Thursday, November 13, 2014

May Be Unsuitable/Distressing for Younger Readers

I stopped describing myself as a feminist a long time ago.

I was a teenager, I reckon, or at the very most early twenties. This was, what, 1994? I looked around at the world and I said to myself "Yep, I'm not gonna call myself a feminist anymore. What I'm going to do instead is treat people how they should be treated. Treat everyone equally. I'm going to live as though equality has been achieved, because hey, that's what gonna happen. It's inevitable. In fact, it's almost here. We have six years left until the twenty-first century, for God's sake. Equality is a stone's throw away."

And that's what I thought.

We had come so far as a culture, as a world, and I could only see this continuing. I could only see gender equality in our future. I could only see a world where racism and homophobia had staggered off into the corner to die a quick, indifferent death. I could only see a world increasingly populated by young people with young ideas, with young attitudes. No more bigotry. No more extremism. The future was open and free, and it was a beautiful place to live.

In many ways, I was hopelessly naive. In other ways, I wasn't. I was practical. I was logical. This was the future.

But then the future changed.

I don't understand the world anymore. I don't understand why it is the way it is. So many countries and continents seem intent on going backwards. Anti-gay laws abound in Africa. America's red states are spreading, blissfully ignoring the achievements of one of their most successful presidents. Extremism is rampant throughout the world. People are scared. Nationalism is rising. Conservatism is taking over. Our politicians are actively lying to us and our police forces, who are meant to protect us, the people, have become an army of corporate thugs.

And gender equality? What the hell has happened there?

It's as if the tide has gone back out, and it's washed away all the promise and potential that I thought we had achieved. I think we had achieved it, mostly, but the problem was that it hadn't been secured, it hadn't been nailed down, and it didn't take much for that tide to take it all away from us.

There are words I never wanted to use in this blog. Chief amongst them is rape. So I do apologise to my younger readers here, I sincerely do. But rape culture is spreading. A girl goes out to a nightclub and she is practically guaranteed to be leered at and groped. This behaviour is seen as normal. It's seen as unexceptional. This is something girls steel themselves for because they know it's coming and there's nothing they can do about it.

It's everywhere. It's accepted. A football player imprisoned for rape is allowed to train back at his old club upon his release. He's allowed once again to take his place alongside a team of men that tens of thousands of young lads look up to. What does this say to those young lads who have yet to form their own opinions on what is and what is not acceptable when it comes to girls?

A so-called comedian bases his entire persona around rape culture. A "pick-up guru" tours the world teaching men how to score with women by overpowering them. GamerGate happens. Twitter abuse happens. #NotEveryMan happens. Understanding is shunted off to one side. Sensitivity and empathy are ejected in favour of instant offence and vitriolic reaction. But if they'd listen, if these offended men would just listen, they could maybe understand why women feel threatened. And next time they go to step into an elevator that just has one lone woman inside it, maybe they'll think again, and wait for the next one. Because is a little inconvenience really worth the risk of making another human being worry when you're alone together? Is your pride worth that?

When I was younger, I assumed the world would continue to improve. I was wrong. I assumed I could act as if everything was okay, because everything would eventually be okay. I was wrong there, too.

So, I am once again describing myself as a feminist. It's only a big deal to me, but then it only has to be a big deal to me. It's a personal acknowledgement that if I want to change the world, I have to fight for it.


  1. I'll assume I am alone, and you are reading.


    I just realized I might be talking to myself. Ok. Hi self, how are you? It is lovely to chat with oneself. It is.


    I just felt a stab of sadness remembering what happened in No no no no. No no. No. No. No. No. No. No.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Absolutely fantastic. It must be distressing for young readers to see this, but they're the ones who need to see it. They're going to be the ones who help fix this problem, a lot of adults are desensitised to these sorts of problems but children and other teenagers are still learning. I am so very proud that you are assisting in this, thank you

  4. "A girl goes out to a nightclub and she is practically guaranteed to be leered at and groped. This behaviour is seen as normal."
    And if you slap their hands away all they do is laugh, like it's all a joke. Fortunately I mostly go to metal clubs and I've never actually had a problem at these, it's if I go to a 'regular' club that I encounter this. Maybe I've just been lucky. It's the stares and comments you get anytime you dress up that get tedious. After the Requiem Ball, myself, my boyfriend and a friendly guy we'd met at the ball went to a pub around the corner from the venue. Now granted you don't see people in corsets that often so I understand people having a second glance. These three guys at the the table behind us? They all turned round and stared at me as I was having a drink and chatting, for a good few minutes. Just standing there. Staring. It's unsettling to say the least.
    Wanted to say something but I didn't want them to have an excuse to come over and chat, so I just ignored them. Plus I can never think of something witty to say when I need to!

  5. Thank you for writing this, Derek.

    Important. *nods*

  6. (Hello Taia and Soph,
    how be you both?)
    (rhyming not intended but it happened anyway)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I am almost crying. Because, for once, I feel that someone in the media is understanding what our whispers are saying.

    Despite how vile this world can be, there are people like you, Derek, who give me hope that it'll change.

    The only way change can occur is if the majority are willing to let it. Respect existence, or expect resistance.

    This blog post is beautiful. Thank you for posting it. <3

  9. As one of your geriatric readers I can only applaud your sentiment Derek.
    I recently became a Grandmother for the first time, and I worry for my Grandson and the world he has been born into.
    I hope things improve. I hope we begin to move forward again.
    Some Things that have moved forward should have stayed in the past and some things that should have stayed firmly in the past have move forward.
    My Grandmother, a very wise woman always told me "Treat others as you expect to be treated" and that "manners cost nothing" rules I have lived my life by, rules I have passed on to my children and rules I will pass on to my Grandson.
    These are simple things that would make the world a much better, safer nicer place.

  10. Hi Sophia! Hi Garrett! I'm alright, thanks. :) Busy D:
    How are you both?

    *hugs Luci*

  11. **Feel Free To Ignore - Just Ranting**

    A couple of weeks ago, I was walking down the road from my college, and I was wearing skinny jeans and a baggy top, so it's not even as though I was wearing anything even slightly provocative (and, yes, I am a busty girl, but the fact that I have boobs does not mean anyone can harass me). Anyway, I was walking down the road from college, and I must've been cat-called at least five times in about twenty minutes, and, even at college, I have guys groping me. I'm a seventeen year old girl, and I've been used to things like this since I was around twelve years of age. And I've been used to people shouting about the things they want to do to me, about how gorgeous I am, about my legs or bum or boobs... I've been used to being sexualised before it was even legal for me to partake in intercourse. And, to me, that is disgusting. That is why we must fight rape culture. That is why this blog post is so fantastic to me.

  12. (I'm happy thank you Taia,
    I'm texting Chloe right now so all is good)

  13. (Infact
    My battery is dying
    Be back soon
    Still able to text Rhos ^.^)

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. God, I love this. This is one of the best things I've ever read and I've read a lot, but nothing ever was as sincere as this post. Thank you Derek for being an amazing person.

  16. I am so proud to be a 'Derek Landy fan' right now. This has honestly made my day <3

  17. Luce, I don't know how to respond to that, but thank you for saying it. ^^

    @Gar: :) :) :)

    Hello, Silente *huggles* :)
    How're you doing?

  18. It upsets me that people are unable to emphasize at all, or at least that's the way it seems. To be honest it's only the strongly opinionated, for better or worse, that are really vocal particularly on the internet. It's depressing to see such negativity going round, as an avid gamer I believe the hole gamer gate nonsense had good intentions to begin with but since then has just spiraled out of control. It's fine to argue your point, people have that right, but when neither side can put themselves in the others shoes, it's just to rocks being slammed against each other with no progress ever being made. When it comes to these things I do my best to ignore it because I don't feel as if i'm part of the problem, I treat every individual I meet with respect male or female, but I do think it is good that someone like you Derek perhaps influence younger minds in favor of equality because you are fortunate enough to be in a position to do so. I'm only 18 myself but I was always taught to respect others anyway, I hope you can reach people who didn't have that kind of positive attitude embedded in them.

  19. Derek, I love you.

    Thank you for existing, and thank you for being famous and all so you can inspire all us young impressionable naive people. You're a brilliant idol to have, and - thank you. :)

  20. (Hi Star! how art thou?
    and I agree. Derek is my role model)

  21. I don't have a role model . . . I just know of the awesomeness of some awesome people, and am inspired by it. :)

  22. Oh, and I'm fine, thanks. :)

    Reading. Wbd.

  23. Wow, Derek. Thank you. This post was amazing. Thank you, thank you!

  24. (I look up to Derek ^^ I really do)

  25. . . .
    I don't use that phrase.

    I tend to use the phrase admiration.

    . . .
    wait that's not a word.

    . . .
    deep admiration.

    That does it. :)

    (It also feels rather lonely, in a way. Because you know, in that moment, how insignificant you are compared to the glowing person.)

  26. Um, was it?


    That was purely descriptive, there. There were no ulterior motives. :P

  27. *that's a word
    *that's not a phrase


  28. *I mean, I was just trying to describe it as best as I could, with little thought for my audience.

  29. Hi people, feel quite bad that the first blog post of Derek's I decide to comment on, and I've been following the blog since playing with fire (I think), is one of this nature but it really struck a chord.
    And Chloe your profile picture reminds me that there still isn't a 3rd season for that anime.

  30. (I wish they would make a third ^^
    *extends hand* nice to meet you bach)

  31. Not really, thanks. :P

    @Liam: Hi! Welcome to Blogland. :)

  32. Thank you Derek, with more people like you the future will be better.
    This is what a feminist looks... I mean types like.

  33. (awww Soph
    id huggle you if you didn't despise it)

  34. Hello.



    *hugs Star, Sil and Amazinky*

  35. Hey, Chloe...

    How are you? How was your day?

  36. I agree with what you said as a whole. There are a few points that I disagree with but overall, that was a great post.

  37. (I am good and my day has been alright ^^
    im listening to this

  38. (Not the best, not the worst, leaning a slight bit mor towards the former)

  39. (Im great thanks ^^
    listening to paramour, talking to my internet buddies and Rhos and Ed, what more can I want?)

  40. (im not a big fan of food ^^)

  41. (I mean I will eat a lot of what I like, but that isn't many things
    like I don't like pizza *dives for cover*)

  42. (I do not like pizza. I do not, on the whole, enjoy any type of greasy food. I do not even enjoy chocolate.)

  43. (I am not a big fan of food. However, I do enjoy the taste of ginger. But in general, I tend to prefer more savoury things.
    I enjoy spicy food. But health is somewhat important to me so I do not generally eat anything that is unhealthy.)

  44. (well that's your opinion
    but personally, I cant stand it ^^)

  45. (It is not for everyone. But I believe I am somewhat unusual for not enjoying chocolate.)

  46. (I do find that odd
    but who am I to judge?)

  47. (Back. Eating the first meal of the day at 6 pm isn't good...

    Hello, Viv! How are you?)

  48. (...

    Starving works for me. It's not even that bad.)

    Oh, Derek. You thought people were good.

    How deluded...

  49. (I couldn't eat one meal at 6...I would turn into a hunger-zombie before then.)

  50. (don't you dare starve yourself
    it isn't cool)

  51. (but...just don't starve yourself, kay? otherwise ill force feed you)

  52. (just don't starve yourself *huggles*)

  53. *accidentally drops a nuke*
    *runs away*

  54. (*is digging a hole*)
    (Hello Blogland, i return
    how be you all?)

  55. *glares at Viv*

    *becomes a cockroach to survive*

  56. *runs away from the nuke*

  57. (Ok, Gar. How are you?)

    (How be you all? <<<put those words into any order and it will still make sense)

  58. *becomes human again*

    Well that was useless.

  59. *comes back laughing*
    It wasn't set!!!

  60. *doubles over laughing*
    (Got to go, bye)

  61. (Chloeee! *drops my shovel and accepts glomping and huggles you while spinning in a circle* how be you?)
    (I'm happy thank you Tia)

  62. (I be really happy thanks sweetheart

  63. (Hello, Chi! How are you?

    Wbd for 20 minutes...)

  64. How be you all?
    How be all you?
    How you all be?
    How you be all?
    How all you be?
    How all be you?
    All you be how?
    All you how be?
    All how be you?
    All how you be?
    All be how you?
    All be you how?
    Be you all how?
    Be you how all?
    Be how you all?
    Be how all you?
    Be all you how?
    Be all how you?
    You all be how?
    You all how be?
    You be all how?
    You be how all?
    You how all be?
    You how be all?

    . . .
    I'm not likin' the look of some of those 'Be how you all?' and 'You be all how?'s, Tia. XD

  65. (I'm happy thank you Chloe darling)
    (Hello Chi, how be you?)

  66. (Hey gar, I'm amazing xD *hugs tightly*)

  67. (It's awesome that you are amazing Chi ^^)

  68. (It's awesome that you are amazing Chi ^^)

  69. (*Snuggles Chloe the snuggle monster* (<awwww)
    (that's good Chi *hug tightly* )

  70. Obviously the comments have probably gotten side-tracked by now, and Derek, you probably aren't still reading them, but you have no idea how much this means to me.

    I agree with blog post completely, in every way. The words are those of wise person who seeks to achieve peace, justice, and thereby total equality.

    That's part of the reason I want to become an author. Not just to have the time of my life writing stories and creating worlds and characters, but using those story worlds to try to show others what our world COULD be if everyone just took a step back realised how pointless the fighting is.

    EVERYONE is equal. EVERYONE has the right to their thoughts and opinions. EVERYONE has a right to feel safe walking home alone.

    I just wished that everyone else could see this.

  71. Obviously the comments have probably gotten side-tracked by now, and Derek, you probably aren't still reading them, but you have no idea how much this means to me.

    I agree with blog post completely, in every way. The words are those of wise person who seeks to achieve peace, justice, and thereby total equality.

    That's part of the reason I want to become an author. Not just to have the time of my life writing stories and creating worlds and characters, but using those story worlds to try to show others what our world COULD be if everyone just took a step back realised how pointless the fighting is.

    EVERYONE is equal. EVERYONE has the right to their thoughts and opinions. EVERYONE has a right to feel safe walking home alone.

    I just wished that everyone else could see this.

  72. (ahh so scary *hides in mock terror*)
    (welcome back Soph)

  73. Hear hear Derek Landy, more proof that chivalry is not dead.

  74. "She leaves. I leave. Blame her."

    Oh, now that made me feel like a piece of shit pretty damn quick. And I woke up early to talk to you guys...


    I'm going back to bed...

  75. Don't listen to Zaf, Rose . . . *hugs* It's not your fault. You are not forcing her to leave.

  76. Oh, just so you know, there are Russian warships heading for Australia. Read up about it. I go to school across from Australia's main radio transmitter, so I'm fucked if they try to blow us up.


  77. (*jumps into the hole i dug earlier* )
    (Rose *gives you a Garr huggle* (<which is really nice hug, Chloe knows they are)

  78. (Rose - I sincerely doubt the Russians are stupid enough to attempt something like that. They are just acting like children showing their strength. No doubt your defence force has already been tracking them.)

  79. @Derek I don't know if you'll read this, but thanks.

  80. (Hello / good bye Snow)
    (*continues hiding in my hidey hole*
    its gone quiet?)

  81. (*jumps with surprise* hey Chlo Chlo, what are you doing down here?)

  82. hey, derek, thanks.

    it's important and valuable to see someone like you - a privileged man with a large audience - speak out against prejudice and ally yourself with social justice movements. like, it really shouldn't be exceptional to see this, it should be the norm, but it's not, so thank you. a lot.

    the world is....not good, for people of marginalized groups. thank you for making this post for us.

    you're a good ally.

  83. (thank you Chi *smiles*)
    (*laughs and falls over* ) (<for Chloe)

  84. (*giggles and continues*
    thanks Chi ^^)

  85. This post actually made my day.
    So many people, even women, are afraid to identify as feminists, whether it be because of the connotations the word now carries or because of fear of what men will do to them. So to see you making a post like this, where thousands of people can and probably will see it, is incredible.
    Thank you, Derek. You're a good idol to have. :)

  86. (Hello Kes, how be you?)
    (*laughs* why not darling?)

  87. (I don't need a reason XD *continues*)

  88. (*laughs* ok then,
    *goes to climb out of the hole* )

  89. (*stops you from leaving* where do you think your going?)

  90. *launches self off a roller coaster*
    *bounds over the ice cream shops*
    *pelts down the streets*
    *kicks down the doors of the hotel*
    *hurls self into bed*
    *casts aside the decorative Mickey Ears*
    *slams fist down on the keyboard*


    *slams laptop shut*
    *leaps out the nearest window*
    *plummets seventeen stories*
    *cannonballs into a foamy blue pool*
    *violently returns to having fun at Disney, instead of having fun in Blogland*

  91. (Hello Clars, how be you?)
    (no where *looks slightly worried*)

  92. (*laughs* pl...please stop.....)
    (Who are you referring to Sil?
    tinky winkie the teletubbie? Or someone else?)

  93. Thank you, Clara. :)

    And - I saw moist towellettes being mentioned in Blood of Olympus (by Rick Riordan). Seeing how I normally only see mentionings on Blogland, this was A Cool Thing. :P



  95. (*hugs soph back*)

    (Yes tinky winky the teletubby. He was the purple one with the red handbag that parents hated on and said that he was a bad influence to their kids because of the handbag.)

  96. (*smiles and laughs* why....not ....?)
    (Oh no, not that song..... Thank you Star)

  97. (Hello Star and Sil.

    How are you today?)

  98. (because im a sadist *continues tickling*)

  99. (*laughs* if you say so *starts climbing out* )
    (Hello again Tia, how be you? )

  100. (*climbs out* ah ha *laughs triumphantly)
    (Nice profile pic Chlo,
    its looks cool)
