Monday, January 3, 2011

First Post Of The Year

And I’m back...

Did you enjoy that little break from me? I bet you didn’t. I bet you were distraught. I bet you cried yourselves to sleep at night, hoping and praying that your Golden God would return and deliver you to a world of marvellous brilliance. Well, you can stop praying, for here I am.

Christmas this year was nice. It was slightly hampered by the dreadful weather, so we didn’t get to visit one half of the family, but they’re the evil half, so I didn’t care that much. Christmas day was spent with my nieces babbling incoherently. Both of the twins have recently learned to crawl, so that added a hint of danger to proceedings. It was highly amusing watching them propel themselves across the floor, with no real sense of direction and no obvious form of braking.

The weather cleared up a few days later, which meant I could now buy some comics, which was nice. As usual, I spent New Year’s Eve writing. The fact is, I’ve been hugely busy this holiday season- I’m now up to 50,000 words, roughly half of the way through Book 6.

I really didn’t think the writing would flow this easily, but I’m really grateful that it is. By the looks of things, 2011 is going to be a busy year for me. Obviously, we’ll be looking for a new home for the Skulduggery movie, so that will take up some time, but even without that there are a couple of film projects that might be happening which don’t have anything to do with the books. Very exciting, very cool, but good golly they’ll take up a lot of time. I think my brain, the wonderful sponge of messiness that it is, realised that I needed to write faster than usual in order to fit it all in, so it’s being as accommodating as possible. Thank you, brain. Sorry for the hurtful words I said this morning. I really didn’t mean them.

Oh, but before you get any ideas, the fact that I might be finished the book earlier than planned does not mean it’ll be published sooner- sorry! We’re still on track for an early September release, and that’s unlikely to change. I’ll look into the possibility of releasing extracts throughout the year, though, to make sure you don’t miss ol’ Skul-man TOO much...


barmybex said...

Welcome back, nice to hear you had a good Christmas. Can't wait for the next Skulduggery book, it's going to be EPIC!!!

your ever crazy minion :D

barmybex said...

*WoW first comment!!! that never happens
*faints with shock*
Where is everybody :P

Nerdy Skeleton said...

I began lol-ing quite uproariously upon reading this, and then my sister asked what the heck was so funny...

I kind of think the early September release is pretty neat. That way, it comes out right when school starts. So if next year starts out bad, I'll have Skulduggery. (Though I'm sure you'll make it horribly depressing and throw another plot twist not unlike the book 5 one on us like a bag of bricks.)

Also I wrote a paper about you and how you're a leader in the world.

I got an A+ on it.

You and your silly blog and your silly (though fantastic) books have finally affected my school work.



Liz said...

YAY!!! Hi Derek! i hope you had a wunderbar Christmas, your little nieces sound so cute :) What kind of comics do you read? I like Marvel, especially Wolverine. Have you picked which fanfic's you are going to read? Not to sound pushy or anything.


Minnie said...

Ah, stirfry! Why can't it come out earlier? I don't understand the publishing business.

Glad you had a merry Christmas. =)

Liz said...

*sits on Kallista*

Liz said...

*sticks apples in Kallista's ears*

Bethany said...

Om nom nom.

Welcome back. I've been checking your blog now everyday since the last post. I don't want to be the 4901st commenter again... for the tenth time in a row. That's not the exact number, by the way.

Your nieces are rather adorable.

You must let us know as soon as you find a new home for the film! How come you have the rights back anyway? Was there any particular reason?

Also, how were your presents? Especially the ones from your sisters ;D

Claire said...

Awww... we have to almost wait a year for it... ': (

Dementedkat said...

Well, I didn't cry....but I have been checking back a few times every day to make sure that I haven't missed something. Seeing a new post helps, especially since I've been waiting for my copy of book 5 to arrive ever since Christmas and the wait is grating upon my childlike-patience! Oh man, I think my copy has to travel across like 5 states as well as some nasty weather just to reach me. I should stop now, writing this all down is driving me to despair.

James said...

aww i was hoping there would be a book in april and another in september. I arranged my calendar around those times so i could have time to read, digest and adore them :'(

Katie Louise said...

YAY, I can't wait for the next book!!!

*starts doing the pancake dance*

Unknown said...

Please tell us the horrible christmas presents you got this year Mr. Landy!!

lilian.thigh said...

Early...September... O.O More delicious, maddening suspense, which I ineffably enjoy (mostly). But no more free Skully books as birthday presents. This...can not be...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

oh, and derek. I'm writing a book. Like, a REAL book. If it gets published, do you think you could read it? you know, when u have time and all. That would make my life be AMAZING!!!!!

Dragona Pine said...


Donkey Shooter said...

wow how ongf have i been away, anyway after what i call a "Very Dodgy Christmas" after recent family troubles im back yay....
sooo im gonna do a couple of things and ill be right back...

Donkey Shooter said...

ooh yay i figured out the time difference thing.... well with derek hes 13 hours ahead of me :D

Spikings said...

Welcome back, glad you had a good Xmas! :) With your brain being a sponge, would that mean you wash yourself with it every morning? Just a random thought.

Donkey Shooter said...

good thought, well id wash the dishes with it then brsh against other sponges and then clean my uncle ack at christmas (ill tell you about this later) then wash myself.

Donkey Shooter said...

anyone else here? im kinda bored

Donkey Shooter said...

anyway someone mpost im writing my book

Katie. said...

Any type of clue as to what kind of movie there might be?

Personally I thought it'd be good if it was real people playing the characters, but skulduggery is animated. :D

Admin said...

What comics are you reading at the moment? Maybe a topic for a future blog post?

Nyamh Wedel said...

Happy New Year :)
I think that if you're finished the book soon you should publish it in April :)
April is a nice month!

Anonymous said...

Can I borrow your brain? Mine doesn't work properly when writing and eventually gives up the ghost entirely by disolving into goo and oozing out my earholes.

Lunar Tears said...


Do you have any resolutions?

I'm kinda glad the book won't come out early...

... Because then I won't have to wait as long for the next one :)

It also gives me a chance to read my Classics without giving them up because a book I've been waiting for months to publish is finally in stores. (Like I've done to Dracula for about 3 times in the past month...)

Saoirse Equus said...

YAY! This is so EXCITING!!!!! I'm glad you had a good christmas. sorry that it will be a busy year but I'm sure it will be good one, after all I get to leave good ole' Oregon AND VISIT LONDON POSSIBLY AROUND THE TIME YOU'RE ON TOUR!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! Anyway, happy writing. :D

Making the Legend said...

Wow. this is amazing. Hosnest! I am stunned! only 33 comments. wow.

anyways.... I heard some news about Johnny Depp playing something was released incorrectly. One hint was that he was to play the "Immortal Wizzard" when there is none. Of course there's SP, but calling him a 'wizzard' would be strange because I don't believe there has ever been mention of the word 'wizzard' in all of the books. Strange......

Well, hopefully I can eventually make it to 50,000 (Big number!) words on my story. That would be awesome.

I am reminded of the Irish summers as I sit here and type this for it is raining outside and a cool temperature. The difference is that it's 8:40 now and it got dark over 2 hours ago as opposed to the night coming around 11 in Ireland. I love Ireland, but with the reports of the pipes freezing and my relatives not only getting snowed in with a foot of snow, but unable to drive to get water because the roads are iced over. I prefer Texas winters and Irish summers.

Well, I suppose it's back to my story (and reading strange comics) and schoolwork.

Katy A said...

Glad you had a good Christmas :D Your card is still up on the mantlepiece...thingy. Can't wait until SP 6 comes out! :D

My friend Jack didn't like the first book >:( I wasn't happy >:( :P

50,000 words! Well done! :D

Natalie Jay said...

I almost burst into tears when I found that I must wait till September for the next book (I am very emotional). Can you at least tell us the name, but then again a name will force speculation from those annoying Facebook followers! Well I guess there is nothing you can do to make the process go any faster, for the book or the film.

Oh, but if you do get movie news please tell us when and where auditions are!!

kingbirdy said...

hey derek, big fan of your's here, I've started up a wiki for info on the series, mind stopping by and signing up? the link is

sallytracey said...

You STILL haven't postd a pic of the statue me and Orlaith gave you... Yet you post TWO others... made of the same materials, even! And mine had eye-pin joints! gaah
I want to read booksss.... Can't find my SP books, cos I'm moving... But I can find some Vampire Knight, Fruits Basket, Dogs and Death Note books! yayayayzzz! And a bunch of Ace Attorney games I haven't finished yet :D

AlexAlexAlex said...

I thought that even though last year there was two books, the release date for this year was still April. Admitted, I did think it was odd that you were going to finish so fast, but still..
That is such a long wait.

Star Lord said...


Derek, people at my school hate you! I will hit their faces with my knee and try to teach them something!

All the best, Sarthacus.

Josephine said...

hey, happy new year!
can't wait for the next book! just finished the hunger game series so mow theres nothing left to do but re-read skulduggery pleasant which shouldn't be so bad :)
i know you don't know much about the films now but there are rumors f the auditions being in the next month? when you know will you tell us?

Saoirse Equus said...

Why are there only 46 posts??? This is a disgraceful way to start off the new year. ANNNNYway.... Derek, have you ever rode a horse?????

Luna-Alice Cain said...

hi mr derek sir :) i loooove your books

but i heard a rumour that johnny depp would be the voice of skulduggery in the movie.... is that true??

also im an actor so can i please please please please play val???? i even look like her and she thinks like i think which is actually you thinking but anyways... ill even do it for free!!!!!

just u know, puttin it out there :/

c ya love ur work!!!!!!

Eimile H. said...

OMG I AM SUCH A BIG FAN OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M READING MORTAL COILS RIGHT NOW!!!!! SO FAR I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Star Lord said...

I refuse to go on the Overflow blog any more.

Bethany said...

Mr. Landy, please answer me this one question. It's keeping me awake and it's aggravating my slight OCD... my OCD in this case revolving around the fact that when I don't know something it annoys me to no end.

What is Valkyrie/Stephanie's mum's name?

I have read and re-read the first five chapters of the first book twice in the last half hour. I need to know.

Brilliant Night (aka Alex Night) said...

Yay, I'm in the 1st 50! ( On an old post but it should still count for something, the other comment-thingy is full. Happy new year everybody! You too, Derek!

Brilliant Night (aka Alex Night) said...


Brilliant Night (aka Alex Night) said...


Brilliant Night (aka Alex Night) said...


Brilliant Night (aka Alex Night) said...


Brilliant Night (aka Alex Night) said...


Brilliant Night (aka Alex Night) said...


Brilliant Night (aka Alex Night) said...


Brilliant Night (aka Alex Night) said...


Brilliant Night (aka Alex Night) said...


Brilliant Night (aka Alex Night) said...


Brilliant Night (aka Alex Night) said...


Brilliant Night (aka Alex Night) said...


Brilliant Night (aka Alex Night) said...

Okay, bye bye now.

Minion Night: Signing Off

Katie Louise said...

Have you thought up a title for the new book yet Mr.Landy Golden God of All

*bows down to praise him*

Scar said...

Whats the new book called??

GenesisAggelos said...

Hey guys whats going on in this thread?

BookNerd7 said...

Lol... the next post is only one sentence and the comment counter maxed out, whereas this one only got 74 comment and a lot of them are random stuff...

Louisa Rose said...

Did you say September?! I can't wait that long! I was already counting down the days until April! you broke the tradition Mr Landy :'(
tee hee, the suggestions for your name on spellcheck come up as Sandy, Randy, Candy, Dandy, Candy.

*small moment of joy*

good luck with the new book, we all can't wait to hear about the movie news :)


kingbirdy said...

so is it really you at the skulduggery forums?

Anonymous said...

Oh my god
Yeah i know it's stupid but I'm excited to be in the top 100

Clarissa Johal, Author said...

Trying desperately to order your 5th book, Mortal Coil, from (USA) and having a heck of a time! Looking forward to when I finally receive it, though. Happy new year!

Wonka said...

aw, that sucks. my friend was looking forward to getting the next book for her birthday!

Wonka said...

Never mind, eh.

Oh, it was my birthday last Thursday! I am now thirteen! WHOO!

Blar de dar I am a BORED minion who is admittedly awake at quarter past nine but what the hell good night Lord Landy

Halo pickle! said...

HAI guys.

Halo pickle! said...


Dayna said...

I hope you read it. Welcome back! And I have you proposed the role as Gordon Edgley ^.^ and yeah we love you ^_______^

Anonymous said...

*stands on corner, arms crossed, looking at all the weird commenters. Starts speaking in a cool British accent.*
Okay guys, I don't want any trouble, I just want a lowdown upon everything that's happening here.

Anonymous said...

And I really hope you're all still on here.

Anonymous said...

Or maybe not. And I had a cool speech for nothing!

Anonymous said...

Be back tomorrow.

Octa said...

Hello there.

Octa said...

Achievement completed.

Octa said...


Octa said...

Such a bad moment to double post.

Octa said...

Now I have to go all the way to 100.

Octa said...

Blogger is evil and I hate it.

Octa said...


Octa said...

*glares miserably*

Octa said...

*glares miserably and stonily*

Octa said...

I'm a very miserable stone.

That glares.