Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Well okay then.

I am back. I have been astonishingly busy these past few weeks, but it’s nice to see your conversations continuing in the Overflow Blog. You people sure can yap, can’t you?

I finally finished my little tour of fan fiction, and it was a revelation to me. First of all, a quick note about each of the writers I sampled from.


I loved the opening. It was a very creative way to approach a story, and really worked. The writing itself was very good, with a terrific flow.

Absolutely BRILLIANT writing, and a very unique approach.  Tells the story of how and why Kenspeckle made the Desolation Engine, and includes lots of foreshadowing of future events. So much fun.


Really nice writing, and the first story to really make me realize the sense of community that has been built up in fan fiction, where you all use each other’s characters. Absolutely wonderful.

Lenka- (

I loved this one. Really nice interactions, great dialogue, funny jokes. Light-hearted comments will always get a thumbs up from me, and they're not easy to do. Well done, Lenka.

Ah, introducing the mysterious, enigmatic figure of Bone, a thirteen year old girl who keeps the Dead Men on their toes. The whole thing just sparkles with cheek and attitude.

Nicolette reinforces the fact that all of your characters share this private little Skulduggery universe that gets added to with every new story. And apart from that, she's a really good writer.

Dragona Pine -(

I could say a few things about Dragona’s writing. I could talk about the really funny dialogue, I could talk about Skulduggery’s role in the story, or I could forget all that and focus on the really unique way he’s come up with for killing vampires. Socks. He uses socks. Oddball.

Darkane Claw- 

Darkane’s work is a joy to read. Fantastically funny dialogue, which is a huge requirement for me, and great character interaction. Mightily impressive.

Sarthacus Bolt –(

There’s a certain skill to writing a great battle scene, but my God, Sarthacus has that skill.

Sometimes, a writer’s enthusiasm just leaps off the page (or, you know, the screen) and that is exactly what’s happened here. Loved it.

Mary’s writing is quite different. Oblique, one might say. There’s a certain dreamlike aspect to it, like a dark fairytale. Really quite beautiful.

Ah, Kallista. What can I say? High quality writing, great pace, fantastic atmosphere. And, in a Twisted Christmas part 3, she even has her main character decide NOT to steal a copy of Skulduggery Pleasant, because Derek Landy “deserved the fruits of his labors”. Couldn't agree more, Kallista!

I could have read on, and I could have read more from each writer, but I just didn’t have the time. I am, as I have said, astonishingly busy, and that’s going to continue for a good while yet.

But this was a wonderful experience for me. I had thought that fan-fiction simply meant taking my characters and putting them in new stories. And absolutely, that’s a big part of it. But what surprised me was the sheer independence on display. In some stories, Skulduggery only had a cameo. In other stories, he didn’t appear. In yet other stories, he wasn’t even MENTIONED.

I think it is incredibly healthy for you, my Minions, to continue doing this. I think everyone should write, even if you think you’re rubbish at it, because I, personally, find writing so fun and so rewarding. The Minions whose work I’ve read have really carved out their own corner of the Skulduggery world, and they’re exploring their own ideas and themes, not merely taking mine and reinterpreting them.

You’re a talented bunch. Your Golden God is proud of you.


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