Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Fan Fiction

Just to let you all know that apart from all the work I’m doing, I’m also reading those ten or eleven fan-fiction pieces I’ve picked out- and so far, I’m very impressed. What came as a complete surprise is the fact that you really take the idea, the world of Skulduggery, and you run with it, populating it with your own characters.

Really, really fascinating stuff. When I’ve finished reading the last one I’ll make a list of the pieces I’ve read and give a short opinion on each one. 

There are some talented Minions out there…


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GenesisAggelos said...

Ha that never happens to me :p BTW DL Id like to recommend Better Late Than Never. Dont know who wrote it but its some damn good Ghanith in there! Remember that... GHANITH. We like Ghanith. Dont take it away! :'(

Dantea Dredkin said...

You should check out "I have no idea" on fanfiction.net the next time you decide to treat yourself to some fanfinction. Yes, that is my fanfiction. Yes, I am vein. Don't judge me. Your all the same.

GenesisAggelos said...

Lol Dantea XD

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Wow! What a complement!

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Believe me, you're going to make many minions VERY happy with those words!

Mackenzie said...

Oh Jesus, I wish I had warned you against it. Remember: Most of these fan fictions are written by 9-12 year olds. GIVE THEM SOME TIME TO MATURE BEFORE YOU RIP THEM APART WITH SLAVERING JAWS D:

(I didn't, but then again I am barely older than they are and I did the same things so I guess I'm entitled to trying to stop them before it's too late. And yes, I do know that I misspell grass so someone has "pants covered in glass", but that's half of the fun of writing fanfic.)

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

~jumps behind Julian Smith who happens to be making a video at that time~

~Sees the strike of lighting and dashes out of cover~

~Grabs Kallista~
Tag! Mwahahahahaha!!

~dashes off~

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

ThreBooksinTheFire, most of us are NOT 9-12. In fact, I have only met ONE person who was 11. I haven't met anyone who is younger than that or even 12.
Most of us seem to be between the ages of 13-15.

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

And EVERYONE's fan-fics are VERY impressive, in my opinion. :]

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

I mean, the ones I've read :]

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Isn't 13 a lucky number?
That's good because I got 666 earlier.

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Ok, Octa, Alex, Florence, Hellboy, Lenka, Thrice, Sarthacus, Skulgirl, Pyro, Lizzy, Mary, Lunar, Dragona, Geckogirl, etc., time to come on Master Derek's new entry and celebrate!!

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

And Kallista, where did you go?

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Oh, and y'all have to come on really quickly because I'm probably going to be going fairly soon.

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

And Thor too! Where's he been?

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

I seem to be talking a lot lately, Master Derek!
At least when I'm online...

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Mmmm my mom's cooking and does it smell gooooood!!

lilian.thigh said...

Now that the Minions have heard that, they're going to flood the publishers with manuscripts... Let this be on your head, sir. XD

*waves* Fifteen year old writing *Tanguine* here. I'mjussayin'.

Mackenzie said...

Oh, oops. So I'm 15 and now feeling much sadder for my age range.

...doesn't change the fact that pretty much all of the fanfics I've read had a summary like "lol lol lol first fanfic plzz read" and made no effort to convince me that they even cared about the world they attempted to explore. I can count on one hand the number of fanfics I genuinely enjoy, and that number lessens to 3 or so when I take out the ones that I mentally excuse for being crappy on occasion.

(A note: I'm containing myself in that sphere of "crappy fanfic writers", by the way, and I don't hate fanfic. Just to clear things up before anyone starts hating on me for something they've inferred, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have a sliver of a dream of even being a writer if it wasn't for the hilariously terrible Eragon fanfic that started me off when I was... what, eight? The only thing I find sad is that people expect to be praised for things like it and put it up on the internet. I was more courteous and made people read it while I looked at their faces closely. [/ sarcasm])

Sabrina said...


Sabrina said...

eh sort of

Mackenzie said...

Sarcasm about the me being "Courteous" bit, not sarcasm about me making people read it in front of me. I actually did that.

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...


Well, I suppose you haven't read many good ones then.

Sabrina said...

Didja read Brother of Mine by Raven Quill Dipped in Ink? You should.... it's good..... really good...... yeah..... :)

Sabrina said...

....... did ya read it?

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

*many OF the good ones

Sabrina said...


Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Hmmm Are you asking my, Anya?

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Grrr typos

Sabrina said...

no Derek. but your welcome to read it :)

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Ahh ok. :]

Hello, by the way.

Mackenzie said...

...Okay, I just added Brother of Mine to my list of Fics That Are Kind Of Cool, Dude. And now I'm a bit freaked out because Brother of Mine reminds me too much of Doctor Who's Family of Blood. :(

Mackenzie said...

Nah bro, you're misreading me. I'm not saying that the authors are bad people or that they can't get better. That's like saying that every fan of Twilight should be burned alive if they think that Jacob's abs are hot (which they are). I just think that their writing is crappy ;D

Then again, I'm spoiled by people who write like this.

Jaffa Morbid said...

When are you gonna say which ones you read, Mr Landy Golden god of all?

Jaffa Morbid said...

Kallista, you still there?

lilian.thigh said...

@ThreeBooksInTheFire I'd just like to interject with a loud voice that DEATH INSURANCE is the Best. Thingy. Ever. and give you a hi five.

Making the Legend said...

Ah, fan fiction. I wrote some once with the Maximum Ride characters and my imaginary friend Airon. It was called "Airon Loses A Perfectly Good Shirt".

It was amazing, might I add. Just ask Sarah.

One day I'll have fan fiction.... One Day.....

I would write SP fan fiction, but.... I'm too lazy to tell the truth. Maybe I will during the summer when I'll have way too much time on my hands. You will love it. It will solve all the problems with the characters and will be the FAN FICTION ABOVE ALL OTHER FAN FICTION!!!!!!! yes... I can see it all coming together..... yessss.........

Jaffa Morbid said...

I am 12. i gave it my best shot at writing a fanfiction so check it out


Jaffa Morbid said...


*joins in with the pancake dance*

Jaffa Morbid said...

check out http://thegodsofthenwage.blogspot.com

Jaffa Morbid said...

Donkey made it for us Kallista

Jaffa Morbid said...

I've been trying to come up with ways they can save Tanith but i can't think of anything :/

Jaffa Morbid said...

what changes? last time i checked it was just you, me, Pandora and donkey on there


Jaffa Morbid said...

why aren't they happy with it?

Jaffa Morbid said...

wait, i haven't read the comments, that might explain

Unknown said...

I'm glad you're enjoying Fan Fiction, mr. Landy. I used to be addicted to reading it.... but had to stop because i was staying up too late. Yes, some of you other minions ARE talented, way to go!

Jaffa Morbid said...

do you have a fanfic Sarah?

Jaffa Morbid said...

i'm worried about Tanith, SANGUINE SHOULD DIE!

Jaffa Morbid said...

have you done a new post on you know where Kallista?

Katie Louise said...

ok Kallista, when are you updating Tale of a Bad@$$ Kallista?

Katie Louise said...


Katie Louise said...

i'm back

Katie Louise said...

Octaboona was on the other day

Tori said...

Hi :D

Katie Louise said...

yeah, i only spoke to him for like 2 seconds

Katie Louise said...

hi Tori

Tori said...

hi Jaffa
so, what'd i miss?
i'm too lazy to go and read through all of the comments

Jaffa Morbid said...

you didn't miss much. have you read my fanfic Tori?

Tori said...

what's it called?

Jaffa Morbid said...

the link's


you have to scroll for the fanfic

Jaffa Morbid said...

*scroll down not scroll

Tori said...

i'm working on reading it, i just finished the first chapter...you gave a really detailed description of your abilities in under a very short amount of time. especially when you said that there was no time to explain earlier :P

Jaffa Morbid said...

hmmm, i know, my writing gets a bit muddled, sorry bout that

Jaffa Morbid said...


Tori said...

i just finished the 3rd chapter...weren't they already at skulduggery's house?

Jaffa Morbid said...

posted another part of my fanfic people!

Jaffa Morbid said...

no, they were at Gordon's, brb, i think i need to edit something

Jaffa Morbid said...

ok all fixed, i had a metal blank

Tori said...

all fixed XD

Jaffa Morbid said...

Kallista? are you still around?

Tori said...

We're all alone!!!!!! NNNNNNNNOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

Jaffa Morbid said...

sorry i disapeared, my computer froze

Tori said...

well, i wasn't really paying attention, i was editing my blog since i finally got one started up

Jaffa Morbid said...

cool! what's the link?

Tori said...

...wait, i have to think of it :P
aw here it is

Tori said...

watch out, i don't have much on it yet cause i'm lazy

Jaffa Morbid said...

cool, my last name's in it :P

Tori said...

oh, i forgot that was ur name :P

Jaffa Morbid said...

lol, i'll be in and out cause i'm adding stuff to my blog

Tori said...

you better add stuff it you want it to be as awesome as mine lol

Jaffa Morbid said...

yummy, i'm eating rice with chopsticks. it's a challege :P

Tori said...

hey, i'm gonna head of to sleepy land now, so i'll talk to u later

Katie Louise said...

hey Kallista! sorry my reply is slow, i'm on the phone

Katie Louise said...

just updated my blog with some fanfic

Anonymous said...

Evening everyone!

Anonymous said...

Whoop whoop, on the first page xD

Anonymous said...

...No one's on T-T

Katie Louise said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How're you?

Katie Louise said...

i'm fine thanks, sorry my replys are slow. my computer is taking FOREVER! :(

Anonymous said...

Don't worry :P

Hold on, brb.

Katie Louise said...

i've updated my blog!

Katie Louise said...

how are you Pandora?

Katie Louise said...

what time is it there?

Katie Louise said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm okay, kinda stressed out about school, but good other then that [:
It's almost 8:OO

Brilliant Night (aka Alex Night) said...

Yes, there are some very talented minions out there. I, however, am not one of them. I can't write fiction to save my life, or my English grade for that matter. Oh well, I am a talented minion in other ways, like.... like.... Like the fact that I am a minion. Yes, that is it. That is what makes me a talented minion. Okay, I'm not even making any sense now, and I can't remember what my intention was when I began writing this comment, so I guess I'll sign off now.

Minion Night: Signing off

Katie Louise said...

oh, it's not as late as i thought it was there :P

i'm now half way through book 6 of the 39clues books

Katie Louise said...

the 39 clues books are no where near as good as SP but they fill in the whilst i wait for the next SP

Katie Louise said...

you still there Pandora?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, got to do homework.

Katie Louise said...


all aloney on my owny again :P

Rebella Tears said...

New Post! ok... um... wat do i say now? ok... Voldemort does not hav a nose, Sid is a Main Character 2 Ice Age so he cannot and/or will not die and i haven't read SP in a long time. i kno... and i am ashamed. plz... feel free to peg tomatoes at me... Just not the face! leave the face plz...

Saoirse Equus said...

WEEEE!!! Mine's about horses. I only have one Chapter up but I have many more written in my note book. :D I also have a crossover fic which I need to seriously edit the first few chapters.
The Fic's are:

Unlikely Friends: Drabble's from a horse freak
Spreading Her Wings: A maximum ride/ Skulduggery Pleasant Crossover. :D

Author Name: Skulhead Clan

-HB/Joe- said...

Hey click here y'all

Donkey Shooter said...

i am, i doubt you are though.... i think.

Donkey Shooter said...

lol hellboy the dental nerve thing is hilarious!

Donkey Shooter said...

anyone im kind of bored.

Donkey Shooter said...


Donkey Shooter said...


Donkey Shooter said...


Donkey Shooter said...

dum de dum anyone?

Donkey Shooter said...


Donkey Shooter said...


Donkey Shooter said...


Anonymous said...

That's a lot of endless conversation up there ._. xD
Personally I don't like fanfiction (though my characters sometimes pop out because of books) because I feel like I'm not being original (which, apparently doesn't matter because apparently there are only eighteen/whatevernumber stories around the world that are original and the rest are copies), though I have read some good ones. I like ones where the characters are original but the setting is not.
But it REALLY gets on my nerves when they totally romance one of their characters with one in the books....>.<
(no offence to any fan fiction writers above and below me.) :)

Oblivous Featherstick said...

uh hi?
first time here.

Donkey Shooter said...

hi, im a guy who shoots donkeys nice to meet you.

Oblivous Featherstick said...

You dont seriously shoot donkey right?
Im really laggy now so expect like 5 minute gaps.

Donkey Shooter said...

No, i dont shoot them.
And dont worry my compps laggy.. i need a new one.

Oblivous Featherstick said...

Heh, you can talk...
sorry ill brb my mom keps shouting at me to turn turn the music down.
It used to be
"Turn the music down sweety"
now its
"Turn the music down Young lady!"
I prefer the new one, sweety never fit me.

Oblivous Featherstick said...

Damn lagged out!
He must of gone.

Oblivous Featherstick said...

Now what?

Oblivous Featherstick said...


Oblivous Featherstick said...

well im bored.... more music :D

Dragona Pine said...


Dragona Pine said...

Anyone on?

Dragona Pine said...

Hmm... :(

Dragona Pine said...


Dragona Pine said...

Jaffa? Donkey? Darkane? Anyone?

Dragona Pine said...


Someone is normally on at this time... ok, maybe 3 out of 7 days...

Dragona Pine said...

I come on early in a morning and you leave me :(

Dragona Pine said...


Dragona Pine said...

25 mins before I have to go... someone's just going to come on when I leave aren't they?

Dragona Pine said...


Dragona Pine said...


Dragona Pine said...

You always leave me :(

Dragona Pine said...

*dies of lonliness*

Dragona Pine said...

Hmm... :(

Dragona Pine said...


Dragona Pine said...

Hmm... :(

Dragona Pine said...

You always leave me :(

Dragona Pine said...


Dragona Pine said...

If no one comes on before I go to school I'm leaving :(

Dragona Pine said...

Hmm... :(

Dragona Pine said...


Dragona Pine said...

Hmm... :(

Dragona Pine said...

6 minuites.

Dragona Pine said...

5 minuites.

Dragona Pine said...

4 minuites.

Dragona Pine said...

Ok, I suppose I'm NOT going to leave since you always leave me. It would be better if I did but I have to go to school now... bye.

MaryEllen said...


Katie Louise said...


Katie Louise said...


Katie Louise said...

no one?

Katie Louise said...


Katie Louise said...

how long has Tanith been inside the remnant for?

Katie Louise said...

i meant how long has the remnant been onside Tanith for? my brain is slightly muddled :P

Katie Louise said...

lonliness strikes again!

Rhio Rainbow said...

Derek, honestly you're a legend. Thanks for the encouragement and all. Ahh <3 Can't wait for the next book. Even though it'll only occupy me for a day <3 Hehe.

Katie Louise said...

only a few comments until new page :P

Katie Louise said...

Derek, do you have a title for the new book? i love your books, even though they only occupy for about half a day i have re read them over and over :P

Anonymous said...

For this, I ♥ you. I know I can wish for all authors and film makers and whatever in the world to take this opinion on fandom, but it'll never ever come true. But it would be REALLY AWESOME if more of the ones that do could be bothered to involve themselves at least a little bit with fandom on the level that fandom actually operates. You coming to the fans this way is an enormouse gift. Thank you.

Katie Louise said...

Mr Landy, this is a random question, but how many drafts did it take you to write Mortal Coil?

Katie Louise said...


Katie Louise said...


Katie Louise said...

woohoo! ok, gtg BYE

Oblivous Featherstick said...

Anyone on, floods making me sad, 7/13 Dead where children.

Oblivous Featherstick said...

Ok, i just realised something.
The Valkyrie on Faceless ones is different.. and ugly...
wow that sounds kinda mean....

Oblivous Featherstick said...

Ok... seing as i can upload photos im gonna write things down.

Playgrounds, Flooded where kids should, and where meant to be playing.

A boat, a mans pride and glory, Smashed Destroyed, And Sunk, gone.

Familys, Trekking trhough the Brown water, Carrying their Possesions in large bags.

Oblivous Featherstick said...


Oblivous Featherstick said...

More about the floods,

Rivers, usually A vibrant blue, Is filled with muck, and a horrible brown.

Laggons, only barriers blocking from the Brisbane River, Almost Flooded with brown, the only vibrant blue in miles.

Oblivous Featherstick said...

A Ferris wheel, Usually Spinning with happiness, now the entrance has only 2/3 Metres Till Flooded.

Oblivous Featherstick said...

You know the ironic thing, In the North East is Floods, in the south West is Fires, and in the Whole Country Drought.
Yet we get a flood!

Oblivous Featherstick said...

Anyone on, I dont know anyone on this Blog But Donkey shooter...
so all i can say is anyone...

Oblivous Featherstick said...

The river, Flanked with families waiting, and waching news reports.

Oblivous Featherstick said...

Another strange thing, the lowest minmun is 22 till next wednesday.

Oblivous Featherstick said...

Houses, washed clean of their stumps floating down, A actual, Home in th sea.

Cattle herds, wandering trhough the puddles, their owners gone.

Oblivous Featherstick said...

Family, wandering through populated public places, refusing to give up.

Oblivous Featherstick said...

ugh, this news is going to 12:30 Pm, ita gonna be alot of Photos to transfer to text... anyway another thing. There was a inland Tsunami on monday this is my version of the scenes.

A surging flow of water, Carrying cars, Pieces of houses Houses, And people clinging to trees, In the Tide.

Oblivous Featherstick said...

Horses, Heads only showing in the water.

Speed boats cruising along The large Lake that once was a group of suburbs, Picking up People from roofs, which are the only visible parts of houses.

Oblivous Featherstick said...

adds on out of scenes.

Oblivous Featherstick said...

wait wait i remeber 1

Brisbane, usually a thriving metropolis of happy people with usual lives, sunken under water.

Oblivous Featherstick said...

wait theres 12 dead not 13, so 7/13

Oblivous Featherstick said...

there switching to the nsw floods.

Oblivous Featherstick said...

Formerly grassy parks, now almost invisible, but what is visible, Left right and centre, is water.

Oblivous Featherstick said...

A motorbike, Struggling to Cross a road, which was too srong, almosty falling off, but the man makes it, inches from death.

Oblivous Featherstick said...

ack my foots got pins and needles, and my mom wants me to go to bed... if i here "Young Lady"
again im definitely not listening.

Oblivous Featherstick said...

A local hotel, usually full of turist, now full of people, Survivors taking refuge in it.

Oblivous Featherstick said...

Trucks and Forklifts, carrying Sandbags, to slow the water flow, But will do little.

Oblivous Featherstick said...

ok is anyone on, Depicting these scens mis getting boring...

Oblivous Featherstick said...

no scens how many scens have i done....
16 or ssoemthng, ther eback on so here we go.

Brisbane river, usually thriving, is a horrible brown gutter, with household items, and other things.

The Brisbane CBD, A silent, empty, place, power cut, a place to escape, though usually a place to visit.

Oblivous Featherstick said...

Stadims, to play Sport at,no useless, unless you want to go swimming in a brown, horrible pool, with stadium seats in it.

Oblivous Featherstick said...

Boats, to rescue, and to be sunk, patrolling rivers.

Oblivous Featherstick said...

anyone here now?

Oblivous Featherstick said...


Oblivous Featherstick said...

i need someone..... its... 11 am where derek is, is noone on?

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