Wednesday, July 16, 2014

To Clarify...

Poor Aby and Cory and everyone over at the Skulduggery Facebook page. They've been hit with a barrage of questions about the Requiem Ball and they've been so great about it, but I finally felt sorry for them and decided to clear up a few things here.

Let's see now, what kind of questions have they had to deal with...?

"Why is the Requiem Ball in London? Derek's from Ireland. The books are set in Ireland. HELLO??"

This is absolutely true. However, in Ireland we have the Theatre of Shadows. In London we have the Requiem Ball. That's just the way it is.

"The Facebook page has a competition to send them a picture of the mask we'd wear to the Ball! Do we have to make it or just design it?"

Either. If you win tickets you'll need to be wearing a mask — one you make or one you buy, it doesn't matter — but for the competition you just have to design it yourself. And the mask can be as simple or as ornate as you like — as practical or as bizarre. It can cover your whole face or part of your face. You can buy a mask and alter it. It's up to you. You don't even have to be artistic — you just need to be passionate. The deadline is August 10th and there's only one entry per person.

"How many tickets do we get if we win?"

Everyone who wins gets two tickets — but those under the age of 18 can get an extra ticket for a parent/guardian.

"I can't make it to London for the Ball! But can I enter anyway, just for the Event Pack?"

Yup. There'll be lots of you in this particular boat — not only in Ireland and the UK but also all around the world — so don't be afraid to enter.

"It's not fair that all the events are always in Ireland and the UK."

Actually, it's pretty fair when you think about it. Harper Collins UK publish me in Ireland and the UK, so naturally they can only organise events for their own territories. They've been wonderful, actually, in doing their best to include as many people as possible. I hate leaving anyone out, I'd love every competition to be open to everyone and for every country to have cool stuff happening, but that's up to the many publishers who release my books across the world — and there are close to 40 of them.

"How many individual tickets are there?"

Approximately 120.

"Would we have to make our own way there?"


"Is there any age limit?"

No upper age limit, but anyone under 18 would need a parent or guardian to accompany them.

There will be other opportunities to win tickets — the Facebook mask competition is merely the first — and it's a pretty cool one.


  1. (*raises hands to the sky*
    *whispers* Hallelujah.)

  2. I'm sorry to hear that, Trip.
    At least you have Adra, even if . . . at least you have Adra. And Cara, too. And Cara. That's more than I can say.
    *drains the glass*

  3. Eh, guests never stay for long.
    *looks around at the sad little hotel*
    I can't imagine why.
    *sets the glass on the coffee table with a shaking hand*
    . . . But I have friends, though. A couple. Like you, and like Adra, I suppose.

  4. Us poor people who live on the other side of the planet...

  5. I'm sorry, but isn't that just the best username ever?
    Yeah, we'll always be there for you, buddy.

    Seriously. Any time, come to my place and we'll live it up.

  6. I wonder what other competitions there will be...

  7. I haven't been to your bar in ages . . .
    *leans back and stares at the ceiling*
    I miss it. There were always good times at your bar.

  8. My author would be painfully inclined to go, if she were able. As it is, she's convinced she needs to acknowledge her enthusiasm for the event in some way, so I'm doing it for her.

  9. *looks across at Trip*
    Well, if you need anyone to talk to, the Midnight Hotel is always open to you. I quite like talking to you. Sometimes.
    *stares at the empty glass on the coffee table*
    We're more alike than I once thought.
    . . . Or maybe we're not. I don't know.
    I'm a little drunk, truth be told.

  10. (That's precisely how I feel, Alistair. I wish I could go to the ball. Like Cinderella, except surrounded by lunatics and psychopaths.
    What a lovely evening.)

  11. ... I'm in science and bored out of my mind. You'd think that if we're mixing chemicals, the least they could let us do is blow something up.

  12. *cue the horrible Doctor Who puns*
    *actually, don't, because I shall now poof*
    *is somehow in the TARDIS, wearing a tweed jacket, long-sleeved button down, dark pants, those shoes for which I have no name, and a bowtie*
    *flips various switches and levers with glee* *the TARDIS dematerialises out of Blogland with that warping sound it makes*

  13. Perhaps it would be. Perhaps not. I doubt it'll affect me, either way, so I'm rather apathetic about the affair, in truth.

  14. *mock astonishment*
    My dear Tripstaff, don't you know you should never ask a woman her age?
    No, no, I understand. I am two hundred and twenty-three years of age, give or take a few months. Yourself?

  15. I don't actually know. Part of the whole total amnesia thing.

    But, I can estimate to somewhere between one hundred and fifty and one hundred and seventy.

    And how long have you been drinking heavily?

  16. *shrugs*
    Drinking makes one forget, Trippendale, and I forgot long ago. Asking one how long the've been drinking is like asking one to recall when they first got amnesia.
    But it doesn't matter how long I've been drinking, eh? All that matters is how long I continue to drink.

  17. Well, it matters in the question of whether I should scold you or not for being a lightweight.

  18. *laughs*
    *an honest laugh this time*

    Yes, I suppose you're right. My tolerance is shameful, considering how long I've been drinking. But it's your fault.
    *pokes a finger at Trip*
    You ought not to have brought me whiskey in the first place, if you didn't want to see me drunk.

  19. I would definitely enter my Skul mask. It's entirely hand painted and sculpted, so.

  20. I would definitely enter my Skul mask. It's entirely hand painted and sculpted, so.

  21. It's not that I didn't want to see you drunk, I have seen you drunk many a time, it's just that you had about five glasses and some tumbesoz and you're so drunk you might fall of your chair!

    But you know what we should do? You know what we should do?

    We should go on an adventure!

  22. Thank you for that clarification! I now can fail epically in the world of art-Zaffy

  23. *thoughtfully squints at Trip*
    What sort of adventure?

  24. It's times like this where I really, really hate living as far away from London as humanely possible

  25. Derek Skyped me before, but I dunno if he'll do it...I hope but hey-Zaf

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Oh lord...okay it was last November, and we had a Halloween party and I asked and Derek said sure. K you have to understand, Derek's hilaious. I'm short so we all stood up and he just goes; Wow yo really are short. Then he was teasing us about a cat who we saw walk down the hall, he picked up a mask or something and cuddled it and i had a Webkinz kitty that tried to eat him. -Zaffy

  28. Yeah, I tweeted like a week before and typical Derek lol, he decided to add me on Skype the day of. Here I am in history class tweeting him, then math class trying to figure out what he was saying. Then I think he was supposed to call at like 7, he called at 8 because he didn't think I told him our time difference xD I had the iPad and middle of dessert: DEREK IS CALLING, we legit ran into the living room so fast while answering oh gods that was funny.-Zaf

  29. Omg the Ravel story...

    So I am in love with Ravel so Derek decides to have story time with us.

    Zaf and Ravel were married for 30 years, we had 16 adopted children and Celine, one of the girls with us, and a cat that turned into a sheep. Then one day Zaf did something bad really really bad...she cheated on Ravel with Crux, so they had a divorce. And that's the story.

    I can still hear him saying that. We yelled at him for LSODM too a bit. Well V threatened to kill him...omg...

  30. I told him to look for Zafira Kerias, then he asked me if I was the one from Pennsylvania I said yes and I logged in and added him. -Zaf

  31. Thor: You swore to save him, Zan.

    Zanida: I tried Thor, tried like hell.

    Thor: I know.

    *watches the entire scene unfold, unable to scream I'm alive*

    Zanida: Loki....*buries head against Thor, just collapsing to the ground in defeat, the image of the funeral ending*

    Zanida, look at me: That was not real.

    Zanida; You're....alive...IMPOSTER!!!

    Zanida Laufeydottir, I am real. *gently picks her up* We have to get to the Bifrost.

    Zanida: It's too late, Loki. Thor destroyed it.

  32. ((Mine is Loki and Zanida in Asgard, Zanida's fear is losing Loki, Loki's is fear of rejection.-Zaf

  33. The Tesseract.

    Zanida: Uhm...Loki...Bruce is in Asgard.

    I do not want to be smashed again. *puts Zanida down and is thrown into a wall* ENOUGH!!! You, all of you, are beneath me. I am a god and ai will not be bullied by a-

    Hulk: *smashes Loki again* Puny god. *leaves*

    *insert the very high pitched sound he made in The Avengers*




  35. (*shakes Snow's shoulders violently*

  36. Zanida: *runs over to Loki* Oh great.

    I don't have that drink, but at this point I'd say I'd like one.

    Zanida: *sees Laufey* *pulls Loki up and spins him to see the Frost Giants coming* So...are we going to die?

    Define die, I have thought worse until I have died.

  37. ANNIKA




  38. ((Well put it this way, we won't be able to revive you.-Zaf

  39. (I do indeed have a Quotev, but my quizzes have declined in popularity over the weeks, though my first quiz got over five-thousand takers.
    Anyway, I go by The Narrator when I'm on Quotev.)

  40. *Adra sits on a fallen tree, taking slow breaths*



  42. (Trip seems to have abandoned me, which is saddening.)

  43. (How lovely! Take all of my quizzes at once.)

  44. XD Elleni, I love how we both had the same reaction

  45. (Since Trippington is no longer here, I shall assume that I have passed out, inebriated, in my chair in the Midnight Hotel. Trip has since departed, leaving me blissfully asleep.)

  46. (I am currently working on writing a fan fiction. I, personally, do not like fan fiction at all, but this one was just crying out to be written. It is a quick little tale about Gordon Edgely reading his favorite niece a most disturbing little bedtime story, written by himself, of course.)

  47. Zanida: *draws lance* Lets go fight them.

    *fires sceptre at Laufey* I think we'll survive.

    *an ice shard embeds itself into Zanida's face, and a ring of fire erupts burning any Frost Giant in her reach*

    *grabs Zanida and pulls her away from the ring* Zan, the Bifrost isn't the only way out of Asgard, do you trust me?

    Zanida: I trust you.

    *keeps hold of her, picking her up and running towards the Bifrost*

    Laufey: *grabs Loki by the horns of his helmet*

    Zanida: LET GO OF US!!!

    *another Frost Giant pulls Zanida away and Zanida freaks out and is dragged away from her brother*

  48. (I took a quiz Clara, and I am proud to anounce I have, to quote you, "hella fashion style")

  49. (That's . . .
    *puts on sunglasses*
    . . . hella cool.)

  50. *gets away from Laufey, and fires the sceptre at Laufey, knocking him right off the bridge* ZANIDA!!! *runs toatds the castle, firing the sceptre at anyone standing in his way*

    Zanida: *is locked in battle in the throne room, fighting 4 Frost Giants* *sends a wall of fire taking out three and stabs the fourth to death with her lance*

    *looks inside Frigga's chambers, and does not see Zan* Where did they take her?!

    Thor: Zanida is dead.

    Liar, you would be distraught. You are a liar.

    Thor: I do not.

    *vanishes and appears behind Thor, making a beeline towards the weapons vault* *sees Zanida on her knees* Sister...

    Zanida: I'm fine, I was stabbed in the arm, I'll live.

    Come. We have to get out.

  51. ((Oh! Crap right. Yeah...uhm My challenge rp is gonna be on hold till...later.-Zaf))

    *appears with Zanida near Adra* Hello Adrados. I hear that you are becoming fond of me.

  52. *Adra stiffens, and immediately gets to her feet, her hand tight around her cane* *Spits* Loki..

  53. I see you missed me, Adra. I told your friend Alastair I would come to visit you. If only he had listened. For a Midgardian, you are very pretty.

    Zanida: And very dead. *an ice shard forms in her hand*

  54. *Falls back in a defensive stance, quickly assessing the situation*
    *Decides that he best call is to attack first, and darts towards Loki, aiming her elbow towards his throat*

  55. *lies, passed-out, in the Hotel lobby*
    *it's not the first time*

  56. *is still withdrawn, sorting through his names* *very tempted to go out to find Adra, but she'd left to gather her thoughts, and he wouldn't want to intrude upon time she needed for herself*

  57. *vanishes just before she would hit and appears behind her, sending a dagger towards her neck*

    Zanida: *moves to stand where Loki was the ice shard held to hit Adra*

  58. *Ducks and rolls from between the two of them* *Her breathing will be heavy soon enough* Might I ask what I've done to be graced with such company?

  59. Well, you're very useful to me, Adra. Alastair cares about you, therefore you will be perfect to use against him. I can make this easy, or hard. Let me take you, and I will leave you unscathed until necessary, or I hurt you and force you to come with me.

  60. *Her eyes narrow, and she sinks back into a defensive position again, as an answer*

  61. As you wish.

    Zanida: *moves to make a grab for Adra's wrist*

    *sends a dagger directed to her heart*

  62. *Raises her palm, to create a layer of rock as a shield, so it would hit that instead, and loops her arm through the shield of rock, and swings it around, slamming it into Zanida's face*

  63. Zanida: *staggers away, and sends a flame at the hand that hit her*

    *appears behind Adra, and fires the sceptre at her from behind*

  64. Hello, Amy.
    *Turns her hand, so the flame hits the curve of the shield, and flies out*
    *Stumbles as the energy hits her from behind, stumbling to the ground* *Grins slightly with excitement*

  65. *goes over to her, and grabs her wrist, attempting to crush it* Zanida.

    Zanida: *goes over to them, and goes to touch Adra's wrist*

  66. *She jumps up, her feet landing on Loki's chest, her eyes widening as she realizes what's going to happen* *Begins to kick furiously at him*

  67. Zanida: *points the Tesseract at her, aiming to freeze her*

  68. *She stops, feeling the pulsing energy of the Tesseract* *Turns towards Loki, giving another attempt to pull her wrist away- her muscles haven't reformed enough to properly do it* Please let me go..

  69. Hello Adra! Hello Zafira! How are you?

  70. No. I will not, Adra. *goes to poke her with the sceptre in the heart*

  71. *She pulls away, twisting around him, pulling and moving quickly to avoid him* *She screams*

  72. *hits her in the head hard with it* Be quiet, you mewling quim!

  73. *She crumbles to the ground, in a heap*

  74. *seems a little stunned* Good god...*this time tries again to poke her heart*

    Zanida: I am slightly afraid Alastair may come.

    Should he, we run and take her.

  75. *Her Philosopher's Stone begins to glow when the sceptre touches her heart*

  76. All I need is for that thing to explode. *sighs* ((He won't kill her he wants to contol her, that's what he's trying to do.-Zan

  77. ((I'm aware of that.))

    *Adra doesn't move from the ground*

  78. Zanida: Do we kill her?

    If you wish. ((Can we try? They don't know about your necklace

  79. (I'd rather you didn't... Anything else is on the table, but that.)

  80. ((Alright.))

    No, lets torture her. *picks her up, ad grabs Zan and they appear in their home in the woods* *chains her to a wall* Now...Zan, I need the knives.

    Zanida; *hands him the knives*

    ((I'm actually kinda wondering if Alastair will realize this.))

  81. *Her head drops* *She's screaming in her head*

  82. ((I'd assumed the two of you specifically meant for me not to notice. Otherwise, it's likely enough that I'd pick up on it eventually, as the two of us are mentally linked, albeit loosely.))

  83. ((Eventually being almost immediately, if she's screaming in her head.))

  84. ((You can eventually figure it out. -Zaf))

    *starts to slowly cut into her face, writing Alastair's name*

    Zanida: *freezes her arms, then burns the ice off making the flame burn her arms*

  85. ((Well long as they're revivable do what you seem fit, Alastair.-Zaf))

  86. *hears her screaming, slowly pulling himself from his mind* Adra...?

  87. *Tears burn down her cheeks, and she finds that she can't form coherent thought* *Opens her mouth to scream verbally, struggling against the chains*

  88. *finishes up the name, and then starts on the stomach, attempting to replicate a Midgardian autopsy*

    Zanida: *freezes Adra's neck* Hmm...I never was fond of torture, but knowing it'll hurt Alastair helps.

  89. *appears in the room, still half disoriented, and slams a wall of air at both of the Asgardians, aiming to send them through the wall behind them*

  90. *Chokes on the blood that's falling down her face, and nearly passes out from the incisions that Loki makes* *Her fingers clench, and she cries out again in agony*

  91. *they both get sent through, and Loki appears behind Alastair, sending a dagger at him*

    Zanida: *gets up and sends a stream of fire at Alastair*

  92. *Hangs there, bleeding out* *Her Philosopher's Stone begins to glow brightly*

  93. *moves himself between Adra and the Asgardians* *reaches a hand back to heal Adra, letting Loki's dagger hit him* *pulls oxygen away from Zanida's fire, starving it*

  94. *Breathes Alastair's name, her eyes rolling back into her head a little* We... We need to... Go...

  95. Zanida: *sends an ice shard at his eye* How does it feel to see your loved one hurt, Alastair? Do you know how it felt to see Loki hurt? DO YOU?!

  96. *lets it hit his hand instead* *can't seem to come by any words, deciding to send agony into her mind instead* *turns to face Adra, faltering at the sight of her* *wraps his arms gently around her, dematerializing them both to pull her out of the chains*

  97. Zanida: *her screams become high pitched fast*

    I know what I did to your little whore. *grabs Zanida trying to calm her down*

  98. *She leans her weight against him, completely limp* *Groans*

  99. *holds Adra closely, and vanishes with her, leaving the Asgardians to fret over each other whilst making poor, ill founded assumptions and decisions* *has never felt more murderous as he leaves them behind*

  100. *Her head falls against his shoulder*

  101. Zanida: Loki, I think he wants us dead.

    He'll have to catch us. We're going to Jodenheim.

  102. *it takes him a moment to process that the danger has passed, and once he does, he all but forgets the Asgardians entirely* *brushes Adra's hair gently out of her face, pouring energy into healing her* *opens his mouth to speak, and chokes on a sob, burying his face in her shoulder*

  103. *Breathes out, one arm lightly wrapping around his side* Shushes hum gently*

  104. *in Asgard*

    Heimdall: *has seen the entire thing unfold* My king, I assume you want to go over.

    Thor: To Midgard, yes.

    Heimdall: *sends Thor over*

    Thor: *appears by Alastair* I mean no harm, I would like to have a word.

  105. *Whimpers faintly, shrinking away from Thor* *Quietly* No...

  106. This comment has been removed by the author.

  107. *stops breathing, and closes his eyes, stroking her hair as he continues to heal her*

    *it takes him a minute or so to register the sound and scent of Thor entering the room* *pulls Adra slightly closer* You heard her. I don't care for your kind on my planet.

  108. Thor: They are Frost Giants, I am Asgardian. I came to offer you help, I cannot hurt Zanida, and I wish to send them back to Asgard where they will be punished for their actions against Adrasdos.

  109. *Shivers, and her knees feel weak* *Clutches against his jacket, and mentally gives him the impression that she wants to sit; too tired to speak*

  110. *lifts her up, moving to a couch, and sets her on his lap* *his tone is threatening* The last time we met, you sided with them. What reason do I have to believe this time will be any different?

  111. Thor: I am sorry, Miss Adrasdos. I do not mean harm upon you, you have my word.

  112. Thor: I am the protector of the nine realms, I wish to protect this realm, and Zanida and Loki are a threat to this realm. That is why.

  113. *Curls against Alastair, leaning away from Thor*

  114. You did nothing against them the last time you came here. You easily could have. The fact that you've let Loki galavant about for weeks here in and of itself suggests that you really don't care about this realm, or that you're simply pathetically incompetent at protecting it. In either case, your word that you mean to defend this place is remarkably unconvincing.

  115. Thor: They did not threaten this realm until now. If you do not wish to help, that is fine.

  116. They've been threatening it for weeks. *continues to heal Adra, taking a few shaky breaths as he holds her closer, kissing her hair*
    What sort of help would you want from me?

  117. *Shivers again, and carefully reaches out for a blanket, feeling along the couch for one* *Her fingers brush the edge, but she can't quite pull it down from her angle* *Settles against him again, giving up*

  118. *pushes the blanket closer with air, and drapes it over her* *raises his own temperature by a few degrees, in an attempt to warm her*

  119. *It's mostly the shock, she figures* *Makes a small sound, sinking closer to him*

  120. *rests his head against hers* *almost finds his voice again, but a few tears escape him, and he loses it quickly*

  121. Thor; Catch them.

    ((Alastair, tell your author tomorrow I will...I need to sleep I feel like well puking.-Zaf

  122. *Hot, salty tears squeeze from her eyes to dampen his shirt* *She feels terrible, and doesn't understand why she is the one who has to pay the price for the squabble* *As if she hasn't been through enough Hell..*.

    *Wants to die, so that she doesn't have to deal with human nature and emotions*
    *But she knows that that isn't an option*

    *She certainly hates her life, save for Alastair*

  123. ((Alright, Zafira.

    I might be going soon, then, though I know Amethyst just arrived. My author intended to fall asleep at a reasonable hour within her time zone.))

  124. (I'll be going as well, soon..)

  125. ((Midnight seems reasonable *nods* I probably will go then. *shall return tomorrow morning*-Zaf

  126. *stifles another sob into her shoulder, feeling a pang of guilt in addition to everything else*

    *speaks in Thor's mind, hardly able to do so aloud* More specifics would be helpful.

  127. Thor: I need them brought back to Asgard, you are a shunter, therefore I need you to get Zanida and shunt her to Asgard. I can handle Loki, but both...

  128. Ah, I just love reading through roleplays...

  129. *Wraps her arm around his shoulder, her fingers rubbing the back of his neck, and brushing through the bottom of his hair* *Continues this for a while, where she would eventually fall asleep*

  130. (Back to the torture)

    Dad, what do you mean?

    Viv's dad: you let me down son. I can't trust you. Not that I ever could you pampered brat. Your mother was right. We should have never let you return to us after your failure.

    *stands up, trembling*
    You know what? I've made my own life since then. I have my own house, and friends, swords and a girl.

    Viv's dad: oh yes, the blood-sucking fiend. I've heard all about her. Do you know how many men she's gone through just since you've known her? Much less before. She's playing you because you don't know what love is. One day you'll lean in for a kiss and have your throat ripped out. And I'll just stand there. Laugjing. You are a meal to her, at best a pet.

    *picks up the scythe*

    Viv's dad: oh, don't hurt me...I know the way out of here.

    You do? How?

    Viv's dad: let's see you beg first.

  131. Blogger Elleni's Jazz Hands said...
    If you could Skype me then to see my friends, and hopefully Fabi and Dugg, that'd be great.

    Yes!!!!!!!! I have to meet you two!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know how or where but some time! Some time....

    Sorry I wasn't on earlier I had had a busy day and will have a busy week!
    Silente, I love your idea for the role play! I just need to think of something and find time to be on for a while....
    Also, how be's yous?!?!
    How be's yous eyes?!?!

  132. Oh it gets worse. Welcome back dugg

  133. Oh gosh! D:
    This (hopefully) is me. It is a picture my friend drew of me and I absolutely love it! And the top it says Dugglyn, (it says my real name...) Just the facts.
    It is so cool!

  134. (I can't see it.)

  135. (To get out of the dimension Viv has to get in the cleaver uniform, and kill a vampire who turns out to be....)

  136. Murp! It didn't work! Just a moment.....

    Fabi! You are someone!!! You are amazing!!! Why do you say you're not somebody?

  137. (Seven days in a row)

  138. *slightly scared*

  139. *evily laughs at Viv*
    Why are you scared deary?

  140. *(and then it won't work and it will be all for nothing)

  141. *wakes up as the sun rises in her version of blogland curled up into someone else's warmth*
    *smiles sleepily and curls in closer*
    *stiffens as memories of yesterday flood her brain*
    *scrambles away quickly from Viv eyes wide*
    Viv: *smiles* Hey Sil *holds his arm out for her to curl back up*
    *stares at him looking for any sign of a remant*
    Viv: *had sucked his black veins in hours ago* Come on Sil
    *slowly steps towards him*
    Was it a dream?
    Viv: was what a dream?

  142. You...and the others.
    *looks at the mouth of the cave*
    Viv: You had a bad dream love. Come back.
    *shakes her head*
    Viv: *stands up* *holds his arms wide*
    *steps back*
    Viv: Sil? Dont you love me no more?
    Viv...*has tears in her eyes*
    Viv: Fine. *pulls out a gun and starts shooting at her*
    *shrieks and dodges most of them crying out at the ones that hit* *stumbles backwards and runs away*

  143. -Watches from afar, slightly camouflaged-

  144. Zanida: Loki, where can we possibly go? I'm scared.

    I-I don't know. I just know somehow we have to get out, our real home is not like this.

    Zanida: I just want to die...I've seen and relived enough to make me prefer death.

    You are a warrior, sister. You are strong, this is some cruel trick that I wish to make James pay for.

    Zanida: What more can it do?!

    I know not. *sees Thor, holding the staff the king would* It could get worse.

    Zanida: It did, we're doomed.

  145. Thor: For your crimes against Midgard you both will be spending the rest of your days in the dungeons. Even you, Zanida.

    Zanida: You're not taking me anywhere.

    *sends a dagger at his throat*

    Thor: *summons lightning, shocking them both with enough force to knock them out* Guards, take them. Keep them seperate.

    *time lapse*

    Zanida: *wakes up in the dungeons, a white room with a glass like wall almost, except its like a projection, the edges are golden* Loki? *stands up and walks around her cell* LOKI?!

  146. (Okay. Where was I? Ah, yes.)

    *runs as fast as she can keeping an eye out for others*
    *the ground lurches beneath her and her world turns upside down*
    *falls unconscious to the ground*

  147. *is alone in his old cell, the way it was after Frigga died* *sits by the glass simply reading*

    Zanida: No...*collapses against a wall waiting for death*

    *picks up the sceptre* Idiots didn't take that. *fires sceptre at the glass, and gets out* Zan....*walks down the rows of cells looking for Zanida, just as the alarms go off* Great. Zanida if you can hear me...

    Zanida: Loki? Where are you?

    *follows her voice and fires sceptre at the glass* Come on, we're going to have a fight to get out alive.

    Zanida: *nods drawing her lance*

    *guards enter the dungeons, and the two lone Asgardians are faced with the fight, out numbered*

    Zanida: *summons a flame, knocking half the guards out and goes to attack more*

    *fires sceptre at most of the guards coming at him, killing them*

    Zanida: *lets out a scream as a sword embeds itself in her side*

    *kneels beside Zanida* You are not dying.

    Zanida:*makes ice cover the wound*

    *stands and sees the guard who stabbed her* *sends four daggers at him, two embed themselves in each eye* *grabs him by the throat, and cuts out the guards throat* Anyone else like to annoy me today? *the two living guards back away* Good. *grabs Zanida and appears by the Bifrost* We're almost there....*looks at Heimdall* Midgard.

    Heimdall: *opens the Bifrost*

    *the two Asgardians go through, and they find themselves back in reality, in Blogland*


    *wakes up*
    *metal heavy around her feet*
    *bickering voices near by*
    Viv: Just strip her of her magic!
    Matex: Why? We can't stop her speed or strength. You know that. Kill her.
    Viv: But I want her to see the world we create. She'll hate it. It will be splendid.
    Matex: That's too much hassle. Just get it over with.
    Viv: Who are you to call the shots?!
    Matex: Do it or I will. The boss says he wants her dead. So make her dead.
    *opens her eyes and looks up*

  149. Zanida: Are we free?

    I believe so.

    Zafira: Oh my god....What happened?!

    James sent everyone into a realm of their fears. I know not if they went alone, Zanida and I were together, and it appears my sister is in dire need of help.

    Zafira: Someone must have hurt her.

    Guards. We were in Asgard...*trails off, not wanting to relive the hellish experience in Asgard*

  150. Zafira: It's like what Alastair can do, when he trapped me in his mind, he targetted my worst fear: My name stolen. You two were lucky you survived the horrors you experienced.

    I wish to not experience that again.

    Zanida: *buries head against her brother, too traumatized to even form thoughts*

    Zafira: What did she see?

    She lost me, at one point I saw my own funeral, but Zanida thought I was dead.

  151. *hears footsteps approaching from behind her*

    Dugglyn: Let her go. I want to play.

    Viv and Matex: *look at Dugglyn*

    Matex: *shrugs and throws Dug a knife* Make sure to kill her afterwards. You can't keep her as a pet.

    Viv: *waves a hand and the metal on Silente's legs melts

    *bolts to her feet and runs knowing that mist will be right behind her* *her legs feel heavy and her legs feel weak*

  152. Zafira: *nods* Okay, I probably do not want to relive what you guys saw.

    Aro: I actually can help with that. Just by seeing the look on Loki's face, he saw something unpleasant.

    Of course I did, Sense-Warden. I saw a lot of what I wish to never see again. That was the point.

    Aro: May I show Zafira, the parentage one.

    Very well.

  153. Dugglyn: *giggles* Come on Sil. You know you can't wiiiiiiiin. *giggle*

    *runs and doesn't stop*
    *cries out as something impacts with her back*
    *falls forwards and the mist defends upon her*

    Dugglyn: Got You! *giggles* Bye bye Silente....*solidifies*

    *punches her in the nose a moment before a second knife has the chance to end her* *runs, leaving it all behind*

  154. (But I want a pet!)
    ((Hi peeps!!!! How be's yous?!?!
    How be's yous eyes?!?!?)

  155. Aro: Watch. *lets Zafira see the memory, as well as the two Asgardians*

    *There are footsteps heard, and Odin's voice echoes from the stone walls* Stop!!!

    Am I cursed? *Loki's skin is becoming the color of the Frost Giants*

    Odin: No.

    What am I?

    Odin: You are my son. *Loki turns to face Odin*

    What more then that? The Casket wasn't the only thing you took from Jodenheim that day, was it?

    Odin: No. In the aftermath of the battle, I went into the temple and I found a baby. Small, for a giant's offspring. Abandoned, suffering, left to die, Laufey's son.


    Odin: Yes.

    Why? You were knew deep in Joden blood, why would you take me?

    Odin: You were an innocent child.

    No, you took me for a purpose, what was it? TELL ME!!!!

    Odin: I thought we could unite our kingdoms one day, bring about an allience, bring about permanent peace through you. But those plans no longer matter.

    So I am no more then another stolen relic, locked up here until you have use of me?

    Odin: Why do you twist my words?

    You could have told me what I was from the beginning, why didn't you?

    Odin: You are my son, I only wanted to protect you from the truth.

    Why? Because I-I-I'm the monster parents tell their children about at night?

    Odin: No-

    It all makes sense now, why you favored Thor all these years, because no matter how much you claimed to love me, you couldn't have a Frost Giant sitting on the throne of Asgard!!!

    Zafira: You're a Frost Giant....why did this hurt you?

    Because...*doesn't finish*

    Zanida: Odin fed him a lie his entire life! Odin said Loki and Thor were born to be king.

    Zafira: That's why he's so upset.

    He favored Thor because he didn't want a Frost Giant sitting on the throne of Asgard.

  156. Murp!!!

    I dedicate this page to someone in Blogland. She is amazing at welcoming new people (I don't think I actually got the welcome.....
    But that's not a bad thing!) And is a great friend. She is kind and compassionate when she wants and scary at other times. She has amazing role play ideas. Like this one!!!!

    Oh, and she's a horrible guesser!
    And she probably can't guess who this page is dedicated to.
    But maybe is today she is being smart she will guess.

    This page is dedicated to you, Silente Tempest! You are amazing!

  157. Hi Lucy!!!
    How be's yous?!?
    How be's yous eyes?!?

  158. Brb I'm going to do something to my profile pic.

  159. (The Jeremy Kyle Show is on the television because my sister is watching it and its slowly driving me insane. I have no idea how he manages to sit on the stage with the most annoying people in the entire world without a)killing himself b)killing everyone who sets foot on the stage. Everyone's voices are so ANNOYING and LOUD.)

  160. ((Loki is tweeting Derek...he's insulting Derek and calling him a Midgardian.-Zaf

  161. Hey Dugglyn! I'm good and my eyes are very blue today apparently, so I guess they're pretty good too! How about you?

    Hey Zaf.

  162. (Elleni - I have no idea. Ask Silente - she created the plot. I just supplied the villain.
    I presume it'd be either 1. You die in Blogland as well. 2. Maybe the Dark Shadow would save you so he could farm your fear at a later stage.)

  163. ((My two got out, but then again, they had each other to work with so it was bound to be easier for them to get out.-Zaf

  164. (If you die in your die. Any physical injuries remain when you return. know....don't die. Unless you somehow get brought back in your dimension)

  165. (Silente - The Dark Shadow COULD save people if he so felt like it. Because he just wants to farm people's fear and pain. Yes, a death would provide him energy but it'd be better in the long term for him to keep people alive for him to feed on.)

  166. (

    ... I have every single one of those characters. Apart from one. The one I've been wanting for like a year. :P. How typical. :P)

  167. ((My two kind of figured it out but they didn't, like Zan kept saying this isn't real you know you're a Frost Giant, to Loki, but still it did effect them. They realized they had to escape and get to the Bifrost.-Zaf

  168. *stops running when she's sure she's safe*
    *reaches a hand to the area of her back that's throbbing with pain*
    *pulls her hand back and stares at the blood*
    *-Why didn't my sheaths stop it?-*
    *taps where her sheaths should be*
    *feels her body drain of energy*
    *they're gone*
    *she's defenseless apart from her sigils*
    I need to get rid of the remants. Before I die. Before they kill me. Before.
    I should get this knife out my back
    *reaches back and grabs its handle*
    *grits her teeth to quieten the scream that comes out of her*
    *whimpers and presses a hand against the cut*
    *its not too deep*

  169. Back!
    And Elleni, I agree. I don't think my mom would agree.....

  170. *sprinkles glitter all over Silente* Hiyur
