is anybody online

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Hehe... It's past midnight here :)

And right now, since it's on my ipod, I'm listening to the Skulduggery interview XD

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Oh, I'm online!!! :D

Shade O'Killer said...

URG, someone remind me why I'm trying NaNoWriMo. * glares at computer why wont you write it for me?!*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

For those of you who care:

I'm posting the Table of Contents for the books on my blog, going from the most recent book back to the first one... So Death Bringer's Table of Contents (which isn't in the book) is posted on my blog at and if you're considering following it, do it! The more followers the better! :D

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I've just posted the Mortal Coil Chapter Names! Same place as the Death Bringer ones! Up next will be Dark Days!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Ah, Dark Days is there now.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Whoever reads this: Go to my blog, and tell me if you can see the photos on my PAINTINGS!!! post

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Wow... It's almost 2 AM here...

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Anybody here? Anyone? Am I really alone?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Are you all asleep or something?! *thinks about it and realises that it's very possible*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Meh. I don't like being alone. *pulls out notebook* I guess I'll write, then, until someone arrives.

Kribu said...

*waves to Val*

Shouldn't you be asleep? And yes, I did see the photos of your paintings on your blog! They were cool!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Yay! I'm not alone any more! Although I may continue to write, because I was just gettting to the action part...

And sleeping's over rated. (actually, it's because there's a ton of stuff on my bed, like about 12 notebooks, a mirror, a giant basket... Stuff like that.)

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Hi! I'm writing another story right now... *is trying very hard not to giggle* and I swear, it's going to be hilarious.

Mistical Future said...

lol cool!!!
look at this!!!


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Give me a few minutes... I'm still trying to write this story. *looks at misty's name* *decides to add it into the story*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*laughs mischeviously* Oh, Derek is going to love this story so much...

Mistical Future said...

cool soz gtg

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Bye... And I looked at your thing!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*rereads over story and laughs hysterically* Oh my gosh I can't believe I'm writing this XD XD XD XD

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

hey derek i have an idea for you
what if you take short stories from people on here and put them together in a book and then you would get money and we could say that we have stories published in a book please think about it and if you do since i came up with the idea then i hope you could put a birthday case in france in it well once i finish it

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

val v are you still there

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

This story's turning out even better than I was expecting... Here's part of it:

I appeared in the room, behind Skulduggery, Valkyrie, and Derek.

Now doesn't that sound interesting? :D :D :D

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

oh im all alone

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I'm here, but I'm also not. You wanna be mentioned in my story?

Becky Allaker said...

YO C: *le lazy*

After I left, did Derek come back on? Iwant to know if he replied to anything I said BECAUSEHE'SNEVERONBEBOANYMORE and I can't be asked to wade through the comments...

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

He hasn't come on :(

Becky Allaker said...

MAH D: I just went through all the comments...

LOLOL AT FLARING. I talk to her pretty much every day... I dunno how she can be so hilarious all the time :'D I filmed the proposal video, if you watched it. I'm the moron going "IS THIS THE POINT WHERE I CRY? *faulse sobbing* Oh, it's so beautiful...!"

Becky Allaker said...

Dear god, the time... I'M OFF.

Toodles c:

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

PEOPLE!!! I finished my story, and it's posted at and it's hilarious!!! DEREK YOU MUST READ IT!!! YOU'RE A CHARACTER WHO APPEARS!!! So go here!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Okay, it's almost 4 AM here, and I actually have to go somewhere in about 5 hours, so I'm going to bed. Goodnight! And don't forget to read my story!

Kribu said...

Good night, Val!

And I just read your story and it was a lot of fun! :D

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*comes back for a second* My story is practically the definition of ridiculous, except it's in story form. AND DEREK NEEDS TO READ IT!!! *is gone again*

flaring rhythm said...


Becky Allaker said...


flaring rhythm said...

Oh dear GOD.

It's...IT'S A BECKY.

Becky Allaker said...

Oh dear GOD....


flaring rhythm said...

MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH C: HELLO, MY SWEET. Oh my God...Do you think Derek reads all these comments?


Kribu said...

*attempts to decipher the meaning of C: which probably doesn't stand for the C: drive*

flaring rhythm said...

LOL. "C:" is just a creepy smiley face...



Becky Allaker said...

LOL KRIBUUUU. C: is a perverted grin 'CAUSE WE'RE NORMAL C:

LOLOLOL. I hope he doesn't... But if he does I better HIDE THE ROPE I HAVE READIED TO KIDNAP HIM C: *le hides rope*

GOD HELP HIM INDEED! *le pinapple*

flaring rhythm said...




Kribu said...

*backs away slowly from the crazy people*
*prepares for a rescue mission if needed*

Becky Allaker said...

IT'S TOO LATE. I KIDNAPPED YOU TOO C: I'm so good at kidnapping that you DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE.


I love the fact that we're talking HERE rather than on MSN LOOOL C:


BlackDragon said...

well done 2 all winners

flaring rhythm said...



I had a dream that Derek came to my house (AGAIN) and I don't remember much of the part where he was at my house but he was sitting in our living room chatting to my mum and dad and I was pestering him about book 7, and loads of stuff happened then but I can't remember ANYTHING, the only thing I vaguely remember is that a plant pot was involved...And then I was on a plane with one of my friends and I had this belt and if I pushed the buckle to the left it would MAKE. DEREK. APPEAR. So I pushed the belt and Derek appeared on the plane (Oh my GOD, I AM LAUGHING SO MUCH RIGHT NOW) and the plane flew us to this land or something, and Derek was my best friend? And he was wearing some hawaiian shirt, and I was like "Derek. Change your shirt." and he refused to and I had this whole argument with him about how ugly the shirt was and then my friend was trying to get him to drive us home because all we had to wear were dungarees? IT WAS SO WEIRD. And he was like "But I want to wear my hawaiian shirt!" And we were arguing with him about not giving us a lift back to get some clothes...I don't remember the end, and other stuff happened that I don't really remember but oh my God, LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL IT WAS SO WEIRD. I woke up like "What...The....Helllllll....?"

Becky Allaker said...


Sounds like my day to day life to be honest.


flaring rhythm said...


That is the third time I've dreamed about Derek coming to my house...


Kribu said...

*is ever so slightly worried*

Becky Allaker said...


I WAS the plane...

flaring rhythm said...


So THAT'S why the plane was going "MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH"

Becky Allaker said...

TRUE C: The engines ran on baguettes C: Fletcher was flying it, Clarabelle *LE UNICORN* was the co-pilot c:

hudson said...

That was deep, Mr Landy, very deep.

darkillyria said...

Hello everyone :)

Hazel Picturesque said...

Hello constituents of the Internet and surround areas!!!

Hazel Picturesque said...

Ah, well... I guess I'm alone

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

wow, lotta new peoples...

Invisible_Fly said...

Agreed, Flame, there are SO many new people. (Fresh meat... mwahahahaha!)

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

lol u still here?

Invisible_Fly said...

Hey! Yeah I'm here. How're you? :)

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

fine.. lol i thought you were gone... check the link please...

how r u?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I'm not really here, but I just have to say:



Invisible_Fly said...

I LIKE THAT BLOG. But I always had faith in our Golden God to bring back Tanith eventually xD

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

val v.....,.

YOUD BETTER STAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Invisible_Fly said...

Oh hey, Val! Or not really, since you said you're not actually here. But if you're not actually here, wait, does that mean you don't exist? Are you a figment of our imaginations?

I'm having an existential crisis.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

it seems impossible though... :(

@val... *starts playing jaws themetune* dun dun dun dun dun dun dun

even though it does not go like that

Invisible_Fly said...

No, I'm pretty sure she'll have a dramatic return involving Darquesse in some way. Believe in Mr Landy to bring her back :D

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

existential crisis? does that mean where peoples dont exist?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

oh i wouldnt put it past him he hates tanith....


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*shrugs* I'm real, but remember what it says in the back of Dark Days? We're all figments of Derek's imagination. And I really have to go now. I'll be back in about 2 hours.

But seriously, you guys, you NEED TO READ MY STORY.

Invisible_Fly said...

Sort of. I often have doubts about my life and existence. It's... kind of weird. I usually think about the possibility that my life isn't actually happening, that maybe I'm actually locked up in a padded cell somewhere and I'm imagining my whole life, meaning everyone I meet isn't real, that they could just be different parts of my personality. Like I said, it's kind of weird. I deal with it by just remembering that even if I AM imagining all of this, there's not much I can do to change it, so I might as well enjoy it.

Invisible_Fly said...

Does Mr Landy actually hate Tanith?

Invisible_Fly said...

Oh my God, Val V, that story was ungodly amusing. I really liked it. (thanks for including lots of us in there :D)

Though it isn't helping me with my crisis. What if I'm not locked up in a padded cell, but I'm actually a character in a book?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

face it my life is relatively boring i would love to be in a book...

maybe.. shewas to die in the 1st one....

what was talking about dereks imagination for>?

ill go read now...

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

* val talking

Invisible_Fly said...

I think the best way to be in a book is if someone just wrote me into one, the way Mr Landy sort of writes himself as Skulduggery and writes Laura as Valkyrie. I should ask my writer friends to write a story about me for my birthday XD

Yeah, she was supposed to die in the first book, but I'm not sure if that means he "hates" her. Even if he did, he knows how much of a fanbase she has, and I don't think he's okay with invoking the wrath of FANS. It's too dangerous.

Midnight Valentina said...

Is anyone on?

Unknown said...

Hello :) Just read Vals story its cool haha XD

Invisible_Fly said...

Oh hi there, guys! How's it going? :D

Midnight Valentina said...

Me too, it was good ^_^

Midnight Valentina said...

I'm pretty good you?

Invisible_Fly said...

Good, just doing some homework readings. It's booooring, but I've got to do it :/

Unknown said...

Hey Fly :) I'm grand u?

Invisible_Fly said...

Flame, did you ever get to do a dedication page? The next one is in 5 comments after this one.

Midnight Valentina said...

What is a dedication page?

Invisible_Fly said...

Hi Crystal, good to hear you're well ^_^

Invisible_Fly said...

It's when someone gets the first comment on a fresh page. Every 200 comments, a new page starts.

Unknown said...

When you get first comment on the page you get to dedicate the page to someone. I got this page ;)

Invisible_Fly said...

Exactly! Now you can dedicate it to someone or something, or many someones or WHATEVER. IT's UP TO YOU. :D

Unknown said...

Damn didn't mean to get that page :( :(

Invisible_Fly said...

You didn't want the page?

Midnight Valentina said...

Ah, I'm new to this. By the by, you can call me Vee. I'm an Adept.

Unknown said...

Thought someone else might like it lol :D
I dedicate this page to FANFIC because its so unbelievbly awesome. It lets the minds of fans to flow and get creative! I am no good at fanfic but I love reading other peoples ones :D

Unknown said...

I got the last page too XD

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

So... Crystal, you read my story? Because that story is what happens when I get bored.

And I'm just, you know, stalking you guys until I leave to go where ever I'm going...

Midnight Valentina said...

Agreed. What type of sorcerers are your characters?

Invisible_Fly said...

Hi Vee! Nice to meet you :) Is today the first time you've posted on here?

Crystal, nice dedication! I like fanfic for exactly those reasons. But don't say you're no good at it! You just need to practice.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Alright. I'm gone. Bye!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

elemental.. hi vee nice to meet you

fly, yes i did too much actually

val? i commented...

hi crys how r u? havent seen you around *hugs*

Unknown said...

Yep I did Val! Its the reason I dedicated this page to fanfic because your story was awesome lol

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

crys? you did a fanfic?

*looks frantically* where?

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