Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Ten Winners. Ahem.

I have just picked the winners.

Before I announce them, I'd just like to mention that Death Bringer is up for an Irish Book Award. Skulduggery has won for two consecutive years, so I really don't mind if I don't win this year- to be honest, I think I'm running out of people to insult in my speeches...! Death Bringer is in the Senior Children's Section, and you can look at the nominees here

For the first time I'm up against Darren Shan, who could very well topple me, as well as three other books that I've been hearing great things about. As usual, I'm asking you to be fair, and don't vote for me just because you're thinking of Skulduggery right at this moment... Look at the nominees, pick your favourite, and if you like any of them, vote.

(And then scroll down to the Popular Fiction award and vote for Cecelia Ahern- she's lovely!)

Whoever wins, Irish viewers will be able to see them accept their award on RTE in the last week of November, because the whole thing is going to be televised. Whenever I win I always seem to grin and smirk and tell everyone how great I am- and generally mock everyone else- so it might be a good idea if maybe I DIDN'T win this year! I sincerely don't think I could be remotely serious...

Anyway! On to the important announcement! The Friend Gets Friend winners! They are, in the order they came out of the hat:

Miss Arianna Dark



Asteria Wing

The BookNommer



Silke Gronau

Lauren Longbottom


Well done, the lot of you. But I'm not finished yet. I have decided that we're going to have two EXTRA winners, two people who were not picked at random but who still deserve SOMETHING. I know ALL of you deserve something, and I'd love to give ALL of you prizes, but there are only so many I can give out.

So, those two extra winners. The first is Valkyrie V, simply for throwing the best Skulduggery party I've seen...!

The second is Trinity Kal- or Kallista, as she is more commonly known. A lot of you guys put forward her name as someone who thoroughly deserves a prize for a multitude of reasons, and I happen to agree with every single one of them. Kallista has been here since the early days, and she's a wonderful example of a Minion- she's warm, funny, nice to everyone and she makes newcomers feel welcome. People commenting here for the first time look at her comments, look at the comments made by all of you, and they instantly know what kind of place this is. We do not tolerate bullying, we resolve our arguments, and we get back to being friends and having a laugh. Kallista exemplifies this wonderfully, so I'm delighted to extend the number of winners to include her.

Oh, and Thalia? For winning the Halloween competition last week, you get the same prize as these guys. I couldn't NOT include you.

So now, all you winners, all thirteen of you, need to send your home addresses to my publisher's email- Mark it "Skulduggery Competition". Once we have your addresses, we'll figure out the prizes and send them off. I don't know when they'll be sent, but probably sometime over the next week or two. Hopefully.

I want to thank each and every one of you for taking the time to do something for the Friend Gets Friend thing. Congratulations to those who won, and commiserations to those who didn't. To be honest, seeing the response we've been getting to these competitions has really encouraged me to start thinking of more I could run- so if you didn't win this time, you could always win next time...

I was talking to my agent the other day about all of you, and the fact is that everyone- and this includes my publishers- have been astounded at your attitude. When Thalia won the Halloween competition, the positive reaction was startling. The rest of you were obviously disappointed that your entry didn't win, but there was no sniping or grumbling or sulking from any of you. You all seemed genuinely thrilled that Thalia, your friend, had won.

The internet can be a cruel place. Just look at all the online bullying that goes on. Look at all the internet trolls who just want to upset people. When you sit at a keyboard, interacting with people you've never met, the temptation to be as nasty as you can be is always there. The internet really seems to bring out the worst in people.

But you guys are different. I don't know WHY you're different, you just are. You are good, honourable, decent people. You're warm and witty and friendly, and you're loyal to each other. And that is a wonderful, wonderful thing to see.

I'm proud of every single one of you.


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Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I'm bored so I'm going to post what I have of my story here

(My Blogland story)

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

“What could possibly be so important that you had to literally drag me along?” Ivy asked irritably as Sparky Braginski continued to, well, drag her along.
“Seeing as how we’re running, I don’t really have time to explain,” Sparky replied, seemingly out of breath but her pace wasn’t slowing. “But it actually is of some importance, so you might need to take things seriously.”
They finally came to an abrupt stop. Their stop was so sudden that Ivy actually stumbled. Sparky ducked back behind a bush and pulled Ivy down with her. Once Ivy had been pulled down, she turned to Sparky.
“For crying out loud, will you please just tell me what’s going on?”
“Not yet,” Sparky said softly. “Now be quiet.”
“I’m not being quiet until—“
“No! Give me an answer and then I’ll—“
“Shut. Up!”
Ivy arched an eyebrow and shut up. Sparky sighed.
“For once, will you please stop joking around?”
“I’ll consider it,” Ivy said quietly, and just as she finished uttering the last words the emerald green trees surrounding them began to shake. Ivy whirled around to face her. “What’s going on?”
“You’ll see,” Sparky said, barely audible, and she pulled Ivy further back into the dark just as a group of Cleavers started storming the area. A man with curly black hair that stopped by his shoulders pulled a piece of paper from his pocket and unfolded it. He read it aloud.
“Sparky Braginski and Ivy Animosity, you are being placed under arrest by the Irish Sanctuary for committing the crime of stealing an expensive book from the newly repaired library of Miss China Sorrows. Either hand yourselves over or be arrested. We already have your friends, too, if that will help your decision. You have 30 seconds to give yourselves up.”
Ivy glanced at Sparky. Is this what you were going to tell me about? She asked with her thoughts.
That’s right, Sparky replied. We should got my house, they’re about to lunge and attack us.
Got it, Ivy said as she grabbed Sparky’s wrist.
“Your thirty seconds are up!”
Ivy and Sparky disappeared in a flash of blue light. The Cleavers lunged at the bush, but the two girls were already gone.

“So,” Ivy said as she got situated, “I’m assuming you know more about this whole thing than I do?”
“You assume correct,” Sparky answered.
“Of course I do. Do you know who they’ve kidnapped?”
“I’m not entirely sure if there’s anyone else, but I know that they’ve got Hayley, Robin, and Eve. There’s apparently another girl, but I don’t really know who she is.”
“What does she look like?”
“Rainbow hair and red eyes. About your age, maybe a little older.”
“Wow, they’ve got Zinnia Batty,” Ivy said, surprised.
“Who’s she?” Sparky asked.
“Oh, she’s one of my very few friends, and a very good friend at that. I’m surprised they caught her, though. She’s hard to capture.”
“What, does she have super speed or something?”
“Hmm? Oh, no, she’s just really distracting. Seriously. I mean, she can start talking to someone, she can just talk and talk and talk… but she slowly gets closer as she talks, and the second she stops is the second you realize she’s standing right in front of you… It’s a little creepy, to be honest.”
“Right,” Sparky said slowly.
“She is really distracting and she loves to annoy people.”
“So…” Sparky thought for a moment. “Wait, is she stuck with Hayley?”
“Probably.” Ivy paused, and a grin slowly crept across her face. “Oh, Hayley is going to be so angry if she’s stuck with Zinnia. I mean, Hayley can barely tolerate me, and one of the only reasons she does is because of you. But Zinnia? She takes the annoying thing to a whole new level.”
“That’s just great. Anyway, if you can take us, we can go to some people who can help us. In fact, you probably know them too. Can you teleport us to a few houses?”
“Not unless you can think of the place in your head so I can read your thoughts.”
“You’re mind reading skill really does come in useful,” Sparky said as Ivy grabbed her wrist.
“And off we go,” Ivy said as they vanished.

* * *

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

In the cell, Hayley Skirmish, Robin Snowscar, Eve and Zinnia Batty sat on the floor, their hands shackled behind them. Zinnia grinned and immediately everyone else scowled.
“Meeting you,” Hayley said, “is one of the worst things that has ever happened to me.”
“I second that,” Robin nodded.
Eve frowned. “I would like you better if you would let me sample your blood. Just a little bit…”
Zinnia moved a little further from Eve and moved her red eyes back and forth from each of them. As she did so, her rainbow-colored hair moved slightly, like a burst of light in the gloomy room. “You guys are all such downers. You only think I’m annoying because I’m trying to cheer you up with fake peppiness.”
“Yeah, that’s pretty much correct,” Hayley said. “And the fact that you keep calling us weird names we don’t even understand.”
“Oh Hayley, don’t be a dipperonie.”
“And that is precisely what I mean.”
“You are so annoying…” Eve muttered.
“I’m sorry, I don’t speak snozcomber.”
“Zinnia, will you just shut up?” Robin asked irritably.
“Of course not, you gusterd.”
They all sighed. All it did was make Zinnia’s grin widen. The door to their little cell suddenly opened a crack, just wide enough for someone’s voice to come through.
“Hello, thieves,” came the teasing voice of a guard.
“Hello, dipperonie,” Zinnia replied.
The guard ignored her. “I think that you will all like to know that we can’t actually do anything to you until your two other friends are captured for helping you steal a book from China Sorrows.”
“We never even stole anything,” Eve said. “We’re being accused of a crime we didn’t commit.”
“Lies, “the guard said.
“Which two friends?” Hayley asked.
“I don’t know their names, but one looks scary – like, insanely scary – and the other’s hands crackle with electricity.”
“Sparky and Ivy,” they all said in unison.
“Oh. Yes, that’s them. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have He stopped midsentence because Robin had crept over while he was talking and smacked him in the face with the door. He collapsed to the ground, unconscious. Robin turned and looked at the others.
“Now would be the time to escape, don’t you think?”
* * *

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Ivy and Sparky reappeared in an apartment in Ireland. Ivy looked around the room, and at the photos, and when she looked back at Sparky her eyes were narrowed.
“Did we really have to come here?” Ivy asked, and Sparky laughed.
“Great to see you too, Ivy,” Flame Phoenix said as he walked over towards Sparky. He was about to kiss her, but Ivy stepped between them before he could.
“No displays of affection when I’m here,” Ivy said, glancing back and forth at the two of them.
Sparky rolled her eyes. “Fine. I’ll have to ‘air hug’ him, then.” She held her arms out in front of her, like she was going to hug him but she didn’t actually move. “See this, Flame? This is me, ‘air hugging’ you.”
“Yes, I see. And now I’m ‘air hugging’ back,” Flame replied.
“Hey, don’t get too carried away,” Ivy warned. “Anyway, Sparky, what are we doing here? You know I don’t like talking to Flame without a reason.” She glanced at Flame. “No offence intended. Well, not a lot intended.”
“None taken,” Flame said. “Sorry to disappoint.”
Ivy scowled.
“We’re here because Flame needs to help us get our friends back,” Sparky said.
“What? What did you say? I have to be around Flame longer?” Ivy asked, shocked.
“I have to be around Ivy?” Flame asked. “And possibly when you aren’t there? I might not live, Sparky, because Ivy… Well, she’s Ivy.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Ivy asked.
“It means I probably won’t live through being around you.”
“Oh. Yes. That’s true. And besides, even if he didn’t get killed by me, he would probably die anyway.”
“I would not,” Flame said defensively.
“Yes you would,” Ivy said in a teasing voice.
“Shut up.”
“You can’t tell me what to do.”
“I’m older.”
“I don’t care!”
“Respect your elders.”
“Shut up!”
“I’m just trying to annoy you.”
“Well, it’s working!”
“Guys!” Sparky shouted. They both stopped and looked at her. Sparky sighed. “I can’t believe I managed to watch you bicker for that long. Anyway, Ivy, you won’t kill Flame because if you do I will never speak to you again. Flame, she won’t kill you for the reason I just said. But don’t worry; we won’t be stuck with just the three of us. We’re going to go get a few other people, too.”
“Such as…?” Ivy asked, arching an eyebrow.
“Well, there’s Lynxia, and there’s Star, and…” She trailed off. “I’ll think of other people later. Either way, there’s more people.”
“Okay,” Ivy said. “I like Lynxia. I don’t really know Star, but whatever, she should be fine.”
“You never told me who got captured,” Flame pointed out.
“So tell me.”
“It was Hayley, Robin, and Eve. Oh, and Zinnia,” Sparky told him.
“Zinnia? As in Zinnia Batty?”
“That’s her,” Ivy said.
“Why, Flame?” Sparky asked.
“Oh, it’s just that once she tried to bake me into a pie,” Flame said. He shook his head. “She’s crazy, that girl…”
Ivy grinned. “Zinnia and I are perfect friends.”
“She’s your friend? Why am I not surprised?”
“Should we go now?” Sparky asked. “I’m getting tired of your arguing. It’s really annoying.”
“I know it is, Sparky, but Hayley isn’t here and I have to annoy someone, don’t I?” Ivy asked.
“No,” Sparky answered, “you honestly don’t. Can we go now?”
“Of course. Everyone ready?” Ivy grabbed Sparky’s wrist, and Flame held Sparky’s other hand. Ivy sent him a warning look, he smirked back, Sparky sighed, and Ivy teleported them all to the place Sparky had thought of.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Hm. Ivy...? (yes, just TO annoy you I'm starting this again)

That's a brilliant story.

Sparky Braginski said...


Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Hi sparky,

Sparky Braginski said...

Hi Flame.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Hi sparky.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

No kiss, hug or smile?

Like at least give me a smile?

Sparky Braginski said...


I'm just reading Val's story.

Y'know, the one that I'm in.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Y'know, I'm in it too.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Well only like there, but yeah,

*stalks off teasingly*

Sparky Braginski said...


She won't let us kiss there.


Her story.

*returns attention to Flame*

How are you?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*still stalking off*

I'm married.

Sparky Braginski said...


To me.

*hugs him*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*stops stalking off*

*hugs back*

So how was your day?

Sparky Braginski said...

I just woke up.

But I am eating chocolate, so it couldn't have been that bad.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Ah. It's 10 for you?

I think.

Anyway wanna go for a swim.

Sparky Braginski said...

6:14 am.

The daylights savings thing has made it all go screwy.

Does that mean your leaving?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

No; should it?

Bah. *sits down*

Lavender Hope said...

*walks in, goes to the nearest tree and starts hitting my head against it*
Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. Shoot.
*hits head repeatedly every time the word is said*

*stops hitting head*
I woke up too late. Now I won't have time to do any homework...
*lets head fall forward, hitting the tree again*
*had hit head on a pole irl after I woke*
I woke up half an hour ago though. Just read the comments I missed...

*hits head on tree one more time*

Didn't even eat yet... I'll be back.


Sparky Braginski said...

*sits next to him and leans head on his shoulder*

Do you want to do anything in particular?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

K hope.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Not really.

Im happy just to be with you.


Sparky Braginski said...


The irony!

No, seriously, I am happy too.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...



It's going to rain soon.


Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Brb getting laptop.

Sparky Braginski said...


I think it rained last night...

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*tiny rain droplets fall*

*it soon rains heavily*

Sparky Braginski said...

Please tell me that we're sitting under cover...

Lavender Hope said...


Forgot to mention that I like the little part of story, Val.

If you're still here.

And sorry for my bad mood...

I don't like that I wake up so late, seeing as I was trying to get an earlier sleep... but last night... eh.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*frowns as we aren't*

*soon were both very wet*
*reaches over and kisses sparky*

Lavender Hope said...

Will be distant.

Sparky Braginski said...


*kisses him back*

*swings arms around his neck*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*wraps arms around her waist and kisses her passionately*

Star Inkbright said...

Hi people!

I'm at a sleepover AND BLUE IS HERE!!!

Sparky Braginski said...

*kisses back softly*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Hey star.

Robin.... Show yourself:

*stops kissing sparky*

Sparky Braginski said...

...Can we move out of the rain now?

Lavender Hope said...

Hi Star!

*shouts at Blue*


Star Inkbright said...

We were watching twight breaking eawn part one but we all stopped paying attention and started playing with our haribo instead. Blue invebted a jelly world, my other friend picked out pretty shapes and i did a jelly baby wedding AND VIDEOD IT!!! I'll try and get it on my blog. But the other two kept arguing all the way through it cozthey both really wanted to marry peeta . . . So afteewards i videod a peeta mellark wedding:)

Robin Snowscar said...

*wanders in whistling*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I'M GOING INSANE! AHHHHH! *runs into the wall*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Am, you know blue?

Lavender Hope said...

Hi Val.

You were quiet.

Star Inkbright said...

Blue says: "tell lavender i'm team peeta forever!"

Robin Snowscar said...

Going insane Val?
I thought we were past that

Robin Snowscar said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Lavender- I was gone. Someone took the computer...

*cough MOM cough*

but I got my revenge... I changed the screensaver and put something that said "YOU KNOW THIS IS DA BEST" on it

Lavender Hope said...

Okay, Blue. I'm still not sure what team I am. Can't make up my mind. Sorry.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I am past that, Robin, because I'm already insane, but I'm going insane AGAIN

Lavender Hope said...

Ah. Okay Val. :)

Star Inkbright said...

We had a pillow fight earlier too!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Girls- pillowfight- dirty thoughts.


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

So you guys like my story so far?

Lavender Hope said...


The only pillow fight I had, was with HARD pillows... With really stuffed feathers. I don't think it was down feathers either.

Sparky Braginski said...

*hits Flame upside the head*

Seriously, can we get out o the rain now?

Star Inkbright said...

And, YES i know blue flame.

Are you going exane then val?

Lavender Hope said...

Love it Val! :)

Can I be in it? Or am I already?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

I said course!

*drags her out of the rain and it stops*


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

No, I'm not going exsane. That doesn't even make sense, and Mist already said that my level of insanity is past that, so...

Star Inkbright said...


The pillows were pretty hard . . .

Lavender Hope said...

gtg in 5 mins. But I'll be back in ten.

Still here, just giving a warning in case I can't say bye.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

you aren't in it, yet, Lavender, because that's all I've written.

The characters are about to be going to find Star and shadow though

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Sparky Braginski said...

*sighs and pulls Flame back out into the open*

*sky turns dark and we're standing in torrential downpour*

Aw, C'MON!

Lavender Hope said...

Cool, Val.
Can't wait to read the whole thing when it finishes.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

I should maybe tell you, I'm doing this.

I love being an element lord.

Lavender Hope said...

*looks across at school computer*

Star Inkbright said...


Love the story so far val:)

Sparky Braginski said...


*drags him away from any cover and chains him to the ground*


*is about to walk away*

*sighs and sits on rock next to Flame*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*makes rain stop*


Sparky Braginski said...


I should've thought of that.

*sits on Flame's lap*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

My sister just threw shoes at me!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*mutters* My sisters have issues...

It's a good thing I dodge flying objects.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Do y'mind unchaining me?

Robin Snowscar said...

If you have fb like this:
If you don't- oh well

Sparky Braginski said...


Yes I do.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Who wants to read chapter eight so far?

Lavender Hope said...

*looks around desk, thinks about stories I want/have to write and finish*
*thinks about songs*
*sighs again*

I'm giving myself too much to do... I think I'm going to have to stop writing for a bit...

*looks at time*
gtg now. Bye guys.

Lavender Hope said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

bye Lavender

Lavender Hope said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lavender Hope said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Robin Snowscar said...


Flame what day are you (And Shads if you know) going to making of HP I can go but mum wants a date!

Lavender Hope said...

Posted four times???

How'd I do that?

Bye anyway.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Bye Lav.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

11th of June.

And shads going the end of June.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Anyone? Anyone want to read it?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


After they had gotten ice cream, because no matter how hard Anomaly and Audacious tried to get out of it Ivy insisted they do, Audacious told them he had to head home. It was weird to Ivy to think about going home to people. She had lived alone since she went insane and started murdering people.
Now it was just Ivy and Anomaly, and they were sitting in a small cafe, not really even doing anything aside from sitting. Ivy had her appearance altered so she had dark hair and dark eyes because Anomaly told her not to scare people, and she was playing with a straw by seeing how many tiny little pieces she could break it into before all it became was shreds. Every once in a while if she noticed someone looking at her, when Anomaly wasn’t, she let all the colour drain from her skin so she was as pale as usual, and grinned at the terrified faces of the people who saw her.
Anomaly finally broke the silence. “Ivy, you’re scaring people.”
“Am I?” Ivy asked with a slight smile. “I wasn’t entirely aware. My apologies.”
“Don’t apologise to me, apologise to the horrified people.”
“Oh, but look, they’re already gone.”
“No they aren’t.”
“Too bad. Any particular reason why we’re here?”
“I have been researching,” Anomaly said.
“When we got attacked by those mannequins—“
“Cucumbers,” Ivy interrupted.
“—I told you that the reason they could attack us was because some things possess magical properties and a few people have a little bit too. Remember?”
“Of course I do. So what does that mean?”
“Well, as I said, I researched, and I found out that it’s more than a few. There are other sorcerers than just the seven main ones.”
“What?” Ivy asked. She had gotten quite used to the fact that there were only seven people with magic. It was confusing to try to think about there being lots of people who could use magic. “How is there more than a few? I mean, I know that there’s an exception to every rule. But how can there be more? If there’s more, the world would’ve been pretty much destroyed by now. Because we have a lot of power, even on our own.”
Anomaly shook her head. “The other people don’t have every power like we do. They only practice one particular type of magic.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean they only have one power. For example, if they wanted to, let’s say, teleport, then they can teleport. But that is the only thing they can do. They can’t do any other type of magic, only teleporting.”
“Oh, I get it now,” Ivy said. “So what powers can they use? Like, are there any specific ones they have to pick from, or...?”
“I don’t entirely know,” Anomaly answered. “I haven’t met many people – aside from you – who can even do magic, so I haven’t been able to ask.”
“You haven’t met many. But that means you have, yes?”
Anomaly hesitated only a moment. “Yes.”
“Such as...?” Ivy asked, arching an eyebrow.
“Such as no one of your concern.”
“You do realise, of course, that I can simply read your mind to know, right?”
“I’m afraid you can’t, Ivy. Being a Sorcerer, you can actually block people out of your mind.”

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

“Really?” Ivy asked, curiosity in her voice.
“Yep. Want me to teach you how?”
Anomaly thought for a moment. “Okay, I’ll try to say something with my mind, and you can try to block me out.”
“Okay.” Ivy waited for a few seconds, then heard Anomaly’s voice in her head.
Hey Ivy, hey Ivy, hey Ivy, hey Ivy, hey Ivy, hey Ivy, hey Ivy...
Ivy did her best to avoid her voice, but it wasn’t working.
Hey Ivy, hey Ivy, hey Ivy, hey Ivy, hey Ivy, hey Ivy, hey Ivy...
Stop!” Ivy shouted. Anomaly arched an eyebrow, and Ivy looked around to see that everyone in the cafe was looking at her in surprise. She realised her hands were over her ears – she must have put them there when Anomaly was talking to her with her mind – and she moved them away. Anomaly poked her arm.
“Hey Ivy...”
Anomaly grinned, the same type of mischievous grin Ivy had. “Hi.”
“Hi? Hi? Anomaly, I swear I’m going to kill—“ She looked around and saw everyone was still staring at her. “Stop looking at me!”
Everyone looked away abruptly, as if they were hoping Ivy hadn’t noticed them.
“So,” Anomaly said, “you handled that well.”
“Shut up.”
Anomaly grinned again. “Fine. Back to the topic of my research, then. Where was I?”
“Basically, you said that the other people who could do magic, aside from the Seven Sorcerers, could only use only particular type of magic,” Ivy told her.
“Ah. Right. Yes. I did say that.”
“I know you did. Could you get on with the subject?”
“No, because I forgot what else I was going to say.”
“Nice one, Anomaly. Nice.”
“I know, right?” Anomaly looked at Ivy. “You’re disguise is kind of... wearing off.”

Star Inkbright said...

Bye lavender!

ME, val!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

That's what I have so far

Lavender Hope said...

Seriously. My comp can get so slow sometimes.

Hi btw. Said I would be back in 10 mins, turned out to be less.

*sighs again*

Star Inkbright said...

Really good, val!

I remember when i last read part of your chapter eight, i was yelling at you for making me laugh at two in the morning . . .

Lavender Hope said...

*thinks again*
huh. guess I was gone 10 mins.

Val, I like it. :)

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I laughed when you told me not to make you laugh...

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

and thanks for saying you like it :)

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Has just been killed.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Ah. No, joke.


Sparky Braginski said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Oh, Flame, I don't know if you realised it, but Zinnia Batty is Amanda and that's why she tried to bake you into a pie because of that one time in October...

Flame Phoenix said...


Robin Snowscar said...

*wanders in* *scrolls up* June okay!

Sparky Braginski said...


Flame Phoenix said...

i know...

AND it was a giveaway, buit i did know who she was

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Just checking.

Flame Phoenix said...

sparky, how would you feel about adoption?

a blog adoption.


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Sparky I forgot to do something again! I forgot to tackle hug you!

*tackles hugs Sparky*

Star Inkbright said...

Hi robin!

Sparky Braginski said...



Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Oh, Sparky did you see my email? I was asking how old your character is

Sparky Braginski said...

*is tackle hugged*

*rolls around on the floor with Val*


*gets up and unchains Flame*

Sparky Braginski said...

I replied to said e-mail.

Flame Phoenix said...


how'd i know youd say no.

Lavender Hope said...

*is messing with a hole puncher*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*reads email*

Okay, I was just checking that your character in my story wasn't thirteen still, because it would be weird if you were married...

Flame Phoenix said...


*gets up*

Sparky Braginski said...

Not just the obvious reasons.

It'd make Kal a blog-grandma.

Star Inkbright said...

I only said i liked it coz i liked it.

Flame Phoenix said...

She would love that.


Robin Snowscar said...

Blog-grandma *giggles*

Lavender Hope said...

*is still messing with a hole puncher*
It's fun. :P

Lavender Hope said...

At least Mist isn't here to get first this time... right?

Flame Phoenix said...

*giggles* i said i would adopt and then she dressed as an old woman, giving a vivid description

Sparky Braginski said...


Sparky Braginski said...


Sparky Braginski said...


Star Inkbright said...


Lavender Hope said...

Yay! Sparky finally got first! :)

Flame Phoenix said...


Lavender Hope said...

*continues playing around with hole puncher*

Star Inkbright said...

10:40 PM

Lavender Hope said...

Who else is still up, Star? If you're at a sleepover?

Sparky Braginski said...

I dedicate this page to Flame Phoenix.

Flame, I love you, adore you.

You mean the world to me.

Stick around.

Lavender Hope said...

*is looking around for scratch paper to punch holes in*

Lavender Hope said...

Good ded, Sparky. :)

Flame Phoenix said...

nah, ill go away,


anyway, *thinks about blog adoption*

Star Inkbright said...

Everyone. Me and blue and our other friend. We've sort of calmed down now. Blue and our other friend have reached a comptomise over the peeta thing. Blue gets peeta, peeta peeta, and out other friend gets the actor who plqys peeta in the film.

Lavender Hope said...

What's blog adoption?

*is trying to find a piece of paper that has too much writing to keep*
Can't find any ay the moment... looking.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I walked up stairs and saw my sister get smacked in the face with a pillow... It was funny

Lavender Hope said...

Ah. Okay Star. :)

Star Inkbright said...




Lavender Hope said...

That sounds funny, Val. :P

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

It was hilarious and I was trying not to laugh in case she was hurt but I couldn't keep myself quiet

Zathract Mist said...

Val's going Exsane!

And it doesn't make any sense!

Which is awesome!


*stops my random outbreaks*



Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I'm not going exsane!

Hi Mist and Happy Easter

(it's still Saturday here)

Lavender Hope said...

Happy Easter to you, Mist.

Not here though. Val and I are still in Saturday.

Lavender Hope said...

Ha. Val and I said almost the same thing. :P

Lavender Hope said...

*has a pile of paper on my lap*
Going to see if there are any pieces that I can punch holes in.

Star Inkbright said...

Hi zath!

And it's saterday here too:)

Flame Phoenix said...


Sparky Braginski said...


Lavender Hope said...

none of them will work...

*continues searching*

Star Inkbright said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I want Derek to post again...

Star Inkbright said...

That's funny. I'm tired now, at ten to eleven at night, but last night, at one in the morning, i wasn't tired.

Flame Phoenix said...

sparky, you know what i mean star.

sparky,, can we blog adopt? please....


Lavender Hope said...

*tries to punch a hole in a receipt*
*hole puncher gets jammed*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Flame, iknow you aren't talking to me about this, but what the heck is blog-adopting?

Flame Phoenix said...

where people, adopt, usually in relationships

oh and married

Lavender Hope said...

Just what I asked, Val. He didn't answer me yet.

Flame Phoenix said...

please sparky,,,

*pouts and pouts*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

But what would you adopt?

Lavender Hope said...

Okay then.

That doesn't really make any sense...

Lavender Hope said...

Yeah, what Val asked.

Flame Phoenix said...

a person.

Robin Snowscar said...

*Is on chat so is distant*

why does everyone hate Valkyrie now?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Like, a baby person or one of the people who come to Blogland?

Flame Phoenix said...

i dont know.

i dont hate anyone

Flame Phoenix said...

who come to blogland

Lavender Hope said...

Don't get what you mean, Robin, and again, what Val asked.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

That's kind of weird, Flame

Robin Snowscar said...

*mutters* I hate Fletcher

Lavender Hope said...

And I'm very slow at typing.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Who would you adopt, anyway?

Flame Phoenix said...

its not. Im adopted.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Robin hates Fletcher? So do I!

Lavender Hope said...

Val! You keep asking the questions I want to!

It's okay though. You type them first anyway.

Flame Phoenix said...

i donno.

we would like search,

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Of course I keep asking the questions you want to ask. I'm Ivy and I read your mind.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Lavender Hope said...


Star Inkbright said...

Kal is flame's mum by adoption.

Lavender Hope said...

That sounds kinda weird, Flame...

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Lavender Hope said...

Yeah, Star. I knew that, but it still sounds weird...

Robin Snowscar said...

I refuse to be adopted

*high fives Val for not liking Fletcher*

Flame Phoenix said...


Lavender Hope said...

*gets hole puncher unjammed and continues playing with it*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*high fives Robin*

Amanda likes to make fun of me because of Fletcher all the time... She even made a stuffed animal porcupine and gave it to me because it was Fletcher in disguise...

Star Inkbright said...

Sorry flame. It's just that when you do eeeeeeee on a phone you can't press and hold, you have to tap all the letters out individually, so if you were on a phone i'd've thought you would've noticed, tapping all those eeeeeees out.

Lavender Hope said...

I think this hole puncher doesn't like receipts...

Flame Phoenix said...



Ill divorce (no, i wont, but yeah)

Robin Snowscar said...

*giggles* Amanda's great

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Amanda's evil.

She made me a Caelan pillow for Christmas! And I'm terrified of Caelan! Look!

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