A lot of people would take this opportunity to compile a Best Of list... and I am no different. And so, without further ado...
Best New Horror: It Follows

Jaw-droppingly good. A wickedly smart throwback to horror movies from the 80s. Bliss.
Best New Addition to a Franchise From Far, Far Away: The Force Awakens

Good GOD I loved this. It has heart, soul, warmth and grit — a huge departure from the prequels and a wonderful continuation from the original trilogy. I couldn't have done it better myself.
(Well, I could have, but they didn't ask, so...)
Best TV Show: The Walking Dead

This was a close one, with Game of Thrones running a tight second, but its White Walker mayhem was matched by episode upon episode of zombie thrills. And unlike GoT, I didn't know where The Walking Dead was going to end up...
Creepiest Horror Seen on Blu-Ray: Sinister

Oh I love a good creepy horror, and this hit the spot.
Most Disappointing Horror: The Babadook

I don't get it. I just don't.
Best New Addition to a Franchise Thought Long Dead: Fury Road

A car chase that lasts an entire movie. How awesome is that? Not as feminist as I'd been led to believe, but still a thousand times more awesome than most other movies.
Best YA novel: The Rest of Us Just Live Here, by Patrick Ness

Get this book. Read this book. Love this book.
I didn't get to see all the movies I wanted to, didn't get to watch all the TV I wanted to (Ash Vs The Evil Dead and Jessica Jones being top of my To Watch list), and definitely didn't get to read all the books I wanted to, but all in all 2015 was a good year.
Next year is going to be busy. I've got the second Demon Road book out at the very end of March and the third and final one out in September. But I've learned my lesson, oh yes. No more six month publication schedules for ME, boy howdy. A lot of things have suffered as a result of this workload (that still isn't over, by the way) and I want to get back to a nice and healthy communication routine with you, my lovely Minions.
2016 is going to be FUN.